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  1. Could I get each Briscoe on KyKy with the current versions of the ROH World Tag Team Championship. The only ones I can find are with the old belts.
  2. Can I get up-to-date pictures of Zack Ryder with the WWE United States Championship and Daniel Bryan and Big Show with the World Heavyweight Championship on KyKy please?
  3. Three requests all using this picture of Gail Kim: With the Knockouts Championship With the Knockouts Tag Championship With the Knockouts tag and singles championship
  4. Sorry, I couldn't fit the titles on those specific pics. I searched some more and got this: The pics of the ROH tag titles that I found aren't very useful, though. I'll do the Cody Rhodes one later. EDIT: Thanks a lot, I really like the Cody Rhodes one. EDIT: I know I've had a lot of requests lately, but here's three more Matt Morgan with TNA World Tag Team Championship Crimson with TNA World Tag Team Championship Garrett Bischoff without a referee shirt, looked on Photobucket, couldn't find one.
  5. Not too proud of these, but ehh. I had a bit of a hard time finding suitable pics Those are all great thanks. I just have one request. Could you use more recent pictures of Haas and Benjamin? Here's ones that will work: Could I also get a one of Cody Rhodes without his protective mask, but with the current Intercontinental Championship? Since he seems to have stopped using the mask.
  6. Can I get pictures of the following wrestlers with the current belt they hold on KyKy? Robbie E (TV Title) Gail Kim (Knockouts and Knockouts tag, preferably three pictures. One with both belts, the other two with one belt, sorry if that's too specific) Madison Rayne (Knockouts tag) Shelton Benjamin (ROH tag) Charlie Haas (ROH Tag)
  7. Can I get pictures of Gail Kim and Madison Rayne with the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Championship? Both on KyKy please.
  8. Thanks for the pics GalacticGonzo. Could I also get one of Beth with the Divas Championship?
  9. Can I get one of Tyson Kidd's current shaved head, and Winter with the Knockout's title on KyKy?
  10. Along with these, can I also get one of Tyson Kidd with his most recent haircut?
  11. Can someone please edit a recent picture of Austin Aries with the X Division Championship, Winter with the Knockouts Championship, Davey Richards and Roderick Strong with the ROH Championship, Jay Lethal with the ROH Television Championship Benjamin with the ROH tag Team Championship and Haas with the ROH tag team championship.
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