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Posts posted by Marsl

  1. Emil Sitoci is clearly Das Nihilist, so add Das Nihilist (which is worse German gramma) as alter ego for Emil Sitoci

    edit: and because of the work / non-work thingy with wXw: I dunno how to deal with it, since if it is a work, they wouldn't tell it, if it is real, they would act the same way. Guess Bill has to decide wether he thinks it's a work or not

    In my opinion it is the same kind of work as the Kevin Steen/ROH thingy

  2. I'm working on a scenario, where all promotions are owned by former workers. For those promotions I need logos.

    Here is the list I need:

    Heartbreak Wrestling Alliance (HBK)

    Calgary Stampede Wrestling (Bret Hart)

    Smoking Gun Wrestling (Stone Cold Steve Austin)

    American Samoa Championship (The Rock)

    Hulkamania (Hulk Hogan)

    Nature Boy Wrestling (Ric Flair)

    Warrior Wrestling (Ultimate Warrior)

    Deathclutch Cagefighting (Brock Lesnar)

    Sweetwater Wrestling (JBL)

    Pro Wrestling Alliance (Booker T)

    Memphis Championship Wrestling (Jerry Lawler)

    McMahon Backyard Wrestling (^^)

    I would be totally happy with everything you got for me - so feel free to experiment ;)

  3. Just a thought of making a HBK runned promotion game.

    Shawn Michaels as Authority Figure, maybe Rebecca Hickenbottom in some kind of Backstage staff role.

    But who would be the worker? Could he pull some strings to get Triple H and Nash to open contracts? Does he hire X-Pac? Would he give Hall a new chance or Hall's son the chance for a breakthrough?

    And who are the students of Michaels, he thought of as good potential workers?

    Help me to phantasies this scenario. The Promotion size would be somewhere between RoH and TNA

  4. -i think jay lethal should have superstar look (H)

    I haven't seen Lethal since he left TNA, but even with his Macho Man get-up, I didn't get the Superstar vibe from him. He looks like your typical 20-something dude, not particularly eye-catching or impressive physically.

    i noticed that Chase Stevens has superstar look checked, so Lethal should have it. Stevens is skinny with a skid haircut and about as generic as you can look for a wrestler imo, other than the Bob Backlund look :P

    he got it?

    - uncheck SS for Chase Stevens


    - check Diva for Mistress Belmont

  5. Menacing is requiered for the following Gimmicks:

    Body Guard, Bounty Hunter, Bully, Convict, Demon, Gangsta, Hired Gun, Machine, Man Beast, Monster & Occult

    Tyler Reks as Body Guard? Sure...

    Bounty Hunter? He was made for this one.

    Bully? Isn't that the way he re-debuted on smackdown?

    Convict? Same as Bounty Hunter

    Demon? With the right gimmicks, damn sure

    Gangsta? Not so much, but that's cause he is white. Imagine him as a black dude and it works.

    Hired Gun? Imagine him with a Gene SImmons Facepaint and he would be the perfect fit to be LoBo

    Machine? Oh yeah!

    Man Beast? If he would act more furious it worked

    Monster? Difficult because of the missing built up ...

    Occult? Never understood in the firstplace why you need to be menacing to be Occult (Kevin Sullivan never looked Menacing to me, though)

    I can't see Edge embody any of those Gimmicks, hardly I can see Stevens in that role.

    You shouldn't compare him with guys like Edge, you should compare him with guys like Rellik, Kevin Nash, Rhino or Heidenreich - who all got Menacing ticked and are pumped up the same way he is (besides of Nash, though).

    Look at his face - it's always like it is hidden in the shadows, you can't see his eyes and his mouth is hidden behind his bad ass beared.

    I'm pretty sure that if I'm caught in the middle of a fight between Reks and Edge, I know who I would hide behind. (if thats a real arguing thing, not a booked match)

  6. thought that after Sin City, Planet Terror and Machete Robert Rodriguez would be well known.. and after all, I suggested to post the request here because he is no random worker.

    but does anyone have a pic of dale oliver on kyky? found nothing on photobucket

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