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Posts posted by FunkAsPuck

  1. Very few bands on there I actually want to see. Still, I would pay full money just to see the Aquabats. My friend picked up their live DVD a few months back, and its a combination of the stupidest and funniest thing I have ever seen.

    Not keen on the Casualties in the slightest. Everything they do seems fake to me, add to the fact that they use the word "punx", I hate them quite a lot.

  2. Ill pay up to £13. Anything over that is extortion.

    Those bastards at HMV and Virgin Megastore seem to think they can charge £17 for albums that have been out for several years.

  3. I've seen videos of Evanescence live and Amy Lees voice sounds fucked up and out of tune.

    Not to say that I hate them, I bought their album the week it came out, but from what I have seen and heard, they are not all that good live.

  4. You saw the Bronx? Damn you (shakes fist)...I wanted to see them but no one wanted to go with me.


    No Use For A Name



    Bowling For Soup (Hey, they are entertaining live dammit)


    King Prawn


    The Fat Cats



    Never Heard Of It




    Reel Big Fish (Walked out on them. Went to the gig mainly to see the support)

    The Matches (Nice people, shit band)

    The Epoxies

    Swingin' Utters

    Those are the only ones I can remember at the moment. And tomorrow Im going to see Less Than Jake at the Brixton Academy supported by The AKAs and Yellowcard. Argh, everywhere else on the tour Capdown are supporting but for godamn London we get Yellowcard. I fucking hate them.

  5. Ok, maybe I was a little harsh on Hitman Contracts.

    The game itself is short depending on the way you approach the levels. If you simply shoot everything in every level, you will be able to whiz through this game with no problems. If you attempt to do it more steathily, it will take much more time. If you try to get a Silent Assasin rating on Normal and Professional, you will stretch the game out longer.

    However this doesn't stop the fact that there are only 12 new levels, some of which are merely remakes of older levels from the first Hitman game (Although they are damn good remakes).

    What separates Contracts from the rest of the games in the series is the sheer variety of ways to complete objectives, and remove obstacles. There are even little extras thrown in that have no relevance to the level itself. The sheer level of detail in certain areas is astounding too.

    Its not a huge step forward in the series, and some of the stuff is outdated (Just check some of the animations) but it is definatly a very fun game which has a lot of replay value if you are willing to go back to a level to check out other ways of completing it, or trying to getting a high rating in it to unlock all of the weapons.

  6. This get points for the nostalgia value but I bet I'd get bored with it within an hour and toss it aside. I'm too used to the better graphics we get now. I've never really been able to go back and play old games.

    I only agree with your first sentence.

    I bought Sonic Mega Collection, pretty much whizzed through the games thinking "This is just awesome". Under a week later I refunded it because the nostalgia trip had already run out.

    That said though, I look the game list and thing : Wow.

  7. Argh, PunkRockPete I was halfway throught replying to your post and got the blue screen of death, then I couldn't be fucked to start all over again.

    So let me say this instead : Even pop-punk bands are allowed to have opinions, this CD wouldn't sell enough copies (Especially at the price its being sold at) to make a huge profit anyway, records rarely ever sell on the political image they are putting across (I bought the CD because of NOFX, LTJ, Descendents, DOA/Jello, Strike Anywhere and its cheap £5 price, not because I dislike George Bush) and the Ataris should NEVER EVER cover Bad Religion songs. Especially if they do it as badly as they did on this CD.

    Oh, and New Found Glory have always sucked. For some reason they thought they would try a little bit of hardcore on their new album. I dig some hardcore/hardcore-punk but not when it has a singer who has a more annoying voice than Jello Biafra sucking helium.

  8. I thought this was 'Rock Against Bush' not 'Pop (Not) Punk Against Bush' Infact I'm sick of the label pop-punk, what do New Found Glory have to do with punk? Is it because they die their hair, or maybe its the way they dress. Without sounding like some sort of snob, these bands are nothing to do with punk - they are just as conformist as any pop artist. Except Anti-Flag.

    Wow, how daring, how contraversial - jump on the Bush bandwagon. I really wish people would stop bleating the Bush is satan garbage. Shit, if America hates him that much he'll get voted out of office. These bands should develop their own opinions instead of blindly following shit spewed by propagandists like Michael Moore - do these bands offer any opinons on who should be president? No.

    I completly agree. Once you become a pop-punk band you are not allowed to form an opinion of politics, and any chance you have to express those views will be shunned simply because you play a style of music a bunch of elitist wankers don't like altogether.

    Grow up.

    So what if a bunch of people hate George Bush. Are you not allowed to do that now? Would you prefer that they would shut up and do "what they are supposed to do"? And how is the "Bush is Satan" stuff garbage? Do you actually know why these people hate him so much? Have you read PunkVoter.com, or anything inside the CD sleeve to WHY they hate him? How do you know who they want as President? I mean you have thrown out all of these assumptions about why they are doing this, so obviously you must know a lot to create these assumptions. Lets also add that you think the music is shit because you think its pop. Yet again, basing an opinion on something you have no knowledge of.

  9. The Offspring, Anti-Flag, New Found Glory, Pennywise, NOFX, Less Than Jake, The Ataris... goddamn all you need is Rancid and this would be the worst CD ever.

    Minus Rancid, NOFX, LTJ, Pennywise (Pre-Full Circle) and Anti-Flag from that list and I would agree with you.

    Other than that, to each his own I suppose. Although im not going to state my opinion as fact.

  10. Pennywise and Less than Jake need to be shot, ASAP.

    This is just typical left-wing garble. Bitch and moan about the president using vague references with no back-up. "The President sucks cock, I hate his guts".

    Hell, if you are going to buy something like that go and buy "Nevermind the Bullocks Here Comes the Sex Pistols" and replace "God Save the Queen" with "God Save George Bush". Same thing, different time.

    The CD comes with a DVD with some clips from documentaries about the 2000 Election, War on Iraq, etc, a couple of music videos, some 30 second adverts and some stand up comedian thaking the piss out of George Bush. The album sleeve even has 40 reasons to why you should hate George Bush, and also contains a bit at the start written by Fat Mike on why he hates George Bush.

    So there goes the idea that all of the bands are just saying "We hate Bush" for the sake of hating Bush.

    Ill agree with the people who say that some of the bands shouldn't even be on here (Sum41? New Found Glory? The Ataris? Their songs on here are just average, with the exception of The Ataris who go way below average - They should never cover Bad Religion again. I wish Propagandhi were still on the CD though.) but to simply say that they are doing it to make themselves appear more serious and intelligent with politics is completly unfounded.

    That said though PunkRockPete, I decided not to directly insult you. I could never insult an Operation Ivy fan :D

    Oh, and on Good Charlotte being on Volume 2 - I went to see NOFX last week at the Brixton Academy. Halfway through the NOFX set, Fat Mike gets up and goes "Good Charlotte. What a bunch of fucking pussies. A month ago they were going 'Oh yeah this Rock Against Bush thing, we are gonna do it, we are gonna do it.' Last week they phoned me up and said 'We can't do it, our record label said we shouldnt'"

    And then he mentioned something about the Foo Fighters, Bad Religion and No Doubt (For fucks sake. Unless its one of their old ska songs, or them actually performing a new ska song, whats the fucking point) being confirmed.

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