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Posts posted by Essa

  1. Yeah, but it's an alternate ending. Are you going to judge a movie on an ending that it decided not to use? Since that's the ending you saw and since I don't feel like looking for other posts of yours, I'm going to assume you just downloaded it or youtubed the ending. If that's the case, you really shouldn't bother trying to talk about the movie. This is a movie that depends so much on atmosphere and tension being built up over time. It'd be kind of hard to get all that watching on a computer.

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  2. This game kind of pisses me off. It's like the computer determines who it wants to win. I'm up four touchdowns against Denver and I swear to god, the next four times I touch the ball, I fumbled and had the balls returned for touchdowns. It's retarded.

  3. Apparently Emma's not quite as much of a germophobe when it comes to sex. I don't know if you guys picked up on the line she had when talking to the main glee club chick. She was talking to her about bulimia and the girl mentioned not having a gag reflex, so Emma told her that in a few years she'll appreciate that.

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