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Posts posted by deli

  1. I think the problem about episode VII is the impact the Movies had on my childhood. They were my childhood. I even adored the prequels. And I know no matter how good the rest are, I will inevitably end up disappointing.

    (Not really calling you yourself out for this post, more for the thought that tends to stem from this attitude.)

    Man, I hate this attitude so much. You see it a lot with Star Wars fans -- the fact that Lucas had the gall to make new Star Wars movies ruins their childhood. No. Someone making new movies based on a thing you like does not invalidate your childhood. They are helping make someone else's. Quom (I think) said it best, these are movies for kids. If adults can find something they like in it too, awesome, it did better than it had to. But I also have spoken to a lot of kids who really like the prequels because that's the Star Wars that they grew up on. And, in a few years there will be a new batch and that's awesome for those kids.

    What? Were did I say my childhood was ruined by this? I just said I would be disappointed because nothing can live to my ridiculous expectations because I adored the films as a child. I know you were not calling me out personally, but still,. ;(

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  2. I think the problem about episode VII is the impact the Movies had on my childhood. They were my childhood. I even adored the prequels. And I know no matter how good the rest are, I will inevitably end up disappointing.

    But hey, maybe you guys are right. Maybe I should remain optimistic.

  3. C'mon, you can join me and Dan and we can run you off the road drive places and stuff!

    Didn't have you down as a Forza type. Especially with Burnout Paradise 2 out so soon!

    Burnout Paradise 2 is a thing? Holy shit!

    I think he means NFS: Most Wanted. It's basically Paradise 2.

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