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Posts posted by ModestATT

  1. Lower Abyss' Overness to 68

    Raise Bram's Overness to 56-58

    Raise EC3'S Overness to 65/66

    Lower Gunner's Overness to 64/65

    Lower James Storm's Overness to 70-73

    Raise Jessicka Havok's Overness to 50-53

    Raise Kenny King's Overness to 65/66

    Lower Magnus' Overness to 62-64

    Lower Mr.Anderson's Overness to 73

    Raise Rockstar Spud's Overness to 63-65

    Raise Samuel Shaw's Overness to 55-58

    Raise Taryn Tarrell's Overness to 55/56

  2. Remove Garrett Dylan, Travis Tyler and Slate Randall from WWE.


    Rename Garrett Dylan to Jody Kristopherson and Slate Randall to Shaun Rickers. (This would be in effect for September)

    TNA notes (based on impact):

    Add Homicide, Snitsky, Ezeikel Jackson, Low Ki and Brian Cage. They worked the TNA tapings in New York last month(late June) Add Snitsky and Zeke to Dixieland. Also rename Ezekiel to Rycklon. (I would say these should be in effect for August)

    Not sure if it happened on TV yet, I'll spoiler just in case

    Snitsky and Jackson were then fired the following night

    The eight man war hasn't happened yet s why not include them for August?

    Snitsky and Jackson don't have contracts, I'm pretty sure the rest do have atleast some sort of open contract.

  3. I think TNA was at 80-90 National back when they first got Hogan Hardy RVD Flair and all of the others on that January episode in like 2010 or 2011, that was probably their peak, now they have severely slacked, I think around 50 is fine because with a good change they could start pushing towards global again and if they keep their current writers, they will fall to cult so around halfway should be good IMO, and about the TV Ratings, when the June update comes out someone should attempt to lower the ratings to match real life and post it here, and if it runs fine it should be considered permanent, I have no idea how to do it and I didn't think it was even possible, but someone should try.


    Also, since somebody said Charisma is only based off of mic skills, and most of the other debates have come to the conclusion of this is how it works in-game so we'll go by that, shouldn't some of the legends like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, HBK etc get significant decreases in Charisma, especially Hogan.

  4. Since there's some Chris Jericho discussion, I went ahead and looked all the legends signed to WWE in the May update:

    Lower Bret Hart's overness to 83 (He gets reaction closer to Dusty and Piper than he does HBK and Flair)

    Lower Chris Jericho's overness to 92 (Batista could have easily been put in the same spot Jericho was in during his last return, and until he started embracing the heel role wasn't any more over than him.)

    Lower Kevin Nash's overness to 82 (puts him on par with Booker T, who got a similar/slightly better reaction during their RR returns a few years ago)

    Lower Undertaker's overness to 96 (100!? Seriously!? He ain't Hogan, Austin, or Rock. He should be exactly the same as Shawn Michaels, who I think is at the right number.)

    Also, I think it should be noted that they're considered legendary for what they did at or near their peaks, not how much the crowd cares about them today other than the initial nostalgia pop(s). That's more a comment on Bret than anything because I feel people would be against lowering his overness just because he's Bret Hart.

    I was actually going to do the same thing, I think Hogan Rock Austin 100 Cena 98 Taker 97 HHH 96 Lesnar 96 Vince 95 Flair 95 Bryan 94 (The crowd is almost dead for him now compared to before Mania), HBK 94 Jericho 93 Orton 93 Batista 92 Stephanie 92 Heyman 91 Bray 90/89 (Fueding with Main Eventers and already massively over), Reigns 90/89 (Same as Bray), Ambrose 88 (Same as Bray) Rollins 87 (Same as Bray) Sheamus 86 RVD 86 Kane 86 Big Show 86/85 (Unless he's over on SD, he shouldn't be anywhere near the Main Event and he's currently 1 or 2 off it)

  5. The whole point of this thread is to suggest changes, and the main changes are probably the stats so what's the problem with him suggesting a bunch? If Bill doesn't want to do the changes then he wont do them, and hippie can do them himself. If the mentality is that you should go change everything yourself before even suggesting Bill to change them then this thread existing is pointless other than Bill to do all the changes himself based off of his own opinion and for no one to make a post other than saying thank you for the update.

  6. TNA Spoilers:

    Change Austin Aries and Bully Ray to face's

    Lower John Laurinaitis' charisma to 75

    Lower Mr. Anderson's charisma to 86

    Change Billy Gunn and Jesse James to non-wrestlers

    Change Silas Young to a face in AAW

    Add 2 Tuff Tony to JCW, midcard

    Add The Rude Boy to JCW, midcard

    Lower Zach Gowen's wages to 20000

    Increase Nick Brubaker's overness to 30, increase wages to 5000

    The Authority doesn't seem to be around now, maybe remove the stable?

    I'd lower Mr Anderson's to even lower like around 82-84ish, he's really poor now.

  7. I don't want this to sound like I'm being a dick or anything but what is the point in the updated pics folder? I like the idea of updating some outdated pics and I've noticed a couple of hundred outdated pics myself but I don't want to have to go and re download every single beginners file there has ever been to get a couple of hundred updated pics, is there any chance Bill or someone could put them all in one folder for a single file download?

    Also, is the Andre The Giant Memorial Trophy getting added to titles? if so make it a little less than the MITB title.

  8. remove Vickie Guerrero from WWE. (she finished with the company after WrestleMania)

    up Daniel Bryan's overness to 100 (the guy is the most over wrestler since Austin and Rock) and maybe change his gimmick to Unique?

    No, no more than 99, he's been over for a couple of months where as Austin and Rock were on top for many years, if he's still majorly over in 5 years time then maybe 100 overness, also he's not unique, his gimmick suits Underdog/Old School Face.

    • Like 1
  9. Remove The Ultimate Warrior

    "@TripleH 3h

    Saddened to announce the passing of the Ultimate Warrior. Icon and friend. My sympathy to his wife Dana and his daughters"

    Please look to see if this was said earlier in the thread.

    Ultimate Warrior has passed away 24 hours after appearing on raw, sad news but remove him from the next update.

    Also Billy Gunn and Jesse James' B S T and C need to be increased, they are way too low.

    What should they be? I don't know how much they should be raised to.

    Remove The Ultimate Warrior

    "@TripleH 3h

    Saddened to announce the passing of the Ultimate Warrior. Icon and friend. My sympathy to his wife Dana and his daughters"

    My fucking god, are you kidding me?

    Sadly, it's true.



    I knew it was true I just find it ridiculous that within hours of someone dying somebody comes here and the first thing do is report it in a wrestling game update. Completely tasteless.

    Sorry, next time I'll fly out and go to their funeral and then report it after.

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