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Johnny Latino Heat

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Posts posted by Johnny Latino Heat

  1. Speaking of that Cahill thing, I watched the final 20 minutes or so on Portuguese TV, and I honestly felt disgusted. I usually don't watch many Premier League games and had heard about this, but the guys doing the commentary for the match were absolutely disgraceful, constantly whining about how the referee had had influence on the game's result in Tottenham's favor. They did this while saying "Cahill should've seen a yellow card there, the refereeing is being very poor, but Chelsea clearly has more reasons to be unhappy". No, you idiots, that was a red card that should've been given, and when a team suffers five goals like the ones they did, all clean and in the last one's case, at least, very much consented by the defence (IMO, I think the defenders being there and not being would be the same thing; the goalscorer, can't remember his name, did whatever he wanted inside the box), that team has no right to complain about the refereeing.

    Like I said, I had heard about how the commentary guys always sucked up to Chelsea and Mourinho, but I never thought it would be this bad. I find it particularly disgraceful, since the games are broadcast on a club's television (in this case, Benfica TV) with no affiliation whatsoever to Chelsea and no ties to Mourinho (except being both from Portugal, but I don't think they verbally fellate other Portugal representatives on the matches; at least, I never heard them go on and on and on about José Fonte, for instance); it's even worse when Mourinho has had several verbal wars with our manager, even just a few months ago!

    Again, disgraceful.

    [/rant over]

    To be fair, the Vertonghen "handball" wasn't (it's not handball every time the ball touches the hand etc) and Fazio's tackle that looked a bit dodgy at full speed turned out to be rather excellent and got the ball alone.

    None of the goals were at all contentious (well Chelsea's first was the closest to being contentious with Costa being in an offside position) and the penalty that was given was a penalty.

    You're only helping my case, though; like I said, I only saw the final 20 or so minutes of the match and haven't seen that handball and tackle, but judging from the commentators, the absolute only reason Chelsea lost was not because Tottenham scored five goals, was not because Tottenham was better overall, it was because the referee hurt Chelsea so much that the poor guys just couldn't win the match. It was beyond pathetic. I'm honestly really pissed that instead of concentrating on calling the match down the middle, they were too busy sucking up to Mourinho. They're more biased than when they call Benfica's matches, and it's Benfica's TV channel!

  2. Speaking of that Cahill thing, I watched the final 20 minutes or so on Portuguese TV, and I honestly felt disgusted. I usually don't watch many Premier League games and had heard about this, but the guys doing the commentary for the match were absolutely disgraceful, constantly whining about how the referee had had influence on the game's result in Tottenham's favor. They did this while saying "Cahill should've seen a yellow card there, the refereeing is being very poor, but Chelsea clearly has more reasons to be unhappy". No, you idiots, that was a red card that should've been given, and when a team suffers five goals like the ones they did, all clean and in the last one's case, at least, very much consented by the defence (IMO, I think the defenders being there and not being would be the same thing; the goalscorer, can't remember his name, did whatever he wanted inside the box), that team has no right to complain about the refereeing.

    Like I said, I had heard about how the commentary guys always sucked up to Chelsea and Mourinho, but I never thought it would be this bad. I find it particularly disgraceful, since the games are broadcast on a club's television (in this case, Benfica TV) with no affiliation whatsoever to Chelsea and no ties to Mourinho (except being both from Portugal, but I don't think they verbally fellate other Portugal representatives on the matches; at least, I never heard them go on and on and on about José Fonte, for instance); it's even worse when Mourinho has had several verbal wars with our manager, even just a few months ago!

    Again, disgraceful.

    [/rant over]

  3. I don't mind fanservice, it's just that if there is to be fanservice, let it be accompanied by a good story as well. Ikkitousen really didn't grab my attention in that department. I also remember once trying to watch Queen's Blade and giving up after about half an episode, or Seikon no Qwaser and giving up fairly soon as well. Pure fanservice is just too much.

  4. Out of those, from the ones I saw; I only couldn't finish So, I Can't Play H, dropped it around 4-5 episodes in, I think, and Ikkitousen, I think I only managed to watch a couple of episodes. From the rest of the list, I watched:


    Angel Beats



    Guilty Crown

    Kara no Kyoukai




    I liked all of those, even loved quite a few. My advice is to save the best for last, so I'd say save Evangelion and Kara no Kyoukai for last. In my personal case, I'd also like to watch the shows in a funny-serious-funny-serious pattern, so I'd probably watch something along the lines of:

    Trigun - Btooom! - Railgun - Another - Angel Beats - Guilty Crown - Working - Evangelion/Kara no Kyoukai

    Or something along these lines. Of course many of the shows are serious but also feature comedy, so... Yeah. Can't talk about the rest of the shows on the list, though.

  5. Don't know if there are fans of the show here, but I've been watching the two season of A Certain Scientific Railgun, as I'm a fan of the Index/Railgun series and hadn't watched Railgun S yet. Since I hadn't seen Railgun in years, I'm watching both back to back. I finished Railgun S' episode 6, and...

    Holy shit, Accelerator. I don't know if my perception of him had been warped by watching the Index series, where he, IIRC, eventually turns over a new leaf and was a pretty damn cool character, but damn, I had forgotten how much of a sadistic monster he is to the Sisters.

    Also, it's kind of weird watching a storyline unfold in a show when I know what the end result will ultimately be because I saw the end on another show. It looks like it will be a lot more fleshed out on this one, though, which makes sense, seeing as the main victims are clones of the protagonist, which is fine by me.

  6. You both have terrible tasted.

    I expected more from you, Mr. Johnny.

    Why, my good sir, I'll have you know that my taste is impeccable!

    SAO isn't one of my favorites, but I still love it. It's mindless fun. It's no Durarara, Spice & Wolf or Toradora (three of my all-time faves), but it's still pretty fun.

  7. My Psycho-Pass special edition blu-ray has finally been shipped. I ordered it months ago, but I dunno why, it was only shipped now. I really want to watch this, I watched the first 4 to 5 episodes before ordering it and loved the premise and the overall story (well, what I saw up to that point, I believe I only scratched the surface, which makes me even more excited). Can't wait!

  8. I finally managed to watch Attack on Titan, and I absolutely loved it. I loved the twists, the characters, the animation, the battles, the soundtrack, everything. Can't wait for the second season.

    If the current progress of the manga is anything to go by, you might want to savor it for what it was. It's so convoluted now, way too much going on, nothing being answered, and more questions being asked. There was so much that went on in the first 30 or so chapters and a ton has gone on since, but there's just too many characters, subplots, and questions for it to handle now.

    However, depending how the do an anime adaptation of it they might be able to work around a lot of the problems the manga has created for itself.

    I haven't read any of the manga, but that certainly is discouraging to know. Hopefully an anime adaptation will be able to get around those problems you mentioned :(

  9. I have this for the PS3 for a while now, only got around to play it now, and when I go to play it, when it's loading the very first episode, it just crashes. I just can't play this. Anyone else had that problem?

    EDIT: Nevermind, re-downloading it fixed the problem. Amazing game. I like it every bit as much as I liked the first TWD game, if not more. I still haven't played TWD's second season, so I can't compare them, but TWAU was incredible.

  10. Why be anything even remotely faithful to comics, anyway, right, FOX?

    Fantastic Four reboot spoilers:

    We know next to nothing about Josh Trank‘s The Fantastic Four. We know they’ve casted young, changed a character race (African-American Michael B. Jordan plays Johnny Storm, who is Caucasian in the comics), and strongly hinted at upending what fans expect from an adaptation of the long-running comic series.

    Unsurprisingly, those changes will also extend to the film’s antagonist, Doctor Doom, who is being played by Toby Kebbell (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes). We previously knew nothing about how the reboot would handle the Fantastic Four’s archenemy, but Steve sat down with Kebbell for the Blu-ray/DVD release of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes and learned the character’s surprising new back story. People who believe that film adaptations shouldn’t stray too far from the comics: brace yourselves and hit the jump. The Fantastic Four opens August 7, 2015.

    Steve asked the innocuous question of what it was like playing Doctor Doom, and Kebbell started off with a simple answer:

    TOBY KEBBELL: I’m excited to see it too, and my nerves really…The only thing I can tease you about is what I worked on most was the voice because nobody—even in the cartoons, when I was watching them I was like, “So where’s he from?” There’s a mild change and I’ll tell you because of our history.

    And this is where it gets really interesting:

    KEBBELL: He’s Victor Domashev, not Victor Von Doom in our story. And I’m sure I’ll be sent to jail for telling you that. The Doom in ours—I’m a programmer. Very anti-social programmer. And on blogging sites I’m “Doom”.

    Yep. His name isn’t even Victor Von Doom, and I’m going to assume he’s also not the ruler of the fictional Eastern European country of Latveria like the character in the comics. However, the computer programmer aspect hints that they’ve kept Doom highly intelligent, and that’s how you represent powerful, scientifically-minded intelligence in the modern age.

    Kebbell then gave a sense of how this character fits into the overall tone of the picture:

    KEBBELL: Yeah, it was cool man. Josh, the whole deal, the lo-fi way he did it, the ultra-real. It was just nice to do that. It was nice to be feeling like we had to come to terms with what was given by this incident.

    Read more at http://collider.com/doctor-doom-new-origin-fantastic-four-movie/#Mdt10HTwvY4Q5SMA.99

    For fuck's sake.

  11. Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell will both return to their cult favorite horror series Evil Deadfor a new series on Starz.

    The series, titled Ash vs. Evil Dead, will see Campbell reprise his role as Ash amidst a new Deadite invasion.

    The series will consist of 10 half-hour episodes, debuting in 2015. Raimi will direct the pilot, which will be co-written by himself, Ivan Raimi, and Tom Spezialy.

    "Starz first worked with Sam and Rob on Spartacus, and we are thrilled to be back in business with them,” said Carmi Zlotnik, managing director of Starz. “With Sam writing and directing and Bruce Campbell returning to the screen, we are certain the show will give Evil Dead fans around the world the fix they’ve been craving.”

    Evil Dead has always been a blast. Bruce, Rob, and I are thrilled to have the opportunity to tell the next chapter in Ash’s lame, but heroic saga. With his chainsaw arm and his ‘boomstick,’ Ash is back to kick some monster butt. And brother, this time there’s a truckload of it,” said Raimi.

    "I'm really excited to bring this series to the Evil Dead fans worldwide -- it's going to be everything they have been clamoring for: serious deadite ass-kicking and plenty of outrageous humor,” said Campbell.


    Holy shit this is awesome!

  12. I just received the game yesterday and haven't been able to explore much (only got it at night and spent the whole day today out), but is it me, or did they remove the custom music feature for entrances from the game?

    Sorry if it's been discussed here already, but I really didn't want to read 30+ pages to find out >_>

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