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David Hassellhoff

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Posts posted by David Hassellhoff

  1. Gary Gulman isn't funny and the only reason he stayed was they could put on some bad sitcom or some Bachelor rip off if he ever won. I wish this was Comedy Central's show and not NBC's. Oh well today's the better group of comedians and if Jay London doesn't make it to the house I'm not watching.

  2. I think Darven Ham and Lindsay Hunter will be put on the chopping block for the expansion draft. With Hunter possibly retiring this season or next season they have a good back up PG in Mike James. If Okur wants some money he'll leave, if he wants any remote success he'll stay in Detroit.

  3. Yeah people will pretend be "shocked" or atleast when they're around other people be shocked, but I still think he will win. Dave Chapelle is shocking and his show is big and next season will be huge. Shocking humor is what's really popular right now and I think will be big. So I still say Jim Norton wins.

  4. That was bullshit last night. Pablo Francisco and some of the other people they didn't pick to make it to the finals was complete crap. They're not picking the funniest people , they're picking the people that they could see have a show on NBC. They think this is helping them, but in the end it really won't. You can be the ugliest person in the world, but if you're funny enough and get the shot you will make it big(See Jack Black :shifty). They picked people like Coleman and that lady who's dad died just because of the way they looked. It's pathetic and in the long run will hurt them more then help them. I'd rather have Pablo Francisco over half of the schmucks they picked last night.

    Oh well now I'm rooting for Jim Norton to win the entire thing. He's twice as funny as anybody else from what I've seen so far.

  5. I didn't watch Last Comic Standing but that Dat Phan guy was fucking terrible. All he did was do that stupid fucking Vietnamese voice. Anyone see him get ripped to shreds by everyone when he was on Tough Crowd? It was awesome.

    Patrice O'Neil: Do you have some kind of microchip in your head that makes you do that stupid voice? Shut the fuck up!


    No I didn't know he was on Tough Crowd or I would have seen it. What else happend?

  6. Talking away

    I don't know what I'm to say

    I'll say it anyway

    Today's another day to find you

    Shying away

    I'll be coming for your love O.K.



    I'll be gone

    In a day or twooooooooo

    Reel Big Fish's version not A-ha.

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