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Posts posted by Carnage

  1. I always cheered for the Red Jaguars. But on Nick I hated most of the cartoons and only watched the live action game shows or shows with real actors. The only cartoons I actually watched a lot were Doug and Rugrats. I never got into Ahh! Real Monsters, Catdog, Angry Beavers, and the like.

  2. Alot of people seem to get Wild and Crazy Kids, I've sent this to a ton of people and only me getting Salute Your Shorts and one of my friends getting GUTS have been the only ones to stray away from the stranglehold of Wild and Crazy Kids.  I bet if you just fucked with a bunch of combinations of answers you could get the one you wanted to be but I don't even know what shows that you can end up being displayed as.  Does anyone know?

  3. Pete and Pete is a brilliant show. Everything is so dark and weird for a Nickolodeon show. Summer of '03 I use to stay up for the double showings at 2 and 230 AM. In fact, just the other day i was saying how I wish that it would come out on DVD. I would totally buy it. I went on Noggin's site this past summer and emailed them and told them to put Pete and Pete back on. I never got a response.

  4. If you all thought Jack Frost was bad, it looks like Pulp Fiction compared to Jack Frost 2. Jack Frost 2 may be the worst movie ever made.

    But to movies I've been embarressed to watch. Soul Survivors I think its called is my top. I had high hopes because it had Eliza Dusku or whatever the fuck her name is and the cover looked good. I thought i was renting a movie that could become a cult classic but in actuality, i just rented shit.

    Also rent Trucks by Stephen King if you want to feel embarressed while watching a lame movie. It's terrible.

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