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El Presidente

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Posts posted by El Presidente

  1. user posted image


    Kazarian def. Nunzio

    Best quality match of the night, as Kazarian picks up the win over Nunzio with a Wave Of The Future.




    The Mexicools def. Cassidy Riley and the SATs

    Easy bout.  Juventud pins Cassidy Riley with a Juvi Driver.




    Kanyon is backstage asking Theodore Long to give him an opportunity.  Long agrees and books Kanyon against Stevie Richards later tonight.


    Paul London def. Kid Kash

    Another great cruiserweight match sees Paul London take it with a fantastic 450 splash.




    William Regal def. John Walters

    Biggest squash match of the night, with Regal making Walters tap out to an STO submission manover.




    Kanyon def. Stevie Richards

    A successful return to the ring for Kanyon, as he cheats his way to beating the leader of the blue world order.






    ATTENDANCE: 9026

    TICKET SALES: $ 361040

  2. user posted image

    Randy Orton is in the ring calling out Batista, he says that he thinks he deserves another shot at the belt, since he wasn't pinned at summerslam. Batista makes his way out and begins brawling with Orton, until the referees seperate them and Theodore Long kicks them out of his arena for the night.



    MNM vs. Danny Doring and Roadkill

    A pretty good bout here between the two. Danny Doring and Roadkill got a HUGE "ECW!" chant as the match started, and they capitalized on it, keeping Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro easily in their grasps. This match seemed to be destined for a title change, but just as Roadkill gives Mercury a spinebuster, Danny Doring jumps up to the top and hits his leg drop. Melina comes up on the apron and distracts the two former ecw tag team champions, allowing for Johnny Nitro to clotheline Roadkill to the outside and grab Danny Doring for a school boy holding the tights for the three count.





    Christian is sitting backstage in his locker room, getting ready for his match later on tonight. Eddie Guerrero comes in and thanks him for helping him beat Chris Benoit at summerslam. He also wishes him good luck in the match later, and hopes that they carry on that chemistry from summerslam onto tonight.



    Akio vs. Chris Masters

    Chris Masters arrived as the newest addition to smackdown through that trade Theodore Long talked about last week. He grabbed Akio in the Masterlock, and Akio wasn't even able to fight through for ten seconds, as he easily taps out and gives The Masterpiece his first victory on smackdown. Masters doesn't release the hold as they call for the bell.

    WINNER: Chris Masters




    Daivari and Hassan cut a promo on their win at summerslam against Booker T, and on something else very special that they plan on doing tonight. Daivari accuses the fans of being racist not only towards Hassan, but towards Theodore Long as well, and they would no longer put up with that non-sense.


    JBL is back in the ring with a microphone. He says that he's done all he could on smackdown, he's won the world title, he's beaten everybody he could, and now he wants a real challenge, someone that'll actually give him something worth his time. The lights go out, and when they come back on, JBL is standing in the ring punching the air, nobody shows up, leaving JBL confused.



    Eddie Guerrero and Christian vs. Chris Benoit and Booker T

    This was by far the best segment of the night. Booker T started out in the ring with Eddie Guerrero, while Benoit kept staring down Christian from the opposite side of the ring and wanting a piece of him after he screwed him out of his match at summerslam. About half way through the bout, Christian gets tagged in, as does Benoit, but the referee doesn't see it, and Christian continues to work on Booker T and inflict pain on his already injured leg. He almost gets a three count with a drop reverse DDT, but Booker barely kicks out. Then, almost at the end of the bout, Benoit gets tagged in and begins cleaning house with Captain Charisma and Latino Heat. He throws Eddie outside of the ring over the top rope, and grabs Christian from behind for a german suplex. He keeps it locked in and nails another, and yet another, going for the pin 1...2...shoulder up! C-Man barely kicked out. Now Benoit's up to the top rope and has the intention of taking Christian out with a swandive headbutt. Eddie quickly runs to the apron and dorpkicks him right off, making him fall right on his groin area. Booker T gets in the ring and grabs Eddie by the hair on the apron. Eddie though grabs his head and smashes it against the top rope, as Christian takes him from behind by his underwear and throws him to the outside through the second and third rope. Now Captain Charisma is walking over to Chris Benoit. He jumps up to the second turnbuckle and goes for a superplex, but Benoit pushes him right off and jumps up for the swandive headbutt which he misses completely! He gets back to his knees, but Christian grabs him in arollup grabbing the tights as the referee counts 1...2...3! Christian and Eddie run away on the entrance ramp as Benoit looks for his revenge.

    WINNER: Eddie Guerrero and Christian




    Theodore Long is backstage with MNM. He tells them that he's done with their cheating ways, and that next week, they would take on Danny Doring and Roadkill AGAIN for the tag team titles, but this time.. Melina is banned from ringside


    JBL is in the ring again asking for an explanation. The lights go out again, and this time The Undertaker shows up right behind up with the fans going wild. JBL doesn't see him and says "this time I ain't fallin' for it", but just as he turns around, he gets grabbed around the neck and chokeslammed straight to hell by the deadman!



    Orlando Jordan vs. Rey Mysterio

    Rey Mysterio starts the match off with some quick manovers, taking Orlando down early with a drop toe hold and a dropkick to the face that gets a quick two count. A few minutes into the bout, Orlando is able to take control with a big boot straight to the face of Rey Mysterio, and a few submission manovers that almost make the lucha tap out. Orlando grabs Rey up by his head and kicks him in the gut, scoop slamming him to the mat and giving him a big leg drop, but only for a two count. We fast forward to the climax of this bout. Rey nails Orlando with a kick to the stomach, then gives him a hurricanrana that sends him with his head right on the second rope. The fans are going wild. Rey runs to the ropes and goes for the 619, but Orlando ducks it. He then springboards himself for a missile dropkick, but Orlando ducks that as well and Rey nails the referee right in the chin! Mysterio turns back around and hits a combinations of rights and lefts on Orlando, irish whipping him across the ring and giving him a spinning heel kick that sends him flying to the mat. He then goes back out to the apron and hits a springboard leg drop, but nobody's there to count. Mysterio tries to help the referee up, but at the same time Muhammad Hassan runs right into the ring out of nowhere. He takes off his turban and wraps it around Mysterio's head, making it unable for him to see anything. He then gives him a low blow, making him unconscious, and gives him a Flatliner type manover. Orlando and the referee get back up about the same type, and Orlando covers Rey for Mike Chioda to count 1.......2........3! Orlando retains his belt and looks on to Hassan at the top of the entrance ramp, wondering why he helped him win.

    WINNER: Orlando Jordan






    ATTENDANCE: 9013

    TICKET SALES: $ 360520

  3. user posted image

    Superstars to debut; Farewell to a Mcmahon

    Three new superstars are scheduled to make their debuts this week on heat and velocity.  Kazarian is supposed to debut this week on velocity against Nunzio, while Chris Kanyon has been cleared to wrestle again from his knee injury, and has come to a 6 month agreement with world wrestling entertainment.  Kanyon will return to action this week on velocity.  A few ROH and TNA prospects will also compete on velocity.  Cassidy Riley, The SATS, and John Walters will be trying to impress the wwe in some squash matches, and possibly get sent to OVW.

    Vince Mcmahon has announced his official retirement from the industry's on screen affairs.  Vince Mcmahon will make his last appearances on the last raw and smackdown events of the month, explaining his decision to give a farewell to the fans.

  4. user posted image


    TV NETWORK: Spike TV

    Triple H walked out to the ring with his suit on and no intention of wrestling yet. He's about to speak, when the fans start a "CENA! CENA! CENA!" chant, which made him angry as hell. He then challenges John Cena to give him a rematch next week on raw, for the title. Cena comes out and accepts Triple H's challenge, but makes sure that Ric Flair will be banned from ringside.



    Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri vs. The Heat Throbs

    This is by far the easiest match of the night, as Mikey Whipwreck picks up the pin on Romeo in a squash match.

    WINNERS AND STILL TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS: Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri




    Shelton Benjamin is backstage with Charlie Haas. He thanks him for helping him beat Angle at summerslam, and tells him that he'll have his back if something happens to him as well.


    Carlito's Cabana was up next. Carlito walks down to the ring and takes his seat on one of the stools, calling out his guest for tonight, Rob Van Dam. RVD walks out with a whole new attitude. He says the only reason why the fans are at raw tonight is because Mr. Monday Night is there, and everybody knows that he always delivers a great show. Carlito tells Van Dam that he likes his new attitude quite a bit, which RVD agrees to. Van Dam doesn't get to finish his interview though, because out of nowhere comes running Shawn Michaels into the ring. He begins nailing RVD over the head with a series of right hands, clothelining him out of the ring and following up. The two brawl to the back and leave through the crowd.



    Edge and Chris Jericho vs. Kane and The Big Show

    Edge starts this match off in the ring with Kane, but gets dominated early on, tagging in Jericho, but watching him get dominated by the big red machine as well. Jericho and Edge are able to corner The Big Show in mid match, and begin taking advantage of his right leg, which was rammed into the steel post early on in the bout. In the climax of the match, Kane gets tagged back into the ring and starts cleaning house with Jericho and Edge, throwing them both to the outside of the ring and taunting them. They slide back into the ring, but Kane grabs them both up for a double chokeslam, which is however reversed with two kicks to the gut and a double DDT by Edge and Jericho, who almost get a three count. Jericho runs towards the ropes and tries to nail a lionsault on Kane, but the monster puts an arm up and grabs Jericho by his throat on his way down. Big Show runs into the ring and gives Edge a big boot to the face, allowing for Kane to get back up to his feet still in chokeslam position. Show climbs over the top rope and goes to the outside, where he grabs Edge over his shoulder and throws him on the steel steps. Kane gets Jericho up in the air, but Y2J lands on his feet behind the big red machine and pushes Kane into the ropes, going for a rollup on his way back but only getting a two count. Both men get back up, and this time Kane firmly grabs Jericho's neck with his hand, nailing him right down to the mat with a chokeslam! He covers him 1...2...3! Kane and Show celebrate after the match.

    WINNER: Kane and The Big Show





    Kenzo Suzuki vs. Eugene

    Eugene comes back to action once again this week against the vicious Kenzo Suzuki. Eugene enters the ring and begins getting destroyed by Kenzo with some combinations of rights and lefts and some stiff kicks to the gut. Kenzo continues to beat down Eugene for a few seconds, nailing him down with a scoop slam, then giving him a vicious leg drop, but not going for the pin. He continues to beat on Eugene, until he reverses a punch and hit some right hands of his own. He then clothelines Kenzo to the outside and begins doing some Hulk Hogan struts and taunts, until Snitsky comes running out from the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. He waits for Eugene to turn around, then nails him over the head with a vicious big boot, as the referee calls for the bell. Eugene wins by disqualification, but he morally is only a loser. Kenzo and Snitsky continue to beat the crap out of him before walking off with two big smiles on their face, as Bischoff makes his way out to the entrance ramp smiling.

    WINNER: Eugene by DQ




    Kurt Angle is backstage cutting an interview on Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas. He says that tonight, he's gonna' make them pay for what they did to him at Summerslam, and he's gonna' show Shelton Benjamin that his win was only a fluke.


    Eric Bischoff is backstage with Chris Jericho and Edge, who are complaining about their loss to Big Show and Kane earlier. Bischoff says he's gonna give both of them a chance to get their revenge at Unforgiven, since it'll be Chris Jericho versus Kane versus The Big Show versus Edge for the number one contendership to the wwe championship.


    Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels are still fighting in the back, with Michaels nearly destroying Van Dam around with some stiff closed fisted punches and some kicks. He then gives RVD a sweet chin music right onto a table put up against a wall and walks off.



    Triple H, Ric Flair and Kurt Angle vs. John Cena, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas

    A fantastic main event here. Ric Flair started out in the ring with the champ, but quickly got forced to tag out to Kurt Angle by the docta' of thuganomics. Angle, Flair and Triple H hold control of the bout early on for a few minutes, until Charlie Haas is tagged in for his first raw match. He clothelines Flair down a few times, then tries to lock in the Haas Of Pain but gets nailed in the face by a knee smash by Triple H. Triple H, Flair and Angle continue to keep control of the bout, cornering Haas and not letting him tag out to any of his partners. Mid way through the bout, Shelton Benjamin gets tagged in, and he runs into the ring and nails Angle down with a few clothelines. Flair runs into the ring but gets knocked down to the mat by a T-Bone suplex with a cover 1...2...Triple H breaks the count and begins punching Shelton right in the face. He then kicks him in the gut and hooks his arms up for a Pedigree, but John Cena runs in and clothelines him off. Angle then grabs Cena from behind and gives him an Angle Slam, then doing the same to Shelton. He takes off his straps and grabs Shelton's ankle, twisting it and twisting it in hope of him tapping out. Charlie Haas runs into the ring and dropkicks Angle to the outside through the second and third rope, falling right onto Triple H. Flair walks back into the ring and begins nailing Haas over the chest with some of his trademark chops. He tries to irish whip him across the ring but gets reversed, then back body dropped back onto the mat. Haas then grabs him from behind with a German Suplex and a pin 1...2...kick out! The match continues on for another three minutes, until Shelton Benjamin begins brawling with Kurt Angle on the outside, and Ric Flair takes Haas out off the apron. The referee doesn't pay attention, and Triple H turns Cena around and gives him a vicious low blow! He then hooks his arms up for the pedigree and nails it, going for the cover and calling out Hebner as he counts 1...2...3! Triple H, Flair and Angle walk back up the ramp staring down the three losers, who are hitting the ring hard and not accepting their loss.

    WINNER: Triple H, Kurt Angle and Ric Flair






    ATTENDANCE: 9041

    TICKET SALES: $ 361640


    Chris Jericho© vs Booker T - probably won't happen, but I'd like to see it :P.


    Scott Steiner vs Steve Austin


    Raven vs Christian©


    Whiskey Marc vs Cactus Jack


    Matt Hardy vs Edge


    Rey Mysterio vs Billy Kidman


    Sinister Creation© vs Legion of Doom


    CM Punk vs Eddie Guerrero

    BONUS QUESTION:Who will be the next WCW Commissioner (2 points): Paul Heyman.















    CHARLIE HAAS & TORRIE v LANCE STORM & DAWN MARIE - Even though it hurts me to predict against Haas ;_;

  7. WrestleCircle.com News

    Sal E. Graziano has officially been released from his contract on sunday, august 21st, 1998. After a gruesome elbow injury at a house show event, Sal E. Graziano was diagnosed to be out for 16 months. The original decision was to let Sal E. Graziano either sit out his six month deal, or re-sign at an open contract for the next two years. No agreement was made, and Graziano was released of his contract earlier today.

    The rumors have been storming around the ecw as of late as far as who will answer Taz's challenge for Anarchy Rulz. Paul Heyman has already decided on the man that will take on the Human Suplex Machine, but he has been able to leave it unrevealed even to his roster. Many have speculated that it is indeed a wwf or wcw wrestler, that has just been released from the companies. WCW's latest releases include Wrath, Brian Knobbs and CW Anderson, but we still haven't been able to find out which one of those men it actually is, if it's one of them at all.

  8. user posted image


    Danny Doring and Roadkill def. The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks

    In a close bout, Danny Doring picks up the pin on Balls Mahoney with the Mamma Jamma Legdrop off the top rope.




    Lance Storm brutally destroyed Chris Candido backstage, including a superkick that sent Candido smashing through a table.


    Super Crazy fought Tajiri to a draw

    In a fantastic match, Super Crazy and Tajiri were both counted out and continued to brawl to the back, until Super Crazy knocked both himself and Tajiri out with a moonsault from a ladder onto the concrete.




    The Sandman cut a promo telling Raven to go fuck himself, and go back to wcw or the wwf, where he's actually wanted.  He challenges him for Anarchy Rulz to a FIGHT, not a match.


    Bam Bam Bigelow def. New Jack to retain the Television Championship

    Pretty good bout here for the tv title.  Bigelow retained for the right to participate in the anarchy rulz triple threat match for his belt.  New Jack was left in the ring bloody after a vicious attack from Bigelow after the match.






    ATTENDANCE: 3001

    TICKET SALES: $ 90030

  9. user posted image

    - Last week live at ecw on mtv, Raven revealed himself as The Sandman's stalker after weeks of havoc.  Will the two confront each other this week live from Dayton, Ohio, and what will Raven have to say to justify his actions? Also, the second triple threat match for the television title tournament is set for this week, with the winner entering a final triple threat match against Al Snow and Bam Bam Bigelow at Anarchy Rulz.  Lance Storm screwed Chris Candido two weeks ago, and Chris Candido screwed Lance Storm last week.  Will the mind games continue this week as well? Also, Spike Dudley helped Rob Van Dam and Sabu retain their tag team titles against his older brothers, giving a low blow to their careers once again.  What will the Dudleyz have to say about Spike's latest interference? And what about Taz? The human suplex machine challenged anyone in the world for the FTW championship at anarchy rulz, but his challenge went unanswered for week one.  Will anyone accept his challenge on the upcoming ECW on MTV?


    Justin Credible vs. Stevie Richards vs. Steve Corino

  10. user posted image



    The show begins with Taz strolling down the isle with the FTW championship over his shoulder. He slides into the ring and takes a microphone, speaking out to the crowd with a very angry expression on his face.

    Taz: I ain't out here ta' fuck around, alright?

    The crowd gives Taz a mixed reaction, surprisingly.

    Taz: Last week, Tommy Dreamer "beat me" in a one on one match.. And ya' know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I came out here tonight because I'm the best thing ecw has goin' for it.

    Taz pauses.

    Taz: So I'm out here ta' challenge anybody to a match for this belt right here, the prestigious FTW championship. I'm challengin' ANYBODY who's willin' ta' fight the greatest champion in ecw history. It doesn't matter ta' me if it's some random son of a bitch from wcw or the wwf, or even a japanese asshole. I'm throwin' out this challenge for Anarchy Rulz, and it's open ta' ANYBODY.

    Taz stops, putting the microphone down and waiting before speaking again.

    Taz: And this goes out ta' anyone willin' ta' take my challenge at Anarchy Rulz. BEAT ME.. IF YOU CAN.

    Taz pauses again and grins his teeth


    Overall Rating: 86%

    Al Snow vs. Mike Awesome vs. Rhino

    Joey Styles: This match has just been signed by Paul Heyman and it's actually part of two matches for the number one contendership to Bam Bam Bigelow's television championship.

    Cyrus: That's right Joey, as a matter of fact next week right here at ecw on mtv, a second triple threat match between Justin Credible, Tajiri and Jerry Lynn will take place, and then a third and final triple threat match between the two winners and Bam Bam Bigelow is scheduled at Anarcy Rulz.. For the tv title.

    Rhino is already in the ring, as Al Snow makes his way out and runs quickly down holding head right by his side. He slides into the ring and nails Rhino right over the face with head! Rhino gets back up but Al Snow nails him on his chin again with another shot! Snow covers 1...kick out! Mike Awesome runs down to the ring quickly to take part of the action. Al Snow picks Rhino up to his feet, and tries to get him up for a suplex, but Rhino begins punching him in the gut with some hard right hands. Mike Awesome then suddenly comes from behind and big boots Al Snow off of Rhino. The Man Beast drops to the mat and quietly slides under the ring. Awesome walks towards Al Snow and picks him up by his hair, putting his head right between his legs to hit an Awesome Bomb early on in the matchup, but Rhino comes running back into the ring with a warning sign and smashes it right over Mike Awesome's head! Awesome's still not falling, and Rhino just nails him over the head with it again! This time Awesome falls outside of the ring through the second and third rope. Rhino drops the warning sign and walks towards Al Snow, kicking him in the gut and irish whipping him across the ring, then catching him on the way back with a shoulder block. Rhino turns his attention off of Al Snow to check up on Mike Awesome, as Snow grabs the warning sign from the ground and as Rhino turns back around, he nails him right over the head with it! Snow gets back up and climbs up to the second turnbuckle. He jumps off and nails him yet again with the warning sign to the head! He covers 1...2..shoulder up!

    Joey Styles: That was close.

    Mike Awesome makes his way back up to the apron with a trash can lid. Al Snow turns around and notices him, but gets nailed right in the face four times with the trash can lid! Awesome runs into the ring and goes for a cover on Snow 1...2..kick out! Awesome picks Snow up to his feet and begins nailing him over the head with some right hands. He then irish whips him across the ring and catches him off the rebound with a vicious clotheline! Rhino is slowly getting back up to his feet, and Mike notices. He goes towards the turnbuckle, where Rhino's getting up, and irish whips him across the ring into the other turnbuckle, then squashes him with a clotheline. He the tries it again but Rhino holds on with all the strength he has, and is making it impossible for Awesome to get him to leave that corner. Awesome then miraculously irish whips him across the ring, but Rhino lands on the ropes instead of the turnbuckle, and then runs towards Mike Awesome, nailing him with THE GORE! Rhino gets back up and raises his arms, before going for the pin 1...2...Al Snow breaks the count.

    Cyrus: Doesn't get much closer than that, Rhino must be pissed off.

    Al Snow grabs Rhino up for a suplex, which he nails to perfection. He then quickly goes up to the top rope and hits a moonsault on Rhino, covering again 1...2...shoulder up! Al Snow seems to be getting impatient. He grabs head and waits for Rhino to get back up, but Mike Awesome gives him a big boot and sends him flying to the outside of the ring. Now Rhino is back up, and Awesome is taking advantage of it, putting his head between his legs and getting him up, then nailing the Awesome Bomb to perfection! Mike Awesome covers 1...2...Al Snow quickly runs into the ring with head and smashes it all over Mike Awesome, making him crawl over to the corner. Snow covers Rhino 1...2...3! Al Snow runs away with a victory!

    Joey Styles: Al Snow's one of them that's going to meet Bam Bam Bigelow at Anarchy Rulz!

    Winner: Al Snow

    Overall Rating: 73%

    We're taken backstage once again, with The Sandman walking around with a beer in his hand, drinking it up and relaxing. He once again sees a camera following him and stops. He takes his singapore cane and swings right at the camera, breaking it into a dozen pieces but not revealing anyone behind it. All of a sudden, he turns around and swings, nailing a man right in the face and taking off his robe, showing just some no name backstage worker. Another man comes running up from behind and nails Sandman over the head with a steel chain wrapped around his hand. He slowly removes the robe and reveals himself to be RAVEN! Sandman is on the ground, and Raven begins choking him out with the steel chain! Raven leaves the scene with Sandman on the ground begging for air.

    Overall Rating: 93%

    Jerry Lynn vs. Lance Storm

    Lynn and Storm are staring each other down across the ring. They get into a high elbow tie up, until Storm slips out of it and holds Jerry Lynn from behind with an armbar. Jerry Lynn falls to the mat and throws Lance Storm over to the opposite turnbuckle, running towards him and nailing him on the head with a flying enzuiguiri to start the bout! Quick cover 1...2.kick out! Both men are back up to their feet and Lance Storm hits an arm drag on Jerry Lynn, and then another. He kicks him in the gut and scoop slams him to the ground, then giving him a leg drop. Storm grabs Jerry Lynn by the leg and tries to grab him tight into a submission hold, but Lynn reverses it into a small package 1...2...kick out! Both men are back up to their feet. Lynn kicks Storm in the stomach, then picks him up over his head for a suplex, but Lance lands on his feet behind Lynn, and grabs him up for a backdrop with bridge 1...2...kick out! Storm grabs Lynn up by his hair and grabs him right under his arm for a DDT position, but Lynn quickly moves out of the predicament and gives Lance Storm a neckbreaker. He then springboards himself from the second rope and misses a moonsault, with Lance Storm getting right back up to his feet and dropkicking Jerry Lynn right on the stomach in mid air!

    Joey Styles: All I can say.. IS WOW!

    Storm kicks Jerry Lynn in the gut and irish whips him across the ring, following him into the turnbuckle. Lynn uses the top turnbuckle to jump up and behind Lance Storm, then dropkick him towards the turnbuckle and grab him for a school boy 1...2..kick out! Lynn clothelines Storm down to the ground once, he then does it again, then kicks Storm in the stomach and pushes him towards the turnbuckle, where he begins punching and kicking him as hard as he could. Storm turns him around in the corner and begins chopping away at his chest now. He then takes his attention off of him to taunt the crowd, and Lynn nails him over the head with a forearm smash. He then jumps uo to the second turnbuckle and jumps off trying to nail Storm to the mat with a Flying Tornado DDT, but Storm catches him in mid air and reverses it into a northern lights suplex 1...2...kick out!

    Joey Styles: WOW! I thought it was over right there!

    Storm gets Lynn back up by his hair but he gets nailed in the face with some close fisted right hands by Lynn. Jerry then jumps up on Storm's shoulders and goes for a hurricanrana, but Lance Storm grabs him by the leg and turns it into some sort of submission manover. Lynn pulls out all he has and reverses the manover with incredible leg strength, sending Lance Storm flying through the second and third rope. He thne runs to the ropes, catapulting himself over with a somersault plancho right on top of Lance Storm on the outside! He picks Storm back up by his head and throws him back in the ring, jumping on the apron and slowly climbing up to the top rope. He then waits for Lance Storm to get back up to his feet and jumps off with a missile dropkick attempt. Storm moves out of the way and Lynn hits the referee right on the chin! Lynn is going over to check the ref, as Lance Storm waits for him to turn around and nails him right in the face with a superkick!

    Joey Styles: What a cheap shot by Lance Storm!

    Storm covers Lynn, but the referee is nowhere near consciousness. All of a sudden, Chris Candido comes running out to the ring with a lead pipe. He hits Lance Storm over the head with it, then throws it to the outside of the ring. He climbs up to the top rope and smiles as the crowd chants for him, before he jumps off and nails a perfectly executed Diving Headbutt that will keep Storm down to the mat no matter what. The referee is slowly starting to get back up, and now Candido is making his way outside of the ring. Jerry Lynn sees the situation and begins crawling over to Storm. He puts an arm over him and waits for Jim Mollineaux to crawl over as well for the cover. He begins counting slowly 1......2......3! Jerry Lynn has won it with the help of Chris Candido! Candido walks off the entrance ramp with a smile, staring down Lance Storm.

    Winner: Jerry Lynn

    Overall Rating: 80%

    Shane Douglas is walking around backstage, showing backstage workers and some no-name wrestlers his heavyweight title belt. Tommy Dreamer suddenly comes running up from behind him with a steel chair, and nails him right over the head with it! Douglas drops his title, allowing for Dreamer to pick it up and hit The Franchise right on theh head with it, then standing over and posing with the belt with a sadistic smile on his face.


    Overall Rating: 83%

    Rob Van Dam and Sabu vs. The Dudley Boyz [Tag Team Title Tables Match]

    All four men brawl for a few seconds to start the bout. Sabu clothelines D-Von to the outside, then jumps on the top rope and jumps right out on him to knock him down, leaving Buh Buh and RVD in the ring. Van Dam begins nailing Buh Buh with a combination of rights and lefts and some high karate kicks, sending him to the mat with a flying superkick afterwards. He then stands by Dudley and hits a standing moonsault, but obviously not going for the cover as it's a tables match. Sabu is on the outside trying to get a table, but D-Von comes up right behind him and hits him on the back of the head with some right hands. He then takes out a warning sign and tries to hit Sabu with it over the head, but Sabu moves out of the way and D-Von hits the steel steps with the warning sign. Sabu hits D-Von with some right hands of his own to the side of the head. He then quickly climbs up the steel steps and jumps on top of D-Von with a double axe handle smash! Van Dam is on the outside as well, grabbing a table and putting it right outside of the ring

    Joey Styles: The first table is comin' on out!

    Buh Buh slides under the ropes and tries to hit a right hand on Van Dam, who reverses it and hits a right hand of his own. RVD then kicks Buh Buh in the gut and sets him up right on the table. He looks over at Sabu on the other side and tells him to land on top of Bubba to smash him through the table. Sabu grabs a steel chair under the ring and walks towards Van Dam, who tells him to give Buh Buh an arabian facebuster through the table. Big Dick Dudley is now running down to the ring, and Sabu nails him right over the head with the steel chair before he could even make his way out of the entrance ramp. D-Von grabs the warning sign again and smashes Sabu over the head with it. Van Dam runs over to the scene and gets a piece of the warning sign on the forehead as well, splitting his head wide open. D-Von goes over to Buh Buh and takes him off the table, before the two walk over to RVD and Sabu and grab them up by their hair. Van Dam and Sabu then use a combination of right and lefts, then both Dudleyz being knocked to the concrete by spinning heel kicks. Sabu grabs another table, while Van Dam goes back to get the one he placed on the other side of the ring.

    Joey Styles: What the hell are they thinking?

    RVD sets the table up in front of the entrance ramp, while Sabu puts the other table right on top of it, without opening it up. He does the same with about three more tables, stacking them one on top of the other and waiting for Van Dam to put someone on it. RVD grabs D-Von up by his head and sets him up right on the four stacked tables, and holds his legs down. Sabu grabs a steel chair and goes back into the ring, where he jumps up to the top rope and looks to hit an arabian facebuster. Nobody can save D-Von now, but.. All of a sudden Buh Buh Ray Dudley comes running into RVD with a right hand, as Sabu jumps off the top rope, Buh Buh throws D-Von off the tables and Sabu lands right on the stacked tables with the steel chair, knocking himself right out cold! Buh Buh tries to get D-Von back into his senses, as they stare down Van Dam and look to set him through a table and win the match.

    Joey Styles: Remember now, Sabu going through a table doesn't affect this match, as he fell into it on his own.

    Cyrus: You actually need to PUT someone through a table to win.

    Van Dam begins nailing D-Von and Buh Buh with some right hands, but both Dudleyz then knock him straight down to the mat with a double clotheline. D-Von runs over to go underneath the ring to grab another table, while Buh Buh is taking care of RVD on the side of the ring. All of a sudden, the cameras take us to D-Von, who opens up the apron and gets sprayed right in the face by some sort of mist! Buh Buh doesn't notice any of this, and D-Von runs into the fan railing, falling back into it. Spike Dudley then comes running out from underneath the ring as the fans cheer incredibly! Spike grabs a table from underneath the ring and places it against the turnbuckle on the outside. He then stands in front of Buh Buh to get him angry. Buh Buh begins chasing him around the ring, until Spike turns around the corner with the table and Sabu throws a chair right on Buh Buh's face! Sabu then uses all the strength he has left to place Buh Buh against the table and run towards him with a spinning heel kick with the steel chair as well, breaking right through the table! Spike raises his arms up as a sign of happyness for the Dudleyz losing this bout. Sabu, Van Dam and Spike walk off, leaving The Dudleyz down to the ring beaten and embarassed by their little brother again.

    Winner: Rob Van Dam and Sabu

    Overall Rating: 77



  11. user posted image


    Little Guido def. Yin Yang

    Little Guido had control of this match entirely through, winning easily, then celebrating with Tracey Smothers.




    The Sandman was backstage being stalked again.  He looks around and notices a man stalking him, walking towards him, but finds just a camera hidden under a blanket taping him.  A man covered in a long suit comes running out and nails Sandman over the head with some sort of chain wrapped around his wrist, as he quickly runs away without revealing himself.


    Justin Credible def. Mikey Whipwreck

    Whikwreck gives Credible a run for his money, but is unable to win as Credible hits the That's Incredible on a steel chair for the pin.




    Chris Candido cuts a promo on Lance Storm, trashing his style and the way he wrestles completely, and saying that he's gonna' have to deal with Chris Candido at ECW on MTV.


    RVD and Sabu def. Hakushi and Hayabusa to retain the Tag Team Championships

    Best match of the night, which sees the team of japanese superstars almost pick up the win a few times, but RVD pinning Hakushi after a vicious frog splash.






    ATTENDANCE: 3007

    TICKET SALES: $ 90210

  12. I'm trying to answer your questions. The only things you're probably right about are Beulah being injured, Rhino not debuting, the Acid Drop and RVD being the tv champion. Hardcore TV is at midnight on America One, which is pretty much a local network. I'm trying to answer all of your questions, it's not my fault if what I got on obsessed with wrestling is wrong. I looked up the tv title history, and it said Bam Bam Bigelow, then Taz or something, and it said that Super Crazy and Tajiri debuted in 98, it just didn't give me a date so I thought it was before august. I'm really trying to answer your questions, I don't know how much better I can do.

  13. Since I forgot to add it in that post.

    September 19, 1998: Stevie Richards defeated Jimmy Jannetty for the vacant LAW Heavyweight title..

    Stevie Richards wrestled about 30 days after I made him wrestle.

    You're right about Raven though, I was wondering why he wasn't in wcw too.

    Thanks to Steve Corino for the comments, you're now on my stud list :P.

  14. This is just the way I started. Bam Bam Bigelow didn't lose his title, he's still the tv champion. I did do research, and look.

    August 2, 1998--Heat Wave in Dayton, Ohio at Hara Arena: Balls Mahoney & Axl Rotten b The FBI (Tracy Smothers & Little Guido) in a DARK match, Justin Credible b Jerry Lynn, Chris Candido b Lance Storm, Masato Tanaka b Mike Awesome, Sabu & Rob Van Dam b Hayabusa & Jinsei Shinzaki to retain the ECW Tag Team titles, Taz b Bam Bam Bigelow by Submission in a "Falls Count Anywhere" match to retain the FTW title, Tommy Dreamer & Sandman & Spike Dudley b The Dudley Boyz (Buh Buh & DVon & Big Dick) in a "Street Fight"..

    There's one question answered. I'm continuing from that point. Taz is the FTW champion, I just haven't done much with that belt yet. Big Dick Dudley did wrestle in that match at heatwave, so I made him wrestle once more on the show. I explained why ECW on MTV isn't a midnight, ECW on MTV didn't even exsist, I just created it as part of the backstory. Hardcore TV is at midnight. RVD isn't the tv champion, I got confused with the dudley dog, that was my mistake. Shane Douglas didn't have any music to cut, and Francine didn't really talk. I made Sandman/Bigelow a huge match to start the show because it was my first ever ECW on MTV, it would kick it off with a bang.

    Super Crazy debuted in ECW in 1998 and engaged in a sensational feud with Yoshihiro Tajiri..

    Living Dangerously 1998: Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Taz for the ECW Television title in Asbury Park..

    Cyberslam 1998: Al Snow defeated Tracy Smothers..

    March 1, 1998 - Living Dangerously: Lance Storm & Al Snow (mystery partner) defeated Shane Douglas & Chris Candido..

    Wrestlepalooza 1998: Shane Douglas defeated Al Snow to retain the ECW title

    That's just what I took the Al Snow part from, maybe he left for the wwf in late August or early september, should I just fire him so he can go ahead and leave like he did in real life?

    I can't answer your questions about guys leaving to the wwf, and whatever else you want to ask. This is the roster I started with, and I looked as much as I could for information, but this is all I could find. All I know is that I've been busting my ass with these results and doing the best I can, and all I can get is shit from people because my scenario is wrong. " ummm Im going to avoid commenting on the diary, well, yeah ". What the hell is that supposed to mean? I worked incredibly hard on those results, if there were roster changes to be made because the scenario was wrong, somebody should've told me instead of letting me go through with this, but don't insult my writing, I don't need someone on a message board telling me that my results are crappy, because I know for a fact that they aren't. I did the best research I could do and this is all I came up with, if anyone wanted to help me with it like I ASKED, then they would've, but apparently they waited until I busted my ass for three shows, then told me how shitty it was.

    The way I see it. You're right about Corino and Rhino, and probably about Stevie Richards and Beulah, I just didn't know when they debuted, I got confused with the fact that Rhino and Corino debuted in early 1999 with the fact that I'm in late 98. I guess I just boosted their debut up. Corino was already a manager in 98 anyways.

    You can't tell me I haven't done any research, because I'm showing you exactly what I did before I started this diary, I don't know where most of those questions are coming from.

  15. user posted image

    - ECW on MTV continued to shock the world with incredible performances by some of the most talented wrestlers in the world today.  The Dudleyz finally picked up the victory they wanted on Spike, smashing him right through a table and putting him out of action for at least one to two weeks.  Tommy Dreamer also defeated Taz in the most gruesome match aired on the show in the past two weeks, throwing Taz right through a table from the inside of the ring to the outside with a vicious Spiccoli Driver.  Shane Douglas made his mark felt on Dreamer as well, screaming at the end of the show that the title belonged to him.  Is Paul Heyman finally going to go through and book this match? The Sandman's been getting stalked for the past week now, but we still don't know by who.  Will the stalker reveal himself next week? Also, a huge blockbuster main event has been signed for next week's show, as Rob Van Dam and Sabu defend the tag team titles against The Dudley Boyz.


    Rob Van Dam and Sabu © vs. The Dudley Boyz [Tag Team Titles]

  16. user posted image

    " ONE SHOT "


    The Dudley Boyz vs. New Jack and Spike Dudley

    Spike Dudley is in the ring waiting for his tag team partner. New Jack comes out from the entrance ramp, but gets followed by The Dudleyz who begin beating the crap out of him on the outside. Spike stares in shock, as Buh Buh and D-Von powerbomb New Jack into a table that was already set up there and take him out before the match could even begin!


    They begin slowly walking down to the ring and staring down Spike Dudley, as he doesn't know where to go. He runs to the ropes, then catapults himself over the opposite ropes and on top of The Dudleyz, but gets caught in mid air and smashed into the turnbuckle post by Buh Buh head first.

    Joey Styles: BY GOD! That was brutal!

    Cyrus: The Dudleyz want nothing to do with Spike's ways tonight.

    Buh Buh throws Spike Dudley into the ring and follows up right behind him, squashing him with a body splash. D-Von is getting a table on the outside from underneath the ring. He throws it into the ring, while Buh Buh is still destroying Spike with some power manovers. He then clothelines him to the mat and picks him back up to his feet by his hair. He gets his head between his legs and grabs him up, while D-Von has set up the table right in front of him. Buh Buh then drops Spike right through the table with a vicious powerbomb, laying him right out. The Dudleyz stand in the middle of the ring, looking at the crowd with their eyes completely bugging out.


    Buh Buh is consumed with anger at the chants for Spike Dudley. He goes to the outside and grabs one table, while D-Von grabs another and places it on the outside. He then grabs yet another and throws it on the inside. Each Dudley sets a table on each corner, as D-Von picks Spike up and irish whips him to one corner, crashing through one table, then doing the same to the other. D-Von Dudley then gets Spike up by his hair and throws him to the outside, following him right behind and setting him up on the table. Buh Buh climbs up to the top rope as the fans begin screaming and jumps right off, landing straight on top of Spike!

    Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! WHY!?

    Cyrus: All I can think of is that The Dudleyz wanna' end this right here, tonight.

    Buh Buh covers Spike as referee John Finnegan runs out of the ring and begins the count on the outside. 1...2...3! The Dudleyz stare down Spike as they walk back up the entrance ramp, while New Jack is slowly getting up and running to help out Spike

    Winner: The Dudley Boyz

    Overall Rating: 79%

    The cameras go backstage in Paul Heyman's office, where the owner of ecw has a big announcement to make. He's seated on his mahogany desk, with a very serious look on his face.

    Paul Heyman: Last week, I promised the entire ecw locker room that if they impressed me enough, they'd be getting a one on one title shot against Shane Douglas at Anarchy Rulz. Now as you've all seen, there is a man that has done just that, and that man.. IS TOMMY DREAMER.

    The crowd goes wild.

    Paul Heyman: Dreamer seems to think that giving Shane Douglas somewhat of a beating last week is enough to get earn him the title shot, and he's kinda' right..

    Heyman pauses.

    Paul Heyman: You see tonight, in front of this LIVE AUDIENCE HERE IN PHILADELPHIA!

    Cheep pop.

    Paul Heyman: It will be Tommy Dreamer going ONE.. ON ONE.. WITH TAZ! Now if Dreamer impresses me against the HUMAN SUPLEX MACHINE, then I'll consider booking one of the single greatest matches ecw could ever see, Shane Douglas versus Tommy Dreamer. Thank you.

    The fans cheer, as we go back out to the ring.

    Overall Rating: 89%

    Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch vs. Lance Storm

    Candido and Tammy Sytch walk out to the ring and wait for Lance Storm to make his way out as well. Storm stops at the end of the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand and speaks.

    Lance Storm: I don't know if you guys are quite ready for this.

    Candido looks at Tammy with a puzzled expression.

    Lance Storm: Let me make this a little clearer. When I said I'd be taking YOU on in a handicap match, I didn't mean Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch versus Lance Storm, so c'mon out.

    Lance Storm points to the entrance ramp as Candido seems to be perplexed. All of a sudden, Danny Doring and Roadkill make their way out to the isle and walk right by Lance Storm. The three enter the ring together, as Candido tries to take them all out while punching them all in the face.

    Joey Styles: I can't believe that Lance Storm, what a sickening move!

    Chris Candido begins nailing Roadkill and Doring with a combination of rights and lefts and some kicks to go with it. He then irish whips Danny Doring into Roadkill, and dropkicks Doring on the back, forcing him to hit Roadkill in the corner. Lance Storm then suddenly comes out of nowhere and superkicks Chris Candido right on the side of the head! Storm is laughing and staring down Tammy Sytch. He grabs her by the hair and flips her right into the ring! Storm then keeps the hold in and has her grabbed by the hair. He gets her back up to her feet and looks to give her a DDT, but Tammy suddenly gives Lance Storm a low blow! Danny Doring sees the action and quickly runs over, grabbing Tammy from behind. Roadkill runs into the ring, he runs towards the ropes and towards Tammy, but she moves out of the way and forces Roadkill to hit Danny Doring in the face with a forearm smash. She then crawls up to Roadkill from behind and hits a low blow on him as well! Tammy covers Roadkill 1...2...Roadkill pushes Tammy right over his head with incredible strength. He gets right back up to his feet and appears angry. He grabs Tammy by her neck with one hand and looks to give her some sort of chokeslam, but Chris Candido miraculously gets back up to his feet and begins nailing Roadkill with some forearm smashes to the back of the head.

    Joey Styles: Candido's doing everything in his power to protect Tammy!

    Cyrus: The odds are certainly stacked up against him.

    Roadkill irish whips Candido into the turnbuckle and tries to squash him, but gets caught with a big boot to the face. Candido then climbs up to the second turnbuckle and tries to nail Roadkill with a double axe handle, but gets caught in mid air and thrown to the mat by a belly to belly suplex! Danny Doring is back up. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and gives Candido a flying leg drop! Lance Storm gets back in the mix and grabs Tammy Sytch up by her hair. He then grabs her up and drops her down on the mat with a DDT! Roadkill and Danny Doring then hold Chris Candido up and Lance Storm quickly runs towards him and nails him with a superkick, getting the three count. The three men leave the ring with big smiles on their faces, as Candido and Tammy Sytch are on the ground in pain.

    Winner: Lance Storm, Danny Doring and Roadkill

    Overall Rating: 70%

    We're once again taken backstage much like on hardcore tv. We see The Sandman talking to some workers backstage, drinking up a few beers and shooting the breeze with some other ecw wrestlers, such as Mikey Whipwreck and Tajiri. This "home video" type setting is still on the camera, the date is printed right on the top right corner, and breathing is heard quietly in the background. Sandman then walks off from the scene and keeps turning around, with the feeling he's being followed, as the camera turns off.

    Overall Rating: 77%

    Super Crazy vs. Jerry Lynn vs. Tajiri

    What a fantastic match this was. Tajiri and Jerry Lynn begin brawling on the outside, before Super Crazy could even come out Lynn throws Tajiri inside of the ring and jumps up on the apron, but Super Crazy's quick enough to get down to the ring and take Lynn by the foot, making him fall face first into the apron, then knocking him down with a snap suplex. He then gets on the apron himself and climbs up to the top turnbuckle, jumping off and hitting a missile dropkick on Tajiri! He grabs the Japanese Buzzsaw up by his hair and nails him on the forehead with some forearm smashes. He then irish whips him over to the opposite turnbuckle and runs to the ropes. He jumps on the second rope and hits a springboard cross body drop as Mollineaux makes the count 1...2.kick out!

    Joey Styles: These guys are going all out here.

    Cyrus: It's not every night that you get a chance to wrestle right here in Philadelphia, the crowd that MADE ecw.

    Jerry Lynn slides back into the ring and kicks Super Crazy in the gut, grabbing him by his head and hitting a suplex, with bridge 1...kick out! Super Crazy kicks Jerry Lynn on the shin, and jumps up on top of him for a hurricanrana, but as he's about to hit it, Lynn grabs him by his legs and nails him down with a vicious powerbomb keeping the pin locked in 1...2..kick out! Super Crazy turns Jerry Lynn around as Tajiri swings a kick but Lynn ducks right under it. He then pushes Tajiri into the ropes, and on his way back Tajiri swings again and Lynn ducks, but this time Super Crazy had gotten back up and he gets nailed right in the face by the superkick! Lynn grabs Tajiri from behind and goes for a backdrop, but The Japanese Buzzsaw lands on his feet and kicks Jerry Lynn right on the back of thhe head. He turns him around and goes for the cover 1...2...Super Crazy dropkicks Tajiri off of Jerry Lynn.

    Joey Styles: So close!

    Crazy irish whips Tajiri into the turnbuckle, then runs towards him but gets catapulted onto the apron. He then hits a shoulder block on Tajiri and suplexes him over to the outside! He then jumps up on the second rope and hits a springboard moonsault right on the outside, laying out Tajiri! Jerry Lynn is slowly getting back up to his feet. He sees Tajiri and Super Crazy getting up on the outside as well, and runs towards the ropes, catapulting himself over with a swanton bomb type manover, which knocks everyone out!

    Joey Styles: These guys are givin' it all they've got!

    A few minutes later, Lynn picks Super Crazy up and throws him head first into the fan railing, going underneath the ring and picking up a steel chair. He turns back around and Super Crazy is on top of the railing, as he jumps off and superkicks the chair right back in Jerry Lynn's face. He then stands right over him and nails a standing moonsault, as Mollineaux goes to the outside for the pin 1...2...kick out! Super Crazy picks the chair up and nails Jerry Lynn right over his spine with it! He then goes for another cover, but Tajiri runs over and dropkicks him right in the face to break the count.

    Joey Styles: Neither one of these guys is willing to lose.

    Cyrus: What a fantastic showing.

    Tajiri sets Super Crazy up and waits for him to get back to his knees. He then stares him down and gives him a vicious Kick of Death! He's about to go for the pin, but Jerry Lynn gets back up to his feet. Tajiri walks towards him but gets hit in the stomach with a right hand. Lynn then grabs Tajiri up for a Cradle Piledriver, but Tajiri lands back on his feet and suddenly kicks Jerry Lynn right in the head, forcing him to fall to his knees. He then looks at him again quickly and gives him a superkick to the back of the head, crawling over him for the pin 1...2...3! Tajiri has won it!

    Winner: Tajiri

    Overall Rating: 76%

    Taz vs. Tommy Dreamer

    Taz comes running out and throws his towel on the ground. Dreamer meets him half way up the entrance ramp and the two begin exchanging right hands. Taz then spits in Dreamer's face and kicks him in the gut, suplexing him right on the concrete! Taz goes right underneath the ring and grabs a warning sign, which he nails Dreamer right over the head with and busts him open with some vicious shots to the head. He then carries Dreamer to the ring, but gets nailed in the stomach with an elbow on his way down there. Dreamer then kicks Taz in the gut and gives him a DDT right on the concrete. He then walks down to the ring and grabs a 2 by 4 covered in barbed wire.

    Joey Styles: That's why they call him the Innovator Of Violence!

    Dreamer waits for Taz to get back up to his feet, and while the blood is pouring down his left cheek, he smashes the 2 by 4 right on Taz's head, causing him to begin bleeding. He then places it on the ground and picks Taz back up, grabbing his head under his right arm for a DDT, but getting it reversed into a northern lights suplex with a pin 1...2...kick out! Taz gets back up after a few seconds and drags Dreamer down to the ring with the barbed wire 2 by 4 in his other hand. He throws Dreamer into the ring and follows up sliding in and nailing Tommy Dreamer with the barbed wire side of the 2 by 4 right on the spine! Taz then walks back outside and takes out a table, which he throws into the ring. Tommy Dreamer baseball slides and knocks Taz down, while getting back into the ring to set up the table. He places it right in the corner and walks back to the outside to grab another weapon. He takes out a ladder and brings it into the ring, while Taz is getting back in on the other side. Dreamer puts the ladder right around his neck and begins swinging ala Terry Funk. Taz ducks and kicks Dreamer right on the shin, causing him to fall and land with his head on the ladder, snapping his neck beck.


    Taz takes the ladder away from Dreamer and sets it up near a turnbuckle. He also takes the table and places it normally in the middle of the ring, as he punches Dreamer in the back of the head while he's still on the ground. He then irish whips him and bends over, getting kicked right on the shoulder. Dreamer runs to the ropes but gets caught on the rebound by Taz with a T-Bone suplex that puts Dreamer down on the mat. Taz begins climbing the ladder while Dreamer is still on the ground, crawling towards it. He doesn't have the strength to push the ladder over, so he climbs up and gets to the top right around the time Taz gets there. Taz nails Dreamer with some right hands, until both men are up to the top of the ladder with nowhere to go. Dreamer tries to grab Taz in a suplex position, but Taz quickly reverses it into some version of a T-Bone suplex. He then jumps right off the ladder with the T-Bone and lands on top of the table that was set up in the middle of the ring with Dreamer! BOTH MEN ARE LAID OUT COLD.

    Joey Styles: OH MY GOD!

    Cyrus: That's what these guys live for, that's the intensity they put into these things.

    Taz slowly puts an arm over Dreamer and John Finnegan begins the count 1...2...shoulder up! Tommy Dreamer miraculously kicks out! It takes Taz about 35 seconds to get back up to his feet, and it takes his opponent about 55. Taz then shakes off the pain and notices Tommy Dreamer giving him his back as he's getting back up. Taz then runs up behind him and grabs him with a Tazmission! Dreamer is trying to get out of it, but Taz has the hold locked in tightly and is not allowing for The Innovator of Violence to get out of it. Dreamer sees the warning sign he used earlier in the corner, and slowly runs over there to grab it, but Taz's hold is too tight for him to handle. Dreamer then finds a solution by giving Taz a low blow from the front, grabbing the warning sign, turning around and nailing Taz over the head ONCE.. AND TWICE.. AND THREE TIMES! Taz is still not falling, Dreamer runs to the ropes and this time nails him one last time to send him flying to the mat, as he covers 1...2...shoulder up! Dreamer goes to the outside and grabs yet another table. He sets it up right outside of the ring, before going back in and picking Taz up by his head. He looks to the crowd and smiles with his face all bloody. He kicks Taz in the gut and picks him up on his shoulders, catapulting him right over the top rope for a Spiccoli Driver on the outside on the table! He then runs to the opposite ropes and jumps over the top rope, landing right on top of Taz with a body splash! Finnegan covers 1...2...3! What a brutal match.

    Joey Styles: This, my friends, is what ecw is all about.

    Cyrus: It looks to me like Tommy Dreamer has earned his shot.

    All of a sudden, as Tommy Dreamer is slowly getting up and holding his back from the pain, Shane Douglas comes running out of nowhere with his ecw world title belt and nailing Dreamer right over the back of the head with it! Douglas taunts Dreamer screaming "THIS IS MINE!" over and over, until ECW on MTV fades to the black.

    Winner: Tommy Dreamer

    Overall Rating: 87%



  17. 8/10


    I didn't really like Christian retaining, no particular reason really, I just thought Booker T would be a better champ like he was when he started becoming a star in wcw. Haha, I figured I'd go in a different direction and pick Austin Aries, I'm a big mark for Austin Aries, he's one of the only wrestlers I follow on the indy scene. I just think CM Punk is over rated by everyone and always over pushed, I would like to see Austin Aries make a nice mid card champion at some point.

  18. user posted image

    " MYSTERY "


    Taz vs. Al Snow

    The fans go wild, as Taz makes his way out of the brick set and walks towards the ring, followed right behind by Al Snow. Snow punches him in the back of the head, forcing his towel to fall off. He then carries him all the way down to the ring and throws him in by his head, climbing up on the apron and on the top rope and going for a double axe handle, but Taz gets right back up and grabs Snow in mid air, launching him over his head with some sort of T-Bone suplex.

    Cyrus: FANTASTIC T-Bone by Taz.

    Joey Styles: Well, that's what he's known for!

    Taz picks Snow up by his hair and irish whips him across, the ring catching him with a knee to the gut, which flips Al over to the mat. Taz then tries to grab him from behind for the Tazmission, but Al Snow is able to give Taz an elbow to the face to get out of the predicament. Snow then kicks Taz in the gut and grabs him up for a suplex, but Taz slides behind Snow and pushes him into the turnbuckle, grabbing him from behind with a school boy on the way back 1...2..kick out! Both men get back up, but Al Snow floors Taz with a clotheline, and then another. He then kicks him in the gut and begins punching him right in the face a few times, then scoop slamming him to the ground and running to the ropes but missing a leg drop. Taz gets back up his feet, and Al Snow runs towards him, but Taz catches him with a belly to belly suplex and nails him to the ground.

    Joey Styles: Taz is unbelievable Cyrus, I mean, one second Al Snow has the match completely in control, the next it's completely turned around in Taz's favor.

    Cyrus: Well Joey, we both know what Taz is capable of, and Al Snow's just about to find out.

    Taz waits for Snow to get back up to his feet, then grabs him up from behind and locks in a Tazmission, forcing him onto the mat as Mollineaux walks over. Al Snow tries to hang on but Taz's hold is too tight.

    Joey Styles: AL SNOW'S GONNA' TAP HERE!

    Al Snow tries to get to the ropes again, but Taz is holding him down in the middle of the ring. Snow keeps trying and beggin for air, until he suddenly taps out and Taz releases the hold. The Human Suplex Machine gets back up to his feet, staring at each side of the crowd and taunting Al Snow, walking off up the entrance ramp victorious.

    Winner: Taz

    Overall Rating: 79%

    Tommy Dreamer is backstage near the ECW interview set with his lovely lady, Beulah McGillicutty. He stares into the cameras and grins.

    Tommy Dreamer: I hope you like what you saw tuesday at ECW on MTV, Heyman. You told the locker room to do something EXTREME enough for you to give them a title shot at Anarchy Rulz, and I'm doing it! Ya' see, Shane Douglas thinks he's got it made just because he's the champion? Well he's wrong. SCREW SHANE DOUGLAS! Tommy Dreamer is the BALLS of ecw.

    The crowd cheers for Dreamer's comment.

    Tommy Dreamer: I hope you're watching Heyman, 'cause this tuesday night at ECW on MTV, I WILL show Shane Douglas what EXTREME.. really.. means.

    The cameras slowly fade into a commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 75%

    The Pitbulls vs. The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks

    Gary Wolfe and Anthony Durante, The Pitbulls, were already in the ring as the crowd goes wild for the HC Chair Swinging Freaks. The two come out with their steel chairs, obviously, and run down to the ring as fast as they can. They enter the ring and begin punching each of the Pitbulls right in the face as the fans chant along with them. They then swing their arms back and punch each Pitbull in the face, throwing them both to the outside, and raising their chairs up high in the air while the fans keep on cheering.

    Cyrus: These fans sure love these guys, Joey!

    Joey Styles: How can you blame them?

    Balls Mahoney takes his fat ass to the outside, as The Pitbulls are re-grouping near the entrance ramp. Mahoney runs over there and nails Anthony Durante from behind with a steel chair shot! Gary Wolfe notices and swings at Mahoney, but misses, and gets nailed with a chair shot right in the face, busting him wide open but still not knocking him down. Mahoney then takes a bit of a running start and swings as hard as possible, nailing Wolfe with another chair shot and throwing him to the ground. He then picks him up by his hair and throws him inside the ring, while Anthony Durante is getting back up from behind. Mahoney turns around, but he gets nailed with a steel chain shot by Durante, forcing Mahoney to drop his chair to the ground. Axl Rotten is in control of Gary Wolfe inside the ring, and as he's about to nail him with a chair shot, Anthony Durante comes running in from behind and nails him over the back of the head with that same chain. He then wraps it up around his neck while on the ground and begins trying to choke him out.

    Joey Styles: That's just sickening! What a vicious attack by Pitbull #2.

    Pitbull #1, Gary Wolfe, takes advantage of the situation and begins double teaming Axl Rotten, even getting him up in a double suplex with Durante. Then, all of a sudden Balls Mahoney comes running up into the ring with his steel chair. He nails Durante over the head with a chair shot, then does the same to Wolfe, before nailing them both while on the mat and grabbing up his partner Axl Rotten. Balls Mahoney climbs up to the top rope while Axl Rotten is holding his arm up. FLYING LEG DROP TO GARY WOLFE! The cover 1...2...3!

    Winner: The Hardcore Chair Swinging Freaks

    Overall Rating: 65%

    We're suddenly taken backstage, where we see The Sandman being recorded as he walks out of the arena, enters his car and takes off. It didn't appear to be a normal shot, it seemed as if someone was stalking him. He checks out at the front gate, then leaves as the camera turns off, and breathing is heard.

    Overall Rating: 74%

    Blue World Order vs. Rhino, Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon

    Doug Furnas starts off the match with The Blue Nova, as the two exchange right hands and blows to the gut, with Nova getting the best of Furnas and sending him to the ground. He gets right back up and gets a headlock in on Nova, but gets irish whipped into the opposite ropes, then clothelined on the rebound. Blue Meanie gets tagged into the bout and begins nailing Furnas with some right hands right to the forehead. He then spins around and hits him with a final right hand which forces him to tag in Rhino.

    Joey Styles: And here comes the man beast!

    Rhino avoids a Blue Meanie punch and steps around it, nailing Meanie in the face with a series of right hands, then trying to scoop slam him, but unable to, he runs to the ropes and knocks Meanie down with a shoulder block. The fans are giving Rhino a mixed reaction. He gets Meanie up on his feet and throws him right on the turnbuckle, squashing him there with a running clotheline that would make anyone into a sandwhich, and forces Meanie to run to his corner and tag in Stevie Richards. Richards stands at his corner and begins taunting Rhino with some sort of belly dancing move.

    Joey Styles: HAHA! IT'S BIG STEVIE COOL!

    Rhino runs towards Richards but misses a clotheline, and gets superkick right into BWO's corner, where Blue Meanie and Blue Nova molest him with some right hands and just a complete series of annoying moves. Richards then grabs Rhino from behind and backdrops him near his corner, where Phil LaFon tags himself in. LaFon runs right towards Richards, and ducks a Stevie Kick attempt, grabbing Richards up and nailing him down to the mat with a suplex. He then grabs in a headlock, which the fans aren't really appreciating. Nova climbs up to the top rope and jumps on top of LaFon with an elbow drop, then gets dragged back out by the referee.

    Cyrus: Hey! He can't do that!

    Joey Styles: He can do anything he wants, this is ecw baby!

    LaFon is getting back up to his feet, he barely tags in Doug Furnas in the corner. Richards is just now getting to his feet, but is still kneeling on the ground. Then, out of nowhere, he drops Furnas down with a Stevie Kick! Meanie runs into the ring and takes Rhino out in the corner, as Mollineaux makes the count of 1...2...3! BWO celebrate their win after the match, as hardcore tv fades out.

    Winner: Blue World Order

    Overall Rating: 65%




    Chris Jericho© vs Eddie Guerrero


    Raven vs Steve Austin


    Christian© vs Booker T


    Edge vs Matt Hardy


    Cactus Jack vs Whiskey Marc


    Sonny Siaki vs Elix Skipper vs Ruckus vs Billy Kidman

    Bonus question: Which superstar will be the one who gets pinned: Elix Skipper


    Sinister Creation vs Legion of Doom ©


    Austin Aries vs CM Punk

  20. user posted image

    - Last week, ECW on MTV debuted with a bang, with some of the best wrestling we've seen on television in a long time.  Paul Heyman announced that any wrestler who wanted a title shot at Shane Douglas at Anarchy Rulz would have to prove himself first.  Tommy Dreamer did just that.  He completely destroyed Shane Douglas, giving him a Spiccoli Driver right on a steel chair and laying him out, to the joy of his girl, Beulah.  What will Paul Heyman think about that? Is Tommy Dreamer's attack good enough to earn him a title shot? Spike Dudley picked up yet another win against his brothers Buh Buh and D-Von last week.  This week, Spike teams up with New Jack to take on his brothers in a hardcore bout that's anticipated to be vicious.  Also, Lance Storm challenged Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch to a handicap match which was already signed by Paul Heyman and is scheduled to take place this tuesday at ECW on MTV.  Will Lance Storm get his revenge on Candido? Or will Tammy Sytch somehow screw him over again?


    Lance Storm vs. Chris Candido and Tammy Sytch

    New Jack and Spike Dudley vs. The Dudley Boyz

  21. user posted image



    The Sandman vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

    There's no better way to debut ECW on MTV than with the greatest entrance in the history of professional wrestling, to the sound of Enter Sandman by Metallica. The fans patiently waited for the show to begin, but an eruption bursted out as The Sandman made his way out to the ring through the hundreds of fans in attendance. He slides into the ring, with sigapore cane in one hand, beer in the other, and cigarette lit right up in his mouth. He waits in the ring as the fans keep cheering. Bam Bam Bigelow walks out of the pre-built brick set with his television title around his shoulder. He quickly begins running and drops the belt on the outside of the ring. He slides in and runs towards Sandman, but gets nailed in the face with a singapore cane shot!

    Joey Styles: AND ANOTHER!

    As Styles points out, another singapore cane shot to Bigelow's head, almost busting him wide open and sending him to the outside. Bigelow's trying to re-group while checking his forehead for any signs of bleeding. Sandman throws the singapore cane out of the way and climbs out to the apron, jumping onto Bigelow with a double axe handle smash.

    Joey Styles: Boy it sure looks like Sandman came prepared for this one.

    Cyrus: Joey, The Sandman has ALWAYS been ready.

    Sandman now grabs Bam Bam by the head and begins carrying him around on the outside of the ring. He smashes his head into the fan railing and listens to the fans giving a huge chant.


    Sandman paid too much attention to the fans and allows Bam Bam Bigelow to get back in the match with some stiff right hands to the gut. Bigelow then grabs Sandman by his pants and throws him face first into the railing. Bigelow gets right back to his feet and throws Sandman into the ring again, sliding in behind him and covering for referee Jim Mollineaux to make the pin 1..2.kick out! Bigelow hits the ground in anger and picks Sandman back up to his feet, knocking him back down with a scoop slam, then running to the ropes and crushing Sandman with a body splash, which only gets a two count again. Bigelow, angry, rushes to the outside and grabs a steel chair, throwing it into the ring. He hits the ground with it a few times, waiting for Sandman to get back up to his feet, and as he does, Bigelow nails him right over the head with a brutal chair shot that splits Sandman wide open.

    Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! That looked INCREDIBLE.

    Cyrus: The only thing that's looking incredible is Bam Bam Bigelow's chance of winning this match right now.

    Bigelow doesn't seem satisfied with his work, he waits for Sandman to get back up again and swings, but the chair gets punched right back in his face by Sandman. Sandman picks his singapore cane back up and places the steel chair right on Bigelow's head while he's on the ground. He then looks around at the crowd and begins hitting the chair with the cane as hard as he possible could! He then flips Bigelow over and covers him hooking the far leg 1...2...shoulder up!

    Cyrus: This match has been nothing short of fantastic, it's unbelievable.

    Sandman kneels over to Bigelow and gives him a finger, going back to the outside and grabbing another steel chair. He walks into the ring, but Bigelow has already gotten up at this point. Sandman knocks him back down to the mat with a hard chair shot that splits him wide open. He places one chair under Bigelow's head, and one chair over it, then climbs up to the second turnbuckle with the singapore cane in hand and jumps off, smashing Bigelow right in between the chairs with the singapore cane shot! Bam Bam's been laid out cold. Sandman climbs over him, as Mollineaux begins the count 1...2...3! Sandman asks for a beer, then stands up on the top turnbuckle celebrating his win, while the fans sing along to his theme song.

    Joey Styles: THAT is E.. C.. W.

    Winner: Sandman

    Overall Rating: 84%

    The fans are still trying to quiet down from the first match of the evening, which foreshadows a night of classics and great wrestling. All of a sudden, the crowd erupts at the sound of Paul Heyman's theme music playing. He walks right through the brick set and stands at the top of the ramp to hear the fans chant his name. He then walks towards the ring and climbs up the steps, entering through the second and third rope and standing in the middle of the ring with a microphone in hand.

    Paul Heyman: THE WAIT.. IS OVER! ECW has finally landed a tv show, right here, LIVE ON MTV!

    The crowd goes wild.

    Paul Heyman: But you see, I didn't come out here to get a few cheap hometown pops, although I do love being here in New York City.

    Heyman extends his arm towards his ear to hear the cheap pop, which he easily gets.

    Paul Heyman: Tonight started out pretty well I'd say. Bam Bam Bigelow and The Sandman just TORE THE FUCKING ROOF OFF THIS PLACE! But that's not all we have in store for you guys tonight. You see, when I sat down with the MTV board of directors the only thing I could think about was what great heights we could reach. While Vince Mcmahon is busy having his entire roster lick his ass, we're selling out arenas and giving YOU, the fans, the greatest wrestling that you will EVER experience.. Which brings me to my first announcement for tonight, regarding our next pay per view event, Anarchy Rulz. I'm not going to stand here and hand title shots, does it look like I'm Eric Bischoff? This is how things work around here, you get.. WHAT YOU EARN. Therefore, this goes out to ANYBODY in the back who wants this title shot. If you want it that bad, then you'll do something about it! And if I consider it, well, extreme enough.. Then that's your ticket to Anarchy Rulz, the main event!

    The fans continue to cheer, until Heyman begins speaking again.

    Paul Heyman: Oh and one more thing. Just this past weekend, as I was going over some contracts and reviewing some stuff I needed to review, I came across a very interesting piece of paper with a very interesting name on it. This very interesting name happens to be working for world championship wrestling at the moment, but that won't be for long, of course. Now to be completely loyal to this superstar's wishes, I'm not going to mention his name until the day he debuts.. I'll just let Bischoff figure it out on his own! So Eric, if you're watching this, and I know you are. FUCK.. WCW.

    The fans go wild like they never had done before, as Heyman throws the mic on the ground and walks off, while ECW on MTV goes to a commercial break.

    Overall Rating: 87%

    The Dudley Boyz vs. Spike Dudley, RVD and Sabu

    Big Dick Dudley and Sabu start off the match. They grab onto each other in a headlock to begin the bout.

    Joey Styles: It'll be hard to top the Sandman - Bigelow match for sure.

    Cyrus: Well if anyone can pull it off, it's these guys. RVD and Sabu, two of the greatest in this business, and The Dudleyz, I mean, possibly one of the best tag teams in the world right now.

    Sabu beats the living hell out of Dudley, forcing him to tag out to D-Von. D-Von runs towards Sabu but he also gets nailed with a few right hands. Sabu then irish whips him across the ring and catches him with a dropkick, getting a one count only. Sabu tags in RVD, who springboards himself onto D-Von with a superkick from the top turnbuckle. Van Dam picks D-Von back up by his head and begins nailing him right on the head with some forearms, irish whipping him across the ring but getting it reversed, then nailed in the neck area by a hard clotheline from D-Von, who nails Van Dam with an elbow drop and covers 1...2.kick out! Big Dick Dudley comes back into the ring now. He picks RVD up by his hair and scoop slams him, going for a leg drop but missing it. Both men get back up, and RVD begins hitting Dudley with a combination of kicks and punches, to top it off with a superkick Big Dick Dudley down. Both men are on the ground, and desperately trying to get to their respective partners.

    Joey Styles: These fans wanna' see Spike, c'mon Van Dam, tag'em in!

    Both men get to their corners. Buh Buh gets tagged in as well as Spike. Buh Buh runs towards Spike but misses a clotheline, and Spike begins nailing Buh Buh on the stomach with some forearm smashes. He then forces him into the corner and begins punching him as hard as possible. D-Von runs into the ring and tries to clotheline Spike, who moves out of the way and makes D-Von squash Buh Buh in the corner! Spike then gives D-Von a bulldog and dropkicks Buh Buh right into the turnbuckle. Sabu runs into the ring but he quickly catapults himself over the top rope and landing on Big Dick Dudley on the outside! Spike runs towards Buh Buh but gets caught off card by a hard clotheline. Dudley then jumps up to the second rope and looks to squash his brother, until Van Dam runs up to Buh Buh and knocks him off with a flying superkick, that sends Buh Buh on the ground kneeling. Spike sees the opportunity and grabs his brother by the neck, running up the top rope and nailing him with a Dudley Dogg! D-Von is just about to get up, but Sabu pulls him to the outside as Mollineaux makes the count 1...2...3!

    Joey Styles: Spike Dudley has done it again!

    Cyrus: That won't go over well.

    Winner: Spike Dudley, RVD and Sabu

    Overall Rating: 72%

    The cameras take us backstage, where Shane Douglas is standing by with Francine in front of a huge "ECW on MTV" poster. He shines up the world championship on his shoulder and laughs.

    Shane Douglas: Haha, world champion baby, that's me, Shane Douglas. Isn't that right Francine?

    Francine: D... AHHH! LOOK OUT!

    All of a sudden, Tommy Dreamer and Beulah McGillicutty come running into the scenes. Dreamer nails Shane Douglas over the head with a singapore cane shot, while Beulah starts fighting Francine on the ground.

    Joey Styles: CATFIIIIIGHT!

    Beulah and Francine roll all over the ground, while Dreamer still beats the living hell out of Shane Douglas. He takes him by the head and smashes him right into the ECW on MTV poster that was nearby. He then grabs a steel chair and nails Douglas over the head with it, throwing it on the ground. He picks The Franchise back up and gets him on his shoulder, hitting the Spiccoli Driver right on the steel chair! Dreamer and Beulahwalk off laughing, as they leave Douglas and Francine on the ground and in pain.

    Overall Rating: 84%

    We're back in the ecw locker room, where Lance Storm is staring deep into the lense of the camera and speaking.

    Lance Storm: I have a very important message to send. Clearly, I was screwed out of my chances at victory at Heatwave against Chris Candido by that BITCH of Tammy, and I'm not going to allow it. Next week, right here at ECW on MTV, I challenge you, Candido, and YOU, Tammy, to a handicap match. Now I've already talked to Paul Heyman about it, so there's no way that you'll chicken out of this one. Candido, GET READY.. TO FEEL.. SOME CANADIAN.. VIOLENCE!

    The cameras cut the scene, although that wasen't one of Storm's best promos.

    Overall Rating: 66%

    Steve Corino vs. Jerry Lynn

    Lynn and Corino started the match off quickly with some fast paced action. Corino kicks Lynn in the gut and irish whips him to the turnbuckle, where he runs towards him but gets caught in the face by an elbow. Lynn climbs up to the second rope and jumps off, nailing Corino with a hurricanrana and covering him 1...2.kick out!.

    Joey Styles: Jerry Lynn is just amazing.

    Cyrus: He sure is, one of a kind.

    Lynn picks Corino up by his hair and begins punching him and kicking him in the gut, scoop slamming him to the ground, then hitting him with a standing moonsault and covering again 1...kick out! Lynn appears to be angry. He picks up The King Of Old School once again and hooks him up for a suplex, but Corino doesn't allow him to pick him up and instead drops Lynn with a suplex of his own! Lynn gets right back up but Corino hits a standing tornado DDT that looked incredible. He crawls over to Lynn and hooks the far leg 1...2..kick out! Corino grabs Lynn in a sleeper hold, but Lynn easily gets out of it by getting up to his feet and hitting a backdrop. Jerry Lynn climbs up to the top rope with his back to Corino, and jumps off to hit a moonsault, but Corino moves out of the way and Lynn lands right on his face on the mat. Corino covers 1...2...shoulder up!

    Joey Styles: Oh so close!

    Steve Corino tries to go climb up to the top rope himself, but as he's on the apron, Jerry Lynn surprises him and dropkicks him right off to the outside. He then stands b y the ropes and uses them to slingshot himself over and nail Corino on the outside with a somersault plancho! Both men are down for a few minutes, and the fans are getting into this bout. Lynn is the first man up to his feet. He grabs Corino by his hair and throws him into the ring. He then stands on the apron and jumps up on the top rope, nailing Corino with a springboard leg drop. He covers Corino 1...2...shoulder up!

    Joey Styles: OH MY GOD! Corino just BARELY got a shoulder up on that one!

    Cyrus: I gotta' be honest, I thought it was over right there.

    Jerry Lynn picks Steve Corino up by his hair once again. He then kicks him in the gut and looks around to the crowd as they begin to go wild. He tries to grab Corino up for the cradle piledriver, but Corino reverses it into a back body drop, throwing Lynn to the mat. Lynn gets right back up and runs towards Corino, but gets floored with a superkick right to the face! Corino crawls over him with a pin manover as Mollineaux counts again 1...2...kick out! Corino can't believe it. He waits for Lynn to get back up, and as he does, he kicks him in the stomach and tries to hit the old school explosion, but Lynn slips out of it and goes for another cradle piledriver. This one looks like it's about to hit, but Corino suddenly slips behind that and lands on his feet, hitting a surprise Old School Explosion on Jerry Lynn! He covers him 1...2...3! Corino and Lynn are both up on their feet now. Lyn offers Corino a handshake, and the king of old school reluctantly accepts it.

    Joey Styles: What a great show of sportsmanship by two of the best in the business.

    Cyrus: Well, that's all we have for you tonight folks, joins us next week, RIGHT HERE.. LIVE. ECW ON .. M.. T.. V!

    Joey Styles: See you next week!

    Winner: Steve Corino

    Overall Rating: 68%



  22. There's also the problem of wwe.com not existing in 1998.

    I hope that you can turn this around, ECW on MTV at 6 PM is highly unrealistic as Essa pointed out. ECW would likely be on at midnight if it landed on MTV and zscott is obviously not a fan of realism as he thinks that MTV would have ECW replace TRL.

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