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Posts posted by whiskers

  1. I had a huge rant typed up, but the boards crapped out and ate it. Here's a synopsis.

    It's about time they added the ability to ram your opponent into the steel cage. A staple of the match hasn't even been seen in the entire Smackdown series.

    Buried Alive Match: I wonder what wrestlers they had to cut out of the game to put this in. That and the waste of space Bra and Panty match.

    No Alternate Costumes: Their piece on that translates into "We're just lazy."

    The Legends: Ever since HCTP, I've said one thing. THQ should make their own Legends of Wrestling game, and leave the WWE games free of them and add more current WWE wrestlers. As well as keeping most of the belts...

    As for adding the stamina bar and having longer matches: Good, I love a long match. I also hope there is the ability to have a 60 minute Iron Man match.

    More to come tomorrow.

  2. To me it had everything, it had drama, action, climax all rolled into one I feel the story really told a tragedy in itself.

    Anakin only went to the darkside for Padme, and that is why he wants to know if she lives, he did it all for her, his love for her drived him over the edge. When she is dead he knows he is lost and confused forever as there are no Jedi he can turn to and help himself, and he owes Palaptine his life for saving him in Mustafar.

    Put the best scene is when Anakin is going to kill Dooku, Palapatine says kill him and Dooku just gives him a stare of WTF.

  3. I would sign on with one of the fellow EWBer labels, but I'm sadly already attached to FW Entertainment for four more albums and three more singles.

    Not that bad a label, though. They only take 20% of my profits.

    As for my band, it might not be original, but I sim Pearl Jam.

  4. JoJo's Thoughts


    94: Wolfenstein 3D

    Wolfenstein 3D was one of the first FPS' made, and I think it should get more recognition on the list. Not to mention it was a fun game.

    93. SimCity


    92. Aces Of The Pacific

    It may be a huge personal bias as AOTP was one of my first PC games, but it was the best WWII flight sim I have ever played. It just might be the best flight sim I've ever played.

    90. Sonic The Hedgehog


    88. Warcraft II

    A great game that deserves to be at least in 60s.

    85. Final Fantasy X

    This better than SimCity, Sonic, and F-Zero? You've got to be kidding me.

    75. Saturn Bomberman

    Anything remotely to do with Bomberman should be in the top 50%...

    57. Star Fox

    This game is another one of the revolutionary games that should have gotten more credit for their achievements.

    51. Contra

    Should be a little bit higher.

    47. SimCity 2000


    44. Doom

    The game that popularized FPS' should not be this low.

    39. Halo

    Halo's overrated

    34. Dune II: Building Of A Dynasty

    The article says so itself, it's the godfather of the modern RTS game.

    18. Grand Theft Auto III

    A great game, but it doesn't hold the same historical context (at least yet) of some of the previous games mentioned. It seems to be there only because it's popular.

    15. Civilization II

    Blasphemy! It should be in the top 5.

    13. Ms. Pac-Man

    Same as Civ II

    Other thoughts

    I really think the the orignal Legend Of Zelda should have been on the list, mainly considering that it won the EGM list about two years ago. I really agree with Super Mario Brothers clinching the top spot, as that's one of the games that really brought people into the world of console games.

    BTW, Where the hell's Pong?

  5. I usually play either the English, Japanese, Mongolians, Romans or the Greeks.

    I can't play online as I only have Civilization II

    I play on the largest map Civ 2 has for Earth. I don't like the random maps that are produced.

  6. My favorite match ending in a wrestling game happened on Smackdown vs. Raw.

    I was Eddie Guerrero in Season mode, and I was granted a WWE Title shot at the second Smackdown PPV.

    The match goes on as normal with Guerrero hitting some nice techinal spots while JBL brawls his way to a special.

    I'd say that it's about 10:00 minutes in (I'd say about 20 minutes in real life) and Eddie and JBL are both busted open and we have both kicked out of our respective finishers at least once.

    I'm beginning to think that I have this match in the bag when I see JBL's belt laying on the announcer's table. I walk outside and grab the belt. I line myself up with JBL as I am ready to cheat to win. JBL slowly makes his way to his feet and I charge at him. JBL runs a short distance and I am hit with the Clothesline From Hell! JBL covers and gets the three count.

  7. It's a waste. Microsoft will never allow them to make a FPS becuase it might actually surpass Halo. And we have seen almost nothing out of them ever since the purchase.

    Then again, what if Rare had made Perfect Dark 2 on the Gamecube? It would give Halo a run for it's money. So maybe it wasn't a waste afterall.

  8. What would I like to see in a GTA game?

    I think the next place they should go is 1920's Chicago. Run rum for some bootleggers, assassinate some G-Men for Capone (well, a Caponeish character,) run afoul of The Untouchables.

    Also, a suggestion for the next topic, the Smackdown series.

  9. To Hell and Back: Team MAW vs. The Unified Saints

    Two seperate rings, two seperate cages. A wooden platform between the two cages, and a 12 foot fall to a stack of tables. Elimination occurs by pinfall, submission, or a plummet to the tables. The last team standing wins.

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