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Everything posted by Juce734

  1. Lets just sim our head to head game if it hasn't been done already. I don't want to hold anyone up.
  2. Sorry I don't get on the forums on weekends. Did our game get simmed? If not I could possibly play at 5pm eastern today. Message my PSN account. I won't be available after 6 though. The other option would be to play at 9 during Monday Night RAW.
  3. Looks like I will be facing Western Michigan next. This will be a rough game. So when works for you? I have a wedding Saturday. Would Friday night work for you some time?
  4. Me too! That is one of the things that makes this game great. I love when team mates spawn on me!
  5. This sounds like what I'll unknowingly do while trying to get used to it. Signs are pointing me away from BF3 I think. 1) Be happy they spawn on you. You get points for it. 2) If you don't want people spawning on you then press start and choose not to be in a squad at all. 3) The people who don't know how to play right won't be on after this week due to MW3 being out.
  6. I was down late to CMU. They scored and I managed to return a kickoff for a td with about 1:12 left in the game I think. I forced them to give the ball back and I scored the go ahead td with 18 seconds left. Eastern beat Central in the #1 ranked game.
  7. A map like Caspian Border you should get in a jeep to get from one place to another. Spawn on your squad mates, and maybe set a spawning beacon near different places. What system were you on?
  8. I'm ready to finally pick up some wins here. 0-3 to kick off the season sucks. Once the MAC season is under way maybe I will pick up some big wins.
  9. If you use an anti air gun (they are stationary guns) you can shoot down helicopters and jets with ease if they are close. Mix that with someone trying to hit them with the stinger missile and you can get them out of the air. What game mode do you play on? On conquest if you guys keep going for A,B,or C that the enemy has control of then you will always find the action. If playing Rush if you are an attacker again go after the stations and there will always be action there. If you're a defender stay back some and the same will apply. I need to find people that play on PS3. I unlocked mortars and found they can be great if your team spots for you. Plus taking out tanks and such is easy when your team is spotting. They get bonus points for spotting when you get the kill.
  10. I'm amazed at how many people just run around doing whatever instead of trying to capture objectives or raise their score. K/D ratio players bother me. They make it harder for everyone else.
  11. So I've noticed I don't score as many points when I am with random people who don't work well together. I do typically lead the squad in points during those situations. I have a lot of work to do but I have been enjoying C4 the last few days. Probably going to use more claymores tonight though.
  12. I take it they beat you with the option? I don't mind the option too much.
  13. I'm playing Battlefield 3 on PS3. Anyone who wants to join up feel free. My PSN is Juce734.
  14. Very true statement. Although there is only 1 way to get better and that is to practice. Either way I stay away from jets and helicopters usually. Rarely drive tanks too. Im ground assault usually depending on what others are in my squad.
  15. And yeah - this is another thing that has turned me off from online shooters. Seems that most games these days end up doing this, and it's a pain in the ass because no matter how good you are a lousy team will end up ruining any chance of you having a decent round. This is true but there are ways around this. Go off and help your team by spotting so they can see who is coming around the corner before actually seeing them. This is something most people fail to do when pinned back. Also grenades work wonders in helping clear an area. The biggest problem is people don't know how to use each class or how to work as a team. Most people called them COD players because it plays completely different. Something that works in COD won't work in BF and vice versa. If you play it for a bit and don't like it return it. I think Battlefield is the best FPS on the market though. You don't get knifed from 10 feet away. If you aren't a very accurate shooter you can be effective in other ways like driving/piloting, medic, repairing vehicles, and other ways. So I feel this is a better rounded game.
  16. I got my BF3 last night and played for about 4 hours. Absolutely amazing game! The maps are big (not too big though) and well suited for the vehicles in the game. Seems to move faster than BC2. I know I will be playing this game for a long time regularly. If anyone is curious the actual game runs much better on PS3 than it did in the Beta.
  17. Juce734

    WWE '12

    The Brock Lesnar model doesn't look real good to me. Almost looks like someones CAW for Brock Lesnar.
  18. MSU smoked me in the last 2 minutes of the 2nd quarter. I couldn't pick up more than a couple yards per run at best. I thought I'd be able to compete with the Big Ten schools this season somewhat but I was wrong. My team is too slow and not strong enough. Eastern Michigan has a lot of work to do this season in recruiting. Bigger, stronger, and faster is the goal. Really dreading my match up against Western this season.
  19. Purdue smoked me. I simulated the 2nd half because I got so mad. My defense was just too slow getting to the ball. EMU needs more team speed bad! I did appreciate my offense playing well for me. A lot of dropped balls but I can do better with my passing for that. I feel like I am on the brink of beating teams like them though.
  20. Only a few more days until it's out on consoles. I can't wait to play it on PS3. If anyone wants to join up with me my PSN is Juce734 I'm ready for the Battlefield! Are you?
  21. NVM I got my wish on the schedule. It sucks that I couldn't set my redshirts though.
  22. Juce734

    WWE '12

    Demolition vs LOD! Brock vs Vader! Can't wait to pick this game up.
  23. I may not be able to get on until Sunday night as my girlfriends parents are staying with us until then.
  24. I played the BETA for a little over an hour last night and this is a must have game for me. I loved BC2 and this one is far superior already. This game will be played regularly for a long time I feel.
  25. Eastern Michigan University is back in the win column with a big MAC win over 1 win Buffalo. Hopefully we can carry this momentum forward this season.
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