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Posts posted by Hajjhowe

  1. Well I put 'star' in brackets. Scottie Pippen might not have been as great without MJ, but he was better than Mo is. Anyways, should be an interesting match-up in the finals. I am eager to see how the Lakers defend against the in & out game. They seem athletic enough to do it.

  2. LeBron carried his team to 66 wins, and the conference finals. Their big's are clearly not athletic enough to match Howard (Not that any are really) and LeBron can't cover 4 guys on the perimeter by himself. It's called math. Orlando had a perfect system to exploit the Cavs slow front court and Cleveland's defense took a nosedive. LeBron gave his guys open and easy shots, and they missed. What more do you want him to do? Pick his players up on his shoulders so they can just put it in the net?

    Also, comparing the guys surrounding him to the Bulls teams is a little ridiculous. The only other 'star' guy is Mo Williams & maybe Delonte West. If he sticks around and than they can get someone like Bosh or whatever in the Super Free Agency Period, and STILL lose. Than you can say he sucks.

    LeBron tries to do whatever he has to do to win. He was getting almost a triple double WITH like 35+ points every night. Also, the whole MJ argument is moot. Unless Jordan could cover Dwight Howard by himself, there was little he could do to stop the Magic than score about 60 Points a game. Get off your Anti-LeBron fucking bandwagon's, stop pretending the Magic are full of scrubs and accept the fact they were underrated heading into this series and it's not some amazing shock they won.

  3. Besides, the way we're headed, I've got a feeling that certain teams are going to start signing deals with specific networks to exclusively air their games... ie, maybe the Leafs sign a deal with CBC, so that TSN can't show any Toronto games, and in exchange, Leafs games take precedence over everything else on the CBC network.

    How is that different from now :shifty:

  4. He forgot his claws were bones when he had his mind wiped for Weapon X, but it was revealed when Magneto ripped his adamantium out of him. As for his immortality, he can die. He's just got the healing factor which also retard's his age due to always healing him and such.

    As for the movie, I quite liked it. I would have liked to have seen more stuff with the Team X as their interactions and scenes were my favorite part and establishing those characters more would have been nice. It was still a pretty solid film and I have no problem with them picking and patching together parts of the continuity to create something new and entertaining. A direct copy would be kind of boring, especially if you read a lot of comics.

  5. ACME:

    Name: Shooter Smith

    Sex: Male

    Hair Color: Black

    Eye Color: Brown

    Hobby: Basketball

    Area of Expertise: As a former member of V.I.L.E, Shooter is an expert at figuring out the mindset of the worlds most nefarious criminals. He's also great at shooting Free Throws.

    One-Sentence Description of Your Character: Former basketball themed villain turned Acme detective!~

  6. It was. New Jersey doesn't usually have meltdown's of that magnitude, but the Cane's just wanted it more. They seem like a pain in the ass to face as they can grind you down and has solid goaltending. I don't see them getting past Boston though, not after how they started their playoffs with such an emphatic win over their rivals who they traditionally never beat.

    Also, I am getting sick of playing Detroit. I still think we have a good chance though. Beating the top team in the league (Without it seeming like a struggling upset) solidifies in my mind that we can compete with anyone in the NHL.

  7. They need more size that can hit. Anaheim has been bullying them pretty easily, although their cup run saw them bully everyone on their way to the top anyways. I know it'd be an upset, but in some fairness Anaheim was going to be a tough draw for anyone. Lot's of experience and a good team to deal with.

  8. For some reason I just always loved destroying people with Goldberg in all the games he was in. I also was a big mark for Bagwell in WCW/NWO, he had great taunts and just looked awesome.

    As for Attitude and such, I usually played as Triple H. Oh, and Shawn Michaels was awesome in Wrestlemania the Arcade game :shifty:

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