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Everything posted by Starvinho

  1. These Colombian lads can't half finish. Very cool under pressure.
  2. What a legend Karagounis is. Deserved the goal then.
  3. Greece are gonna get one on the break soon, Ivory Coast are committing too many men forward.
  4. Colombia take the lead against Japan from the penalty spot. Come on Greece, this is your chance!
  5. They really need to throw the book at Suarez this time. Disgusting savage.
  6. I honestly don't think Brazil will beat Chile. Just checked the odds and Chile are 5/1 to win the game, gonna get some money on that now before those odds come down.
  7. Come on Mexico! Brazil-Chile won't be too shabby either.
  8. Red card Croatia. Very nasty challenge.
  9. Croatia make it 1-3. Oh well, it was fun whilst it lasted. At least all these goals put the goals-to-game average up even more.
  10. It's 2-0! How many goals do Mexico need for top spot?
  11. Mexico 1-0! I thought it was Hernandez for a second!
  12. Mexico should've had a pen then. Defo handball.
  13. ITV's line to show if Fred's goal was offside or not. Hmmmmmmmmm
  14. Not got the audio on the Mexico-Croatia game but there seems to be a few spicy challenges going in every time I glance over!
  15. Brazil are so bad at the back, Chile or Holland will embarrass them if they defend like this.
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