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  1. I'm sick of #NotYourShield. How dare these women and minorites tell me that they don't hate women and minorities. Internalized misogynist uncle toms the lot of them. At this rate there will be a Bayonetta 3!

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    2. ndqw


      I can make up percentages too. It doesn't make it true that 98% of anti-gamer gaters have financial ties to Gawker and that's why they condone Zoe Quinn's violation of sexual consent.

    3. The Lusophone

      The Lusophone

      The logs of your chats prove that its mostly sockpuppets and that #NotYourShield was only ever a shield for Gamergate to hide its misogynistic harassment of people. Zoe Quinn may have cheated on Eron but that doesn't make doxxing, hacking and death threats ok.

    4. ndqw


      Did it come from MundaneMatt? TotalBiscuit? Based Mom? Adam Baldwin? Everyone knows Rougestar is a dumb ass. Cherry-picking quotes from a few people shooting the shit in some Skype chat is the best evidence you got?

      Hacking, doxxing and death threats aren't okay. Rebecca Watson doesn't feel the same way about at least one of those, but it is what it is. Some people are extremists and the rest are sending letters.

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