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Posts posted by fusionFX!

  1. Kirkland, you need to tell me if your wrestlers are face, tweener, or heel.. and I also need their gimmicks..

    Edit: Thanks Kirkland. As of right now, after adding all these wrestlers and a few more I made, I am now up to 81 total workers with 4 promotions. I need alot more workers and 6 more promotions. Thanks for the help everyone, I really appreciate it. I also edited the promotion quote in the first post.

  2. I am making an EWR Fictional Universe and I would like to have some input from you guys on it. I would like to have 10 promotions in the scenario, I already have 1 and it's a Global promotion, I need a National promotion, 2 Cult promotions, 3 Regional promotions, 3 Small promotions and 1 Backyard promotion, along with event names, a few TV networks, I have 20 as of right now. I also need wrestler names, with their relationships, alter egos, as well as tag teams and stables that the wrestlers are in. I also need staff for the promotions, not so much for the backyard promotion but for all the other promotions I do.

    I am going to update this after everyone posts in this thread.

    Global Promotion: World Wide Wrestling Entertainment(WWWE), 2 brand splits for the promotion, Monday Night Nitro and Friday Night Fusion

    National Promotion: International Pro Wrestling Association(IPWA)

    Cult Promotions: Big Time Wrestling(BTW)

    Regional Promotions: SoCal Pro Wrestling(SPW), Professional Organized Wrestling(POW!)

    Small Promotions:

    Backyard Promotion:

    Wrestler form:

    Full Name:

    Ring Name:

    Birth Month:



    Pic Base:


    Speaks: Yes or No

    Finishers: Primary and Secondary

    As for stats, only do the brawling, speed, technical, and charisma. I'll get the overness, stiffness, selling, attitude, and behavior myself.

    As for the superstar look and all that, you can check as many as you want, but make it reasonable..

    Examples, don't make a nerdy guy have superstar look, don't have a woman have menacing unless she really is menacing like Awesome Kong, don't have a young guy have trainer ability because most trainers are up in age.. but that's about it, anything else you need to know, just ask.

  3. @Biggam

    Did you even care to look at the last date of the scenario anyway? It seems to me that the last date concerning the scenario was August 27th, 2008.. and you're still requesting stuff to be in it.. How about this, look at the dates before you post.. I was just asking if anybody had the download because I would like to try it...

    dry.gif was there any need for that?

    as this wasnt directed at you.

    No no no, your request for more promotions in THIS scenario shouldn't have been posted.. this scenario hasn't even been worked on since, lets see..... 2008!!! Damn man, get it through your skull that 2008 was 2 fucking years ago..

  4. @Biggam

    Did you even care to look at the last date of the scenario anyway? It seems to me that the last date concerning the scenario was August 27th, 2008.. and you're still requesting stuff to be in it.. How about this, look at the dates before you post.. I was just asking if anybody had the download because I would like to try it...

    • Like 1
  5. It's looking pretty real to me

    Credit PWInsider:

    Former WWE star Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson, the name we'll have to get used to calling him by again) was released today as punishment for going beyond the company's PG standards and practices during the NXT invasion angle on Monday, according to sources within the company. The belief among those I spoke to is that when Danielson choked Justin Roberts with his tie, he broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Benoit tragedy that talents were not to use ropes or objects to choke opponents.I am told that the final decision was made earlier today and Danielson was informed shortly before the company publicly announced it. For those who are thinking this is an angle, I am told by everyone I have spoken to that it is not, although I want to point out a number of wrestlers in the company do believe it is a work.

    For those who are wondering why the company is giving Danielson such a harsh punishment, well a former company executive is running for office, although how much of a cause and effect is there is anyone's guess. It's certainly a viable theory, since the company has been very gun shy about going outside of their PG rating.

    There's no word as to whether Danielson was aware of the protocol at the time of the angle, although the Roberts choking was one of the elements that made the end of Raw so memorable. It's interesting to note that at least on the company's Youtube.com channel, the incident, including the choke, are still available for viewing.

    The loss of Danielson will immediately change the future of the WWE NXT angle since he was considered the most versatile and well rounded performer of the group and would have been extremely important in carry the brunt of the in-ring work load.

    The release of Danielson does put him in an amazing position on the independent scene. How many top flight stars get signed, leave, and get released right after laying out the WWE champion?

    We'll have more on this as it develops.

    If this really is true, then that's honestly the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The WWE wasted a real talent over an incident that really wasn't that big of a deal.

    Yes, it was the stupidest thing they could have done. They could have just suspended him.

  6. Ok, here goes nothing then Darnez!

    If you don't want to use the gimmicks I put for them, that's fine.

    Jay "X-1" Revv

    Age: 21

    Wage: 10,000?

    Pic: Stryknyne

    -- Lightweight

    -- Brawling: 19

    -- Speed: 82

    -- Tech: 48

    -- Charisma: 63



    Gimmick: Show Stealer

    Finisher: Shooting Star Press(Both Main and Secondary)

    Check high spots

    Dante Winters

    Age: 26

    Wage: 8,000?

    Pic: Heidenreich in LOD Gear, if you've got it. If not then go with Helfyre.

    -- Heavyweight

    -- Brawling: 72

    -- Speed: 13

    -- Tech: 22

    -- Charisma: 77



    Gimmick: Gothic

    Finisher: Ancestral Curse(Impact)(Main and Secondary)

    Check menacing

    Dislike relationship with Jay Revv. They didn't get along in AWF(the promotion they wrestled for.)


    Age: 31

    Wage: 10,000?

    Pic: Ryback(Skip Sheffield), one with him wearing the jacket and sunglasses.

    -- Heavyweight

    -- Brawling: 86

    -- Speed: 10

    -- Tech: 0

    -- Charisma: 61



    Gimmick: No Gimmick Needed

    Finisher: Bodily Harm(Impact)(Main and Secondary)

    Check menacing, superstar look, and high spots

    Ryan Genesis

    Age: 28

    Wage: 6,000?

    Pic: Dash Phoenix

    -- Lightweight

    -- Brawling: 49

    -- Speed: 63

    -- Tech: 70

    -- Charisma: 80



    Gimmick: Legitimate Athlete

    Finisher: Entrapment(Submission)(Main)

    Genesis Kick(Impact)(Secondary)

    Check shooting ability and trainer

    Loyalty relationship with Jay Revv. He trained him and teamed with him for a little bit.

    Add a Tag Team.. Genesis and Revv.. 4 experience.

    There's a few. If you need anymore just ask.

    Edit: Added in alot more stuff on the wrestlers.

  7. Do you put people that you make up or people that other people have? I'm asking because I have a few you could use.

    I've tried to make my own scenario but it's too hard, well it's either that or i'm too lazy. :D

    I'm still needing to know. Like I said, I have alot of workers you can put in..

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