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Status Updates posted by jrhodes

  1. Eating Brie.

    1. OctoberRaven


      GoGo is going to hunt you down now.

    2. MortonElephant
    3. Draevyn


      That's some stinky cheese...

  2. Well they call him The Natural. Natural as can be. Yeah they call him The Natural. It just comes naturally!

    1. Sousa


      He's the son of a son (SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON) and a son of a gun! The heart of a rodeo bulldog is the Natural one!

    2. C-MIL


      Didn't have easy shoes to fill, but he had to do his own way. He did it courage and strong will... now just look at him today!

    3. jrhodes


      He looks to the future but he won't forget the past. He's livin' proof The American Dream still lasts.

  3. I have no strong feelings one way or the other.

    1. OctoberRaven


      Tell my wife I said, "hello".

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