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Posts posted by Schlitzbrille

  1. It'd be quite amusing if the only superstar head available was Triple H's.

    Regardless, a created storyline that revolves around a broken cloning machine and Triple H's head would be amazing.

    Challenge accepted.

  2. I just want to point out that there's a distinct difference between Duke Nukem super pixelated boobs and those. And it'll probably cause something. But eh.

    It's not the breasts, it's the 'touching strippers while the bouncers heads are turned to gain points' thing that's going to cause the shitstorm.

    It'll be fine until Fox News catches wind of it.

  3. Are there any bonuses for pre-ordering this?? Won't exactly be let-down if there's not, just curious (Y)

    Can't remember the details, but there's a few free bonus weapons from Ammun-Nation and some other things....also, you get the ability to fly a blimp in the game.

  4. I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

    I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

    I think the idea with XII is that if X HD does well, they'll release it in HD the same way they are X and X-2. You can't just re-release it as a classic, really, because the PS2 Final Fantasy games were built around the system limitations hiding some ugly stuff. You can play X on an emulator in 1080p, for example, but because of how HD it is, you can see all the little graphical problems like lines going crazy and stuff.

    Fair enough. Either way, I'd love to play FF XII again.

  5. I quite liked Final Fantasy XII except during the points when I lost interest in the story, but then again I was like 16 or so when I first played it, so maybe I won't get bored this time around.

    I quite like the idea of releasing it over PSN as a PS2 Classic.

  6. I see TMW's System of a Down and raise him a Rammstein.

    I wanna punch you right now...not really. We'll just have to disagree on the matter.

    Anyway, I don't really hate the Beatles per se, I just can't get into their music in the slightest.

    Also, Emmure can go fuck themselves with a rusty pitchfork.

  7. I'll pick it up whenever I get around to buying a PS3. Nice to hear that the game's not trying to railroad you into the action-movie kill-'em-all mindset as much as I was fearing.

    Well there are a few bits that are nigh-impossible/impossible to completely ghost.

    Challenge accepted. :)

    EDIT: I don't particularly mind having to kill/incapacitate a few people in the game. I just like getting by while being noticed as little as possible.

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