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Posts posted by EndOfAnEra

  1. Do we really need to talk spoiler tags for aired episodes? Anyways, Maxx:

    i get why it happened, I called it last week, but I still think there's more that Opie could've done. Chibs dying could've been just as effective, and he doesn't have anything going on story-wise really.

    And fr34k:

    Clay dying would be a fitting end, which is why they're saving it for the end. As for Tigg's daughters death, how was that not effective? It opens up Tigg to go absolutely nuts.


    Hmmm. Wonder if they'd off Unser this soon after he started his little investigation, or, if it's going to be someone that went to prison. If the source wrote it as "someone important to the SAMCRO family", I would think Unser - just because of the way it's phrased.

    hate to say it, but how fitting would it be that Opie dies?

  3. It was some guy with a leather jacket playing a black guitar in a field with broken down cars and rednecks. Then he fights a guy in an orange popped collar polo and walks off into smoke. Pretty sure it's like alt country or something, I just need to rewatch it's cheesiness.

  4. To reference a topic from earlier, wasn't the Inception not an ambiguous ending?

    If you do research the ending can be explained

    If you have to research it, that would be amibiguous. If I leave a movie going "I better get on the net and have someone explain that to me" that's pretty fucking ambiguous.

    You edited the part out where I said the answer is in the movie. The only reason you have to research it is because the audience is tricked into thinking whether the top falls over matters or not and most fell for it.

    Maybe I missed something, And I know there's hints, but what did you see as the answer in Inception?

  5. Wasn't it because they'd called in that they had one of Bane's henchman on the plane who needed to be accounted for in order to keep suspicion low?

    Also, watching it for a second time, Miranda, on a few occasions, says a few things which is plucked right out of the league of shadows handbook which you only notice second time round.

    what did you notice? I noticed one time where her eyes start darting nervously and figured something was up with her.

  6. Saw it tonight, loved Bane like everyone else, but I'm just going to say that Anne Hathaway was awesome. When she was fake crying in a scene that holds no point to the plot whatsoever so I'm not spoiling anything, it was great. And Michael Caine, as usual, was unreal.

  7. Not that I've ever seen, aside from choosing the Vampires or Dawnguard.

    And also, without trying to spoil anything, there's a choice that can lead to the blades missions ending that you may want to look into before you decide it.

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  8. Gaslight Anthem are a bit shit when you think about it, aren't they? Their first album was good but even that's a bit boring now.

    I have to agree, I saw them live once, they weren't very impressive.

    I was a bit disappointed. Really like their albums, but they don't translate to live very well. I had the same problem with The Offspring.

  9. I glitched on Waking Nightmare and there's no fix, and I can't find a close save so my Level 50 guy is kinda useless. Whaaaaa.

    On another note, Dawnguard is sweet. Not as big as I'd hoped, but the ability to smith arrows and some new stuff is awesome.

  10. none of this stuff even matters cause Against Me are rubbish :/

    The early EPs and the first CD are great. But Tom also acted like a asshole to the D.I.Y. scene, so I usually like to pretend he doesn't exist. However, I'm still happy that she is taking steps to "become" the person she really is. Its also nice to see a mainstream role model for other transpeople. I mean, really, can you think of any other trans- in the mainstream media?

    I'd argue that Tom got treated a bit like shit the minute they signed, and he maybe grew up and realized the faults of those ideas in the first place.

  11. none of this stuff even matters cause Against Me are rubbish :/

    You should just write a list of bands worth talking about so we know what doesn't suck. So far Against Me and Gaslight Anthem are off the table. Anything else we should know?

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