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Posts posted by Blink

  1. I like the effect on the left side of the graphic in the background, but I'm not so sure it fits well in this graphic. The AJ Styles cut is great, if you made it, but the brightness of it just clashes with my eyes; it just doesn't seem to go over too well with the rest of the graphic being black-and-white. A bit of an opacity change could work, though I'm not sure.

    If you were to take away the Hard Justice cut, what would be left? Honestly, imagine that it's not there, and see what you're left with. To me, I see a handful of misplaced cuts (save for the AJ Styles, perfectly in the middle) that don't seem to blend well at all.

    Despite the two previous mini-paragraphs seemingly shredding your graphic, I do have some praise. The Hard Justice cut, as I mentioned, is the life of this graphic... it's really the only solid thing going for it. Nice placement on that.

  2. Pretty awesome, AD. My only point of criticism is the text that reads 2006 PRE-SEASON SCHEDULE. It just doesn't seem very eye-friendly. Perhaps it would if it were larger (ie. poster-size), but a white glow of some sort wouldn't have hurt. Again, awesome job. Really professional, I think.

  3. I became interested in Jason Mraz's music through listening to Jack Johnson. They both have the ability to hold your attention with totally random subjects. I'd say try and find some of Mraz's acoustic sets (which is easy, if you know where to look, ahem). He's amazing live.

  4. A little bright for my liking, but it's nice. I like the text... kind of. It takes up too much space, but the font is likeable, so that's a plus. And I'm not so sure about the double-sided motion blur, either. It could have done without.

    By the way, I'll choose to appreciate... I guess.

  5. I'm looking for the best host for the buck, pretty much. I'm unsure whether I'll be using phpBB or Invision, but one of the two will be used, along with storing other files for download.

    Any help on where I could start? There are so many options on the web, and I'm sure most are lemons. Oh yeah, I plan on registering a domain name as well.

  6. This is, by far, the best NCAA yet. Not that it shouldn't be, though, seeing that downward motion would make no sense for the series.

    All problems from last year (slow down, long loads, etc.) have been fixed, and then some. Actually, much, much more. There is a load of new stuff this year, but the College Classics have been taken out. Other than that, I see few problems with this year's edition.

    One crazy thing that I've noticed. When you score or get a first down, the cheerleaders' arms seem to have more joints than they should, and often twist in excruciating ways. It's not noticeable at first, but I started noticing it this morning at about 5am. I figured it was time to head to bed.

    I went with EB's trade in deal, it's a good deal if you have a bunch of games you've already beaten, 5 trade ins gets you Madden or NCAA, I got both.

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