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Posts posted by rocksta

  1. This is so stupid.

    Either way Skummy has every right to not like the movie. He explains what he doesn't like and why and Skummy isn't a stupid person from what I've gleamed from his posts throughout EWB. Nolan's Batman series is considered a modern classic by a lot of people and it's considered taboo to criticize it. Just look at that whole shtick from Rotten Tomatoes over bad reviews for the Dark Knight. Quite frankly though, who cares. Skummy didn't enjoy the film, a lot of people did. Just because certain people didn't like it doesn't mean your enjoyment of the film is any less meaningful.

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  2. It's not that a computer opponent isn't as good it's just that playing against a computer and a human are so different. Anticipation and change of direction and stuff like that is just so downplayed against the computer on every difficulty. Yet legendary is so hard. Playing against the computer just doesn't offer as organic of an experience as a human and never will due to its nature I feel.

  3. Finished season one of The Wire.

    It feels very done.

    I'm not sure what you're saying. If you mean done in terms of 'this kind of show has been done too much' then I disagree The Wire does it so well. If you mean done like the story has no place to go you are so gloriously wrong ^_^

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