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Posts posted by Evafreak

  1. Did you know its strangely fun to gun down one of the merchants just for overpricing everything? not that I'm telling you to do it but its good for a laugh, oh and wait till you meet one of the last kind of infected/zombie people

  2. Well during one of my trips to support my football team our min bus broke down and me and my dad walked along hoping to find a phone or something and Jonathat Gould (Ex Celtic Keeper) gave us a lift home basically from glasgow to where I live which is hella far away so I became a fan of his :D

    Oh and I met the TMNT when I was a kid and raphael messed up my hair

  3. Yeah if Bob had left as well as Brian & Kurt I'd have lost all faith in the show but the 3 new guys seem quite good and Clare making the buzzer noise was funny as hell but Bob pissing in the bin was the best.

    Oh and the episode from season 2 where they all tried to convinve Brian that he's gay is my favourite

  4. Not to be seen as a bitter scotsman but I hope Sven tell Beckham where to go getting himself deliberately suspended is a joke and if they had any sense they'd tell him to piss off but that won't happen so I'll just have to make do with hoping Berti Vogts get sacked

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