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Posts posted by EndOfAnEra

  1. In regards to Lil Asskicker


    is Judith dead, or did someone snag her and run off?

    Also, loved that young girl finally growing a set.

    There was blood in the baby carrier, so it is assumed she si dead.

    But holy shit, that episode.

    How many pieces is the group fractured into?

    -Rick + Carl + maybe Michonne

    -Daryl and Beth

    -Tyreese and the two little girls

    -Maggie + Sasha + Bob

    -Glenn and the bus full of people

    ...I feel like I am missing someone.

    IIRC, Beth went looking for her and we didn't see her again. Even if we did, someone could've grabbed her and wound up in the woods alone. Maybe even the girl that wanted to run from the fight?

  2. Been listening to a bunch of older stuff, and I'm wondering if INXS has any other songs that are like Don't Change? It's a bit less synthy and saxaphony. Was that a one off or am I missing something?

  3. The only ending I could imagine that I might have liked better:

    Everything stays the same up until the trunk gun goes off. Everybody ends up dead, minus Walt and Jessie. Walt does not get hit by a stray bullet. A tense moment between Jessie and Walt. Nothing is said between the two, but body language and the scene indicates that there is an understanding between the two. Nod of the head, a shake of the hands, something. As Walt begins to leave the scene, it's apparent that Todd is not dead and he guns down Mr. White. A struggle ensues between Jessie and Todd, with Jessie choking Todd in the same way that he did in the episode. I like the way Todd dies because it mirrors one of the first deaths on the scene and shows that Jessie ultimately learned from Walt. Jessie flees the scene.

    I like it better because it sort of gives the audience that release moment. Walt seems to survive and he could leave, but he's gunned down by a monster he created and Jessie killing him, I think at least, would be a much bigger moment for the audience.

    Do that and you wouldn't have gotten

    the closure of Walt looking over the meth lab and seemingly reminiscing before collapsing, which I think was needed as a final gesture

  4. I loved that Grey Matter bit. It was like it just hit him:

    he had been working so hard to leave this legacy of the best meth ever, and never stopped to realize what the real world would perceive him as. Makes me think that the Grey Matter bit isn't to show that he's still more worried about getting his credit/leaving a good name for himself than he is saving his family

    A lot of people are missing the most important bit of information gleaned from the Grey Matter interview:

    Charlie Rose offhandedly mentions that the blue meth is still on the streets. As big of a slap to Walter's ego as Gretchen and Elliot downplaying his accomplishments was, even more important is that Walter knows that Jesse is almost certainly still alive.

    Yeah I totally glazed over that now that you mention it. So at the end of the day, Walt is still a piece of shit.

  5. I loved that Grey Matter bit. It was like it just hit him:

    he had been working so hard to leave this legacy of the best meth ever, and never stopped to realize what the real world would perceive him as. Makes me think that the Grey Matter bit is to show that he's still more worried about getting his credit/leaving a good name for himself than he is saving his family. He had all this motivation to give himself up and save Skyler, but instead, what really pushes him over the edge is not getting his due credit from them.

  6. Interesting theory from another site:

    So my big prediction is that Holly (Walt's baby) will be kidnapped by Todd's uncle and his gang to force Walter out of hiding. This would explain Walt's machine gun and also ties into all the talk here about the Marty Robbins (?) song "Felina," which will be Holly's new name. This scenario would make for a bad ass final showdown. As for how the ricin might play into this I have no idea.

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