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Posts posted by jrhodes

  1. I don't really have a favourite episode as there are very few I don't like. On a whole though Series 2 is by far and away my favourite. All the shows in Series 2 are absolute classics, hopefully I'm not the only one who puts the "Tongue Tied" song from Parallel Universe on repeat.

  2. In the words of Excalibur always pick the black guy to win a fight unless the white guy is either Russian or Ukrainian. I guess that means Klitschko will win but I'm really hoping that Williams shocks the world.

    If Williams wins then his first title defence will probably be against Tyson. They have a rematch pencilled in for April.

  3. I'm a huge Darkness fan as many people were, then a lot of people seemed to turn on them because they were "overplayed" or "too popular". Many music elitists don't like them but I think they're a great act and a lot of fun to listen to, they certainly make a change from the rest of the bands out on the market today.

    When do The Darkness plan on bringing out a new album?

  4. :\

    Re-doing the missions, I came across this and Wu Zi Mu (obviously) yesterday.  It took me two tries to complete the mission, and that was only because I took a shortcut that dumped me into some water.  It's very, very simple to overtake into first place at the beginning, and to hold that position.  I can't believe it took you two hours.


  5. It took me about two hours and twenty or so goes but I've finally beat this mission. One small tip that I can give is to get a vechicle and park in across the track near the start. If you place it just below the dip then it makes the other cars swerve out of the way and gives you a nice, little lead.

    Another thing I did was keep in second place for the second half of the race, tight behind the leading car. You can barge him into the river towards the end of the race or simply overtake him with straightline speed.

  6. The A-Team was such a dumb show but it was and is still fun to watch.  They set the standard for gunfights that would last 15 minutes cuz nobody could hit anything.  They'd be aiming and keep hitting trees off in the distance.  Comic GOLD.

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