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Posts posted by Verder

  1. "SexyBack", 'nuff said. The song was a big ass hit, "I'm bringing sexy back" actually somewhat cemented itself as a catchprase and it was played all the time. "Speed of Sound" could also be one, although "Clocks" might be remembered more.

  2. The Notorious B.I.G. and Nasty Nas are my favourites from this era. Since this topic needs cliché things, I'll say that Biggie had a flow unmatchable by anyone at that time and probably still nowadays too. Ready To Die is the shit. "Everyday Struggle", "One More Chance", "Juicy", "Warning", need I say more? Illmatic, on the other hand, is of course another classic, already for "N.Y. State of Mind" alone. Ten tracks, no more, no less and it works. It's these two albums that form quite possibly my favourite part of the 90's rap scene. Too bad Biggie's life was so brief, but I think had he lived on longer, that lyrically he might have eventually experienced what Eminem has gone through over the past few years - you just can't keep on making lyrically brilliant tracks forever. So I think, if Biggie was still alive, that people might be saying he's not what he used to be etc. But you never know.

    I've never really been able to get into Busta Rhymes' music. Indeed he sounds different and innovative, just too different for me, such as on Craig Mack's "Flava In Ya Ear Remix" where all the others rap... uh, normally.

  3. I love it, although recently I've grown slightly more fond of Scrubs. One of my favourite scenes in this show, though, is in the episode (one of the first few seasons IIRC... could've been S6 too though) where Ross has a new girlfriend, Rachel's jealous about her and the whole gang travel to Phoebe's mother's beach house. Joey sleeps on the floor of the house and Chandler creates a pair of boobs made of sand on his chest, so that he kinda looks like a mermaid or something. Everybody's watching when Joey wakes up... at first, he's stunned about breasts but after a few seconds, the shock on his face turns to a smug smile and nodding of head in approval... greatness.

    Joe's probably my fav. part of the show, too. Chandler is on a shared number one place with him for the first few seasons (After Joey gets a role, playing Al Pacino's butt in a scene where he's taking a shower: "It's good to see that after all these years you have finally managed to crack your way into show business") but then he kinda goes downhill, though still staying great. Whereas Ross turns from, as he was always to me, the third guy into something brilliant; all the nervousness etc. For some reason I don't really like the girls at all except for Monica, who I basically like because of the 'I know!'-thing.

    The One With The Unagi and The One With The Blackout are probably my all time favourites.

  4. I'm 15 and my friends consider it very odd that I prefer buying CD's to downloading music. But just like ChrisSteele said, there's just something about owning CD's and collecting them. I guess I just like owning the real thing more. That being said, I do download music too, but if an artist I really like is coming out with a new CD, I try to buy it. Usually I still move the tracks from the CD to my computer eventually too, which now apparently makes me a criminal in the RIAA's books.

  5. Well, since I mostly listen to rap, the new Eminem and Nas albums, plus a very likely final album from The Game, are high on my expectations list. The Carter III isn't far behind and of course, then there's Dr. Dre's Detox, which I sincerely expect to come out this year. Boy, am I going to be disappointed.

    I guess I'll check out U2 too, I liked How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb.

  6. Okay. I got the game on Monday, now exactly how am I supposed to leave the Citadel? This has to be just a minor thing, yet I can't figure it out. I have completed the main storyline in the Citadel and now Captain Anderson and the Ambassador are ready to send me off to Noveria, Ferus and that one place. I only have side quests left, yet when I go inside the Normandy, only the Citadel is featured on the galaxy map. Talking to Joker leads to nothing, same thing with Pressly, is there actually something I still have to do before I can go?

    And yes, I have exposed Saren, I am a Spectre and all that. Everything indicates that I am supposed to get out of there now.

    EDIT: Oh, right, the "Zoom out" option, yes... :P

  7. Ugh. This game, along with Metal Gear Solid 4, was one of the reasons I hesitated to buy an Xbox 360 at first, since both games are PS3-exclusive and seem to be turning into something awesome. I eventually did buy the Box though and secretly hoped that this game would suck, but apparently it doesn't and now it's all gone to hell :shifty:

    Just in case anybody wonders, I prefer "adventure" type action games to them massive FPS games where the 360 apparently it at it's best.

  8. I'll just note some of the best scenes that I've recently watched.

    An episode in the second season of Friends, where a female fan of Joey is completely obsessive about him and actually thinks that he's Dr. Drake Remoray, the character he's playing in Days of our Lives, in "real life" too. At the end of the episode, Joey tries to convince her that he's really not Drake and eventually Ross stands up and says "He's right, he's not Drake, he is... HANS RAMORAY, Drake's evil twin!" The way he delivers that line is just brilliant. I don't think I had laughed that hard in a few weeks. The people I know aren't that funny :shifty:

    On the first Pirates of the Caribbean movie, Captain Barbossa has imprisoned Elizabeth and then eats dinner with her. He offers her an apple, which she rejects. Barbossa then starts ranting about why exactly the pirates have kidnapped her, tells her about how she was carrying the last piece of Cortez' old treasure and that it's her blood that's needed to lift the curse the treasure placed on the undead pirates. He sounds terrifying for a moment and Elizabeth gets quite scared. Then, after telling her how she's going to die Barbossa offers the apple again: "Apple?" This absolutely doesn't sound great at all on paper, but my god the way he says it, the look on his face, it's absolutely perfect.

    Another great Barbossa scene in the movie is later on, where his monkey steals the necklace or whatever it is from Jack and then, as Jack is crawling in front of Barbossa, the monkey climbs onto the latter's shoulder and the conversation goes... "But thank you, Jack" "You're welcome" "No, not you... we named the monkey Jack." Again, it's not that funny at all when you read it, but I was almost rolling on the floor after seeing the look on Barbossa's face as he says this, the tone in his voice is great too. The trilogy has made Geoffrey Rush one of my favourite actors.

  9. I'm just praying that Detox comes out in '08 (I still consider it unlikely), but if it comes, after these eight years that Dr. Dre has worked on it there's no way it can match up to the expectations. Logically thinking, it ain't coming - Dre stated that he's now working on Eminem's new album for a couple of months, so that's probably coming next year... and I don't see Aftermath releasing two cd's as big as Detox and Em's new one within a range of a year. Then again, they did it with 2001 and Marshall Mathers LP so you never know.

  10. NWA - Express Yourself

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Who Shot Ya

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Mo Money Mo Problems

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Juicy

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Hypnotize

    The Notorious B.I.G. - Gimme The Loot

    2Pac - Hit 'Em Up

    2Pac - Changes

    2Pac - Keep Your Head Up

    Ice Cube - The Nigga You Love To Hate

  11. Full Voting List

    1. Jack Bauer (24)

    2. Sawyer (Lost)

    3. Dwight Schrute (The Office, U.S)

    4. Dr. Gregory House (House)

    5. Dexter Morgan (Dexter)

    6. David Palmer (24, shame on the writers...)

    7. John Locke (Lost)

    8. Chandler Bing (Friends)

    9. Dale Cooper (Twin Peaks)

    10. Michael Scott (The Office, U.S)

  12. Uhh... no walking up the rampway. Just as a sidenote, you could walk up the ramp in, say for example, Legends of Wrestling: Showdown. Not that this exactly ruins my day.

    There was blood in Legends of Wrestling: Showdown, occasionally a lot of it, and it was something that in my eyes saved the game from being an absolute pancake. Indeed it's just a visual feature, but IMO adds something to a cage match for example.

    There were full entrances indeed in Showdown.

    Yeah there were referees in there too.

    Both games have commentary, that's good. No wait, Heenan/Zbyszko/whoever vs. Tenay/West, I think we don't even need to argue about this.

    You could play as anyone in Showdown's story mode.

    So thus far iMPACT has a smaller roster than Showdown, you can only play as a CAW in the story mode (seriously, there aren't any voice overs, right? They've created this for a year at least? Why can't you play at least as Christian, Jarrett etc.?)

    Final note, Showdown was pretty horrendous, and thus far iMPACT's features aren't even matching up to it. I want this game to succeed so badly, I mean, at last a wrestling game that isn't WWE-based and has a possibility of actually being good. And now the odds are starting to turn against that option already. However, I won't judge it just yet, but I am worried.

  13. So... Sonjay Dutt. I am surprised, personally I wouldn't have minded if he didn't make it. Now I'm worried that LAX and the Machine Guns aren't in. Personally, I'd like:

    1. Kurt Angle

    2. Christian

    3. Sting

    4. Jeff Jarrett

    5. Styles

    6. Joe

    7. Daniels

    8. Sabin

    9. Shelley

    10. Homicide

    11. Hernandez

    12. Scott Steiner

    13. Harris

    14. Storm

    15. Abyss

    16. Lethal

    17. Dutt

    18. Senshi

    19. Rhino

    20. Killings (or Roode)

    Buuuut we're probably getting Team 3D, VKM etc.

    It's coming out in May and my birthday's in May. Make it good, Midway :shifty:

    I will be buying this, as long as it has a good CAW feature. While Black Reign sucks in real life, I'd think he'd be an interesting character to play as... Matt Morgan I'd like to see too but he won't be in, so... Hell, I enjoyed that Legends of Wrestling: Showdown game, this can't be worse, right? The story mode could turn out very good as long as it isn't exactly like the ones in the newer SmackDown games. If it's reminiscent of Shut Your Mouth and Here Comes The Pain I'll be happy.

    EDIT: TNAwrestling.com says more than 20 TNA wrestlers...

  14. 19 wrestlers? Dammitt Benoit, could've used 20.

    I have mixed feelings about the news. It's not like I'm going to play the story mode through with every one of those nineteen guys anyway (as a matter of fact, SvR 06 is the last THQ game I bought and that season I only went through with Orton, nWo Hogan and Cena), but it's just that I like to play as somebody who's not that big of a name. I'm very surprised that Lashley isn't playable in the season mode.

    Meh, I guess I'll end up picking this up no matter what, as I have no SmackDown games for the 360. Then again, it's not like there isn't anything better coming soon enough or available already. Will just have to see the reviews and overall opinion around the nets.

  15. I just hope that they'll spend season seven building up new characters, including these FBI guys. What the show needs right now is to create new "great" characters after the killing spree they went on a few years ago. They killed off everyone that was worth a damn, sure a sniper shooting Palmer and Michelle dying in the season 5 premiere created incredible shock value, but there just haven't been characters like them since. As for Tony returning, I don't know what I think of it. I guess I don't really find it that superb, sure he's a fantastic guy and all but it's just not the same after he was thought dead. Storyline-wise it sucks, but then again, Tony fucking Almeida is back, so I'm not complaining after all. Hopefully someone has also finally noted the 24 writing team that the president DOES NOT have to change during every season (well, yeah David Palmer was in charge through the whole third season, in the first one the prez wasn't even that much mentioned and that's about it).

    Did Wayne Palmer end up kicking the bucket last season, or did the bloke survive?

  16. Well, there was "Amusement Park" (the suck). After that, we've gotten "Ayo Technology", "I Get Money" and "Follow My Lead", and all of these except for 'Technology have been disappointing to me.

    I always thought "Ayo Technology" sounded like a weird ass name for a song. Sounds like what Kip would've named his wedding song in Napoleon Dynamite...

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