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Scott McFly

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Posts posted by Scott McFly

  1. I understand if we release players then we don't get the money back that we paid for them, but I released Begovic that I paid £1m for and that £1m has been taken off my remaining cash when I released him. But that £1m would've come off when I bought him, so now it's like I've lost £2m if you see what I mean. Is that the way it's supposed to work or have I got it wrong?

  2. I'm hoping I'll get used to the new layout because it's all that's putting me off so far. I can barely follow the news page with 6 stories randomly splattered at the bottom. Seems like often there's too much info on one screen for the game's own good and it's spaced out too much. I'll try playing in a window to see if that helps.

  3. I didn't care much for Quarantine, much preferred the Spanish original, [Rec]. The improv "acting" in the former is painful at times, whilst [Rec] has a far spookier atmosphere even though the shots are virtually the same.

  4. Hmm, not really a fan of horrors but I did like The Shining, The Ring (US version) and the original Dawn Of The Dead. And Shaun Of The Dead too, but I wouldn't class that as a horror. I watched The Shining in my room by myself, late at night when it was on TV and when I was far too young to do be doing so. Scared me absolutely shitless.

  5. UFO: Enemy Unknown

    Since I mentioned it I've had a hankering to play the thing considering I got the whole X-COM UFO pack from Direct2Drive for a fiver the other week but haven't touched them yet. But that is my favourite from the series, closely followed by Apocalypse, they're only £2.99 each on Steam or £2.95 on D2D, not sure on Canadian availability though. But for that price even 1 of them is worth a shot if you're unsure.

  6. I would've said Football Manager by a long shot, that game is seriously addictive. Like, dangerously so.

    But since that's not an option, other games that have eaten away my free time in the past are Colonization (and Civ I guess, but I always preferred the former), any of the old-school X-COM games or Rollercoaster Tycoon. Depends what sort of games or settings you like to be honest, those are all strategy based but have different styles to them.

    Never played it myself and I'm not sure if you have, but if you're a hockey fan then Eastside Hockey Manager sounds like it could be an FM-equivalent for you. There's a demo.


  7. Was never a Boyzone fan, but nobody should be dying at 33. Although if it's drug related then that's his own fault and I'd have no sympathy for him at all, but obviously there's no cause of death or anything yet, so it could be just one of these shit things that happens.

    • Like 1
  8. Had a quid on some random golf games yesterday in the President's Cup. Not a clue what it is but I got just over £4 back, so I'm not complaining.

    Stayed well clear of Japan v Scotland since it was essentially Japan's B-Team against Scotland's C-team and anything could've happened.

    Will have a look at the football today but I'm more inclined to go for the League 1/2 games rather than internationals.

    EDIT: Okay so I went a bit mental. £9.80 worth of bets, most of them crazy accumulators that'll never come off and a single on Bournemouth. If I'm up then great, if not then I might put something on the South American games that kick off about 11pm British time.

    EDIT 2: Cheers for that Bournemouth. Although some others lost too, they were the only ones I had a single on too.

    International acca:




    Czech Republic



  9. Don't know if this works or is of any use to people, but this is a letter on GameCentral today:

    RE: people quitting early in FIFA 10. Don't press 'A' to leave the session when they quit. Instead press the Xbox guide button and find your opponent in the Recent Players list. Then check their status and wait until it says they are back playing in the Arena, then go back and leave the session. This enables you to keep your win. Yay!


    GC: We haven't had a chance to test this, but we hope you're right.

  10. Quick question:

    Say some people don't fill their squads by the deadline and have free spaces. Come the winter transfer window, say Man City splash out on another world class player, they can freely bid for him because they've got spaces in their squad. Will those of us with full squads be allowed to bid for him too and should be be successful then release someone to accommodate him? It would be a bit unfair if we had to release someone beforehand to free up the space, then bid for him and not get him and be one man down because of it.

  11. So I notice the Under 20 World Cup game between Germany and Nigeria was listed on Will Hill's website for a 7pm KO, Germany were 8/13 favourites so I thought I wouldn't bother. Happen to check at half-time and it's 0-0, so they're now 11/10. Checked the results in the groups (this is the knockout stage) and Germany steamrollered through their group while Nigeria scraped through even though they lost two of their 3 games. So I stick a couple of quid on and realise the game is on Eurosport. What a fucking second half, it had absolutely everything. It was one of those games that you could just watch even with no allegiance to either side and no clue who any of the players were. The commentary was really honest and top notch, far better than anything you'd hear on Sky that's for sure. But Nigeria went ahead and I shat it. Germany equalised about 2 mins later and all was right. Can't remember what order the next two happened, but Germany got a player sent off (really harshly to be fair) and Nigeria went 2-1 up. Nigeria then got a guy stretchered off and took forever to replace him, in which time Germany made it 2-2. Then with literally the last kick of the ball, 10-man Germany broke right up the field with the full back of all people, he had one other guy with him but couldn't pass because he was offside, so he just powered through with energy he got from goodness knows where and poked it past the oncoming keeper. The Nigerian players were literally crying on the bench and strewn on the pitch. It was unbelievable. The Nigerian keeper even got opened up by a knee to the head and still carried on, what a trooper. But incredible match, glad I caught the second half.

  12. First game online, went 3-1 up and the guy quit.


    Reason #4 as to why I never play any games online.

    I've never played FIFA online (never played much online, but hey), but don't you lose 3-0 by forfeit if you quit in the middle of a game? If not then I'm surprised anyone plays random people online.

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