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Posts posted by SpiceDawg

  1. A decent follow-up to No Way Out. Glad to see the Scaggs & Dustin storyline progress but for some reason, it came off really anit-climatic. Maybe because Vince came off 'too much' like a heel and I was hoping for it to be more subtle. I also would have like the idea of Scaggs & Dustin being jumped by wretlers without Vince coming out to confront them. A deal where Vince would keep on sending people after them but never actually show up on TV thus heels like Lawler could claim it wasn't Vince since he never acknowledged it. Vince could keep on hiding from them thus making the final revealation very special. Oh well, I still look forward to seeing where this storyling goes and maybe Scaggs & Dustin will have to add to their army now. I have fears this feud going to be stunted to the midcard, even with Vince involvement, if we got people like Holly, Gunn & Windham battling the faces. Though I understand the logic of using them since it is needed to be people who are loyal to Vince despite not being big stars. Good to see Ahmed return and come off as a bad ass again. Kurrgan v. Ahmed should be a fun build to 'Mania. Lightheavy division definitely needs something in order to spark it, maybe sign some more indy talent? I enjoyed the stuff with Kane & DX. I would almost vote for Bearer to get written out of storylines and Kane needing to go into the main event without his manager to guide him. The Bearer angle could be the type of angle to get sympathy on Kane and maybe even make him a bit of an underdog. The entire show did a good job on starting the first bricks to the road to Wrestlemania. Depending how many weeks until 'Mania, you've got some time to really build up every match on the card and make it seem like something very special. One other thing, I was a little disappionted to see LOD still in a feud with NAO. But I realize you don't really have any other face teams that are in a position to challenge for the titles.

  2. Thunder Gives Smackdown A Fight!



    The ‘wrestling experts’ are saying that Smackdown & Thunder were too close in the ratings to declare who has the clear advantage in the Thursday Night war this week. I’d say the numbers would dictate WWF Smackdown as the hands down winner once again. WWF Smackdown scored a 6.43 rating which is .02 points higher then last week's rating. The Allstate Arena in Chicago saw an attendance of 7518 while bringing in a gross of $300720 from sales. It’s a definitely good sign that WWF continues to score higher ratings every single week. This week’s show saw an all locker room brawl to end things in order to put some last minute hype for the Rumble. The wrestling main event of the evening pitted HHH & Rikishi battle Undertaker & Steve Austin which saw Austin score the pinfall on HHH after Angle interfered. The responses to the show have been extremely positive and people are viewing WWF at a creative high at this point.

    WCW Thunder had a main event of Sting battling both Scott Steiner & Jeff Jarrett which lead to a back lot brawl with Ric Flair & Scott Steiner. This show gained WCW a huge 5.70 rating which is WCW’s highest rating for any television in over a year. The house for WCW at the Lexington Memorial Coliseum was a 5003 which brought in a gate revenue of $200120. WCW is very happy with these numbers and believe they put on an excellent show. As stated before, people in WCW feel that there wasn’t a clear winner in the ratings and that thing were very close between both shows.


    WCW Thunder Backstage News & Notes



    - Shane Douglas is still complaining about his treatment to anyone who will listen backstage. Shane Douglas did not want to be squashed by Goldberg and then not get any ‘heat’ back after the match. WCW officials refused to listen to Douglas since their goal is to begin to ‘rehab’ the Goldberg character.

    - WCW wanted to include an Evan Karagious v. Shane Helms match for Thunder but unfortunately, they couldn’t find another segment they wanted cut out. Some officials felt that O’Haire monopolized a lot of the spots but Terry Taylor & Creative are very high on getting O’Haire over thus weren’t willing to cut any of the O’Haire segments. Apparently, it came down to either having Shane v. Evan or Wall v. Konnan. It is believed that the Konnan v. Wall segment had the bigger stars involved thus it deserved to be on Thunder. Despite this, WCW officials were said to be rather disappointed that no Cruiserweight match was showcased. Apparently, Shane v. Evan will be a match on Wildside now.

    - The Mamalukes v. Kronik match that Sanders announced was also originally planned to be put on Thunder. It would appear WCW is having some struggles juggling all of their roster. This may mean that WCW Wildside may start getting more and more storyline development.

    - Road agents were said to be very impressed with the Wall and Konnan and felt the two men gelled great together. No word if this will lead to an extended program.

    - Pre-Thunder dark matches saw Shane Helms & Jamie Noble beat Three Count (again!), Lash Laroux beat Chavo Guerrero by count out, and Totally Buff defeated Mamalukes after Perfect Event interference

    - Post Thunder saw a match where The Cat, Hugh Morrus & Ric Flair defeat Lance Storm, Mike Awesome & Sid Vicious. A rather random pairing of wrestlers there.

    - Dustin Rhodes & Booker T were backstage again but neither was used. Kevin Nash was also said to be backstage but wasn’t used in order to sell his injuries.

    - There is talk that WCW still wants to send both The Wall & Mark Jindrak down to developmentals as soon as possible. Jindrak would be easy since his partner has all but abandoned him for a super push. The Wall would appear to be pencilled in for a match with Hugh Morrus at SuperBrawl (though, that would only be my own guess).

    - Apparently, Creative is split on the decision to bring back the WCW World Television title. Some are saying the company is overloaded with titles. While others feel the title will be a good midcard title for wrestlers that aren’t brawlers. There seems to be talk to retire the Hardcore title in the very near future.

    - Since WCW Sin, the line up for Superbrawl has been rewritten and organized close to 8 times. WCW still isn’t sure which matches they want to be on the PPV. Due to the roster size, they realize that not all current stories/feuds will be able to be showcased. The plan had been to include several multi-person type matches but now WCW is feeling the ‘money’ is in the one on one or tag bouts but keep one possible multi person as a special attraction.

    - Yet another example of time issues, WCW wanted a whole angle where Crowbar transformed to Devon Storm but due to how the show was structured, it was decided they would go with what they did on Thursday. Of course, it seems WCW has plans to still run the angle on Wildside.

    - Word is, Sean O’Haire, Shane Helms, Chris Kanyon and Mike Sanders have fallen under the ‘pet project’ banner and are all wrestlers WCW wants elevated within the next several months.


    WCW House Show Results



    I just got back from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, VA. WCW put on a really excellent house show. It’s obvious this is an area of the company they want to improve and concentrate on. I will definitely be back when they return to the area.

    1. Shane Helms & Jamie Noble won a four way elimination bout against Three Count(Evan Karagious & Shannon Moore), the Boogie Knights (Alex Wright & Disco Inferno) and the Yung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi & Yang). A really, really great opener to the show. Crowd wasn’t as into as I would have liked but a really great contest here. Yang eliminated Wright early in the match which left the Knights arguing with each other. The three teams really showcased their high flying moves. Karagious put away Yang eventually with a hangman neckbreaker. The Vertebreaker by Helms got the pin over Shannon Moore. Such a terrific match up.

    2. Devon Storm defeated Meng after Storm hit Meng with a fire extinguisher. Remember when Crowbar couldn’t beat Meng on TV? This match was actually advertised to be Terry Funk v. Crowbar but I heard that WCW doesn’t want Funk to do house shows right now and would rather him get some rest in. This was okay but crowd was only so so

    3. Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, and Elix Skipper beat Konnan, Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio Jr when Elix Skipper pinned Kidman with the play of the day. This was another super wrestling match. Crowd decent throughout but the biggest reactions went with Lance Storm and Rey Misterio. A really great workrate contest and I was shocked by the finish.

    4. The Wall defeated United States Champion Hugh Morrus by DQ when Morrus put Wall through a table. An okay match but the crowd was pretty dead. I’m thinking it’s time to move the title off Hugh because he doesn’t seem to be that over. This match had some alright brawling and they kept it short enough.

    5. Lash Laroux defeated WCW Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero by count out after Chavo walks out. Chavo is mad over right now. The man should be elevated up to upper midcard at this point. This match was great and a lot of fun. If house show booking means anything, I’d say WCW has plans for Lash to take the title. Otherwise, why didn’t Chavo get the duke?

    6. Sean O’Haire & Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak) beat Mamalukes (Big Vito & Johnny the Bull) & Jim Duggan when O’Haire pinned Jim Duggan. This was pretty blah to be honest. I love the Thrillers but this match just didn’t seem to take off. It was cool to see O’Haire press slam Duggan. Man, is that guy a hoss!

    7. DDP & Kevin Nash defeated Sid Vicious & Chris Kanyon in a surprisingly decent match. This match wasn’t advertised previously and actually, we were supposed to get a O’Haire v. Nash match tonight. I’m shocked they put Kanyon up against DDP since television would dictate Kanyon is trying to befriend Page. Maybe the philosophy is that since it isn’t on TV then they can do whatever thus allowing them to work out the kinks before the matches become televised.

    8. Goldberg destroyed the WCW World Tag Team champions Totally Buff (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell) in a handicap match. If it wasn’t on TV then it didn’t really happen so I’d say Buff still have their credibility. Crowd was pretty hot for this one.

    9. Sting, The Cat & Ric Flair beat Scott Steiner (w/Midajah), Jeff Jarrett, & Rick Steiner in what had a really hot crowd. It was really sweet seeing Ric Flair back in the ring. He does need to knock off a little ring rust at this point. The ending came when Jarrett tapped out to the figure four leglock that got a monster pop. A really great way to end the evening.

    Like I said, I’m glad I went. Highly recommend all to check out a WCW House Show. Though I’m curious to see how close these shows are to WCW’s actual booking plans in regard to feuds & pushes. Some interesting anomalies with the matches they booked and the guys who went over. Key one that sticks out is Skipper getting a pin over Kidman and Lash actually beating Chavo by CO.


    Friday Night Hardcore Ratings



    ECW continues to be the king of the ratings on Friday nights. ECW Hardcore TV scored a .50 which exactly what they earned last week. The show was headlined by ECW World Champion RVD & Road Warrior Hawk defeating Jerry Lynn & Curt Hennig in what was a pretty good match. The event brought in a house of 2504 which allowd ECW to pick up $75120 in revenue. It will be interesting to see how well RVD draws as champion. Looks like ECW is going for a RVD v. Jerry Lynn rematch at the next PPV.

    XPW actually saw some drop in their ratings this week as they only mustered a .06. I’m sure KJLA can’t be happy with that. Some may think the low rating could be due to directly competing with ECW on America One. XPW did draw in 212 fans and gained $3180 in dough. The main event saw New Jack beat Mustafa to a bloody pulp in what may have been a match. Tammy Fytch continued to be heavily spotlighted and hyped up her upcoming catfight with Lizzy Borden.


    WCW Wildside Preview



    It has been an absolutely wild week in WCW. This Saturday night shouldn’t be any exception, as WCW Wildside finds it way to Davidson, NC at the John M. Belk Arena. Tonight’s edition of Wildside promises to be it’s best show yet. It will showcase some more great WCW Cruiserweight action plus highlight the week that was WCW.

    Tonight’s main event will see two members of the Filthy Animals, Rey Misterio Jr & Billy Kidman, do battle with the dancing fools known as the Boogie Knights, Alex Wright & Disco Inferno. Last week, Rey Misterio defeated Disco Inferno after Alex Wright accidentally cost his partner the match. Tonight Boogie Knights will be out for revenge as they take on two of the premier cruiserweights in all of wrestling. Will Boogie Knights be able to work as a team and get this all important victory? Or will trouble continue to finds it’s way for Disco & Wright? It should be a marvellous main event.

    Mike Sanders announced on Thunder that the Mamalukes will do battle with Kronik tonight. It would appear that Sanders has given Kronik some motivation to be extra special tonight. What is the goal that Sanders has in mind? What will the hired guns of WCW have in store for the Mamalukes? It should be a great contest that sees the return of one of WCW’s all time great tag teams.

    Plus Shane Helms will go one on one with Evan Karagious. Helms will be out for revenge after Three Count cost Shane the Cruiserweight title at WCW Sin. Don’t be surprised if Shannon Moore and Chavo Guerrero Jr stick their nose into this match up.

    Plus Elix Skipper, Bam Bam Bigelow and Devon Storm will all be on the show. Plus a special look at all the highlights of this past week in WCW. Don’t you even think about missing the best wrestling show on the weekend. Be sure to tune into TBS at 6:05pm!

  3. WCW Thunder

    Date: 01.18.01

    Venue: Lexington Memorial Coliseum in Lexington, KY

    Network: TBS

    Timeslot: Prime Time

    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Stevie Ray

    Ring Announcer: David Penzer

    WCW Thunder opens with a video package highlighting the altercations involving Ric Flair & Scott Steiner this past Nitro. The voice over promises that these two men will be in the same arena and chaos is sure to follow. This segues to the usual WCW Thunder opening which then cuts to inside the Lexington Memorial Coliseum which is holding a rabid crowd of WCW fans. While the pyro and fireowork go off, Mike Tenay & Stevie Ray go over key events from WCW Sin & Nitro while also running down tonight’s card.

    Making Some Big Decisions

    The theme for the Thrillers blares over the speakers while the fans fill the arena with boos as Mike Sanders makes his way out to the ring. Mike Sanders, decked out in an expensive suit, cockily swaggers down the aisleway. Sanders throws out a few snide comments to some ringside fans. Sanders seems to be adorned with some new accessories this week as he has a WCW Championship belt slung over his shoulder. Careful examination shows that it is the WCW World Television Championship. Mike Sanders basks in a few boos before grabbing the ring mic.

    Mike Sanders: Wassup Louisville? [the crowd boos harder for being incorrectly indentified and Mike Sanders knowingly smiles at the incorrect name dropping] I feel really out of place being in the state of Kentucky. Because I have all my teeth, I don’t own a rusted Chevy with it’s wheel’s missing on my front yard, I don’t have a filthy pet possum as my best friend, I don’t drink moonshine for special occasions and I am not married to my sister. [that little rant gets more boos and Mike smiles even broader] Not that I’m judging you. I just feel a little out of place. Anyway, I am here to announce that Ric Flair is not in the building. [fans show their disapproval for such news] It appears [Mike smiles even more broadly] that Mr. Flair has had some transportation difficulties. Which means, at this moment, I am the most powerful person in this building. As the Commisioner of WCW, I will call all the shots since poor Mr. Flair can’t be troubled to get here on time. Now, I’ve got some plans for this evening and I even have tonight’s main event to announce. I’m sure they are a little different then what Ric had in mine but he isn’t here so he’s SOL. [Chuckles to himself] You know what that means. But before I get to tonight’s main event and my plans for it. I would like to address this title here on my shoulder. [sanders taps the WCW championship] This belt here, has a long history in WCW. Some of the greatest names in professional wrestling can lay claim to this championship such as Rick & Scott Steiner, and Lex Luger. [Announcers mention how Sanders just name dropped all Apocalypse members] You see, this is the World Television Championship. It has all been forgotten over the last few years but I have decided it is time to reinstate this belt. I’m going to officially activate it for this Monday night on Nitro. [scans the audience] You didn’t really think I’d bring back this belt here in Kentucky, did you? You’re lucky I even lowered myself to be here. Don’t be selfish now. [fans greet Sanders with the expected response] Anyway, this Monday on Nitro it will be a 20 man invitational battle royal for the WCW World Television title. I can even announce the first entrant into this prestigious match-up. He is probably one of the most gifted pure athletes in the history of this sport. He may be hands down the best pound for pound wrestler of any era. He is also rather fetching and charming, ladies. He is from the amazing Natural Born Thrillers [sanders points to the back but no one is buying it] Mike Sanders! Ha ha ha. Folks, you are looking at the next World Television champion. No doubt.

    Sanders readjusts the title on his shoulder. Scans the crowd a bit before resuming his diatribe.

    Mike Sanders: So now, that I’ve got that piece of booking out of the way. I would like to remind you that I have booked a championship for tonight. In this very ring, the WCW Hardcore title is scheduled to be defended by that old geezer Terry Funk against one of the true futures of this company, Rick Steiner! [fans don’t seem to appreciate the comments about Steiner] I guara-damn-tee you’ll be witnessing a new champion later this evening. Ha ha. Since I am the Commisioner it is my job to make sure every show here in WCW is jam packed with excitement. That is why I’ve got an amazing tag team contest scheduled for WCW Wildside this week. Those ingrateful, overrated, hacks the Mamalukes will meet their match in the formidable Kronik! [look directly into the camera] Bryan and Brian, I hope you guys remembered to check your gymbags. I hope you guys have a little more incentive to make that tag match a very special and memorable affair. [sanders winks] [announcers butt in by wondering what Sanders means by such comments] And now hicks of Kentucky [obvious disrespect from the fans to Sanders fo those words] I will grace you with the news for tonight’s main event. You see, there has been lots of talk about Stinger being screwed this past Sunday at WCW Sin. Lots of people seem to believe that Sting could have won the World Title. Now, I don’t believe that Sting has earned any right to fight for the World Championship. I do feel that Sting should be given the chance to re-prove himself. Which is why from the goodness of my heart, I have found it fit to grant the match everyone felt Sting could have won. Tonight, as a favour to Sting, I will put him up against Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner in a handicap match. [fans don’t seem to appreciate that booking] What? Everyone said Sting should have one this Sunday? I’m just letting him prove it. Let’s be honest, it was just a handicap match on Sunday under the guise of Triple Threat rules. Tonight, I’m just booking what it really is. [Tenay yells out in disgust that it isn’t the same thing because Jarrett had reason to not work with Steiner on Sunday] [sanders seems to be about ready to leave until acting like he forgot something] Oh yes, I have a special stipulation for tonight’s main event. Of course, this is once again a big favour to Sting since he felt that Sid was the reason he lost last time. I am putting in a clause that if anyone interferes then he will be suspended from World Championship Wrestling. I would like to add that this specifically goes to The Cat who seems to not know how to mind his own business. Ernest babee, you’ve been making it a habit to get involved in a lot of Apocalypse business but tonight, you will be suspended indefinitely if you are anywhere near the ring during the main event. So everyone, have yourself a wonderful night and keep your tongue out of your sisters’ mouths! Hah ha!

    Sanders strikes a cocky pose to soak up a little more heel heat. The Above Average one, with the title still over his shoulder, makes his way to the back of the arena. The announcers ramble about the unfairness of tonight’s main event and also touch on some of Sanders’ other comments as well.


    COMMERCIAL BREAK - Don’t miss the thrilling encore of WCW Sin. Be sure to buy your kid’s the brand new WCW Action figures that include Goldberg, Booker T, Sting and Scott Steiner!!!

    Out For Revenge

    The Wall v. Konnan

    Referee: Mark Johnson

    A quick video package showcases what The Wall did to Tygress at WCW Sin in order to explain the reason for this match. The announcers observe that the Wall is not out with any member from Team Canada and it still isn’t clear if he is aligned with the stable. Such things don’t get to be contemplated for long as Konnan immediately jumps Wall once Konnan arrives to the ring. Konnan uses an assortment of clotheslines and shoulderblocks to attempt to knock the Wall off his feet. Eventually, Wall counters the attack with a solid boot to the face. The Wall uses his typical big man offence to toss Konnan around the ring. Surprisingly, the formula leads to a fairly decent match but doesn’t necessarily get the crowd really into the contest as they still seem to not buy the Wall as a big player. The Wall tries to finish off Konnan with a chokeslam but the Mexican star shocks the crowd when he reverses the hold into a ddt. Konnan only gets a two count but momentum is back on his side. Wall hits the mat hard after a stiff rolling clothesline from Konnan. Konnan does his grabbing his pants dance to not only show his excitement but to get the fans into his rally. The Wall tries to stop the flurry but Konnan responds by hitting a carpet muncher (X-Factor). Before Konnan can go for a vicotry, Lance Storm slides into the ring and starts to attack Konnan. The Wall quickly gets back to his feet and joins in on the beating of Konnan. The 2 on 1 doesn’t last for long as Hugh Morrus charges into the ring and stand landing punchs onto the Wall. Hugh Morrus hits Wall with a clothesline that takes both men out of the ring. Hugh Morrus continue to exchange blows with the Wall as they battle to the back. Unfortunately for Konnan, the save didn’t do him much good and Lane Storm continues to assault him with stomps and kicks. The crowd gives out a big pop as Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio come charging from the back. Before they make it to the ring, Mike Awesome and Elix Skipper quickly intercept them. On the outside, the two Team Canada members start to exchange blows with the Filthy Animals. In the ring, Storm has applied the Maple Leaf submission hold on Konnan. Officials pour from the back in attempt to stop the chaos in the ring. Mike Teny constantly shouts how we are in amidst a war between these two factions. Team Canada is finally being pulled off the Animals while the show cuts to. . .

    WINNER: Konnan by DQ


    COMMERCIAL BREAK – WCW Magazine now has exclusive photos from the amazing WCW Mayhem event in November!!! If you suscribe to SI, you’ll get even more up to date sports news!!! K-Dawg still thinks you should all be drinking Pepsi.

    Getting The Fans Involved

    Hard rock chords bring out the psycho one, Sid Vicious. The entrance is accompanied by mostly boos but still some scattered cheers for Sid. Sid still positively acknowledges the fans and does his fist touch with them. Following Sid down the aisle is a young man wearing a ‘Sid Vicious: Rules The World’ t-shirt. Sid parts the ropes for the gentleman and then enters himself. Sid tries to start a chant of his name but it doesn’t quite work for him. Instead, a strong Sting chant is started up by the crowd.

    Sid Vicious: I’m out here tonight because I feel we have reached a misunderstanding. I want you to know the real Sid. I want to remind you all that I am indeed your hero. Because I am Sid Vicious. I am the franchise of this company. I am the uncrowned champion. [stares right into the camera with a very serious look] I am the ruler of the world. Tonight, I am out here to show you what kind of man I am. How much I love my fans. [during this entire rant Sid will go from talking quietly to almost yelling] I have brought out this young man with me. Sir, what is your name?

    Man: Kevin Serling, sir.

    Sid Vicious: [chuckles to himself] You can call me Sid, son. Now, I notice you are wearing my brand new ‘Sid Vicious: Rules the World’ t-shirt.

    Kevin Serling: Yeah, you told me if I came out here that you’d give me th. . .

    Sid Vicious: [quickly jumps in before the statement can be finished] But you are a fan, am I right?

    Kevin Serling: Oh yeah, Sid Vicious rules the world! Woo hoo! [pumps his fist in the air]

    Sid Vicious: Be civil now, boy. Often people will wear the merchandise of their wrestling hero, right?

    Kevin Serling: Sure, but. . .

    Sid Vicious: And you have admitted that you are a fan of Sid Vicious right?

    Kevin Serling: Yes, I do. . .

    Sid Vicious: Boy, just answer what I ask you. But please tell the fans here what we did earlier tonight.

    Kevin Serling: You took me out to dinner. You gave me a signed poster of yourself. Of course, you gave me this t-shirt too. It was all really nice. All I had to do was come. . .

    Sid Vicious: [turns to the audience] You see, I spend time with my fans. I give back to my fans. Not like that bogus fraud Sting! I really care. I believe that a man who cares for his fans is a man who should be declared the Franchise. I am the cornerstone of WCW. I am the hero of this company. Son, please tell these fans who is your all time favourite wrestler.

    Kevin Serling: Honestly?

    Sid Vicous: Of course. I want them to all hear who is the wrestler who will always have a special place in yoyr heart. Who is your wrestling hero?

    Kevin Serling: Well, my favourite wrestler is . . . well. . . Sting! [the fan delivers it in a very matter of fact tone]

    Sid Vicious: [sid’s face gets very red and he bites his lower lip] Sting? I see. Sting is you favourite wrestler. Well, everyone has the right to cheer for who they want. I can understand that. Um. To show what kind of man I am, I have a little present for you. [sid pulls a Stinger mask from his back pocket] Here is a mask of your favourite wrestler in WCW. Here you go. Just to show what kind of man I am.

    The fan grabs the mask from Sid. Sid urges the young man to put the mask on. The guy is hesitant but finally relents. He puts on the mask but Sid starts to ask him to strike some Stinger poses. The man strikes a poses like Sting would. Sid requests that he give out a Stinger yell. Once again, Kevin gives out a yell. Kevin seems to be much more comfortable now. He starts running the ropes back and forth while giving out a war cry. Kevin suddenly stops his bouncing off the ropes when he is met with a giant Sid Vicious boot. The crowd gives out a monstrous boo for such an action. Sid drags Serling up by his throat and then is brought down with a thunderous chokeslam. Sid brings him back up to only bring him back down with a powerbomb. Sid starts to laugh like a maniac to himself. Sid seems to not be done with the fan but he isn’t able to continue the beating as he is intercepted. Stinger has arrived to cheers and fires off many punches to Sid. Stinger whips Sid into the turnbuckles and collides with Sid using the Stinger Splash. Sid crumples to the outside in pain. Sting tends to the fallen fan. Sid isn’t as hurt as Sting thinks and comes back in the ring with a chair. Sid cracks the chair over the back of Sting. Sid lifts up the chair and blasts over the back of Sting again. Sting lays battered beside Kevin Serling. Sid poses triumphantly over the bodies of Kevin and Sting. The announcers mention that the odds are even more against Sting now for tonight’s main event as he has been brutally attacked tonight. Sid tries to start another Sid chant while the scene cuts to a. . .


    Sid Vicious’s turn was completed and he is now a heel

    Sid Vicious gained 5 points of overness from this turn

    COMMERCIAL BREAK – TBS will be airing BladeRunner this Saturday! PS2 allows you yo enjoy Halo! THQ made a killer WCW Wrestling game.

    Everyday Friendly Neighbourhood Squash

    Shane Douglas (w/Bam Bam Bigelow) v. Goldberg

    Referee: Randy Anderson

    A video package, detailing Goldberg’s comments from Nitro, opens up this segment. The actual match is nothing more than a glorified squash. Goldberg absolutely no sells everything that Douglas hits Goldberg with. Douglas even executes his finisher, the Pittsburgh Plunge, which Goldberg pops right up after. Douglas tries a move off the top rope but is greeted with the spear. A jackhammer follows which gives Goldberg the quick victory. Bam Bam Bigelow attacks Goldberg after the match but is quickly met with a spear and jackhammer as well. Goldberg stands tall while his opponent lay beaten on the mat. The crowd roars with the approval over Goldber finding that killer instinct again.

    WINNER: Goldberg


    Beating A Dead Horse or Nash

    A camera cuts to the back where Sean O’Haire is seen talking to a video guy. O’Haire seems to be giving very strict instructions and then hands the man a video. O’Haire then gives an award winning smile and cockily struts his way over to the arena entrance. The announcers speculate what was on the video while we cut to a commercial break.

    The theme music of the Thriller starts up when we return from the commercial break. Sean O’Haire is graced with a shower of boos as he makes his way to the ring. O’Haire leaps over the top rope and strike a pose for the not so adoring fans. O’Haire gives a look as if he couldn’t care less about the opinions of the audience. O’Haire soaks in some heel heat before taking a nearby mic.

    Sean O’Haire: You guys might not like me but you have to admit I am the future of this company. You want proof? Just ask Kevin Nash, who I have left laid out on several occasions now. This past Monday, I beat Nash’s ass all the way to the local hospital. The fact is, Nash isn’t here tonight. You know why? Because he can’t be here because the doctors ordered him to stay home. You see, Sean O’Haire can be bad for your health, [lets out a devious smile] The simple truth is, I have Kevin Nash’s number. I have been in total control over Mr. Big Sexy. You see, I still don’t have what I want. I have beat up Nash, I have battered him and I have proven I am superior. But what I have not done is pinned Nash in the middle of this ring. [looks right into the camera] Kevin, I could have gone farther. I could have beaten you even more. But I didn’t. Because I want to face you in a man to man contest. I want to have an official victory. I want it on a big stage. I want you at SuperBrawl, Kev. Do you have the balls? [looks up at the audience] Some of you may think, this guy is nothing more than a bunch of hot air. Does Sean know who Kevin Nash is? Doesn’t Sean know the kind of damage Kevin Nash can do? I want to tell you that I do respect Kevin Nash. I do know what he has accomplished in this business. I’m not under estimating what he can do. To prove this, I want to show a special video montage that will showcase the greatness of Kevin Nash. It is a package highlighting the kind of man Nash is and the threat I will need to face when we meet. Roll that footage.

    A very slick video package is shown. The beginning of the video shows a truimphant Kevin Nash striking his famous one armed raised pose in the ring. It even shows, after a big victory, Nash holding a WCW World Tag Team championship high in the air. The video quickly turns to another form of highlights. The package displays O’Haire attacking Nash over and over. The brutal beat downs in the ring are shown and the attacks in the baskctage are showcased. The shot zooms into the bloodied and battered face of Kevin Nash. Things cut back to the ring where O’Haire is laughing to himself and the fanse are relentlessly booing him.

    Sean O’Haire: Ha ha, see it’s Kevin Nash that isn’t in my league. Nash, the best days of your life were when I decided to attack you. Because the simple fact I am targeting you must show that you have some worth in this world. I’m giving you the rub here. Nash, understand that your days are numbered. This war will end with m on top and you a battered shell of your former self. Nash, I own you. At SuperBrawl, if you have the balls to accept, I will put you out for once and for all. I am the future. I am . . . [cut off by the speakers blaring ‘Self high Five’ and playing DDP’s theme music]


    A Different Opinion On This Matter

    The crowd gives out a big pop for an emerging Diamond Dallas Page. Page strikes a diamond cutter sign and gives out a big ‘BANG!’ Page maigcally has a mic on his person.

    DDP: Shawnie, Shawnie, Shawnie, that was a great prject for your video class. It’s real brave of you to bad mouth my pal Kevin Nash when he isn’t even in the same state as you. I would admit that it is impressive the way you have manhandled Nash. I would almost want to give you a hearty clap if wasn’t for the fact you’ve never been able to do it to his face. It’s been all sneak attacks, bud. You’re nothing but a corwardly little weasel. You talk big when my friend isn’t around. You show video packages. You fail to mention you haven’t had the guts to fight Nash straight up. Until then, you’ll never be the future of this company. I won’t ever respect you.

    Sean O’Haire: I’ve beat you straight up, Page. [Page gives a sour look] Did I hit a hot spot? Let’s face it Page, I have your number too. Last time we were in this ring, I pinned your ass. You know what, Page? I’d love to do it again. How about we get in this ring, right here tonight. I can make another example out of Nash’s little buddy. What you say, Page? You ready to step up and experience the future of this company?

    DDP: Am I ready? You better be ready. To. . . Feeel. . . The . . . BANG!!!! [DDP obviously does his diamond cutter’crotch chop thingie]

    The music of Page blares over the speaker and the crowd gives a decent pop to Page. It would appear the crowd started to warm up to O’Haire and not really believe DDP as a good threat to him. The announcers rattle on excitedly about another big match being signed for tonight.


    Diamond Dallas Page lost 2 points of overness from this segment

    COMMERCIAL BREAK – WCW Merchandise will make you the coolest of cool. Pepsi will cool your thirst. Watching Bladerunner on TBS is cool.

    WCW Hardcore Championship

    Rick Steiner v. Terry Funk ©

    Referee: Billy Silverman

    A quick clip shows the Crowbar heel turn from Nitro. Terry Funk brings out a wheel barrel of plunder and has intentions of using everything in there. Announcers ponder if Terry is in any shape to defend the title against Steiner. The two brawlers take turns whacking each other with an assortment of goodies. They find themselves beating each other up inside and outside the ring. Steiner takes a 2x2 board and buries into the chest of Funk. Steiner drops the use of weapons and starts to use his stiff blows in it’s place. Steiner hits Funk with a solid Steinerline that drives the champion through an ironing board. Steiner uses the pieces of the board to choke out Terry Funk. The fans start up a decent chant to get Funk back in the match. Funk makes a big rally when he grabs the tights of Steiner and flings him hard into the solid, steel ring post. Rick grasps his shoulder from the impact. Terry is now sensing momentum and starts to pepper Steiner with right. Back inside the ring, Terry Funk hits Steiner with a swinging neckbreaker. Funk tries to set Rick up for a piledriver but the powerful challenger is able to back drop out of it. The crowd shows even more disdain when an unwlecomed guest comes out from the back. It is Crowbar sporting a chair in hand. Except Crowbar doesn’t look like his usual self. Crowbar’s hair is no longer jet black but rather has some blond highlights in it. Crowbar isn’t wearing his torn jeans but rather a pair of slacks and a collared shirt. Crowbar isn’t there just to look pretty but rather assist Steiner in the match. Crowbar enters the ring to whack the chair over the back of the recovering Terry Funk. Crowbar lays the chair on the mat and asks Rick Steiner to climb to the top rope. Rick Steiner applies his top rope bulldog to Funk onto the awaiting chair. Rick Steiner rolls over the carcass of Funk and makes the cover for the 3 count. Crowbar looks excited by the damage he has done and quickly goes outside to hand Steiner his newly won title. Steiner poses with the championship, which only gets boos from the crowd. Crowbar doesn’t seem to be done with Funk yet and grabs the mic to address him.

    Crowbar: Terry, you aren’t looking much like a legend now, are you? You look pathetic. That is because you are pathetic. You don’t have your precious WCW Hardcore Title anymore. You may wonder why I allowed you to lose the championship that I so badly wanted to win from you. I think, the title is as pathetic as you are. I don’t want it anymore. The man you are staring up at right now Terry isn’t the same man you met on Sunday. Crowbar is dead. My name is Dangerous Devon Storm. It is my goal to take everything you have away from you. I started with the Hardcore championship. Next, I will take away your legacy and everything you ever stood for. Hardcore wrestling is dead, Funk. Just like you will be. Now, you have no title. Me? I will have a new championship added to my resume come this Monday. I have been entered into the WCW World Television title tournament. I will become the new World Television Champion. I will add it to my legacy. It will be another sign I have passed you by. You lose a championship and I become a champion. Very, very, very soon Funk there will be nothing left of you and I will become the biggest name in this company. I will be the greatest World Television Champion ever. See you this Monday, my hero. [storm adds the exclamation mark by spitting on the batter body of Terry Funk]

    The crowd serenades Devon Storm with boos. The announcers talk about what a creep Storm has turned into. Storm goes to the back while Terry struggles to get back to his feet.

    WINNER: Rick Steiner, New WCW Hardcore Champion


    Devon Storm debuted his new gimmick (Man on a Mission) and it got a positive response.

    The WCW Hardcore Title has gained in image

    COMMERCIAL BREAK – 3 minutes of corporate America trying to invade your piggy bank.

    Threats All Around

    Hugh Morrus is seen carrying his bags out the arena and one must wonder if he came all this way just to save Konnan from the Wall. Morrus doesn’t make it all the way out of the arena as he is blocked by Jef Jarrett & Totally Buff. The threesome give out a devious laugh and share an evil grin.

    Jeff Jarrett: I just wanted to remark how great you’ve been as the Uniter States Champion. I really hope you’ve liked your run on top. I wanted to remind you that you’re scheduled to go against the Chosen One this Monday on Nitro. At this point, the Apocalypse has been on a roll these last few days. What you just saw in the ring and what you saw this past Monday is exactly what you will experience at Nitro. I’m going to beat your ass and take your title, slapnuts! What do you have to say about that?

    Hugh Morrus starts laughing hysterically. He drops his bags and steps right up to the face of Jarrett. He continues to laught at Jarrett.

    Jeff Jarrett: [looks over at Totally Buff] I’m thinking we need to serious up this situation a little.

    The Apocalypse members start to surround the Laughing Man. Totally Buff & Jarrett seems ready to maul Morrus until a huge bang is heard. The three mean turn around to see the Cat smashing a chair against the wall. The Cat holds up the chair and aims it at the mob. The Cat stalks towards the group while getting closer to Hugh Morrus.

    The Cat: It appears you guys are really brave when you have the numbers in your favour. How do you feel when you’ve got me and my friend here? [holds up his chair] Why don’t you guys get to stepping before I take my foot and shove it up all yo asses. Get out of here. Somebody call my momma cause I’m going to be whipping these fools asses.

    Jeff Jarrett: Cat, you have a bad habit of sticking your nose in business that isn’t your own. After I beat this slap ass for my United States title, I’m going to get rid of you for good.

    The Cat: Aw shuttup and git yo ass outta here!

    The heels realize that the Cat is ready for a fight and with that knowledge, they decide to slink away. The Cat looks over Hugh Morrus, who is still laughing insanely.


    Sticking Up For Nash

    Sean O’Haire v. Diamond Dallas Page

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    A quick clip is shown on what happened earlier in the evening to set up this match. The camera cuts to the back and shows both men make the walk from their dressing room all the way to the ringside area. The announcers are hyping this up like it is a big time match up and a possible career maker for O’Haire. Funny that they seem to already have forgotten that O’Haire beat Page only a few weeks ago on Nitro. After the entrances have been made WCW cuts to a commercial break. This match actually spans yet another commercial break. The story is that DDP brings a flurry of offense to O’Haire but the youngster is constantly able to stop him. At one point, O’Haire presses DDP over his head and drops him hard all the way to the outside floor. O’Haire mixes in some aerial assult such as doing a no hand tope from the inside to the outside of the ring onto DDP. O’Haire even wows the crowd by pulling off a hurricanrana on Page. Another crowd pleaser is when the big man bounds up to the top rope and leaps off with a missile dropkick directly onto the face of Page. Page proves his gustiness by kicking out of all the devastating moves. O’Haire decides to work on the seemingly always injured ribs of DDP. O’Haire crushes Page with a Samoan drop. That move is followed up with a press slam into a backbreaker. The crowd starts up a DDP chant and the cocky O’Haire even encourages the chant to continue. O’Haire wraps his large arms around Page and sinks his shoulder into the sternum. O’Haire cinches the bear hug tightly as Page gasps for breath. This move is an opportune time for the crowd to increase their encouragement and chanting for the veteran. O’Haire continues to dig the hold deeper and deeper as Page seems to start to drain. The ref decides it’s a perfect time to check the arms and the arms indeed fall two times. The third attempt also sees the arm fall but falls much faster on top of the head of O’Haire. The arm drops a dozen more times onto O’Haire cranium. Page continues to punch at the head of O’Haire. A final stiff punch to the head causes O’Haire to break the hold. Page winds up and drops O’Haire with a discus lariat. The crowd cheers Page on while he holds his tender ribs. Page bounces off the ropes but unfortunately, is met with a vicious spinebuster. O’Haire decides to continue damage on the ribs by thrusting his elbows into the tender area. The viciousness continues as O’Haire headbutts the ribs and rams his knees into Page’s side. DDP isn’t going down without a fight and slams forearms against the head of O’Haire. DDP begins to fight to his knees while throwing hard shots at O’Haire. The fans start to cheer as Page mounts a big comeback. O’Haire decides to fight dirty and stops the momentum by biting Page on the nose. The dirty tactic allows O’Haire the opportunity to lift DDP onto his shoulder for a rack backbreaker. O’Haire leaves him over his back for several seconds before dropping to his own knees thus crushing DDP’s back into the shoulder of O’Haire. O’Haire tries to get the win but DDP is able to roll a shoulder at the last second. O’Haire continues to pound on the injured ribs of Page. O’Haire whips Page off the ropes and readies to hit Page with a big powerslam but DDP swings over O’Haire to connect with the Diamond Cutter. Both men lay hurt on the mat as the crowd buzz over Pager hitting his finisher. DDP rolls on top of O’Haire and the ref smacks the mat 3 times. But he doesn’t ring for the bell and it becomes clear why as O’Haire was able to lift his shoulder up at the last second. Page gets back to his feet and hits O’Haire with a second Diamond Cutter and hooks the leg of O’Haire. Once again, O’Haire is able to avoid being pinned for 3 seconds. Page brings O’Haire back to his feet and bounces off the ropes to hit Sean with a crossbody block. The powerful rookie is able to catch Page in mid air and then position Page for a Tombstone piledriver. O’Haire jumps in the air and crushes Page’s head to the mat. O’Haire jumps to the top rope and strikes a cocky pose for the crowd. O’Haire leaps into the air and squashes Page with the Seanton bomb. The ref starts the count and this time, he makes it to 3. O’Haire gets to his feet and raises his arm in victory. O’Haire eyes the fallen body of DDP and gets a look of pure evil on his face. O’Haire pushes away the tending referee and lifts Page back to his feet. O’Haire throws DDP back down to the mat violently courtesy of a Jackknife powerbomb. O’Haire decides that such a move works better in twos and plants Page with a second Jackknife powerbomb. O’Haire starts to yell out Nash’s name and starts to mock Nash’s mannerisms. O’Haire lifts up DDP for a third jackknife. From the back comes running a DDP dressed Chris Kanyon. Instead of immediately getting in the ring to help Page, Kanyon runs around the outside yelling ‘Bang!’. DDP gets planted by a third powerbomb and Kanyon slowly slips into the ring. He stares down O’Haire and the powerful youngster decides he’ll back off. O’Haire leave the arena being showered with boos and jeers. Meanwhile, Kanyon continues to run around the ring in an overexagerrated version of DDP. Finally, Kanyon turns to DDP and starts to help him to his feet. Page deicdes to show his appreciation of Kanyon’s help by diamond cuttering him. Page hobbles to the back while Kanyon lays stunned in the ring. The announcers debate the sincerity of Positvely Kanyon.

    WINNER: Sean O’Haire


    Sean O’Haire gained 2 points from overness from this match

    COMMERCIAL BREAK – TBS is pumped to be able to show you Bladerunner this weekend. On Sunday, TBS has a Rocky marathon for all boxing buffs to enjoy. Don’t miss WCW Nitro on TNT every Monday because it is the best wrestling action anywhere on a Monday night!

    Handicap Action

    Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner (w/Midajah) v. Sting

    Referee: Nick Patrick

    Sting does waste any time taking it to the heels as he jumps them immediately after entering the ring. Sting dishes out punches for both men. Stinger knocks Jarrett down with a high elevation drop kick. The face whips Scott Steiner directly into the self proclaimed Chosen One. Jarrett finds himself sailing over the top rope which leave it Sting against Scott Steiner. Sting peppers Steiner with several stiff chops across the chest. Sting whips Steiner hard into the turnbuckles which causes Steiner to stumbles out of the corner into a bodyslam. Stinger gives out his war cry that gets the crowd jacked. Sting drags Steiner into a corner and mounts him for the ten punch count along. Stiner staggers out of the corner and is met with a bulldog. Sting goes for the first pinfall attempt but is immediately cut short by Jeff Jarrett, who is now recovered. Jarrett lifts up Sting to plant him with a back suplex. The ref demands for Jarrett to return to his corner but the damage has been done. Steiner begins to toss Sting all over the ring with his suplex variation. Occasionally crushes Sting to the mat with elbowsmashes and knee drops. Steiner finally tags in Jarrett and hold Sting for Jarrett to drop an elbow from the top rope. Jarrett takes Sting over for a gut wrench suplex and gets a solid two count from the move. Jarrett decides to put the focus on Sting’s back and brings him hard to the mat with a side suplex. The follow up is Jeff applying a Boston crab to the herioc face. It becomes a game of cheating as Jarrett will grab the hand of Steiner for extra leverage every time the ref checks on Sting. The fans display their obvious dislike for this strategy by Jarrett & Steiner. Eventually Nick Patrick gets wise to this plan and forces Jarrett to break the hold. Jarrett argues his innoncence but it’s no good for him. Jarrett resorts to stomping on the back of Sting. At this point, Steiner and Jarrett make some quick tags to work over the injured back of the Stinger. The heels whip Sting across the ring and attempt to plant him with a double clothesline but Sting is able to duck underneath the move and come back with a flying clothesline to both men. Sting gets an energy surge and tosses Jarret over the top rope. The Stinger goes through his big move set, which accumulates with Sting crushing Steiner with a Stinger splash in a corner. Sting is ready to lock on the deathlock but Jeff Jarrett enters the ring which causes the ref to attempt to send him back to his corner. Midajah climbs up to the top turnbuckle and flies into Sting. The Stinger is able to catch Midajah but it provides the necessary distraction for Steiner to low blow Sting. Steiner drills Sting to the mat with his screwdriver suplex. The ref turns around to count the 3 for the heel side. The three enter the ring to celebrate their victory over Sting. It looks like they are ready to rough up Sting some more until they hear a giant ‘WOOOOOOOOOOOOO!’

    The crowd pops as Ric Flair appears on the TunerTron. It’s a shot of Ric Flair in the parking lot. Flair’s wearing an overcoat and has bags slung over his shoulder. He seems to be ready to say something to the heels.

    Ric Flair: I’m here! I made it to WCW Thunder. Steiner, I want your ass! I made it here to Lexington despite 4 flat tires. I’m not going to blame anyone for my lateness or my travel problems. Not wait! Hell, I am. Steiner, you are a chicken. You tried to make sure I couldn’t make it to the arena tonight. I know it! Maybe you put that worm Sanders up to it. Now, I’m here. I want to beat you up so bad Steiner. Get in this parking lot and fight me like a man. Come on! Get over here, dammit!

    Steiner looks over at Jeff and Jarrett asks if he wants him to come. Steiner tells Jarrett to wait back here and Steiner makes his way to the back. The crowd starts to stir as they get excited about this upcoming brawl. The announcers ramble on about how this could turn real ugly. The scene cuts to one last. . .

    WINNERS: Jeff Jarrett & Scot Steiner


    COMMERCIAL BREAK - Don’t you just love how these things come exactly when it starts getting good?

    Still The Dirtiest Player In The Game

    The show continues with Steiner now in the back stage area. Scott Steiner enters the parking lot and immediately makes a beeline for the awaiting Ric Flair. The two men exchange punches with each other. Steiner lifts Flair and rams him into a car. Steiner ties to club Flair down with forearms but Flait blocks them then fires back with punches of his own. Flair decides chops are a good thing to bring to a fight and starts to light up the chest of Steiner. Scott Steiner unleashes a hard right to Flair’s head, which drops the legend. Steiner goes over to deliver another shot but Flair turns around to crack a tire iron into the gut of Steiner. The blow causes Steiner to crumple hard to the ground. It becomes clear that Flair was hiding the tire iron in the overcoat he was wearing. Ric Flair lets out a truimphant ‘WOOOO!’ The announcers mention that it appears the challenger got the best of the champion on this night.


    OR: 77

  4. A fairly decent placeholder PPV that has set things up nicely for Wrestlemania. It's too bad you got such an awful match rating out of the Bushwhackers but that shows the lack of value they bring to the tag division. I am interested to see where the Quebecers go from here. Especially since the World Tag Team champions are also heels. Cool to see that I totally predicted the Kurrgan invitational though it really was your only option. Ahmed v. Kurrgan should make for a a nice big man match at Wrestlemania even if I'm sure the MQ will be rotten. I was surprised to see Shamrock win the IC title. I really wanted Rocky to have a much longer title reign like he did in the real WWF. It should move the NOD dissension story along at a quicker pace and set up some kind of match for 'Mania. I do like how the main event went down. Jarrett's feud seems to have shifted over to Hunter now which is good. Kane was made to look like a monster by having to eliminate 3 guys in order to win. It was great seeing Kane survive the chairshot by Michaels. Definitely looking forward to the build for Michaels v. Kane. It should be a great road to Wrestlemania and you have some nice stories already in place. Though I have a feeling the main event effectively ended the NAO & LOD feud and it's time for NAO to get some new challengers.

  5. Raw Crushes Nitro. . . In Other News, The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow



    Remember when Eric Bischoff said that checking the ratings on Tuesday morning stopped being fun? Vince must be bored out of his skull right now. Once again Nitro has been trounced in the ratings with Raw. Many are saying that Raw is costing Nitro viewers at this point and some claim no end is really in sight.

    Nitro scored a 5.29 rating with a main even that saw Ric Flair be the guest referee in a match with Sting & Scott Steiner. Many people have been praising this past Nitro as the best Nitro in a very long time and hopes it has started some momentum for the company. The attendance at Fort Wayne’s Allen County War Memorial Coliseum was 5021 people which drew in a revenue of $200840. This is WCW’s best Nitro rating in at least a year which should translate in WCW heads being rather pleased with how things turned out.

    Raw saw a main event of The Rock & Stone Cold Steve Austin defeating HHH & Kurt Angle after The Rock pinned Angle from a miscue from HHH. Angle & HHH had a show closing brawl to highlight the show. This gained WWF Raw a rating of 6.85 which is one of their higher ratings in several months. Raw brought in 7539 fans into the Bradley Centre in Milwaukee. WWF brought in a pile of cash in the form of $200840. Many also thought this was a really good episode of Raw which once again saw really great matches in the form of Chris Jericho & the Hardyz defeating Chris Beniot, Dean Malenkos & Eddie Guerrero when Matt pinned Malenko, Edge & Christian defeating Too Cool, and Val Venis beating Al Snow.


    WCW Nitro Backstage News & Notes



    - Chavo Guerrero was heard backstage asking Terry Taylor again if he could be elevated up the card. The word is, Guerrero wants for the entire Cruiserweight division to be pushed up the ranks. He seems to be at least happy with being with Three Count.

    - Creative appears to want to elevate Chavo as well. Taylor doesn’t want to push the division too fast and too hard. Though the belief is that Chavo is now one of the top 5 most over heels in the company.

    - Word is, the entire tag division is being reshuffled now that the Insider refused to do the job on Sunday. The goal was to put the titles on a fairly over or established team in order to give the rub to when a younger team takes the championship.

    - The Totally Buff v. DDP match was booked in such a way so that they didn’t have to deal with Nash vetoing another match. They automatically just asked Nash to do the beat down for O’Haire since they knew Nash has been more then willing to put over O’Haire when it’s not a match.

    - Word is WCW was really impressed with Kaz’s match with Chavo. Creative is trying to come up with something to do for the Yung Dragons since everyone seems very high on pushing them and trying to get them more over.

    - The angles with Major Gunns & Daffney were done in a way to write out both females as they are being sent down to developmentals at this point.

    - Leia Meow was also sent down to developmentals and was the first of all the people being sent that openly complained. Apparently, Leia caused quite a fuss and said she was too good to have to slum it down in the territories. Word is, this behaviour may lead to the firing of Leia very soon. WCW had been contemplating her release before this incident.

    - Observers caught both Dustin Rhodes & Booker T backstage for Nitro but neither were used, obviously. One must believe that their return to the ring will be very soon now. Maybe in time for Superbrawl???

    - Dark matches aired before Nitro where Elix Skipper over Kwee Wee, Shane Helms & Jamie Noble beating Three Count & Jeff Jarrett beating Meng.

    - After Nitro went off the air, Flair & Steiner brawled back into the arena. Flair eventually got Steiner in a figure four leglock, which was said to have got a big pop from the crowd. Sid tried to help Flair but Sting recovered in order to fight him off. Flair & Sting stood in the ring to send the fans home happy. None of this stuff will be mentioned on TV, I’m sure.

    - Word is, Booker has been healthy for a few weeks but WCW wanted to make his return was a very big deal. WCW may hold off until after the Flair v. Steiner feud is wrapped up.

    - Apparently, WCW believe they haven’t made the Sid heel turn clear enough yet. Despite feuding with Sting, the belief is that the fact Sid played up the crowd may have still painted him as a face. [OOC: Silly me, forget to make the angle on Monday a ‘turn’ angle forgetting that EWR didn’t give me the option to make Sid a heel during the match on Sunday. L]


    WCW House Show Results



    I just got back from a really solid house show at the Chrysler Fieldhouse in New Castle, IN. With WCW being the solid #2, they seem to hit some of the smaller venues now which benefits me just fine. I would say at least 4000 were on hand for the event which left for some empty seats in the upper deck. The crowd was pretty hot for most of the night.

    1. Three Count (Evan Karagious & Shannon Moore) won a four way elimination match against Yung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi & Yang), Kwee Wee & Jamie Noble and the Boogie Knights. The Dragons eliminated the Knights after Yang hit Disco with the Yang Time. Shannon Moore pinned Kwee Wee after the Bottom’s Up which got rid of Kwee & Noble. The final two teams battled for another 8 minutes before Shannon Moore rolled through a Kaz body block to gain the win. A really awesome match that was close to 25 minutes of action and the crowd really picked up as time went on. Disco & Wright were seen arguing after they were eliminated but they’ve been doing that for weeks on Wildside, so I don’t know if that is going anywhere.

    2. Dangerous Devon Storm (which is how the announcers were billing Crowbar) defeated Meng after hitting him with a fire extinguisher. Alright, so it looks like Storm’s heel turn has cured his jobberitis. A match that wasn’t really good nor had much fan response. Though the fans are starting to not like Crowbar.

    3. Mamalukes (Johnny the Bull & Big Vito) beat the Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak) (w/Mike Sanders). A pretty good match that didn’t really garner a huge crowd response. It is pretty cool being able to say that I was able to see the Mamaluke’s first match back as a team!

    4. Chavo Guerrero won a classic against Shane Helms for the WCW Cruiserweight title. Fans where really into giving it to Chavo and fairly into Shane Helms. The crowd definitely picked up while the match went on. I never thought Shane would win the title since it was a house show but I started to doubt myself while the match went one. Really close match and definite match of the night, easily.

    5. Hugh Morrus & Lash Laroux defeated Shane Douglas & Bam Bam Bigalow. Pretty meh affair where no one was massively over. The guys put together a pretty decent brawl and Hugh & Lash had some cool double team moves. These guys have worked against each other enough where they were able to string something decent together.

    6. Sean O’Haire and Kevin Nash battled to a double count out. I think this will be their first one on one match. It was actually pretty good for a Nash match. In the end, they just ended up battling into the crowd while the ref counted to 10. Crowd definitely got more into this the longer it got. O’Haire seems to be getting himself a following.

    7. Lance Storm, Mike Awesome & Elix Skipper defeated Konnan, Rey Misterio Jr & Billy Kidman when Elix Skipper pinned Kidman after the play of the day. A really excellent match that also had some decent fan response. All these guys really work well together. I’m thinking we will see this match on TV soon.

    8. Golberg beat Totally Buff (Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell) in a handicap match. Not really the best way to get the new World Tag Team Champions over. But maybe the reasoning is it’s a house show and thus wouldn’t really affect Buff’s overness. A case where the crowd was hot but the match pretty much blew.

    9. Sting, The Cat & DDP defeated Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett & Rick Steiner after the Cat pinned Rick Steiner with the Feliner. The crowd was way into this match especially with Sting, Steiner or DDP. The match itself was pretty crappy and had some blown spots. It was a good way to end the night seeing the faces get the big win.

    It was a good night of wrestling action. All the big names were on hand which is good. WCW seems to be taking their House Shows seriously now. This is a good thing for the fans. If they stick to this line up then I recommend anyone to go out see them if they are in the area.


    WCW Thunder Preview



    WCW Thunder will be coming to you live from the Lexington Memorial Coliseum in Lexington, KY. It is promising to be one of the most explosive episodes of Thunder in WCW history. On the heels of Ric Flair’s major announcement that he will be going after his 17th WCW World Title, tonight will see both the challenger and the champion in the same arena. It is common knowledge that these two men hate each other. Who knows what will happen when their paths cross in Lexington? Will the CEO have any plans to soften the champion up before Suerbrawl? Will the two men continue the vicious brawl that they started this past Monday? Whatever happens, it should be absolutely unforgettable.

    Mike Sanders has been recently reasserting his authority as the WCW Commisioner. Sanders feels it is a perfect time to step up as an authority figure now that Flair is seemingly occupied by his World title pursuits. Tonight, Mike Sanders has promised some big announcements concerning WCW. No word on what these announcements pertain to but with Sanders invovled, it will promise to be very interesting and unique.

    One booking by Sanders is already known by WCW, Terry Funk has bee ordered to defend the WCW Hardcore championship against the Dog Faced Gremlin. It is becoming very clear that Sanders has the interest of the Apocalypse in mind. As this is yet another title match rewarded to a member of this stable. Will Sanders get involved in this match? Or will the hardcore icon be able to battle any challenges that come his way? Will Rick Steiner have to watch his back for Goldberg? What shape is Funk in after the brutal attack perpetuated by Crowbar? Will Crowbar stick his nose into this match?

    Sean O’Haire has been sticking his nose in Nash’s business for close to a month now. Yet O’Haire’s meddlings have been disastrous for Nash. Currently Kevin Nash has been deemed unfit to enter the ring and compete. Despite this, O’Haire is obsessed with getting a one on one match with Nash for Superbrawl XI. Tonight, Sean O’Haire has promised a special presentation highlighting the history between Nash & O’Haire. It is sure to promise to be bias and skewered. Who knows what affect this will have on Kevin Nash? Whatever O’Haire has planned, it will sure to be memorable.

    Goldberg has turned his back on all his former allies in wrestling. He has promised that from this point on it will only be himself and his fans. Tonight, Goldberg will be action. It will be interesting to see what this new attitude Goldberg has will translate in the ring. I’m sure it will promise to not be good news for his opponent.

    The Wall has been causing much havoc in the last few days. Most notably was his horrific attack on Tygress at WCW Sin. This evening, Konnan has returned to exact revenge on The Wall for his actions. Konnan will go one on one with the Wall in what promises to be an explosive affair. Will the Wall be concerned about winning or only injuring Konnan? What is the mind frame of Konnan after witnessing a good friend be put through the table of the Wall? Be sure to catch this wild match up.

    Plus Sting, Sid, DDP and Jeff Jarrett will all be on hand in what should be one of the greatest editions of Thunder ever. Be sure to catch all the action live on TBS starting at 8:00pm. Be sure to not miss the best wrestling show on Thursday nights!

  6. WCW Nitro

    Date: 01.15.01

    Venue: Fort Wayne, IN at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum

    Network: TNT

    Timeslot: Prime Time

    Commentators: Tony Schiavone & Scott Hudson

    Ring Announcer: David Penzer

    WCW Nitro opens up with a video/stills package highlighting the major events of WCW Sin that included Sid turning on Sting, Goldberg losing his match, Sean O’Haire mauling Kevin Nash and Wall putting Tygress threw a table. The usual WCW Nitro open begins after the package which then segues into a shot of the inside of the Allen County Memorial Coliseum. The camera pans the ecstatic WCW crowd while pyro and fireworks go off in the background. Tony Schiavone and Scott Hudson run down the key events from WCW Sin and then hype tonight’s card line-up.

    Stepping Up To Be The man

    The crowd rains down boos as a new remixed theme brings out the Apocalypse including Midajah so WCW must have decided to keep her employed. The six members pose in the ring while the fans greet them with more jeers. Scott Steiner unstraps his WCW World Title and lifts it high in the air for all to see. Jeff Jarrett grabs a nearby arena mic.

    Jeff Jarrett: [pointing his guitar at Scott Steiner] Ladies and slappy men, still the WCW Heavyweight champion of the World, Big Poppa Pump, Scott Steiner!!!! [Jarrett slips off his sunglasses and looks right at Steiner] Scott, we’ve had our problems these last few weeks but last night, has to be seen as the biggest victory in Apocalypse history. We not only worked as a magnificent team and fought back the challenge of Sting. [Jeff Jarrett makes broad gestures with his hand and faces back to the crowd] WCW Sin saw the demise of the almighty Bill Goldberg. Totally Buff not only pinned him but sent him hobbling to the back as a broken man. Now, for 12 months Bill Goldberg can only watch as other men compete for the WCW World Championship. A championship that will be proudly defended by the flagbearer of WCW, Scott Steiner. [Jeff Jarrett hands the mic over to Scott Steiner while Totally Buff, Rick Steiner and Midajah clap for the champ.]

    Scott Steiner: Big Poppa Pump is your hook up, holla if you hear me! [some cheers are mixed in with mostly boos] [looks over at other Apocalypse members] Despite being the key to every freaks ecstasy, having the largest arms in all of professional wrestling and still being the world champion after making Sting my bitch, I’m not in a good mood. It’s because the Big Booty Daddy has to come to a toilet bowl like Fort Wayne, Indiana, [the heels all laugh as the fans give their cheap boos] There isn’t anybody worthy of the champ, not in this dump of a town. You might hate it but you need admit I am the dominator of WCW. I am the World Champion. I proved last night that nobody can dethrone the champ. Dick Flair tried to make me fall and where is he? Probably crying over the battered body of his ugly son. Flair’s dead. I’ve sent the old man packing. Sting? [name recognition pop] I beat him to the point where he begged for the mercy of the Booty Daddy. I give no mercy. Goldberg? [pop for his mention] You can cheer but he ain’t fighting me for a year. Totally Buff took care of him. [buff and Luger start to congratulate each other] I said Apocalypse would rule this company. Right now, we stand strong while no one else is even standing. Huh? [looks over at a fan] Yeah, I’ll make your lady scream oh Big Daddy, oh Big Daddy, all night long. Because to the victor goes the spoils.

    Rick Steiner: [has gotten another mic] Scotty, I told you. Didn’t I tell you? You could trust Jarrett? I said it was Flair to blame for all our problems. No Flair means no more problems. You’re the champ. I told you that Jarrett can be trusted. Together, the two of you beat down Sting. Just like [evil grin] together we took Goldberg out of the game. Right now Scotty, I want you and Jarrett to officially mend fences. I want to be united. I’m asking you to shake the hand of Jarrett. Let’s be one again,

    Both Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett stare directly at each other. All the other members are encouraging the two to shake hands. Finally, Scott reaches out his hand and Jarrett immediately shakes it.

    Jeff Jarrett: Steiner, together we will rule this company.

    Scott Steiner: Jeff, I know it was that Dick Flair’s fault. I know. . .

    Steiner’s words get cut off by the theme from 2001: Space Odyssey. The crowd gives out a thunderous pop as the wrestling legend and CEO of WCW comes strutting out from the back. ‘Flair’ chants are heard throughout the arena. The Apocalypse seem none too please by the man’s arrival.

    Ric Flair: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Steiner, I’m not dead. I’m still breathing. [Flair starts to get worked up and a vein can be seen pulsing from his forehead] You beat me down. You beat my son down. But. . .we. . . are. . .not. . . DEAD! WOOOOOOO! Since day one, I’ve tried to make you the man. I’ve tried to make you a proper champion. Somebody that these people can respect and look up to. But you’ve tried to piss all over my reputation at every step. But last Thursday, you crossed the imaginary line that does not get crossed. You laid your hands on my son. You brutalized my son before my very eyes. [Flair is pacing back and forth on the top of the ramp] These last few weeks I’ve thrown wrestler after wrestler at you. I’ve tried to get other men to take care of this issue. I was trying to be a CEO. I was trying to not return to the ring. [fans start to buzz as they sense where Flair is going with this] Steiner, to be the man you’ve got to beat the man. These last few weeks, I haven’t been a man because I haven’t been able to beat you. I’ve been getting other men to take care of my business. Well, Steiner, I’ve got another opponent for you. You are going to go one on one with him at Superbrawl XI.

    Scott Steiner: Whose he now, Flair? Who do I destroy now?

    Ric Flair: You son of a bitch, it’s me!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!! February 18th, 2001. The Nature Boy Ric Flair is going after his 17th WCW World Championship. You’ve crossed the line. Now, you’ve got to deal with me! One on one. Steiner, it’s going to take more then a couple Steinerlines and suplexes to keep me down, pal. I’m the dirtiest player in the game and at Superbrawl XI. I’m taking you to school. WOOOOOOOOO!

    Rick Steiner: Wait. Wait. This is a abuse of power. You aren’t in contention for my brother’s title.

    Ric Flair: Shut up! I tried to avoid it. You drove me to this. You want me to put something on the line? You want me to offer something? Fine. If I don’t beat you and win the World title then I will officially step down as the CEO of WCW. If I don’t win, then the very next night I’m just one of the boys. I’m just an employee. I call no more shots. Superbrawl, it’s my last chance at glory. You better bet that I’m taking it. WOOOOO. Right now? [Flair throws off his suit jacket] I’m so fired up. I’m going to take you on right now.

    Ric Flair power walks down to the ring. The crowd pops for this new aggression from Ric Flair. The Apocalypse is right at the front of the ring trying to block the Nature Boy from entering. Flair doesn’t stop and stride right up the ring stairs.

    Jeff Jarrett: Hey slap nuts, you are a little outnumbered.

    The crowd lets out an even louder pop as Sting, the Cat, and the Insiders [though Nash’s head is extensively bandaged up from the PPV] come running out from the back. Before Apocalypse knows what hit them, the faces are in the ring taking it to the heels. The heel stable doesn’t stay around for long as they scatter from the ring and head up to the backstage area. Scott Steiner is screaming at Flair while the other try to drag him back.

    Ric Flair: Steiner, right now, I am still the CEO of this company. What you guys did last night was wrong. It was wrong it took every single one of you to beat Goldberg [ fans pop to the name dropping]. It was wrong how Sting was screwed out of the title. Tonight, I am still the CEO of this company and I still have some say. Steiner, I’m putting you in a non title match tonight against Sting. [big pop with the announcement of that match] To make sure that what happened last night doesn’t happen tonight, I’m putting a special ref into the contest.

    Scott Steiner: [yelling] Who is he?

    Ric Flair: ME! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! See ya later, champ!

    Ric Flair does his crazy man dance while the other faces keep an eye on the heels. Flair shakes the hands and thanks all the faces in the ring. Each face strikes a pose to the crowd, which gets a big pop. The announcers rant and rave about the huge main event announcement for Superbrawl, CEO Job v. WCW Title. The announcers hype up Sting v. Steiner with Flair as the ref as we cut to a


    COMERCIAL BREAK – A slick video montage encourages all to order the replay for WCW Sin. Konan shills Pepsi. We are all told about the goodness that is SI for Kids

    Non Title Cruiserweight Showcase

    Kaz Hayashi (w/Yang & Leia Meow) v. Chavo Guerrero (w/Shannon Moore & Evan Karagious)

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    The announcers are still rambling on about the events that just transpired and the big main event for Superbrawl & Nitro. Chavo Guerrero not only comes down to the ring with his shiny WCW Cruiserweight title and his cocky swagger but he also brings Shannon Moore & Evan Karagious with him. The announcers mention how 3 Count where instrumental in Chavo’s successful title defence last night. This match is an instant classic and almost as good as last night’s MOTY candidate. Contests like this will be what gets Chavo and the division elevated up the card. Kaz’s quick offence frustrates Chavo early and causes him to roll to the outside for consultation often. Kaz eventually gets upset with this strategy and eventually, propels himself over the top on to the three heels. Back in the ring, Kaz controls Chavo with a variation of stiff kicks to the legs and torso. A variety of quick pinning combinations almost gives Kaz the victory but Chavo is always able to barely escape. Kaz hits Chavo with a picture perfect moonsault but isn’t able to score the win when Shannon pulls Chavo’s foot on the ropes. Kaz tries to get at Shannon but it only provides as distraction for Chavo to plants a knee to Kaz’s back. Chavo mixes his attacks with a ground and power arsenal. Kaz is taken down for a two count after a swinging neckbreaker. While the crowd doesn’t get entirely behind Kaz, they do allow Chavo know they think he sucks. Chavo begins to show more sign of frustration as his high impact moves like tornado ddt, spinebuster and flapjack aren’t enough to keep Kaz down for the count. The tide shifts in the match after Chavo goes up for the frog splash but the pool turns out to be empty. Kaz rallies with some stiff karate chops and round kicks. Chavo is even taken down for another near fall with a hurricanrana. Kaz pops the crowd after he is able to lift up Chavo and put him down hard to the mat with a Kaz Driver (Michinoku Driver). Kaz pulls Chavo into position and scales up the ropes. At this time, Karagious has decided he has something to tell the ref and jumps up onto the apron to get his attention. Shannon Moore seems to want to get the attention of Kaz and does so by pushing him off the top rope. The ref turns around to see a recovered Chavo take down Kaz with a brainbuster which leads to the easy three count. Chavo celebrates with his championship in hand while 3 Count congratulate him on his hard fought victory. Meanwhile, Leia Meow seems to be reprimanding both Yang and Kaz for Kaz’s loss against Guerrero. She can be seen whacking Yang with her whip she always brings to the ring.

    After the Yung Dragons have left, Chavo grabs the ringside mic. He glances over to the 3 Count and then gesture to them both broadly.

    Chavo Guerrero: As you all know, I am the king of the Cruiserweights. Pound for pound, the greatest star in professional wrestling history. With such accolades, there tends to be a lot of jealous people. As you all saw last night, I was attacked by a very jealous individual. A man who has tried to ride my coattails in the past. Someone who begged to be my friend. The truth is, he is only a peasant compared to me, the king of the cruisers. But still, a jealous and untalented man can be a very dangerous man. You’re cruiserweight champion[pointing out to the crowd] was brutally attacked last night by this petty, jealous individual. Realizing as my greatness grows that jealous will only get worse. I have aligned myself with two men who will watch my back. Two men that are truly worthy of my company and friendship. Together, we are now known as The Count. Everyone will eventually be down for the Count. [Chavo and company laugh to themselves.]

    The crowd begins to buzz as three individuals are seen coming out from the audience. The three men jump into the ring and it soon becomes clear that it is Lash Laroux, Jamie Noble, and Shane Helms. Helms and Noble immediately take it to 3 Count while Lash exchanges blows with Chavo. Lash eventually is able to knock down Chavo with his Whiplash 2000 finisher. The heels bail out of the ring and hobble to the back. The faces celebrate the moral victory while the fans grace them with a moderate pop but they mostly seem happy that Chavo got his.

    WINNER: Chavo Guerrero Jr.


    Commercial – Be sure to buy the Best of Starrcade, Goldberg:Who’s Next & Starrcade ’00 on DVD. TNT wants you to watch Jurassic Park this Friday night!!!

    Trouble With The Thrillers???

    The boos of the crowd fill the arena as the theme music of the Natural Born Thrillers bring out the five cocky, young athletes. Every members seems to embrace the disdain from the crowd. Each members strike a cocky pose in order to sustain more heel heat. Though it does seem that the group is a little more down trodden than usual and the announcers speculate it is due to their losses last night. At this time, announcers do mention that the Thrillers must have scored a moral victory after the mass damage that Sean O’Haire inflicted on Kevin Nash. Mike Sanders grabs the ring mic to address his booing audience.

    Mike Sanders: How do I put this? [small pause] Last night sucked! [crowd cheers knowing that the heel isn’t happy] It will not go down as a banner evening for the Natural Born Thrillers. It will be known as a small misstep on our quest to be the ultimate force in World Championship Wrestling. I’m not going to stand out here and cry to all of you. I’m not going to give you that satisfaction. What I’m going to do is tell you what I’m going to do about last night. First off, you may notice we are a man short. My man Reno didn’t do the job after he promised me he would. So, he’s been benched until further notice. But when he’s ready, he will be back and better than ever before. I guaran-damn-tee it. Which leads me to the happy reunited couple of Johnny the Dumb Bull and Not-So-Big Vito. You guys might be all happy to be together again. I don’t know if you guys have a wedding date set or not. The simple fact is, cancel all your plans because I’ve got two jacked up Thrillers ready to make your life a living hell. These boys right here, the Perfect Event? [the two nod their heads and rub their hands with anticipation] They’re going to permanently wipe you out of the wrestling landscape. Nobody double crosses me, Johnny. You will pay. Which leads to the other tag team that is causing headaches. The WCW World Tag Team champions, the very washed up and lucky Insiders. You see Insiders, I’m still the commissioner which means I still call the shots around here. Especially since our wonderful CEO is distracted with other issues right now. You guys look a little battered. A littler bruised. You can thank the Thrillers for that little gift. You can also thank me for your title defense tonight. You guys are in no shape to defend the titles. You guys will lose them tonight. Totally Buff will be the next World Tag Team Champions! You see, things aren’t so bad for the Thrillers after all. Or at least, [looks down at his shiny Rolex & his fine pressed suit] for me! [sean O’Haire glances Sanders warily] Now, since I’m the Commish, I’m going to make another championship match for Nitro for next week. Right here next week, one on one for the United States Championship [sean O’Haire starts doing warm up hops in the ring], it will be Hugh Morrus defending his title against the number one contender and future of this industry, [O’Haire give a huge smile] the Chosen One Jeff Jarrett!

    Sean O’Haire: [rips the mic out of Sanders’ hand] What the hell is going on here??? First you give Totally Buff the title shot tonight. Next week, we’ve got Jeff Jarrett facing Hugh Morrus. What is with all these favours to the Apocalypse, Sanders? What is with the new suit and the new Rolex? Are you getting paid off? Are you forgetting what stable you are in? Dammit Mike, if you are going to be a crooked Commish then be crooked for us! Why didn’t me and Jindrak get the shot tonight? We both know we deserve a chance at the tag team titles. We both know that I’ve had Nash’s number for weeks. Yet we get ignored and Totally Buff get the shot? Sanders, what is going on here?

    Mike Sanders: Calm down, Frankenstein. Totally Buff pinned Goldberg last night. If anyone deserves a title shot it’s a team that can do that. Have you pinned Goldberg? [O’Haire mouths that he never faced him] We are a team and an unit, Sean. Don’t start getting selfish on me now. I’m making decisions that will benefit the group as a whole. You can start trying to focus on the team and not just what will benefit you. We’ve got the Insiders to take care of. You did something good last night with leaving Nash a mess but he still was able to walk into the building tonight. I’m saying, you just didn’t get the job done. You didn’t achieve what you claimed to have done.

    Sean O’Haire: You want an impact? You want something these fans won’t forget? You want Nash to not be able to compete tonight? I’ll give you that. I don’t plan on finishing Nash off completely. I want Nash. I want to face Nash one on one. [turns to the camera] I want Nash at Superbrawl. Tonight. I’m going to make a personal challenge he will not forget. I will prove I am the future of this company.

    Mike Sanders: WE are the futures of this company. [he lets out a sly smirk while tapping O’Haire on the chest] Ha ha, Nash, with a fired up O’Haire I’d say you are SOL and you know what that means.

    The music starts up and the Thrillers strike a few poses while making their way back. O’Haire keeps an eye on Sanders the whole time.


    COMMERCIAL BREAK - You want to see Thunder because it’s the best wrestling show on Thursday nights (or so this ad says). THQ made a killer WCW wrestling game. PS2 will make you cool so buy one.

    The War Continues

    Lance Storm & Mike Awesome v. Rey Misterio Jr & Billy Kidman

    Referee: Randy Anderson

    A quick highlight package showcase the devastation caused by The Wall at Sin. When things return to inside the arena, announcers mention that Hacksaw & Konnan are convalescing at their homes while Tygress is being taken care of at her local hospital. The announcers wish a speedy recovery while also cursing the evil Wall. The entire Team Canada stable enters the ring but the Wall is not included in this group. Announcers speculate if the Wall has joined the group or not. Lance Storm takes the ringside mic and start talking about how Team Canada is back on their winning ways and scored a huge blow against the Filthy Animals in this war between both factions. Major Gunns angrily rips the mic out of Lance Storm’s hand and tears into him for condoning last night’s actions. Gunn says that it was deplorable what the Wall did and it shouldn’t be endorsed by anyone. She asks Storm how he can condone violence against women. Lance responds by saying ‘easy’ and superkicking Major Gunns in the jaw. Gunn lays unconscious while Elix Skipper drags her to the back. These actions immediately bring out a very fired up Filthy Animal team. The smaller face duo instantly jumps the Canadians and goes on the offensive against the heels. At this point, WCW goes to a quick commercial break but returns with the Animals still on the offensive. Kidman and Rey use quick tags to rock Lance Storm. Storm is sent rocking all over the ring courtesy of dropkicks, headscissors, victory rolls and leg lariats. Storm eventually catches Rey Misterio in mid air and plants him with a shoulder breaker. Storm tags out to Mike Awesome and allows the big man to toss the small Mexican all over the ring. Awesome uses a bearhug to crush the life out of the smaller high flyer. Kidman starts up a chant to get the fans into support for Misterio. Misterio eventually cymbal claps Awesome in order to break the hold. A fresh Kidman enter the ring to knock down both Awesome and Storm with dropkicks. Though a Storm superkick does put the control back into Team Canada’s favour. It is team miscommunication that allows Kidman to make the tag back to Misterio and put things back in the Animal’s favour. Misterio hits Awesome with a hurricanrana that knocks him clear out of the ring. A charging Storm is tripped up into the ropes and set up for Misterio’s 619 (which isn’t named as such). Storm crash hard to the mat while Misterio sets himself up to hit his springboard hurricanrana (West Coast Pop). Rather then hit the returning to his feet Storm with the move, Misterio falls flat on his face to the mat. The ref immediately rings the bell as it comes clear that the fall was assisted by a Wall chairshot to the back. The suddenly emerged Wall enters the ring and chokeslams Kidman hard to the mat.

    Before more damage can be done, Hugh Morrus comes running out from the back. Morrus is immediately seen yelling at Wall and asking why he is causing this carnage. The Wall grabs a nearby mic and says that all this is the fault of Hugh Morrus. Blames him for all the problems that MIA members are now having. He claims it wasn’t right that Hugh Morrus accepted back Hacksaw for his actions while he decided to disown Chavo. The Wall declares he attacked Hacksaw in order for him to pay for his past sins, which is what Hugh Morrus should have done. Hugh Morrus said that Hacksaw was truly apologetic and while Chavo continues to go the wrong direction. Hugh Morrus says that at least Hacksaw has returned to his country now. The Wall then reveals that he was talking about Hacksaw wronging Team Canada. Once those words are said, the Wall throttles Hugh over the head with a chair shot. The Wall surveys the damage he had done in the ring and leaves with Team Canada. The announcers ramble about the continued wrongs that the Wall is committing and how much of a monster he has turned out to be.

    WINNER: Rey Misterio Jr & Billy Kidman by DQ


    COMMERCIAL BREAK – Subscribe to WCW Magazine to stay informed. While you are it, check out Sports Illustrated and get the new Swimsuit issue.

    That’s An Impact

    Kevin Nash is seen in a locker room being looked over by one of the trainers and medics. Nash continues to claim that he is fine to wrestle tonight while the medics claim Nash needs some serious rest and healing. Nash says he feel fine and is ready to defend his tag title. Before Nash can get up to leave, a large body is seen diving into the picture. A medic is heard screaming and the personnel rushes out of the scene. It comes clear that Sean O’Haire has tackled Kevin Nash to the ground and is raining down a flurry of punches to the head of Nash. O’Haire grabs Nash’s deserted WCW Tag Team title and bashes the weapon over the head of Nash when he returns to his feet. O’Haire continues to smash the title against the head of Kevin Nash. It soon becomes clear that Nash is wearing a crimson mask and the floor is getting red too. O’Haire doesn’t stop his assault and starts to throw locker room furniture onto Nash. Nash is soon buried in chairs, benches and medical equipment. O’Haire digs Nash from the debris and drags him to his feet. O’Haire causes Nash to crouch over after a gut shot and causes Nash to crash onto a bench via a jackknife powerbomb. O’Haire bad mouthes Nash and then spits a loogie onto Nash. O’Haire leaves the carnage while issuing a challenge for Superbrawl.


    Sending A Message

    Wayne DeBruce v. ‘The Dogfaced Gremlin’ Rick Steiner

    Referee: Mark Johnson

    The announcers talk incessantly about the attack that was just witnessed. They mention how O’Haire seems to have the number of Nash but most attacks have been when Nash wasn’t ready for him. Rick Steiner enters the ring by mocking the entrance of Bill Goldberg and over exaggerates the mannerisms of da man. Rick Steiner uses most of Goldberg’s arsenal during the match with DeBruce. The match turns out to be a one sided squash for Steiner. Steiner tosses DeBruce all over the ring with various power moves. Steiner will constantly lean get the rope and stick out his tongue ala Goldberg. Finally, Steiner crushed DeBruce hard to the mat via the spear. Rick strikes the famous Goldberg pose he does after the spear and then sets up DeBruce for the jackhammer. Before the move can be completed, the real Goldberg appears in the ring and spears Rick Steiner to the mat. The ref immediately summons for the bell and tries to get DeBruce out of the ring. Goldberg lands a series of hard strikes to the head of Rick Steiner and finally spin kicks the Dog Face Gremlin out of the ring. Steiner lays stunned on the floor while Goldberg grabs a nearby mic.

    Goldberg: Last night, I was royally screwed! [big pop for that revelation] I shouldn’t have lost that match. I should be the WCW World Champion right now. The Apocalypse are cowards and needed each other to ensure I didn’t get the championship. So once again, Goldberg is denied his rightful shot at the World Championship. A title that I haven’t been given one fair shot at since I was screwed out of the title at Starrcade ’99. It’s ’01 and I’m still waiting for a fair shake. But thanks to the Apocalypse, I now need to wait one more year. You know who I blame for all this? [the fans start to murmur while some just scream their heads off because it’s Goldberg in the ring] I blame Sting! [some gasps and some boos] I blame Ric Flair! [the same] I blame the Cat! [boos] I blame DDP! [you guessed it, boos] I blame all the apparent fan favourites. [the boos and shock from the fans continue] I blame all my supposed friends. Because where were they last night when I needed them? Where were they when I was being jumped last week? How come they were so easy to be found when Ric Flair or Sting needs help? Well, I realized they aren’t my friends. [half the fans now are booing Goldberg] They don’t care about me. They know that I’m a threat to their chance at a World Title. So, they purposely turn their back on me because they don’t want me to be champion. They all screwed me over. I say, screw them! [now the arena is filled with lots of boos] Now, don’t think this translates to you guys. [all off sudden, the fans seem confused but the boos die down] I love you fans. I always have loved you. I will be here for you. From this point on, I have no friends in the wrestling business. It’s just me and my Goldberg fans.[that gets a pop from lots of the crowd] As for Apocalypse, I’m going to make it my goal that 2001 is a living hell for every one of you. I can’t concentrate on being World champion. Instead, I’ll concentrate on tearing each of you scumbags to pieces. Because. . . You’re Next!!! [now, the majority of the crowd seems to have been won back as it seems Goldberg is still the man they love]

    Golberg drops the mic to the mat and then goes to the outside of the ring where a woozy Steiner returns to his feet. Goldberg stalks Steiner and then spears him hard to the concrete floor. Goldberg then drags Rick to the back while levelling him with a flurry of blows. The announcers claim to be awestruck but still find a way to ramble to the. . .

    WINNER: Rick Steiner by DQ


    COMMERCIAL BREAK - Be sure to order the WCW Sin encores this week. Don’t forget that WCW.com is a mandatory internet stop. PS2 is good for you.

    Turning His Back On The Ones He Loved

    The screams of Daffney start the theme for Crowbar and bring out the crazy duo. Daffney giggles and screams her way to the ring while Crowbar skittishly eyes the entire arena. Once in the ring, Daffney bounces around the ropes like a goof but Crowbar grabs the arena mic for some words.

    Crowbar: Last night, I made a fool of myself by throwing a temper tantrum in the ring. I did not behave appropriately for a WCW superstar. I also realize, these last few weeks that I haven’t acted in a manner befitting a wrestler you fans can look up to. Most of all, I haven’t been acting like a very good friend. [looks towards the backstage area] Terry, you are my wrestling idol and hero. But more importantly, you have become my friend. Tonight, Terry, I want to ask you to come out here so that I can publicly apologize for my recent actions. Please Terry, allow me to make some amends this evening.

    For a few seconds, there is nothing but silence but finally, Terry Funk’s theme music brings out the hardcore icon. Terry points to his fans and give each a heartfelt salute by blowing kisses and pounding his fist to his heart. Terry spends much time outside acknowledging the fans while Crowbar waits patiently in the ring. Finally, the legend enters the ring and steps right up to Crowbar.

    Crowbar: Terry, I’ve called you out because you have been a wrestling hero to me. You are my idol. But these last few weeks, I have become obsessed with beating you for the hardcore title. In an effort to ensure that I defeat you, I have constantly got involved in your matches. I’ve stuck my nose in places where it doesn’t belong. My head hasn’t been in a good place. I’ve acted inappropriately and foolish. Tonight, I am asking. . . no, I am begging that you find in your self to forgive me for my poor behaviour.

    Terry Funk: Hell, son, the answer to that is easy. I definitely forgive you. Tonight, such an apology has made you into a man. Come here boy.

    Terry pulls Crowbar in for a big hug. The two embrace for a few seconds while the fans cheer for such a great display. Terry releases the hug while raising the arm of Crowbar. Daffney looks on with delight and claps her hands with glee. Crowbar seems to even have some tears in his eyes. The announcers declare that this is one of the most heart warming moments in WCW history. It all ends when Crowbar clobbers Terry Funk with a hard clothesline. Crowbar has an evil, sadistic look come across his face. He rolls to the outside to grab a chair and brings it in to plant across the back of Terry Funk. The chair is quickly buries into the ribs of Funk. The fans let Crowbar know of their very strong disapproval. Crowbar shows his feelings by blasting the chair over the head of Terry Funk. A few more chair shots are thrown into Terry Funk as he lays lifeless on the mat. During this whole assault, Daffney is screaming at Crowbar to stop. Daffney even tries to pull the chair out of Crowbar’s hands but she is only violently shoved to the mat. Crowbar grabs the mic he had earlier dropped.

    Crowbar: What do you mean stop! This man isn’t a friend. He isn’t on the same team. He is the enemy. He has my title. It’s my job to pound his wrinkled ass to a pulp to guarantee victory. [Daffney starts asking why he would do this to his hero] Why? I already told you. You know what Daffney, I’ve been thinking lately. You’ve made me become soft. You are the reason I have lost my edge. Because of you, I lost my title at Starrcade. Because of you, I went on a nasty losing streak this month. You are the reason I lost last night. If it was for you, I’d still be hugging this old geezer. No way! No more Mr. Nice Guy. I’m getting my edge back. I’m getting it by getting rid of you. [Daffney starts to tear up and begs him to not do it] I can’t believe I ever liked you. I can’t believe I once wanted to be with you. You make me a worse person. You make me someone I despise. And Daffney, hon, I don’t want to ever see your ugly face again. Get out my ring. Don’t ever come near my presence. At this point, I am a 100% Daffney free. That is probably the best thing I have ever done. [points out to the backstage] Now, get to stepping, bitch!

    The words cause the usually tough Daffney to become a ball of tears. The poor girl goes running to the back while tears continue to flow. The fans boo Crowbar relentlessly for his nasty actions. The announcers continue to mention what a despicable human that Crowbar turned out to be. Crowbar stands in the ring with a evil smile on his face. The announcers continue to jabber all the way to. . .


    Daffney gained 3 points of overness from this segment

    Crowbar gained 3 points of overness from this segment

    Crowbar’s turn is now complete and he is now a heel

    Crowbar gained 4 points of overness from this turn

    COMMERCIAL BREAK- CNN is good for news. Turner seems to backing another motion picture and they want you to pay to see it. WCW Superbrawl XI is Flair’s last chance at glory and you’ll want to order the PPV to see it.

    WCW World Tag Team Titles

    Totally Buff v. The Insiders ©

    Referee: Nick Patrick

    A video highlight package recounts the recent attacks that O’Haire has inflicted on Kevin Nash and it also replays what happened earlier. Totally Buff enters the ring in a highly cocky mood but still find time to taunt and tease the fans. In the ring, the egotistical team strike some poses that are met with several boos. Finally, ‘Self High Five’ blares over the speakers and out comes DDP alone. The announcers immediately mention that it appears that O’Haire was able to get the job done tonight and Nash is out of the match. DDP salutes the fans with the diamond cutter sign and the fans met him with strong cheers. DDP doesn’t have much time to prepare himself as Totally Buff jumps the champion. For the next few minutes, Totally Buff uses a variety of double team moves to keep DDP down. The gutsy Page doesn’t remain on the mat forever and starts to fire back with punches and discus lariats. Page finds himself able to knock down both members several times and starts to mount a comeback. The fans elicit big cheers for the Jersey Native and his attempt to keep the titles. Page hits Luger with a clothesline that knocks them both out of the ring and Page then immediately slips back in the ring to deliver punches to Buff. Such a delivery knocks Buff hard on his tush and the fans show their approval. DDP takes Buff down hard to the mat with a flapjack suplex. Buff returns to his feet to only be met with a crossbody block but the move only gets a two. DDP’s comeback is cut short when Luger topples Page with a top rope axehandle smash. The two challengers start to unleash a barrage of forearms and shots to the body of Page. The crowd lets out a pop as The Cat rushes down the ringside area and hops up on the ring apron. The Cat yells at the ref that he is indeed the partner of DDP and he is not leaving the ringside area. Buff goes over to the Cat’s corner to taunt him but is met with a stiff karate kick to the head. The Cat springs over the top rope and feed both Totally Buff members with hard kicks to the body and head. The Cat dances with glee as he has both challengers out on the mat. The ref demands that The Cat return to his corner and with the job done, The Cat returns with no problem. Page has a second wind and put Buff down with a big spinebuster. He almost scores the 3 but Buff barely kicks out at the last minute. The fans cheer for Page to make the tag and Page starts to crawl his way over to The Cat. Unfortunately, once Page makes it his corner, The Cat is no longer there for the tag. The Cat was pulled hard to the arena floor by an angry Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett drops The Cat hard with a fist shot on the unsuspecting karate master. The Cat pops back to his feet and unleashes some chops to Jarrett. The two men start to exchange blows and find themselves battling up the rampway. Jarrett can be heard yelling at The Cat for causing him to lose his chance to be the WCW World Heavyweight champion. The two brawling wrestlers finally disappear to the other end of the curtain. In the ring, Totally Buff is back to double-teaming the hapless Page. Buff holds DDP while Luger scales to the second rope to unleash a forearm shot. The fan pop with glee when DDP is able to move out at the last second and Luger knocks Buff silly to the mat. DDP takes down a distracted Luger with a tilt-a-whirl slam. The fired up DDP strikes a diamond cutter pose to signal it’s time for the end. Suddenly, DDP’s theme music blares over the speakers and DDP starts to look quizzically at the ref. The announcers start to apologize for this technical difficulty as the sound man must have thought Page won the match. Then it comes clear that this music is to signify an entrance for a wrestler. As a man comes out from the back totally dressed up as DDP and is even wearing a blond wig. The man continues to strike diamond cutter poses and shouting ‘Bang!’ at the top of the stage. The announcers suddenly realize who the man is and the words on his trunks also give him away as Positively Kanyon. Chris Kanyon has returned to WCW to imitate Page again. This distraction allows Luger to recoup and load up his forearm. Page finally turns around to be met with a flying forearm shot to the head. Luger immediately makes the cover and the ref hits his hand 3 times. Totally Buff jump to their feet and embrace each other in the ring and start to jump up and down. The ref hands the tag titles to the new champions and the men showboat their newly won prizes. Meanwhile, Kanyon seems to be oblivious to all things in the ring and continues to shout ‘Bang’ while striking his diamond cutter poses. The announcers remark on how much of a travesty this is and that Kanyon cost DDP from making one of the greatest comebacks in WCW wrestling history.

    WINNERS: Totally Buff, New WCW World Tag Team Champions


    Lex Luger gained 1 point of overness from this match

    COMMERCIAL BREAK - Be sure to catch the best wrestling on Thursday nights when TBS presents WCW Thunder. Be sure to buy the new THQ WCW Wrestling game. I hear WCW has some wrestling DVDs to purchase too.

    Payback Time

    Boos fill the arena as Sid Vicious makes his way out to the arena. Sid tries to bang fists with a few ringside fans but there appears to be no takers. Sid continues to try to pump up the crowd but the fans aren’t willing to cheer him on. Sid starts to act like he is shocked by the lack of love from the fans. Sid procures himself the arena mic to address the booing crowd.

    Sid Vicious: Where is all this hate coming from? [that is answered by some more boos] The last time I was in a WCW ring, you fans were chanting my name. Sid, Sid, Sid, Sid. [fans respond with a Sting chant] Oh, I see, you guys are a little bitter over last night. You didn’t like the fact that I chokeslammed your hero and left him a battered mess. [that gets more boos] But you see, Sting isn’t anything special. He doesn’t deserve your cheers. I should be your hero. Didn’t you see last night? I took out Sting with the most devastating chokeslam in wrestling! [more boos] Maybe you want to know why I did that to Sting. The questions all day have been ‘Why, Sid, Why’. [sid starts to mock crying] Why did you chokeslam our hero Sting? Why did you make a million little Stingers cry? Why? [starts to laugh to himself in a sadistic manner] [then he gets a very serious face] I’ll tell you why. At WCW Starrcade, I took Scott Steiner to the limit and gave him the match of his life time. I automatically suspected that I would be the number on contender to the WCW World Title. But NO! Flair calls me up and asks me to stay home. He tells me that I need to recover from the shots from the pipe. He says that I need a break. [looks directly into the camera] Flair, we both know I didn’t need a break. I didn’t need any time to rest up. What I needed was another shot at the WCW World Title. If I did get the shot last night, I wouldn’t have choked like Sting did. I would be standing before you as the WCW World Champion. But that wasn’t what happened. Instead, Sting gets rewarded for taking a 3 month vacation by getting a WCW World title shot. Sting is off filming for direct to video releases while I’m battling it out here in the trenches of WCW. What happens? Sting gets to be the number one contender. That’s bogus! That is the most bogus thing I have ever heard. Sting, I’m sick of you getting everything handed to you. I’m sick of hearing how you are the Franchise of WCW. Sting at one time you were something special. You were an amazing athlete. Now, you are only a broken shell of your former shelf. Instead, you spend your time trying to hold down great talent like me. You keep me from being the World Champion. Well, Sting! I’m going to prove to all your little Stingers that you don’t have it anymore. I should be the hero for all these fans. You are nothing more then a choke artist. You proved that last night by not being able to win the big one. Sting! I’d beat you down right now if you had the guts. You don’t. Because you just don’t have it in you anymore. You. . .

    The lights go out and the arena is covered in black. Then a silver spotlight covers the ring and Sid is left looking worried in the ring. The fans give out a huge pop as the Stinger is seen rappelling down from the rafters. Sting pulls a bat from his trenchcoat and plants it hard into the gut of an unsuspecting Sid. Sting clotheslines Sid down to the mat with another bat shot. Sting returns Sid to his feet to only drop him back down with a Stinger Death Drop. Sting drags Sid to a corner of the ring and presses the bat against his throat. Sting lifts a mic to his mouth.

    Sting: I could end it all now, Sid. But I won’t. Because I want you in the ring. I want to settle this man to man. As for sneak attacks, we are even now. And Sid, you’re a dead man walking.

    Crowd pops for those words from Sting. Sting attaches himself back to the rope and flies back up to the rafters. Sid is left in the ring sore and shocked. The announcers talk about Sting finding an edge again based off last night’s assault by Sid.


    COMMERCIAL BREAK - Buy yourself a PS2. Get yourself a SI subscription. Drink some Pepsi.

    It Was Their Choice

    Goldberg is seen carrying his wrestling gear out of the building. While Goldberg makes the long walk down the hallway, many wrestlers are seen standing back and giving Goldberg disapproving looks. The Cat, Hugh Morrus, DDP, Shane Helms and many other faces all look at Goldberg with disdain as he tries to leave the arena. Goldberg tries to not make any eye contact. Right when Goldberg is about to exit the door, Sting blocks the path of Goldberg.

    Sting: Is it true? Did you really mean what you said out there? Screw us? Screw your friends? Screw Sting? You don’t care about friendship anymore?

    Goldberg: It was a decision you guys made.

    Goldberg then pushes past Sting and exits out of the arena. Sting looks on with a upset facial expression.


    Non-Title Chaos With Special Guest Ref

    Scott Steiner (w/Midajah) © v. Sting

    Referee: Ric Flair

    A quick video package shows the attacks Steiner perpetuated on the last episode of Thunder against the Flairs. The packages cuts to earlier tonight about Flair’s challenge to Steiner for Superbrawl XI and the making of this contest. The announcers stress that Flair is returning to the ring for the first time since June when he wrestled his own son. Vince Russo gets absolutely no mention nor does the fact it was a retirement match. A graphic is shown depicting a Ric Flair v. Scott Steiner match at Superbrawl. All three wrestlers make individual entrances and then WCW cuts to their final commercial break. The majority of the match surprisingly sees Flair calling the match impartially. In the beginning Sting doesn’t need Flair’s help anyway as he just tears into the World Champion. Sting puts Steiner down hard to the mat courtesy of the Stinger splash. Sting keeps Steiner down with several jumping elbow smashes. Stinger gets the crowd pumped by yelling out a big ‘WOO’. Flair gets inspired by such a call and yells out one of his own. The tide shifts when Stinger tries to put Steiner down with a splash but is met with a knee to the gut. Steiner returns to his feet to toss Sting across the mat with a belly to belly release suplex. Steiner starts to get into Flair’s face some but Flair tells him to focus on the match. Stinger continues to find the mat after some stiff Steinerlines. Stiner gets cocky and throws in some push ups during this attacks. Steiner tries to wear down Stinger but cinching in a bearhug. The fans continue to encourage the Stinger while Steiner tightens his grip with the hold. The Stinger begins to fade and Flair starts to check the arm. The fans give out a big pop as the third time shows that Sting still has life. The Stinger starts to rain a bevy of blows onto the head of Steiner until he breaks the move. Sting peppers the big man with several clotheslines and finally rocks him to the mat with a flying shoulderblock. The momentum is cut very short when Steiner drops Sting with a low blow. Flair won’t stand for such a move and starts to get in the face of Steiner. Flair continues to yell at the Steiner and the fans pop big as they sense a brawl may begin. Flair doesn’t try to land any shots but just yells at the champion. Steiner finally responds by hitting Flair with a forearm shot and tossing him to the outside. Steiner returns his attention to Sting but he has no time to do any damage. Flair has popped immediately back into the ring and hammers Steiner with several chops. The crowd goes crazy as Flair does a number on Steiner with chops and punches. Finally, Steiner is sent flying out of the ring with a clothesline. Flair is right on the champ and continues to battle Steiner to the backstage while delivering chops and punches. The crowd roars their approval with this reinvigorated Ric Flair. Sting tries to recover in the ring but doesn’t have much time to breath. Sid Vicious jumps into the ring and floors Sting with a clothesline. Sid waits for Sting to get back up in order to hit a big boot to the face. He awaits Sting to return to his feet in order to plant Sting back down with a chokeslam. Sid decides to add a big powerbomb to his attack. Sting is then dragged to the outside and the announcers go scurrying when they realize Sid’s plan. The fans let out a gasp as Sid powerbombs Sting through the announce table. The show fades to black as Sid stands over the fallen body of Sting

    WINNER: No Contest



    OCC: Hewey, I'm sure you caught it in my news report but it was indeed the World Tag Team match that creative control affected how I booked things. It was supposed to be O'Haire & Jindrak taking the titles. As you can see, I'm willing to roll with it and go some new directions now.

  7. KOTR Predictions:

    Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels

    So much stress has been put on the fact that Michaels won the last time they met which makes me believe that Hart has to win here. If my growing suspiscion of Bret actually going heel is true then that will happen tonight after the Adminstration assists Breat Hart for the win. No matter what happens, I feel that Bret needs to win this match in order to set up a rubber match.

    World Wrestling Federation Championship

    The Undertaker© Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

    Steve Austin isn't ready to be World Champion yet. Plus by WWF logic, Austin is going into the PPV with the upperhand thus he should do the job to 'Taker. Austin will put up a good fight and still get the rub from being in such a match.

    World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Championship

    The Godwinns© Vs. Chris Benoit and Brian Pillman

    I'd say that Vince has seen the error in his ways, rectify things by putting the tag titles back on the best team in the WWF, Pillman & Beniot. Besides, there appears to be more face challengers then heel challengers which means there is obviously more possibilities with Beniot & Pillman.

    World Wrestling Federation Light Heavyweight Championship

    Chavo Guerrero© Vs. Brian Christopher

    Brian Christopher has come off more as a filler challenger then an actual legit threat. I see Chavo defending successfully here and moving on to a soon to be heel Hakushi. Christopher will put on a really great match but just not enough to claim the title win here.

    King Of The Ring Tournament Finals

    D'Lo Brown Vs Hollywood Holly

    I'm pretty sure D'Lo has to win this thing. He is the one who've been giving the big push. He seems to be the one you want to elevate to the next level. By that logic, D'Lo must go over here.

    King Of The Ring Tournament Semi Finals

    Hollywood Holly Vs. "Party Boy" Marty Jannetty

    The KOTR finals should be heel v. face, thus Hollywood needs to win since I'm convinced D'Lo will be in the finals.

    King Of The Ring Tournament Semi Finals

    D'Lo Brown Vs. Duke "The Money Maker" Droese

    In order for D'Lo to win, he needs to get past Droes, obviously. This will be a hard fough win since D'Lo will need to overcome the poor and biased officiating for Monty Davidson. He'll do it and he will then win the whole thing.

    No Holds Barred Match

    The Winner Will Enter The Twenty Men Battle Royal Later In The Night

    British Bulldog Vs. Vader

    I'm thinking, you want to push Vader as one of the next big faces. I'm pretty sure Vader will be booked to win this match and win this feud with Bulldog. Vader will possbily move on to Kevin Nash now.

    Twenty Men Over The Top Rope Battle Royal

    The Winner Will Get A WWF Championship Match At July's In Your House Event

    Featuring- Kevin Nash, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Mr. Yokozuna, Rick Martel, Ken Shamrock, Scott Hall, Mark Henry, Sycho Sid, Jacobs, Brian Adams, Brian Lee, Billy Gunn, Kama Mustafa, Terry Funk, Rocky Maivia, Al Snow, Alex Wright, Sean Waltman, Goldust and The winner of Vader/Bulldog

    This one is a definite shot in the dark. I only came to a winner by deciding who I'm sure who won't win the battle royal. I'm positive it won't be a face since I feel that 'Taker is going to retain. I don't think Nash or Sid will be getting a title shot so early after their last one. I don't think Hunter is in the position to challenge for a title yet plus him losing will help speed up the Goldust story. I was thinking Rick Martel but I also feel he is occupied with Maivia & Shamrock. It left me with Jacobs winning the whole thing. I realize this may be a little too early for him to get a major PPV title shot. It's an off-month PPV amd a perfect time to expiriment. I say, Jacobs gets the big rub here and then gets his first ever title shot at the PPV.

    Tie Breakers

    1. What will be the first match of the night? Chavo v. Christopher

    2. Which match will get the best match quality in EWR? Shawn Vs Bret

    3. Which match will get the worst match quality in EWR? Battle Royal

    4. How many titles will change hands? (titles can't change hands by DQ, No contests, Etc) 1

    5. What's going to be the match before the main event? Austin v. "Taker

    6. Will anyone debut? And if so, Who's debuting? No

    7. Who will be the first man eliminated in the twenty men battle royal? Terry Funk

    8. Who will be the final four men in the twenty men battle royal? Sean Waltman, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Jacobs

    9. Who will be the final two men in the twenty men battle royal? Jacobs and Scott Hall

    10. Who will eliminate the most people in the twenty men battle royal? Jacobs

  8. Predict-o-rama:

    The Quebecers vs. The BushWhackers

    Bushwhackers don't have anything of value to add to the WWF at this point. While the Quebecers seem to be in the midst of a decent push. I can't see any benefit in the 'Whackers going over. The Quebecers should win here and quickly move on to something better for them.

    WWF LightHeavyweight Championship: Brian Christopher vs. Taka Michinoku[*]

    Christopher just won the title at the Royal Rumble and I can't see any benefit in flip flopping the title. A strong heel champion is always a good way to add some credibility to a divsion and I can see some value in several light heavies chasing after Christopher. Though I don't actually know who Christopher can move on to after Taka.

    Battle Royal: The Kurrgan Open - Ahmed Johnson

    This match is such a crap shoot since it's not known who is in the battle royal. My understanding is that the 9 wrestler will individually get a chance to eliminate Kurrgan and the match will continue until Kurrgan eliminates all 9 or someone eliminates Kurrgan. I predict that Kurrgan will eliminate 8 wrestlers and a fresh. returning Ahmed Johnson will get rid of Kurrgan. This should set up a match between Kurrgan and Ahmed at 'Mania.

    WWF Intercontinental Championship: Rocky Maivia vs. Ken Shamrock

    D'Lo will end up helping Rocky retain the title despite not being on the best of terms with him. This will allow Shamrock to move on and for Rocky to concentrate on simmering issues with the NOD. At this point, I see Rocky keeping the title and using the title as a catalyst for his nearing feud with NOD members. Too much value in the Rock as champ to have it go over to Shamrock.

    Elimination Match: Jeff Jarrett, Kane, Legion of Doom vs. Shawn Michaels, HHH, New Age Outlaws

    The match will come down to Kane and Michaels with Kane scoring the big final pinfall. That will allow for Kane to come into Wrestlemania really strong as the challenger to Michael's title. I also see HHH & Jarrett double eliminating each other in order to set up a 'Mania match for those two.

  9. A decent Raw & Shotgun. I have to agree with most people that the main event storyline and the Nation storyline are the best things you have right now. I'm also intrigued by the Skaggs & Dustin calling out McMahon stuff and I'm sure that will lead to something big for both men. Everything else is pretty bland and by the numbers at this point. Definitely not a fan of the exposure the Bushwahckers are getting and I'm hoping the Quebecers put them away very quickly. The PPV really seems like a one match card at this point as the main event looks to be really awesome but everything else seems to be pretty forgettable. I really hope things pick up so that Wrestlemania is more then just about it's main event but a top to bottom special event. I do like Kane arriving as Jarrett's partner and think that could lead to some great stuff. I'm prediciting for Kane to score a pinfall over Michaels as the possible final elimination. Though Kane will need to do something to establish himself as a clear face real soon. I'm hoping you let us know who is in the battle royal with Kurrgan. I can understand the quick recap format but it's nice to know who people's opponents are. Though I'm assuming Kurrgan destroys everybody since you didn't mention his opposition. Looks like we got a pretty throwaway PPV being headlined by a killer main event.

    Like Hewey, I'll post predictions if you put out the final card line-up.

  10. A very solid wrestling week leading to the KOTR. The build to KOTR was great and I would want to order such an event. A lot of possibilities for some swerves and surprises for the event. I really think this is the type of PPV that can set WWF into a new and exciting direction.

    Battle Royals can be hard to hype but I'd say you did a decent job this week of making it seem like a important match. There are several feuds that can be played out during the battle royal with the adminstration stories, Shamrock/Maivia/Martel, Hunter/Goldust story and Sid/Henry. It should be a really fun match to watch. I'm glad you haven't really made any obvious winner of the battle royal. As far as a build to a battle royal, I think you did as good a job as possible. Even if Jacob's run ins have been very random but I'm sure that will cut down when he has an actual feud.

    Austin v. 'Taker stuff was great this week. Austin pinning and beating down 'Taker had to happen this week. Now, Austin seems much more of a threat to 'Taker's title. I didn't like the 'gay spooky' segment on Raw with the blood, casket and picture burning. I never like that stuff when WWF does it. I'd say the build has been good for this.

    Looking at the tag scene, makes me believe that Beniot and Pillman are the best choices for being champs. You have a lot more credible face teams then you do heels teams. Who would Godwinns battle after Pillman/Beniot? Suicide Blondes would seem like the next perfect set of challengers.

    I really like the Maivia & Martel story. I'm sure that it will lead to a Maivia heel turn but it should be a fun ride.

    Glad to see the new light heavies that you have signed. It is looking like you are making a real effort to beef up the division and make it something credible.

    I'm starting to think Bret Hart might end up going heel now. Especially since Rude all but promised a new member in the Adminstration. The Michaels turn just seem too obvious now. I'm think Hart wins after help from the Adminstration. I want the Michaels turn but now I'm starting to doubt it. Maybe that is what you're trying to get me to do, you sly bastard!

    Interested to see who Sunny gets as her new man. Good to see that story isn't being forgotten with all the other crazy stuff going on. One problem with your massive roster is it is so easy to have important wrestlers get lost in the shuffle. Guys you want pushed, can be forgotten for weeks and weeks.

    A solid week that was meant to build to KOTR. I'm very eager to see the PPV play out.

  11. A decent first episode of WWF Smackdown. Not sure what it was but it seemed to lack some sizzle especially for a debut episode. It may be the fact that we have so many heel v. heel matches. It seems all the face/heel lines are blurred at this point. On this show, HHH once again came off as the babyface and I'de be convinced he was turning face if it wasn't for the fact he keeps making his intentions clear. He's been acting pretty herioc lately like when he battle through 20 guards to get to Undertaker.

    Why is Bart Gunn still wearing cowboy boots? He got rid of those a years prior to this when he joined the New Midnight Express.

    Is the lightheavy division officially done? Or is Christian still bringing the title to the ring with him?

    I totally forget when Test turned face. Though who knows, maybe he is still heel with all the crazy booking lately. I know Shamrock & Bossman are still heel but they seem to be feuding with the heel Brood.

    I like the Al Snow stuff. His growing insanity is rather entertaining. Speaking of insane, I also enjoyed the promo and intensity from Mankind. It's good to see him back in the spotlight again. As for promos, the Rock pulled off a pretty decent one too.

    Looks like D'Lo might be the one turning heel which surprises me. That doesn't seem to be the way you were going before you took the break.

    Like I said, it was a pretty decent first episode of Smackdown. I'm looking forward to seeing Over the Edge to continue to take shape. I'd just recommmend you start to clear up some of the heel and face alliegences. Since that very same thing ended up biting WWF in the ass that year. Other then that, most of the stories seeem to be cruising at a nice pace.

  12. Fairly decent Heat which saw some storyline development. I'm sensing your WWF is starting to really come together now and beginning to find some directions for your talent. I'm still enjoying the threesome of the Quebecers but I don't see a top push since NOA are the champs and heels. Maybe you can find Quebecers to feud with a another tag team for now? I also enjoy that they seem to be heading back to their Mountie roots since that was always a fun gimmick. I'm loving the stuff with Dustin & Skaggs. I'm guessing they will have a tough road ahead since they spoke badly of Vince. I'm very intrigued to where this story is heading. I'm also glad to see that Skaggs is getting himself a push. I'm interested to see what DX has in store for Jarrett. I believe this is the week that Jarrett will need to get some revenge on DX. All in all, a pretty decent show that makes me look forward to Raw.

  13. Another pretty decent RSN, as it's always good to see the talent that rarely makes it to the A-Shows. Plus this usually is the program were we get the hot lightheavy action. Too bad Moore & Helms didn't get signed to written deals as they were always able to pull out really good match ratings. I'm thinking a Bradshaw push could be really good since your roster has a lot big hosses. Maybe he can turn heel after having a program with Droese? Though truth be told, WWF has lot of big guys as heels right now so it might be beneficial to keep Bradshaw as a face for a little bit so he could have programs with guys like Sid or Nash. Did we actually see some storyline development on RSN? I'm wondering if anything will ever come of the Kama and Funk brawling during the tag match, hopefully. It's always nice to think the show you've watched has some impact on stroylines so it would be good even if it's just Funk v. Kama next week on RSN. It was also interesting to see Davdison not admonish Michaels during his match with Diamond and I'm now wondering if WWF isn't foreshadowing a Michael's heel turn too much and may end up being a red herring like the time it was hinted Lex Luger was going with Ted Dibiase but it was actually Tatanka. I sense it could end up being Bret Hart but I'd rather Michaels (I've stated my case for that before). One more thought, did David Flair leave because he was unhappy or did you fire him? Wouldn't firing Flair have caused Ric to lose morale? I can't believe that WWF actually released Steve Lombardi since I thought he would have had a job for life. Back to RSN, it was a decent show that showcased some solid up and coming talent plus it was good to see tads of storylines seeping in. One more thing, hopefully EWR likes this gimmick change for Killings because I'd hate to see such a talent get hurt by constant reinventing each week.

    As for Raw, I'm thinking Austin will pin 'Taker in the six man tag. He needs to look strong going into the title match. A pin over the 'Taker would be huge since it's rarely done. I look forward to the show since it should be a good one considering it's the pre-KOTR Raw.

  14. Though releasing all the WWF Divas isn't something '99 WWF would even contemplate, it's probably a good idea since you seem to have a hard enough time getting your current roster exposure. It's probably best to cut them so you don't have a whole other division to have to worry about giving TV time to. Especially since it's been a while since the Light Heavyweight division has been on TV (maybe since Backlash?) Even though not realistic, probably was your best bet to scrap the division for the time being.

    LOD gone is good too. They would have nothing to offer in '99. Actually, the real WWF did the same thing around this time which lead to Droz getting singles push since he was no longer attached to LOD. Though in this unvierse, we've just pretended that Droz was already with Albert.

    I like the idea of Regal coming in. Pairing him with Taijiri could be ultra cool. I look forward to seeing what happens with all that.

    I think it's obvious that I'm happy to know the Ministry angle is going to get scrapped. Was not much a fan.

  15. Mayhem Thoughts:

    Hollywood v. Goldust: Seems like you have an off night with the ratings tonight as your overall dips below your match & crowd ratings. Your KOTR semis are really going to be lacking in star power. It's rather frustrating to see that my originally predicted matches are all coming true but I didn't think you'd want so many midcarders in the high profile rounds of the tourney. On the other hand, it's really good to see Holly finally getting his well deserved push. I'm loving Kanyon having to remind himself he is injured. I really think it's about time to get him back in the ring. He is too talented in the ring to only sit on the sidelines. Looks like Goldy can now enter the battle royal and 'help' Hunter.

    Austin interview: A decent Stone Cold interview. Of all your characters, I think I enjoy your interviews with him the most.

    Beniot/Pillman v. Martel/Shamrock: A really big win for Pillman & Beniot. I dig the new finisher for the team too. I am a big fan of the new found attitude. I'm almost sensing they are set to regain the titles at KOTR. Maybe I'm only setting myself up for disappiontment? Great to see you finally pull the trigger on the Martel heel turn. I was actually shocked to see it happen tonight. I think Shamrock v. Martel should be a really solid program. Shamrock has been treading water ever since April and so it will be good to see him in another high profile feud. Though I'm sure the freshly turned Martel will be the one to win it. A really well booked match that helped everyone. Greet to see Pillman and Beniot get an upset win and even better to see Martel start his run as a heel.

    Hunter/Goldust segment: Oh man, I'm begging for Goldust to see the light and give Hunter a solid punch in the mouth. As much as it's been fun to see this story play out, Goldust is becoming more and more guillable. Eventually, he is just going to appear to be a really big moron for being so easily maniplated. At some point, I think Goldust needs to take a stand and call Hunter on a few things. It's not realistic to have someone too blind to what is going on and shouldn't Marlena be able to see through this charade? I've got a feeling things may explode at the Battle Royal.

    Marty v. Snow: Huge, huge, huge win for Jannetty off the very over Snow. Maybe the Holly interference could mean that he'll be getting the next shot at the IC title? I still think Mero was supposed to be in line which means you need to find someone new to take over the spot. Holly has paid enough dues to earn a run at the IC title. Once again, the tournament seems to be filled with lots of lower end midcarders especially now with Snow out of the tournament. D Lo seems to be the only really big star left in and the easy favourite to take the whole tournament. Even if he does win it, victories over Droese, Jannetty and Holly aren't what will give him any kind of rub. I like all those guys but they aren't big players in your diary even if you hope they will be. Anyway, Jannetty gets a big rub by pulling off a win over Snow even if it had some controversy. Maybe Jannetty will be line for a one off shot at the title now too?

    Bret/Michaels: I'm sensing two options with this story coming out of this interview. Either the seeds have all been planted for a definite Michaels turn where it will be shown Michaels was in cahoots with the Commisioner. Or this is all a major swerve and Hart is actually going to go heel. I'd prefer Michaels but either would be a big deal. I did like the line about Michaels saying it doesn't matter what he has to do because he will find a way to beat Hart. A very 'pre-heel' type of thing to say. Of course, Michaels saying he doesn't need the fans will set things up for a heel turn. I'd almost want to wait for Cactus to come back so that it can be revealed it was Cactus who drove Michaels to this heeldom because of their brutal feud. Thus Cactus can claim victory in what he set out to do. I'm getting ahead of myself. This was another decent confrontation to build to what should be a huge match up.

    Billy Gunn: Good to see Billy's gimmick steer totally away from Dean Douglas's character. It's now more of a Genius with an edge. I like how Gunn will be mighty upset that no one realizes that he is a genius. It may be kind of fun if it's revealed Gunn isn't so smart but he continues to claim that he is.

    Battle Royal: I originally picked Hall to win the battle royal for KOTR but with this win, I'd have to say he isn't a favourite anymore. A good battle royal that really helped elevate Henry and Jacobs. Both guys did really well. Interested to see why Backlund eliminated his man or what it was he said that caused Jacobs to leave. A fun throw away match that actually put some stories in place. Of course, Rude won't be happy to see Hall pull off a major win like that.

    Martel/Rocky: Hmmmm. I'm intrigued. I originally thought this was a set up for a Raw match or something. Now, it could be the starts of a Mavia heel turn (which I pondered after the Maivia/Snow match). I think, it would be really cool to have Mavia with Martel as his mentor. It could be the exact angle that will elevate Maivai out of his current card position.

    Undertaker: Bearer once again causes 'Taker to lose overness. What a useless sack.

    Uandertaker v. Bulldog: Sucks that the match caused the title to lose image. It couldn't be due to overness since it popped an 89 CR. Though maybe the titles image was somewhere in the mid 90s? A decent enough end to Mayhem but Austin really needs to get the upperhand soon. Unless this is all leading to Austin winning the title but I doubt that very much. Maybe this will set-up a rather big tag match for Raw. I wouldn't mind seeing that and maybe Austin could score pinfall there in order to come off as a tougher challenge to 'Taker. Right now, Austin seems to be fodder.

    I laughed with 'Taker asking to be booked with Austin. Duh! He must not really be paying attention to what he has been doing these past few weeks.

  16. Heat Thoughts:

    Suicidal Kidd beat Aguila: Wow! I never thought we would see the day that Christian pulled off a win. Even though this probably lessens Aguila in stature, it's important to not keep Kidd as a complete jobber if he's staying around. Afterall, at this point you still only have a division of 4. Great to see you pulled off another solid match rating. I'm gettig the feeling we're on the brink of having ourselves a second WWF Light Heavyweight heel.

    Dx video: Jarrett v. Hunter should be a great contest for Raw. Though I see screwjob written all over it.

    Bradhsaw beat Bart: I'm thinking it's safe to say Gunn is basically your WWF JTTS. I dont remember him winning a single match in this diary so far. I'm thinking, you just keep Gunn with Holly for now as a tag team since you don't have anything else in store for the poor sap. Good to see Bradshaw back and he might be the exact type of hoss to feed to Kurrgan in his first feud.

    Can-Am beat Quebecers: At this point, the tag division just seems to be a bunch of random matches between tag teams. There isn't really any feuds other then NOA & LOD. I'm thiking some rivaleries should be established. Though I was sensing that maybe Quebecers aren't going to be together for much longer. We may see Jacques turn on Pierre soon. I don't think a single run would be good for either guy and I'd rather them stay on as a team. WWF also would benefit from a solid tag division at this point. They just just need to start getting some stories going on in the division.

    Kane video: I am all for these videos and interviews but I believe it's about time to get Kane into a program now. You can't really just have him drift before fighting at Wrestlemania or he'll come off as a complete lame duck challenger. He may be that but you can't make him seem like one. I'm thinking he needs to be put in a mini feud starting at this Raw. No idea who it should be though.

    Brown beat Funk: This was a good segment as Rocky has now got himself back in D Lo's good books. Of course, I'm sure Rocky will do something dickish again at Raw.

    DX Interview: Pretty good segment. It didn't make DX come off as 'cool' but rather intense heels who want to take out JJ. That is how they need to played in this feud.

    LOD squash Savio/Perez: LOD are in the No Way Out main event. Savio/Perez rarely even make it on tv. Squash makes sense.

    Sweet, Raw is already out of the oven and ready for my consumption!


    Christopher beat Taylor: Great to see another Lightheavy added to the roster. Taylor seems to pull off a really good match rating in his debut. I'm curious of why you have the philosophy of jobbing guys in their debut match? It seems to happen a lot in your shows. Though in this case, I'm guessing it's partly because you don't have any big plans for Taylor in the near future. Probably here to just beef up the very 'light' division.

    Quebecers: Sweet! I was totally wrong about the Quebecers split. It's cool to see they have Raymong Rougeau as a mouth piece or I assume that is who 'Ray' is. Glad to see they have a mini push coming there way. I've always been a fan of the threesomes when it comes to tag teams.

    Quebecers beat Godwinns: It's the result that needed to happen unless you wanted to bury this new group right off the bat. The cheap win may mean we have a mini feud on our hands. I don't like the Godwinns but the tag division needs stuff happening in it.

    Kurrgan squash Brawler & Putski: Not really the kind of match I want to see on prime time Raw but exactly the kind of match to make Kurrgan a monster.

    Savio beat Funk: At first, I thought you were starting up a gimmick of where Flash Funk almost always wins but loses by interference. I wasn't quite sure where you would go with that but was happy Funk would be used for an extent. Now, it looks like we may have a new tag team on our hands with Dustin & Funk. I could think of a lot worse for them so I'll sit back to see how this pans out for them. For the record, I'll miss the Goldust gimmick because I always felt you could go a lot of fun directions with it.

    NOD Itnerview: A good segment where everything seems to be patched up in the faction. You know that means something bad is going to happen.

    Mero/Shamrock beat NOD: For the second time, Rocky fakes an injury in order to not help D Lo out of the ankle lock. I'm really curious as to why Rocky keeps on refusing to help poor D Lo. Unless it's just a matter of Rocky being afraid of Shamrock. Anyway, nice to see everything back to chaos and it's about time to make the next step in this story.

    Kane Video: Ugh, looks like Kane won't have a mini-feud started on Raw. Maybe he will end up being Jarret's partner for No Way Out?

    Kane beats Chainz: Kane might just be bad ass enough where he'll be a big favourite against HBK. Especially if you do an angle where he beats up the whole DX all by himself and that would definitely pop a crowd.

    JJ beat HHH: Well, exactly the finish that I was expecting. Good to see these guys able to pop such a good match rating. Maybe this should be one of the matches for 'Mania with some gimmick attached. Since I'm sure Jarrett will still have issues with DX after No Way Out but Michaels should be tied up with Kane. Anyway, predictable match but lends itself to No Way Out

    Insult: A really great final segment and good way to put some heel heet on DX. Jarrett not only got mauled but he got his head shaved. I'm sure this will only piss Jarrett off and make him a little more bad ass. I definitely look forward to seeing what Jarrett does to gain revenge.

    Oh by, you were cranking out the shows.


    Rhodes interview: This interview is more signs that McMahon will become an on screen character heel. Dustin may end up being one of his first rivals. Interested to see where this plays out.

    Bushwhackers beat Gunn/Holly: When I asked for Holly & Gunn to stay as a tag team, I didn't really envisioning this happening. Ugh. What purpose is there in bringing back the Bushwhackers? What good could there be having them beat a young team? A team that would actually do something in WWF rather then just lick each others heads. Don't like this.

    Kane interview: I agree with the fans. I'm ready for Kane to do something now.

    Kurrgan beat DOA: Kurrgan continues to be a monster heel. Yet another tag team loses credibility but it's DOA so they had none anyway. About ready for Kurrgan to do something now too.

    I was hoping for a little more info on the other two feds. An idea of their feuds or at least who is the most over in their company. But a really good first month with the WWF. I'm interested to see what big stories you'll be able to put in place for Wrestlemania. WWF needs to score big with that PPV.

  17. Wow, good to see this back. I had pretty much given up and declared it dead. Now, let's see if I can remember all the stories that were going forward.

    Raw Thoughts:

    Take Over Begins:Not really sure where I stand with the current Undertaker v. Corporation feud. It definitely makes oodles more sense the crap the real WWF used to pay things off such as Vince being behind his own torment in order to cost Austin the title after he had made sure Austin kept the title at Backlash (doesn't make sense but yeah, it's what WWF gave us). At the same time, I think the whole kidnapping of the McMahons is really unrealistic and silly. Now, we've got basically two heels feuding in the top program. Unless Hunter is going to go face after only being heel for over a month. Or is 'Taker, a kidnapper, supposed to be the face? I realize this is the Attitude era where we have shades of grey but the fact is, money is made when we have a clear cut face & heel. I just don't think either guy should be face which makes this a hard storyline to get behind. Oh well, I'll continue to give you the benefit of the doubt at this point. Maybe I'm missing out on the bigger picture here.

    Palumbo v. Hardy: I had totally forgot about Palumbo and Sanders being in this diary. I do feel that Sanders as a manager for Palumbo is a really good idea but I'm sure I said that when they debuted. Sanders must have oodles of Charisma points and Palumbo is pretty capable in the ring. Another good outing for Palumbo and I'm already sensing the seeds planted for an exantual split between Sanders & Palumbo. I'd say that could work since Palumbo would make a decent babyface and Sanders is a definite heel. It would be nice for Sanders to eventually get a singles push. I'll just enjoy the slow simmer for now.

    I would like to mention it's interesting that Palumbo & Hardys get spoltighted on Raw when guys like Big Show & Foley even have trouble being on the show in the past. Maybe with TEW, you will be able to fix that time and wrestler management issues. Seriously, Foley and Show shouldn't be left off Raw. Especially is these guys are getting on.

    One Shot: I'm liking the story between D Lo & Scorpio. I also like you aren't going with the typical wrestling route where D Lo is oblivious that Scorpio could be using him for a title shot. Of course, I'm sure Scorpio will still double cross him but it's good that D Lo is still being alert.

    Intercontinental Title Worth: Not sure if WWF would allow RVD to throw out the f-shot even if it was bleeped. They did still have kids in the audience even if it was the Attitude Era. I'm sure censor groups would be all over them with the use of the word. Maybe they would get away with it if RVD didn't say it too often. The match turned out to be really good and definitely better then anything WWF would have put out on Raw at the time. A little disappionting with the screw job finish but I recognize the reasoning for it. A triple threat for Over the Edge should be really entertaining. I'm getting a feeling that RVD might be walking out with the title. I do think Goldust will need to do something big in order to not get lost in this feud. At this point, he is coming off as a lame duck champ.

    Quick question, I'm not familair with TEW so I was wondering at the end of a match which number went with which stat. I'm assuming it isn't the same as EWR. I doubt Palumbo & Hardy pulled out a 61.5 crowd reaction (which for EWR, that number would have been in the CR slot).

    Rock Interview: Good to see WWF get another wrestling program. You seem to have a lot of talent that rarely gets used on your shows. I sort of wish you came up with a new name other then Smackdown but I guess, I'd rather you work on your creative stories then spend time on a new name for the show. I'm still undecided on how the face turn of Rock and the heel turn of Austin went down. Especially now with no McMahon's in sight and I really believe you need them in order to get the crowd to boo Austin. I do think there is definitely some legs left in the Austin & Rock feud. A Last Man Standing match should be killer and would probably pop a decent buy rate. Though I really hope Mankind doesn't get left behind in all this. I'm sort of hoping he finds his way in the mix.

    Scorp v. D Lo: I'm really surprised that your stats are so low. I can understand the fans not really being into the guys but I would have thought they could pull out a good match rating. Maybe the guys stats are much lower then I had thought. Anyway, I really enoyed the story of this match. Especially with Scorpio playing the babyface while D Lo showing more heel tendencies. I do think it will be revealed eventually that Scorpio had hired Droz & Albert to take out D Lo. Right now, I'm just enjoying the road to the eventual pay off. It's nice to see Droz & Albert being used on Raw.

    Revenge: Oh boy, this angle with Chyna is exactly the kind of stuff that gets me rolling my eyes. One of the reason I have trouble getting behind guys like 'Taker & Kane. Besides, I thought Chyna was in the hospital after what happend to her at Backlash?

    Hardcore Blood: I totally forgot Gangrel won the title. Definitely a wierd choice as champion since he isn't really full of any cred at this point. It's also nice to see someone totally fresh get elevated. I'm loving the growing insanity of Al Snow and seeing him totally lose all sense of reality. Is Snow still considered a face at this point? The Snow & Hardcore feud is continued by Holly returning the favour from the week before. Nothing really innovative but sometimes, the simpler stuff is what works.

    No Resting:I'm getting the feeling we have another triple threat for a title on our hands. I'm not sure if i like the idea of having two three way feuds leading into a PPV. Maybe I'm wrong and the Snow/Hardcore will move away from the title. Gangrel doesn't really have any other challengers. At least, Gangrel definitely isn't coming off as lame duck as Goldust is. I have a feeling Gangrel could have a serious run as champ on his hands.

    This is what we came for: Not me! How did HHH get in the arena after he was banned? Despite that nit pick, I did enjoy the promo from Hunter because it was well written. It didn't drag on and on like a HHH promo does now in WWE. With HHH galiantly going against the whole group on his own, he may very well be in line for a face turn already. I don't think it should happen. On the other hand, I don't see the value in a heel v. heel at Over the Edge. At this point, this feud is really confusing me. Despite that, I did really enjoy how this segment came off and it definitely made HHH more sympathetic and cheer-able.

    World Title Rematch: Why was Mankind only getting sympathy cheers? He would have definitely been a main event level face at this time and he usually got really good pops. He would have been right below Rock and Austin in overness. At least, we had both Foley and Show on Raw tonight. This match was going pretty smoothly until the end. I like swerves and Show turning was a swerve. BUT he had only turned face since Wrestlemania which was only two months ago. I can't say I'm a fan of such a sudden turn back to heel. I know WWF did do it in real life but I didn't really like it then either. At least, it gives Mankind and Show something to do on top. The turn does give some added sizzle to Raw and makes tonight feel a little more special.

    Challenge Accepted: I almost thought I was going to eat my words with the Show heel turn until the handshake happend. Now the main event for Over the Edge is set and it should be good.

    A show that definitely had a big time feel with the heel turn and the HHH beat down. I'd say it was one of the better shows you did. I also feel there where a few flaws but I've already mentioned them. I don't think any of them will have too much long term damage. A lot of things are more of a wait and see where you go with it. I did enjoy the show and I eagerly look forward to next Raw.

    I still feel you have some management issues. It is too bad the tag champs got totally missed this week. Actually, you rarely see them on the show. Maybe guys like Palumbo should be kept on Heat for now?

  18. Power Pro Wrestling Main Event Wrestling Results



    I’m a few days late with my report on the PPW tv taping from this past Saturday night. I’m guessing the deal is they tape it on Saturday and then will put it out for syndication on the Sunday & Monday. At this point, it’s mainly being seen in Georgia. I’m sure I’m a little too late for spoilers but I can at least give my view on each match up.

    Arn Anderson came to greet everyone to the show. He promised weekly tapings here at Center Stage and declared great wrestling will return to this arena. He also said a tournament to crown the first ever PPW World Champion will start next week. He said the first round matches would be Brock v. Hail v. Afa Jr, Charlie Haas v. AJ Styles, OG Ekmo v. Shelton Benjiman, Kimo v. Rob Conway, Nick Dinsmore v. Christopher Daniels, Russ Haas v. Joey Matthews, Christian York v. Bob Sapp, Air Paris v. Michael Modest. Interesting having a 3 way dance in the first round but it’s obvious the company wanted to use all it’s stars for the next big show. Arn Anderson once again thanked everyone for being here and then flashed us the Four Horsemen sign (SWEET!!!)

    Island Boyz (w/Queen Victoria) defeated Joey Matthews & Christian York (w/Tracy Brooks): Guess you mind as well cart out the eye candy nice and early. No real reason was given why Queen Victoria (recent WWF developmental cast off) and Tracy Brooks were managing these two teams. Though Joey Matthews was overly touchy with Tracy Brooks which makes me think the gimmick is that they are going out. Joey & York keep the Island Boyz off their feet with some quick, fast, flying offence in the early goings. The big Samoans eventually over power the smaller foes. The Samoans work fairly well together and have a decent power move set. At one point, Tracy hits a spring board hurricanrana on one of the Samoans to show she isn’t just a pretty face. This brings out Queen Victoria to hit a moonsault on Christian York to outdo Traci. The two chicks get into a cat fight that got a decent response from the crowd but I was hoping for more skin. Dang kids in the audience ruining my skin fix. Anyway, this one ends with the two fat Samoans squashing York with a double frog splash from the top ropes. Like I said, this was a pretty surprisingly good tag team match.

    Bob Sapp beat Air Paris & AJ Styles in a handicap match: Wow, this one would have pissed off some of the big indy fans. Air & AJ have been touted to be the next big things in the indy wrestling and WCW signed them up with such knowledge. Tonight, Sapp made them out to be his bitches by causing both men to tap out to a rings of Saturn type submission. The match was pretty good with the two smaller guys running circles around the monster Sapp. In the end, Sapp got a ahold of them and totally turned them into minced meat. Not sure if this is a sign that WCW doesn’t care for AJ & Paris or if they are really high on Sapp. Considering that Sapp already has been mentioned on WCW TV, I’ll got with the latter.

    An angle is done where Russ Haas & Charlie Haas declare they are the best amature wrestlers in all of North America. They offer $100 to anyone who can last two minutes with them in an amature wrestling match. An obvious plant comes out from the crowd and gets schooled by Russ Haas in a match. Charlie asks for another sucker to come out which bring some guy with a fake wig, big sunglasses and a trench coat. The Haas Brothers make fun of him but allow him to wrestle Charlie. Charlie gets totally schooled by the goof which upset the Haas boys. It is then revealed it is Shelton Benjamin which causes the Haas Brothers to attack Shelton but Brock quickly comes to his aid. Shelton gloats in the ring with the Haas boys' $100. You know it’s an indy fed when $100.00 is considered a big deal.

    Nick Dinsmore & Trinity defeated Afa Jr & Gail Kim: Weird match because Afa played the crowd like a face but Gail played up like a heel. Dinsmore & Trinity were definite faces. Gail is a pretty spot-tastic wrestler but with some seasoning can be something special. Trinity had a habit of blowing most of her spots. Trinity is pretty ugly for a hot girl if you get my drift. Nick and Afa strung together a respectable match when they were in together. Finish came when Gail accidentally dropkicked her man and allowed Dinsmore to score the German suplex for the pin. Gail berated Afa for his failure after the match. Pretty hum ho affair and probably the shows big piss break.

    Bob Sapp came out for an interview where he declared he would be the new PPW Heavyweight champion. His interview was pretty decent for a guy who never really cut one before. Sapp declared he was still in a mood for hurting after his match tonight. Sapp dragged a poor photographer(plant!) into the ring and applied his submission hold on him. This brought out Brock Lesnar to break up the hold and send Sapp to the back. It’s obvious who the focal point of this company will be.

    Queen Victoria beat Bobcat & Tracy Brooks in a 3 way match: This was a fairly good match with Tracy providing the aerial, Bobcat doing some mat wrestling and Victoria doing the power. The plus side is all three looked really hot while doing it. This one ended when Victoria put Brooks away with a brainbuster variation. Victoria beat down Bobcat after the match for good measure.

    Rob Conway defeated Hail: Hail dominated the whole match but then put his head down setting himself up for a DDT. It was really odd to see a monster heel dominate then go down after one move. Not sure if something was botched here or what. Hail really sucks by the way and can’t hit anything smoothly while Conway has a really bright future. Match was crap due to the odd finish and Hail having crap offence.

    Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin and Michael Modest beat Christopher Daniels(w/Gail Kim) & the Hass Brothers: Wow, this was a classic match. All these guys really rock the casbar and proved that in this hot contest. The fans were really into the action in this one and I had to agree with them. Brock tossed all the heels around the ring with some awesome suplexes. I’d like to add how dumb WWF is for letting the Haas brothers, Shelton and Lesnar go. Anyway, Shelton ended playing the face in peril as the Haas hit a ton of suplex combos and amature take downs. Man, that Christopher Daniels is smooth in the ring and has some decent natural charisma. Gail Kim interferes a lot but eventually Afa Jr arrives to chase her away from the ring. Finish comes when Brock catches Charlie trying to do a cross body and he tosses Hass onto his shoulders. Brock does this amazing move that is is sort of like a TKO but instead, of being tossed into a diamon cutter it is into a DDT (F5). Amazing match and I can’t wait for these guys to meet up again.

    A really decent show and I’ll definitely return next week. Next week is the big first round of the tourney. Based off this show, I’d say it’s fairly easy to predict the first round matches. I’m sure we will probably see Brock and Sapp in the finals of this thing. I’d definitely have them passing their first round matches. Anyway, a really solid first effort and they’ve got a fan in me.


    WCW Sin Backstage Notes



    - Apparently, the plan all along was for Goldberg to do the job last night. That was part of the reason they changed the stip on Monday so they didn’t have to adhere to the deal where Goldberg was to be fired. Sources say, Goldberg is set to start filming for an action flick about a Cyborg trying to save post apocalyptic America from fire breathing serpents (expect it to be at a Blockbuster near you rather soon) thus WCW needed to get a way to allow Goldberg some time off (but not too much time off like a firing angle would cause). Taylor reasoned the no title shot stip wouldn’t hurt Goldberg too much if he isn’t around regularly but would cause some controversy since Goldberg rarely loses.

    - Golberg was said to be very upset about having to do the job at WCW Sin. He originally threatened to walk out of the PPV if it wasn’t rewritten. Apparently, WCW promised that this match would open the doors for some big plans in the future. Also the match was apparently rewritten in order to have Goldberg remain strong (the mass amount of interference). Rumours are despite the rewriting, Goldberg still complained to anyone who would listen about his reputation being tarnished by losing to ‘two past their prime hacks’.

    - Word is Shane Douglas was not happy with how he was portrayed in his match with Morrus. Word was he was willing to lose but wanted to make sure he maintained some ‘heat’ after the match. WCW disagreed with Douglas ‘getting his heat back’ since they wanted to end the feud and such a move would only continue it. Douglas was heard whining about being misused and underappreciated by the company again. Word was he was even bad mouthing Flair again even though Ric Flair wasn’t even in the building last night.

    - Word is, O’Haire & Jindrak were booked to win the WCW World Tag Team titles last night. Kevin Nash and DDP both didn’t want to lose the titles to O’Haire or Jindrak. Kevin Nash pulled his creative control right before the match was to begin which meant WCW was forced to change the outcome. Word is, WCW is furious at Nash as the deal was the Insiders would win the tag titles at Starrcade as long as they would do the return job at WCW Sin. Nash seems to have changed his mind on such a deal. WCW tried every Thriller combination possible in order to try to get Nash to agree to job. Rumour is that WCW even offered O’Haire & Scott Steiner as a possible tag combination despite such a team making very little sense storyline purposes. WCW was desperate but Nash wasn’t biting. In the end, O’Haire was pulled from the match once it was apparent that a Thriller needed to do the job. Thus O’Haire’s involvement changed to an after match beat down where Nash was ordered to blade for O’Haire. Word is WCW is putting a lot of pressure on Nash to do a single job to O’Haire in the future.

    - Chavo Guerrero Jr. was heard backstage asking to be elevated up the card. Chavo was feeling that his match with Shane Helms should prove his worth to the company. Guerrero would also want to raise the status of the Cruiserweight division and have the title considered World title status.

    - Despite the hard time Nash & DDP pulled, some agents are still very high on the Insiders as a team. Ceative head Terry Taylor still believes that it’s best to take the titles off the team and to split them up for now. It’ll be interesting to see who wins out.

    - After the PPV, Lex Luger was seen complaining to Terry Taylor about his match with Goldberg. Luger claimed that Goldberg was deliberately making Luger look bad in his match to make it look like he shouldn’t be pushed. Word is, Luger was claiming Goldberg’s head was getting too big and he doesn’t understand the importance of ‘giving back’. Rather interesting comments from someone notorious for not wanting to do jobs to elevate talent.

    - Buff Bagwell was seen with the trainers complaining from serious bruising and pain from his match with DeBruce & Goldberg. Buff claimed that Wayne DeBruce worked way too stiff in his match.

    - Official buy rate was a 1.04 along with a PPV income of $2, 600 000, a gate revenue of $775 200 and an attendance of 12 920. WCW is said to be very happy with these numbers for what was considered an off month PPV.


    Sunday Night Heat Ratings



    Last night, WWF Heat put on a strong show headlined by Dean Malenko defeating Crash Holly & Ron Killings in a triple threat match for light heavy title. The show scored a solid 1.16 despite it being a slight drop from last week. The in arena attendance was 7 535 which brought in a gate revenue of $301 400.00.


    CZW Accepting the Challenge Results



    A decent big monthly show from CZW this time around with the yearly Accepting the Challenge event emanating from Sewell, NJ. The show drew in a house of 403 which raked in $8 060.00. A pretty good showing from the rising company. Most of the fans left the show feeling they saw a decent night of wrestling action.

    In the opener, Ric Blade defeated Jun Kasai after hitting a Michinoku Driver off the second rope in a highly competitive lightheavyweight contest. Both men were given a standing ovation after the contest

    The Briscoe Brothers defeated the Backseat Boys when Mark Brisco pinned Johnny Kasmere after a Screwdriver. This was a highly competitive match up that the fans were really digging. After the match. The Briscoes declared their desire for the CZW tag team championship.

    An angle was run where Wifebeater, Mad Man Pondo and Justice Pain threw a mock funeral for John Zandig since they claimed they had killed his career. This lead to Nick Gage, Nick Mondo and Nate Hatred to run off the three heels

    Reckless Youth defeated CZW Junior Heavyweight champion Men’s Teoh after hitting a 450 splash to win the CZW Junior Heavy championship. Teoh shook the hand of Youth after the contest.

    Lobo & Jeff Rocker defeated Divine Storm (Chris Storm & Quiet Storm) after Lobo pinned Storm with a chokeslam. Lobo layed out both Chris Storm & Jeff Rocker after the contest.

    Ruckus won a triple threat involving Danny Rose & Adam Flash after Ruckus pinned Rose with Stardust DDT. It was said to be a fairly decent contest with a few botched spots.

    In a Texas Tornado Hardcore match, Nick Mondo & John Dahmer defeated Mad Man Pondo & Eddie Valentine after Dahmer pinned Valentine from opponent miscommunication of a chair shot. This was a fairly violent match and lots of crimson was shown.

    The Iron Man title was on the line when the Champion Nate Hatred defeated Wifebeater after a variation of the pedigree put Wifebeater down for good. It was said to be a fairly decent contest.

    In the Main event, Justice Pain defeated Nick Gage to retain the CZW World title after the interference from Mad Man Pondo and Wifebeater. After the match, John Zandig arrived to fight off the heels and celebrate his return with Nick Gage in the ring. This was John Zandig’s return after a brief hiatus from the company.


    ECW Guilty As Charged Results



    ECW put together a fairly decent PPV last night though there was some concern that this could be one of the final ever shows of ECW. If this is the case, the company most definitely went out with a bang. I would like to thank ECW for some amazing memories and moments. ECW pulled off a decent buyrate for a National company with a .68 which garnered PPV dollars in the sum of $1, 700 000. The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York saw an attendance of 8 028 which brought in $321 120.00 of revenue. Heyman has to be happy with such numbers.

    In a show opening angle, Jerry Lynn came out to confront Joel Gertner because he took exception to some recent comments from him. Joel tried to plead his case but was in the end cradle piledriven by Jerry Lynn. Dawn Marie then came out to do commentary in the place of a stretchered out Gertner. Before Lynn left the area, Spike Dudley came out to confront Jerry Lynn for his actions but was jumped from behind by Curt Hennig which lead to the impromptu opening match.

    Curt Hennig was able to put away Spike Dudley after interference from Jerry Lynn. After the match, Jerry Lynn re-entered the ring to continue the attack on Spike Dudley. Lynn did a prolonged promo about wanting respect in ECW and he would get it tonight. This promo brought out RVD to confront Jerry Lynn but this time it was Rhyno who jumped RVD which lead to. . .

    ECW Television title match took place really early in the evening and saw ECW TV Champion Rhyno pin RVD(w/Bill Alfonso) after the gore. Rhyno even gored Bill Alfonso after the match as well. Jerry Lynn did an extended beat down on RVD after the match.

    In a Fatal Four Way for the ECW World Tag Team Titles, Mikey Whipwreck & Taijiri (w/Sinister Minister) won the titles by defeating ECW Tag Team Champions Danny Doring & Roadkill, Kid Kash & Ultimo Dragon and The FBI(Tony Mamaluke & Jame Maritato) (w/Sal E. Graziano) The order of elimination saw Mamaluke pin Kash with a brainbuster, Doring beat Maritato with a Wham Bam Thank You Maam, Taijiri won the match with a karate kick to the head of Doring.

    Super Crazy & Juventud Guerrera defeated Chris Candido & Chris Hamrick after Juvi pinned Hamerick with the Juvi Driver. This was considered the match of the night by many people. Candido seems to be the best shape of his life and I’m sure WCW is wishing they had signed him back.

    In a ‘I Quit Match’ Tommy Dreamer defeated CW Anderson after causing CW to declare I Quit after having barbed wire rubbed against his face. This was a really bloody and brutal climax to this feud.

    Jerry Lynn won the ECW World championship after defeating ECW Champion Steve Corino (w/Jack Victory), The Sandman & Justin Credible (w/Francine) in a Ladder, Singapore Canes, Chairs and Table match. Lynn then declared it was his destiny to be the ECW Champion. Lynn challenged anyone to try to take the title off of him. This brought RVD to throw an instant challenge.

    RVD defeated ECW World Champion Jerry Lynn with the frog splash to win the ECW World Championship in what was a fantastic match. Curt Hennig and Road Warrior Hawk both got involved in this contest. To end the show, all the face came out to celebrate with the new champion.


    JCW No Clowning Around



    This was the first major event under the Verne Gagne regime. It’ll be interesting to see what the former head of the AWA and a huge supporter of old school wrestling does with JCW. If tonight was any indication, Verne isn’t planning to change the product too much when it is concerned to content but he has a lot of new talent in JCW now.

    Ted Dibiase opened the show to introduce himself as the new JCW Commish. Violent J, Shaggy 2 Dope and Vampiro arrived to announce the company didn’t need any Commish and that they weren’t going to follow rules passed down by ‘that old f**king fart’. All of a sudden, Ricky Steamboat & Jake Roberts showed up to declare they were fighting for tradition. The segment ended with the legends sending the Juggalo’s packing. Really odd seeing all these wrestling names in such a crap company.

    First match was a Triple Threat Elimination to decide the #1 contender to the JCW Junior heavyweight title, Nova defeated Jushin Thunder Liger & Johnny B. Badd. Liger eliminated Badd with a moonsault but then was eliminated via the Kryptonite Krunch against Nova. I have to admit I never thought I’d see this kind of talent in JCW.

    Nova then called out Shaggy 2 Dope to defend the title right now. Instead, Evil Dead came out to demolish and assault Nova. Who came to Nova’s rescue? Ken Shamrock!!!!

    This lead to a match where Ken Shamrock defeated Evil Dead by submission via the anklelock. This match kept Evil Dead very strong as Shamrock was taken to the limit. This lead to Psychopatrick to attack Shamrock which brought out Rude Boy leading to a impromptu tag match. . .

    Ken Shamrock & Rude Boy defeated Psychopatrick & Evil Dead when Shamrock caused Psycho to tap out to the ankle lock. Both Shamrock and Evil Dead where pretty gassed by the time this match happened. It wasn’t a very good match. A nice attempt at doing an ECW type flowing segment.

    Rainbow Express (Lodi & Lenny) defeated Simon Diamond & Chuck Hogan after Lenny pinned Hogan with Memory Lane (Stroke). Chuck Hogan isn’t very good at all but the Express is a solid team. I’m guessing, Simon wishes he worked the ECW PPV.

    Vader suddenly arrived in the arena and took out both Rainbow Express members with Vader bombs. Out from the back to save them was King Kong Bundy which lead to a. . .

    King Kong Bundy battled to a no contest with Vader in what was pretty brutal match (as in hard to watch). The match never really got started as neither guy ever entered the ring. The battled all over the arena for about 12 minutes with lots of alleged brawling. Both men bladed for the contest.

    Jake Roberts, Donvan Morgan & Madusa defeated Vampiro, Violent J & Shaggy 2 Dope when Madusa pinned J. A total overbooked mess which included almost half the roster running in. The originally advertised match had been Vamprio v. Tommy Dreamer for the JCW championship but JCW obviously didn’t know there was an ECW PPV tonight. This match was thrown together with the opening angle and somehow Madusa became a proper substitute for Commissioner Dibiase and Donavon was a replacement for Steamboat. Neither Dibiase or Steamboat is going to come out of retirement to actually wrestle for JCW -- they'll just take their money. I wonder what a Christian like Dibiase thinks about a match where the majority of it appeared to have ICP trying to get Madusa to give them a blow job??? In the end, Jake Roberts hit a DDT on J and allowed Madusa to pin the clown. Really crazy match that at times was more like a battle royal.

    All in all, JCW had some good and some awful. Who even knows if the company will be afloat for much longer. I’m sure Verne Gagne would rather not have a second company he owns to go under. Tonight they pulled in an attendance of 489 & a gate of $14 670 which isn’t too bad of numbers though I wonder how many upset fans there where when the advertised main event didn’t happen?


    Les Thatcher Takes Over CZW



    It’s been an odd month with two new owners taking over wrestling organizations. This past weekend, the news spread that long time wrestling promoter Les Thatcher has become the new owner of Combat Zone Wrestling. The deal was made final shortly after the CZW Accepting the Challenge event. Apparently, Les has high hopes for the wrestling promotion. He wants to start promoting outside of New Jersey and aiming to become a Cult promotion by next year.

    The change in management has caused a few wrestlers to part ways with the company. Quiet Storm, Chris Divine, Men’s Teoh, Danny Rose, Eddie Valentine, Jeff Rocker and Jun Kasai all wrestled their last show at CZW this past weekend. Which would now explain why Men’s Teoh dropped the Junior title at Accepting the Challenge in a move that seemed to come out of nowhere.

    CZW also gained some talent with the Thatcher acquisition of CZW. Low Ki, Jody Flrisch, Joel Maximo, Jinsei Shinzaki, Scoot Andrews, American Dragon and Spanky have all signed with the company. Word is Thatcher is very high on all these signing but especially Low Ki who should be in line for a main even push.

    It should be very interesting to see what Thatcher does with CZW and if he can take the company to heights it’s never seen before. It should be interesting to see what he does with his new talent and the current roster. On a quick business note, Thatcher was able to get some more sponsors for CZW after taking the company’s risk level down to 30%. Wrestlecrap & Blockbuster Video have both agreed to have a relationship with CZW. This is more great news for the fledging company.


    WCW Sends Stars Down to PPW



    WCW is serious about wanting to improve it’s current product. One of the strategies seems to be improving the skills and talent of their female roster. At this point, most of the females are not much more then eye candy for the fans. Terry Taylor wants to end that philosophy and either get them to be solid mouthpieces for talent or to become capable in-ring competitors. Some of the recent PPW signings show that WCW may want to start a women’s division by the year’s end. This recent shuffling of several females down to Power Pro Wrestling may be more proof of a desire to start a competitive Women’s division.

    Paisely, Miss Jones and Tygress have all been sent down to developmentals. The reason for the table spot with Tygress & the Wall was to write Tygress out of current storylines. Word is WCW has contemplated releasing Tygress but she was very good friend’s with Rey Misterio. Instead, she is now down in developments. There is rumours that more women are set to be sent down. Word is that Stacy Kiebler & Midajah had been sent down but Arn Anderson claimed that both women had nothing more to gain by being in the territory. He felt they had peaked. No word if that means WCW will release them or allow them to remain on the full roster.

    On the male side, Reno & David Flair have been sent down to developmentals. The purpose of the beat down of Flair on Thursday was to write him out of storylines while he works down in PPW. The cryptic ‘you’re being benched’ comment by Sanders to Reno at Sin was WCW’s way of writing out Reno while he develops his skills. Word is that WCW is very high on Reno and actually didn’t even want to job him to Vito at Sin. It was decided that if Reno was being taken off the air then he probably shouldn’t get the win.

    Word is that both Wall and Mark Jindrak are set to be sent down to developmental along with most of the female talent. It’s not confirmed as to when they’ll be taken off TV. Especially since the Wall seems to be set for a feud with Konnan after Sunday.


    WCW Nitro Preview



    WCW Sin was an absolutely unforgettable PPV spectacular. It saw the return of Sid Vicious and Johnny the Bull, the dastardly dark side of the Wall, the outright assault Sean O’Haire committed against Kevin Nash, the shocking loss of Bill Goldberg and the match of the year candidate in Chavo Guerrero Jr v. Shane Helms. WCW Sin will definitely be an event to be remembered for a very long time. Tonight, WCW moves forward with another exciting addition of WCW Nitro. Nitro will come to you live from Fort Wayne, IN at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum.

    Ric Flair and his son, David, were brutally attacked by Big Poppa Pump at this past Thunder. Ric has not been seen since the horrific event. Tonight, the CEO of WCW has promised to be live at Nitro and will deliver a huge announcement. WCW.com does not know what this announcement pertains to but it is sure to be a blockbuster. One could assume it will involve the Apocalypse and especially the WCW World Champion Big Poppa Pump after his disgusting actions from Thunder.

    Last night, the Insiders successfully defended the WCW World Tag Team titles but they ended up not leaving like victors. Kevin Nash was brutally mauled by Sean O’Haire after the title match. Only 24 hours later, the Insiders have agreed to defend the WCW World Tag Team championships despite Nash not being fit to wrestle. Minutes after Totally Buff scored one of the most shocking victories in wrestling history, the egotistical duo had challenged the Insiders to a championship match for Nitro. Will Kevin Nash be able to compete tonight? Will DDP have to defend the championships on his own? Can the Insiders battle the odds again and defeat the red hot Totally Buff? Will the win streak of Totally Buff continue and lead to brand new WCW World Tag Team Champions? This is a match that you’ll definitely not want to miss.

    Plus Bill Goldberg will be on hand and he isn’t in a very good mood after the events of last night. Word is that he is on a mission to take out any member of the Apocalypse that he can find.

    Why did Sid Vicious attack and cost Sting his match for the WCW World Title? Sid will be on hand this evening and should be able to shed some light on the situation. Sting will also be in the arena and he will definitely have some words for Sid.

    Please join us at 9:00pm live on TNT for two hours of the best wrestling action on Monday night.

  19. WCW Sin

    Date: 01.14.01

    Venue: Pepsi Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN

    Announcers: Tony Schiavone & Mike Tenay

    Ring Announcer: David Penzer

    The show starts off with a video package highlighting the recent damage done by the stable known as Apocalypse. The footage contains all the major recent attacks done by the stable mates starting with the Rick Steiner swerve to the beat down on the Flairs. The question is posed if this deadly unit will be able to be stopped tonight at WCW Sin or will they only grow stronger with victories. The key matches highlighted in the promo are Goldberg/DeBruce v. Totally Buff and the world title match.

    Once the package ends, the program cuts to inside the Pepsi Coliseum packed with rabid WCW fans. The camera pans throughout the arena picking up several fans decked out in official WCW gear of such stars as Goldberg, Sting, Booker T and Filthy Animals. Several signs are seen with key ones having scribed on them the following: ‘Steiner Beat David All The Way To PPW’, ‘WCW Needs Booker, Sucka’, ‘Totally Buff = NEXT!’ and ‘SPAGHETTI!!!”

    Tony Schiavone: Welcome WCW fans to the first PPV extravaganza of 2001! I am Tony Schiavone along with my colleague, Mike Tenay. We are promising you 3 hours of non-stop wrestling action!

    Mike Tenay: Here at WCW we are all about the total non-stop wrestling action. WCW Sin will be a great demonstration of that. We have 5 huge WCW championship matches. We have several matches that could be called grudge matches. It should be an explosive night.

    Tony Schiavone: Speaking of explosive, the WCW World Champion Scott Steiner will be competing in a three-way dance. One opponent claims to be his trusted friend and the other opponent is his clear enemy. Can Steiner trust Jeff Jarrett tonight? If they are indeed united then can Sting overcome both men? Sting not only wants the WCW World Championship but he is here for sweet retribution against two men who have wronged him.

    Mike Tenay: Don’t forget Tony, there could be a fourth man added to the main event tonight. Goldberg teams up with his mentor, Wayne DeBruce, to do battle with Totally Buff in match where if Goldberg wins then he is in tonight’s main event. On the other side of the coin, if Goldberg isn’t able to win then he can’t compete for the WCW Championship for an entire year. A year is a very long time, Tony.

    Tony Schiavone: We haven’t seen Goldberg since that brutal attack perpetuated against him on Monday. Who knows what type of shape Goldberg is in tonight and how that will factor into his career-altering match?

    Mike Tenay: Yes, Tony, that match will definitely be the biggest of Goldberg’s career and unfortunately, he might not be 100% going into it.

    Tony Schiavone: Both these mentioned matches involve members of the dreaded Apocalypse. We have a third match with an Apocalypse member that should be an all out brawl and war.

    Mike Tenay: We’re about to see that match right now. To open up this amazing PPV, WCW Sin!

    Animal Warfare

    “Dog Faced Gremlin’ Rick Steiner v. The Cat (w/Miss Jones)

    Referee: Scott Dickenson

    The fans show their dislike of Steiner as he is showered with boos while making his grand entrance into the ringside area. Steiner actually makes a special entrance as he drives in on a motorcycle. Steiner is dressed totally up as a biker with dark shades, heavy black leather jacket, skull logo bandanna, and a spike dog collar around his neck. The Cat arrives to a much nicer pop and does a wild dance with Miss Jones to the fans delight. Once the Cat enters the ring, he jumped by the foul tempered Rick Steiner. Steiner assaults the Cat with an array forearms and stomps. Steiner knocks Cat hard to the mat with a Steinerline and quickly drops an elbow smash. Steiner continues to maul the Cat with eye rakes, face pulls and fist grinding. The assault continues when Steiner sets up the Cat upside down on the turnbuckles for a tree of woe. Having the Cat stuck in such a position allows Steiner to hit a series of running knees. Miss Jones bangs her hands on the ring apron in attempt to rally the Cat back into the match and to get the fans to start up a decent Cat chant. The Cat begins to rock Steiner with a series of palm thrusts to the throat and chest. A series of chops is able to stagger the DFG. Steiner is finally knocked off his feet with a solid spin kick to the head. The Cat celebrates this accomplishment by treating the fans to a quick break dance. The Cat’s offence is short as Steiner stops the karate expert cold with a low blow. Rick keeps Cat down with a few heavy forearm blows and then resorts to a half assed chin lock variation. Steiner does a lot of screaming and shouting to the fans in order to keep them into it during this obvious rest hold. The Cat begins to stomp his feet to signify he is about the rally and the fans start up decent size cheers. Both men find themselves back on their feet and at this moment, The Cat greets Rick Steiner with a series of elbows to the chest to break the hold. Cat bounces off the ropes but is stopped with a hard powerslam from Steiner, which leads to a two count. Steiner decides to get even more aggressive by choking Cat against the middle rope but the ref is quickly on top of Steiner to stop such actions. Steiner continues to go back to the rope choking in-between the counts of four. The Cat occasionally fires off shots to the chest of Steiner but is quickly stopped with elbows or boots to the head. Through out Steiner’s offence, he will make sure to try to intimidate or bully the ref while roughing up the Cat with illegal moves. Steiner continues with his love for rest holds by applying a bear hug on the Cat. Steiner tightens his grip and the Cat seems to be fading from the match. The ref checks the arm of the Cat and it ends up being lifeless on the first two attempts. The crowd begins to buzz and the arm doesn’t drop on the third check. Actually, it does drop but in the form on a karate chop onto the head of Steiner. Several more blows to the head cause Steiner to finally break the hold. The Cat celebrates his release by doing a quick dance and dropping Steiner with a savate kick to the head. The Cat starts to rock Steiner with a flurry of karate kick to the body of Steiner. Just to change things up, Cat levels Steiner with several palm thrusts and karate chops. The Dog Faced Gremlin tries to regain offence with throwing punches but Cat is able to avoid the majority of blows. The Cat puts Steiner back on the mat with a leg sweep. This gives the Cat an opportunity to jump to the second and nail the rising Steiner with the Feliner (second rope karate kick). Steiner lays knocked out on the mat while the Cat covers for the quick three count. After the match the Cat gets the ref to join in with a dance with the Cat and Ms. Jones. The fans seem to be having a good time while the three celebrate in the ring.

    Winner: The Cat


    Tony Schiavone: The Cat seems to be having a great time in the ring after winning what was a brutal contest.

    Mike Tenay: Let’s be honest, Tony, Rick Steiner took the Cat to the limit tonight. He should be very happy to pick up a win.

    Tony Schiavone: It will be the Apocalypse that won’t be happy as they started off the night with a loss. Is this foreshadowing to later in the evening?

    Mike Tenay: This loss will only make them regroup in the back and start to come up with strategies to ensure victory later on. It’s going to be war out here tonight.

    Tony Schiavone: Speaking of war, we’ve got a huge battle coming up between two powerhouses. It’s Canada v. USA. It’s Hacksaw Jim Duggan battling Mike Awesome.

    Mike Tenay: The tough guy is looking for some revenge against the Canadian Career Killer.

    Countries Collide

    “Canadian Career Killer’ Mike Awesome v. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

    Referee: Mark Johnson

    Mike Awesome comes out alone but still demands the playing of the Canadian national anthem. The anthem doesn’t play for long because the entrance of Hacksaw Jim Duggan interrupts it. Duggan doesn’t wait for long to start taking his big fists to the head and body of Awesome. The American traitor is rocked all over the when with the heavy handed blows and is eventually knocked out of the squared circle with a mighty clothesline. Duggan isn’t ready to wait and goes right out after Awesome. Duggan continues to bring the brawling to Awesome and even is able to knock him over the security railing. Back in the ring, Awesome is able to stop Duggan with a huge spinebuster. Awesome wants to finish things off quickly and scales the ropes. Unfortunately for Awesome, Duggan isn’t ready to be finished off yet and moves out of the way of an Awesome Splash. Duggan returns on offence with a series of lariats. During this flurry, Duggan gives the crowd a big ‘Ho’ and they return in kind. A USA chants is also started up throughout the arena and the crowd seems to be slightly more into this contest. The cheers of the fans turns to boos as Lance Storm and Major Gunns come out from the back. Duggan decides to ignore the pair and rather control Awesome with lariats, slams and kneedrops. Eventually, Lance Storm & Major Gunns become a factor as the vixen distracts the ref and Storm trips up Jim Duggan. This allows Awesome to start tossing Duggan around the ring with various suplexes. Somebody from the back doesn’t appreciate this interference and that person happens to be Konnan. K-Dawg immediately attacks Storm on the outside that distracts Awesome from inside. Duggan once again starts a come back against Awesome, which brings the crowd back into the contest. On the outside, Lance Storm is able to drill Konnan right into a ring post and drops Konnan hard to the floor. The crowd perks up as yet another man comes out from the back and this time it is none other than the Wall. Lance Storm has an expression of fear cover his face as the larger wrestler walks into the ringside area. Storm rushes to the other side of the ring while the Wall checks on Konnan. Meanwhile, Duggan is a house of fire in the ring and knocks down Awesome with a swirling body slam. Duggan takes down Awesome with his patent 3 point stance tackle and quickly follows up with a cover. Unfortunately, Duggan doesn’t get the victory due to Storm putting Awesome’s foot on the bottom rope. The ref immediately admonishes Storm while Duggan sails off the ropes to apply the Old Glory knee drop. Duggan, though, never makes it back to Awesome because Hacksaw goes sailing over the top rope. It soon becomes clear that Wall had pulled down the ropes and caused Duggan to fall to the outside. The crowd boos Wall who responds by yelling back at the crowd. The Wall does help Duggan back to his feet but only to administer a chokeslam onto the hard floor. Konnan runs to the aid of Duggan but doesn’t make it there until he is rolled back inside. Once inside the ring, Duggan is crushed with a running Awesome Bomb. The crowd lets the heels know their displeasure while Awesome gets the 3 count on Duggan. Lance Storm & Major Gunns enters the ring to celebrate with Awesome and Storm seems to be happy with this vindication for Team Canada.

    Konnan enters the ring to check on the battered Duggan. On the outside, The Wall retrieves a chair and enters the ring with it. A chair is blasted across the back of the trying to return to his feet Duggan. Konnan yells at Wall for his actions but is met with a chokeslam. The Wall goes back outside in order to bring a table into the ring. The Wall seems set to put one of the superstars through the table until someone jumps on his back. The crowd lets out a moderate pop as Tygress has come from the back and tried to stop the actions of the Wall. Unfortunately, the Wall is much bigger than Tygress and quickly throws her off his back. Then an evil look comes across the face of the Wall as he eyes the table and Tygress. The crowd gives out its disdain as the Wall puts in hand around the throat of Tygress. Tygress kicks and screams but it isn’t enough to stop the Wall. The mammoth wrestler lifts the valet high in the air and puts her hard through the table via a chokeslam. The Wall appears to be happy with his actions and leaves with Team Canada while medics attend to the three fallen faces.

    Winner: Mike Awesome


    The Wall’s turn is now complete and The Wall is now a heel

    The Wall gained 2 points of overness from this turn

    Tony Schiavone: What disgusting actions just perpetrated by that monster, The Wall.

    Mike Tenay: Is the Wall part of Team Canada now? Is this is definition of making an impact at WCW Sin?

    Tony Schiavone: Storm felt that Team Canada needed a victory after a rough week for them. The Wall had told Chavo on Thursday he would make an impact tonight. It seems both things have been fulfilled.

    Mike Tenay: But did the Wall do this for Team Canada or did he do it for himself? Is he yet another defect?

    Tony Schiavone: As far as I’m concerned, the Wall is a piece of trash and Team Canada can have and deserve him.

    Stickball Bat On A Pole Match

    Reno v. Big Vito

    Referee: Billy Silverman

    The camera cuts back to the ringside area after a replay of the previous match and the pole with a stickball is already been set up on the turnbuckle closest to the aisle way. Both men come out to decent reactions but the crowd is quieter here then in the previous two matches. Big Vito goes after Reno with a flurry of forearm shots once her enters into the ring. He even floors the big Thriller with a Mafia kick. The fans buzz as the anticipate a chance for Vito to go for the bat but rather Vito mounts Reno with a series of fist shots. Reno then got whipped off the ropes and bounced right into a flying lariat. Finally, Vito eyes the pole and starts to climb it. Reno is able to grab Vito halfway and bring him down to the mat via a powerbomb. Reno drags Vito over to the ropes and ties him his arms up. The crowd shows their disapproval of trapping Vito while allowing Reno to climb the pole. Unfortunately for Reno, Vito is able to slip out of the ropes and starts to shake the turnbuckle causing Reno to crotch himself. This move is something the crowd does show their approval for. Reno tumbles off the turnbuckles and is met with a series of knees to the face. Vito continues his attacks by slamming Reno hard to the mat. A harsh low blow upsets the fans and slows down Vito a few steps. Vito crashes to the mat hard after a belly to belly suplex and it’s at this point the announcers specify that a pinfall cannot be made until the stickball bat comes into play. The crowd give moderate boos as Vito is worked over with stomps and punches. Reno senses victory as he sets Vito up for the Roll of the Dice but before the move is completed, Vito pushes Reno off right into the ref. Both Reno and the ref are dazed which gives Vito a chance to plant Reno with a football tackle. Vito gets some fans buzzing when he points over to the pole. Vito starts to scale the pole that surprisingly gets a negative response from the crowd. The negativity is actually geared towards the interfering Mike Sanders. Vito is able to retrieve the bat but met with a bodyslam from the pole by Sanders. The bat is retrieved by the Above Average one and given over to Reno. Sanders holds Vito as Reno lays in a few bats shots into the gut of Vito. The fans let out more boos as another superstar comes out from the back and it’s the returning Thriller member Johnny the Bull. Johnny soaks up the heel response before jumping into the ring. The Bull motions that he would like the stickball bat in order to waffle Vito. Reno and Sanders share Cheshire cat sized grins while handing the bat to Johnny. The former Mamaluke measures up the bat against the battered Big Vito. Johnny lets out a home run worthy swing and connects to a rather decent pop from the crowd. The pop could be because he connected his swing against the shoulder of Mike Sanders. The Bull delivers another bat shot to Sanders that knocks the heel out of the ring. Reno comes charging at Johnny but is met with a spin kick to the head. The Bull tosses the bat to the now rising Vito and Vito whacks the bat hard against the head of Reno. Just for good measure and more pops, Vito blasts the bat over the head of Reno again, which drops the big man. The Bull shakes the ref awake while Vito drops Reno with his patent implant DDT. The ref crawls over to where Vito has Reno covered and Silverman administers the big 3 slaps to the mat. The sore Vito gets slowly to his feet and suspiciously eyes his former tag team partner. After a few seconds, they give each other a giant smile and embrace in the ring to a decent pop. A very small Mamalukes chants can heard going through the arena. Johnny The Bull raises the hand of the victorious Vito. Meanwhile, Sanders is ripping into Reno verbally while they both head to the back and Sanders keeps on uttering how he is benching Reno for letting this happen. The Mamalukes give each other one more big hug and happily make their way to the back to cheers from the audience.

    Winner: Big Vito


    Johnny the Bull’s turn is now complete and Johnny the Bull is now a face

    Johnny the Bull gained 3 points of overness from this turn

    Tony Schiavone: It looks like one of the greatest tag teams in WCW history has reunited. It’s great to see the Mamalukes on the same page again.

    Mike Tenay: Did you Sanders after that match? He is furious over this double cross from Johnny and I think he feels Reno is responsible.

    Tony Schiavone: I am sure the Mamalukes haven’t heard the end of the Thrillers yet, Mike.

    WCW Cruiserweight Title

    ‘Suga’ Shane Helms v. Chavo Guerrero Jr. ©

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    A video package is shown before the beginning of this match which chronicles Shane’s rise to number one contendership, Chavo’s attempts to thwart Shane, the jealousy of Shannon towards Shane and Chavo turning his back on his friend Lash Laroux. The announcers hype heavily how much of a roll Shane Helms is on and mention how is the future of the WCW Cruiserweight division. Shane gets a decent face pop from the crowd as he comes out to an entirely new entrance. The 3 Count theme has been replaced for a harder techno track with the words ‘Vertebreaker’ interspersed throughout plus Shane comes out dancing with the Nitro girls which get a male pop. Chavo enters with his usual cocky stride and teases the fans with his Cruiserweight title by just keeping it out of their reach. Once the match begins, the cocky Chavo seems less eager to want to hook up with Helms and he constantly rolls outside before they lock up. Helms quickly tires of Chavo bailing out and finally goes out after Chavo via a top rope cross body block to the arena floor. The move garners a big pop from the crowd and knocks Chavo silly on the floor. Helms rolls in the shooken up Chavo and continues to assault him with aerial moves. Helms almost gets the three after a springboard moonsault but Chavo is able to kick out at the last minute. Helms continues his offensive rally with a flapjack suplex and follows up with a top rope leg drop which leads to another near 3 count. Chavo still is aware enough to roll to the outside and begin to regroup from the attack. Helms decides to go out after him again but this time his rope assisted plancha only meets the padded floor. Chavo points to his head to declare how smart he is and the crowd respond with loud boos. In the ring, Chavo controls Helms with a variation of dickish moves like forearm chokes, boot rakes and face stomps. Helms is whipped hard against the turnbuckles several times and it becomes clear Chavo wants to target the back. The back continues to be the target as Chavo delivers several back breaker slam combos. These moves end up being a set up for the Gory Special back breaker submission hold. The crowd tries to rally behind Helms while the youngster screams out in agony. Chavo continues to cinch in the painful hold in hopes of Helms tapping out. After a few minutes, Chavo gets impatient and turns the move into a powerbomb. Chavo tries to go for the pinfall but Helms is able to kick out before the three. Frustration is visibly shown on the face of Chavo and the angry champion viciously unleashes several knees to the back of Helms. Chavo goes out onto the ring apron only to catapult himself back in the ring for a rolling senton onto the back of Helms. This move doesn’t give Chavo victory either which only adds to his anger. Chavo drags the battered Helms to a corner and sets him up for the Tornado DDT. As Chavo leaps into the air, the resilient Helms musters the strength to toss Chavo hard onto the mat. The crowd lets out in a surprised pop. The equally shocked Chavo charges for Helms but is met with a hard Suga Smack superkick. Both men fall to the mat and the ref begins to put on the ten count. Chavo gets to his feet first and begins to hammer away at the challenger. Chavo whips Helms off the ropes but the whip is reversed leading to Helms taking Chavo over with a hurricanrana. Momentum is back on Helms side and the young cruiser returns on the offensive. After a series of head scissor take downs, deep arm drags and flying forearms, Helms takes down Chavo hard with the Nightmare on Helms Street. The crowd lets out an excited pop when Helms beginning to signal for the Vertebreaker. Chavo isn’t quite finished yet and he attempts to fight out of the hold. In the end, Helms is able to power up Chavo and bring him down with the devastating Vertebreaker. The ref begins the count to three but stops at the last second when he notices Chavo’s right foot found its way to the ropes. Helms is frustrated but doesn’t waste any time arguing with the ref. Instead, Helms drags Chavo to the centre of the ring and starts to climb the turnbuckles. It’s at this moment that the 3 Count starts to make their way down the aisle and spouting off to the fans the entire journey. Helms notices the tag team and decides to leap on top of both members. Meanwhile in the ring, Chavo has the ref distracted while complaining about an injury he may have. Helms’ dive proves to be thrilling but also an error in judgement. Helms was able to knock down both men but before he can re-enter the ring he is jumped. Shannon lifts Helms over his shoulder while Even Karagious plants Shane with a DDT onto the hard floor. The tag team then rolls the stunned Helms into the ring and they cockily strut to the backstage. Chavo seizes this opportunity by scaling the ropes and coming onto Helms with a frog splash. The attack and splash in enough to keep Helms down on the mat for the 3. Smark fans everywhere get up to cheer over this amazing wrestling contest. The weary Chavo gets back to his feet and poses with his championship in front of the crowd. The fans boo Chavo as he mocks and taunts them with his title. Chavo is too preoccupied with the fans to notice that a new man has entered the ring. Chavo comes down from the turnbuckles he was posing on and turns around to met Lash Laroux face to face. Chavo at first is surprised but then tries to deck Lash with the title but the fresh Lash is able to duck the move. Lash then plants Chavo hard to the mat with his signature move, the Whiplash. Chavo meekly rolls out of the ring and retreats quickly to the back. Lash embraces the cheers as he strikes a pose in the ring. Lash also offers up a ‘I want the belt’ pantomime to show what is on his mind.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero Jr.


    Cruiserweight title gained in image

    Tony Schiavone: Lash Laroux is back and he seems ready for revenge.

    Mike Tenay: Tony, let’s not forget the grade A effort of Shane Helms. He could be the Cruiserweight Champion right now if it wasn’t for Moore and Karagious.

    Tony Schiavone: Oh my, that match was an absolute classic and maybe one of the best matches ever in WCW history.

    Mike Tenay: It’s proof positive that Chavo has a lot of hungry mean gunning after him in this very competitive division.

    WCW Hardcore Championship

    Crowbar (w/Daffney) v. Terry Funk ©

    Referee: Randy Anderson

    Before the match begins, an ad for WCW Superbrawl IX is played. It talks about Ric Flair’s 16 times as World Champion and asks if the legend can do it one more time. The ad also shows several shots of the attacks Steiner has done to Flair over the last several weeks and months. Back to the match, this is without a doubt the quietest the WCW fans have been during the evening so far. Both men put in a great effort just the same but the aging Funkster isn’t able to put on the performances he used to. Despite that fact, Terry and Crowbar were still able to put on the second best match up until this point. Terry and Crowbar both brought carts o’ plunder and make sure to use absolutely everything inside. The announcers are sure to bring up the fact that Crowbar hasn’t been on the best streak lately with a few losses against Meng. The announcers also mention that Meng has had Funk beat on a few occasions but Crowbar has saved Funk every time. The story seems to be that Crowbar is obsessed with beating Funk and it’s causing Crowbar to lose some focus. Though in this match, Crowbar is able to take Terry Funk to the limit as he assaults him with various foreign objects. Crowbar goes to the air a few time with a rope assisted plancha and tope ropes moonsault to the outside. Inside the ring, Crowbar hits Funk with a chair assisted legdrop (Arabian Facebuster). All these moves aren’t enough to keep Funk down for the three. Daffney even gets involved by taking Funk over with a top rope frankenscreamer (hurricanrana). Crowbar beginning to visually get upset, as he is unable to put down Funk for good. Crowbar asks Daffney to retrieve a table from under the ring and the two beginning to set it up. Terry Funk is able to recover and start to batter Crowbar with punches. Crowbar stops the Texan with a thumb to the eye. Crowbar drags Terry on to the table. Terry is still alive and starts to battle back. Funk finally gets the best of Crowbar and puts the maniac through the table via a piledriver. Despite Daffney jumping on the back of Terry, the referee is able to count to three for the Funkster’s victory. Terry Funk grabs his Hardcore title and parades around the ring to the cheers of fans. The vet rolls out of the ring and celebrates with the fans in the crowd. Daffney tends to the beaten Crowbar he lays in the smashed table. Finally Crowbar gets to his senses and notices Terry Funk celebrating his win. Crowbar starts to get tears in his eyes and begins to pound his fists to the mat. Eventually Crowbar breaks into a full blown temper tantrum.

    Winner: Terry Funk


    Hardcore title gained in image

    Crowbar lost 4 points of overness – first off Crowbar can’t beat an ‘old man’ and secondly, fans don’t tend to think highly of faces that whine and complain.

    Tony Schiavone: Crowbar seems to have completely lost it.

    Mike Tenay: Did he ever have it, Tony?

    Tony Schiavone: Ha ha, maybe not but he has once again failed to pin his idol and hero.

    Mike Tenay: Crowbar must be wondering what is it going to take to beat this wrestling legend.

    Tony Schiavone: He may also be wondering what it will take to get yet another rematch. Let’s be honest, there are many other brawlers in line for this prestigious WCW Hardcore Title.

    WCW World Tag Team Titles

    Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak) (w/Mike Sanders) v. The Insiders (Kevin Nash & Diamond Dallas Page) ©

    Referee: Nick Patrick

    A video package opens up this segment that highlights the various times that the Thrillers have been able to beat down the Insiders. There is a definite focus on Sean O’Haire beating down Nash on several occasions. At the beginning of this contest, it is actually O’Haire and Jindrak that make their way down to the arena but before the match begins, the Perfect Event jump the Insiders from behind. The match officially starts with the Perfect Event against the Insiders but it appears that both O’Haire & Jindrak had expected to be wrestling. Sanders convinces the two to head to the back and not to worry about this business. The distraction proves to be a big advantage as the Event continues to be on the offensive against the two champions. Things settle down with Palumbo on offence against DDP and the crowd watches as Palumbo tosses Page around like a rag doll (got to love the clichés). Palumbo constantly knocks Page down with slams but then waits for Page to get back to his feet in order to knock him back down with a clothesline. Perfect Event starts making quick tags to wear down the vet from Jersey. The challengers throw in a few illegal team assisted wear down hold like Stasiak holding the arm of Palumbo while he applies the abdominable stretch. Nash would often enter the ring to protest such moves but it only leads to the ref being distracted thus more double teams. Mike Sanders even makes sure to be occasionally involved by laying in a shot onto Page. The crowd is the most pumped they have been all night as they try to rally behind the beaten but not defeated Page. Nash from the outside turns out to be a great cheerleader too since the fans seem to dig the champions. The fans get very pumped once Page is able to pull out a uranage (Rock Bottom) against Stasiak when the Thriller tried to hit a axe handle off the top rope. Stasiak makes a quick tag off to Palumbo but the ‘The Event’ is unable to reach Page before the tag is made to Nash. Nash tags Palumbo right in the mouth with a forearm once he enters the ring. The fans continue to cheer on Big Sexy as he levels Palumbo with a big boot. Stasiak enters the ring only to fall to a big elbow to the jaw. Sanders jumps on the apron to cause a distraction but instead is tossed into the ring by Nash. Sanders is crushed to the mat with a side suplex and immediately rolls back to the outside. A charging Palumbo is tossed into his teammate that knocks both men to the mat. Page gets a resurgence as he enters the ring and pairs off with Shawn Stasiak. The champions pound away on the challengers in opposite corners of the ring. The challengers then meet each other hard in the middle of the ring when they are whipped into each other. Page then cactus clotheslines Stasiak outside the ring, which leaves Nash with Palumbo. Nash finds this the perfect time to deliver a series of high knees into the gut of Palumbo as he is trapped in a corner. The ref is distracted on the outside while DDP wars with Stasiak, which allows Sanders to come into the ring to attack Nash. Nash no sells the offence of Sanders and begins to attack him with a flurry of forearms. This distractions allows Palumbo to football clip the left knee of Nash and send the big man sprawling to the mat in pain. The ref is able to restore order on the outside and turns around to see Palumbo dropping his body onto the leg of Nash. The fans start to chant the name of Nash while the man screams out in agony over his knee. Palumbo attempts to get a submission by applying an Indian deathlock. In order to apply extra leverage, Palumbo would occasionally get an assist from the waiting hands of Mike Sanders while the red appeared to be none the wiser. Palumbo tires of the wear down hold and opt to kick away on the knee of Nash. A tag is made between the Perfect Event; Stasiak comes off the top ropes with an attempted axe handle. The key word is attempted, as the hobbling Nash is still able to grip his hand around the throat of Stasiak to stop the attack. With all his might, Nash is able to lift Shawn off his feet and have him crash down hard to the mat via a chokeslam. Palumbo has decided this is a perfect time to re-enter the ring but it just so happens that DDP was thinking the same thing. The ref is tied up with Palumbo and Stasiak, which cause Sanders to get involved in the contest again. The crowd shows the disapproval as Stasiak kicks Nash in his injured leg and holds Nash to be hit by Sanders with Palumbo’s muscle flexor. The crowd does show their approval when Sanders accidentally knocks out Stasiak with the flexor after Nash is able to duck from the blow. As a parting gift, Nash delivers a powerful jackknife powerbomb to Sanders and then kicks him out of the ring. The referee turns back to the action in the ring to find that Nash is covering Shawn Stasiak and the three count is quickly made from this discovery. Nash & DDP embrace the cheers of the excited crowd but the cheer don’t last long as a unwanted guest if found in the ring. Sean O’Haire quickly arrives in the ring and takes down both me with a shoulder tackle. O’Haire decides to present Nash with his World Tag Team title but he decides to do upside the head of Nash. O’Haire lifts the title up again and crashes it down hard against the head of Nash. The blows have cause a gash to open up on the forehead of Nash. O’Haire decides to continue to open the cut by raining down fists onto the forehead. The Perfect Event holds Page back while O’Haire continue to widen the gash on Nash’s head. Suddenly an evil grin come across the face of O’Haire, the Thriller slips outside the ring and enter back inside with a chair in hand. O’Haire delivers several hard shots onto the already bloodied head of Nash. O’Haire grabs the head of Nash and pulls it close to O’Haire’s face. The young heel starts shouting threats into the bloodied face of Nash. O’Haire delivers a loogie onto Nash as the exclamation point of his diatribe. The Thrillers then stand over the fallen bodies of DDP and Kevin Nash while posing with the Insider’s championship titles. The fans deliver loud boos onto the heel stable.

    Winners: The Insiders


    WCW Tag Title gained in image

    Tony Schiavone: That was one of the most brutal attacks I’ve seen in my wrestling commentary career.

    Mike Tenay: Sean O’Haire may have very well taken Nash out of the sport of wrestling. That was outright uncalled for and disgusting.

    Tony Schiavone: The Natural Born Thrillers didn’t win the tag titles but they still left a major mark here.

    Mike Tenay: As evil as it was, Sean O’Haire has the number of Kevin Nash.

    Title Shot v. No Title Shot For A Year

    Totally Buff (w/Lex Luger & Buff Bagwell) v. Goldberg & Wayne DeBruce

    Referee: Charles Robinson

    A video package highlights the events that lead to this being a tag team match. They replay part of the segment on Nitro that set up this current stipulation. The package ends with the attacks on Goldberg on Monday. The announcers talk incessantly about how Goldberg can’t be at 100% after the brutal attack this past week and mention how no one has seen Goldberg since Nitro. The announcers also stress how long a year without a title shot would be and how often Goldberg has been waiting for a chance to go for the title again. Totally Buff enter the arena by taunting and agonizing the crowd. Both strike a few poses in the ring and seem to be laughing about some kind of inside joke. The fans let out a thunderous roar as the strains of Goldberg’s theme starts up. Wayne DeBruce comes out first but he then points to the TurnerTron. It’s the classic Goldberg entrance as the camera cuts to the back where Goldberg’s dressing room is. Doug Dillinger, head of security, knocks on the door and da man comes storming out of his room. Before he can make the walk, Big Poppa Pump arrives to taunt and intimidate Goldberg. The champion sticks the title in the face of Goldberg and jabbers on how Goldberg will never get it again. It turns out to be a distraction as Rick Steiner comes from behind with a solid chair shot to the back of Goldberg. Goldberg falls to one knee and is immediately attacked to the ribs with the chair. Security finally pulls Rick off of Goldberg but the damage seems to have been done. Back in the arena, Totally Buff has started to double team the Sergeant. Wayne falls hard to a double clothesline from the loud mouthed pair. Buff decides to start off with Wayne and rocks his with fist shots. The crowd heat seems to have died down after their hero was left laid out in the back. The match is graced with several Goldberg chants while the Sergeant if battered down by the two stablemates. Miscommunication by Totally Buff, allows for DeBruce to get a brief offensive flurry that consists of a few sloppy amature wrestling moves. Luger starts to hammer away at Wayne with some harsh forearms but the Power Plant trainer delivers them right back at Luger. The rally ends with a hard knee into the gut of Wayne. Totally Buff continues to pound away at Wayne DeBruce. The crowd begins to light up as Goldberg starts to stumble from the backstage area. When Goldberg arrives to the ring, he doesn’t bother to wait for a tag but rather attacks Totally Buff immediately. Both members go down hard to spin kicks from Goldberg and Buff is even tossed over the top rope. After much admonishing from the ref, Goldberg finally goes to his corner but also drag Wayne with him. It’s a easy tag back in for Goldberg and he greets Luger with a massive spear. The crowd lets out an explosive pop, as it appears the man is back in charge. Suddenly, Big Poppa Pump is back at ringside and starts yelling at Goldberg. Goldberg charged at the champion but the ref tries to keep the two men apart. While the red tried to get Scott Steiner to return to the back yet another Steiner decides to get involved in the match. Buff Bagwell makes sure to knock Wayne DeBruce off of the ring apron while Rick Steiner climbs up the top rope. Steiner is able to hit the distracted Goldberg with the top rope bulldog right onto a awaiting steel chair that was slipped in the ring by Bagwell. Rick makes himself invisible while Luger rolls on top of the stunned Goldberg. With the damage done, Scott Steiner decides now it a good time to go to the back and allow the ref to find Luger pinning Goldberg. To the shock of the crowd, Lex Luger is able to score the three count. Immediately, Totally Buff start to act as if they won the Superbowl and celebrate by jumping for joy in the ring. Goldberg begins to stir which causes Rick Steiner to encourage the duo to run to the back. Goldberg stumbles to his feet and immediately heads for the back while leaving DeBruce to be tended by medics.

    Winners: Totally Buff


    Tony Schiavone: I’m shocked!

    Mike Tenay: Goldberg was pinned tonight.

    Tony Schiavone: But not before being attacked backstage and being assaulted in the already damaged ribs.

    Mike Tenay: Of course, even that couldn’t keep Goldberg down and the Steiner brothers had to get involved in this match. Goldberg was screwed tonight and somebody will pay for this.

    US Title/First Blood Match

    ‘The Franchise’ Shane Douglas v. Hugh Morrus ©

    Referee: Randy Anderson

    The match starts off quick as Hugh Morrus immediately jumps on the Franchise and drags him to the outside of the ring. Morrus peppers Douglas with shots on the outside. Shane tries to escape the crazy one but is followed everywhere with fist shots. At one point, Morrus Irish whips Douglas hard into the steel rail, which sends Douglas sailing over into the crowd. The crazy US Champion takes a big run and jumps over to rail on top of Douglas. The crowd gives out a decent pop as they like the intense brawling. Morrus continues to assault Douglas throughout the crowd. Morrus even takes an unattended chair and waffles Douglas hard across the head. The announcers stress that this match can only end if the opponent is bleeding and the referee will not stop it for a paper cut. Douglas starts to crawl up the stair of the arena but the aggressive champion quickly stops him. Morrus gets a decent ‘Holy Shit’ chant when he suplexes Douglas from the stair down to the hard concrete arena floor. Morrus quickly recovers in order to powerslam the Franchise hard to the floor. Morrus retrieves his previously used chair to whack against the already sore back of Douglas. Douglas scream in pain from the chair shot and once again, tries to retreat from his aggressor. Finally Douglas is able to stop some momentum by poking his thumb into the eye of Morrus. Unfortunately for Douglas, the tide shift quickly after Morrus bulls him over with a lariat. The brawling gets back near the ringside area, which Morrus presses Douglas over his head to deposit over the safety railing. Morrus climbs up the railing in order to drop a flying axehandle onto Douglas. Douglas begins to beg off from Morrus, which actually end up suckering Morrus into being slingshotted into the ring post. Shane is feeling the advantage and grabs a nearby video camera to crash against the head of Morrus. Now for the first time, Douglas and Hugh are in the ring together. It is Douglas with the offensive after the ring post and camera. Douglas decides to play dirty using the ropes to choke out Morrus and his boot to grind into the face. Douglas delivers some hard stiff punches to the face of Morrus as well. The tide turns once again as Douglas comes diving off the top rope with a plancha but Morrus is able to turn the momentum into a powerslam. The announcers remark that could have been the match if it had been under normal rules. The fans get behind Morrus as he batters Douglas with a series of clotheslines. The boos overcome the arena as Bam Bam Bigelow comes out from the back. The announcers remark of the history between Bam Bam & Douglas and how they recently has been tagging together too. Due to the No DQ nature of the contest, Bam Bam makes his intentions very clear as he immediately jumps Morrus in the ring. Bigelow uses his size to overpower and assault Morrus. Bigelow even knocks the winds out of Hugh with a big belly to belly suplex and follows up with a diving headbutt. Bam Bam holds Morrus as Douglas unleashes with a series of punches to the face but none of the shot cause any significant blood flow. The pair then knocks Morrus silly with a double DDT. At this point, Bam Bam retrieves a chair from ringside and gets Douglas to hold Morrus in place. The crowd gives out an excited pop as Lash Laroux comes running from the backstage area. Laroux dropkicks the chair into the face of the larger Bigelow. Lash dives onto Bam Bam knocking both men clear out of the ring. At this point, Douglas is able to pull his trusty chain from his tights and starts to wrap it around his hand. Douglas awaits for Morrus to rise and then throws his chain wrapped punch towards the head of Morrus. The punch never makes it to Douglas as Lash has risen up to the ring apron and grabbed the arm of Shane Douglas. Douglas turns around to hit Lash but instead provides a chance for Hugh Morrus to knock him from behind. The chain falls to the mat and Morrus quickly snags it before Douglas has a chance. The Franchise rises to his feet only to met with a hard chain wrapped fist to the face. The crowd gives out another pop as Douglas falls hard to the mat. Morrus mounts Shane Douglas in order to feed several shots onto the head of Douglas. The ref finally pulls the laughing man off over Douglas and it revealed the heel is covered in a crimson mask. The dazed Bigelow pulls out his bloodied teammate and carried his batter carcass to the back. In the ring, Hugh Morrus and Lash Laroux stare each other down. The announcers stress how Hugh had told all of MIA to go their separate way but it seems Lash still respects his former leader. Morrus finally offers his hand to the Cajun who refuses because he wants to give a hug instead. The crowd gives out a decent pop in seeing two friends embrace in the ring. Hugh Morrus raises the United States title in one hand and the arm of his friend in the other. The crowd sends out the duo to a appreciative pop for their reunion.

    Winner: Hugh Morrus


    Tony Schiavone: Unlike The Wall, Lash Laroux remembers his roots.

    Mike Tenay: It’s so good to see these two wrestler be able to remain friends. Tonight, Lash showed where his allegiances lie. Tonight, these two friends will enjoy this moment.

    Tony Schiavone: Fans, that was one of the most brutal encounters I have ever witnessed. I don’t think any one else can do hardcore wrestling like WCW can. What a match.

    WCW World Heavy Weight Triple Threat Match

    Jeff Jarrett v. Sting v. Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner © (w/Midajah)

    Referee: Nick Patrick

    Before the match, a very detailed video package chronicles the stories leading up this contest. It mentions the friction between Jarrett & Steiner, the pact the member made with each other and the two victories Sting holds over both men. There are also details on the events that occurred between Flair and Apocalypse. The first things the announcers pick up on is that Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner make completely separate entrance and are actually sandwiched inbetween the entrance of Sting. They play up the fact that the two competitors may not be on the same page especially after Sting scoring the win on Jarrett this past Thunder. Once in the ring, Jarrett & Steiner start to strategize together though it appears Jarrett may not be 100% intent on what Steiner is selling. The Stinger tires of waiting for the conversation to end and give both men a double noggin knocker. Sting is able to send both men out of the ring with a double clothesline. Not wanting to give either man a breather, Sting dives on top of both his opponents. The already pumped crowd gives out an even bigger pop for such athleticism. Sting throws a flurry of left and rights to rock both Apocalypse members. Sting flings Steiner hard into the ring post and tosses Jarrett back in the ring. Sting goes full steam ahead and takes Jarrett down with a Stinger splash. Sting’s momentum hits a snag when Steiner pulls down the top rope and sends Sting sailing on to the arena floor. Sting is really crush with a belly to belly onto the concrete. Steiner rolls Sting back in the ring where both member lay into the face. One double team move sees Jarrett dropkick Sting right into a German suplex from Jarrett. Another big move saw Steiner powerbomb Sting while Jarrett was applying a neckbreaker. At this point, the announcers notice that neither man is going for a pinfall and are only trying to destroy Sting. Steiner applies a full nelson while Jarrett delivers several shots to the face and chest of Sting. On the outside, Midajah grabs Jarrett’s guitar and slides it over to the Tennessee native. Jarrett winds up with his weapon and swings for the fences towards Sting. Like last week, Sting was able to slip out of the full nelson and eerily like last week it seems Jarrett had time to stop the blow yet still went through onto Steiner. The fallen Steiner crumples into the corner while Sting rains several blows onto Jarrett. A big Stinger dropkick sends Jarrett crashing hard into the turnbuckles. Once again, Sting flies onto Jarrett with a big Stinger Splash. At this point, the announcers decide to ‘remind’ fans this is indeed a no DQ fans and that it why Jarrett was allowed to use the weapon. This is a reminder despite it never actually being mentioned on TV up to this point. Meanwhile, Sting capitalizes on a golden opportunity and locks Jarrett into the Stinger Deathlock. The fans erupt with glee at the thought Sting is close to winning the WCW World Championship. The glee changes to jeers as Midajah jumps on the back of the Stinger. Stinger releases the hold in order to throw Midajah off of him. Stinger stalks Midajah but he is stopped in his tracks by a reawakened Scott Steiner. Steiner wraps his large arms around Sting and sends Sting crashing head first via a German release suplex. Steiner takes Sting apart with a variation of several suplexes. Midajah remains in the ring to deliver a series of kicks to the Stinger. With Sting on the mat, Steiner’s infamous lead pipe is brought into the match. The pipe doesn’t met the body of Sting, as the Californian is able to knock the pipe out of the hands of Steiner after several kicks ad punches. Stinger makes sure to rid the ring of Midajah and then cracks the pipe across both Steiner and the rising Jarrett. Apparently, the Apocalypse has decided that a three on one isn’t enough as Rick Steiner makes another appearance for the evening. Steiner is able to drop Sting with a hard Steinerline. The pipe finds the hands of Jarrett who wraps the pipe around the cranium of Sting. Jarrett takes this opportunity the hit the stunned Sting with his finisher, the Stroke. Then the first pinfall of the match is attempted with Jarrett covers the Stinger. Immediately, an angry Big Poppa Pump throws Jarrett off the body of Sting. Steiner tears verbally into Jarrett and demands why he is making the cover. Rick tries to calm both men down and remind them it’s all about taking out Sting. Scott seems to be tired of hearing reason and blasts Jarrett with a big lariat. The move causes a big pop from the crowd as they appreciate seeing the falling apart of this stable. Poppa Pump awaits Jarrett to rise before planting him with the screwdriver (suplex/piledriver combo). Steiner lifts Jarrett up and throws him out of the ring via a belly to belly suplex. Steiner is then heard yelling that they are now even. Rick starts to scream at his brother and causes the two to argue. This allows Sting to rise back up and dropkicks both men out of the ring. Sting delivers a no hand plancha onto all three wrestlers. Stinger dishes out shot to all three men before bringing Scott back in the ring. A series of slams and splashes leads to Stinger having Steiner in the Scorpion Deathlock. Stinger cinches in the hold while Steiner scream out in agony. Both Jarrett and Rick enter the ring and stop the hold with a double clothesline. Jarrett plants Sting with a DDT and this time drags Scott onto Sting. When Sting kicks out at two, Jarrett seems to be slightly relieved. Once Rick brings a chair into the ring, the odds begin to seem too much for the Stinger. The fans start up a chance of Goldberg in hopes he’ll try to exact his revenge. Indeed a face does come from the back but instead it is the Cat. The Cat immediately hits a Feliner onto the chair, which crashes into the face of Rick Steiner. The Cat lands a series of kick onto the torso of Jeff Jarrett and finally sends both men crashing to the arena floor with a cactus clothesline. In the ring, Scott Steiner and Sting are the two remaining men. Sting takes the fallen chair and buries it into the gut of Steiner. Sting tosses the chair and also tosses Steiner across the ring. Stinger beats his chest with renewed vigour and lays out Steiner with a lariat. The crowd continues to come alive as Stinger works over the World Champion. Meanwhile, the Cat continues to hold Jarrett so that he can’t return to the ring. It isn’t clear if Jarrett is upset he can’t save Steiner or he can’t take a chance to win the World title. Inside the ring, both men knock each other out with a double clothesline. Both men slowly try to return to their feet, as a commotion seems to be coming from the crowd. The fans start to let out a cheer as it is none other then Sid Vicious making his return. Sid zooms past the fallen body of Rick Steiner and jumps into the ring to confront Scott. On the outside, Jarrett and the Cat are now brawling back up the aisle way, which has effectively eliminated both men. The crowd buzzed as Sid starts to get into the face of Scott Steiner while the beaten champion tries to back off from him. Sid starts mouthing threats to the world champion. Then suddenly, Sid Vicious turns around to wrap his arms around the throat of Sting and delivers a devastating chokeslam onto the fallen chair. Scott gives Sid a sly smirk and then covers the challenger. The referee hits his hand to the mat three time and thus declaring the end of this brutal contest. Sid Vicious starts to laugh to himself while he slinks to the back stage area. The crowd rains down boo towards Sid and Scott Steiner. Steiner flips off the fan while Midajah gets his championship. The big booty daddy raises his title in the air while the fans incessantly boo him. Steiner soaks up the heel heat while the show fades to black.

    Winner: Scott Steiner


    Tony Schiavone: What in the world is going through the mind of Sid? Why did he just give Scott Steiner the victory?

    Mike Tenay: I can’t believe it. We just saw one of Steiner’s biggest rivals hand the match to him.

    Tony Schiavone: This is heart breaking. Sting was so close. So close to winning the title.

    Mike Tenay: Now, we have to live with Steiner as champion for another day.

    Tony Schiavone: This is the biggest injustice in the history of our sport. I can’t believe it fans.

    Mike Tenay: What will happen on Nitro? What will Ric Flair have to say about all this? What will Sting do? What will Sid’s reasons be?

    Tony Schiavone: Oh my fans, be sure to tune into Nitro tomorrow night. Thank you for being with us tonight for WCW Sin!!! Be sure to be back with us on PPV for Superbrawl XI on February 18th!!!

    OR: 68

    OCC: First off, I apologize for the long delay in getting this out but at least it shows I must have some kind of life. Right??? Anyway, my thought of the day is creative control sucks. Whiney wrestlers can be even worse thus this card did change from how I had envisioned it to be booked. Oh well, conflict like that is why we play the game.

    I also realize that the show was a little overbooked and had lots of screwjob finishes. I don’t plan on that being a regular thing. I had a lot of stories to get put in place and thought the run-ins would be the best way to get them established. Hopefully, it added to the enjoyment rather than take way.

    Anyway, the total scores for the prediction contest turned out like this.

    Pizza Boy – 5 + 3 = 8

    Baby Hewey – 5 + 1 = 6

    Steve Corino – 6 + 3 = 9

    So, Steve Corino wins the first ever SpiceDawg prediction contest. You’re prize is that you get to book one match for the WCW Superbrawl XI PPV. PM the match you want to see and I’ll add it into my plans for the card. My warning is that if you pick guys who are obviously geared towards other feuds then don’t be surprised if the build for your match is minimal. I also asked you don’t put a lower card guy in a match with a World Title guy (as the build for that would suck too). Lastly, I hold the right to dispute or discuss any match selection you make. Now that I’ve taken all the fun out of it, look forward to seeing what match you decide to choose.

  20. Raw Thoughts:

    HBK/Hart Angle: HBK & Hart are definitely the focal point of the company right now. I'm pretty sure they've been opening and closing every Raw & Mayhem since the match got signed for KOTR. I'm not complaining because this would be the match the fans would be clamouring for since these two are probably your top faces. It's too bad that Austin's first shot at the title is being over shadowed by this match. Not really a fan of HBK basically burying your tag team division. People know that tag team wrestling is considered a step down from singles wrestling but it's never good when wrestlers actually acknowledge it. Michaels saying he never wants such a titles makes it lose its value. Worse of all, calling the champions 'jokes' doesn't do much for their credibility. I'm shocked Vince would allow Michaels to bury one of his projects (Godwinns). Unless the intention was this was a shoot from Michaels? Anyway, it was another really good back and forth from these two that puts more sizzle into their big match. I'm still really feeling a Michaels heel turn here and will almost be a little disappionted if I'm wrong. The little brawl at the end was a very nice touch. It adds to the suspense for their title match later in the evening with the Godwinns. Can they get along? Will they resume beating each other up after the match? I've got a feeling that these two might win the titles here. It's exactly something 1997 WWF would do and did do (Austin/Michaels = two guys who disliked each other).

    Waltman v. Droese: Alright, lets see if I can do any better in the second round for predictions. Silly thought/question, when you say Waltman delivers some nasty kicks to the money maker is that to Droese or to the butt of Droese??? I didn't think Droese would advance based of the fact he is lacking in star power and thus doesn't add the same oomph to the semi finals on PPV. After saying that, I have to say this was a pretty good match. I enjoyed the fact that Waltman was fighting against all the odds with a crooked ref, his bad back, Dawn Marie at ringside and of course, Sid arriving in the match. Waltman definitely came out looking stronger since he still was going to win despite all these handicaps. It makes sense to keep Waltman strong since you seem to be grooming him for the main event. I loved al the silly antics from Davdson like flirting with Dawn Marie and covering his eyes when Waltman was being chokeslammed. I laughed out loud when I got the visual of a scrawny ref trying to shield himself from seeing interference. A definite upset but I'm sort of glad Droese is being used/pushed. Even if such a push mean I got yet another advancement wrong. Though it gives me hope that D'Lo is indeed going on now. As for after the match fun, Henry is continuing to come off super as he handled Sid and Droese by himself. The money and support does make Droese come off as a 'favourite' like McMahon claims.

    Undertaker Interview: I still loving the fact it's Austin saying Undertaker needs to expect authority as it makes me laugh how different that is from the real life Austin. I also dig that you seem to have captured the Austin promo fairly well and it still sounds like him despite being a slightly different character. In this universe, he's more insane then a bad ass. I also dig the whole cowardly act from Austin and the attempted ambush from behind. Since this attack failed, it will be interesting to see what Austin will try in the future to get one up on the 'Taker. It looks like I was right about Austin being more of an insane character since you changed his gimmick that way. It's also good to see these guys gain overness from these segments.

    This promo for the light heavyweight reminds me, whatever happend to the Master of Lightening? Or whatever he was supposed to be. Did he come and I didn't realize who he is? Or did you decide to scrap the gimmick? Or did the guy who was supposed to be the gimmick get himself hurt? As for the light heavyweight, I actually forget who this is but I'm sure it was the luchadore you signed (Aguila??)

    Chavo v. Mike: Meh, this should be a basic squash since Nasty Mike never wins. He shouldn't since he has such a indy-tastic name. I have a feeling this Sunny recruiting gimmick is going to be dragged on for weeks and weeks to the point no one will really care anymore. I also get a scary feeling her man will end up being very anti-climatic. So, Christopher v. Chavo is a KOTR match now. Despite not really liking the thrown together nature of the KOTR match, I do like the fact the light heavyweight title is being defended on a PPV for a change. I may not like the name Nasty Mike, I do think I could really get into his gimmick with all the silly poses and dances. WOW, I was totally wrong about this being a squash. Nasty Mike moving out of the way of the frog splash after gettting a brain buster was a shocker. I'm thinking Mike might be in line for a push or at least a win real soon. Really shocked to see Chavo just squeaking out the win but I definitely digged the surprise. Now, you just need to change the name of Nasty Mike. The post match stuff was good too and nice to see the face avoid the attack for a change. Which actually seems to be the theme of the night so far. Anyway, these two guys seemed to have got you a really nice match rating even if the crowd seemed out of it.

    Three way: I'm thinking, Jacobs needs to go over here in order to get him back as a monster heel after being gone for so long. When you say that Jacobs 'sat right up', are you picturing an Undertaker/Kane sit up or something different? I'd think, the Undertaker sit up should be reserved for the Undertaker since it's something so unique. Though I do like the fact it take everything Shamrock and Martel have to put down Jacobs which defintiely gives Jacobs the monster heel vibe. Also good to see Jacobs get a big win in his return match. He even pinned a rather big name in Martel, I'm sure that will help his overness. I was sort of figuring it would have been Shamrock taking the pin here which means I'm a little surprised. I'd say this was a even better pin for Jacobs and it also let Martel get a little ego deflating again. It looks like we will have a Shamrock and Jacobs match set up. Shamrock was able to bloody Jacobs but it seems he still wasn't able to hurt him. Jacobs definitely came out looking really strong. I also like that Martel was upset he didn't get to knock Jacobs out of the ring. Question: what was Jacobs gimmick before this since I always sort of saw him as a monster?

    Holly/Kanyon Interview: Really glad to see these guys get some mic time. They definitely deserve to start being a bigger part of your diary. Good to see the healing of Kanyon and hopefully, this sneak attack triggers an in ring return soon for Kanyon. I always like these type of segment since it puts heat on a match that otherwise had none. I really dig that Hunter took his sweet time getting to the ring but he still techinically 'saved' Goldust. I'm sure Goldy will be really thankful on Friday even though he shouldn't be.

    D Lo v. Wright: Let's see if I can get any points for the second round of the tourney. This match is really full drama from D Lo coming back from injury, Lauruer being tossed, Wright using the belt for a near fall, D Lo coming close to vitory with his finish and now, the crooked Monty arriving to not give D Lo the three. It's good brining Monty back since we alreayd know he screwed over one of Rude's hated wrestlers in the tournament tonight. WOW, D Lo overcomes the odds and actually is able to beat Wright. The match was layed out in such a way that I was pretty sure D Lo would lose near the end even if it made noe sense to have a heel v. heel match. Really well booked and great to see D Lo pull out the impossible win.

    Nash segment: I always love a good parking lot beatdown. It was definitely about time that heels got some upper hand on this show. I also like the mystery of a possible new member of the adminstration now. I do think that it's segments like these that don't allow Bulldog and Vader get the proper heat for the KOTR match. Vader seems to have equal problems with all Adminstration members. Something needs to be done to really show how much Vader dislikes Bulldog. Especially since some fans may rather see Nash v. Vader which means if you hook those two up then Bulldog will get lost.

    More Hollywood: It's great to see Kanyon & Hollywood get so much attention on Raw this week. I like that Kanyon is out to tell Snow he should lose to Jannetty. Don't heels ever learn that faces are too virtious for such things? The beat down was a good thing especially since it showed a difference between this one and the Goldust attack. Goldust's 'friend' didn't hurry to save him while Snow's opponent make a much quicker save. I like the little stare down between Jannetty and Snow too. I sort of have a little bit of hope that maybe this segment could lead to a Holly v. Snow match inthe future. Or even better, Kanyon v. Snow since I'm thinking he is the more talented one.

    Godwinns v. Hart/Michaels: We now find out if get Russo's favourite type of gimmick, the whacky tag team champions that hate each other. I'm thinking we do. Interesting to see both Hart and Michaels come off as heels and bend the rules against the Godwinns. It shows a sign that both have a fiearce killer instinct right now and need to show up the other wrestler. Hart chucking Michaels to the floor and wanting to fight Godwinns to himself was a cool booking choice. It shows how little these two want to team together and rather just outdo the other guy. Of course, Michaels walking out on Hart would be justified here after being tossed out but could also be a subtle planting for a heel turn. Was Micheals return to the ring his attempt at actually winning the titles allowing Bret to get a submission? It guess, we will never know since Beniot has arrived to screw Hart/Michaels out of the win. Good to see Beniot and Pillman still in the chase of the titles. Interesting to see Michaels abandon the champions and Hart but Hart not abandon the champions after being tossed out of the ring. A good segment that put some heat in the tag title feud and continue the Hart/Michaels match.

    Here's Your Title: I like Ausitn being the one talking about the easy way and the hard way of losing the title. Rather similar to real life except it was Austin hearing those words. I really dig this Austin character. HA! I love that Undertaker actually handed the title over only to chokeslam Austin right after. Great! It is interesting seeing Austin have some fear against the 'Taker. I definitely think Austin needs to do something to get the upper hand on 'Taker the next time they met. Otherwise, there is a chance Austin will come off as a total lameduck challenger going into KOTR. For this segment, I really enjoyed how it played out.

    A really good show. This has to be one of your better ones in a long time. It has really added some sizzle to KOTR which is now one of the most anticipated PPVs of the year. Hey, I'm not sounding like one of your show previews!

  21. Shotgun Thoughts:

    Kane Promo: Since Kane is in the Wrestlemania main event and WWF fans don't have much to associate him with other then as the evil brother of the Undertaker, I'd say video packages like these are necessary. We need to get to know Kane and we need to start giving a crap abut him. Now, it's important for us to figure out if Kane is going to be heel or face. Since he's going into 'Mania to challenge for the title then I'd say he needs to be face. Though it's looking like no matter, he'll be sticking with Bearer for awhile which is probably smart as he needs a mouth piece. I'm guessing, Kane has strong potential of being in the 8 main tag main event at No Way Out and possibly cement his spot in the main event scene by pinning HBK.

    Kurrgan Interview: Kurrgan is definitely been getting the monster push lately. Though I never liked the real WWF Kurrgan, I do agree that it's probably good to get another monster built up after losing so much talent in November. Besides, I'm sure he is set for a collission course with Kane.

    Kurrgan Squash: Probably the best way to use Scott Putski since I'm guessing his stats stink. I doubt Putski would ever be able to get over anyway.

    Austin Interview: So much for my hypothesis that Austin could be member #4 for the main event. No way WWF would make fans believe that Austin won't be in the main event if he was going to be in it. WWF would need this PPV buy rate badly and would be sure to hype Austin huge if he was in the match. I'm guessing it will be Kane then. It does seem that Austin will be showing up at the PPV and it will be interesting to see what his involvment will be.

    No Light heavies on the show which is too bad. Though with only 4 guys, you can't really showcase the division on every program. I'd say this was a decent 'studio' show. It was definitely nice to hear from Austin again.

    Quick question, do you ever plan to give us newsbites of what is happening over in WCW or ECW? It would be interesting to see how the defected wrestlers are doing.

  22. Raw Thoughts:

    Christopher Interivew: I'm liking the fact that Jerry Lawler always happens to be the one who interviews Brian Christopher. It's a nice nod to their relationship. I also enjoyed Christopher's subtle references to the names of his future real WWF tag teams with Scott Taylor. Do you have Scott Taylor on contract? I know that he was in the real WWF Light heavyweight tourney and he debuted against Snow when they started hyping the division in September of '97.

    Light Heavy 3 way: At least the division can pop real nice match ratings. Though it's too bad the division is basically 4 people. It will cause things to get stale real quick. I'm thinking you're in the need of scouring the indies now. Taka was the obvious choice for a winner since he'd be the most over and he never got pinned for his title. He should be able to have a great match with Christopher at No Way Out.

    Kurrgan beats Bradshaw: Can't say I'm a fan of squashing Bradshaw. Like I've said before, WWF needs the strong faces at this point. I'm thinking Bradshaw has enough to bring to the table to avoid being used as a job boy. On the other hand, it's good to see Kurrgan continue the monster push.

    Kane Promo: Keep up the Kane interviews as his character will need to be established again. Before Survivor Series, his indentity was basically the bitter brother of Undertaker who was out for revenge. No "Taker means Kane now has no indentity. Hopefully, he can get a more well rounded character going into 'Mania.

    Kane beats Godwinns: Not quite a fan of decimating a tag team. WWF needs tag teams and needs them to look strong. Now, Godwinns basically seem to be job boys now. Losing to them would only hurt credibility at this point.

    NOA Interview: Liking NAO but still would like them to remain DX free.

    Jarret beat Road Dogg: Jarrett needed to win this match. The man needs the main event credibility and losing to a tag wrestler would have killed it. It was also good that Road Dogg was kept strong too. I liked seeing Jarret actually being able to avoid a beat down for a change. Though I'm sure Jarrett will be in store for some more hurting in the near future.

    Nation Interview: More great stuff from Farooq and Rocky. I love the fact that Rocky totally dressed different from the group and appears to be so self centred. Glad to see the friction continues to build. The bit about taking time off in Hawaii is classic.

    Six man tag: Where is Skull??? The finish was completely classic. I love the Rock exagerrating the injuries and chickening out for the save. Now he seems to be having some friction with people other then Farooq as well. D Lo won't be happy with being neglected by the Rock. Interesting things should be afoot.

    DX Interview: Exactly the type of stuff DX would say. Once again, they seemed to be coming off as pretty cool. Though LOD was still over enough at this point that fans probably didn't appreicate the impressions. The mention of Hart would be sure to ruffle some feathers. Good stuff and very DX-like.

    Dx v. LOD: Good to see DX make LOD come off as monsters. The NOA interfering was fairly predictable but a good way to build to the PPV. I also like to see the faces overcome this time. It's the first time I'd say the faces seem to come out the better group. As I said before, I'm sure this will just lead to big DX revenge at the next Raw.

    Decent stuff though nothing blow away happened. It progressed all the stories and continued the build to No Way Out. It would be good to start establishing some more matches for the PPV, though.

  23. b]Mayhem Thoughts:

    Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels Segment: I like that fact that Bret came right out and admitte that Michaels will claim the superkick was an accident. It's always good when a wrestler can at least be as smart as the fan rather then believe outright the wrestler did it totally on purpose. I also like the small touches of Michaels not coming out to face Bret in person but rather 'hide' in the back to address Bret. The fact that the stipulation is added that Bret can't interfere is a nice touch. We have all these small sprinklings that hint at a Michaels heel turn. He won't come out to fight and he probably arranges for the stipulation in the match even if he denies it. All great little seed planting for the evenutal heel turn.

    Adminstration Angle: I believe we may be seeing the start of a Nash face turn. I wouldn't be shocked if Nash was face by Summerslam. Not really sure if I like the Battle Royal idea. I would have preferred a four way elimination or something of that style. Though it does get lots of people on the PPV which is good. Though I don't like that Bulldog needs to earn his shot in the battle royal. That almost seems like a punishment to him. Why do Nash and Yoko get free byes while Bulldog needs to pull out a win to get the slot? I think, Bulldog should have got an automatic spot but Vader needed to win in order to get into the Battle Royal. The deal being that if Vader loses then Rude has a mystery replacement to be revealed at the PPV so it wouldn't be obvious as to who would win the match. Oh well, at least it isn't obvious who will win the Battle Royal at this point.

    Lawler v. Jannetty: The off again and on again push of Jannetty seems to be on again. The right man won here even if I picked Lawler. Though I only picked Lawler because I didn't think we would have a face v. face match in the second round. Man, I really screwed the pooch in the bottom half of the tournament as all my original picks won even though I ended up changing them all due to my fear of lack of star power for the semis. Anyway, Jannetty was the right pick.

    Beniot/Pillman v. Lee/Adams: It's good to have Beniot & Pillman reestablish themselves as a top tag team. Hopefully, they are able to regain the titles they should have never lost. It looks like we have a split coming with Lee & Adams. My guess, will be that Adams turns heel but it's too early to tell right now. Especially since a heel turn usually goes to the one who the company plans to push and my understanding is Lee is the one the company is high on.

    Henry/Money Mine segment: Henry came out looking like a monster in that segment. He was basically able to handle all four members all by himself until Danw Marie was able to provide the distraction. I'm seeing a definite super push in Mark's future. I have no clue if it'll actually pan out for him since I doubt any of his stats are all that good. At least you're making a sporting effort at it. It definitely looks like the feud is back between Sid and Henry which is the only member of the Mine that can actually provide a decent rub for Henry.

    Maivia v. Al Snow: I'm thinking the original plan was for Mero to go over Snow but now with Mero out, it made the most sense to keep Snow in the tourney. Who else that isn't a top draw that wasn't in tourney really deserves to go over Snow? The sad part is Snow has a risk of losing a lot of momentum since he has no immediate challenger to his title anymore. It was good to see Maivia being used since it's been a while since I last saw him on a show. I may be reading into things but I get the feeling the seed may have been planted for a Rocky heel turn. I'd totally put a thumbs up for such a move. The rookie seems to run the risk of being lost in the shuffle and heel turn may be the righ thing to revitalize his career. and push

    Waltman return angle: This was a decent enough segment and it was good to see the faces get an upper hand especially after the recent heel beat downs. Waltman made quite the impressive return to the ring. It would have been quite the sight to see the light heavyweight Waltman take down the big Kevin Nash. It was also cool to see the two enemies Waltman and Hall work as a team. I hope this sets up a Waltman/Hall v. Nash/Yoko match. Especially since both teams would consist of uneasy alliances with Yoko and Nash not really great friend either. I'm just waiting for the big pay off when Waltman and Hall do patch up their differences. I still feel this segment sort of went flat which could be because the Admistration attacking the top faces is in danger of growing very old and stale soon. Hopefully, you'll find ways to freshen up this storyline.

    Shamrock/Vader v. Wright/Bulldog - Bulldog & Vader have met so many times in tag matches now that it's almost going to take away from their match at KOTR. To add to the frustration of Bulldog having to earn the battle royal spot, it's now announced that Shamrock is entered in the Battle Royal despite not being a friend of Rude's. I'd be really upset if I was Bulldog. Random thought has come to mind, Bulldog & Wright would make a pretty cool full time tag team. Especially since they would have that European connetion going on. I'd seriously consider teaming them up full time in the future if you find them being lost in the shuffle after the Adminstration story ends. What the heck was up with the random appearances of Martel and Jacobs??? I'm guessing this was an attempt at hyping the Battle Royal since probably most of these guys will be entered in it. I did like the whole Martel bragging about being the only man to tame Laurer. The whole Jacobs thing seemed to be totally random. It was a very odd segment with the unexplained run ins. I have a feeling, Jacobs might start up a habit of randomly chokeslamming people now.

    Stone Cold/Undertaker Angle: I like the gimmick of Stone Cold being one of the most sadistic and cold wrestlers in the company. I also got a chuckle out of Austin saying he is a supporter of authority. It was a nice little segment to build up to the big title match. You also got a really good rating from it.

    Friends- Still loving all things Goldust & Hunter. You had to love Hunter 'subtely' hinting that Goldust should throw his match with Holly so he can enter into the Battle Royal. I like that this Battle Royal has once again given Hunter a reason to remain friends with Goldust. Hunter continues to play poor Goldy. I definitely look forward to seeing what happen with Goldust & Holly especially if Goldy wins the match. The longer this goes on then the more I want Goldust to see through Hunter and exact some very sweet revenge.

    Hunter v. Michaels- I am definitely a fan of the fact that Hart never laid a hand on Michaels. Thus Hart cost Michaels the match but also won't be suspended. I also like that Michaels tried to goad Hart which showed he wouldn't mind having Hart suspended. It's these little hints of a heel turn that I enjoy so much. It's a great attention to detail. I also liked Goldust doing whatever it took to help Hunter yet Hunter never cared about the well being of his buddy. It was a good match that progressed two stories at once.

    Raw Saturday Night Thoughts:

    Killings v. Funaki: A fantastic debut for Killings as he pulled out a great match. I'm thinking Killings has a huge future being part of the WWF Light heavyweight scene. Too bad the Gangsta gimmick wasn't able to get Killings over. Maybe the rapper gimmick will be a better bet? I find that the Gangsta gimmick can be a pain to try to use on most werestlers. I'm hoping Killings sees a future outside of RSN.

    Ruifino v. Bradshaw: Ugh, Ruifino continues with his push. At least, he doesn't see much time outside of RSN. Hopefully, that means that his push isn't all that serious. Too bad Bradshaw is being wasted at this point since he is the perfect sized hoss WWF would be looking for.

    6 Men Tag: I really think the X-Treme Daredevils should be signed to a written deal. The guys pull out amazing match ratings and probably one of the better light heavies. With a proper push, they could have an amazing program with Chavo. This was a definite great match but too bad none of these guys seem to be going anywhere.

    Mustafa v. Jelly: Good to see that Jelly's push seems to be over. Kama could be a really cool bad ass shoot fighter. I wouldn't mind seeing the guy get a decent push. Though the announcers hyping Kama makes me think such a push is in the works.

    Godwinns v. Suicide Blondes: A super talented team is used to put over two lugs. Unfortunately, two lugs that are the WWF Tag Team champions. Though the Blondes got a really good match rating out of the two goofs. It probably helps the Godwinns would have a high experience rating.

    Henry v. Yoko: I can understand Henry going over since he is getting a big push. He needs to look strong going into a feud with Sid. At the same time, I don't think Yoko has gotten a single win since turning heel. He's right back to jobbing just like before the turn. I repeat, a big guy like Yoko just doesn't seem right as a jobber. WWF would never job someone of the size of Yoko out. Maybe Yoko should find a long term tag partner since singles don't seem to be panning out.

    Two decent shows and look forward to the continued build to KOTR.

  24. Raw Thoughts:

    Kane Interview: I like the fact you are mentioning the heel heat Vince is getting. I'm sensing he'll be a part of storylines very soon in the future. Maybe he'll even be the reason for a Maivia face turn in a few months since I'm convinced that is going to happen. As for Kane, I'm sensing he needs to be turned face soon since no way DX should be faces. I am not seeing Michaels losing the title before 'Mania nor do I think that would be a very smart move at this point. Despite what happens, I don't see Kane winning the title at Mania either. My long term prediction is Michaels gets a really extended title reign that is ended by a face Mavia.

    Christopher beats Kidd: Wow, that was a really low overness rating. I'm assuming Christian's overness is somewhere between 15 and 30 thus the low rating. I'm glad that the lightweight division is getting some play on the A show. Christopher now just needs a hot challenger though I see benefit in Taka chasing especially since he wasn't pinned at the Rumble.

    Kurrgan/Cornette Angle: Really good move with putting Kurrgan with Cornette. He is the perfect monster heel that WWF would like to push. Cornette is such a good mouthpiece for someone like Kurrgan with low Charisma. If this is done right, Kurrgan could be a perfect oppponent for Kane (especially if Kane does end up winning the title).

    Kurrgan over Flash Funk: I said it once and I'll say it again, Flash Funk is way too talented to be jobbing. Especially since WWF really needs strong faces at this point. I'm voting for a repackaging of Funk real quick.

    Quebecers over Goddwinns: It's good to showcase the tag teams since WWF needs to be spotlighting all their divisions. Especially since the roster is so thin right now. Not sure if a Godwinns face turn will work unless you make sure to avoid making them hill billies. Maybe they can be rough and tough rednecks sort of like a tag team version of Austin. I'm sensing with Quebecers going over that we may end up with a multi team match for the titles real soon since no team seems to be a clear fore runner as challengers.

    Farooq and Rocky angle: Greet seed planting for the eventual turn. All roads point to Maivia remaining the heel here but I'm thinking a swerve gets pulled. Maivia is just more valuable as a face then Farooq is.

    Mero over Savio: Mero needs to be put in a storyline stat. Right now he is just aimlessly drifiting which isn't good with WWF needing to make stars.

    Nation interview: More really good stuff in what is probably the #2 story in WWF right now. It's getting me very excited about the eventual blow off to this story. Though I think you can still slow burn this for at least one more month.

    Farooq beats Shamrock: Shamrock remains strong by going terminator after the match. Plus it's obvious he only lost via interference. Farooq gets a much needed win over a big name star. Rocky plants more seeds of deception and it's still only seed planting which is good. The fans eagerly watch as everyone knows that Rocky is not trust worthy except for poor Farooq. Though I still believe it needs to be Rocky who goes face.

    DX Interview: I'm glad you are making the fans mixed to the reaction to DX. That would be really realistic to the WWF of '98. DX explempified the Attitude era and were pretty over during this time. DX even got cheers when they were up against Austin during this time and he was the definite top face. So things would really be mixed against squeaky clean Jarrett. Despite all this, I'm pumped about Jarrett chasing Michaels and feel it has potential to succeed is Jarrett gets an edge.

    IYH Set up: A great show closing angle that sets up the next big PPV main event. It should be really awesome main event. It freshens things up since most fans probably wouldn't pay to see Jarrett alone. LOD would be really over and give Jarrett some really needed credibility as a face. It's good to see the Outlaws joins up with DX at this point. Though I'd keep them away from fully joining in order to avoid being too much like reality. As for the mystery opponent, the obvious pick would be Kane in order to add to the 'Mania main event and to cement Kane as a face. But I also have a feeling that Austin could fit in a match like this. A tag match would be perfect for a wrestler like Ausitn that can't wrestle a full schedule. He is over enough to sell a main event like this. Pairing Austin with Jarrett would help get Jeff over as a face. Plus it would just lead to really great dynamic as someone like the Don't Trust Anyone Austin joining in a tag match. Some really cool possibilities to go here.

    Shotgun Thoughts:

    Aguila over Suicide: A great match rating and another great showcase of the division. Christian must have gained some major overness with his match with Christopher in order to have such an improved crowd rating. Glad to see that Aguila can get a win.

    Kane interview: Hmmm. . . not seeming like a face yet. I wonder if Kane will break away from Bearer before 'Mania? Though Kane will need a mouthpiece if that happens. Maybe Sunny? She'd definitely help turn him face and it could be like the Kane/Tori vibe from actual WWF.

    D'Lo beat Brandi: Good to see the NOD members getting some wins. I think, NOD should be kept as a fairly strong mid card stable. D'Lo is a strong talent that deserves a push. Brandi is fine in a jobber role.

    LOD beat Headbangers: Really shocked by that match rating. Though LOD probably are 100 for tag experience which would help. 'Bangers shouldn't be denied a solid push either though.

    Heat Thoughts:

    Can-Am beat Holly/Gunn: I'm all for Can-Ams winning since they are a talented team. WWF needs solid face tag teams right now. Especially since you've seemed to have turned Headbangers heel without telling anyone. Though I don't think Holly & Gunn should have jobbed in their tag team debut. Unless you have no intention of pushing them.

    Kurrgan interview: Wow, does Cornette ever make a difference for overness in segments with Cornette. More proof that this pairing is a very smart move. Kurrgan could be destined for some big things if paired with the right opponent.

    Kurrgan beats Brandi: This is about right. In order to get Kurrgan over a monster he needs to be squashing people left and right. Maybe the DOA guys would be the next good victims for some squashing.

    Rocky Maivia interview: That sounds exactly like the type of interview that Maivia would do in early '98. Really good stuff. I loved the comment about staying out of his mansion.

    DOA v. Nation: D'Lo doesn't seem to pop very high match ratings in this diary. Maybe his stats are lower then I thought. Anyway, this seems to be nothing more then a placeholder feud that just give these guys something to do. I'd guess the six man blow off will happen on Raw this week or something.

    Jarrett Interview: Hmmm. . . this interview defintiely opens the door for Jarrett's partner being someone he doesn't necessarily get along with. This leads me to thinking Austin or Kane would work perfectly. Even Owen would be awesome but that isn't happening if you stick with the Owen sitting out of his contract deal.

    Kane squashes HOG: Exactly what needs to happen to make Kane a force at 'Mania. Now, we just need to get this face turn happening.

  25. Rumble Thoughts:

    Christopher v. Taka, Aguila: I'm little surprised the championship changed hands so quickly since being formed. I have to admit that Christopher will make a great heel champion and there will be some value in Taka trying to chase him for the title. Taka was also able to go out of the match strong because he wasn't pinned plus he was the one that had Aguila ready to be pinned. It's still disheartening that your lightheavy matches are garnering such low ratings. Well, a '79' is usually repsectable but I'd have thought higher with these guys in it.

    Jarrett arrives: This is a small thing but I think it was smart. Cutting to the back to see someone arriving is always saved for the big stars. A segment like this gives the allusion that Jarrett is a big deal. Right now, you need Jarrett to come off that way.

    LOD Interview: Either LOD's charisma is real low or they aren't as over as I thought. LOD are a short term thing as far as I'm concerned anyway. I can't see them being a top challenger for more then half the year.

    Outlaws v. LOD: I'd say this match was really well booked. The right team went over but they had to do it through cheating. The fact the champs ran away from LOD allowed for the challengers to still look strong. I'd say both teams came out looking good. You could probably milk this for one more match. Though I'd say it's coming about time to get another set of challengers in place.

    DX Interview: Another well done segment because it definitely painted DX as heels. They weren't cool or fun here but rather they were cold and caculated. It's hard to want to cheer someone like that.

    Shamrock v. Rocky: I'd say this was another well booked match. Shamrock remains strong because he should have won the title and he decimated Farooq. Rocky is still the IC champ even if a bit of a 'Honky Tonk' champ. The simmering rivalry between the NOD members is continued just a little. I'm sure Shamrock isn't done with Rocky but I also know Farooq may be less likely to help the champ next time. This should lead to some fun stuff.

    Michaels v. Jarrett: Once again, I'd say both guys came out looking strong. Michaels needed to come out as champ here but I'd say Jarrett looked like a strong challenger. I think the Jarrett chasing Michaels will be an entertaining storyline. The match was built in such a way that the fans could believe that Jarrett would win the title but Michaels still looked like a capable champion. I'd say just the right amount of interference to show Michaels needed an assist but not too much where it made him look weak. I definitely look forward to this feud progressing and building.

    Kane wins Rumble: It's good to see that Kane is still with the company. I'm sensing that a face turn is right around the corner. This match did well to really put Kane over as a threat. I have to agree with Tristan that I don't see Kane winning the title at 'Mania. That could all change depending how well the build up is. A definite weak Rumble due to the lack of names but that is what happens when you are in a rebuilding phase. The Rumble allowed for D'Lo, Mero, and Kurrgan to look rather strong and get a chance to become break out stars. The Rumble is always that type of match where a new star can emerge. I'd say it served it's purpose even if the fans didn't seem to care for it.

    I haven't heard a thing from a few wrestlers that where in the WWF at the time and I'm wondering if you had released them? Ahmed Johnson, Steve Blackman, Goldust, Headbangers and Bradshaw -- though they could have been in the Rumble and just made no impact at all. Though Goldust and Ahmed would have still been pretty big stars at the time and would defeinitly been used considering the rough shape the roster is in.

    A decent Rumble considering the roster you have to work with. I look forward to see what you do with the Road to Wrestlemania.

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