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Troy Maskell

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Posts posted by Troy Maskell

  1. Now with the Bulls in the second season life is incredibly easier...either just drive to the basket for easy lay up...if the defence collapses in pass to D-Rose for easy 3 and assist....or drive and dish to Noah for easy 2 if the centre gets fresh. Hinrich can piss off though

  2. My Colts fan friend gets so mad at football too. I'm not sure if I've become almost immune to most losses being a Jags fan but the season the Colts went 2-14 I thought he was going to kill himself.

    I normally don't get SO mad at the Colts. It's just that it's Ben that gets me going, I'll never forgive him for that superbowl pass against the Cardinals (Cause I had a HUGE collect had the Cardinals won). Selfish but he's the Antichrist for me

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