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Posts posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. Packers/Patriots was one of the few "big" games this year to live up to the hype. Certainly a possible Super Bowl matchup.

    While it would be, I wouldn't watch due to the run up to it being a competition to see whether Brady or Rogers gets masturbated to more by sports media.

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  2. Yeah, I'm ready to shoot out of work at 5 and then not move from the sofa for the rest of the day, should be fun.

    If you take out the whole working thing, that's been my Thanksgiving Day for as long as I can remember. I sit and watch football, and the ladies bring me my food and drinks.


  3. I concur with Benkid. I hate procedurals and it's 90% of what my girlfriend watches. But I can stomach having to listen to 10 different carbon-copy default-formula indistinguishable re-runs under different names, because I found a show that I truly am revolted by having on in our home.

    18 (and later 19) Kids and Counting. On the surface it should seem like a fascinating cultural study of an uber-fundamentalist but not-hate-filled Christian family. Instead, it's propoganda for their freaky ass cult where their kids can't hold hands with boyfriends/girlfriends until their engaged and can't kiss until they're married. I sat through a Creationist Museum episode once and wound up with a headache from clenching my teeth so hard


    I generally hate families who decide to have a theme for their children's names, especially when they all start with the same letter.

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