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Posts posted by jrhodes

  1. I've not got a whole lot going on in my life in general right now besides a few assignments which won't take me long to finish, so I figured I'd buy a new book or two. The last book I read was David Gemmell's "Dark Moon" which I enjoyed immensely.

    Now I'm looking for a book (preferably fantasy but doesn't have to be) that centres around a (Scott Levy's) Raven-like character that wallows in self-pity and depression. Any suggestions?

  2. Are there any ways to speed turf wars up at all? I ask because I've just spent 45 minutes fighting over one of the smaller hoods due to the fact the opposing gang members seem to be pissing about in a different zone. When I go to get them the game says to get back in the right zone.

    Do they often take this long or was this just a freak occurence?

  3. I'm sorely tempted to add the Teachers - Series 1,2 & 3 boxset to my Christmas wishlist. I've missed the new series so far and, to be honest, I'm not really looking forward to seeing Teachers without Kurt and Brian.

    They were godly in their hilarity.

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