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El Presidente

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Posts posted by El Presidente

  1. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Results

    Monday, November 21st, 2005

    The show began with Shane Mcmahon coming down to the ring with an important announcement to make. He said that because of his father's injuries suffered at the hands of Stone Cold Steve Austin, he would not be temporarily taking over the company for a few weeks, possibly a few months. The fans boo, but Shane says that he has some announcements that might make them a bit happier. He says that his first act as the owner of the WWE, is to ban Stone Cold Steve Austin from RAW tonight! And the boos go on and on. Shane then announces that tonight's tag team title match will be a hardcore match. He cuts a promo on possibly having Jericho kiss his ass on best week ever for becoming the WWE Champion and WWE Owner in the same week. (83%)

    Carlito vs. Shelton Benjamin - Just as the match was about to start, Carlito tried to talk Shelton out of facing him because of a "sore toe" he suffered last week against Ric Flair and Chris Masters. Shelton grabbed the mic from Carlito and began nodding, but then quickly screamed a "NAH!" into the mic and punched Carlito right in the head to start the matchup. The two went back and forth for a few minutes, before Carlito could gain the upper hand with a few rights and lefts and some knees to the gut of the former Intercontinental Champion. Mr. Cool continued to dominate this match for about three more minutes, just before he would run at Shelton but would get caught by a powerslam for a close two count. Shelton wasn't done yet, though. He sets Carlito up and tries to nail him right over the chin with a superkick, but Carlito ducks it and rolls Shelton up with a school boy and rolling up the tights but Shelton kicks out. Both men get back up to their feet, but Benjamin quickly catches Carlito right on the chin with a vicious superkick for the three count! Shelton pins the champion less than a week away from Survivor Series. (85%)

    Shawn Michaels is sitting in his locker room, preparing for his match against Booker T later on tonight. He laces up his boots and begins jumping up and down, punching the air and shaking his head quickly, as John Cena walks in. A stare down begins, neither man knows what to say. Cena breaks the ice and talks about how Big Show and Kane screwed them over last week, and how he'd like for Michaels to stay on his side and be professional about this match at Survivor Series, instead of being hungry for gold. Michaels tells Cena that he's been there before, and that he knows what it's like when a few power hungry men turn their backs on him. He tells Cena that it's part of being the champion, and that he shouldn't ask people to be on his side.. However, Michaels is with him. (81%)

    A video plays showing the brutal feud between Ric Flair and Triple H, beginning at homecoming and causing Flair to lose his Intercontinental Title, and both men to be bloodied week after week. The video ends with a promo for their 2 out of 3 falls match at Survivor Series, which announces the first fall to be a singles match, the second fall a submission match, and the third fall (if needed) a last man standing match. They also show a video of what happened to Edge last week, explaining why he couldn't be here tonight after suffering the brutal attack at the hands of a mysterious superstar. (87%)

    We are sent somewhere in a closed set, where Ric Flair is sitting in a chair staring down the camera with a very angry look on his face. He takes his time before starting to speak, and begins talking about his friendship with Triple H. The man better known as "The Game", who he molded into one of the greatest WWE Champions of all time. He says it's extremely dissapointing to have his protege turn his back on him the way he did, but he expected it at one point or another. Ric Flair knows everything there is to know about the industry, and there's not a single person in the back that know more than he does. He saw it coming, but he didn't think it was so sudden, however, it's time for the final showdown. At Survivor Series, Ric Flair versus Triple H, The Nature Boy versus The Game, in a two out of three falls match "WOOOO!" we will finally see who the bigger man is, says Flair, ending the interview briefly. (97%)

    Kane and The Big Show vs. T.N.T - The match started off just as expected, Kane and The Big Show took advantage of their strength and began destroying T.N.T on the outside without the use of any weapons. However, it was only a matter of a few minutes before Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch would start using the weapons they found to their advantage. They both came armed with brass knuckles to the ring, and as soon as Kane and Big Show were looking to put an end to the match early with two chokeslams, they were hit right in the face by two hard punches from each man with the brass knuckles. The two looked at each other and celebrated their strategy, but it wouldn't last for long as Kane and The Big Show both sat up at the same time. Cade grabbed a steel chair and tried to knock The Big Show out with it, but Show simply punched it, and with only the strength of his fist sent it right into Cade's face, throwing one half of the tag champs over the top rope. Murdoch was in trouble, as Kane and The Big Show were looking to finish the job. They both grab him up by his neck and knock him out with a double chokeslam, as Kane covers 1...2...All of a sudden, Kurt Angle comes running out of nowhere and pulls Kane off of Murdoch, bringing him to the outside and hitting him right over the head with a gold medal, then an Angle Slam! Big Show waits for Angle to enter the ring, and as soon as he does, Show grabs him by the neck for a chokeslam, but it was only a diversion. Shane Mcmahon shows up from behind and nails Big Show with a low blow, allowing Angle to get another Angle Slam this time on The Big Show! Murdoch crawls on top of the big man for the three count, and T.N.T retain the titles. (74%)

    Victoria vs. Mickey James - A pretty good women's match here, as Victoria locked up with Mickey James less than one week away from her title shot against Trish Stratus at Survivor Series. Victoria had control of this match throughout, showing Trish Stratus that she's the better woman apparently, sending a message. But just as she was about to finish off James, she grabbed her up for a widow's peak, but Trish Stratus ran up to the apron for distraction, allowing Mickey James to grab the pin with a school boy rollup. James and Stratus celebrated after the match as they walked to the back and left Victoria as angry as ever. (70%)

    Booker T is walking backstage, punching the air and preparing himself for his match against Shawn Michaels tonight, possibly one of the biggest matches of his career. Kurt Angle suddenly shows up by him. They first laugh at what Angle and Shane were able to do to Kane and The Big Show, but Angle gets a bit more serious. He tells Booker that no matter what happens tonight, he's got his back, and he hopes that it'll be like that at Survivor Series too. He offers to take out every other person in the match, and to leave the belt on the line between each other. Booker says he'll think about it, as we cut to commercial break. (92%)

    Triple H vs. Eugene - This seemed to be just a warm up match to get Triple H ready for Ric Flair at Survivor Series, but boy was that wrong. Eugene came out fighting, angry at Triple H for hurting one of his heroes, Ric Flair. Eugene didn't care that Triple H was one of his favorite wrestlers, he destroyed him in the early goings of the match, with the crowd behind him and continually hit The Game with a series of technical manovers. Suddenly, Triple H reversed the momentum with a knee to the gut and a cheap eye rake which put him in control. The Game now dominated the matchup and made an example of Eugene, nailing a quick Pedigree for the win, but not being over there. He continued to hammer Eugene over the head and beat him to a pulp, before Ric Flair could come out and the two started fighting right in the middle of the ring. Flair wasn't wasting any time, he destroyed Triple H with a series of right hands and backhand chops, and sent him flying over the top rope, nursing his friend Eugene near the bottom turnbuckle. (82%)

    After a commercial break, Booker T and Shawn Michaels were in the ring, getting ready to face each other in this singles match. All of a sudden, Eric Bischoff makes his way out to the entrance ramp and announces that their match will actually be a lumberjack match, instead of a singles match. Angle, Shane Mcmahon and John Cena were already at ringside, but various superstars including T.N.T, Snitsky, Tyson Tomko, Carlito, Chris Masters, Rob Conway and other heels made their way down to the ring, sorrounding Shawn Michaels. However, their target wasn't HBK, they began beating the hell out of John Cena, and nobody was there to help him, as he was destroyed by Chris Masters with a Masterlock, and then a brutal elbow drop by Shane Mcmahon that breaks through the announce tables. (90%)

    Shawn Michaels vs. Booker T - The chaos on the outside was obviously confusing the two, but Booker T obviously seemed to be the calmer one, knowing that 98% of the men out there were there to help him, not Michaels. This was a fantastic match, and Booker T really showed that he can be up there with one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Surprisingly, Michaels took control of the match early on with a few shots to the head and some of his trademark moves, like the flying forearm smash and quick sit up, but it wouldn't be long before Booker T could find an opening to send Michaels flying over the top rope and allow the dozens of RAW superstars to destroy him. Michaels fought most of them off though, even giving Tyson Tomko a Sweet Chin Music and quickly making his way back into the ring under the bottom rope, but Booker T was ready for him with a series of kicks to the already injured back of Michaels. Booker continued to dominate the matchup for about four minutes, before a missed spinning heel kick allowed Michaels to nail the Booka man over the head with a Sweet Chin Music! The fans were screaming, they thought it was all but over, as Michaels slowly crawled on top of Booker T and 1...2...shoulder up! Booker T miraculously kicked out of a Sweet Chin Music! Now Michaels was back up to his feet and setting up his opponent for yet another Sweet Chin Music, but this time before he could even hit it, just as Booker got up to his feet, Kurt Angle pulled Shawn Michaels's foot and carried him to the outside of the ring, hitting him over the head with a series of right hands and using Snitsky to destroy him as well, with Carlito getting a few shots in also, but HBK wasted no time in getting right back at them with a series of right hands, running right back into the ring but still staring at the men on the outside, allowing Booker T to get a cheap shot in with a crescent kick to the back of the head. All of a sudden, dozens of other RAW superstars come to the aid of Shawn Michaels. A huge brawl starts on the outside, leaving Booker T and Shawn Michaels in the ring alone. Booker is watching the battling on the outside, and doesn't realize that John Cena is standing right behind him with a steel chair waiting for him to turn around. Booker does, and Cena swings at him with the chair, but Booker T ducks and Cena ends up nailing Michaels right over the head with it! He covers HBK 1...2...3! Booker T just used Cena to win the bout! As he, Shane Mcmahon, Kurt Angle, and T.N.T walk away in celebration. Cena is now waiting for Michaels to get back up to his feet. The two argue for a few seconds, with Cena standing a few steps away from Michaels just to let some heat burn off. Cena turns right around but gets nailed with a Sweet Chin Music by Michaels! The cameras zoom in on HBK's face, as he stares down Cena on the ground with a very angry expression, we fade to the black with the RAW logo at the bottom left of the screen. (91%)

    Overall: 85%

    TV Rating: 6.45

    Short Results:Shelton Benjamin def. CarlitoT.N.T def. Kane and The Big Show to retain the Tag Team TitlesMickey James def. VictoriaTriple H def. EugeneBooker T def. Shawn Michaels in a lumberjack match
  2. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Preview

    Monday, November 21st, 2005

    We are less than one week away from one of the biggest events of the year: Survivor Series, as the WWE Championship will be on the line in 5 vs. 5 tag team match. Last week, we saw Kurt Angle and Booker T, and Shawn Michaels and John Cena work well together in two practice tag team matches for Survivor Series. This week, a preview of what's to come in Detroit on sunday, as T.N.T defend their tag team titles against Kane and The Big Show in a match where countouts and disqualifications will result in a title change, and Booker T w/ Shane Mcmahon and Kurt Angle goes one on one with Shawn Michaels w/ John Cena and Stone Cold Steve Austin!

    Also, what will Triple H have to say about Ric Flair's sneak attack in the parking lot last week? And what will Ric Flair have to say about Triple H costing him the Intercontinental Championship to Carlito? Just one week away from their two out of three falls match, and this is when we will find out what the three matches will actually be. What does Eric Bischoff have in store for the two legends?

    Will there be any more confusion between the ten men involved in the WWE Championship match? Will Carlito prance around with his Intercontinental Title and shove it in everyone's face as he walks by them? Will his challengers have something to say about it? Tune in to Monday Night RAW at 9/8 central to find out.

    Confirmed Matches:

    Kane and The Big Show vs. T.N.T © [Tag Team Championships]

    Shawn Michaels w/ Stone Cold Steve Austin and John Cena vs. Booker T w/ Shane Mcmahon and Kurt Angle

  3. IPB Image


    Sunday, November 20th, 2005

    • Rene Dupree def. Matt Striker (62%)
    • Val Venis def. Joey Ryan (60%)
    • Victoria def. Mickey James (63%)
    • Eugene def. Johnny Parisi (62%)
    A hype video for Rob Van Dam was played, hyping his return at Survivor Series (79%)

    Overall Rating: 58%

  4. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Results

    Monday, November 14th, 2005

    Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. Ric Flair - The match started off with Masters and Carlito desperately trying to double team the Nature Boy and gain an early advantage that would leave them as the only two men able to stand to continue the bought. Flair was able to fight both men off early on with a few hard backhand chops to both chests, and one that even sent Carlito flying to the outside and left Flair and The Masterpiece facing off in the ring alone, exchanging right hands for a few seconds, then starting an all out brawl with Flair getting the best of it and nailing Masters in the gut with a knee, then knocking him down with a backhand chop and trying to connect with a figure four, but Carlito runs back into the ring and gives Flair a dropkick that forces him to fall off of Masters. The bout goes on for about another six minutes, with Carlito and Masters using their double team manovers to take out Flair, until 'Naitch could finally make his way back up to his feet and start standing up for himself once again. He gives both Carlito and Masters a series of right hands, then clothelines Masters down and grabs Carlito by the legs, putting him down on the mat and trying to set him up for the figure four, but Masters gets back up and tries to hit Flair over the head with a forearm smash. Flair ducks and Masters ends up hitting the referee right in the face. Flair knocks Masters out of the ring and gets ready to get to Carlito once again, but all of a sudden Triple H climbs over the fan railing with a sledge hammer and runs into the ring, nailing Flair from behind on the back of the neck! Triple H continues to finish the job with another few sledge hammer shots until the referee gets up, as Carlito climbs on top of Flair for the three count to regain the Intercontinental Championship! (80%)

    Eric Bischoff is shown on the big screen, announcing who the number one contender to John Cena's WWE Championship would be at Survivor Series. He says that after watching Kurt Angle and Shawn Michaels perform like true heroes lately, he has decided to award them with another shot, but it wouldn't be in a fatal four way match. He announces that the main event at Survivor Series will be a classic 5 on 5 match that will feature two teams made of the best superstars from RAW. Team 1 will feature WWE Champion John Cena, Shawn Michaels, Kane, The Big Show.. And STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN! While Team 2 will include newly arrived Booker T, Kurt Angle, T.N.T, and Shane Mcmahon, with one catch. The one man left standing will be crowned the WWE Champion! The fans go wild at the announcement. (82%)

    Edge is backstage talking about his open hardcore challenge at Survivor Series for a few seconds. He says that he has heard a few names already looking to accept, but that none of them are worthy opponents. He mentions a few superstars like Sabu, The Sandman, New Jack, some people that can really call themselves "hardcore", then laughs it off and makes a mockary out of ecw. He ends the promo with saying that he'll also be watching the elimination match for the WWE Championship very closely, because the winner of that match.. is gonna' be his at the Royal Rumble. (76%)

    Shelton Benjamin, Kane and Big Show vs. Rob Conway and T.N.T - T.N.T start the match off fighting Kane and The Big Show on the outside, gaining an early advantage but then getting completely destroyed against the fan railing by the two monstorous individuals. Kane ends up chokeslamming Lance Cade on the padding, and Big Show gives Trevor Murdoch a Showstopper right on top of Cade as well, leaving Conway and Shelton in the ring to fight. Conway grabs the upper hand with a few quick technical manovers, but Shelton ends up reversing the momentum quickly with some sort of a reverse scoop slam type manover with a pin for only a two count. After a few minutes go by, all six men are back up on the apron, but chaos erupts once again, and this time it's Shelton and Conway that go flying to the outside over the top rope with a clotheline by Shelton, allowing Kane and Big Show to give Cade and Murdoch two more chokeslams for a double pin. Kane and Big Show stand tall at the end of the bout, showing T.N.T what they're really made of. (73%)

    Triple H is shown walking in the backstage parking lot with a big smile on his face, getting ready to enter his car, when all of a sudden Ric Flair shows up out of nowhere and completely annihilates Triple H! He has a steel chair in hand, and he begins nailing The Game over the head with it multiple times, then once he gets him on the ground he begins hitting him right over the back of the head with continuity. He then picks Hunter off the ground and places him right up against his own car, smashing his head right into the window and leaving Triple H bloodied on the ground with a huge smirk on his face, followed by a thunderous "WOOO" from the crowd. (99%)

    Tajiri vs. Kerwin White - It was announced before this match that the Intercontinental Championship would be on the line at Survivor Series in a fatal four way match that will see Carlito vs. Chris Masters vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. the winner of the Tajiri/Kerwin White match taking place right here, and it was a fantastic match. Tajiri and White exchanged rights and lefts with some kicks by the Japanese Buzzsaw early on, reading each other's moves perfectly and going to work on the parts of the body they found to be the most effective. Kerwin White grabbed the upper hand of the bout for about two and a half minutes, before he would irish whip Tajiri into the corner, but Tajiri quickly blocked himself against the turnbuckle and when Kerwin began running towards him, Tajiri planted him with a superkick right on the chin, going for a cover but only getting a very close two count because Kerwin White could get his foot on the bottom rope. Both men wanted to be in this match badly, and Kerwin White came incredibly close to winning when he grabbed the g olf club he proudly carried down to the ring to hit Tajiri, but was stopped by the ref, and just as he turned, Tajiri caught him over the head with a springboard dropkick that left Kerwin a bit unconscious. White slowly made his way up to his knees, and Tajiri easily nailed him with a Buzzsaw kick for the pin in a great match between two of RAW's most talented superstars. (85%)

    Booker T and Kurt Angle were standing by backstage with Todd Grisham, and after hearing the announcement of the 5 vs. 5 match at Survivor Series, they had quite a lot to say. They first announced that they would be practicing on their teamwork tonight as they took on The Hurricane and Rosey, but they also went on to say that none of the men on the opposite team have half the strength, agility, and charisma that they have. They called John Cena a few names, and did the same to Michaels, completely ignoring Kane and The Big Show, and making a mockary out of Stone Cold Steve Austin being placed in a title match after years of absence from the ring, which they believed to be unjust. "He was arrested anyway, sucka won't show up" is all Booker T had to say about it before we went to a commercial break. (94%)

    Booker T and Kurt Angle vs. Justice League - Hurricane and Rosey came out fighting, they were in no way willing to lose this match easily and they showed the two pros as soon as the match began with some double team manovers that sent Booker T and Angle to re-group on the outside, just as Rosey catapulted Hurricane over the top rope to land on the two with a cross body! It wasn't looking good for Angle and Booker, as they looked like they were about to get beat instead of make an impression on Eric Bischoff before Survivor Series. The momentum was all in Justice League's favor, as Booker T was thrown into the ring by Rosey and The Hurricane climbed up to the top rope. He jumped off trying to nail him with a flying clotheline, but gets caught in mid air by a crescent kicked that put the lights out completely and looked phenomenal! Booker and Angle continued to dominate from there on, until Rosey was tagged in and things weren't looking good, as the big man was making good use of his size advantage to take the upper hand. All of a sudden, Shane Mcmahon is shown running down to the ring with a steel chair, the referee stops him on the apron, but Shane causes enough of a distraction for Kurt Angle to nail Rosey from behind with a low blow, making him bend over in the middle of the ring, in perfect position for Booker to hit the Scissors kick and cover for a three count. Shane enters the ring to celebrate with his team mates at Survivor Series, and the fans are booeing, as all of a sudden Stone Cold Steve Austin arrives with his pick up truck! Shane can't believe it since he knows that Stone Cold was arrested, and the fans are going absolutely wild. The truck stops right outside of the ring, but SWERVE! Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch come out of the truck with their cowboy hats and a few beers in their hands, with two very big smiles on their faces. Shane, Kurt, and Booker laugh it off as a great prank pulled off to the fans, as T.N.T enter the ring and help beat down the former tag team champions. The five men stand tall in the middle of the ring as we cut to commercial break. (89%)

    John Cena is shown backstage getting ready for his own tag team match later on tonight. Shawn Michaels enters the locker and begins talking to Cena about what kind of idiots Angle, Booker, Mcmahon and T.N.T are, making a mockary out of Stone Cold Steve Austin, one of the biggest legends in the industry. Cena agrees, but tells Michaels that he doesn't trust him, however, HBK says that he's got his back.. even though at Survivor Series, he'll do whatever it takes to be the last man standing. (89%)

    We are now brought somewhere in the parking lot, where a crowd has formed looking down at the ground with Bischoff running to the scene as fast as he could. He gets to it and sees Edge left bloodied laying there on the concrete, and angrily asks everyone around who did this, but nobody could give him an answer. Only one sign has been left, Edge's chest has a huge inscription spray painted on it that says "YO, IT'S ME, IT'S ME", which makes the crowd go absolutely wild. (77%)

    John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Snitsky and Tyson Tomko - It was obvious that Eric Bischoff was desperately trying to accomodate Angle and Booker, but give Cena and Michaels the toughest of times, as they were dominated in the early goings of the match by the two beasts of Tyson Tomko and Gene Snitsky. Snitsky and Tomko cornered Michaels, as he desperately tried to tag in Cena but was unable to as he was destroyed by big boots and other power manovers used by the big men all throughout the matchup. Michaels then suddenly nails Tomko with a flying forearm smash and flies to his corner to tag in John Cena, who quickly runs into the ring and begins nailing Tomko over the head with a series of right hands. Snitsky runs in and tries to hit a big boot, but Cena ducks and Snitsky ends up hitting Tomko with it! Cena waits for Snitsky to turn around and hits him with a flying forearm of his own, pumping up his shoes and hitting the five knuckle shuffle. He then waits for Snitsky to get up and looks to set him up for the FU. All of a sudden, Booker T, Kurt Angle, and Shane Mcmahon are seen running down to the ring. Michaels quickly sits up and gives Angle a Sweet Chin Music as soon as he gets on the apron. Cena gets Snitsky up on his shoulders and hits the FU for the three count. It was all but over though. Booker and Shane ran into the ring and began brawling with Cena and Michaels, then joined by Angle and the numbers game played a big part in this. Kane and The Big Show and T.N.T also joined the mix but it seemed like Angle, Booker, Shane and T.N.T were getting the best of this in a five on four situation, when all of a sudden, #GLASS SHATTERS# And Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way out of the black curtain and onto the entrance ramp. He runs down to the ring and begins a hell of a beat down on every man left standing. He disposes of everyone over the top rope, and then waits for Shane Mcmahon to get back up from an FU he received from Cena, and knocks him the hell out with a Stunner! Austin offers to grab a couple of beers, and begins offering them to everyone else, who takes them willingly. Kane and The Big Show suddenly drop theirs though, and grab Michaels and Cena up with their massive arms to knock them down with two chokeslams! Austin begins screaming in Kane's face, and The Big Show tries to sneak attack him but he accidentally clothelines Kane down and gets a Stunner from Austin! Austin also gives Kane a stunner as he makes his way back up to his feet, and is the only man left standing. What the hell is going on? This is pure chaos! (79%)

    Overall: 83%

    TV Rating: 6.81

    Short Results:

    Carlito def. Ric Flair and Chris Masters to win the Intercontinental TitleShelton Benjamin, Kane and The Big Show def. Rob Conway and T.N.TTajiri def. Kerwin WhiteBooker T and Kurt Angle def. Justice LeagueJohn Cena and Shawn Michaels def. Snitsky and Tyson Tomko

  5. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Preview

    Monday, November 14th, 2005

    Despite the fact that John Cena walked out of Taboo Tuesday still as the WWE champion, it took less than a week for numerous amounts of men to take a stab at being the number one contender. Booker T spoke about a promised title shot from Eric Bischoff, Kurt Angle did all he could to get back in the title picture with a great tag team match win, Edge spoke aobut his Money In The Bank title shot which he still hasn't used, and Shawn Michaels continued to increase the tension with the champ after an accidental Sweet Chin Music on Cena in a tag team match. Who will the real number one contender be? Find out this monday night at 9/8 central on the USA network.

    Also last week, Ric Flair retained the Intercontinental championship against Carlito, but was then viciously attacked by Triple H after the match came to an end. This week, Flair puts his belt on the line once again in a triple threat match involving Carlito and Chris Masters, with Triple H certainly lurking around the building looking for the Nature Boy to finish off the job he didn't quite finish last week. Can Flair once again retain his title?

    And what about the Stone Cold Steve Austin/Shane Mcmahon deal last monday night? We all saw Shane forcing Austin into an attack that made him get arrested by dozens of police officers, but will that really be it for the Rattlesnake? We've seen him defy authority before, what tells us that he won't try to do it once again to the new Mcmahon in town?

    Confirmed Matches:

    Chris Masters vs. Carlito vs. Ric Flair © [intercontinental Championship]

    Shelton Benjamin, Kane and The Big Show vs. Rob Conway, and T.N.T

  6. IPB Image


    Sunday, November 13th, 2005

    • The Heart Throbs def. Kevin Steen and Joey Ryan (68%)
    • Tyson Tomko and Snitsky def. Viscera and Val Venis (63%)
    • Kerwin White def. Rosey (76%)
    • Rob Conway def. Tajiri (72%)

    A hype video for the Triple H/Ric Flair feud played, showing the fantastic match between them at Taboo Tuesday, and then the surprise attack last week after the Intercontinental Title match against Carlito. As soon as the video is done, a match is announced for the next night's raw, featuring Ric Flair defending his Intercontinental Title once again in a triple threat match against Carlito Caribbean Cool, and Chris Masters. (97%)

    Overall Rating: 68%

  7. IPB Image

    WWE RAW Results

    Monday, November 7th, 2005

    As RAW got on the air, Eric Bischoff plastered the screen with his disgusting mug smiling, probably at Smackdown's defeat at Taboo Tuesday this past tuesday night. After the fans have to put up with Bischoff's huge smile for about seven seconds, he finally announces that there's actually a reason why he's so happy, and it's that he has been able to regain Booker T from the grasp of Theodore Long! The fans give it a mixed reaction, happy to see Booker back on RAW but unhappy to see him do what he did at Taboo Tuesday. Booker T wastes no time making his way to the ring and giving Eric Bischoff the right kiss up that will apparently earn him his promised title shot at John Cena at survivor series. Bischoff gets a bit more serious though, and tells Booker that to have that title shot he must prove himself against a very worthy opponent RIGHT NOW. Bischoff quickly calls out Eugene and rings the bell, letting the match begin. (82%)

    Booker T vs. Eugene - Booker T dominated this matchup and really showed that he can be a dominating force for RAW. Just as Eugene entered the ring, Booker hit him with a crescent kick and knocked him out almost ten seconds into the matchup, as Bischoff looked on and applauded the efforts of his new acquirement from Smackdown!, but Eugene was able to kick out at two. After about four minutes of complete domination by Booker, Eugene began taking advantage of a missed scissors kick with some power moves and a very close Rock Bottom. Booker T, however, countered it with an elbow to the side of the head and finished Eugene off with a fantastic Book End getting the three count, then celebrating with Bischoff in the ring. (81%)

    John Cena was backstage with Maria Kannelis, trying to show his anger towards Eric Bischoff. He talks about the lack of equality between RAW superstars and superstars exported from Smackdown! However, he says, some superstars, without mentioning the name of Booker T, get a special treatment for officially joining the wimpy ass kissers club. He then announces that later tonight he will team up with Shawn Michaels to take on Kurt Angle and Edge. He also says that Bischoff better have something other than Booker T in store for John Cena at Survivor Series, because he certainly wants a challenge on one of the biggest pay per view events of the year. (84%)

    T.N.T vs. Kane and The Big Show - Kane and Show were desperate to get their revenge on Murdoch and Cade after the very surprising loss at Taboo Tuesday which allowed T.N.T to retain their tag team title belts after a low blow by Lance Cade. This match had a completely different vibe to it. Here, Kane and The Big Show weren't out to win the belts, but to win back their dignity. The bout didn't even have time to start, it didn't matter who the legal man was, Big Show and Kane grabbed the tag team champions hard with their right hands and brought them up to the air for a fantastic chokeslam which knocked them out early on! It wasn't over there, though. Kane went to the outside to grab a steel chair as The Big Show quickly tossed Trevor Murdoch to the outside over the top rope. Kane was ready for his revenge on Lance Cade as he brought the chair into the ring and begged Big Show to hold it for him while he chokeslammed him straight on it. Murdoch, however, was able to pull Cade out of the ring by his foot under the bottom rope and the tag champs were counted out for a loss, with their titles still in their hands. (74%)

    Edge was backstage cutting an interview. He heavily stressed the fact that he still has a contract to face the WWE champion from now until Wrestlemania, and he just wanted to remind all of the fans that the time might be sooner than they think. It didn't matter now, though, as Survivor Series is just a few weeks away and Edge is in no way going to involve himself in anything that's not a one on one shot at John Cena. That brought him to his next point, after kissing Lita, Edge announced an open challenge to any superstar that is NOT in the wwe or on the raw brand at the moment to face him in a no disqualification, everything goes, falls count anywhere match in which he will finally prove the supreme dominance of RAW over Smackdown! AND the entire wrestling world, including non-wwe workers. He dares anyone to accept his challenge and even puts his contract to face John Cena on the line in case of a loss. (80%)

    Carlito was standing by in the ring for Carlito's Cabana next, and his special guest for the night is none other than the Intercontinental champion, recent from a win against his former best friend Triple H, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Flair made his way out to a huge standing ovation, carrying the Intercontinental title belt over his shoulder and smiling, knowing that the fans are paying their homage for a great victory against Triple H in a steel cage match at Taboo Tuesday. The two chat about the importance of being called the Intercontinental Champion, and Carlito actually extends his hand out to Ric Flair to honor him as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. Flair is reluctant to take the handshake, but accepts it, just to get cheap shotted with a microphone by Carlito. Eric Bischoff makes his way out to the entrance ramp and announces that Carlito would be taking on Ric Flair for the Intercontinental title after a commercial break. The Cabana set is removed and the two get ready for battle. (79%)

    Carlito vs. Ric Flair - Carlito begins the bout with an easy advantage, after cheap shotting Flair on the set of his Cabana, he is also able to capitalize on Flair's injuries from the cage match at Taboo Tuesday with some submission manovers, and even Flair's own figure four leg lock at one point in the matchup. Flair is able to fight back with a series of right hands and backhand chops that get the crowd pumped and chanting the "WOOOO" over and over again. Flair irish whipped Carlito into the ropes and caught him right over the chest with a heck of a backhand chop that turned the match around. After Carlito tried to grab Flair into a rollup, Flair countered and was able to lock in the figure four, forcing Carlito to tap out after a pretty decent bout. Flair asks Lillian for his Intercontinental Title belt, which he holds up in the air in celebration when.. BAM! Triple H shows up from behind and nails Flair right over the back of the head with a sledge hammer! Triple H is still covered in bandages from the cage match at Taboo Tuesday, but he's still relentless on the attack on his former mentor, taking his Intercontinental Title and completely disrespecting it by spitting on it, then walking away, leaving his sledge hammer right next to Flair in the middle of the ring. (82%)

    Trish Stratus, Mickey James, and Ashley vs. Victoria, Torrie Wilson, and Candice Michelle - This was as pointless of a match as there could've been. Mickey James showed quite a lot of talent with some high flying manovers and a very nice set of suplexes on Victoria, but it didn't seem like enough. Confusion hit the ladies when Torrie Wilson helped Victoria climb out of an uncomfortable situation with Mickey James attempting to finish her off with her own version of the Stratusfaction. Ashley quickly ran into the ring and took down Torrie Wilson, flying outside of the ring through the first and second rope. Trish and Mickey James took the opportunity to throw Candice Michelle off the apron and give Victoria a double chin kick, allowing for Trish to get the pin with all three women celebrating afterwards. (70%)

    We are taken backstage to the parking lot, where Stone Cold Steve Austin is screaming at someone that the camera doesn't show. He continues to tell him that his family should take responsibility for their actions, and when they promise something, they should come through with it. The cameras move around to show that it is Shane Mcmahon that Steve Austin is actually talking to. Shane is standing by with a dozen police officers at his side, just waiting for Austin to snap to give the signal for him to be arrested. Shane says that JR will NEVER step foot in a wwe arena again, as long as he's alive. Austin says that there might be something he has to do about that then. He quickly punches a few of the security guards and tries to take down Shane, but is stopped and quickly arrested before he could continue his attack. The scene cuts on Shane's face, smiling, as Austin is taken away. (92%)

    A video is played, hyping the return of Rob Van Dam at Survivor Series, which the fans go absolutely wild over. (78%)

    John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle and Edge - Pretty hard to top this tag team match. Cena and Angle started out in the ring, with Angle desperately trying to get a pinfall on the champ to prove himself as a top contender once again. He's had many shots, but he's never been able to capitalize on any of them. Some quick tag ins with Edge made it possible to isolate the champion, and it didn't seem like Shawn Michaels cared too much about the fate of this match, he actually seemed content with the fact that Cena was getting the hell beaten out of him after what happened a week before at Taboo Tuesday. But Michaels is still a competitor, and when Cena finds the first opportunity to tag him in, he quickly runs to the ropes and knocks down Angle, then goes to work on Edge with a series of right hands and a flying forearm smash that sends him flying to the mat. He quickly sits up from the mat and sets Edge up for a Sweet Chin Music, but just as Edge gets up, he scouts it and ducks the kick, running to the ropes and giving Shawn Michaels a devastating Spear, with a cover but only a two count as John Cena was able to break it up with a double axe handle. It seemed like a matter of time before Cena could take control of this match and win it for his team, as he picked Edge up over his shoulders and set him up for an FU which he nailed to perfection, however, he wasn't happy with the result. Angle slid into the ring, looking to take advantage of the fact that Cena wasn't paying attention, but he was caught right over the head by a right hand from the champ. Cena continued nailing Angle over the head with a series of right hands, before irish whipping him across the ring and knocking him down with a clotheline, waiting for him to get back up to nail another FU to put the match to rest. Michaels was slowly getting up on the other side of the ring, and just as Cena ran towards Angle, Kurt ducked and Michaels swung his leg at the same time, nailing Cena over the head with a Sweet Chin Music! HBK, in confusion, gets thrown out of the ring over the top rope by Angle, as Edge takes advantage of a good opportunity and climbs on top of Cena for the pin, winning the match for his team. Cena and Michaels stared each other down after the matchup, wondering if what happened was really an accident. (90%)

    Overall: 81%

    TV Rating: 6.88

    Short Results:

    Booker T def. EugeneKane and The Big Show def. T.N.T by count out. T.N.T retains the Tag Team TitlesRic Flair def. Carlito to retain the Intercontinental TitleTrish Stratus, Ashley, and Mickey James def. Victoria, Candice Michelle, and Torrie WilsonEdge and Kurt Angle def. John Cena and Shawn Michaels

  8. IPB Image


    Sunday, November 6th, 2005

    Tyson Tomko def. Matt Striker (63%)Viscera and Val Venis def. The Heart Throbs (68%)Shelton Benjamin def. Johnny Parisi (77%)

    A hype video for the three faces of Foley was played early on in the show, hyping a possible appearance on RAW after defeating Carlito at taboo tuesday (91%)

    A private interview with John Cena is played, where he is asked a couple of questions about his every day life as a wwe champion. He takes a few stabs at Angle, Bischoff and The Mcmahons and says that RAW has been brought to a new level since he was taken in the draft lottery. (90%)

    Right after the Shelton Benjamin/Johnny Parisi match, a video was posted on wwe.com hyping the intense feud between Ric Flair and Triple H building up in the last few weeks, and their fantastic match at taboo tuesday in a steel cage, which saw Ric Flair pick up the victory to retain the Intercontinental Championship. Does the video foreshadow a possibility of a revenge act by The Game on RAW? There's only one way to find out, by tuning in to the USA Network on monday night at 9/8 central. (91%)

    Overall Rating: 73%

  9. IPB Image

    WWE Taboo Tuesday

    November 1, 2005

    Eugene and "Superfly" Jimmy Snuka def. Rob ConwayTrish Stratus def. Mickey James, Victoria, Torrie Wilson, Candice Michelle, Ashley Massaro, and Maria Kannelis to retain the women's championshipStone Cold Steve Austin def. Jonathan Coachman in a street fightT.N.T. def. Kane and The Big Show to retain the tag team championshipsMick Foley (as Mankind) def. CarlitoEdge and Chris Masters def. JBL and Rey MysterioRic Flair def. Triple H in a steel cage match to retain the intercontinental championshipJohn Cena def. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle to retain the WWE championship

  10. I just caught up on this diary since I hadn't read wrestlemania yet. I like Shamrock getting a push, but him going over Bret Hart was sort of meh.. I don't know if he's ready to get a title shot right away, although I do like the way you're building him up. I'd much rather see Sycho Sid or Kevin Nash take on the Undertaker at In Your House, and make Taker/Shamrock a long feud leading into a bigger pay per view. The only guys I'd like to see getting some sort of a push that aren't are Yokozuna and Hakushi. Hakushi is fantastic in the ring, Yokozuna isn't as fantastic lol, but he should still have a bit of a higher value after being a multiple time WWF Champion. Seems like one of the best diaries out there right now, though, and I'll surely be reading from now on. Oh and.. GO GOLDUST :P, I'm cheering for him to win the triple threat.

  11. Alright, how about this instead. The WWE pay per view "King of the Ring" is coming back in june of 2006 as a special event, in place of the One Night Stand pay per view that was held in 2005. Create a poster of the event that must include the quarter final matches, which must all be interpromotional matches between SmackDown! and RAW. Size is up to you, anywhere around 350 x 475, whatever you prefer.

  12. I'm glad you brought this back, great diary. Now on to raw.

    I knew Benoit would be in line for a shot at some point, I actually wanted him to lose at Summerslam and then go for the shot, because just dropping the IC title belt like that sort of hurts its image. I've always thought of the belt as the next step to becoming the world heavyweight champion, and for someone to just get rid of it like that kind of makes it look like it's not that important. I liked everything other than that, Benoit getting the shot is good, Big Show actually being at a pay per view in a good match is good, and I like the way you're building the Triple H/Flair feud, and an Edge/Shelton match at Unforgiven could be good, even though it seems sort of meaningless, it could be a good filler. Plus it seems like Chris Masters should be in line for a big push soon after getting a main event match that's that big. Great way to get back into the swing of things though, I enjoyed the read and I can't wait for smackdown.

  13. Thirty Man Royal Rumble

    Winner: The Rock. I'd love to see Jericho winning, but I can see a Rock/Austin match more than I can see an Angle/Jericho.

    WWF Championship

    Kurt Angle Vs Steve Austin ©

    As I said, I'd love to see Angle/Jericho, but Austin/Rock works for me too, and I think that's the direction you're going in.

    Intercontinental Championship

    Chris Benoit © Vs Matt Hardy

    I don't see why Hardy would win this.

    WWF Tag Team Championship

    Edge & Christian Vs The Dudley Boyz

    Love both Edge and Christian, if you give them the belts, that's probably a good idea, they work wonders.

    Billy Gunn Vs Steven Richards

    I love Richards anyway, and I can't seem him losing after he's getting somewhat of a push.

    Bonus Questions

    What will be the first match of the night? Gunn/Richards

    Who will get the pinfall/submission in the Tag Team Title match and against whom? Christian pins D-Von

    Which match will gain the highest match rating? Edge and Christian vs. The Dudleyz

    Which match will gain the highest crowd reaction? Angle/Austin

    Which match will gain the highest overall rating? Angle/Austin

    Who will be the number one entry in the Rumble? I have no clue, I'll say The Undertaker though, that would be interesting.

    Who will be the first elimination in the Rumble? Scotty 2 Hotty?

    Who will be in the final four of the Rumble? The Rock, The Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit

    Who will be the last elimination in the Rumble? Chris Jericho

    Who will be in the Rumble for the longest amount of time? The Undertaker

  14. I didn't change it. I meant for it to be like that, but I forgot to save after I edited it earlier, it's not just an excuse. I always think people are making excuses when they say stupid things like this, but when I find myself in the situation I realize that it's not like that lol. However if you want me to change it back, I'll do that.

  15. Sounds good to me. I need to re-upload mine though because I just realized I didn't save over the old version of it, it's not too different anyway. Sorry for the inconvenience. Oh and Cole, you put JBL's name twice in yours :P if you hadn't noticed.

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