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El Principito

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Posts posted by El Principito

  1. Any chance of adding WFX as a promotion? Roster members include Kip (James), Charlie Haas, (Kevin) Thorn, U-Gene, (Hardcore) Bob Holly, Larry Zybsko, Shawn Daivari, Jon Cutler, Johnny Fairplay and Tajiri.... And accodring t one of the other stars twitter pages hurricane helms is set to join them soon too. I would like to play as them.

    Lucha Libre USA would be a better choice.

    You mean if it lasts more than 4 episodes right? The last time MTV had a show, it was WSX and despite being good, it only lasted 4 episodes before being canceled and the other 5 aired episodes were shown in a marathon. At this rate, Perros del Mal who are doing the Viva La Lucha show, would actually be a better candidate. And to be honest, their roster unlike the former IWRG is more concrete.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Lucha Libre USA has been having...house shows if you will for awhile.

    Nope. I'm one hundred percent sure it's a new company completely that had their first set of TV Tapings at their first show ever just a few days ago.

    Also, while I'm here, I'd raise Trent Baretta's overness to 45, which is either the same or around the same as Caylen Croft.


    In June 2009, a one-hour syndicated series Luchamania was launched on regional Hispanic U.S. broadcasters and Mexico Sur. Lucha Libre USA regularly produces live events in major US arenas.

    Nate's right. Wow.


    Using your own sig against you.

  2. Any chance of adding WFX as a promotion? Roster members include Kip (James), Charlie Haas, (Kevin) Thorn, U-Gene, (Hardcore) Bob Holly, Larry Zybsko, Shawn Daivari, Jon Cutler, Johnny Fairplay and Tajiri.... And accodring t one of the other stars twitter pages hurricane helms is set to join them soon too. I would like to play as them.

    Lucha Libre USA would be a better choice.

    You mean if it lasts more than 4 episodes right? The last time MTV had a show, it was WSX and despite being good, it only lasted 4 episodes before being canceled and the other 5 aired episodes were shown in a marathon. At this rate, Perros del Mal who are doing the Viva La Lucha show, would actually be a better candidate. And to be honest, their roster unlike the former IWRG is more concrete.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but Lucha Libre USA has been having...house shows if you will for awhile.

  3. Agree on upping the charisma for Paredyse.. was a bit unsure at first, but the more he has grown into the gimmick, the better he has gotten.

    And on what DropkickNathan has to say.. I suggested comedy character last time because he seemed to be someone whose voice and reactions were the selling point, but he is starting to grow into the International Mafia role very nicely

    Fang overness 40 may be a bit much. Given these guys don't work outside of OVW, 40 is probably as over as they can be.. and he's way over, but not the top 3 in the company

    Paredyse is perfect with his gimmick, so his charisma should be higher. :3

    Really the only funny thing about him is when he goes "Grrrr" which I laugh at every time, Joey Barone could be a comedy character though.

    Fang is involved with a feud that is built up more than the World Title feud.

  4. Any chance of adding WFX as a promotion? Roster members include Kip (James), Charlie Haas, (Kevin) Thorn, U-Gene, (Hardcore) Bob Holly, Larry Zybsko, Shawn Daivari, Jon Cutler, Johnny Fairplay and Tajiri.... And accodring t one of the other stars twitter pages hurricane helms is set to join them soon too. I would like to play as them.

    Lucha Libre USA would be a better choice.

    • Like 1
  5. I would make Richard Cranium a opener...He really doesn't wrestle that much plus he lost a PPV match against Mr. B therefore he has no contract in storyline. Give him crazy gimmick maybe?

    Mike Mondo is the OVW Heavyweight Champion.

    Jamin Olivencia is the OVW TV Champion, Give Jamin a Old School Face gimmick.

    Make Los Locos inactive.

    Vic The Bruiser is a opener/jobber in OVW sadly.

    Make Taryn Shay and Paredyse a tag team called Pareshay, Taryn picked him to be king of OVW but Paredyse really doesn't care...although they still can count as a team.

    Epiphany should be a tweener.

    Make CJ Lane a heel and a bitch.

    James Thomas should have a monster gimmick, no manager and give him a Swinging Side Slam as finisher.

    Make Jimbo Onno either a monster or a bad ass as the only thing funny is "GRRRR"

    Make Ali and Paredyse a team with low XP, like...5 or something. Optional: Tottaly Awesome v2

    Boost Fangs charisma up to 65 and maybe over to 40.

    Lowrider should have Fonz Factor.

    Paredyse should be 70 charisma.

    The Blossoms both should be at atleast 20 for brawling.

    Sorry, OVW mark here.


    Set Fangs finisher to a standing shooting star.

    Set Sucios finisher to a piledriver.

    Set their Tag Finisher to Assisted Shooting Star

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