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Posts posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. 50 minutes ago, tristy said:

    I've always heard bad things about X-2, but I've never played it myself. But it focuses on Rikku and Yuna, whom I both love, so I might have to actually give it a go one of these days.

    It's a lighter-hearted affair than the predecessor and JRPGs by large are supercereal so....


    Liked it precisely for that reason.

  2. 9 minutes ago, apsham said:

    I played two rounds, heard a bunch of slurs and listened to a 5 minutes fight about someone not picking up someone else in their Warthog, so the person who didn't get picked up drove the other person off a cliff and got offended when people called him childish.

    I think I've played enough Halo to last me a good while.

    So the usual experience?

  3. 57 minutes ago, Bobfoc said:

    Funnily enough, I was thinking about a Game of Thrones Total War game earlier today. You'd think it would make more sense than the apparently rubbish RTS game Game of Thrones had a few years ago. The closest to it is Westeros: Total War, a mod for Medieval II.

    Seriously, the opportunity is right there to do some really cool shit even if we're just confined to Westeros after Aegon's Conquest. 

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