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Posts posted by Marsl

  1. hm about wXw again ... what about the (now) weekly youtube show "wxw Shotgun" - it should be added, should it?

    I'm leaning towards thinking it shouldn't be added. It looks like it's a 15 minute weekly hype video that has some match highlights and interviews. If this was added, then there would be the precedent to add shows like Chikara's Podcast-A-Go-Go, which I also don't think should be added.

    fair enough!

    Something I forgot:

    I really think Adam Copeland and Kevin Nash should be under PPA-deals with WWE, similar to guys like Foley, Austin and Michaels who only make the occasional appearance but are obviously WWE-bound to a certain extent.

    Really not sure how to handle Dustin Runnels / Goldust at this point since he stated that his feud with Cody was far from over. Maybe a PPA deal as a wrestler?

    agree with Nash, not so sure about Adam Copeland, since he still refused to sign a legend contract. It looks like he has no motivation to work with WWE ever right now

  2. yes I am

    and I noticed that most of the nationalities in wXw are wrong ...

    Carnage (who is part of the wXw Roster) is not french but german. Also the pic is wrong.

    Adam Polak is from Poland so he is not dutch. I honestly don't if polish is a nationality in this game, but try something eastern europe?

    Big Van Walter is from Austria so he is not dutch. Since half the world thinks Hitler was a German, who was really from Austria, I suggest making Big Van Walter German should be just fine
    Johnathan Gresham is form America, correct, but he is not white. change him to black.

    Rico Bushido - now he is dutch ;)


    HATE should be Semi-active - he wrestles just once in a while. Oh and since he is a european Hardcore Legend (just google wrestling clips from him, you see that he brought lighttubes and stuff to europe, AND he was the mentor for Thumbtack Jack) triple his Hardcore Skill to 66 (although I think 75 would be also just fine)
    Big Van Walter needs mor Menace so he can perform the "Big Evil" gimmick without problems. Change his gimmick to "big Evil"

    Steve Douglas afaik retired, although I can't find any proof on this suggestion

    Bernd Föhr should be Face, with a Fun Babyface Gimmick

    the tag team Partner of Tommy End, Michael Dante, is missing

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