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Posts posted by FunkAsPuck

  1. Definatly better than the first, and I will definatly pick it up, mainly because of its piss low price, and its much better selection of bands. Just one gripe though : What a shitty cover, I mean they could have put a bigger effort into it rather than just change the background colour from green to orange.

    And I really hate Yellowcard. I do. I saw them a few months back supporting Less Than Jake, and aside from their backflipping violinist, they sucked so much. I mean what a great way to evole pop punk! Lets just add a violin!

    Oh, and :D at the Lawrence Arms title making fun of Coheed And Cambria.

    EDIT: On the subject of left wing punk, you want to see the biggest oxymoron in the history of man? Convservative Punk. A website dedicated the exposing the EVIL DISGUSTING SOCIALIST LIES THE RED HEADED COMMIES AT PUNKVOTER SPREAD ONTO THE UNSUSPECTING YOUTH, and the MONOPOLY THE LIBERAL MEDIA HAS OVER AMERICA, SPREADING THEIR EVIL LEFT WING IDEALS ONTO THE PUBLIC.

    Plus theirs some Moore bashing, some BS about finding WMDs and some idiots on the forums who now hate the Beastie Boys because they said they were anti-Bush.

  2. Surely, not ours? IIRC, Kraigles paid the $35 for TEW, why would he be bitching about it? It wouldn't make sense.

    Agreed. Althought im not exactly best friends with him, hell, we barely know each other, his posts on here seem a lot different to his posts on there.

  3. I still don't understand how a game suddenly improves the second it becomes free. Yeah, this is what a lot of people on that board seem to think.

    I noticed a guy on there called "The Kraig" who is bitching about TEW too...

  4. Needs to be less vulgarity, more humour.

    Their jokes about sex are just not funny, its almost as if the writers think they can get Avid to say "TITS" and the crowd will piss themselves. Also, get rid of the fucking teddy. He gets a guest on, eventually gets an errection and has to think of Christina Hamilton to get rid of it. Yes, we know what happens every time now, its not funny anymore.

    More Michael Jackson/ass, more stupid humour such as Craig David (In the last series when they showed footage of where he opened up the real Craig David gig had me in stitches) and just general parodies of celebrities without the vulgarity. That would make me watch it again.

  5. Well, the replay value would be there if they simply gave us some stuff as a reward for doing all of this stuff they have given us.

    I mean whats the fucking point of going out and getting every single hideout and skyscraper token if all you get in return is fuck all. Apparently the game was ready to ship 2 months ago, but why the hell hasn't anyone found any extras for this game, despite the fact that there were tons of them in the last 3 Spiderman games.

  6. Gameplay delivered the game a day early, so I got it yesterday, rather than today, the acutal release date.

    And I have already completed the entire story mode. Whats worse, guys on GameFaqs claim that there are very little rewards for collecting all the tokens, and doing all the missions and so on. So to be honest, I think this game sucks in terms of replay value.

    Doesn't stop it being fun, but I just wished there was an actual point to searching out all of this stuff.

  7. Propagandhi - Todays Empires, Tomorrows Ashes

    Propagandhi - Haillie Sellasse, Up Your Ass


    In that case also get these other Propagandi songs : Ska Sucks, Back To The Motorleague, Anti Manifesto and Homophobes Are Just Pissed Because They Can't Get Laid.

  8. Fat Wreck Chords have some Anti-Flag MP3s on their site, so just download those. Not too bad. I like Anti-Flag, but the lyrics are fucking terrible.


    Dead Kennedys : Nazi Punks Fuck Off, Holiday In Cambodia, Police Truck, Kill The Poor, Calafornia Uber Alles.

    Hell, if you can find some, get some MP3s of Jello Biafra/w DOA. They did some good stuff together.

  9. The movie is not a documentary. It's only called that because we have no other way to classify it. It's propaganda.

    No problem with that. America has been full of it for decades.

    Hell, the American government has been shoving so much of it down everyones neck, its hard to believe anything they say. According to them over the last few decades, Communism is this evil force that turns good hardworking Americans into evil Soviet loving zombies, the war in Iraq was perfectly justified, the Black Panthers were an evil terrorist organization, and there were enough connections between Al Queda and Iraq to justify the deaths of several thousand innocent people.

    My point being - Michael Moore could be accused of making propaganda, but he is no different from the US government.

    On a similar note - Anyone else finding some of the conservative reactions to the movie funny? I have heard from at least 20 conservatives on the internet who say they are going to see the movie and expose its "lies". What a great idea - Expose Moores "lies" and at the same time funding his next movie. I just don't get some people.

  10. Bad Sequels

    Men In Black 2

    Every Star Wars prequel

    Whole Ten Yards

    Analyze That

    Final Destination 2

    Batman & Robin (There was nothing wrong with Clooney as Batman. The thing that really lets this movie down is the script. The dialogue is fucking atrocious)

    The Matrix Revolutions (I thought Reloaded was ok, but this movie is the worst possible conclusion to the series. It was a bunch of special effects topped off with a duel between Smith and Neo which had very little drama involved. Then they finished off with an almost cliffhanger, anticlimatic ending. Terrible)

    Good Sequels

    Godfather Part 2 (The parts of Vito Corleone/Robbie D were ultimatly the reason why I love the movie so much)

    Austin Powers 2 (Dr Evil and mini-Me made that movie)

    American Pie 2 (Haven't seen Wedding, but this made me laugh harder than the first)

    Can't think of any other good ones at the moment.

  11. I have no problem with it.

    Artists can write about what the hell they want. Its their band after all. Take Propagandhi for instance - When people tell them to lose some of the talking at their shows they say "Well its our show.."

    And NOFX's intentions are to encourage enough people to vote to kick Dubya out of the White House. Thats the whole reason PunkVoter was set up. Granted, their political songs are more for comedy value, but at least they are still trying to make a difference somehow.

  12. I don't think anyone trusts Kerrang

    According to them, Nirvana were the best live band ever, and released the best album (Despite not winning their album of the year award the year it came out) and single ever. I don't think theres a single issue that goes past where they don't mention why they love Kurt Cobain so much, and how he in their view, probably invented music.

    But they did give Million Dead 5Ks (I remember it well) for "A Song To Ruin". Although they do still call everyone "emo".

    Utterly awesome band though. Not entirely bothered about Cameron leaving. Now if Julia left there would be some explaining to do....

    I just hope they don't drift too far away from the first album with the second one. Don't wanna buy it and find out they thought "Hmm. Garage rock. That would be nice to do".

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