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Posts posted by Carnage

  1. Just heard his new stuff and some of it is really good. He also has a new movie coming out called Waiting... which looks hilarious. It also stars Ryan Reynolds and the chick from Scary Movie.

  2. I don't know whether or not to turn the controls back to 05 madden style because it seriously is taking me forever to get used to the changes. I got drafted by the fucking dolphins and I pretty much can't contol anything cuz they suck so bad. I'm not all that impresssed so far.

  3. Just went to Gamestop to pick it up at the midnight release. I was expecting more people there but not too many. I was the first one to get it officially. There were guys there that waited since 7. I came at 10:30 and was the second one there. I've been playing it and it's hard to get used to since I played 05 so much.

  4. Did anyone watch The Soup this week where they made fun of Stealth by cropping Jamie Fox's head from Rey and sticking it in Stealth calling him the blind pilot. It was actually pretty funny. And they kept mentioning Jamie Fox's name too since the media is so obsessed with him recently. The only movie I liked of his was Any Given Sunday.

  5. An Office Space sequel would be good if they would get the same actors back but since the main guy started working construction it really wouldn't work.

    Although they could just have it with Michael Bolton and Samir.

    Ah fuck it, a sequel could never live up to the first one.

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