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Posts posted by rocksta

  1. I was interested in Arma II until I read somewhere that DayZ is going to be released as a standalone game in September. Is that a thing? Not sure this is worth $18 in that case.

    Thusfar I've bought The Walking Dead and Deus Ex: HR this sale. Nowhere near as much as I threw down last year, I think.

    Yah I just read that too. From a pretty meh source but still enough to dissuade my purchase.

    How are you finding Deus Ex ?

  2. Well neither will Brooklyn so at least you don't have to worry about bandwagon fans getting in your face about it.

    I'm starting to come around to the LA deal happening, it's kind of Orlando's last ditch effort to get anything in return for Howard and Cleveland has a lot to gain if they get Bynum to sign long-term there.

    As DMN likes to say. Lakers are the best-run team in sports.

    Doesn't hurt to have had this guy


    For his whole career while being in the one of the most attractive markets in sports.

    The point can also be made that they acquired that guy for Vlade Divac >_>

  3. I have LITERALLY no idea what Grandpa's Leftovers is but it sounds like my kind of time.

    Edit: WTF I'm watching a youtube video and some guy just said and I quote, 'Besides having one of the worst titles". WRONG. Totally wrong. Best. Title. Ever.

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