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Posts posted by Slide

  1. ...I'm Scottish. That link sadly doesn't help.

    You can actually order a new one from Nintendo in any country. The link I sent you just has the parameters in the address boar to make the page load up with US dollar figures instead of whatever the hell people use in Scotland.

  2. I don't what happened, but I seem to have broken my Pokéwalker.

    I had it out with me on Friday (work, then out for drinks) and when I got home I had over 10,000 steps. But when I check it today, it was dead. It's just been sitting on my desk since Friday night.

    I opened it up, and there was liquid (not much, but traces) inside the battery area, and it looks like there's a hole in my battery. I quickly went out and got a new set of batteries (these fuckers aren't cheap) and it's still not working. I try to dab all the liquid out from the battery area with a dry cloth.

    What should I do? I know I can get my pokémon back...but how do I get a new walker? I love this thing. :(

    Well I have some good news, some bad news, and some more good news.

    The good news is you can buy a replacement Pokewalker.

    The bad news is you currently have to have them imported from Japan.

    The more good news is that all of the Pokewalkers are identicle when they're shipped so that one you get from Japan will work exactly like the one you lost. Language settings are imported from the game to the Pokewalker when it synced up the first time if I'm not mistaken.

    EDIT: Wait! Nevermind


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  3. Haha, I got Pokerus a couple of days ago. Needless to say I am trying my best to level up as much as I can in the time it's allocated to.

    You can keep Pokerus going indefinitely. First off the effects of Pokerus never go away even if the disease does and they're no longer able to infect other Pokemon. Beyond that, as long as you always keep at least one Pokemon that is infected and able to transmit then you can keep spreading it to other Pokemon as long as you want.

  4. I generally don't like double posting, but in this case I feel there is enough to talk about to warrant a new post.

    In more personal news A friend of mine caught a Pokemon with PKRS and an infected Pokemon to me, so now I have a lot Pokemon with PKRS to trade. If anyone is interested send me a PM. I'm mostly looking for starters and Pokemon you can't get in Soul Silver (except Growlith and Spinarak).

    In other news, The Winner's Path event starts on Wifi tomorrow. you can download a Pokewalker course that has Beldum, Munchlax, Horsea, Duskull, Magicarp, and Bronzor. All of the Pokemon obtainable on the Pokewalker course have moves they don't ordinarily know. The route also has a lot of rare items.


    Also, this sunday there is supposed to be a new Pokemon revealed on the show Pokemon Sunday. However the way it was worded is kind of ambiguous. A lot of people think that it will be a New Pokemon from Black and White, but not one really knows for sure yet.

  5. I've been playing it real paranoid so far. If any Pokemon I'm using has HP in the Yellow I've been taking them out.

    I just finished beating Brock, and so far I haven't had any casualties.

    My Current Team:

    Bulbasaur (male): Vinnie Lv 15

    Spearow (female): Pecks Lv 12

    Pidgey (female): Windy Lv 8

    Metapod (female): Buggie Lv 8

    I did have 4 failures right at the start though. I picked Bulbasaur for my Starter, which actually puts you at a little bit of disadvantage against Blue in the first battle. Usually you can overcome him, but this time his Charmander just seemed to use scratch for every single attack so it was rough. I believe I lost to Blue the first time. Then I beat blue and got taken out by a Pidgey that managed to get a critical hit on my Bulbasaur between Pallet Town and Vermilian city. And then I lost to Blue two more times. In fact when I finally did beat him I'd gotten the Potion out of the PC used it to heal Vinnie and stay in the fight.

    Naturally, since you don't have Pokeballs on the first trip to Vermillian City, if you fight any Pokemon on the route prior to getting Pokeballs you can never catch anything on that whole route again.

    My Mt. Moon strategy is to evolve Buggie before heading into the Mt. Moon so she can confusion blast all the zubats before they can use Supersonic. I can already tell the caves are going to be a bitch.

  6. Anyone ever try out the Nuzlocke Challenge? I'm going to try it out. It can be played with any version of Pokemon. Here are the rules I'm playing with.

    The Nuzlocke Challenge:


    The Rules

    1. 1. Catch the first Pokemon you encounter in each route/cave/whatever and nothing else. If you fail to catch it, too bad, continue onwards.

    2. If you Pokemon faints, consider it dead, release it.

    Optional I'm Using Rules:

    3. Must Nickname each Pokemon to become more attached to it.

    4. No using the shop, the only items that can be used are items that are given or found.

    5. Always battle in Set mode.

    If I run out of Pokemon, its game over.

  7. So here is the deal, I just got Pokemon Soul Silver, and I'm thinking about doing a diary.

    I've got pretty thorough notes on everything that I've done so far, including the exact number of defeated wild Pokemon and which of my own defeated them. I also have every line of dialogue broken down in a script format by each character up to where I currently am, and round by round play by plays of every trainer battle so far.

    But actually I'm having a few second thoughts about it because if I weren't writing everything down I'd be a lot further in the game.

    Oh I did try out the Poke Walker though. Has anyone downloaded the Yellow Forrest off the Wifi Mystery Gift? Its a route that only has Pikachu on it. I put it on the Pokewalker and decided to take it with me on my weekly run. I got the Pikachu with Volt Tackle that comes with that route, but I didn't get the Pikachu with fly or surf.

  8. Is there a point in watching the 2nd movie if you've seen the series at all?

    Like there was no point in watching the 1st movie if you've seen the series at all?

    The point of watching any anime is entertainment.

    Honestly, if you don't see anything other part of the movie, watch the last half of it.

  9. If your planning on watching the 2nd Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann movie, do not look at this picture.

    If you do not plan on watching the 2nd Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann movie, look at this picture and you will want to see the 2nd Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann movie.


  10. You know, I just recalled something. I remember hearing a promotion from Sunrise that Gundam Unicorn, which is a new Universal Century era Gundam series, is getting a Simultaneous release in both English and Japanese.

    It might be a long shot, but maybe Adult Swim is savy enough to have picked it up somehow.

  11. So apparently, Adult Swim has lost the Rights to Blood + and Death Note. However they are picking up the rights of 3 (maybe?) anime. The first of which is going to air on February 14th.

    Adult Swim has been very quite about the series that they have picked up so there is a lot of speculation, but no one seems to know what it is they've picked up. Some of the obvious choices are the Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and the New Inuyasha series that has picked up where the original left off and is going to run to the completion of the Manga that finally ended about a year ago.

    The speculation that I have seen would place Soul Eater as a possible pick-up, but honestly it could be damn near anything.

  12. It is and it isn't.

    If your experience with the series is the anime than it would probably seem that way.

    In the visual novel, Fate/Stay Night, there are three major paths in the storyline. The original path is called the "Fate" path. The second path is called "Unlimited Blade Works". The third path is called "Heavens Feel."

    Now here is where it gets complicated.

    Even though all three paths occur simultaneously, the events in Unlimited Blade Works require that the events in the Fate path happened. And in order for the events in Heaven's Feel to take place the events of Unlimited Blade Works and events of the Fate path to have happened.

    I'll put a few of the details in regards to UBW a spoiler tag, but don't read it unless you have no intention of waiting for the movie to find out about it.

    It was hinted at very strongly in the Anime, but it was never said outright.

    Archer is Emiya (protagonist) from the future. The reason Archer was summoned was because of the Rin saved Emiya's life she left the gem behind that she used to bring him back to life and Emiya kept it until the day he died. When the Servants are summoned, if the summoner is in possession of an item that the Servant kept close to them that will make it will summon that Servant.

    Now after Saber and Illiya are the two characters that Emiya can end up with on the Fate Path. Saber of course returns to her own time right before her death in the ending. Illiya has a rather weak constitution, and dies a couple of years later. So in the Fate Path, Emiya ends up living out the rest of his life alone.

    He stays busy though. Over the next few years he hones his skills and ends up becomming the hero he talked about being in the Fate Path and eventually becomes qualified to become one of the Grail Heroes and and Servant that way. By that point he had already realized that he was Archer. Eventually there was a large gathering held to Honor Emiya by all the people that he had saved.

    Unfortunately, his enemies used the opportunity to get their revenge. In the end, everyone Emiya had saved died because he'd saved them.

    As Emiya grew close to death, he saw his life as a life waisted. He remembered that would be summoned to fight in the Grail War as a servant, and made a vow to that during Grail War would alter the course of events by killing his younger self and preventing those events from ever happening, and to spare Emiya of having to witness his ideals betray him.

  13. So apparently, they have gone back and made a two episode OAV released strait to DVD that summarizes the events in the Fate Stay Night anime storyline.

    Raws are already out for the two episodes, I don't know if there are any fansub groups that plan on subbing it though.

    There is a new OP of course which can be found here.

  14. I assumed you might. It became a pretty popular term couple of years ago.

    Don't confuse the meaning of the word with the Fish (a gar is a type of fish).

    There is no single word in the english language that has the same meaning as the word as I am using it. Urban Dictionary has a few good ones though.


    1. A term used towards male characters and individuals who are sooverwhelmingly manly that your own masculinity is absolutely *buried*,leaving you naught but a whimpering, swooning girl-child before them.

    Here are some examples gar characters: Archer from the Unlimited Blade Works Storyline, Kamina, Brock Samson, Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, Conan the Barbarian, Simon Belmont.

  15. Comes out on the 23rd in Theaters I do believe. We probably wont see a DVD release for at least another 6 months after that.

    I will say this though. Archer in the Unlimited Blade Works path was the term "Gar" came from.

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