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Troy Maskell

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Posts posted by Troy Maskell

  1. Thing is, I still think Artest's foul on Wallace was NOT NEEDED. The Pacers were on a lead with less than 40 + seconds to go. But then again, who am I to judge...........its just things like these made me realize why he was traded. But then again, anger makes you productive on court, or something like that.

  2. In my opinion, I think that people are just going with the crowd to say that this CD is garbage.

    In my opinion, I think that Encore is a solid effort, I don't like this phrase but I think it's true here, Eminem is "keeping it real."

    Now that that's done.. I think Em knows he can't rap about being poor anymore or how his life is so horrible because it isn't. Something that about one-third of rappers like to ignore and try to say they're still out being thugs with their millions of dollars.

  3. It was about four years ago when Roderick Toombs, known around the world as a wrestler, actor and bagpiper by the name of Rowdy Roddy Piper, dropped by Harvey’s Comedy Club.

      He was asked to come up on stage and say hello. Piper, there with another wrestler, Bart Sawyer, promptly got up, grabbed a chair and hit Sawyer over the head with it.

      “That’s how wrestlers say hello,” Piper deadpanned.

      Piper will be back on stage at Harvey’s tonight and Saturday night, as the main event. The headliner. It’s his standup comedy debut, and he’ll mostly just be talking about his life.

      “I’m not Rowdy Roddy Piper,” he says. “But I’m going to be talking about the guy.”

      Piper is 50 now, and he’s calmed down only a little. He considers himself lucky to have survived the high-risk life on the road as a pro wrestler, where drugs, alcohol and fast times blend with performance-enhancing drugs and painkillers to claim many victims. During the show he plans a tribute.

      “Seventy guys under the age of 45 have died since 1997,” he says.

      Piper is a skilled actor whose greatest movie role, in “They Live” — directed by John Carpenter — has become a cult classic. His 30-plus years as a wrestler gave him as many hours of TV time as Barbara Walters.

      “I’m not nervous about this,” he says. “But I don’t want to bore people, either. This is a Will Rogers kind of thing. I’m not a joke teller. I’m a storyteller.”

      He’ll talk about that first match in Canada when he had some bagpipe players accompany him to the ring and the flustered ring announcer, who knew only that his name was “Rod,” introduced him as “Roddy the Piper.”

      “The ‘the’ got dropped,” he says. “And somewhere along the line, I picked up that ‘Rowdy’ thing.”

      And you’ll probably hear about the time they signed him to square off against a wrestling bear.

      “It would have been fine except on my way to the ring another wrestler slapped me on the behind with a big handful of honey,” he says.

      Piper, wife Kitty and his four children have lived on their mountaintop retreat near Aloha for two decades.

      “She’s 4-foot-11 and she’s the only person in the world I’m afraid of,” he says. “She’s been the perfect wife. And she’s from here and we never wanted to move.

      “I think the people around here are comfortable with me. I’ve wrestled in every small town in Oregon. They know me. I think I’m kind of the Opie (Ron Howard) of wrestling — everyone has watched me grow up over the years.”

      Piper plans to take his act to Las Vegas. He’d like to get into television. There is even talk of a TV movie of his life.

      “I’ve got to find something to do,” he says. “I’ve got to send the kids to college.”

      The shows are at 8 and 10:30 tonight, and 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. Saturday. Piper isn’t worried about the comic’s nightmare — hecklers. When you’re a wrestler and you play the heel as long as he did, you’re immune.

      “I don’t even consider it heckling unless they stab me,” he says.

  4. Again I will not win because I will select from the way I'd book it and not the way Dukes would book it. (Probably)

    1. WWE Heavyweight Title: Eddie Guerrero v. Matt Hardy

    Matt. The Mattitude push just simply HAS to go somewhere. Eddie really hasn't geled to me as champion and could do better with a month without it and chasing

    2. Will Hardy use the Bossman Slam, Swanton Bomb, both, or neither?

    I'm guessing he will try a Twist of Fate with Eddie kicking out and as the ultimate tribute win with the Bossman Slam

    3. Will anyone interfere in the match?

    Would I have anyone interfere? Truthfully no, I can see them tell a story just fine without anyone coming out

    4. WWE Tag Team Titles: Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar v. Edge and Hollywood Hogan

    Team Angle. There's no point hotshotting the titles on Hogan just for a nostalgia pop when you can make more of it with Edge-Hollywood chasing.

    5. Who pins whom in the above match?

    Well Hogan would NEVER do the job so I'd go for Lesnar on Edge.

    6. Undertaker v. Billy Kidman v. Bull Buchanan

    Taker. Not just cause he'd never job but I think it's stupid to end the Storyline so soon.

    7. Who pins whom in the above match?

    Taker pins Buchanan. Kidman needs to say strong. Plus I don't think Andy would do the job :shifty:

    8. Tazz v. Rey Misterio

    You would hype up Tazz for so long just to job him first night out. Tazz wins

    9. Who *is* Joey Numbahs, anyway?

    If I were booking it'd be someone Tazz has good chemistry with like a Chris Chetti.

    10. Who will win TAG TEAM TURMOIL?

    Tajiri and Colt are the hot new things, plus Heyman has heat with Team Angle. I'd book them to go over

    11. Who will finish second?

    World's Greatest Tag Team. I'd have them play the part of covering Angle and Lesnars ass.

    12. WWE United States Title:

    Nathan Jones. While I'd want to get the title off him Ultimo isn't the man to do it.

    13. What match will be the best?

    Looking I'd say the main event

    14. Will these be the only matches?

    No. I'd have a Barton-RVD match in there somewhere as well

    15. What match will get the main event slot?

    Hardy and Eddie. Knowing Duke's though it'll probably be the tag title match though

  5. My votes for matches won't get in but if I were booking this is the Havoc card I'd have.

    World Heavyweight Title

    Chris Jericho © V Kane

    It makes sense to me, Kane is being portrayed as this unstoppable monster. It seems his place is up now.

    IC Title

    Nowinski © V Chris Harris

    Why? Well Storm and Nowinski seem like a bad combination to me. Harris has been wallowing as Sting's lackey since he started. He needs something to get out of the rut he's in now.

    Tag Team Title

    Batista and Shane © V Test and Lance Storm

    This is a better match for me. It gives Harris SOMETHING and doesn't leave the fans short changed by leaving Storm in the cold.

    Women's Title

    Alexis Laree © V Gail Kim

    See me.....See me not caring....the match is there cause the Women's title HAS to be defended.

    Chris Benoit V Nick Mondo II

    PROVIDED it was built up right, some vignettes saying how Benoit didn't kill off Mondo and now he's coming back for revenge. I think there's enough in that storyline to work

    Mike Awesome V Shawn Michaels

    Simple reasoning. I need Michaels on the show. I need Awesome on the show. Result? Put them in a match.

    Christian V Rhyno

    Rhyno's kinda slipped back into midcard hell since losing the title. I think this one would make a fine opener

    You will notice that despite Dukes's pushing of said match. I didn't put in a Molly Holly V Eric Bischoff match. There's one simple reason for this and I've held it since the whole thing started on EWBIII in the BVS actual diary. I don't believe in the Molly Holly push, I believe it to have been initiated on means I find to be differing from Dukes and Dukes knows this. I believe that what happened to Molly in real life in Dukes's world however tragic has no basis whatsoever for a Molly Holly push. This has been going on for 10 months now in the BVS WWE, I was quite happy to see Molly challenge for the IC title at Wrestlemania. I don't agree with went on after that and I will hold that opinion for as long as I read this diary. Therefore I believe that a Molly Holly-Eric Bischoff match has NO place on Pay Per View let alone ABC regardless of how much of a mainstream story Molly is.

    Like I said. Dukes knows my opinions, I've stated them in his diarys ever since the inital rape story in the original BVS.


    You mean incompetent, imbecile? It's funny how I'm an idiot and all this other fucking bullshit, but if I were berating Yankee fans and not Red Sox fans I'd be hailed as a demigod. In short, shut the fuck up, cocksucker.

  7. Worse remake ever has to belong to "Rollerball".  Ok, granted the original is not James Caan's finest hour....but the remake it just the biggest peice of garbage this side of Battlefield Earth..which gets the worse Novel Adaptation  of all-time by the way.

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