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Posts posted by Mofoticon

  1. Wiggins duelling with LeBron is amazing.

    Edit. I mean I get it lol Wolves and stuff, but he has 23 at the half and he and LeBron are defending one another, LeBron is on 16 and was beginning to look pissed.

    Wiggins is going to be a fantastic player in the NBA once his body develops and his jumper gets better. He obviously is motivated to face the Cavs and has played great vs them this year but it's still a trade the Cavs had to make. Short term (the next 2-3 years which is the window to win a title with LeBron) the Cavs should get the better of this deal considering Wiggins will have growing pains to go through and the Cavs couldn't wait on him but long term there's little doubt the TWolves will have made the right move and will have a superstar to show for it.

  2. I understand how much ESPN likes to push some things in college football (JOHNNY FOOTBALL, BEST IN THE WORLD!!!), but proclaiming a QB as NFL ready...after 3 damn games? Seriously, news like that almost every year after a championship game always get on my nerves. I admit that Cardale Jones has been pretty good in his 3 games, but already ready for the NFL? Seriously?


    I don't think he's going to the NFL, but if he did go to the NFL the expectation would be pretty obvious that he has to sit and learn for at least 1 season, maybe 2. He's got NFL talent but he's better off coming back to college (though he may not start, I'm sure he will at least play quite a bit).

  3. The best season of any team I've ever rooted for. Tonights game was a 22 point win with a -4 turnover differential...imagine what it would've been if not for those.

    Urban Meyer has got this team ready for a dynasty. So many players are coming back next year (including 3 top notch QBs). I love it!


  4. I'm not convinced Blatt isn't ousted before the season but I didn't watch the game tonight. Any particular reason you say that?

    They got completely housed, they're at .500, the East and the Central are both slipping away, and there's no end in sight. They can't play defense, offense isn't clicking. This isn't a "well we'll give it our all next year" issue, it's a "we literally only have this year" issue. If Love doesn't want to buy in he can leave, they have nothing to show for Wiggins, and a massive hole that can't be filled. It's unfair to Blatt but that's the reality, they don't have time to figure it out.

    As long as they are peaking in April/May/June nothing that happens right now matters. It's why it's hard to buy into the Hawks because they are obviously peaking too early. Having said that, Blatt is clueless right now. If he gets fired it'll be because of Dan Gilbert, not the GM.

    • Like 1
  5. Cavs traded 2 1sts (the OKC one they just got plus Memphis' protected one) for Timofey Mozgov. They've been after him for months as a legit rim protecting C and seems like Denver was going to hold firm on 2 1sts as his price. Cavs defense should be much improved with Mozgov and Shumpert in the starting 5 now.

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  6. If Ohio State beats Bama then I'll say they belong. I don't think it'll happen, though. But you're a fool (or just a blind Ohio State fan) if you don't think that Ohio State was the least impressive of the four teams in the playoffs. A weak ass conference, a loss to a .500 team, and one big win the last week of the season.

    I'm not going to go any further with the discussion though, because I remember now that you are an Ohio State fan, so this wouldn't be an unbiased conversation.

    Nobody in the final 4 had a win as good as at Michigan State. But I really don't care who hates on Ohio State, all I care about is the committee didn't.

    Beat Bama!

    Or as bad as a loss as Virginia Tech at home.

    Fair point but the committee didn't seem to care too much about an early season loss under the circumstances OSU lost and valued everything else they did more.

    It is what it is.

  7. If Ohio State beats Bama then I'll say they belong. I don't think it'll happen, though. But you're a fool (or just a blind Ohio State fan) if you don't think that Ohio State was the least impressive of the four teams in the playoffs. A weak ass conference, a loss to a .500 team, and one big win the last week of the season.

    I'm not going to go any further with the discussion though, because I remember now that you are an Ohio State fan, so this wouldn't be an unbiased conversation.

    Nobody in the final 4 had a win as good as at Michigan State. But I really don't care who hates on Ohio State, all I care about is the committee didn't.

    Beat Bama!

  8. It's gonna be a real shame if Alabama ends up pooping all over Ohio State tomorrow.

    So what happens if Ohio State beats Bama? Will the same people say Bama didn't belong (TCU just whipped the team that beat Bama afterall)? If people are gonna say OSU didn't belong if they lose then it should go both ways.

  9. The Pistons have waived Josh Smith.

    Surprising because of his contract (26 mil still owed to him after this season) and the fact they could've traded him this summer to the Kings but rebuffed their offers. He was always a terrible fit on that team with Drummond and Monroe at the big man spots (in no way is he a SF). It seems very likely he ends up with the Kings now, with the Mavs as a possibility as well.

  10. Mike Pettine is 100% to blame for the Browns loss today. Brian Hoyer showed the previous 2 weeks that he took this team as far as he could and opposing defenses began to play against him much better with more game tape to watch. He went from not costing the team and allowing them to win that way to being the outright reason they have been losing or struggling. He did not deserve to start today and Pettine starting him was asking to lose the game before it began. Unfortunately it kills any realistic chance at a playoff berth and is a big black mark on Pettine's first year as a HC but hopefully he learns from his mistake going forward and Manziel shows something these final 3 weeks. It's a shame because the defense played incredible against the Colts and Luck today but a coaching blunder was too much to overcome.

  11. OSU is going to jump TCU (Baylor is too probably) and I think we will see OSU vs Oregon in the Rose Bowl as the 3 vs the 2 (classic Pac 12 vs Big Ten matchup) and Bama vs FSU in the Sugar Bowl as the 1 vs the 4 (short travel distance for both). It puts the 4 best teams in place and assures that the fans will be there for the games.

  12. Flip Saunders does my fucking head in. Somehow he manages to get the trade of the century by turning Love who was leaving at the end of the year no matter what into the number 1 picks from the last two drafts, but then keeps playing Budinger to 'increase his trade value' when all that Budinger does is make it extremely clear that the knee injuries have totally fucked up his game to the point that he's worthless.

    I'd be convinced that we were tanking except why did we pick up Jeff Adrien on the injury exception thing and spend money if that's the case? Plus surely if you're tanking you still want to play the young guys as many minutes as possible for experience.

    I'm just totally confused at this point what's going on with our team.

    It's a classic example of a guy having too much power. Flip Saunders the coach and Flip Saunders the GM are clashing. The best thing to do is what you said and play the young guys and as a GM he's done good to put that talent together but as a coach he wants to win now so he plays the guys he thinks can do that. It's a really bad situation to give a guy like that so much power.

  13. The problem with a bigger playoff format is that it dilutes the regular season. There is no better regular season in any sport than College Football's as it is essentially a playoff in itself. If you make it a 16 team playoff then you significantly weaken the games that matter right now. For example, tonights game between Arizona and Oregon could be for a playoff spot....if it was a 16 team playoff, this game would mean very little because both are already in. Same goes for Bama-Missouri, and FSU wouldn't need a win tomorrow to make it in. It's just not a good idea in my mind to expand the playoff beyond 4 teams because I love the College Football regular season and I do not want to see a big playoff format making that obsolete. I know the idea of deciding it on the field in a playoff is intriguing in theory, but the regular season already does that.

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