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Posts posted by Juce734

  1. Online was buggered for me again too - and they never did a thing about how my Universe would crash if there were more than two wrestlers in the match so I've basically thrown in the towel at this point. I like the creative aspect of the game and I was highly enjoying doing most of it... but when the creative aspect is being blocked off or severely hampered I would just rather not bother.

    But I caught a good deal and got Kingdoms of Amalur for next to nothing - so yay?

    My game freezes if I have a CAW in a match on Impact(instead of NXT) with the custom arena. Not sure why. It will forever be at the match up screen and it annoys me.

    That's what it did to me. I was mostly into Universe because I wanted to totally pimp out mine with CAWs. When I thought I might've been overloading the game with that stuff, I took most of them out and added in a light version of it - but even a created tag team going up against one that was already in the game would freeze at the best of times.

    Yeah it sucks. I probably won't buy next years game but maybe 2014 I will. I don't buy every years game. I tend to skip a year or 2 normally. If this isn't fixed by then though I won't even think to pick it up as that is my biggest gripe about this years game.

  2. Online was buggered for me again too - and they never did a thing about how my Universe would crash if there were more than two wrestlers in the match so I've basically thrown in the towel at this point. I like the creative aspect of the game and I was highly enjoying doing most of it... but when the creative aspect is being blocked off or severely hampered I would just rather not bother.

    But I caught a good deal and got Kingdoms of Amalur for next to nothing - so yay?

    My game freezes if I have a CAW in a match on Impact(instead of NXT) with the custom arena. Not sure why. It will forever be at the match up screen and it annoys me.

  3. The thing I like about this game is I can play for 20 minutes here and there every other week and get some enjoyment out of it.

    Last night I couldn't sleep so I finally began making my own personal CAW. I am pretty happy with it except I couldn't give him the entrance attire I wanted and had to scale back his stomach because if he walks out with a title belt it will be a glitch as it is sucked up into his belly.

    I injured Santino amd R-Truth last night which was fun. Good way to begin the Grim Reapers career.

  4. Yeah, was going to say that the Illitch's have quite a bit of cash, and with his age he's really opened the pocket book because he badly wants a World Series title.

    I love it by the way, I was hoping they'd pursue Fielder but most of the early reports were that Detroit wasn't interested. Hell, a week ago Dave Dombrowski said Fielder wasn't a good fit. It is cool to see Cecil's son sign here, Cecil was a fan favorite in his days here.

    Yeah Mike is the one who made this call I feel. I don't know if Dombrowski really wanted to sign this deal. Either way I am very happy about this. Our lineup is really solid. Happy Cabrera agreed to move to 3rd. So tired of Brandon Inge thinking he is this great baseball player.

    Given Baltimore's timeline how would Prince have made sense with that investment? Even if those young pitchers magically figure things out they're still a couple years away, probably more than that. What's the point of paying Prince for productive years where you're not a contender and then likely dramatic decline years while you're hoping to be one? The Tigers can justify this move on the basis that they're probably going to run away with the Central now. The O's definitely could not have said the same. I thought the Rangers made the most sense and figured he'd go there, and I definitely think this is going to be a contract that the Tigers regret signing by 2016, but for now I get it.

    Baltimore is the 4th best team in that division. Yankees, Blue Jays, and Red Sox are all better. Baltimore has to build up their team with younger players and in about 4 years they may be able to justify a big splash in free agency.

  5. I won my game against Ball State last night. Really struggled until the middle of the 3rd quarter. Then really cranked up the pressure and did well from then on. My starting HB gets hurt a lot. It is really frustrating because he is my only star player (86 overall).

    Looked over my roster and I will be losing my top 2 HBs, my whole O-Line, and a lot of my defense in the offseason. Really has me worried but hoping I can pull in a decent recruiting class to fill the holes.

  6. I have a decent Jericho and I have a decent Andre the Giant as well. Don't feel like DLing a masked Kane as the one in the game is still him even if it isn't the most current one. Brodus Clay will be cool when I change his attire to red and give him some more FUNKY moves but I won't be DLing any Clay community creations because of it.

    So whoever it is I don't really care too much. Jericho would be the best one I think but I really don't think it is. They are just trying to trick us I feel.

    Any idea when the DLC will be available? Monday was the rumor I was hearing.

  7. Oh I forgot I put a ton of time into San Andreas. Whether sitting around drinking with friends and taking turns trying to outrun all the cops or just trying to do all of the missions. Game was a lot of fun for me. It was the last GTA game I played too.

  8. In order probably...

    Final Fantasy 7 (beat it like 30 times and got to level 99 in most games)

    NHL 95 (was my favorite game when I was 10 on Genesis)

    Battlefield BC2

    NCAA 2012 (I play it a lot cuz of my online dynasties)

    WWF No Mercy for N64

    Madden 2011 (I had fun building the Lions into a powerhouse)

    Zelda Ocarina of Time

    Those are probably my most played games of all time.

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