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Posts posted by magell

  1. Schism (Ypsilanti)

    July 21, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA’s Schism. We have a huge show lined up for you tonight with a huge main event. Nate Mattson defends the SMWA Championship against Vito Thomaselli in an I Quit match.”

    Patterson: “That’s going to be an awesome match and I only know that it’s going to be violent and these men are really going to take each other to the limit.”

    Guppie: “We are going to start the show off with a bang as the former tag team partners Halo and Johnny Spade do battle one on one.”

    Patterson: “These guys were really going at each other in the four way match at the last show and I can only imagine what they are going to do one on one.”

    Segment 1: Halo vs. Johnny Spade

    The two men square off in the ring and shake hands. They back off and circle slowly then lockup. Spade goes behind and grabs a rear waistlock then picks Halo up and slams him down to the mat. Spade slips out of the hold and gets behind Spade and holds him with a hammerlock. Spade levers himself up to his feet then jumps up and takes Halo over with a snapmare. Halo gets up to his feet and Spade hits him with a dropkick and Halo rolls out of the ring. Spade bounces off the ropes and charges for a suicide dive but Halo stops him with a forearm to the face. Halo pulls Spade out with his feet still on the apron then takes him down with a DDT on the floor. Halo pulls Spade up and rolls him into the ring. Halo climbs onto the apron then springboards in with a legdrop to the back of Spade’s head and makes a cover for a two count. Halo pulls Spade to his feet and goes for a german suplex but Spade blocks it by hooking his leg around Halo’s. Spade nails Halo with a couple of back elbows then does a standing switch and plants Halo with a belly to back suplex. The two men continue to go back and forth with junior style offense and neither man gains an advantage but both men continue to take punishment back and forth. Halo nails Spade with some forearms to the back of the head then takes him over with a german suplex but Spade flips over and lands on his feet. Halo gets up and Spade nails him with a copo kick. Halo staggers backwards and Spade gets to his feet and takes him down with a neckbreaker and covers for a two count.

    Spade pulls Halo to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Halo ducks under a back elbow attempt then comes off the ropes with a crossbody block and covers for two. Halo pulls Spade up to his feet and goes for a belly to back suplex but Spade flips over to his feet. He goes for a spinning heel kick but Halo sees it and sidesteps him. Spade gets to his feet and Halo grabs him and plants him with a belly to back suplex. Halo climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a frog splash but Spade gets his knees up into Halo’s midsection. Spade grabs Halo and drops him down with a gut buster then grabs him with a seated abdominal stretch. Halo tries to escape the hold and Spade just rolls him up and gets a two count. Spade pulls Halo up to his feet and grabs him with the abdominal stretch. Halo fights out of the hold and spins out then drops Spade with a short arm clothesline. Halo hooks a leg and gets a two count. He pulls Spade up to his feet and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Spade gets up to his feet dazedly and Halo jumps up and hits him with a leg lariat. Halo pulls Spade to his feet and goes for a powerbomb but Spade reverses with a ‘ranna and holds onto the legs of Halo for a long two count. Halo gets up to his feet and Spade takes him over with a snap suplex then climbs up to the top rope. Spade comes off with a knee drop but Halo moves out of the way. Halo grabs Spade from behind and plants him with a brainbuster. Halo goes up to the top rope and hits a phoenix splash and hooks the leg for a three count.

    Winner: Halo (14:27)

    Notes: ***3/4

    OA: 76 CR: 54 MQ: 98

    Guppie: “What a battle between those two men and Halo picked up an impressive win. What a great way to start off this show.”

    Patterson: “Halo can get some bragging rights with that victory. And that match was a spectacular high flying competition.”

    Guppie: “Up next Arik Cannon is going to face off against Sonjay Dutt and he’s going to have to try and ground Dutt to get the victory.”

    Patterson: “But that is going to be harder than it sounds. Dutt is a very experienced flyer but Cannon is one of the best technical wrestlers going.”

    Segment 2: Sonjay Dutt vs. Arik Cannon

    Cannon goes for a lockup but Dutt avoids it and takes him over with a hiptoss. Cannon gets up to his feet and Dutt hits him with a dropkick. Cannon stays down and collects himself. Dutt holds back then charges and goes for a spinning headscissors but Cannon counters into a backbreaker. Cannon makes a cover and gets a two count. Cannon pulls Dutt to his feet and whips him into the rope and takes him over with a backbody drop. Dutt gets up to his feet and Cannon powerslams him then goes to drop an elbow but Dutt rolls out of the way. Dutt gets up to his feet and nails Cannon with an enziguri as he gets up to his feet. Dutt continues to control the match with some fast paced offense. Dutt goes for a kick to the midsection but Cannon catches it then takes him down with a dragonscrew. Cannon holds onto the leg of Dutt and goes into a legbar. Dutt kicks Cannon with his free left leg and breaks up the hold. Both men get to their feet and Dutt drops Cannon with a DDT then climbs up to the top rope. Dutt comes off with a crossbody block and takes Cannon over for a two count. Dutt pulls Cannon up to his feet and Cannon stuns him with a forearm then rocks him with a series of kicks to the right leg of Dutt then trips him down onto his back and goes for a figure four leglock but Dutt pushes him off with his left leg. Dutt gets up to his feet just in time for Cannon to dropkick his leg out from under him. Cannon grabs the leg of Dutt and gets the figure four leglock on him. Dutt fights the hold and slowly manages to back up enough to grab the bottom rope and force the break. Dutt gets up to his feet and ducks a clothesline from Cannon and grabs him and drops him with a reverse DDT. Dutt manages to control the match for a short time and takes him over with a belly to back suplex. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a guillotine legdrop but Cannon rolls out of the way and Dutt hits the mat hard. Cannon grabs the right leg of Dutt and takes him over into a single leg crab and cranks back on the hold and gets a submission.

    Winner: Arik Cannon (8:33)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 61 CR: 48 MQ: 75

    Guppie: “Arik Cannon gets a victory by working over the leg of Dutt and taking away his high flying offense.”

    Patterson: “Cannon eliminated his opponents strengths and played to his own. Cannon has been looking good lately and been getting some impressive wins.”

    Guppie: “He sure has. Up next we have two men who need a victory. Black Dragon has been gone for a while and Deranged has been on a big losing streak ever since Angeldust left with his broken leg.”

    Patterson: “Both of these men have a lot of talent so they are very capable of getting victories they just haven’t been able to collect those wins yet.”

    Segment 3: Black Dragon vs. Deranged

    The two men lockup and Dragon takes Deranged over with a side headlock. Deranged gets up to his feet and Dragon snapmares him over then kicks him in the back and locks in a rear chinlock. Deranged fights up to his feet then snapmares Dragon over then dropkicks him in the back of the head. Dragon gets to his feet and Deranged drops him with a neckbreaker. Deranged drops a leg across the throat of Dragon and gets a two count. Deranged pulls Dragon up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and goes for a backbody drop but Dragon flips over Deranged’s back and lands on his feet. Deranged turns around and Dragon drops him on his head with a brainbuster. Dragon starts to take control of the match and works Deranged over with some high impact moves. Dragon goes for another brainbuster but Deranged blocks it and lands behind Dragon and takes him down with a reverse DDT then hits an arabian press for a two count. Deranged pulls Dragon up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and knocks him down with a big superkick. Deranged then goes up to the top rope. Dragon gets to his feet and Deranged jumps off and takes Dragon over with a hurrincanranna. Deranged covers Dragon and gets a quick two count. Deranged pulls Dragon up to his feet and goes for a german suplex but Dragon blocks it then makes a standing switch. He goes for a dragon suplex but Deranged breaks his grip. Dragon grabs Deranged around the waist then takes him over with a german suplex and bridges for a two count. Dragon pulls Deranged up to his feet then drops him with a reverse DDT onto his knee then turns it into a dragon sleeper. Deranged fights against the hold but Dragon cranks back on the neck and Deranged taps out.

    Winner: Black Dragon (7:51)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 67 CR: 46 MQ: 89

    Guppie: “Deranged’s losing streak continues here in the SMWA. He is really having trouble making the transition to a singles wrestler.”

    Patterson: “Despite Deranged’s problems that’s a good win for Dragon to pick up. Deranged is really going to have to do something to snap his losing streak.”

    Guppie: “We go from two struggling wrestlers to two wrestlers who are on a roll. Jimmy Rave has just beaten former SMWA Champion Chance Beckett and he won a big triple threat match at our last show. He faces B-Boy who lost a tag team match on the last show but he’s been performing great in singles action and is a member of the Prime Time stable.”

    Patterson: “The Prime Time guys have been talking big but they haven’t really been able to prove themselves very well in singles action. Michael Shane has faired poorly in that regard. B-Boy has a few singles wins but many of those were before he joined Prime Time. We’ll see if he can get a victory over the very talented Rave here tonight.”

    Segment 4: B-Boy vs. Jimmy Rave

    The two men lockup in the ring and Rave goes behind and grabs a hammerlock. B-Boy ducks under and grabs a hammerlock of his own then takes Rave down to the mat with the hammerlock. Rave spins out and grabs B-Boy with an armbar then turns it into the crossface but B-Boy quickly crawls forward and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Both men get up to their feet and they lockup again. B-Boy grabs Rave with a side headlock and Rave escapes the hold and grabs an arm wringer. The two men go back and forth with some chain wrestling and Rave ends up still holding B-Boy with an arm wringer. B-Boy pulls Rave towards him and rocks him with a forearm but Rave keeps the hold. B-Boy pulls Rave in again and rocks him with another forearm and this one breaks the hold. B-Boy fires off a series of forearms that backs Rave into the corner. B-Boy hits Rave with some knees to the midsection that drops him down in the corner. B-Boy backs off then charges and hits a dropkick to the face of Rave. B-Boy pulls Rave out of the corner and makes a cover for a two count. B-Boy pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for the cross special brainbuster but Rave nails him with some punches to the midsection to stop him. Rave grabs B-Boy and takes him over with a side headlock takedown and wrenches down on the hold. B-Boy fights up to his feet and loosens the hold with some forearms to the midsection of Rave then drops him on his head with a backdrop driver. B-Boy makes a cover and gets a two count before Rave manages to roll a shoulder up.

    B-Boy pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for another backdrop driver but Rave flips over and lands behind B-Boy. Rave jumps forward and takes B-Boy down to the mat with a bulldog. Rave drops a couple of knees to the back of B-Boy’s head then rolls him over and hooks a leg for a two count. Rave pulls B-Boy up and whips him into the ropes. Rave goes for a backbody drop but B-Boy sees it coming and hits him with a hard kick that straightens him up. B-Boy bounces off the ropes and floors Rave with a big lariat. B-Boy hooks a leg and gets a two count on Rave once again. B-Boy pulls Rave up and throws him into the corner then charges and nails him with a forearm. B-Boy then lights him up with some big knife edge chops before setting him up on the top rope. B-Boy climbs up and goes for a hurrincanranna but Rave holds onto the top rope and B-Boy slams to the mat face first. He gets up to his feet and Rave comes off with a knee to the face. Rave hooks a leg and gets a two count. Rave pulls B-Boy up to his feet and blood is starting to trickle down his forehead. Rave drives a couple of punches down on the forehead of B-Boy further opening the cut. Rave pulls a bloody B-Boy to his feet then whips him into the ropes and drops him with a spinning heel kick that catches him in the face. Rave makes a cover and gets another two count. Rave pulls B-Boy up to his feet and goes for a suplex but B-Boy blocks it then turns it into a brainbuster that drops Rave on his head. B-Boy slowly recovers then crawls over for a two count. B-Boy pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for the cross special brainbuster but Rave reverses it with a snapmare then bounces off the near ropes and crushes B-Boy with a big knee to his bloody forehead. Rave hooks a leg and makes the cover for a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (14:42)

    Notes: ***1/4

    OA: 75 CR: 61 MQ: 89

    Guppie: “What a back and forth match between those two men. It all really changed when Rave busted B-Boy open.”

    Patterson: “It had more to do with the huge impact of that knee of the top than the loss of blood. Those guys were really nailing each other with stiff strikes.”

    Guppie: “Well, we’re going from that stiff match to what should be a high flying exhibition as Petey Williams takes on Matt Sydal.”

    Patterson: “Williams got a win over M-Dogg Twenty at the last show in an impressive bout and we’ll see what he can do here tonight. Sydal has been in a slump lately but it just takes one big win to turn things around.”

    Segment 5: Petey Williams vs. Matt Sydal

    The two men lockup in the ring and Williams armdrags Sydal over. Sydal gets up to his feet and takes Williams over with a Japanese armdrag. Both men roll up to their feet and go for dropkicks at the same time and crash down to the mat. They kip up to their feet and face off to some applause from the crowd. The two circle each other then lockup again. Williams goes behind Sydal with a rear waistlock then picks him up and slams him down to the mat face first. Williams spins out and grabs a front facelock. Sydal spins out of the hold and grabs his own front facelock and then turns it into a side headlock. Williams fights up to his feet and goes for a belly to back suplex but Sydal flips over to his feet. Williams turns around and Sydal bounces off the ropes and rails him with a spinning front kick. Sydal hooks a leg and gets a two count. Sydal pulls Williams up to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex then climbs up to the top rope. Before he can do anything Williams knocks the feet out from under Sydal and racks him up on the top rope. Williams climbs up to the top rope and takes him off the top with a superplex that leaves both men down on the mat. Williams gets up first and he pulls Sydal up behind him. He whips Sydal into the ropes and sends him over with a backbody drop. Sydal gets up to his feet and Williams takes him over with a swinging neckbreaker then hooks a leg for two. Williams pulls Sydal up to his feet and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Sydal counters it with a backbody drop. Williams gets to his feet and Sydal jumps and takes him over with a hurrincanranna that sends Williams to the outside. Sydal grabs the top rope and springboards to the outside with a shooting star press onto Williams that sends both of them crashing down to the floor to the crowd’s delight.

    Sydal pulls Williams to his feet and Williams grabs the front of Sydal’s pants then falls back and sends him face first into the guardrail. Williams pulls Sydal up and rolls him into the ring. Williams climbs onto the apron then springs himself over the top rope and sentons onto Sydal for a two count. Williams backs off and lets Sydal get to his feet and starts to pull on his rope. Sydal gets to his feet and Williams goes for a kick but Sydal catches his leg and takes him down with a dragonscrew. Williams gets up to his feet and Sydal jumps up on behind and takes him over with a reverse hurrincanranna. Sydal grabs Williams and rolls him up for a long two count. Sydal pulls Williams up to his feet and goes for a powerbomb but Williams counters it into an x-factor. Williams hooks a leg and gets a two count of his own. Williams argues with the ref and allows Sydal to get up to his feet. Sydal grabs Williams from behind and goes for a german suplex but Williams blocks it then frees himself with a couple of back elbows. Williams whips Sydal into the ropes and Sydal comes off with a spinning headscissors. Williams gets up to his feet and Sydal plants him with a brainbuster. Sydal climbs up to the top rope then comes off the shooting star press right on Williams and hooks a leg for the three count.

    Winner: Matt Sydal (11:36)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 60 CR: 44 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “Matt Sydal picks up a hard fought victory in that match there. Williams pulled out some big moves but he just couldn’t hit the Canadian Destroyer and finish Sydal off.”

    Patterson: “Sydal however managed to hit the shooting star press twice in that match and both times it really knocked Williams off his game.”

    Guppie: “Up next the vacant SMWA Tag Team Titles are going to be on the line. Conrad Kennedy the Third and Michael Shane challenge Adam Pearce and his mystery partner for the belts.”

    Patterson: “The other two Prime Time members, B-Boy and Williams, suffered loses in singles competition already tonight and we’ll see if they can change that right now or if Pearce and his partner will be able to walk away with the gold.”

    Segment 6: The True Heir to the Titles

    Michael Shane and Conrad Kennedy come out from the back and walk down to the ring as the crowd boos. They slide into the ring and Shane takes the mic from the announcer.

    Shane: “Since I created Prime Time we were supposed to be the champions. Conrad and I were supposed to become the tag team champions. Then I got injured. I brought in Adam Pearce to replace me and when he and Conrad won the match I was happy. Prime Time had some power. We were the tag team champions. However Pearce knew that he was only a temporary replacement. I was always supposed to be Conrad’s partner. He held the belt for me for a little bit and when I was done with my singles matches he was supposed to give it back. However the success went to his head and he did not want to give the title to me when I was ready for it. Now Pearce you want a match against Conrad and I and you want to win this SMWA Tag Team Championship but it isn’t going to happen for you. Conrad and I are taking the Tag Team Titles home with us and they are staying with Prime Time. I don’t care who your tag team partner is. He won’t be enough to get you a victory.”

    Adam Pearce walks out from the back holding a mic in his hand.

    Pearce: “Shane you can talk all the shit you want but you are the one who had success going to his head. Tonight I’m bringing the belt home with me. After you two guys beat me up I went home to Chicago. I went home to find somebody tough enough to be my tag team partner. My tag team partner tonight has experience in Japan’s NOAH organization. He’s one of the toughest men in the wrestling business and he’s one of the hardest hitters there is. My tag team partner is Ace Steel!”

    Ace Steel comes out next to Pearce and Shane and Conrad look scared in the ring as the two men make their way to the ring.

    OA: 59

    Segment 7: Michael Shane & Conrad Kennedy III (Prime Time) vs. Adam Pearce & Ace Steel (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Pearce and Steel slide into the ring and Shane and Conrad drop forearms on them but Pearce and Steel shake them off and get up to their feet. Pearce and Steel block punches and then fire back with some big forearms. Steel backs Conrad to the ropes then takes him over with a big clothesline and flips over with him. Pearce picks Shane up in the ring and sends him down to the mat hard with a powerslam. Shane gets back up to his feet and Pearce bounces off the ropes and drops him with a big clothesline. He makes a cover and gets a two count. On the outside Steel pulls Conrad to his feet and slams him back first into the guardrail. Steel grabs Conrad and delivers a vertical suplex on the floor to the cheers of the crowd. He gets to his feet and climbs onto the apron. Back in the ring Pearce pulls Shane to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Shane comes off the ropes and ducks under a clothesline from Pearce. He comes off the opposite ropes and drops Pearce with a flying forearm. Steel enters the ring and drops Shane with a hard clothesline. He picks Shane up for a powerslam but Conrad enters the ring and takes him out with a chop block that drops Shane on top of Steel and earns him a two count. Shane and Conrad pull Steel to his feet and whip him into the ropes. They go for a double clothesline but Steel bursts through them. He bounces off the ropes then drops both of them with clotheslines of his own. Steel picks Conrad up and throws him over the ropes to the outside. Pearce gets to his feet and Steel whips Shane towards him and Pearce picks him up and drops him with a backbreaker. Pearce and Steel continue to work Shane over and the ref manages to establish some control and he keeps Conrad on the apron. Shane gets stuck in a corner and he fights out with some back elbows then ducks a clothesline from Steel and drops him with a superkick. Shane makes his way to his corner and tags in Conrad.

    Conrad climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a missile dropkick to Steel. Conrad pulls Steel up to his feet and spikes him with a DDT then makes a cover for a two count. Conrad bounces off the ropes and Steel gets up and catches him then spins around and plants him with a big spinebuster. Steel hooks a leg and covers for a two count. Steel pulls Conrad up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Steel goes for a backbody drop but Conrad sees it and whips Steel over by his hair slamming him down to the mat. Conrad bounces off the ropes then hits a senton and hooks a leg for a two count. Conrad then grabs Steel from behind with a rear chinlock. Steel fights to his feet then loosens the hold with some forearms to the midsection of Conrad then shoots him into the ropes. Conrad comes off the ropes and grabs Steel’s arm as he goes for a clothesline then takes him over with a crucifix for a two count. Conrad tags Shane back in and Shane comes in and nails Steel with a couple of knife edge chops. Steel shakes the chops off then fires back with a series of chops of his own that stagger Shane. Shane regains his composure though and kicks Steel square in the balls dropping him down to his knees. The ref backs Shane up and yells at him allowing Conrad to sneak in and run forward and deliver a dropkick to Steel then retreat to the apron. Shane goes and makes the cover on Steel and gets a two count before Steel kicks out. Shane pulls Steel to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex then climbs up to the top rope. He comes off looking for the picture perfect elbow but only connects with the mat and Steel tags in Pearce.

    Pearce comes in and drops Conrad with a question as he gets to his feet. Conrad enters the ring and Pearce nails him with an impressive dropkick. Pearce pulls Conrad to his feet and powerslams him down. Shane gets to his feet and Pearce grabs him and hits a delayed vertical suplex and holds Shane up for about twenty seconds before dropping him down to the mat. Pearce makes a cover and gets a two count. Pearce grabs Shane and spikes him with a big piledriver. Pearce covers Shane and gets a two count before Conrad comes off the top rope with a guillotine legdrop. Conrad gets to his feet and Steel drops him with a charging forearm then picks him up and goes for a tombstone piledriver but Conrad manages to squirm out of Steel’s grasp. Pearce stops Conrad from behind and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Steel pulls Conrad to his feet and picks him up but accidently hits the ref and sends him down to the mat. Steel then drops Conrad with a tombstone piledriver and goes for the cover but there is no ref. Shane rolls out of the ring and grabs a title belt then slides back in. Pearce looks towards him and Shane rails him with a shot with the belt. Steel gets up to his feet and Shane rocks him with a belt shot as well. Shane pulls Pearce up to his feet and drops him with a DDT on the title belt then slides it out of the ring. Shane climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a picture perfect elbow. He makes a cover and the ref revives himself and counts the three count for Shane.

    Winner: Prime Time (17:33)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 53 CR: 29 MQ: 78

    Guppie: “Michael Shane wins the SMWA Tag Team Titles for Prime Time thanks to nailing both Pearce and Steel with the title belt.”

    Patterson: “That’s the kind of tactic we’ve been seeing from Michael Shane over and over again and it doesn’t really surprise me that he sunk to that level.”

    Guppie: “No it doesn’t surprise me either actually. Up next we have a huge main event. Nate Mattson and Vito Thomaselli will finally settle their differences as they face off in an I quit match.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be a brutal match. These two have had some hardcore matches before and they’ve bled all over the place and battered each other. Words won’t be able to describe what these two men are going to do to each other.”

    Segment 8: Final Confrontation

    Vito Thomaselli walks down to the ring and awaits his opponent. N8 walks out from the back with a black shirt on that says “Amazing Champion N8 Mattson.” Mattson pulls a mic up and starts talking.

    Mattson: “I quit. Two simple words that I won’t be saying here tonight. Vito you and I have had some horribly brutal matches in the past and this match is going to surpass all the brutalities we’ve inflicted on each other in those matches. Vito I have beaten respect into you and you have beaten respect into me. In all of our matches we’ve pushed each other to the limits but tonight we are going to take each other past those limits. I thought a last man standing match was brutal, I thought the steel cage match was brutal but I quit is a stipulation designed to destroy two men. If we’re lucky one of us will be walking out alone and the other will be helped out. In reality neither of us will be able to walk out of this ring on our own. However the adrenaline will be pumping and we will be able to do things people thought was impossible. Tonight we finish our issues. Tonight these people are going to witness horrible violence but that is what’s going to happen. Tonight we are going to brutalize each other in this ring. It will involve weapons and blood and it’s going to involve unimaginable violence. One of us is going to give up and I guarantee that it isn’t going to be me.”

    Mattson drops the mic then roll sinto the ring and faces off with Vito.

    OA: 61

    Segment 9: N8 Mattson ©vs. Vito Thomaselli (I Quit Match, SMWA Championship)

    Vito and Mattson lockup and Vito goes behind him with a hammerlock. Mattson fights his way free with some big back elbows then spins around and floors Vito with an enziguri. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and whips him into the ropes then nails him with a kitchen sink and grabs a rear chinlock. Vito fights up to his feet then drops down with a jawbreaker. Vito gets up and snapmares Mattson over and delivers a loud knife edge chop to the back of Mattson. Mattson gets up to his feet and then the two men start going back and forth with big knife edge chops and then they start railing each other with forearms and neither man is backing down. Mattson takes the advantage when he pokes the eyes of Vito then takes him over with a monkey flip. Unfortunately for him Vito flips all the way over and lands on his feet. Mattson gets to his feet just in time for Vito to drop him with a yakuza kick. Vito grabs Mattson from behind with a full nelson variation of a camel clutch and asks for him to give up but Mattson resists and manages to break the grip of Vito. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Mattson blocks it then takes Vito over with a swinging neckbreaker. Mattson makes a cover but the ref tells him it doesn’t count. Mattson looks disappointed then pulls Vito up to his feet and whips him into the corner. Mattson charges and runs right into a big boot. Mattson staggers back and Vito springs off the second rope with a clothesline. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Mattson grabs the ropes and stops himself. Vito charges at him and Mattson sends him over with a backbody drop and Vito crashes to the floor. Vito gets up to his feet and Mattson springboards off the second rope with an asai moonsault and takes Vito down.

    Mattson pulls Vito to his feet and slams him back first into the guardrail. Mattson pulls Vito back up and throws him over the guardrail into the crowd. Mattson jumps over and charges at Vito and Vito takes him over with a belly to belly suplex and Mattson crashes into the fans and their chairs. Vito grabs a chair and hands it to a fan and tells him to hold it up. Vito picks Mattson up and whips him into the chair to the delight of the crowd and especially the fan. Vito shakes the fans hand as he takes the chair back from him and then slams it down over Mattson’s head. Vito pulls Mattson up and whips him into the guardrail and Mattson hits the rail and flips over into the ringside area. Vito takes his chair and then climbs onto the guardrail and then jumps off and drops the chair onto the chest of Mattson. Vito then pulls Mattson up and rolls him into the ring. Vito rolls in after him and drops a couple of knees to the chest of Mattson. Vito goes behind Mattson and grabs him with a seated abdominal stretch. Mattson fights against the hold and makes it to the ropes to get a rope break. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet and whips him into the rope and swings a big clothesline but Mattson ducks under it. Mattson bounces off the ropes and nails Vito with a spinning heel kick. Mattson gets up to his feet and then takes Vito down with a powerslam. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and then plants him with a powerbomb. Mattson rolls out of the ring then reaches under it and pulls out a board with barbed wire on it! Mattson throws the board over the top rope and into the ring. He slides into the ring and drops Vito with a lariat as he gets up to his feet. Mattson grabs the board and leans it up in the corner. Mattson grabs Vito and goes for a belly to belly suplex onto the board but Vito blocks it then takes him over with a hiptoss. Mattson gets up to his feet and Vito takes him down with a drop toehold and then grabs him with an STF. Mattson crawls forward and grabs the bottom rope for a break.

    Mattson holds onto the bottom rope and slides out of the ring. Vito bounces off the far ropes and nails him with a suicide dive that sends both men crashing into the guardrail. Vito pulls Mattson up and whips him into the ringpost. Mattson hits the ringpost face first and falls down to the floor hard. Mattson pulls himself up with blood coming down his forehead. Mattson gets up to his feet and Vito takes a chair from the crowd and then smashes it over the bloody head of Mattson. Vito throws Mattson into the ring and then slides in after him. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet by the back of his shirt and then powerslams him down to the mat. Vito drops a knee to the bloody face of Mattson and then nails him with a bunch of punches to the forehead. Vito then rolls Mattson over and grabs him with a camel clutch and tears at the cut on his forehead and asks for him to quit but Mattson refuses. Vito gives up on the hold and wipes his bloody hands on his chest. Vito pulls mattson up to his feet and then puts him through the barbed wire board with an overhead belly to belly suplex to a huge pop from the crowd. The ref helps untangle Mattson from the wire. Vito climbs up onto the ropes and plays to the crowd to some cheers. Vito jumps down to the mat and then grabs Mattson as he staggers to his feet and then pulls his shirt off showing his back that has several cuts on it. Vito goes for a powerslam but Mattson manages to land behind him and then takes him over with a brutal german suplex that drops Vito right on his head. Both men are slow to get to their feet. Vito moves in and Mattson hits him with a low blow and then follows up with a dropkick that knocks him down to the mat. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and spikes him with a piledriver. Mattson rolls out of the ring then grabs a table and slides it into the ring. Mattson sets the table up near the corner. Vito gets to his feet and goes for a belly to back suplex but Mattson flips over and lands on his feet then drops Vito with a backdrop driver of his own.

    Mattson grabs some of the barbed wire and wraps it around his fist. Vito gets up to his feet and Mattson nails him with some hard punches to the face and he opens up a cut on Vito’s forehead. Mattson grabs Vito and plants him with a brainbuster. Mattson grabs Vito and locks in a sleeper hold. Vito fights against the hold and stands up to his feet then escapes the hold with a brutal backdrop driver of his own. Vito sits up and checks the blood on his forehead and then shakes it off and gets up to his feet. Vito pulls Mattson up and whips him into the ropes. Vito goes for a big yakuza kick but Mattson ducks underneath it. Vito turns around and Mattson comes off the ropes with a reverse bulldog. Mattson drops a fist to the face of Vito and then rails on him with some stiff forearms to his forehead opening the cut further and causing more blood to flow. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and then sets him backwards on the top rope next to the table. Mattson climbs up behind Vito and hits him with some forearms to the back of the head and then goes for a german suplex but Vito fights off with some back elbows and then sends Mattson down on the mat. Vito starts to get up to his feet on the top rope but Mattson climbs up to the second rope and grabs him from behind and takes him over with a spider german suplex that sends Vito down through the table hard and Vito is out of it. Mattson sort of drops down off the top rope and collapses to the mat. Mattson crawls over to the remnants of the barbed wire board and pulls some of the wire free. Mattson slowly walks over to where Vito is laying and grabs him with a camel clutch and then wraps the barbed wire around the head of Vito and awakens him with some screams of pain. The ref holds the mic up to Vito and he refuses to give up. Mattson pulls back harder on the wire digging it into Vito’s head and Vito screams out “I Quit!”

    Winner: N8 Mattson (24:05)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 79 CR: 77 MQ: 82

    Guppie: “What a brutal match! Nate Mattson brought barbed wire into play in this match and really took the brutality to a new level.”

    Patterson: “I hope we never see a feud that takes violence up to that level in the SMWA again. Those two men were doing more than trying to win they were trying to eliminate their opponent from competition.”

    Guppie: “Well Mattson managed to take the victory and walk away with the SMWA Championship. That’s all the action we have for you tonight fans!”

    Patterson: “For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA! Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on upcoming shows and all your favorite wrestlers.”

    OA: 66

    It's a day late but I'm sure that it was worth the wait.

  2. The Schism Card


    July 15, 2007

    We are less than a week away from our next show. Prime Time laid out Adam Pearce and took his Tag Team Title belt but we will not let that stand. Adam Pearce and a partner of his choosing will take on two Prime Time members for the SMWA Tag Team Championship. We will see a lot more action at the show and here is the card as it is signed so far.

    N8 Mattson ©vs. Vito Thomaselli (I Quit Match, SMWA Championship)

    Vito Thomaselli gets his rematch against Mattson for the SMWA Championship. These two men have fought until one man couldn’t answer the ten count. They have brawled all around the arena and they have fought within the confines of a steel cage. But at this show they will wrestle until one man says that they give up and they will find out who is truly the better wrestler and finish off their horribly violent feud.

    Conrad Kennedy III & Michael Shane vs. Adam Pearce & Mystery Partner (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Adam Pearce has the advantage of surprise as he is bringing in a mystery partner but it may not be enough to overcome the tag team experience of Kennedy and Shane. Adam Pearce and CK3 held the Tag Team Titles together. They broke up at the last show and now we are going to see a match with a lot of bad blood in it.

    Petey Williams vs. Matt Sydal

    A battle of the high flyers here in this match. Williams looks to continue a winning streak in the SMWA as he takes on Sydal in what should be a fast paced match. Sydal is coming off a lose to Shane but he may be able to capitalize and get back on a roll here in the SMWA.

    B-Boy vs. Jimmy Rave

    Black Dragon vs. Deranged

    Sonjay Dutt vs. Arik Cannon

    Halo vs. Johnny Spade

    These former tag team partners met in a four way match at the last show and now they challenge each other one on one. These two guys are high flyers and when they go one on one this is going to be fast paced. These guys want to prove who is the better half of the tag team in this one.

    Be sure to check out the show being called Schism in Ypsilanti. Tickets are only $15 or $20 for ringside seats. Please support the SMWA in Ypsilanti on July 21!

  3. Breakdown (Mount Pleasant)

    July 14, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA Breakdown. I’m Brian Guppie and I’m joined on commentary by Mike Patterson as always.”

    Patterson: “Folks we have a big show lined up here tonight and it’s going to be action from start to stop tonight.”

    Guppie: “We start off tonight with Jimmy Jacobs taking on Conrad Kennedy the Third. This should be a good juniors match between these two men.”

    Patterson: “Both men have to be looking for a victory here tonight. Jacobs suffered a big loss at the last show against Arik Cannon and Kennedy has been looking really good with his Tag Team Champion partner Adam Pearce.”

    Segment 1: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Conrad Kennedy III

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and Jacobs goes behind with a hammerlock. Kennedy ducks under and goes behind grabbing a hammerlock of his own. Jacobs grabs the head of Kennedy then jumps up and comes down taking him over with a snapmare. Kennedy gets to his feet and Jacobs hits him with a dropkick and Kennedy rolls outside of the ring. Jacobs bounces off the rope and dives over the top with a suicide dive that sends him and Kennedy crashing into the guardrail. Jacobs rolls Kennedy into the ring and Kennedy gets to his feet and stomps on Jacobs’ back as he slides into the ring. The two men go back and forth in the ring. Jacobs hits Kennedy with a forearm then goes for the contra code but Kennedy blocks it then spins around and throws Jacobs to the mat back first. Jacobs gets up to his feet and Kennedy grabs him from behind and takes him down with a bulldog. Kennedy makes a cover and gets a two count. Kennedy pulls Jacobs up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Jacobs comes off and nails him with a big yakuza kick. Kennedy gets to his feet and Jacobs plants him with his reverse pedigree and makes a cover for a two count. Jacobs pulls Kennedy to his feet and grabs him for the contra code but Kennedy stops him with a kick to the junk. Kennedy takes Jacobs over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. The two men start going back and forth with some big impact moves but neither man can get a pin fall. Kennedy goes for another german suplex but Jacobs blocks it with a couple of back elbows to the head then runs towards the corner and takes him over with a contra code. Jacobs hooks the leg and gets a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Jacobs (9:32)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 68 CR: 52 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “Jacobs finally picks up a big singles win here in the SMWA since he returned and he really needed that to turn his luck around.”

    Patterson: “The transition from tag team to singles wrestling can be a difficult thing to overcome and that’s what cost Kennedy the match.”

    Guppie: “That is a good point Mike. Up next Danny Daniels and Chris Sabin go one on one and this should be a good match between two very skilled wrestlers.”

    Patterson: “Sabin is a great high flyer with some technical grounding and Daniels is a good technical wrestler with some nice power moves in his repertoire. This should be an interesting meeting.”

    Segment 2: Danny Daniels vs. Chris Sabin

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring Daniels goes into a side headlock but Sabin is quick to shoot him off the ropes and takes him over with an armdrag. Daniels gets up to his feet and Sabin takes him over with a nice Japanese armdrag. Daniels gets up again and Sabin takes him over with another armdrag but holds onto the arm into an armbar. Daniels fights up to his feet and Sabin turns it into an arm wringer. Daniels rolls forward and gets up to his feet then reverses it into his own arm wringer. Daniels pulls Sabin into a kick to the midsection and takes him over with a vertical suplex then floats over for a two count. Daniels pulls Sabin up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Daniels prepares for a backbody drop but Sabin sees it coming and back flips over Daniels. Daniels turns around and Sabin jumps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Daniels rolls out of the ring and Sabin charges and jumps over the ropes with a hands free somersault plancha. Sabin pulls Daniels up to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Daniels recovers and stomps on the back of Sabin as he slides into the ring. Daniels pulls Sabin to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a backbreaker and makes a cover for two. Daniels controls the match and works Sabin over keeping him down on the mat and neutralizing his speed. Daniels grabs Sabin and goes for a piledriver but Sabin reverses it with a backbody drop. Daniels gets up to his feet and Sabin takes him over with a spinning headscissors. Sabin goes up to the top rope and comes off with a crossbody block as Daniels gets to his feet and scores a two count. Sabin grabs Daniels and goes for a muscle buster but Daniels blocks it and hits Sabin with a knee to the head. Daniels grabs Sabin and picks him up and drops him on his head with a brainbuster. Daniels drops a couple of knees to the back of Sabin’s head then pulls him up and spikes him with a piledriver. Daniels hooks the leg of Sabin and gets the three count.

    Winner: Danny Daniels (9:28)


    OA: 68 CR: 53 MQ: 83

    Guppie: “Danny Daniels picks up a nice victory here against Chris Sabin. He hasn’t seen much action in the SMWA lately and a win is always a good thing.”

    Patterson: “Picking up that victory could get him some more bookings here in the SMWA and Daniels really earned that victory.”

    Guppie: “Up next we are going to see a high flying battle as Petey Williams takes on M-Dogg 20.”

    Patterson: “Williams is a former SMWA Champion but he will have his hands full with M-Dogg who is a very experienced wrestler in his own right.”

    Segment 3: Petey Williams vs. M-Dogg 20

    The two men start off the match with a fast exchange of armdrags. M-Dogg takes Williams over with an armdrag and goes into an armbar but Williams rolls forward relieving the pressure then trips M-Dogg and covers for a quick two count and the two men go back and forth trading a couple of near falls. Both men kip up to their feet and face off and get polite applause from the crowd. The two men lockup and Williams grabs a side headlock. M-Dogg tries to counter it with a belly to back suplex but Williams flips over and lands on his feet. M-Dogg turns around and Williams jumps up and takes him over with a ‘ranna and M-Dogg rolls out of the ring and tries to recover on the outside. Williams grabs the ropes and launches himself over and he comes down on M-Dogg and takes him over with a hurrincanranna to loud cheers from the crowd. Williams pulls M-Dogg to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Williams slides in after and makes a cover for a two count. Williams pulls M-Dogg to his feet and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but M-Dogg sends Williams over with a backbody drop. Williams gets to his feet and M-Dogg grabs him and drops him on his head with an exploder suplex. M-Dogg makes a cover and gets a two count of his own. M-Dogg pulls Williams to his feet and whips him into the corner then charges and eats a big boot. M-Dogg staggers around and Williams grabs him with a front facelock and comes off the second rope looking for a tornado DDT but M-Dogg counters it then sends Williams into the corner with a release northern lights suplex that drops him on his head. M-Dogg pulls Williams out of the corner and makes a cover for two. M-Dogg pulls Williams up and goes for a powerbomb but Williams flips over M-Dogg and takes him over with a sunset flip for a two count.

    M-Dogg rolls backwards to his feet and goes for a dropkick on the seated Williams but he drops on his back and avoids the kick. Both men scramble up to their feet and Williams blocks a couple of punches from M-Dogg then nails him square in the face with a forearm shot that spins him around. Williams grabs M-Dogg from behind and takes him over with a German suplex and bridges it for a two count. Williams grabs the legs of M-Dogg and goes for a sharpshooter but M-Dogg manages to scoot back and grab the ropes and prevent the hold. Williams pulls M-Dogg to his feet and whips him into the ropes. M-Dogg comes off the ropes and nails Williams with a leg lariat that sends him to the mat. Williams gets up to his feet and M-Dogg kicks him in the midsection and takes him over with a swinging neckbreaker. M-Dogg pulls Williams up to his feet and takes him over with an exploder suplex and holds on. He bridges up and gets a long two count before Williams manages to roll a shoulder. M-Dogg climbs up to the top rope and prepares for something but Williams shoves the ref into the ropes racking M-Dogg up. Williams climbs up the ropes and hits M-Dogg with a couple of forearms then takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Williams makes a cover and gets a two count. M-Dogg gets to his feet dazed and Williams starts reeling him in then kicks him in the midsection and spikes him with the Canadian Destroyer. Williams makes a cover and gets a three count.

    Winner: Petey Williams (10:46)

    Notes: *

    OA: 56 CR: 39 MQ: 73

    Guppie: “Williams manages to pull out a victory in that back and forth match. M-Dogg looked good but Williams pulled out the victory.”

    Patterson: “Did you see how he pushed the ref into the ropes though. That’s not the Petey Williams I know.”

    Guppie: “I don’t know what that is about but Williams did come out with the victory. Up next we have a rematch between Matt Sydal and Michael Shane as these two men went to a time limit draw last time they met.”

    Patterson: “And that’s why we are giving them twice as much time to get a winner in this match and hopefully they can get it done within the thirty minute time limit.”

    Segment 4: Matt Sydal vs. Michael Shane

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and Shane grabs Sydal and takes him over with a side headlock. Sydal escapes the hold with a headscissors. Shane turns over and pries his head out of Sydal’s legs then jumps forward and grabs the side headlock again. Sydal slowly fights up to his feet and shoots Shane off into the ropes. Shane comes off the ropes and knocks Sydal down with a shoulder tackle. Sydal kips back up to his feet and catches Shane with a dropkick after he turns around from yelling at the fans. Sydal makes a cover and gets a long one count. Shane gets up to his feet and Sydal grabs him from behind for a German suplex but Shane blocks it then hits Sydal with a couple of back elbows and goes behind Sydal and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Shane makes a cover and gets a short two count. Shane grabs Sydal with the side headlock again and cranks down on the hold. Sydal slowly fights up to his feet and shoots Shane into the ropes. Shane comes off the ropes and Sydal nails him with a dropkick to the face and Shane rolls to the outside. Sydal climbs up to the top rope and moonsaults over then barrel rolls 360 degrees slamming into Shane sending them both down to the floor hard. Sydal gets up to his feet fueled by the cheers of the crowd. Sydal pulls Shane up to his feet and Shane elbows him in the midsection then whips him face first into the ringpost. Sydal bounces off the post and falls down to the floor hard. Shane picks Sydal up and suplexes him over onto the gym floor. Shane pulls Sydal up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Shane climbs onto the apron then climbs up to the top rope. Sydal slowly gets up to his feet and Shane comes off the top rope and takes him over with a missile dropkick. Shane makes a cover and gets a two count.

    Shane pulls Sydal up to his feet and whips him hard into the corner. Shane charges and Sydal stops him with a big boot to the face. Shane staggers backwards and Sydal grabs him and spikes him with a tornado DDT that leaves both men down on the mat. The ref starts a count and both men get up to their feet at the count of six. They trade a couple of forearms back and forth until Sydal ducks under a forearm then takes Shane down with a neckbreaker. Sydal bounces off the second rope and hits a rolling senton right on Shane and covers for a two count. Sydal pulls Shane up to his feet and snapmares him over then follows up with a dropkick to the back of the head that lays Shane out. Sydal goes up to the top rope and comes off with the shooting star press but Shane rolls out of the way. Sydal recovers in midair and spins around enough to land on his feet. Shane sees the landing coming and he clobbers Sydal with a big clothesline just as he lands. Shane hooks a leg for a cover and gets a short two count. Shane pulls Sydal up to his feet and whips him into the ropes then grabs him as he comes off with a sleeper hold. Sydal fights against the hold but Shane wrestles him down to the mat with the hold on tight. The ref comes over and raises the arm of Sydal twice and it drops to the mat. He picks Sydal’s arm up a third time and releases it and it almost hits the mat but Sydal manages to hold it up then picks it up and fights to his feet as the fans rally behind him. Sydal grabs Shane and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver that leaves both men drained on the mat. Sydal is up first and Shane gets up behind him. Sydal hits Shane with a couple of forearms then whips him into the corner. Sydal charges and nails him with a back elbow then sets Shane up on the top rope. Sydal climbs up the ropes and hits Shane with a couple of forearms then takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Sydal makes a cover and gets a long two count.

    Sydal drops a couple of knees into the chest of Shane then climbs up to the top rope. Sydal comes off the ropes with a shooting star press but Shane gets his knees up and drives them into Sydal’s chest as he lands the move. Shane gets up to his feet and powerslams Sydal down then delivers a couple of stomps to the midsection and follows up with an elbow drop. Shane hooks a leg and gets a two count. Shane pulls Sydal up and locks him up in an abdominal stretch. Shane adds pressure to the hold as he drives his elbow into the ribs of Sydal. Sydal tries to fight out of the hold with some elbows to the leg of Shane. Shane lets go of the abdominal stretch then turns it into a pump handle back breaker and makes the cover for yet another two count. Shane picks Sydal up and powerslams him down to the mat again then drives a series of knees into his midsection then hooks a leg for yet another two count. Shane pulls Sydal up to his feet and whips him into the corner and follows right behind. Sydal lifts himself up on the top rope and lands behind Shane and Shane drills him with a big super kick. Shane climbs up to the top rope then comes off with the picture perfect elbow right to the chest of Sydal then hooks a leg for the three count.

    Winner: Michael Shane (18:22)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 69 CR: 54 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “Michael Shane pulls out a victory against Matt Sydal in a hard fought match between those two.”

    Patterson: “Shane went to work on the midsection and chest of Sydal late in the match and it allowed him to really capitalize with the picture perfect elbow drop.”

    Guppie: “Up next the Strong Brothers could get some revenge as they take on Adam Pearce and B-Boy in a no holds barred match.”

    Patterson: “This match is going to go all over the place and I don’t know who’s going to win or what they are going to use in this match. But I do know that it’s going to be violent.”

    Segment 5: Adam Pearce & B-Boy vs. Strong Brothers (No Holds Barred)

    Pearce and B-Boy are down in the ring first and the Strong Brothers come out from the entrance holding chairs. Pearce and B-Boy slide out of the ring and Pearce takes a wicked chairshot over the head from Roderick while B-Boy avoids a chairshot from Sedrick. B-Boy nails Sedrick with a couple of forearms to the back of the head and then hits Roderick with some kicks forcing him to drop the chair. Sedrick grabs B-Boy from behind and slams him into the guardrail then pulls him up and takes him into the ring. Pearce catches Roderick with a low blow while he’s distracted by B-Boy then throws him face first into the guardrail. In the ring Sedrick takes B-Boy over with a vertical suplex. Sedrick pulls B-Boy to his feet and whips him into the corner then charges and splashes him. Pearce picks Roderick up on the outside and powerslams him down to the floor. Pearce grabs the chair then slides into the ring. Pearce slams the chair into Sedrick’s back that drops him down and then follows up with another chairshot that drops Sedrick down to the mat. Pearce pulls Sedrick up and powerslams him down across the chair. Pearce pulls Sedrick up to his feet and whips him hard into the corner. Pearce picks up the chair then charges and jumps at Sedrick with the chair but Sedrick rolls out of the way and Pearce crashes into the corner with the chair. B-Boy grabs Sedrick from behind and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver. Roderick slides a table into the ring then slides in behind it. He charges and drops B-Boy with a lariat as he stands up. Roderick sets the table against the corner then grabs B-Boy and hits him with a couple of forearms to the back of the head then goes for a german suplex but B-Boy blocks it. B-Boy ducks down and Pearce runs and hits him with a clothesline. Pearce grabs Roderick and pulls him to his feet then powerslams him into the table smashing it.

    Pearce and B-Boy start to work Sedrick over and they pound him down in the ring. B-Boy sends Sedrick through the ropes to the outside then slides out after him. Pearce pulls Roderick up and whips him into the ropes and Roderick comes off with a running forearm. Roderick sees his partner on the outside and bounces off the ropes then suicide dives onto B-Boy and Sedrick sending all three men crashing into the guardrail. Roderick gets to his feet and asks for a chair from the crowd and receives it. Roderick gets ready to lay in a shot to B-Boy but he sees Pearce preparing to make a dive. Pearce starts to dive through the ropes and Roderick nails him with a chairshot to the head stopping him in his tracks. Roderick slides into the ring and sets the two chairs up next to each other then picks Pearce up and powerbombs him down through the chairs. Roderick makes a cover and gets a two count before B-Boy dives into the ring and breaks up the cover. Sedrick climbs onto the apron then goes up to the top rope and nails B-Boy with a missile dropkick. Sedrick pulls B-Boy to his feet and throws him over the top rope to the outside. Sedrick and Roderick pull Pearce up to his feet and double vertical suplex him over. Roderick pulls Pearce up for a piledriver and then Sedrick spikes him down. Roderick makes the cover and gets a three count.

    Winner: Strong Brothers (13:44)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 67 CR: 49 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “The Strong Brothers get a victory over the Prime Time Squad but unfortunately for them the Tag Team Titles weren’t on the line.”

    Patterson: “We saw tables and chairs used in that match and everybody took a beating until the Strong Brothers managed to pull out a victory.”

    Segment 6: Prime Time Ratings

    After the Strongs retreat to the back Michael Shane and Conrad Kennedy III come out from the back. Shane slides into the ring and takes the mic from the announcer.

    Shane: “Adam Pearce we need to talk right now! I brought you in to make an impact and I brought you in for this kind of match. You were brought in to bring the fight to my enemies. Then I got injured and I had you take over my position in the tag team. Then you and Conrad won the SMWA Tag Team Championships. But now you don’t get to play around anymore. When we get to the back you can just give me your title belt. You got to play around with the belt long enough and now I’m taking the place that I was supposed to have. Conrad and I are the true tag team champions and we want you to just give up your belt and retreat.”

    Pearce looks around at the two men then nails them both with forearms. B-Boy slides into the ring and Pearce drops him with a lariat as the crowd cheers. Petey Williams runs out from the back and slides into the ring. Pearce turns to face him and Williams kicks him in the midsection then takes him over with a Canadian Destroyer laying Pearce out. Shane gets to his feet and picks the mic back up.

    Shane: “Pearce you just met the man who is taking your place. You should have just handed us the belt and this wouldn’t have happened. We’re going in the back right now and we’re taking your belt and leaving this place.”

    Shane throws the mic down on Pearce and then the Prime Time stable take their turns stomping on Pearce then they all roll out of the ring and leave to the boos of the crowd.”

    OA: 54

    Guppie: “I can’t believe what I just saw! Adam Pearce was just destroyed by a brutal Canadian Destroyer from Petey Williams and Prime Time just laid him out.”

    Patterson: “Prime Time said that they are taking the SMWA Tag Team Titles but I don’t think it’s going to be that easy for them. Adam Pearce is now going to be pissed at Prime Time as they keep on making new enemies.”

    Guppie: “It’s going to make any plans they have harder to enact. Up next we have Vito Thomaselli and Halo facing off one on one.”

    Patterson: “Vito is one of the best wrestlers in SMWA and Halo has some nice high flying moves and could give Vito some challenges. They’ve teamed up before in the beginning of the SMWA as they were part of the Coalition against Special K.”

    Segment 7: Vito Thomaselli vs. Halo

    Halo and Vito lockup in the middle of the ring and Vito grabs a side headlock Halo fights out of the hold and then grabs Vito with a hammerlock. Vito fights out of the hold with a couple of back elbows then shoots Vito into the ropes. Vito comes off the ropes and drops Halo with a rolling forearm. Vito pulls Halo up to his feet and snapmares him over and grabs a rear chinlock. Halo slowly fights up to his feet then takes Vito down with a jawbreaker to break the hold. Halo gets to his feet and grabs Vito then spikes him with a DDT and makes a cover for a short two count. Halo pulls Vito up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Halo swings a clothesline but Vito ducks under it then comes off the opposite ropes and takes Halo down with a flying forearm. Halo gets up to his feet and Vito takes him over with a vertical suplex then floats over for a two count. Vito pulls Halo to his feet and whips him into the ropes then charges and eats a big boot to the face. Halo jumps up to the top rope then comes off with a missile dropkick that sends Vito to the mat and rolling to the outside. Halo runs then leaps over the top rope with a hands free somersault plancha that knocks Vito down and sends himself into the crowd. Halo gets up to his feet with some help from the fans. Halo steps up onto the empty chairs and tells the crowd to start cheering and they oblige him. Halo climbs onto the guardrail as Vito gets to his feet then jumps off and takes him down with a crossbody block. Halo pulls Vito up to his feet and throws him into the ring. Halo climbs onto the apron then springboards in with a legdrop onto Vito and makes a cover for two. Halo pulls Vito up to his feet and goes for a brainbuster but Vito counters it and lands behind Halo then folds him up with a backdrop driver. Vito pulls Halo up to his feet and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Vito pulls Halo up to his feet and whips him into the rope and Halo ducks under a clothesline from Vito. Vito turns around and Halo takes him over with a spinning headscissors. The two men slowly get up to their feet and start trading some forearms.

    Vito starts to back Halo into the corner with forearms then bounces off the ropes and hits Vito with a big boot to the face. Vito pulls Halo out of the corner and spikes him with a piledriver then makes a cover for a two count. Vito can’t believe it then pulls Halo up to his feet. Vito whips Halo back into the corner then hits him with a series of knife edge chops then sets him up on the top rope. Vito climbs up but Halo fights him off with a couple of forearms. Vito falls down to the mat then gets up to his feet and Halo jumps off and grabs Vito and spikes him with a tornado DDT. Halo pulls Vito up to his feet and this time drops him on his head with a vicious brainbuster. Halo climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a 450 splash but Vito gets his knees up driving them into Halo’s chest. Vito pulls Halo up to his feet and whips him into the ropes then hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Vito hooks a leg for a two count. Vito pulls Halo up to his feet and goes for a powerbomb but Halo reverses it into an X-factor. Halo drops a series of knees to the back of Vito’s head then rolls him over and makes a cover for a long two count. Halo pulls Vito up to his feet and plants him with an ace crusher then climbs up to the top rope. Halo comes off with a phoenix splash and hooks the leg of Vito for a long two count. This time Halo can’t believe Vito managed to kick out. Halo pulls Vito to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Vito bounces off the ropes and levels Halo with a yakuza kick. Vito picks Halo up on his shoulders then plants him with the electric chair driver. Vito hooks the leg of Halo and holds him for a three count.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (14:56)

    Notes: ****

    OA: 80 CR: 64 MQ: 97

    Guppie: “Those two men went all out in a sprint to gain the victory in that match and Vito managed to get the victory with a brutal electric chair driver.”

    Patterson: “Vito is going to have to be performing like that at the next show as he challenges Mattson for the SMWA Championship.”

    Guppie: “Our next match pits three up and comers against each other in an elimination triple threat match. Jimmy Rave, Jay Lethal and Rocky Romero face off.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be an explosive match. These three guys all have similar styles but they have different focuses in those styles that change just how they wrestle in the ring.”

    Segment 8: Jimmy Rave vs. Jay Lethal vs. Rocky Romero

    Romero and Lethal lockup and Romero grabs Lethal with a side headlock. Rave feels left out so he rocks Romero with a series of forearms breaking the hold. Rave grabs Lethal with a side headlock and Romero returns the favor with a big kick to the face of Rave that drops him and sends him rolling out of the ring. Lethal grabs Romero and snapmares him over then kicks him in the spine but Romero just shakes it off. Romero snapmares Lethal over and then gives him a kick to the spine of his own but Lethal feels the kick. Romero pulls Lethal up to his feet and hits him with a series of kicks to the legs and midsection before he drops Lethal with a kick to the side of the head. Rave slides into the ring and grabs Romero from behind and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Rave gets to his feet but Lethal grabs him from behind and folds him up with a backdrop driver. Lethal pulls Romero up to his feet and spikes him with a DDT. Lethal hooks a leg and makes a cover for a two count. Lethal sits up and Rave nails him with the running knee and Lethal rolls out of the ring and collapses. Rave pulls Romero up to his feet and goes for a vertical suplex but Romero hits him with a knee to the head to block the attempt. Romero gets down to his feet and snapmares Rave over then delivers a hard kick to the spine. Lethal pulls himself to his feet using the apron with blood starting to pour down his forehead. Lethal starts to get into the ring but Romero dropkicks him in the face sending him stumbling into the guardrail. Romero sends Rave back down to the mat with a kick as he gets to his feet then bounces off the ropes and suicide dives onto Lethal on the outside. Rave gets up to his feet then springboards off the top rope onto Lethal and Romero with a somersault plancha to the delight of the crowd.

    Rave pulls the bloody Lethal to his feet then rolls him into the ring, Rave slides in behind him. Rave mounts Lethal and lands a couple of punches to his bloody forehead before Romero slides into the ring and takes him out with a running boot to the face. Romero then drops a series of knees to the head of Lethal then hooks a leg for a quick two count. Rave grabs Romero as he gets up to his feet then whips him into the corner. Rave charges and hits Romero with a clothesline then turns around and Lethal takes him over with a northern lights suplex and bridges it for a two count. Lethal grabs Romero and pulls him out of the corner and goes behind and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for two before Rave breaks the bridge with a double axe handle to the midsection of Lethal. Rave pulls Lethal up to his feet and goes for a brainbuster but Lethal lands behind him and takes him over with a dragon suplex and Rave rolls out of the ring. Lethal gets up to his feet and Romero peppers him with kicks to the midsection then clocks him with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Romero pulls Lethal up to his feet after the vicious kick then drops him on his head with a brainbuster. Romero climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a knee drop but Lethal rolls out of the way. Lethal slowly gets to his feet then grabs the right leg of Lethal and slams it down to the mat with a DDT. Lethal drives a couple of knees into the leg of Romero and then spins around into a legbar. Romero fights against the hold and gets to the rope to force the hold to be broken. Rave slides back into the ring and nails Lethal with a running knee as he sits up. Rave cradles Lethal and rolls him up for a three count to eliminate Lethal from the match. (15:33)

    Rave pulls Romero up to his feet and hits a couple of kicks to the leg of Romero. Romero shakes them off and rocks Rave with a series of forearms. Romero whips Rave into the ropes then takes him over with a backbody drop. Rave gets up to his feet and Romero nails him with a forearm then snapmares him over. Romero grabs Rave from behind with a rear chinlock. Rave fights up to his feet and hits Romero with a couple of back elbows. Rave shoots Romero into the ropes then dropkicks him in the knees wiping him out and sending him face first into the mat. Rave grabs the leg of Romero and locks him into a figure four. Romero fights the hold and tries to flip himself over but Rave blocks it and keeps him on his back. Romero keeps fighting the hold and manages to slowly roll Rave over and reverse the pain. Rave grabs the ropes and the ref unties the two men in the ring. Romero gets up to his feet a little gingerly on his left leg. Rave goes for a dropkick but Romero side steps him then drops an elbow on Rave when he hits the mat. Romero grabs the arm of Rave and turns it into a cross armbreaker. Rave manages to lock his hands together then get to his feet and roll Romero up for a two count before Romero breaks the hold. Rave pulls Romero up to his feet and Romero rocks him with a forearm so Rave responds in kind and the two men start trading forearms back and forth. Romero gains the advantage only to have Rave dropkick him in the leg and send him down to the mat. Rave bounces off the ropes and goes for his running knee but Romero blocks it then trips Rave down to the mat and grabs him with an STF. Rave slowly pulls himself forward and grabs the ropes to break up the hold.

    Rave pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes and Romero grabs him from behind and kills him with a backdrop driver and makes the cover for a two count. Romero pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for a german suplex but Rave flips over and lands on his feet. Romero gets up to his feet and Romero grabs him from behind and drops him on his head with a release german suplex. Rave goes over to Romero and rolls him up with a la majistral cradle and gets a long two count. Rave pulls Romero up to his feet by the leg and takes him over with a dragonscrew. Rave holds onto the leg then grabs Romero with a sharpshooter. Romero fights the hold and crawls to the ropes but Rave walks forward and sits down on the hold in the middle of the ring. Romero tries to escape but can’t go anywhere and he taps out.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (23:52)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 65 CR: 67 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Jimmy Rave scores a big victory in that triple threat match. Those three men took each other to the limits.”

    Patterson: “Jay Lethal scored some damage to Romero’s leg and Jimmy Rave just went after that leg and finished him off by going after that weak point.”

    Guppie: “Rave really knows how to take advantage when he sees an opportunity and he managed to come out on top. That’s all the action we have for you fans tonight.”

    Patterson: “For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on upcoming shows and your favorite wrestlers.”

    Sorry about getting the show up late. It was ready last night but I couldn't get on the site so I got it up now tonight.
  4. Breakdown Card

    June 21, 2007


    The SMWA return to Mount Pleasant with a big show lined up. July 14 we have SMWA’s Breakdown in Mount Pleasant. The tentative card is as follows.

    Jay Lethal vs. Rocky Romero vs. Jimmy Rave

    We have a big three way elimination match for our main event as three men get a chance to win a shot at the SMWA Championship in August.

    Vito Thomaselli vs. Halo

    Vito gets a big challenge before his shot at the SMWA Championship at the next show. Halo has made a big surge since teaming with Excalibur. Vito is a former champion though and he may prove to be too much for Halo in this match.

    Adam Pearce & B-Boy vs. Strong Brothers (No Holds Barred)

    The Strong Brothers look to get some revenge in this no holds barred match but they won’t be able to win back the SMWA Titles. The rest of Prime Time has been barred from ringside in order to give the Strongs a fair fight.

    Matt Sydal vs. Michael Shane

    These two men finally have a rematch from their time limit draw on March 25. It may have taken a while but the match has been signed and this time they will have a 30 minute time limit to get a winner.

    Pety Williams vs. M-Dogg 20

    Petey Williams and M-Dogg both make their return to the SMWA and they face off in the ring. These are two of the premiere high flyers in the SMWA and this is going to be a fast paced match.

    Danny Daniels vs. Chris Sabin

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. Conrad Kennedy III

    Tickets are just $15 or $20 for ringside seats. Come and support the SMWA at this awesome show.

  5. Overboard (Kalamazoo)

    June 16, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA Overboard. We’ve got a big lineup tonight and we get the night started off with a big four corners match that pits Halo, Greg Pawluk, Johnny Spade and Sonjay Dutt against each other.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be a car wreck. Halo, Spade and Dutt love to go to the air and they are all going to be flying around the ring in this match. I don’t know if Pawluk is going to try and match their high flying attack or stick with his technical base.”

    Guppie: “I don’t know what Johnny Spade is going to do either. He’s been out of action for quite some time and may have changed up his offense but we’ll see what he does when the match starts.”

    Segment 1: Halo vs. Greg Pawluk vs. Johnny Spade vs. Sonjay Dutt

    Halo and Spade start the match and circle each other and Dutt tags himself in on Spade. Spade looks angry as Dutt comes in and locks up with Halo. Halo throws Dutt over with a snapmare but Dutt flips over and lands on his feet then bounces off the ropes and hits Halo with a big leg lariat. Halo gets up to his feet and Dutt takes him over with a Japanese armdrag. Halo rolls to his feet and tags in Pawluk. Pawluk comes in and locks up with Dutt and grabs him with an arm wringer then flips him over and goes into a cross armbreaker but Spade quickly comes in and breaks it up with an elbow drop. Pawluk gets to his feet and shoves Spade back. Pawluk turns around and Dutt jumps up and takes him over with a ‘ranna. Pawluk gets to his feet and Dutt charges with a clothesline but Pawluk blocks it then takes him down with a single arm DDT. Pawluk grabs Dutt with an armbar. Spade comes into the ring again and breaks Pawluk’s hold with a boot to the face. Spade pulls Pawluk to his feet and hits him with a series of knife edge chops then whips him into the ropes. Pawluk ducks under a clothesline as he comes off the ropes and grabs Spade from behind and drops him on his head with a release german suplex and Spade rolls out of the ring. Pawluk gets to his feet and Dutt jumps off the second rope and drops him down into a big DDT. Dutt makes the cover and gets a two count before Halo comes in and pulls Dutt off. Halo pulls Dutt to his corner then tags himself in. Pawluk gets to his feet slowly and Halo springboards in and drops him with a spinning heel kick. Halo makes a cover and gets a two count.

    Halo pulls Pawluk to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Halo flips him over with a lariat and Pawluk drops down on the back of his head and folds up. Halo covers and gets a two count when Spade dropkicks Halo off to break up the cover. Spade pulls Halo up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop. Halo gets to his feet and Spade sends him over the top rope to the outside with a dropkick. Halo gets to his feet and Spade launches himself over the ropes and collapses him with a crossbody block. Pawluk charges and dives onto those two with a suicide dive. Dutt comes into the ring and then 180s onto the top rope then springboards off with a huge moonsault onto Pawluk, Halo and Spade. Dutt pulls Spade to his feet and rolls him into the ring then jumps onto the apron. Spade gets to his feet and Dutt climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a dragonranna that gets a two count before Halo dives in and shoves Dutt off Spade breaking up the cover. Halo pulls Dutt up and plants him with a brainbuster then climbs up to the top rope but Pawluk cuts his legs out from under him racking him up on the top rope. Pawluk climbs onto the top rope then takes Halo off with a superplex. Pawluk floats over and covers for two before Spade breaks it up with double forearms to the back. Spade pulls Pawluk to his feet and drops him with a fisherman buster. Spade gets to his feet and Dutt sends him over the top rope with a clothesline to the back. Halo grabs Dutt from behind and plants him with a german suplex then climbs up to the top rope and hits a corkscrew senton and makes the cover for a three count.

    Winner: Halo (12:41)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 59 CR: 49 MQ: 84

    Guppie: “What an amazing match. Those four men threw out everything they had all at once and just kept going until Halo managed to get nail a big corkscrew senton for the three count.”

    Patterson: “Pawluk tried to bring his technical skills into play but he couldn’t get it done and went with the high flying but he couldn’t compete with the other three in that respect and that hurt him in the match.”

    Guppie: “Indeed it did. Up next we have Arik Cannon taking on Jimmy Jacobs. This should be an exciting match as well. Cannon has been doing pretty good lately but he needs a good showing against a wrestler of the caliber of Jacobs and tonight could be his night.”

    Patterson: “Jimmy Jacobs is capable of taking big beatings and still coming back. Cannon can deliver some great offense to a body part but we’ve seen Jacobs fight through pain before and he can do it again.”

    Segment 2: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Arik Cannon

    The two men lockup and Cannon grabs a side headlock. Jacobs fights the hold and then shoots Cannon off into the ropes. Cannon bounces off and drops Jacobs with a shoulder tackle. Cannon bounces off the ropes and goes over Jacobs. Cannon bounces off again and Jacobs leaps over Cannon. Cannon comes off the ropes and he catches Jacobs jumping up and whips him over with a powerslam for a two count. Cannon pulls Jacobs up to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex then drops a knee to the head of Jacobs and makes a cover for another short two count. Cannon continues to control Jacobs over and does some work on the neck of Jacobs trying to weaken him. Cannon goes for a brainbuster but Jacobs counters with a knee to the head of Jacobs then comes down and lands on his feet. Jacobs grabs Cannon and drops him with a DDT and rolls him over for a two count. Jacobs pulls Cannon up to his feet and Cannon backs him into the ropes with a quick series of European uppercuts then whips Jacobs into the ropes. Jacobs comes off the ropes and Cannon flips him over with a kitchen sink. Cannon slams a knee into the back of Jacobs’ neck then grabs him with a rear chinlock. Jacobs fights up to his feet and loosens Cannon’s hold with some back elbows then takes him over with a belly to back suplex. Jacobs takes Cannon over with a snap suplex and covers for two. Jacobs pulls Cannon up to his feet and goes for the contra code but Cannon blocks it and drops Jacobs on the top rope. Cannon climbs up and hits Jacobs with some forearms to the back of Jacobs’ neck then takes him off the top with a belly to back suplex. Cannon hooks the leg of Jacobs and hooks the leg for a three count.

    Winner: Arik Cannon (8:21)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 54 CR: 44 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Cannon pulls out a victory over the tough Jimmy Jacobs. Jacobs really rallied at the end of the match but Cannon did a nice job on his neck and finished him off with a big belly to back suplex off the top rope.”

    Patterson: “Cannon really showed something in this match and he picked up a big win here.”

    Guppie: “Up next Michael Shane takes on former SMWA Champion Vito Thomaselli. This could be a barn burner.”

    Patterson: “This match could go either way. Shane may not have any big wins here in the SMWA so far but he’s got a lot of natural skill and he takes after his uncle Shawn Michaels.”

    Segment 3: A Horrible Loss

    Michael Shane walks out from the backstage and slides into the ring then grabs a mic from the ring announcer.

    Shane: “At the last show I talked a big game and unfortunately I couldn’t back it up in the ring. I pride myself on being an honest and fair person and Sedrick Strong just beat me. I’m could make up stupid excuses but I’m going to tell the truth. Honestly my mind wasn’t in the match. Sedrick focused just on his wrestling and I’ve been concerned about my matches and making sure the members of Prime Time all get a fair shake here in the SMWA. It isn’t easy to make sure people get treated fairly around here so that takes up a large part of my time. Sedrick had more time to prepare and was able to focus on the match and that gave him the edge and gave him the victory. Tonight, I didn’t have to worry about Pearce and Kennedy. They are the SMWA Tag Team Champions and they have a great connection together and they can defeat any team here in the SMWA. B-Boy was an easy fix, getting him a high profile match against Austin Aries was simple as it was something that everybody wanted to see.

    “I got myself this match against a former Champion. Vito Thomaselli is a great talent and I’ve set a great challenge up for myself. I want to prove that I’m the best guy here in the SMWA and I can do that by facing the best. I’ve been preparing this match for quite some time. I’ve been watching Vito’s matches and I know what to do to beat him. I know what he does and I know what his weaknesses are. Vito, tonight your losing streak will continue as you won’t be able to beat me with my preparation.”

    OA: 63

    Segment 4: Michael Shane vs. Vito Thomaselli

    The two men lockup and Vito grabs a side headlock. Shane goes to the ropes and shoots Vito across the ring and the two men crash with shoulder blocks and neither man goes down. Vito bounces off the ropes and goes for another shoulder block but doesn’t take Vito down. Vito tells Shane to run and Shane fakes going then turns around and rakes the eyes of Vito then whips him into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop. Shane points to his head and Vito gets to his feet behind him and lands a forearm to the back of Shane’s neck then drops him with a belly to back suplex. Vito hooks a leg for a cover and gets a two count. Vito pulls Shane up to his feet and whips him into the corner. Vito charges but Shane stops him with a boot to the face then grabs him from behind and takes him down with a bulldog. Shane goes to the corner and stomps his foot several times. Vito gets to his feet and Shane goes for a superkick but Vito catches his foot and trips him up sending Shane to the mat face first. Vito jumps onto him and grabs a side headlock. Shane slowly gets to his feet and hits Vito with some forearms to the midsection then shoots him into the ropes. Vito comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline from Shane and grabs him with a sleeper hold. Shane breaks the hold up with a mule kick to Vito’s groin then spins around and plants Vito with a DDT. Shane takes control of the match and continues to work Vito over. Shane powerslams Vito down then climbs up to the top rope. Vito gets to his feet and knocks Shane down racking him up on the top rope. Vito climbs up and hits Shane with some big forearms then takes him off the top with a superplex and both men are down on the mat.

    The ref starts a ten count and both men get to their feet at the count of six and trade some forearms and knife edge chops. Vito blocks a forearm from Shane and then rocks him with a couple of forearms then plants him with a brainbuster. Vito makes a cover and gets a two count. Shane pulls himself up to his feet using the ropes and Vito grabs him from behind and goes for a german suplex but Shane blocks it then snapmares Vito over and grabs him with a rear chinlock. Vito gets his feet on the ropes and the ref breaks it up. Vito gets to his feet and Shane kicks him in the midsection and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Shane pulls Vito up to his feet and backs him into the corner and fires away with some hard knife edge chops. Shane then sets Vito up on the top rope. Shane climbs up after him and rails him with some big forearms then takes him off with a ‘ranna. Shane makes the cover and gets a two count. Shane backs up and allows Vito to get to his feet and then nails him with a big super kick. Shane goes up to the top rope and comes off with a picture perfect elbow drop that only hits the mat. Vito picks Shane up and sets him up on his shoulders for the electric chair but Shane fights back with some punches to the head of Vito then rolls him up with a victory roll for a two count. Vito gets to his feet and Shane rocks him with a forearm and whips him across the ring into the corner. Shane charges and hits a big back elbow then sets Vito up on the top rope. Shane climbs up and Vito hits him with some forearms and halts his climbing. Vito grabs Shane and picks him up in a fireman’s carry then stands up on the second rope and jumps off nailing Shane with a big DVD. Vito crawls over and drapes an arm over Shane for the three count.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (11:53)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 66 CR: 63 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “Those two men were going back and forth the entire match. Michael Shane looked like he was gaining an advantage near the end but Vito finished him off with a death valley driver off the top rope.”

    Patterson: “Nobody can keep going after a move like that. Michael Shane may have lost another match but he looked really good in that match.”

    Guppie: “Another Prime Time member wrestles next and maybe he’ll have better luck as B-Boy takes on Austin Aries.”

    Patterson: “I’m sure that B-Boy’s going to have to be on the top of his game to beat Aries. Aries is one of the most explosive wrestlers on the indy scene right now and B-Boy is going to need his best strikes to win here.”

    Segment 5: B-Boy vs. Austin Aries

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and Aries backs B-Boy into the corner but B-Boy spins Aries around shoves him against the turnbuckles. The ref breaks them up and B-Boy nails him with a knife edge chop then backs up. Aries comes out of the corner and the two men lockup and Aries backs him into the corner and rocks him with a series of stiff forearms before the ref backs him off. The two men stare at each other and then lockup again. Aries goes behind B-Boy and grabs a hammerlock. B-Boy goes under and reverses it into his own hammerlock. Aries hits B-Boy with some back elbows then snapmares B-Boy over and delivers a kick to the back and then grabs a rear chinlock. B-Boy slowly fights to his feet and shoots Aries into the ropes and meets him with a palm strike as he bounces off. Aries hits the mat hard and B-Boy covers him for a two count. B-Boy pulls Aries to his feet and throws him into the corner. B-Boy charges and jumps up driving a knee into Aries’ chest then backs up and charges for a dropkick but Aries rolls out of the way. B-Boy stops himself in the corner then turns around and Aries clocks him with a rolling forearm. Aries pulls B-Boy out of the corner then spikes him with a brainbuster and makes the cover for a two count. Aries controls the match working B-Boy over. He whips B-Boy into the corner then charges but B-Boy sends him over the ropes with a backbody drop. Aries manages to grab the top rope and land on the apron. Aries then slingshots himself in with a back elbow but B-Boy stops him with a forearm to the back of the head. B-Boy jumps up onto the second rope and comes off with a blockbuster as Aries staggers around. B-Boy makes the cover and gets a two count.

    B-Boy pulls Aries to his feet and hits him with some forearms then goes for an irish whip but Aries reverses it. B-Boy comes off the ropes and cleans his clock with a huge running palm strike. Aries gets to his feet dazed and B-Boy goes for the cross special brainbuster but Aries manages to counter it and land behind B-Boy. Aries goes for a german suplex but B-Boy blocks it then goes behind Aries with a standing switch then drops him on his head with a backdrop driver. B-Boy holds onto Aries and rolls over to his feet then drops him with another backdrop driver and bridges this one to get a long two count. B-Boy is starting to get frustrated and he grabs a side headlock on Aries and takes him down to the mat. The crowd rallies behind Aries and he slowly fights up to his feet and shoots B-Boy into the ropes only to get taken down with a shoulder block. B-Boy starts taunting the crowd and that allows Aries time to recover. Aries jumps on B-Boy from behind and takes him over with a high impact crucifix and holds onto him for a two count. Aries pulls B-Boy up to his feet and goes for a german suplex again and takes him over but B-Boy flips completely over and lands on his feet. Aries gets to a knee and B-Boy nails him with a shining wizard. B-Boy makes the cover and gets two before Aries gets a foot on the ropes. B-Boy pulls Aries up to his feet and goes for another backdrop driver but Aries flips over and lands on his feet then grabs B-Boy and nails him with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. B-Boy gets to his feet slowly and Aries grabs him and folds him up with a big sidewalks slam. Aries goes up to the top rope and then comes off with a big 450 splash and hooks a leg for a three count.

    Winner: Austin Aries (13:46)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 59 CR: 49 MQ: 83

    Guppie: “Another close match. Aries and B-Boy were trading some really high impact moves in that match and you can bet that both of them are going to be sore in the morning.”

    Patterson: “The really impressive thing about Austin Aries is that he takes moves like the crucifix pin and the sidewalk slam and he really adds impact to some moves that normally don’t do much.”

    Guppie: “Being able to really dish out punishment when your opponent isn’t expecting it is always a good skill to have. Our next match is a rematch from last years Midwest Invitational as Jimmy Rave takes on Chance Beckett.”

    Patterson: “Chance Beckett beat Jimmy Rave in the semi-finals and then went on to win the tournament against Matt Sydal. They had a close match last time and I can’t wait to see who gets the win here.”

    Segment 6: Beckett’s Still Here

    Chance Beckett walks out from backstage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He walks down to the ring and slides in then takes the mic from the announcer.

    Beckett: “Vito Thomaselli and I had a battle at the Third Anniversary Show. We fought with no regard for our lives or our health. I mercilessly tried to destroy his leg during that match and I succeeded but Vito kept on fighting back and I respected him for that. After the match I shook his hand and gave him a hug and he deserved that. We fought through hell in that match and the fact that he could still get up on his feet and climb a ladder to grab the SMWA Championship speaks a lot for his character. After he beat me in that brutal match he defended the belt in another brutal match when he took Nate Mattson on inside the steel cage and he came up short in that match. I’ve been friends with Mattson as we fought against Vito Thomaselli. But after that victory Mattson just took the belt and left. He didn’t care about Vito or the match. No matter what he said he wanted victory and he wanted the belt. I can understand that because I want that belt too. Nate Mattson as long as you have that belt around your waist I’m coming for you. If anybody takes that belt away from you I’ll be coming for them as well.

    “Tonight, I’m in the ring with Jimmy Rave. Jimmy I’ve beaten you twice before. Once in the Midwest Invitational Tournament and the second time we met I beat you once again. Both times though you took me to the limits. You are definitely skilled in the ring but you have to match me and that’s not something many people can do. You’ve gotten two chances before and tonight is your third chance. People often say the third time is the charm but I’m going to make sure that saying doesn’t hold true for you. When you hit this ring I have my plan and I’m going to drop you down to this mat right here and I’m going to make you tap out plain and simple. I’ve done it before and I guarantee that I’m going to do it one more time.”

    OA: 77

    Segment 7: Chance Beckett vs. Jimmy Rave

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and they struggle before breaking it off. They back off and circle each other then lockup again. Beckett slowly backs Rave into the corner then gives him a clean break. The two men move forward and lockup again. Rave backs Beckett up then flips him over with a headlock takedown. Rave holds onto a side headlock but Beckett gets up to his feet then hits a couple of back elbows then escapes and grabs a hammerlock on Rave. Rave ducks under and grabs his own hammerlock. Beckett nails Rave with a couple of back elbows to the head then hits the mat and takes Rave down with a drop toe hold. Beckett jumps onto Rave and spins around into a front facelock. Beckett pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for a vertical suplex but Rave lands behind Beckett then runs him into the ropes and gets an Oklahoma roll for a two count. Beckett gets up to his feet and Rave catches him with a kick to the midsection. Rave grabs Beckett and drops him with a swinging neckbreaker. Rave grabs Beckett’s arm and grabs an armbar but Beckett quickly gets a foot on the ropes and the ref pulls him off. Rave gets to his feet and Beckett uses the ropes to get to his feet. The two men lockup again and Beckett grabs an overheand wristlock. Rave spins out of the hold and grabs an arm wringer. Beckett rolls forward then kips up to his feet and turns it into his own arm wringer. Rave goes to roll forward but Beckett stomps him in the face then grabs a cross armbreaker but Rave hooks his hands together blocking the hold. Rave gets up a little bit then gets his feet on the rope and Beckett breaks the hold. The two men get up to their feet and Rave goes for a lockup but Beckett nails him with a forearm.

    The two men go back and forth trading forearms with each other and Rave ducks a forearm from Beckett then grabs his left arm and takes him down with a single arm DDT. Rave grabs a fujiwara armbar and Beckett rolls forward to escape the hold. Beckett gets to his feet and dropkicks the legs out from under Rave. Beckett massages his left arm as Rave slowly gets up to his feet. Beckett charges and chop blocks the legs out from under Rave. Beckett grabs the leg and goes for a single leg crab but Rave blocks him from flipping him over so he just kicks at the leg a couple of times then grabs it with a legbar. Rave sits up in the hold and hits Beckett with a series of knife edge chops and makes him break the hold. Rave rolls to the ropes and uses them to get to his feet. Beckett waits from him to get up then grabs him from behind and goes for a shin breaker but Rave flips over and lands behind him. Beckett turns around and Rave jumps up and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. After flipping Beckett over Rave grabs the left arm and goes right into a cross armbreaker but Beckett manages to scoot himself over and grab the bottom rope to force the break. Rave gets slowly to his feet and he whips Beckett into the ropes and drops him with a big back elbow. Rave follows with an elbow drop then makes the cover for two. Rave pulls Beckett up and goes for a vertical suplex but Beckett gets his leg behind Rave’s to block it. Beckett school boys Rave for a short two count. Rave kicks out and rolls up to his feet and Beckett grabs him and drops him with a shin breaker and holds onto Rave and takes him over into a backdrop driver folding him up on his head.

    Beckett grabs the left leg of Rave and flips him over and locks in the single leg crab. Beckett plants his left leg on the back of Rave’s neck and cranks back on the hold. Rave slowly drags himself forward and manages to grab the bottom rope and break the hold. Beckett pulls Rave up to his feet by the hair then whips him into the ropes. Beckett goes for a drop toe hold but Rave manages to side step it then grabs the leg left leg of Beckett and traps him with an STF but can’t lock the hold because of Beckett’s squirming and lets it go. Beckett gets up to his feet and throws a forearm that Rave blocks. Rave then snapmares Beckett over then bounces off the ropes and drives his knee into Beckett’s face. Rave drops down to the mat as well then slowly drags himself over for the cover and gets a two count. Rave grabs the arm of Beckett and spins him out into a cross armbreaker. Beckett manages to lock his hands together and gets up to his feet and kicks at the back of Rave and Rave releases the hold. Beckett grabs the left leg of Rave and drops a couple of elbows to the knee then locks in a figure four leglock. Rave slowly fights to turn over the hold as the crowd urges him along. Beckett tries to stop him but he can’t and Rave turns the hold over. Beckett breaks the hold and gets up to his feet slowly. He charges Rave and Rave jumps up and dropkicks him in the left shoulder. Rave gets to his trying not to put too much pressure on his left leg. Rave lands some forearms on Beckett then bulldogs his left arm down. Rave holds onto the arm of Beckett and traps him with a crossface. Beckett tries to crawl to the ropes and Rave just pulls back on the hold harder and Beckett taps out.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (17:22)

    Notes: ***3/4

    OA: 73 CR: 75 MQ: 90

    Guppie: “Jimmy Rave just pulled out a big upset victory here against Chance Beckett and I think the crowd is as excited as Rave is.”

    Patterson: “Those two men both went out there with a plan and Jimmy Rave wanted it more and he just kept on fighting and he really wrenched on Beckett’s neck with that cross face.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have the SMWA Tag Team Championships on the line as Adam Pearce and Conrad Kennedy the Third defend against the former champions, the Strong Brothers.”

    Patterson: “They had a hard fought match last time and this one could just turn into an all out brawl with the dislike between these two teams.”

    Segment 8: Prime Time ©vs. Strong Brothers (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Prime Time come down to the ring first and the Strongs run down to the ring and slide in. They duck clotheslines from Pearce and Kennedy and then wail away with some punches and whip them into the ropes. They come off the ropes and the Strongs send both men over with backbody drops and they roll out of the ring. The two confer on the outside and Sedrick breaks up their huddle with a suicide dive. Roderick slides out of the ring and grabs Pearce and tattoos him with a couple of knife edge chops. Sedrick slides Kennedy into the ring then picks him up and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Sedrick floats over with a cover and gets a two count. Roderick and Pearce continue to brawl on the outside and the two trade big forearms on the outside. The ref slides out of the ring and breaks those two men up and it allows Kennedy to nail Sedrick with a low blow. Kennedy snapmares Sedrick over then tags in Pearce who just got up on the apron. Pearce gets in the ring and picks Sedrick up and slams him into the corner then unloads with a series of forearms. Pearce grabs Sedrick and takes him over with a big vertical suplex and Sedrick rolls after hitting the mat and tags in Roderick. Roderick gets in the ring and charges nailing Pearce with a big forearm. He follows up by knocking Kennedy off the apron with a back elbow then nails Pearce with another forearm. Roderick grabs Pearce and drops him with a backbreaker and makes a cover for a two count. Roderick pulls Pearce up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a vicious lariat. Roderick makes another cover and gets another two count. Roderick tags Sedrick in and Sedrick springboards in with a dropkick and Pearce reels backwards and Kennedy tags in. He leaps over the top rope and barely ducks under a clothesline from Sedrick. Sedrick bounces off the ropes and Kennedy takes him over with an armdrag.

    Sedrick gets to his feet and Kennedy kicks him in the midsection and takes him over with a snap suplex. Kennedy works Sedrick over some more before tagging Pearce in. Pearce goes to work on the neck of Sedrick and spikes him with a piledriver that gets a two count before Roderick breaks it up. Pearce pulls Sedrick up to his feet and goes for a powerbomb but Sedrick manages to counter it with a ‘ranna. Pearce gets to his feet and charges at a dazed Sedrick with a clothesline but Sedrick rolls under and makes the tag to Roderick. Roderick comes in like a house on fire. Roderick comes in and rocks Pearce with a bunch of forearms then whips him into the ropes and crushes him with a lariat. Kennedy comes in and Roderick plants him with a tilt-a-whirl side slam. Roderick pulls Kennedy up to his feet and picks him up and powerbombs him down across his knee and Kennedy rolls out of the ring. Pearce gets up and catches Roderick from behind and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Pearce pulls Roderick up to his feet and goes for a piledriver but Roderick reverses it with a backbody drop. Roderick tags Sedrick back in. Sedrick comes in and knocks Pearce down with a springboard dropkick. Kennedy goes around the outside and pulls Roderick off the apron and Roderick slams face first into the apron. Kennedy grabs a chair from the fans and slams it down across Roderick’s head laying him out. Sedrick sees it and goes over to his corner. Pearce gets up to his feet and distracts the ref. Sedrick leans out through the ropes and Kennedy slams the chair across his head. Pearce grabs Kennedy from behind and drops him on his head with a german suplex and bridges it for a three count.

    Winner: Prime Time (14:44)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 61 CR: 50 MQ: 87

    Guppie: “Kennedy and Pearce steal another victory over the Strong Brothers to retain the SMWA Championship.”

    Patterson: “Pearce and Kennedy may not have even needed to steal that victory there. The Strongs were looking to win their belts back but they couldn’t do it here and they are going to be coming back for more.”

    Guppie: “They aren’t going to stop until they take those belts back either. Up next it’s main event time as Nate Mattson defends the SMWA Championship against Jay Lethal.”

    Patterson: “Lethal is on a roll in the SMWA lately and if he can keep that streak going here tonight he will become the SMWA Champion. Mattson took quite a beating against Vito Thomaselli in the steel cage match at the last show and he may still be a little weak.”

    Segment 9: N8 Mattson ©vs. Jay Lethal (SMWA Championship)

    The two men lockup in the ring and Lethal armdrags Mattson over. Mattson gets up to his feet and Lethal takes him over with a Japanese armdrag. Mattson gets up to his feet and Lethal knocks him down with a dropkick. Lethal grabs Mattson from behind and grabs a rear chinlock. Mattson fights up to his feet and hits Lethal with a couple of back elbows then shoots him off into the ropes. Lethal comes off and Mattson drops him with a shoulder block. Mattson bounces off the ropes himself and drops an elbow then makes a cover for two. Mattson pulls Lethal to his feet and whips him into the corner then hits him with a series of forearms then snapmares him over and dropkicks him in the back of the head. Mattson pulls Lethal down and covers him for a two count. Mattson pulls Lethal up to his feet and goes for a vertical suplex but Lethal knees him in the head and Lethal comes down to his feet. Lethal grabs Mattson and takes him over with a snap suplex then floats over for a two count of his own. The two men continue to go back and forth. Lethal goes for a DDT but Mattson counters it with a northern lights suplex that sends him into the corner and drops him on his head. Lethal gets to his feet and Mattson follows up with a powerslam. Mattson goes up to the top rope and comes off with a back senton but Lethal rolls out of the way. Lethal pulls Mattson up to his feet and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver. Lethal folds Mattson over with a cover that gets him a two count.

    Mattson sits up and Lethal grabs him with a rear chinlock and wrenches on his neck. Mattson scoots over and gets his foot on the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. Lethal pulls Mattson up to his feet and drops him with a brainbuster which gets him another two count. Lethal pulls Mattson back up and goes for a full nelson but Mattson breaks the hold and spins around nailing Lethal with a big forearm. Mattson grabs Lethal and drops him with a flatliner. Mattson pulls Lethal up to his feet and whips him into the corner then charges and hits him with a clothesline. Mattson picks Lethal up and sets him on the top rope. Mattson climbs up and goes for a superplex but Lethal blocks it then picks him up and throws him down with a front suplex. Mattson gets up to his feet and Lethal comes off with a big double axe handle. Lethal pulls Mattson up to his feet and goes for a full nelson but Mattson breaks it up. Lethal grabs the arms of Mattson and takes him over with a tiger suplex and scores a two count. Mattson gets up to his feet woozy and Lethal grabs him for the dragon suplex again but Mattson manages to grab the top rope and block the attempt and he nails Lethal with a mule kick to the groin. Mattson spins around and plants Lethal with a big DDT. Mattson picks Lethal up and drops him with a sitout DVD. Mattson hooks the leg of Lethal and gets a three count.

    Winner: N8 Mattson (13:42)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 65 CR: 62 MQ: 84

    Guppie: “Nate Mattson picks up a victory in his first Championship defense and it was a competitive match.”

    Patterson: “Lethal tried for the dragon suplex several times but Mattson managed to block it and he ended up getting a big victory with a great sitout death valley driver.”

    Guppie: “That’s all the action that we have for you fans here tonight at the SMWA. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on our upcoming shows and learn about your favorite wrestlers.”

    Patterson: “For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA!”

    OA: 62

  6. Upcoming Show & Release Information


    May 28, 2007

    SMWA prepares for its next show and the only one we are having in June. June 16 in Kalamazoo we will see SMWA Overboard. We have lined up some great matches for this event. Tickets are just $15 for general admission and $20 for ringside seating. Hurry and order your ringside tickets before they are all gone! Here is the card for Overboard.

    N8 Mattson ©vs. Jay Lethal (SMWA Championship)

    Lethal hasn’t seen a lot of action in the SMWA lately but what he has done has been impressive and it’s been enough to earn a shot against the champion here. Mattson is just coming off a brutal cage match with Vito Thomaselli and his injuries could slow him down enough to give Lethal the advantage.

    Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III ©vs. The Strong Brothers (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Roderick and Sedrick get a rematch for the titles that they were cheated out of but will they be any better prepared for the dirty tactics of Prime Time or will they fall victim to the same tricks again?

    Chance Beckett vs. Jimmy Rave

    While Jimmy Rave has been on a roll Chance Beckett has struggled recently. Beckett hopes to turn things around for himself in this match and Rave looks to get a big singles victory and show everybody what he’s all about.

    B-Boy vs. Austin Aries

    The “New Age Punisher” faces off against the “Wrestling Machine” in what should be a tremendous match. Both men can hit hard and they both know how to take the action to the mat and get it down there. Both men are looking for a win here to catapault themselves into the main event scene.

    Michael Shane vs. Vito Thomaselli

    Thomaselli is coming off a loss in the steel cage and the loss of his SMWA Championship. Will Michael Shane bear the brunt of his anger or will Shane be able to capitalize on that anger and get the win on an unfocused Thomaselli.

    Arik Cannon vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    Cannon gets a big chance to prove himself in this match as he takes on an established singles wrestler. Jacobs makes his return after missing a couple of shows.

    Halo vs. Johnny Spade vs. Greg Pawluk vs. Sonjay Dutt

    Former tag team partners Halo and Johnny Spade meet for the first time in this four corners match but will they work together or fight each other? Three of the best high flyers clash in this match plus the technically based Pawluk brings a different aspect to this match that could help him or hinder him against his high flying opponents.

    It’s been a long run here in the SMWA and we’ve decided to post Title histories for the fans so they can see all the great former Champions.

    SMWA Championship

    Danny Dominion (April 17, 2004 - August 14, 2004)

    Jack Evans (August 14, 2004 - October 21, 2004)

    Jimmy Jacobs (November 30, 2004 - March 19, 2005)

    Alex Shelley (March 19, 2005 - June 18, 2005)

    N8 Mattson (June 18, 2005 - January 14, 2006)

    Vito Thomaselli (January 14, 2006 - February 12, 2006)

    B-Boy (February 12, 2006 - May 15, 2006)

    Petey Williams (May 15, 2006 - June 2, 2006)

    Bobby Quance (July 18, 2006 - October 6, 2006)

    Chance Beckett (December 2, 2006 - February 17, 2007)

    Vito Thomaselli (February 17, 2007 - May 20, 2007)

    N8 Mattson (May 20, 2007 - )

    SMWA Tag Team Championship

    Special K (Angeldust & Deranged) (June 18, 2005 - February 12, 2006)

    Youthanazia (M-Dogg 20 & Josh Prohibition) (February 12, 2006 - June 19, 2006)

    Havana Pitbulls (Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero) (June 19, 2006 - August 19, 2006)

    The Strong Brothers (Roderick Strong & Sedrick Strong) (August 19, 2006, April 17, 2007)

    Prime Time (Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III) (April 17, 2007 - )

  7. Altered States (Cadillac)

    March 20, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA’s Altered States. We have a huge show for you tonight that ends with a steel cage match between Vito Thomaselli and Nate Mattson for the SMWA Championship.”

    Patterson: “We have too many great matches scheduled tonight to name them all and we have to get right to the action.”

    Guppie: “That’s right and we start off with a battle of the junior heavyweights as Sonjay Dutt takes on Halo.”

    Patterson: “This should be a great display of high flying and I can’t wait to see what these two guys do.”

    Segment 1: Sonjay Dutt vs. Halo

    Dutt and Halo start the match trading some armdrags and Dutt reverses a fireman’s carry from Halo by swinging around into an armdrag. Halo gets up to his feet and Dutt hits him with a dropkick that sends him over the ropes to the outside. Dutt springs himself up onto the top rope with a 180 then moonsaults onto Halo perfectly to huge applause from the crowd. Dutt pulls Halo to his feet and rolls him back into the ring. Dutt goes to follow him but Halo dropkicks him sending him staggering into the guardrail. Halo bounces off the far ropes then dives at Dutt with a tope con hilo. Halo rolls Dutt into the ring then climbs onto the guardrail and slingshots himself into the ring with a legdrop that gets a two count. Halo pulls Dutt to his feet and whips him into the ropes and hits a leg lariat. Halo pulls Dutt to his feet and goes for a german suplex but Dutt flips over and lands on his feet then charges and takes Halo down with a bulldog. The two men continue with a sprint through their big moves keeping the crowd alive for the awesome moves they pull off. Halo slows things down as he drops Dutt on his head with a backdrop driver that leaves both men down. Halo climbs up to the top rope but Dutt gets up and takes his feet out from underneath him racking Halo up on the top rope. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and takes Halo off with a hurrincanranna. Dutt climbs up to an adjacent corner and comes off with a phoenix splash onto Halo for the three count.

    Winner: Sonjay Dutt (8:43)

    Notes: ***1/4

    OA: 72 CR: 52 MQ: 92

    Guppie: “What a display of ariel acrobatics by those two men. They put their bodies on the line to take their opponent down and get the win.”

    Patterson: “Dutt managed to pick up the win with a magnificent phoenix star splash and he just landed right on Halo and knocked the air out of him to get the three count.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a match that continues the feud between the Strong Brothers and Prime Time as Sedrick Strong takes on their leader Michael Shane.”

    Patterson: “This should be a good match. Sedrick is one of the best junior heavyweights in Florida and Michael Shane is one of the best trainees to come from the Texas Wrestling Academy and I can’t wait to see this match.”

    Segment 2: The Secret Weapon

    Michael Shane comes down to the ring and takes the mic from the announcer.

    Shane: “At the last show you two Strong Brothers got the best of me. I admit it. You double teamed me and got the three count. Tonight though it’s just one on one. You get to go in the ring one on one with me and you can prove if you really are better than me and I don’t think that is going to happen. Now I’m going to get to something more important than me whooping your ass here in the ring. I’m talking about the newest member of Prime Time. I’m talking about one of the best wrestlers today in the independent circuit. I’m talking about another wrestler who has recognized the greatness of Prime Time. That man is none other than the ‘New Age Punisher’ B-Boy.”

    B-Boy comes out from backstage and walks down to the ring.

    Shane: “It’s no coincidence that B-Boy is facing Roderick Strong tonight. That was my doing. I talked to the management here at the SMWA and I told them to book this match and they did it because I told them to. Roderick you are going to find out what stiff is all about when B-Boy starts landing his brutal strikes on you. I know you have a reputation for being a hard hitter but you can’t compare to B-Boy here. B-Boy you go in the back and get ready for your match tonight. I’m not going to need any help taking care of Sedrick so you go back to the rest of Prime Time and get ready to celebrate my victory and all our other victories here tonight.”

    B-Boy rolls out of the ring and punks out some fans on his way to the back.

    OA: 60

    Segment 3: Sedrick Strong vs. Michael Shane

    Sedrick slides into the ring and Shane stomps at him a couple of times then pulls him to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Sedrick comes off with a flying forearm that sends Shane down to the mat hard. Shane gets up to his feet and Sedrick takes him over with a snap suplex and floats over for a two count. Sedrick goes behind Shane and grabs him with a rear chinlock but Shane fights to his feet and hits Sedrick with some back elbows to the head then shoots him off into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop. Sedrick gets up to his feet and Shane grabs him from behind and plants him with a belly to back suplex then grabs him with a rear chinlock of his own. Sedrick fights up to his feet but Shane turns the hold into a side headlock. Shane hits Sedrick with a couple of punches to the face and takes him back down to the mat. Sedrick fights up to his feet again and hits Shane with a couple of punches to his midsection then drops Shane on his head with a backdrop driver. Shane gets up to his feet and Sedrick knocks him back down with a leg lariat. Sedrick makes a cover and gets a two count. Sedrick goes for the irish whip but Shane reverses it. Sedrick bounces off the ropes then flips over Shane’s back. Shane turns around and Sedrick goes for a vertical suplex but Shane blocks it and takes Sedrick over with a vertical suplex of his own. Shane powerslams Sedrick down then climbs up to the top rope. Shane comes off with a picture perfect elbow drop but Sedrick rolls out of the way and Shane crashes and burns. Shane gets up to his feet and Sedrick grabs him from behind and takes him over with a german suplex then bridges it for a two count. Sedrick pulls Shane back up to his feet and throws him into the corner then hits Shane with a couple of forearms. Sedrick sets Shane up on the top rope then climbs up with him. Sedrick goes for a vertical suplex but Shane fights him off with some punches then shoves him off. Sedrick falls to the mat and gets to his feet as Shane stands up on the ropes. Sedrick runs up the ropes and grabs Shane then throws him off with a belly to belly suplex. Sedrick hooks a leg and scores the three count on Shane.

    Winner: Sedrick Strong (10:26)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 62 CR: 51 MQ: 74

    Guppie: “Sedrick capitalized as Shane went back to the top rope for the picture perfect elbow again.”

    Patterson: “Sedrick set Shane up there and Shane fought him off but he waited too long to strike and Sedrick took him over with a big overhead belly to belly suplex off the top.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a man who specializes in belly to belly suplexes off the top rope, Matt Sydal, taking on Arik Cannon who has some great technical wrestling ability.”

    Patterson: “This should be a spectacular showdown and both men are going to be at the top of their game for this one. Sydal hasn’t been here lately and he has to keep himself in the swing of things.”

    Segment 4: Matt Sydal vs. Arik Cannon

    The two men face off in the ring and lockup. Sydal goes behind with a hammerlock but Cannon quickly reverses it into his own hammerlock. Sydal tries to reverse behind Cannon but Cannon blocks him from doing it. Sydal grabs Cannon’s head then jumps up and comes down with a snapmare. Sydal gets to his feet and dropkicks Cannon in the back of the head. Sydal flips over Cannon with a neck whip then follows up with a cover for a short two count. Sydal whips Cannon into the ropes and throws a clothesline but Cannon goes behind with a rear waistlock then picks Sydal up and slams him down to the mat face first. Cannon spins around into a front facelock. Sydal fights slowly up to his feet but Cannon hits him with a series of knees to the face and takes him back down to the mat. Sydal then spins out escaping the hold and grabs a front facelock of his own. Cannon fights up to his feet and escapes the hold then takes Sydal over with a fireman’s carry then grabs a sleeper hold on Sydal. Sydal fights up to his feet and goes for a belly to back suplex on Cannon to break the hold but Cannon flips over landing behind Sydal and grabbing him with the sleeper hold again. Cannon takes Sydal down to the mat again with the hold. The ref checks on Sydal and the hand drops two times. The ref lifts Sydal’s hand up for the third time and releases it and Sydal keeps his arm up. Sydal fights up to his feet and hits Cannon with some back elbows then shoots him into the ropes and takes him down with a big flipping dropkick and both men are down on the mat. They both fight up to their feet and Cannon goes for another sleeper hold on Sydal but Sydal slips out of it then plants Cannon with a DDT. Sydal whips Cannon into the ropes then jumps up and goes for a hurrincanrana but Cannon catches him and plants him with a powerbomb and makes the cover for two. Cannon pulls Sydal to his feet and grabs him from behind with a rear waistlock. Cannon takes Sydal over for a german suplex but Sydal flips over to his feet. Cannon turns around and Sydal grabs him and drops him with a brainbuster then climbs up to the top rope. Cannon gets up and climbs up after Sydal but Sydal fights him off with some forearms and shoves him down to the mat. Sydal comes off the top with a shooting star press and hooks the leg of Cannon for a three count.

    Winner: Matt Sydal (8:55)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 59 CR: 43 MQ: 75

    Guppie: “Sydal picks up a big win against Arik Cannon and could put himself back into the swing of things here in the SMWA.”

    Patterson: “Arik Cannon looked good but Sydal just managed to get some big moves in late in the match that took Cannon out.”

    Guppie: “We see Roderick Strong pitted against B-Boy in our next match and apparently B-Boy is the newest member of Prime Time.”

    Patterson: “If so we’ll see if Prime Time can get a win over the Strongs tonight and get some revenge for Shane’s loss tonight.”

    Segment 5: Roderick Strong vs. B-Boy

    Strong and B-Boy face off in the middle of the ring and lockup. The two men struggle and Strong backs B-Boy towards the corner but B-Boy turns around and pushes Strong into the corner and rocks him with a big knife edge chop. Strong comes out of the corner and slams a forearm into the side of B-Boy’s head rocking him and then the two men start unloading on each other with big forearms. B-Boy grabs Strong with a side headlock then takes him over. Strong escapes the hold with a headscissors. B-Boy handstands up and then comes down escaping the headscissors then hits Strong with a dropkick to the face. B-Boy makes a cover and gets a two count. B-Boy pulls Strong to his feet and goes for an irish whip but Strong reverses it into the ropes. B-Boy comes off the ropes and Strong rocks him with a double knife edge chop. Strong pulls B-Boy to his feet and hits him with a backbreaker and makes a cover for two. Strong grabs the legs of B-Boy and turns him over into a boston crab. B-Boy crawls forward and grabs the ropes to break up the hold. Strong pulls B-Boy to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Strong goes for a tilt-a-whirl but B-Boy reverses it with a spinning headscissors. Strong gets up to his feet and B-Boy nails him with a lariat that takes him down. B-Boy pulls Strong to his feet and drops him with a vertical suplex then floats over for a two count. B-Boy pulls Strong to his feet and whips him into the corner. B-Boy charges but Strong stops him with a big boot to the face. Strong grabs B-Boy and powerslams him into the corner and B-Boy flops down to the mat face first. The two men continue to go back and forth trading vicious strikes with each other.

    Strong picks B-Boy up and goes for a powerbomb but B-Boy reverses it with a hurrincanranna. Strong gets to his feet and B-Boy hits him with a dropkick that sends him over the top rope to the outside. Strong gets to his feet and B-Boy bounces off the far ropes then dives through with a suicide dive that sends them crashing into the guardrails. B-Boy pulls Strong to his feet and slams him into the apron back first and then grabs Strong by the back of the tights and slams him face first into the guardrail. B-Boy throws Strong into the ring then slides in behind him. B-Boy whips Strong into the corner then charges with a big forearm and Strong drops down in the corner. B-Boy charges and hits Strong with a big dropkick to the corner and Strong hangs half out of the ring. B-Boy pulls Strong out of the corner and covers him for a long two count. B-Boy pulls Strong to his feet and whips him into the ropes and goes for a backbody drop. Strong blocks it and hits B-Boy with a big knee to the face then plants B-Boy with a DDT. Strong pulls B-Boy to his feet and picks him up for a powerbomb then brings him down on his knee. Strong drops some knees into the back of B-Boy then grabs his legs and flips him over into a texas cloverleaf. B-Boy slowly drags himself forward and grabs the bottom rope and Strong breaks the hold. Strong pulls B-Boy up and goes for a belly to back suplex but B-Boy flips over and lands on his feet then takes Strong over with a release german suplex that drops him on his head. Strong gets to one knee and B-Boy charges and nails him with a shining wizard and both men are down on the mat. The two men slowly get to their feet and trade some big knife edge chops until B-Boy kicks Strong in the midsection then plants him with the cross special brainbuster. B-Boy drapes himself over Strong and gets the three count.

    Winner: B-Boy (14:33)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 67 CR: 46 MQ: 89

    Guppie: “What a hard hitting match between those two men. They wen toe to toe and threw some wicked forearms at each other and neither man backed down.”

    Patterson: “Neither one of those men know how to back down and B-Boy just managed to pull out a victory in this match.”

    Guppie: “Those two men can hit hard but Rocky Romero takes on Jimmy Rave in the next match and Romero can throw some wicked kicks.”

    Patterson: “Rave has some great skills in the ring but he’s going to have a tough time with Romero. Both men are really good at working on the arm of their opponent but Romero may have the advantage with his big kicks.”

    Segment 6: Jimmy Rave vs. Rocky Romero

    Rave and Romero face off and they go for a knucklelock but Romero throws a kick that Rave just manages to avoid. Rave shoots in and Romero cracks him in the face with a rising knee. Romero grabs Rave and takes him over with a big vertical suplex. Romero flips over and gets a mount position and Rave and throws down some big forearms but Rave manages to cover up and block most of the shots. The ref forces Romero up and Rave gets to his feet. Romero comes forward and slaps Rave hard across the face. Rave charges forward but Romero drops him with a big forearm. Rave gets up to his feet and ducks a lariat from Romero. Romero charges again and Rave cuts him off with a dropkick. Romero rolls up to his feet and Rave snapmares him over and delivers a kick to the spine. Romero no sells it and gets to his feet. He snapmares Rave over and hits him with a kick to the spine of his own then throws Rave down to the mat and makes a cover for two. Romero pulls Rave to his feet and whips him into the ropes and drops Rave with a big lariat. Romero pulls Rave back to his feet and hits him with an overhead belly to belly suplex that drops Rave onto the back of his head. Romero hooks a leg and makes the cover for another two count. Romero pulls Rave to his feet and shoves him into the corner then rocks him with a series of forearms and knife edge chops. Romero sets Rave up on the top rope and climbs up. Rave fights Romero off with some forearms to the head then shoves him down. Romero lands on his feet and Rave comes off the top with a missile dropkick that leaves both men down on the mat.

    Both men get to their feet and Rave ducks a wild swing from Romero and drops him with a neckbreaker. Rave gets up to his feet and Romero follows him slowly. Rave hits Romero with some knife edge chops then bounces off the ropes and Romero stops him in his tracks with a forearm then drops him with a big kick to the side of the head. Romero drops down on Rave for a two count. Romero pulls Rave to his feet and whips him hard into the corner. Romero charges and Rave blocks him with a big boot then charges and takes Romero over with a spinning headscissors. Rave charges and goes for a big knee on the seated Romero but Romero catches the leg and trips Rave then flips up to his feet and holds on with a single leg crab. Rave crawls forward and stretches enough to grab the bottom ropes and break the hold. Romero pulls Rave to his feet and hits him with a shinbreaker then takes him down to the mat with a dragonscrew. Romero continues to work on the leg of Rave weakening his base. Romero backs Rave into the corner and throws some harsh snap kicks to the leg of Rave dropping him down in the corner. Romero pulls Rave out of the corner then wraps him up with a figure four leglock. Rave fights on the hold and slowly manages to turn the hold over on Romero, reversing the pressure and forcing him to break the hold. Romero gets to his feet and Rave jumps up and takes Romero over with a hurrincanranna. Rave gets up a little weak on his right leg but runs and nails Romero with a big knee. Rave grabs his right knee and rolls to the ropes after making contact. Rave drags himself over and makes a cover for a long two count. Rave pulls Romero up to his feet and drills him with a forearm then snap suplexes him over and floats over, hooking a leg for a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (12:41)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 69 CR: 60 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Jimmy Rave manages to pull out a close match against Rocky Romero there.”

    Patterson: “Rave has been getting some big wins lately and Romero has really been looking good as a singles wrestler here.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have tag team action as Adam Pearce and Conrad Kennedy the Third defending the SMWA Tag Team Championships against the Second City Saints of Ace Steel and Colt Cabana.”

    Patterson: “Pearce and Kennedy are going to be facing off against a very experienced tag team here and they are going to have a tough challenge here tonight.”

    Segment 7: Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III ©vs. Ace Steel & Colt Cabana (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Pearce and Cabana start the match off and they bump chests in the middle of the ring before they start exchanging punches. Cabana blocks a punch from Pearce then lands a punch and follows up with by grabbing the arm of Pearce and going into an arm wringer. Cabana flips Pearce over and then spins around the arm and grabs a cross arm breaker and Kennedy is quickly into the ring and stomps Cabana to break up the hold. The ref backs Kennedy off and Cabana pulls Pearce to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Pearce hits a shoulder block but Cabana doesn’t fall down. Pearce bounces off the ropes again and hits another shoulder block and Cabana stays up again. Cabana tells Pearce to try again. Pearce runs past Cabana and Cabana trips him down to the mat then tags in Steel. Steel comes into the ring and Pearce just manages to tag in Kennedy. Kennedy comes into the ring and falls victim to a big lariat from Steel that drops him on the back of his head. Steel plays to the crowd then turns around right into a low blow from Kennedy who follows up with a snap suplex and floats over for a two count. Kennedy pulls Steel up to his feet and throws him into the corner and tags in Pearce then delivers a couple of chops. Pearce comes in and really rocks Steel with some knife edge chops then pulls Steel out of the corner and delivers a stalling vertical suplex and follows up with a cover for two before Cabana comes in and breaks up the cover. The Prime Time team continues to work Steel over with quick tags and some nice submission work to wear Steel down. Kennedy pulls Steel up to his feet and Steel fires off on him with a quick series of forearms the powerslams him down. Steel starts to make his way to his corner but Pearce comes into the ring and runs him down with a clothesline to the back. Cabana enters the ring and takes Pearce down with a clothesline. The ref backs Cabana into his corner and Kennedy gets to his feet and pulls Steel back to their corner.

    Kennedy pushes Steel into the corner. And hits some knife edge chops but Steel gets a crazy look in his eyes and spins Kennedy into the corner and wails on him with some forearms that leave him drooping on the ropes. Steel turns around and ducks a clothesline from Pearce that clobbers Kennedy. Steel runs and dives to make the hot tag to Cabana. Cabana comes in and takes Pearce down with a clothesline. Kennedy comes out of the corner and Cabana throws him over with a backbody drop. Pearce gets back to his feet and Cabana grabs him and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Kennedy gets back to his feet and Cabana sends him over the top rope and crashing down to the outside. Cabana turns around and Pearce rakes his eyes then goes behind and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges for a two count. Pearce pulls Cabana up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and swings with a clothesline but Cabana ducks underneath it and goes behind Pearce and hits him with a german suplex of his own. Cabana pulls Pearce up to his feet and goes for the colt 45 but Pearce blocks it then takes Cabana over with a backbody drop and Cabana tags in Steel. Steel charges and wipes Pearce out with a big forearm. Steel picks Pearce up to his feet and takes him over with an exploder suplex and Pearce rolls to his corner and tags in Kennedy. Kennedy enters the ring and charges Steel and goes for a spinning headscissors but Steel catches him upside down and drops him with a tombstone piledriver. Steel makes the cover and Pearce makes a desperate dive and barely manages to break up the cover at the count of two. Kennedy crawls to his corner and tags in Pearce. Pearce is still woozy and Steel dazes him with a forearm then picks him up for a tombstone piledriver. Pearce manages to float over backwards and reverse the situation and he drops Steel with a tombstone piledriver of his own. Pearce gets to his feet and backs into Cabana with a back elbow that sends him off the apron to the outside. Pearce staggers forward and hooks the leg of Steel for a three count.

    Winner: Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III (13:22)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 71 CR: 56 MQ: 87

    Guppie: “Pearce and Kennedy may have won the tag titles with the help of Michael Shane but they retained them here tonight on their own.”

    Patterson: “It was a close one though and the Saints have really shown some great work as a team. Unfortunately for them it wasn’t enough to become the champs here tonight.”

    Guppie: “No it wasn’t but I’m sure they’ll get more chances in the future. Now it’s time for our huge main event and we’ll be taking an intermission now as the cage is setup.”

    Segment 8: Steel Danger

    The cage is mostly setup when Vito Thomaselli walks out from backstage and stands by the entrance with a mic.

    Vito: “At the last show Nate you challenged me to a match for this title. You challenged me to step into the steel cage with you. And I accepted as you and everybody else knew that I would. I never let my fans down and I wouldn’t deny them the chance to see such an epic match. You got it right when you said we’ve brawled all around the arena. I’ve bled all over the place in my matches with you. I’ve had some intense technical matches in this ring and I’ve had some brutal hard hitting matches. But nothing compares to the matches I’ve had with you. The blood loss and the weapons being used are a total drain on the body. I’ve absorbed more damage in my matches against you than I thought I would be able to stand. I don’t know how I’ve been able to go on fighting and pin you. We’ve traded victories against each other as the stakes rise and the brutality rises as well. I thought brawling around the ring was as tough as we were going to get but being tapped in a ton of steel surrounding the ring could be even worse. I’ve seen what the cage can do to a body.

    “I’ve seen men bleed buckets inside of the cage. I’ve seen Jay Briscoe wrestle in a cage match and having blood just pour out of his forehead and he kept on fighting. I’ve seen Kurt Angle come off the top of the cage with a moonsault and slam into the mat and he kept wrestling. I’ve seen men have their bloody faces raked across the steel of the cage and they kept on fighting! And no matter what you do to me in this cage Nate I will keep on fighting! It’s not about this belt. It’s about respect dammit! I’ve earned respect from everybody I’ve stepped into the ring with but you never seem to give me any. You interfere in my matches and you make public challenges forcing me to accept even if you don’t deserve a shot. This cage match may be the most brutal match I’ve ever been in my wrestling career but I’m going to survive it and it’s going to make me a stronger wrestler. This cage is intimidating Nate. I’ve seen it on television but seeing live is a completely different thing. I’ve conquered my fear of the cage. I’m willing to bleed in that ring. I’m willing to stain the mat with my blood and keep on going. If you want to beat me you’re going to have to be willing to go to any lengths and I don’t know if you have that in you. N8 if you want this title you are going to have to finish me off and you need to show no mercy. I’m resolved to that course of action! I’m resolved to finishing this issue once and for all in the cage and I’m going to put you down for the three count. If I can’t earn respect I’m going to beat it into you!”

    Vito throws the mic down and Mattson charges out from the back. Mattson grabs Vito from behind and runs him face first into the cage.

    OA: 62

    Guppie: “We’re back for the main event and it’s going to be a brutal fight between these two men who have had some of the most brutal matches in the history of the SMWA.”

    Patterson: “This match could redefine what brutality is in the SMWA and these two men are going to keep fighting until one of them can’t fight anymore.”

    Guppie: “Indeed. Not only are they fighting to prove themselves they are fighting for the SMWA Championship and despite what both men have said that does matter.”

    Segment 9: Vito Thomaselli ©vs. N8 Mattson (Steel Cage, SMWA Championship)

    Mattson grabs Vito and slams him into the cage again then slides him into the ring. Mattson goes to the crowd and takes a chair from the fans and then slides into the ring. Mattson goes for a chairshot but Vito cuts him off with a kick to the midsection. Vito snapmares Mattson over then grabs him with a rear chinlock. Mattson fights up to his feet then hits him with a couple of back elbows then shoots him off the ropes. Mattson comes off the ropes and Vito takes him down with a shoulder block. Vito goes to drop an elbow but Mattson rolls out of the way. Mattson gets to his feet and goes for a splash but Vito gets his knees up and drives them into Mattson’s midsection. Vito gets to his feet and takes Mattson down with a gut buster then rolls him up with a cover for a short two count. Vito pulls Mattson to his feet and drives a couple of knees into his midsection then takes him over with a gut wrench suplex. Mattson sits up and gets to his feet and Vito charges. Mattson grabs Vito and lifts him up and sends him face first into the cage. Vito rebounds off the cage and Mattson charges and levels him with a clothesline. Mattson pulls Vito to his feet and grabs him by the back of his trunks then runs him face first into the cage. Mattson grabs the chair and slams it down over Vito’s head as he gets to his feet. Mattson pulls Vito back up by the back of his trunks and runs him face first into the cage again. Vito falls down to the mat and blood starts to trickle out of his forehead. Mattson straddles Vito and then rains down punches on the forehead of Vito opening the cut and making more blood flow.

    Mattson pulls Vito to his feet by the hair and slams him face first into the cage then rubs his face back and forth across the cage making more blood flow down his face. Vito fights back with some back elbows to Mattson backing him off. Vito grabs Mattson and trips him down into the cage face first and both men are down. Vito pulls himself up in the corner wearing the proverbial crimson mask. Mattson gets to his feet and Vito nails him with a series of forearms then suplexes him over. Vito pulls Mattson to his feet then whips Mattson into the ropes then takes him over with a backbody drop that sends Mattson into the cage and then he falls back into the ring face first. Mattson gets to his feet and dazed and Vito grabs him from behind and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver. Vito folds Mattson up for the cover and gets a two count. Vito pulls Mattson to his feet and whips him into the ropes and swings with a lariat but Mattson ducks underneath it. Mattson comes off the ropes again and nails Vito with a flying forearm. Mattson climbs up to the top rope and when Vito gets to his feet Mattson comes off with a missile dropkick. Mattson hooks a leg for a two count. Mattson pulls the bloody Vito to his feet and slams him face first into the turnbuckle several times then grabs the back of Vito’s head and spins him around into the cage face first and Vito falls back with the blood still flowing out of his forehead. Mattson traps Vito against the cage and just pounds away with punches to the face. Mattson then wipes his bloody hands on the chest of Vito and then follows up with some knife edge chops to the chest. Mattson snapmares Vito over then bounces off the ropes and drops a knee to Vito’s head and covers him for a two count. Mattson grabs the chair and sets it up in the ring then whips Vito into the ropes and goes for a drop toe hold but Vito stops and stomps at Mattson’s midsection.

    Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet then slams him down onto the chair then follows with a knee to the back of Mattson’s head crushing it against the chair. Mattson sits up with blood starting to trickle down his forehead. Vito grabs the chair and folds it up and stamps it against the mat several times. Mattson gets up to his feet and Vito wallops him with a huge chairshot. Vito then sticks the chair between the middle and top ropes in the corner. Vito grabs Mattson and whips him into the corner and Mattson slams into the chair back first and staggers forward into a big lariat from Vito that drops him. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet and rams him face first into the cage and then spins him around and drops him with a bulldog. Vito climbs up to the top rope and Mattson gets to his feet and Vito comes off with a crossbody block for a two count. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex and floats over for a two count. Vito pulls Mattson to his feet and Mattson explodes up with a European uppercut. Mattson whips Vito into the ropes then takes him down with a leg lariat. Mattson pulls Vito up and rocks Vito with some forearms to the face and the blood starts pouring down his forehead again. Mattson whips Vito into the ropes and drops him down with a rolling forearm. Mattson makes the cover and only gets a two count. Mattson pulls Vito to his feet and drops Vito with a powerbomb then covers him for another two count. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet again and goes for another powerbomb and Vito reverses it with a hurrincanranna.

    Mattson rolls up to his feet and Vito grabs him and drops him on his head with an exploder suplex. Vito climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a splash on Mattson for a two count. The two men continue to go back and forth as they battle in the cage. Both men are bleeding heavily. The two men start trading forearms in the middle of the ring. Mattson gains the advantage and backs Vito into the corner and drops him down with some forearms. Mattson bounces off the ropes and clobbers Vito with a boot scrape and blood flies off the face of Vito and flies into the crowd. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and sets him up on the top rope. Mattson rocks Vito with a palm strike then grabs Vito and takes him off the top with an iconoclasm and hooks the leg for a two count before Vito amazingly kicks out. Mattson pulls Vito up to his feet and drops him with a DVD. Mattson starts climbing up to the top of the ropes then goes up higher to the cage. Mattson turns around on the top of the cage then comes off with a guillotine legdrop but Vito rolls out of the way and Mattson crashes to the mat. Vito pulls Mattson up to his feet then gets him up on his shoulders. Vito drops Mattson with an electric chair driver and holds the leg of Mattson for a two count. Vito can’t believe that Mattson kicked out. Vito regains his composure and picks Mattson up on his shoulders for another electric chair driver. Mattson nails Vito with some punches then takes him over with a reverse hurrincanranna that spikes Vito on his head. Vito gets to his feet and Mattson picks him up and drops him with a piledriver then climbs up to the top rope. Mattson comes off with a guillotine legdrop and nails Vito then hooks the leg and makes the cover for three.

    Winner: N8 Mattson (23:23)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 78 CR: 77 MQ: 80

    Guppie: “We have a new SMWA Champion! Mattson managed to pummel Vito into unconsciousness and Mattson covered him for three.”

    Patterson: “Both of those men are covered with each others blood and their own. They are both going to need medical attention after such a brutal match like that.”

    Guppie: “Folks that cage match may have been the most brutal match the SMWA has seen yet and may ever see. That’s all the action we have for you fans tonight but be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on upcoming shows and all your favorite wrestlers.”

    Patterson: “For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA.”

    OA: 65

  8. Altered State Card


    March 10, 2004

    March 20 in Cadillac Altered State will take place. Our second show of March is going to be a big one. We have some big matches scheduled for the show. Tickets are available at the show right now $15 for general admission and ringside seats can be bought for just $20.

    Vito Thomaselli ©vs. N8 Mattson (Steel Cage, SMWA Championship)

    N8 Mattson laid out this challenge at the last show and the SMWA commissioners have decided that Mattson was deserving of a title shot and Vito was more than eager to accept the challenge of a steel cage match. This match will be another chapter in their bitter feud. They have brawled around the arena but this time their rage will be trapped in a cage and blood will be spilled.

    Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III ©vs. Ace Steel & Colt Cabana (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    The Second City Saint team get a shot at the new Tag Team Champions in there first defense and they hope to put up a stiff challenge.

    Jimmy Rave vs. Rocky Romero

    Rave got a big win in the six man tag match at the last show and Romero also scored a big win over Chris Sabin. Both men are looking to really catch some big breaks and get on a roll here in the SMWA.

    Roderick Strong vs. B-Boy

    Roderick makes a return to singles action as he takes on the ‘New Age Punisher’ in what should prove to be a brutal hard hitting match.

    Matt Sydal vs. Arik Cannon

    Sedrick Strong vs. Michael Shane

    Strong looks for revenge as he takes on the leader of Prime Time in singles action and this should be a good match.

    Sonjay Dutt vs. Halo

  9. Battle Lines (Detroit)

    March 6, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentator: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA Battle Lines. We have a great lineup here tonight with a big six man tag main event as Jimmy Rave and the Strong Brothers take on the Prime Time team of Michael Shane, Conrad Kennedy the Third and Adam Pearce.”

    Patterson: “And we are starting off the show with a bang as Sonjay Dutt takes on Ricky Reyes.”

    Guppie: “Dutt is going to have to rely on his speed to get him past Reyes who packs a wallop with his kicks and he has some great submission skills coming from the Inoki Dojo in California.”

    Segment 1:Raving Strong

    Jimmy Rave walks out from backstage with both Strong Brothers right behind him. The three men walk down to the ring and give the fans fives before they slide in the ring and Rave takes the mic from the announcer.

    Rave: “Tonight I have accepted the Roderick and Sedrick’s request for help. They have a big six man match against this new stable Prime Time and I want to help them. Shane, Conrad and Pearce are tough guys and they know how to get it done in the ring but tonight they are going to find that they aren’t going to be able to run right over everybody here in the SMWA. They are going to find out that there are people willing to stand up to them and knock them back down. They stole the Tag Team Titles at the last show. Conrad and Pearce had Shane’s help on the outside to give them the advantage but tonight there isn’t going to be any advantage. Tonight there are going to be three men on each team and skill is going to be the deciding factor. I don’t care how big Pearce is, how talented Conrad is or how crafty Shane is. Roderick is one of the toughest motherfuckers right now. Sedrick is a great junior style wrestler. He’s been to the Super Eight. Not many people can claim that honor. And me, well I’ve been wrestling all around the country and I’ve shown people what I can do in CZW, RoH, IWA:MS and elsewhere. Here in the SMWA I’ve taken Chance Beckett and Paul London to the limits. Tonight the Prime Time era is going to have a setback as they are going to suffer a big defeat in this tag match and they are going to realize that they can’t just bark they have to be able to bite back.”

    The Strong Brothers stand beside Rave as he drops the mic and the three men walk to the back together.

    OA: 64

    Guppie: “Some big words by Jimmy Rave there in that promo and he seems confident about beating Prime Time tonight.”

    Patterson: “You always have to be confident going into a match. Now we will be getting to the match between Dutt and Reyes and it should be a good one.”

    Guppie: “We haven’t seen much of Reyes on his own here in the SMWA and he gets a chance to prove himself against Dutt tonight.”

    Segment 2: Sonjay Dutt vs. Ricky Reyes

    The two circle and Reyes throws out a snapkick that Dutt easily avoids. Dutt moves in and takes Reyes over with an armdrag. Reyes gets to his feet and Dutt takes him over with another armdrag. Dutt bounces off the ropes and Reyes tilt-a-whirls him and Dutt comes down with an armdrag that takes Reyes over. Reyes gets to his feet and Dutt nails him with a dropkick. Dutt continues with his fast paced assault until Reyes catches him going for a crossbody block and drops him across his knee with a backbreaker. Reyes whips Dutt into the corner and charges nailing him with a big running forearm. Reyes peppers Dutt with some kicks to the midsection then snapmares him out of the corner and delivers a sharp kick to the base of Dutt’s spine. Reyes whips Dutt into the ropes and Dutt springboards off the second rope and hits Reyes with a back elbow. Dutt goes up to the top rope and jumps off with a missile dropkick that gets him a two count. Dutt pulls Reyes up and Reyes rails him with a European uppercut. Reyes then gives Dutt a lesson in pain with some brutal strikes and submissions. Reyes whips Dutt to the corner and Dutt climbs up the ropes then jumps off and spins. He grabs Reyes and takes him over with a swinging DDT. Dutt gets to his feet and rallies as he hits Reyes with a flying forearm. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and jumps off and takes Reyes over with a dragonranna. Dutt holds the legs and gets a three count for the win.

    Winner: Sonjay Dutt (8:12)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 61 CR: 46 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “Reyes really put a hurting on Sonjay but his high speed offense allowed him to make a comeback and get the win with a beautiful dragonranna.”

    Patterson: “If Reyes had targeted Sonjay’s legs he would have been able to take away a major part of his arsenal and Reyes has some nice moves that work the leg as well.”

    Guppie: “Reyes may have underestimated Sonjay in that match. Our next match pits two great technical wrestlers against each other as Arik Cannon takes on Greg Pawluk.”

    Patterson: “Both men really need to get some momentum going. They’ve had some nice showings but haven’t been able to get any wins going their way.”

    Segment 3: Arik Cannon vs. Greg Pawluk

    The two men start the match with a lockup and Cannon takes control as he goes behind with a hammerlock. Pawluk goes under and reverses it into his own hammerlock. Cannon returns in kind and goes into an arm wringer. Pawluk rolls forward then kips up to his feet and turns it into his own arm wringer. Cannon rolls forward and gets ready to kip up but Pawluk drops down turning the hold into a cross armbreaker and Cannon quickly gets a foot on the bottom rope breaking up the hold. Both men get to their feet and Cannon shakes out his arm. They lockup again and Pawluk goes behind with a rear waistlock and picks Cannon up and slams him down to the mat then spins around into a front facelock. Cannon rolls out of it and grabs his own front facelock. The two men continue to trade holds on the mat as they go back and forth. Cannon manages to grab Pawluk’s arm and goes for the crossface but Pawluk keeps his head down then rolls forward breaking Cannon’s grip and both men get up to their feet and face off. They go for another lockup but Cannon cuts Pawluk off with a knee to the midsection and follows up with a double axe handle across the back. Pawluk sprawls down to the mat and Cannon follows up by dropping a knee to the small of his back then grabbing him in a camel clutch. Pawluk slowly crawls forward and grabs the ropes breaking up the hold. The two men continue to go back and forth with some mat wrestling and Cannon manages to snapmare Pawluk over and then grabs him with a triangle choke. Pawluk picks Cannon up of the mat and then slams him down to the mat to break up the hold. Pawluk gets to his feet and takes Cannon over with a hard snap suplex.

    The match starts to pickup as the two men have gotten past their feeling out process. The two guys go back and forth with some nice moves but neither man can gain a decided advantage. Cannon makes the first big move as he catches Pawluk with a glimmering warlock and makes a cover for a two count. Cannon pulls Pawluk to his feet and whips him into the ropes and grabs him with a sleeper hold. Pawluk fights the hold and manages to slip behind Cannon enough to drop him on his head with a backdrop driver. Cannon is slow to his feet and he gives Pawluk enough time to recover. Pawluk hits Cannon with a couple of punches then drops him with a brainbuster then makes a cover for two. Pawluk pulls Cannon up to his feet and goes for another brainbuster but Cannon slips down behind him and hits a belly to back suplex. Both men struggle to their feet and they trade forearms back and forth. Cannon gains the advantage with a rake of the eyes and he takes Pawluk down with a neckbreaker. Cannon grabs Pawluk with the sleeper hold again and takes him down to the mat. The ref checks on Pawluk then raises and drops the arm twice before Pawluk holds the arm up. Pawluk slowly fights to his feet and then walks forward and climbs up the ropes and pushes back landing himself on top of Cannon breaking up the hold. Pawluk slowly gets to his feet and whips Cannon into the ropes and takes him over with a big belly to belly suplex. Cannon gets to his feet dazed and Pawluk charges with a knee but Cannon jumps over the knee and rolls Pawluk up for a quick three count.

    Winner: Arik Cannon (11:24)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 64 CR: 38 MQ: 90

    Guppie: “What a display of technical wrestling by those two men. They went back and forth for a long time in the beginning and even near the end nobody had really gained a clear advantage and Cannon only managed to win with a quick rollup.”

    Patterson: “I would love to see those two guys face off again and really put their technical skills on display. That was just a taste of what both men can do.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have the other Havana Pitbull, Rocky Romero, taking on Chris Sabin. Romero, much like Reyes, has some devastating kicks and submissions as they are both training in the Inoki Dojo.”

    Patterson: “Sabin however is one of the best junior heavyweights on the indy scene and has been a multiple time NWA:TNA X-Division Champion.”

    Segment 4: Rocky Romero vs. Chris Sabin

    The two men start off circling each other and Romero bounces around on his feet. Sabin moves in and Romero pegs him with a kick to the side of the head that staggers Sabin and shoots in with a double leg takedown. Romero gets the mount position and just lands a series of brutal forearms on Sabin who desperately tries to cover up until the ref pulls Romero off him. Romero backs off and Sabin gets to his feet and hides in the corner. Sabin comes out of the corner and locks up with Romero then takes him over with a headlock takedown. Romero escapes with a headscissors and Sabin kips up escaping the hold. Romero stays down on the mat and rolls himself up and does the lady of the lake. Sabin looks around confused then takes the hand at the crowd’s urging and Romero flips Sabin over and cinches the hold on the arm of Sabin. Sabin crawls forward and grabs the ropes with his free left hand. Romero pulls Sabin to his feet and goes for an irish whip but Sabin reverses it sending Romero into the ropes. Romero comes off and drops Sabin with a shoulder block. The two men go back and forth with a fast paced series of moves. The two men pick up the intensity of their moves and start really trying to knock the other man out. Sabin charges at Romero and goes for a spinning head scissors but Romero counters it into a sidewalk slam. Romero grabs the left arm with a keylock. Sabin spins around and manages to hit Romero with some kicks to the back of the head to break up the hold. Sabin gets up to his feet and Romero takes him down with a single arm DDT. Romero continues to work on the arm of Sabin and Sabin struggles on the mat taking a beating. Sabin breaks free of an arm wringer then explodes with a big dropkick that sends Romero to the mat. Sabin climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick but Romero sidesteps it letting Sabin crash into the mat. Romero grabs the left arm of Sabin and drops down into a cross armbreaker and Sabin taps out.

    Winner: Rocky Romero (9:36)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 64 CR: 51 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “Sabin put on a good effort but Romero’s work on the arm was just too much and allowed him to get the win.”

    Patterson: “Romero puts in a good effort in that singles match and I can’t wait to see him in action again.”

    Guppie: “Up next we finally have the former Special K members facing off. Deranged takes on Jay Lethal formerly known as Hydro who was the leader of Special K.”

    Patterson: “This match has been in the making for quite some time and I can’t wait to see it. Lethal has really proved himself as a singles competitor but Deranged has had some problems with the transition from tag team to singles wrestling.”

    Guppie: “That’s very true. Deranged has had some great showings in singles action but he hasn’t been able to put his opponent away and secure the victory.”

    Segment 5: Jay Lethal vs. Deranged

    Lethal and Deranged face off in the center of the ring and go toe to toe and neither man is backing down. Deranged nails Lethal with a forearm and Lethal responds with his own forearm and then the two men start unloading on each other with knife edge chops. Lethal gains the advantage with the chops then snapmares Deranged over and grabs him with a rear chinlock. Deranged fights up to his feet and hits Lethal with a couple of elbows to the midsection then bounces off the ropes and Lethal knocks him down with a shoulder block. Deranged gets up to his feet and Lethal picks him up and drops him with a powerslam and follows up with an elbow drop for a two count. Lethal pulls Deranged up to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Deranged comes off the ropes with a spinning front kick that sends Lethal to the mat. Lethal gets to his feet and Deranged snap suplexes him and floats over for a two count. Deranged works Lethal over as he controls the match. Deranged sends Lethal into the corner with an irish whip then charges and hits a splash. Deranged pulls Lethal out of the corner in a front facelock then spins around and climbs up to the second rope. Deranged spins around for a tornado DDT but Lethal stays on his feet and sends Deranged into the corner with a release northern lights suplex and drops him on his head. Deranged gets to his feet and Lethal hits him with a bridging german suplex that gets him a two count. Lethal pulls Deranged up to his feet and goes for a dragon suplex but Deranged breaks then hold then flips backwards and hits Lethal with a kick to the top of the head.

    Deranged climbs up to the top rope but Lethal gets to his feet and hits the ropes racking Deranged up. Lethal climbs up the ropes and lands a couple of forearm shots then pulls Deranged up. Lethal butterflies Deranged’s arms then takes him off the tope with a big double underhook suplex. Lethal makes a cover and gets a long two count. Lethal works on the neck of Deranged and gets some big moves but nothing big enough to keep Deranged down. Lethal takes Deranged to the corner and sets him up with his back towards the ring. Lethal climbs up but Deranged fights him off with some back elbows that send Lethal off the ropes and down to the mat. Lethal gets to his feet as Deranged stands up on the top rope and moonsaults off onto him. Deranged hooks a leg as the covers and gets a two count. Deranged pulls Lethal to his feet and grabs him with a front facelock. Deranged pulls Lethal to the corner and climbs up to the second rope then hits a picture perfect tornado DDT. Deranged hooks the leg and gets a two count. Deranged keeps the offensive going and works Lethal over. Deranged whips Lethal into the ropes and Lethal comes off with a huge lariat that flips Deranged over. Deranged gets to his feet and Lethal grabs him from behind and drops him on his head with a tiger suplex. Lethal holds onto Deranged and pulls him back to his feet and follows up with a dragon suplex. Lethal bridges and gets a three count.

    Winner: Jay Lethal (11:18)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 74 CR: 60 MQ: 88

    Guppie: “Another impressive showing from Jay Lethal. He did some nice work on the neck of Deranged and capped it off with a brutal tiger suplex, dragon suplex combination.”

    Patterson: “Deranged looked really good in the match but he just couldn’t overcome Lethal’s strength advantage.”

    Guppie: “We have big match next as Nate Mattson takes on Austin Aries. Aries is an explosive wrestler and has some of the best offense going today.”

    Patterson: “But he’s facing off against Mattson a former SMWA Champion and an all-around great performer as well. This is going to be a battle.”

    Segment 6: The Gauntlet is Laid Down

    N8 Mattson walks out to the ring and he slides into the ring then takes a mic from the announcer.

    Mattson: “Vito Thomaselli I want a match with you at the next show. I want another shot at the SMWA Championship. We’ve brawled all over the arena in our matches and spilt each others blood. We’ve almost killed each other in the ring and around the arena. At our next show we’re not going anywhere though. We’re going to stay right in the ring. Vito I want you one on one in a steel cage match! That’s right, I said a steel cage match. The home of brutality and violence. We’ve wrestled until one of us couldn’t stand up any longer. This time we will meet in the cage. One on one surrounded by steel. I won’t have anybody interfere on my behalf. I know the way you are and I know that when you here this challenge you will accept it. I know you are the type of man who will do anything to prove how good you are. In fact I don’t want just the title I want some revenge against you. I don’t want to be the man who lost the last match in our series. Tonight if I don’t beat Austin Aries you don’t have to put the belt on the line if you don’t want to. If you don’t feel like it you don’t have to put the belt on the line if I win. If the management doesn’t think I deserve a title shot I won’t take one but I will meet you in the steel cage. I want this match more than I want the belt and I want to show you that I am the best once and for all.”

    OA: 69

    Segment 7: N8 Mattson vs. Austin Aries

    The two men face off in the ring and lockup. Aries comes out of that with an arm wringer but Mattson reverses out of it by rolling forward then kipping up to his feet to grab his own arm wringer. The two men go back and forth with some chain wrestling. Mattson whips Aries into the ropes and Aries swings up behind Mattson with a crucifix and whips him down hard to the mat for a two count. The two men continue to go back and forth with some nice wrestling and neither man is able to take control of the match. Mattson rocks Aries with some forearms and Aries responds in kind and then drops Mattson with a rolling forearm. Mattson hits the mat and rolls out of the ring. Aries goes to the ropes and sends himself to the outside with a spinning crossbody block. Aries pulls Mattson to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Aries slides in but Mattson recovers and stomps at Aries then pulls him up and whips him into the ropes. Aries comes off the ropes and Mattson takes him over with a backbody drop. Aries gets to his feet and Mattson takes him over with a snap suplex. Mattson pulls Aries to his feet and picks him up for a powerbomb but Aries reverses it with a hurrincanranna. Mattson gets to his feet and Aries grabs him and plants him with a brainbuster. Aries climbs up to the top rope and jumps off with a 450 splash but Mattson gets his knees up driving them into the midsection of Aries. Aries gets to his feet and Mattson grabs him from behind and hits a german suplex. Mattson bridges it to get a two count. Mattson pulls Aries to his feet and whips him into the corner. Mattson hits a series of knife edge chops then sets Aries up on the top rope. Mattson climbs up but Aries hits him with forearms and shoves him off the top. Aries jumps off for a hurrincanranna but Mattson catches him and drops him into a seated powerbomb. The ref makes the count and Mattson gets the three count.

    Winner: N8 Mattson (9:34)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 70 CR: 56 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “Nate Mattson capitalized on a big mistake by Aries. He hit a big powerbomb when Aries came off for a hurrincanranna.”

    Patterson: “One big move like that can easily finish an opponent off. Mattson may have earned himself a title shot with an impressive victory over Aries but we’ll see what the SMWA owners have to say.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a big tag team match as Chris Hero is making his debut in the SMWA and he chose Black Dragon to be his partner as they take on Halo and Excalibur.”

    Patterson: “Hero is a great technician and he has some great backup on his team with Dragon but they will have a tough time with the high flying pair of Halo and Excalibur.”

    Segment 8: Excalibur on the Mic

    Halo and Excalibur walk out from backstage to a mixed reaction from the crowd. They slide into the ring and Excalibur takes the mic.

    Excalibur: “Chris Hero people talk about how great you are all around the world. Europe is your second home. You are one of the few American wrestlers who can work the European rounds system. You have a reputation of taking wrestlers to the limits and working them over and picking a weakness. You are one of the best technical wrestlers in the world but I’m not scared. I’ve been in the ring with Super Dragon and some of the toughest wrestlers in the world. Your partner Black Dragon has some experience in Michinoku Pro and has competed against some of the best high flyers. Tonight though you face off against Halo and Excalibur. I’m one of So-Cal’s finest and Halo is a great high flyer from the East Coast. You guys are good singles wrestlers but we are a great tag team and tonight you guys are going down for the count. Tonight we gain a big victory as we put Chris Hero down in his debut here.”

    OA: 66

    Segment 9: Chris Hero & Black Dragon vs. Halo & Excalibur

    Hero and Excalibur start the match off and they lockup. Hero takes Excalibur down to the mat and just dominates him with mat wrestling. Hero pulls Excalibur up to his feet with a front facelock. Excalibur tries to fight free with some knees but Hero blocks them then takes him over with a vertical suplex. Hero grabs the arm of Excalibur on the mat and drops a couple of knees into the shoulder. Hero holds onto the arm and spins around into a cross armbreaker but Excalibur hooks his hands together and then Halo comes in and legdrops Hero to break up the hold. Hero gets to his feet and whips Excalibur into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop. Hero grabs Excalibur with an arm wringer then tags in Dragon who comes off the top with an axe handle on the arm of Excalibur. Dragon snapmares Excalibur over and then slams a couple of knees into Excalibur’s arm then takes him down to the mat and holds him with a fujiwara armbar. Excalibur starts crawling to the ropes and Halo comes in and drops a knee to the back of Dragon’s head breaking up the hold. Excalibur rolls to his corner and tags Halo in and Halo comes in with a springboard spinning heel kick that drops Dragon. Halo pulls Dragon up to his feet and plants him with a vertical suplex and floats over for a short two count. Halo continues to work Dragon over and keeps him away from Hero. Halo powerslams Dragon down then tags in Excalibur who comes off the top rope with a big knee drop to the face of Dragon. Excalibur makes a cover and gets a two count. Halo and Excalibur continue to work Dragon over in their corner.

    Dragon fights out of the corner with a some forearms and starts to make it to his corner but Halo cuts him off with a missile dropkick from the top rope. Halo pulls Dragon back to their corner and hits him with some forearms and knife edge chops. Halo sets Dragon up on the top rope then climbs up and goes for a hurrincanranna but Dragon holds onto the top rope and Halo slams down to the mat. Dragon jumps off the top and rolls through to tag in Hero. Hero comes in and grabs Halo with a cravate and takes him over with a cravate suplex. Excalibur charges in with a clothesline but Hero ducks under it and dumps him on his head with a release german suplex. Hero throws Halo to the outside then pulls Excalibur to his feet and takes him down with a single arm DDT and goes right into a fujiwara armbar. Hero continues to work on the arm of Excalibur but can’t get him to tap out. Hero grabs a cross armbreaker on Excalibur and gets him in trouble but Halo comes off the top rope with a guillotine legdrop to break it up. Halo rolls Excalibur out of the ring and then irish whips Hero but Hero reverses it. Halo comes off the ropes and hits Hero with a crossbody block for a two count. Halo follows up with a DDT and Excalibur slides back into the ring. Excalibur butterflies the arms of Hero and spikes him with the double underhook piledriver. Excalibur makes the cover and Dragon dives in and breaks up the cover. Halo grabs Dragon and throws him to the outside then slings himself over the ropes and lands on him with a crossbody block. Excalibur pulls Hero to his feet and Hero fires off a European uppercut then takes him over with a cravate suplex leaving both men on the mat. The two men fight to their feet and trade some strikes. Excalibur meets Hero with a kick to the midsection then spikes him with another double underhook piledriver and both men are down. Halo gets up on the top rope then comes off with a phoenix splash on Hero and makes the cover for the three count.

    Winner: Halo & Excalibur (16:22)

    Notes: ***3/4

    OA: 69 CR: 46 MQ: 92

    Guppie: “What a fantastic match. Those two teams were going back and forth up until the very end.”

    Patterson: “All four men looked really good but Halo and Excalibur managed to come out with the win.”

    Guppie: “We go from that tag team match to our main event of a big six man tag as Michael Shane, Conrad Kennedy and Adam Pearce face off against Jimmy Rave and the Strong Brothers.”

    Patterson: “The Strong Brothers are looking to get some revenge on Pearce and Kennedy who won the SMWA Tag Team Championship Belts from them with the help of Michael Shane.”

    Segment 10: Prime Time Expose

    Michael Shane walks out from backstage and walks down towards the ring then turns around towards the entrance and Adam Pearce and CK3 come out with the SMWA Tag Team Championship belts around their waists. They catch up to Shane and they walk down to the ring with Shane in the lead. All three men jump up onto the apron then go through the ropes to enter the ring and Shane takes a mic.

    Shane: “Jimmy Rave I heard what you said earlier in the night and I have no fucking idea why you want to get involved with us. The Strong Brothers found out at the last show that we aren’t to be messed around with. We showed them what we are all about and you should have learned a lesson from that. This wasn’t supposed to be your fight. But if you want to insert yourself into this match that’s just fine with me. You have chosen to bring down hell upon yourself and you just remember that when we leave you laying with the Strongs in the middle of the ring bleeding.

    “Speaking of you Strong Brothers you’ve been complaining to a lot of people about the way you lost your titles. Actions speak louder than words, so if you want to do something about it show us tonight in this ring. The titles are around the waists of Pearce and Conrad for a reason. They are around their waists because they are damn good. Adam Pearce clearly out powered you guys in that ring. Roderick you can talk about being the messiah of the backbreaker all you want but Pearce was too much for you to handle and he took it to you in that match. He played your power game and he trumped you. Conrad has talent on loan from God and he showed that. He took both of you guys to the mat and showed you up. Plus they had me on the outside helping them out. Luckily for you guys I was out with an arm injury and I couldn’t take you guys out myself. However my arm is fine now and you two will have to deal with me in the ring and I guarantee you are going to like that even less than you liked me on the outside helping these two guys. Tonight Prime Time works together and we are going to show you three men why we are prime time and we are going to show you what pain is all about!”

    OA: 60

    Segment 11: Michael Shane, Conrad Kennedy III & Adam Pearce vs. Jimmy Rave, Roderick Strong & Sedrick Strong

    Rave and the Strongs run down from the back and slide into the ring and all six men stand in the ring trading punches and strikes. Rave sends Shane over the top rope to the outside and Sedrick sends CK over the ropes right after. Pearce gets the advantage on Roderick until Rave and Sedrick give him some help with the big man and they all dump him over the top to the outside as well. The three members of Prime Time gather on the outside. Rave and Sedrick bounce off the ropes and make suicide dives onto the Prime Time members sending everybody down in a heap. The five men on the outside get to their feet and punch each other as Roderick climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a splash onto everybody to cheers from the crowd. Roderick pulls Shane to his feet and rolls him into the ring as everybody extricates themselves from the pile and head to their corner at the urging of the ref. Roderick whips Shane into the ropes and drops him with a big back elbow then makes a cover for a short two count. Roderick tags in Sedrick and Sedrick grabs Shane with an arm wringer then flips Shane over and drops a knee across his chest and covers him for a two count. Sedrick pulls Shane to his feet and whips him into the corner. Sedrick charges and hits him with a jumping splash. Sedrick slams Shane down to the mat hard and then grabs him with a camel clutch and Pearce comes in and breaks up the hold with a boot to the face. Sedrick continues to work Shane over then makes the tag to Rave. Rave comes in and hits a nice dropkick on Shane. Rave takes Shane over with a vertical suplex and floats over for a two count. Rave works Shane over some more and then tags Sedrick back in. Sedrick comes in with a clothesline but Shane ducks it and hits him with a neckbreaker then tags in Pearce.

    Pearce pulls Sedrick up to his feet and irish whips Sedrick into the ropes and takes him down with a shoulder tackle. Pearce pulls Sedrick up by his hair and nails him with a couple of forearms and then whips him into the corner. Pearce wails on Sedrick with some forearms then lifts him up to the top rope. Pearce climbs up to the top rope and hits some knife edge chops on Sedrick then takes him off the top rope with a superplex. Pearce makes a cover and gets two before Roderick breaks up the cover. Pearce slams Sedrick into his corner and tags in CK. CK springboards over the top rope then whips himself into a back elbow on Sedrick. CK snapmares Sedrick over and grabs him with a rear chinlock. Sedrick fights to his feet and shoots CK off into the ropes. CK ducks under a clothesline from Sedrick and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. CK pulls Sedrick up to his feet and drops him with a DDT and grabs him with a front chancery. Sedrick struggles against the hold and CK lets go of it and tags in Shane. Shane comes in and takes Sedrick down with a running forearm. Shane whips Sedrick into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop. Shane pulls Sedrick up and whips him into the corner and charges right into a big boot. Sedrick charges and takes Shane down with a reverse bulldog. Sedrick hits a legdrop on Shane and covers for a two count. Sedrick whips Shane into the ropes and goes for a crossbody block but Shane catches him and drops him with a backbreaker. Shane makes a cover and gets a two count. Shane pulls Sedrick over with a side headlock and tags in CK. CK delivers a kick to the midsection of Sedrick then goes behind with another german suplex but Sedrick flips over and lands on his feet. Sedrick dives to his corner and tags in Roderick.

    Roderick comes in and takes Shane down with a big lariat. Roderick takes Pearce and CK off the apron with forearms. Roderick turns around and Shane hits him wit a low blow. Shane hits Roderick with a belly to back suplex and makes a cover for a two count. Shane pulls Roderick up to his feet and whips him into the corner and charges for a back elbow but Roderick slams a forearm into his back as he turns around then picks him up for a belly to back suplex then turns it into a backbreaker and makes the cover for two. Roderick whips Shane into the ropes and hits him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker then tags in Rave. Rave comes in and powerslams Shane down then makes a cover for two. Rave bounces off the ropes and charges for a big knee but Shane blocks it and trips Rave up and then tags in Pearce. Pearce comes in and takes Rave down with a lariat. Pearce pulls Rave up and whips him into the rope and takes him down with a big spinebuster that gets him a two count. Rave struggles to his feet and Pearce grabs him from behind and goes for a german suplex but Rave blocks it then goes behind for a german suplex of his own. Pearce blocks that and breaks free with some big back elbows then spins around and crushes Rave with a big forearm. Pearce makes the cover and gets a two count. Pearce pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for a piledriver but Rave blocks it and reverses it with a backbody drop. Pearce gets to his feet and makes the tag to CK. CK climbs off the top rope with a missile dropkick on Rave. CK makes a cover and gets a two count before Sedrick pulls CK off Rave. Rave gets to his feet and tags in Roderick and all hell breaks loose.

    Roderick comes in and nails CK with a yakuza kick then picks him up into a crucifix position then flips him over into a big ace crusher. Shane gets into the ring and drops Roderick with a big super kick. Shane climbs up to the top rope looking for the picture perfect elbow but Sedrick cuts him off racking him up on the top rope then climbs up and takes Shane off the top rope with a hurrincanranna. Sedrick gets to his feet and Pearce spins him around then kicks him in the midsection and plants him with a piledriver and Sedrick rolls out of the ring and falls to the outside. Rave gets to his feet and hits Pearce with a step up enziguri. Rave bounces off the ropes and hits Pearce with a charging knee to the face. Rave goes for the cover but CK pulls him out of the ring and the two men brawl on the outside. Roderick pulls Pearce up in the ring and hits him with a backbreaker and Sedrick comes off the top rope with a legdrop bending Pearce over Roderick’s knee. Roderick makes the cover but Shane pulls him off at two. Roderick nails Shane with a series of knife edge chops and Sedrick grabs Shane from behind and dumps him on his head with a german suplex. Roderick pulls Shane to his feet and delivers a powerbomb that drops Shane down on his knee. Sedrick comes off the top rope with a moonsault and hooks the leg of Shane for a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave, Roderick Strong & Sedrick Strong (26:47)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 63 CR: 51 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “What a contest. Those six men just went on an all out sprint at the end of the match to get a win.”

    Patterson: “And the Strong Brothers managed to pull out the victory with some great tag team work which is what gives them the advantage.”

    Guppie: “The Strong Brothers did manage to gain some revenge here tonight but I don’t think they are going to be happy until they win the Tag Titles back. What a way to cap off a great show.”

    Patterson: “Indeed it is. That’s all for you fans tonight, for Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA.”

  10. Kicking off the Fourth Year


    February 20, 2007

    During our big Third Anniversary Show Vito Thomaselli and Chance Beckett took each other to the limits and despite the damage that both men took they are both going to be able to compete as at the next show. However neither man is being booked for that show.

    Our next show is taking place in Detroit again and is being called Battle Lines and is on March 6. We have a big show lined up with a huge six man tag main event.

    Michael Shane, Conrad Kennedy III & Adam Pearce vs. Jimmy Rave, Roderick Strong & Sedrick Strong

    The Strong Brothers try to get some revenge on Prime Time with the help of Jimmy Rave in this six man tag. The Prime Time team will rely on their dirty tactics and the Strongs and Rave will have to be able to counter that if they hope to win.

    Chris Hero & Black Dragon vs. Halo & Excalibur

    Hero makes his debut in the SMWA and he has chosen Black Dragon as his partner because of his technical skills. They take on the team of Halo and Excalibur in what should be a tough contest.

    N8 Mattson vs. Austin Aries

    Jay Lethal vs. Deranged

    Finally these two men will meet after Special K dissolved and have a chance to solve their issues in the ring.

    Rocky Romero vs. Chris Sabin

    Arik Cannon vs. Greg Pawluk

    Sonjay Dutt vs. Ricky Reyes

    As always tickets are just $15 or $20 for ringside seats. Be sure to come and check out the action live to support the SMWA.

  11. Third Anniversary Show (Detroit)

    April 17, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to the SMWA’s Third Anniversary Show! This is a big night and we have a great show lined up for you tonight and we have a huge main event with Chance Beckett challenging Vito Thomaselli for the SMWA Championship in a two out of three falls match.”

    Patterson: “We have a lot of action here tonight and we’re going to get right into it and we start off with a four way match as Greg Pawluk, Sonjay Dutt, Halo and B-Boy face off.”

    Guppie: “These are four really talented men and this match could be a chance for one of them to really break out of the pack and get some recognition here in the SMWA.”

    Segment 1: Greg Pawluk vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Halo vs. B-Boy

    Halo and Dutt start the match and they start it with a fast paced exchange of moves and end it with an indy respect pose to applause from the crowd. B-Boy tags himself in by slamming a forearm into the back of Dutt’s head. B-Boy comes in takes Halo down with a charging double forearm. Halo gets to his feet and B-Boy backs him into a corner with forearms. Unfortunately it’s Pawluk’s corner and he tags in on Halo. B-Boy backs off and circles Pawluk and the two men lockup. They go back and forth with some chain wrestling and Pawluk grabs a side headlock. B-Boy shoots Pawluk into the ropes and B-Boy sends Pawluk to the mat with a shoulder tackle. Pawluk gets up and B-Boy snap suplexes him over and floats over for a two count. B-Boy grabs Pawluk with a front facelock then tags in Halo hard. Halo comes into the ring and sunset flips Pawluk over for a two count. Halo goes up to the top rope but Pawluk gets up and takes the feet out from Halo racking him up. Pawluk hits Halo with some chops and then climbs up and takes Halo off the top rope with a double underhook suplex. Pawluk makes a cover and gets a two count. Pawluk grabs Halo with a rear chinlock but Halo fights out of the hold with a couple of back elbows then spins around and drops Pawluk with a DDT. Halo gets to his feet and tags in Dutt. Dutt comes in with a dragonranna on Pawluk as he gets to his feet and gets a two count before B-Boy comes in and rocks him with a kick to the chest.

    Dutt pulls Pawluk to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a leg lariat. Dutt tags in B-Boy with a knife edge chop and B-Boy sort of disregards it then gets in the ring and hits Pawluk with a shining wizard as he gets to his feet. B-Boy makes the cover and gets two before Dutt pulls him off. The match breaks down as Halo comes in as well and all four men start trading big moves in the ring and the ref has completely lost control. B-Boy plants Dutt with a cross special brainbuster and makes the cover but Halo comes off the ropes with a legdrop to the back of B-Boy’s head breaking up the cover. Halo pulls B-Boy up to his feet and drops him with a brainbuster then climbs up to the top rope again. Pawluk racks him up on the top rope again and climbs up for a superplex. Dutt gets to his feet and powerbombs Pawluk off the ropes as he superplexes Halo. Dutt folds Pawluk over and gets a two count. Dutt gets up to his feet and B-Boy comes off and nails him with a shining wizard. B-Boy rolls Dutt up and gets a three count.

    Winner: B-Boy (13:29)

    Notes: **

    OA: 62 CR: 42 MQ: 82

    Guppie: “B-Boy with an impressive victory in that four way match and he caught Dutt with a big shining wizard.”

    Patterson: “The action was going fast and furious at the end of the match and B-Boy managed to come out with the victory.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a match that could be intriguing. Black Dragon and Arik Cannon facing off one on one.”

    Patterson: “Cannon is a great technical wrestler from the midwest and Dragon is looking for a big break here in the SMWA.”

    Segment 2: Black Dragon vs. Arik Cannon

    The two men face off in the middle of the ring and lockup. Cannon goes behind Dragon and grabs him with a hammerlock but Dragon sits out and spins around grabbing Cannon with a front facelock. Dragon tries to drive a knee into the face of Cannon but Cannon catches the leg and and takes Dragon down with a dragonscrew. Cannon drops an elbow to the knee of Dragon and then goes to work on the leg of Dragon. Cannon controls the match as he works the leg of Dragon. Cannon whips Dragon into the corner then puts his left leg up over the middle rope then drops a couple of elbows to the thigh. Cannon wrenches on the leg until the ref breaks it up at the count of five. Cannon backs off and then comes forward and Dragon comes out of the corner with a spinning heel kick. Dragon gets to his feet keeping the weight of his left leg. Cannon gets to his feet and charges with a clothesline but Dragon ducks underneath it. Dragon grabs Cannon and drops him with a belly to back suplex. Dragon continues to keep the offensive going his way and manages to avoid Cannon’s attacks. Dragon grabs Cannon with a full nelson and goes for a dragon suplex but Cannon breaks the hold. Dragon grabs a rear waistlock and takes Cannon over with a german suplex. Dragon bridges the suplex and gets two before he breaks it up and he checks his left leg. Dragon pulls Cannon to his feet slowly and whips him into the ropes. Cannon comes off with a dropkick to the leg of Dragon sending him flopping to the mat. Cannon goes back to work on the leg and then grabs a figure four leglock. Dragon tries to fight to the ropes but Cannon presses down on the leg of Dragon torquing the leg and getting the submission.

    Winner: Arik Cannon (9:13)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 50 CR: 20 MQ: 80

    Guppie: “Arik Cannon put on an impressive display in that match with some nice work on the leg of Dragon.”

    Patterson: “Working on the leg really takes away the high flying ability that gives Black Dragon his advantage.”

    Guppie: “That’s a good point and that’s why Cannon used that strategy. Up next we have Jimmy Jacobs taking on N8 Mattson.”

    Patterson: “This could be a spectacular match. Both men are near the top of the rankings here in the SMWA and a win could be the thing they need to get back into title contention.”

    Segment 3: Fallen Angel

    N8 Mattson comes out from the back to the boos of the crowd. Mattson slides into the ring and grabs the mic.

    Mattson: “It’s been a while since I’ve had the pleasure of talking to you wonderful fans. It’s been a time that I’ve enjoyed very much. I have the longest reign as SMWA Champion in history yet I have been ignored time and time again for title shots. That is a travesty! It makes a mockery of the time that I held the Championship. Vito Thomaselli was the man that managed to beat me and win the SMWA Championship. Vito you have went through some tough challengers lately and I respect that. I want to get a shot at the Title once again. I want to get some damn respect around here once again. I don’t care if Vito Thomaselli or Chance Beckett wins the match tonight. I want the belt and I will win tonight. After I win the match tonight I will go on to get a shot at the belt and I will win the Championship. Jacobs you have been here for quite some time and you know just how good I am in the ring. You will fall before the Righteous Might of my Lord tonight. Jacobs you can bring whatever you want to the match but tonight is the beginning of my return to the top and it is the beginning of a new age in the SMWA once again. It is the beginning of a Righteous Age!”

    OA: 72

    Segment 4: Jimmy Jacobs vs. N8 Mattson

    Jacobs runs down and slides into the ring and ducks a clothesline from Mattson then bounces off the ropes and takes him down with a flying forearm that sends Mattson rolling out of the ring. Mattson gets to his feet and walks around the ring. He tells the ref to make Jacobs back up and then slides into the ring. Jacobs charges with a yakuza kick but Mattson side steps it and grabs Jacobs from behind and goes for a german suplex but Jacobs flips over and lands on his feet. Mattson turns around and Jacobs hits him with a spinning heel kick. The two men continue to go back and forth like this and neither man is able to gain an advantage. Jacobs plants Mattson with a belly to back suplex then climbs up to the top and comes off with a senton but Mattson rolls out of the way and Jacobs crashes to the mat hard. Mattson pulls Jacobs up to his feet and plants him with a brainbuster and makes a cover for two. Mattson controls the match and works Jacobs over but can’t keep him down for a three count. Mattson whips Jacobs into the ropes and catches him with a sleeper hold. Jacobs fights the hold and gets to the corner then steps up the ropes and shoves himself backwards onto Mattson breaking the hold as they crash to the mat. Both men are slow to their feet and get up at about the same time. Jacobs blocks a couple of punches from Mattson and lands his own and then takes Mattson down with a swinging neckbreaker. Jacobs goes to the top rope and comes off with a senton bomb and lands right on him. Jacobs hooks a leg for a cover and gets a two count. Jacobs backs into a corner then stomps his furry boot. He charges at Mattson for the yakuza kick but Mattson catches the leg then grabs the back of Jacobs’ head and throws him over with a suplex. Mattson pulls Jacobs to his feet and hits a sitout powerbomb for the three count.

    Winner: N8 Mattson (8:56)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 65 CR: 55 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “Jacobs and Mattson went back and forth and Mattson came out on top with a big powerbomb.”

    Patterson: “With that victory Mattson has made himself a more serious competitor for the title but it takes more than one victory to earn a title shot.”

    Guppie: “We’ll see what happens with that later but up next we have Matt Sydal taking on John Walters.”

    Patterson: “We get the Midwest’s high flyer Sydal taking on an East Coast technical wrestling standout.”

    Segment 5: John Walters vs. Matt Sydal

    The two lockup and Walters takes Sydal down to the mat and they go through a chain wrestling sequence. Walters drives a couple of knees to the back of Sydal when he takes him down. Sydal gets up to his feet and escapes a rear waistlock from Walters and goes behind him. Sydal picks Walters up and slams him face first down to the mat. Sydal grabs a side headlock but Walters fights to his feet quickly and breaks the hold with a belly to back suplex. Walters pulls Sydal back up and hits him with a backbreaker and covers for a two count. Walters whips Sydal into the ropes and goes for a kitchen sink but Sydal flips over and rolls Walters up for a two count. Walters gets to his feet and Sydal hits him with a dropkick and flips over onto his belly. Sydal pulls Walters to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex and floats over for a two count. The two men go back and forth in the match and Walters manages to focus his offense on the back of Sydal when he has control. Walters pulls Sydal to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a spinebuster. Walters holds onto the feet of Sydal and flips him over into a boston crab. Sydal slowly crawls to the ropes and grabs them to break up the hold. Sydal pulls himself up using the ropes and Walters grabs him from behind and runs him into the corner and then delivers some shoulders to the small of Sydal’s back. Walters goes for a belly to back suplex but Sydal flips over and lands behind Walters then takes him over with a reverse hurrincanranna. Walters gets to his feet dazed and Sydal small packages him to get the three count.

    Winner: Matt Sydal (7:32)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 58 CR: 44 MQ: 73

    Guppie: “John Walters put on a good showing against Sydal but Sydal caught him with a rollup to get the three count.”

    Patterson: “John Walters has been trying to make an impact here in the SMWA but he hasn’t been able to get a win yet and that’s not a good thing for him.”

    Guppie: “It’s definitely not. Up next we have Jimmy Rave taking on Deranged in what should be a fast paced encounter.”

    Patterson: “Deranged has been struggling since Angeldust left the SMWA and tonight he may be able to make a change in that if he can beat Jimmy Rave who has been near the top of the card lately.”

    Segment 6: Join the Rave

    Jimmy Rave comes out from backstage to applause from the crowd. Rave walks around the ring giving the fans fives and then slides into the ring and takes a mic from the announcer.

    Rave: “Some people may say that I’ve been having a tough time in the SMWA but I’ve been competing with the best wrestlers in the SMWA like Chance Beckett and Paul London. I’ve beaten Michael Shane and tonight I’m going to beat Deranged as well. Deranged you’ve been floundering on your own lately and I’m going to destroy you tonight. I’m going to put you down and secure my position at the top of the SMWA. Tonight I’m going to prove myself in the ring and I’m going to continue to prove myself over and over again. Deranged come on down and be the next contestant on the get your ass kicked show!”

    OA: 72

    Segment 7: Jimmy Rave vs. Deranged

    The two men face off in the ring and start the match with a fast exchange of armdrags and other junior style moves. Deranged comes out on top with a headscissors into an armdrag. Rave gets up to his feet and Deranged sends him into the corner with a monkey flip and Rave bounces off the turnbuckles and lands on the back of his head. Deranged pulls Rave to his feet and backs him into the corner and unleashes a series of kicks to the legs and midsection. Deranged pulls Rave out of the corner with a snap suplex then floats over for a two count. Deranged whips Rave into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Rave ducks underneath it. Rave comes off the ropes and pummels Deranged with a big back elbow. Deranged pops up to his feet and Rave sits him back down with a running forearm. Rave pulls Deranged up to his feet and drops him with a vertical suplex then climbs up to the top rope. Deranged gets up to his feet and Rave comes off with a crossbody block and covers Deranged for a long two count. Rave pulls Deranged up and goes for an irish whip but Deranged counters it sending Rave into the ropes. Rave comes off the ropes and Deranged backbody drops him over but Rave holds onto the top rope and lands on the apron. Deranged turns around and Rave grabs him and suplexes him over the ropes to the outside and Deranged lands hard on his feet and falls to his back. Deranged gets to his feet on the outside and Rave runs and jumps off the apron with a big knee. Rave rolls Deranged into the ring and slides in and covers for another two count

    Rave pulls Deranged to his feet and whips him into the corner. Rave charges and Deranged stops him with a big boot. Deranged hops up to the second rope then jumps off onto Rave and takes him over with a swinging DDT that leaves both men down on the mat. They get up slowly at the count of two and Deranged gets a swinging neckbreaker on Rave. Deranged bounces off the ropes as Rave gets to his feet and Deranged nails him with a spinning front kick. Deranged grabs a leg and rolls over Rave for a two count. Deranged continues on offensive on Rave. Deranged takes Rave over with a ‘ranna and holds the legs for a two count. Deranged goes up to the top rope but Rave catches him and takes his legs out racking him up on the top. Rave climbs up with him and Rave takes Deranged over with a hurrincanranna. Deranged sits up and Rave crushes him with a big knee to the face. Rave covers Deranged and gets a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (12:38)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 74 CR: 60 MQ: 88

    Guppie: “What a contest between those two men. Both men threw out their best moves and Rave got the win with a big knee to the face on Rave for the finish.”

    Patterson: “Rave wanted to prove something but as he said Deranged has really struggled on his own and a win over him isn’t a huge deal but a win is always a good thing and we’ll see if he can follow up on that.”

    Guppie: “Up next The Strong Brothers defend the SMWA Championship against Adam Pearce and Conrad Kennedy the Third.”

    Patterson: “Pearce and Kennedy won the shot at the champs in a tough match but they are going to have a completely different challenge here tonight.”

    Segment 8: Strong Brothers ©vs. Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    CK and Sedrick start the match out and they circle cautiously. Ringside Michael Shane swipes at the feet of Sedrick distracting him and CK charges and hits Sedrick from behind with a double axe handle. CK takes Sedrick down with a belly to back suplex then follows up by dropping an elbow to the chest of Sedrick and covers for a two count. CK whips Sedrick hard into the corner and follows up with a charging clothesline but Sedrick moves out of the way and CK slams into the corner and Sedrick takes him down with a side russian leg sweep. Sedrick pulls CK to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Pearce makes a blind tag. Sedrick takes CK over with a backbody drop but Pearce charges in and levels him with a clothesline. Pearce pulls Sedrick to his feet and whips him into the corner and charges hitting him with a back elbow. Pearce goes for a hiptoss but Sedrick manages to flip over to his feet then get to his corner and tag in Roderick. Roderick comes in and hits Pearce with a running chop but Pearce is unaffected and then trades some forearms with Roderick as the two men just pound away at each other. Pearce gains the advantage to his larger size and backs Roderick into the ropes then whips him across the ring. Roderick comes off the ropes and jumps up nailing Pearce with a forearm that sends him down to the mat. Roderick pulls Pearce up and is the victim of a low blow and Pearce follows up with a powerslam then tags in CK. CK climbs up to the top rope and Pearce powerslams Roderick again and CK follows up with a splash for a two count.

    CK pulls Roderick to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex. The Prime Time tag team keep Roderick trapped in their corner as they work him over. Roderick starts to break free as he sends Pearce off the apron to the outside with a back elbow. He tags CK with a couple of forearms then goes to make the tag but Shane distracts the ref. Sedrick tags in and comes in but the ref stops him and tells Roderick to get back into the ring. CK snapmares Roderick as he gets back into the ring and grabs a rear chinlock and sticks his knee in the small of Roderick’s back. Pearce slides into the ring and delivers a stomp to the face of Roderick’s feet then retreats back to the apron. CK releases the hold and tags in Pearce. Pearce pulls Roderick to his feet and goes for a piledriver but Roderick counters it with a backbody drop then makes the tag to Sedrick. Sedrick climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick. CK comes in and Sedrick takes him over with an armdrag that sends him to the outside. Shane goes over to help CK to his feet and Sedrick dives through the ropes and takes out both men with a suicide dive. Sedrick slides back into the ring and runs into a big boot from Pearce. Pearce whips Sedrick into the ropes and goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker but Sedrick counters it into a spinning headscissors. Pearce gets to his feet and Sedrick continues the offensive then tags Roderick back in. Roderick backs Pearce up with a series of forearms. Shane hops up on the apron and Roderick goes over and sends him to the floor with a big forearm. Roderick turns around and Pearce drops him with a big clothesline then tags in CK. CK takes Roderick down with a DDT then covers him for a two count. CK pulls Roderick to his feet and then plants him with a brainbuster. Sedrick comes into breakup CK’s cover but Shane pulls him off the apron and the ref makes the three count.

    Winner: Pearce & CK3 (15:43)

    Notes: **/14

    OA: 65 CR: 48 MQ: 82

    Guppie: “Adam Pearce and Conrad Kennedy the Third win the SMWA Tag Team Championships thanks to the help of Michael Shane and their dirty tactics.”

    Patterson: “They knew they weren’t going to win fairly so they cheated to give themselves the advantage and the third man on the outside was just what they needed.”

    Guppie: “Our Tag Team Champions have just been knocked off and now Chance Beckett is going to hope that he can repeat that as he takes on Vito Thomaselli in a 2/3 falls match for the SMWA Championship.”

    Patterson: “This should be a wild match and if it goes to a third fall it’s going to be a ladder match. These two guys have had a lot of problems among each other and this match is going to settle those issues.”

    Segment 9: Vito Thomaselli ©vs. Chance Beckett (2/3 Falls, SMWA Championship)

    The two men face off in the ring and they lockup. The two men struggle but neither man gains and advantage and they break off. They lockup and again neither man can get an advantage and they break it off. Vito goes for another lockup but Beckett shoots down and trips Vito with a single leg takedown. Beckett drops an elbow to the knee and then grabs it with a leglock. Vito kicks at Beckett with his right leg and breaks Beckett’s hold and both men get up to their feet. They lockup and Beckett slowly backs Vito into the corner but Vito turns it around backing Beckett into the corner then unloads on him with a series of forearms and chops. Vito whips Beckett across the ring into the opposite corner then charges and hits a big knee to the midsection. Vito snapmares Beckett out of the corner and grabs Beckett with a rear chinlock. Beckett fights to his feet and shoots Vito into the ropes. Vito comes off the ropes and drops Beckett with a shoulder tackle. The two men continue to go back and forth in the early portions of the match. They do some chain wrestling on the mat as both men try to find a weakness to exploit. Vito manages to catch a break as he catches Beckett running off the ropes and whips him over with a hard powerslam that gets him a two count. Vito pulls Beckett to his feet and delivers a vertical suplex. Vito follows up by dropping a knee to the face of Beckett then covering for a two count. Vito continues his offensive but doesn’t manage to score with any really big moves. Vito attempts a DVD but Beckett slides down behind and plants him with a belly to back suplex.

    Both men get to their feet and Beckett blocks a punch from Vito and forearms him right in the face. Vito is staggered and Beckett shoots the left leg of Vito and holds onto it going right into a single leg crab but Vito is too close to the ropes and grabs them for a break. Beckett pulls Vito to his feet and goes for a shinbreaker but Vito reverses it by rolling behind Beckett and taking him over with a sunset flip for a two count. Vito rolls through to his feet and Beckett springs up and catches him with a dropkick that sends him over the top rope to the outside. Beckett grabs the top rope and slings himself over onto Vito with a somersault plancha. Beckett pulls Vito to his feet on the outside and rocks him with a European uppercut then suplexes Vito over on the hard floor. Beckett rolls Vito into the ring then climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a splash but Vito gets his knees up driving them into his midsection. Beckett gets to his feet and Vito nails him with a spear. Vito grabs a leg and gets a two count. Vito pulls Beckett to his feet and lifts him up onto his shoulders in an electric chair but Beckett fires away with some punches to Vito’s head then counters the move with a victory roll for a two count. Vito gets to his feet and Beckett grabs him and plants him with a DDT.

    Beckett grabs the left leg of Vito and goes for the single leg crab but Vito fights against the roll and then shoves Beckett off with his free foot. Beckett bounces off the ropes and tries to go for something but Vito counters with a big forearm that drops him. Vito powerslams Beckett then goes up to the top rope and hits a senton bomb for a two count. Vito picks Beckett up for a DVD again but Beckett nails him with some elbows to the head and Vito drops down allowing Beckett to grab him and drop him across his knee with a neckbreaker. Beckett makes the cover and gets a two count. Beckett whips Vito into the ropes and sends him flying with a big overhead belly to belly suplex. Beckett pulls Vito up and Vito fires him with a European uppercut then goes behind and drops Beckett on his head with a release german suplex and both men are down on the mat. They get up at the ref’s count of five and start trading forearms on their knees and slowly standup and start to chop the hell out of each other’s chest. Vito rocks Beckett back with a big chop and Beckett returns in kind. Vito swings around with a big slap to the face of Beckett that turns him around and Vito grabs Beckett with a rear waistlock and hits a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Vito pulls Beckett up and Beckett hits a dropkick to the knee of Vito that takes him out and sends him face first to the mat. Beckett hits Vito with a shinbreaker then bounces off the ropes and drops him with a clothesline. Beckett slides out of the ring and pulls Vito towards the corner and wraps his legs around the ringpost. Beckett gets a figure four leglock around the ringpost but the ref comes out and breaks it up. Beckett reluctantly breaks the hold then shoves the ref down to the floor. Beckett grabs a chair from ringside and slams it against the leg of Vito crushing his leg against the ringpost and the ref calls for the bell. (18:13)

    Patterson: “Chance Beckett just threw away the first fall by getting disqualifired.”

    Guppie: “Beckett lost the first fall but he didn’t throw it away. He saw that Vito was getting the better of him and he just made sure that Vito’s legs aren’t going to be working well for the rest of the match and that’s going to give him an advantage.”

    Beckett slides into the ring and pulls Vito to the center of the ring then grabs the legs and gets a figure four leglock. The two men struggle in the ring, Vito fights to get free as the fans cheer him on and Beckett keeps Vito trapped in the ring. Vito gives up on trying to get to the ropes and instead slowly tries to turn the hold over but Beckett blocks it taking Vito onto his back. Vito tries again and slowly turns Beckett over as the crowd starts to erupt. Vito feels it and flips the hold over and puts the pressure on Beckett but Beckett grabs the ropes and the ref sorts out the legs of the two combatants breaking up the hold. Vito pulls himself up to his feet barely putting any weight on his left leg. Beckett grabs the leg of Vito for a dragonscrew but Vito jumps up and nails him with an enziguri. Beckett gets to his feet and Vito picks him up for a DVD but his left leg gives out sending him down to the mat. Beckett starts a lighting attack on the injured leg of Vito. He caps it off with a shinbreaker and holds onto the leg and turns Vito over into a single leg crab and plants his knee on the back of Vito’s head and gets a fairly quick submission. (22:39)

    Guppie: “Vito decided not to fight against this hold and is trying to save energy for the final fall, the ladder match.”

    Patterson: “Unfortunately it may be too late for him to save energy as his legs have already taken a beating. He couldn’t even pick Beckett up for a DVD so how can he climb a ladder?”

    Beckett rolls out of the ring and goes under the ring and grabs a ladder. He turns it side ways and gets ready to slide it in but Vito hobbles over and dropkicks it back into Beckett’s face sending him tumbling over on the outside. Beckett gets to his feet and Vito slingshots himself to the outside with a flying crossbody block to the delight of the crowd. Vito gets to his feet holding onto the guardrail and the fans are slapping him on the back in encouragement. Vito asks for a chair and the fans are willing to oblige him. Beckettgets to his feet and Vito wallops him with an unprotected chairshot and Beckett falls to the floor and Vito holds the chair up as the crowd cheers. Vito throws the chair into the ring then picks the ladder up and slides that in as well. Vito stands by the apron and Beckett chop blocks his left leg dropping him to the floor. Beckett gets to his feet with blood flowing down his face. Beckett pulls Vito back up and turns him around towards the fans and picks him up for a shinbreaker and drops his left leg across the guardrail as the crowd boos. Beckett turns around and pulls a table out from underneath the ring and then pulls out a second one and he sets them up next to the apron. Beckett grabs Vito and pulls him up onto the apron. Beckett picks Vito up for a suplex but Vito flips over and lands inside the ring. Vito then grabs Beckett and tries to suplex him into the ring but Beckett blocks it. Beckett gets Vito up for a suplex to the outside but Vito comes back down and uses the momentum to suplex Beckett into the ring. Vito gets to his feet checking on his leg and then sets the ladder up. Vito starts climbing up the ladder slowly. Beckett gets to his feet and starts climbing up the other side. The two men get up to the top and start nailing each other with forearms and chops and then they get the ladder moving and Vito swings with a big punch and the ladder tips over and both men fall over the ropes and crash through the tables conveniently setup on the outside and hit the floor to thunderous cheers from the crowd as a ‘holy shit’ chant starts.

    Patterson: “This match has got to be over! Those two men just fell over fifteen feet and crashed through those tables!”

    Guppie: “I’ve never seen anything like this before in the SMWA! I don’t know what they are going to do with the match.”

    The trainer, owner and several wrestlers come down to check on Vito and Beckett but both men wave off the help after about a minute both men are slowly getting to their feet and they start firing off some forearms that are missing some of the juice they had a while ago. The wrestlers start to come out from the back and watch in the entrance. The two men slide into the ring and Vito grabs a bloody Beckett and plants him with a bulldog. Vito drags himself over and grabs the chair and prepares to wallop Beckett but Beckett is too quick to his feet and dropkicks the chair into Vito’s face. Beckett grabs the ladder and then sets it up in the corner. He goes to irish whip Vito into it but Vito puts on the breaks. Beckett charges and Vito sends him into the ladder with a big backbody drop. Beckett rolls off the ladder and Vito grabs it and sets it up in the middle of the ring. Vito starts climbing and Beckett grabs him from behind and pulls him off slamming him to the mat. Beckett starts climbing up the ladder dragging his battered body slowly up. Vito gets to his feet using the ladder and hits Beckett with a few desperate forearm shots which are enough to stop his climbing. Vito climbs up a couple of rungs on the ladder then turns around and pulls Beckett off with a powerbomb that slams him hard to the mat. Vito drops down to the mat and falls to one knee as he holds onto the ropes to keep up. He slowly gets to his feet and pulls Beckett up as well. Vito quickly lifts Beckett up with a fireman’s carry and then drops him on his head with a DVD and both men are down as Vito is grabbing at his left leg. The crowd’s cheer rises as they start a ‘Vito’ chant and Vito seems to draw energy from it. Vito pulls himself up and crawls over to the ladder and then starts climbing up. He seems to be using only his arms but he gets up. He takes a few weary steps up to the top and gets a hand on the belt. Beckett gets to his feet on the mat and sees Vito at the top. Vito climbs up another rung and grabs the belt and yanks it off as Beckett tips the ladder over sending Vito crashing to the mat with the belt in his hands.

    Beckett crawls over to where Vito is and helps him up to his feet and then gives him a hug as the two men lean against each other wearily and Beckett raises Vito’s hand in victory.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (38:44)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 77 CR: 72 MQ: 82

    Guppie: “Those two men just put each other through hell and now they truly respect each other. What a phenomenal contest!”

    Patterson: “I thought for sure the match was over when they fell over the ladder and smashed through the tables but they fought on and Vito managed to climb up the ladder and grab the belt even with a severely injured leg.”

    Guppie: “Those two men just showed what determination and championship material is and they both put their bodies on the line for the SMWA Championship and that’s a great way to end the show.”

    Patterson: “It sure is. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on your favorite wrestlers and upcoming shows. For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA!”

    OA: 65

  12. Third Anniversary Show


    April 11, 2007

    On April 17 the SMWA presents its Third Anniversary Show. We look to kick our fourth year off with a bang with a big card for the Anniversary show. The show will take place in Detroit and we hope everybody will come and support us.

    Vito Thomaselli ©vs. Chance Beckett (2/3 Falls) (SMWA Championship)

    Our huge main event pits the two rivals against each other in a 2/3 falls match for the SMWA Championship. The first two falls will be normal match but if it goes to a third fall it will be a ladder match. Almost two years after their ladder match that forced Chance Beckett to leave the SMWA for over a year these two men will meet again and the winner will be the SMWA Champion.

    Strong Brothers ©vs. Conrad Kennedy III & Adam Pearce (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    The Prime Time team of CK3 and Pearce earned a shot at the titles but the Strong Brothers have held onto the belts firmly and it’s going to take quite a bit of work to take the belts away from them.

    Jimmy Rave vs. Deranged

    John Walters vs. Matt Sydal

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. N8 Mattson

    Black Dragon vs. Arik Cannon

    Greg Pawluk vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Halo vs. B-Boy

    Tickets are only $15 or $20 for ringside seats. Thanks for supporting the SMWA through our first three years and we hope you will continue to support us.

  13. Night of the Dragon (Kalkaska)

    April 9, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to Night of the Dragon. I’m Brian Guppie and I’m joined by Mike Patterson on commentary. We have a huge show lined up for you tonight with Super Dragon challenging Vito Thomaselli for the SMWA Championship and tons of other great matches.”

    Patterson: “Indeed we do. Super Dragon making his debut plus we see Ace Steel and Colt Cabana, The Second City Saints, in tag team action.”

    Segment 1: Super Dragon Challenge

    Super Dragon walks out from backstage and is accompanied by Excalibur and Halo. The three men strut down towards the ring and enter the ring and then Excalibur takes the mic from the announcer.

    Excalibur: “Super Dragon is known throughout the world as a brutal wrestler who knows how to knock his opponent out of his boots. His reputation has earned him this title shot. There is no doubt that Super Dragon can beat the shit out of Vito Thomaselli or anybody else who has ever held the SMWA Championship. But many of the fans of the SMWA have been complaining about Super Dragon getting a title shot. I don’t know why this is such a problem for you fans but Super Dragon has somehow understood these complaints and he wants to prove himself. He is offering an open challenge. Anybody from the back can come on out here and challenge Super Dragon. If you beat Super Dragon he’ll give his title shot to you tonight. Anybody who wants the shot at the belt and a match against Super Dragon can come on down here.”

    The three men don’t wait long for Sonjay Dutt to come out from the back. Dutt slides into the ring and faces off against Dragon and a ref comes out to start the match.

    OA: 53

    Guppie: “We have an impromptu match right here as Super Dragon takes on Sonjay Dutt.”

    Patterson: “Dutt is brave but he may have bitten off more than he can chew. Dutt is a great high flyer but Super Dragon is without a doubt a brutal wrestler.”

    Guppie: “It’s very true. I can’t wait to see these two men face off though and if Dutt does win he will get a big opportunity against Vito Thomaselli tonight.”

    Segment 2: Super Dragon vs. Sonjay Dutt

    The two men face off as the bell rings and Dragon rocks Dutt with a brutal forearm to the head. Dragon whips Dutt into the face and crushes him with a wicked lariat. Dragon makes the cover and gets a two count. Dragon continues to beat down on Dutt and just goes to town on him with some big strikes. Dutt gets brutally battered and Dragon picks him up in a reverse fireman’s carry. Dutt struggles against it and then flips over onto his feet and lands an enziguri on Dragon. Dragon gets up and Dutt hurrincanrannas him over. Dutt fires back with some kicks of his own and then bounces off the ropes and Dragon rocks him with a rolling forearm. Dragon pulls Dutt to his feet and whips him into the corner. Dragon charges but Dutt blocks it with a big boot to the face. Dutt jumps up to the top rope and then jumps off with a dragonranna and holds the legs of Dragon and gets a two count. Dutt gets up to his feet and bounces off the ropes and Dragon rises to his feet and rails Dutt with a lariat dropping Dutt on the top of his head. Dragon continues to control Dutt and then picks him up and drops him with the psycho driver. Dragon makes the cover and gets the three count.

    Winner: Super Dragon (7:14)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 64 CR: 44 MQ: 84

    Guppie: “Dutt put on an impressive showing there but Super Dragon just over powered him with his brutal strikes.”

    Patterson: “It looks like Super Dragon will take on Vito Thomaselli later tonight for the SMWA Championship in what should be an epic battle for the SMWA Championship.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have Jimmy Jacobs taking on Deranged in a one on one match which should be quite a showcase.”

    Patterson: “Jacobs had a close lose to Chance Beckett at the last show and Deranged just lost his partner Angeldust to a serious leg injury and has to really make an impact on his own.”

    Segment 3: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Deranged

    The two men face off and they lockup in the middle of the ring. Jacobs goes behind Deranged with a hammerlock but Deranged ducks under and gets a hammerlock of his own. Jacobs fires some back elbows then jumps up and comes down with a snapmare to break up the hold. The two men go back and forth with some chain wrestling until Deranged connects with a spinning front kick. Deranged takes control of the match and works Jacobs over with some junior style offense. Deranged scores with a sitout fisherman buster and holds Jacobs for a long two count. Deranged picks Jacobs up for another fisherman buster but Jacobs escapes and goes behind Deranged and takes him over with a release german suplex and both men are down. Both men get to their feet and Jacobs charges and nails him with a yakuza kick. Jacobs drops down on Deranged and gets a two count. The two men start trading big moves for some close calls but neither man gets a three count. Deranged catches Jacobs from behind and hits him with a bridging german suplex for a long two count. Deranged pulls Jacobs up to his feet and Jacobs grabs Deranged and runs up the ropes with a contra code and drags himself over Deranged for a three count.

    Winner: Jimmy Jacobs (8:38)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 67 CR: 53 MQ: 81

    Guppie: “Jacobs with a win over Deranged with the contra code. That was a back and forth match but Jacobs managed to score the big move at the end for the finish.”

    Patterson: “He also managed to kick out of a sitout fisherman buster from Deranged that I thought had finished the match.”

    Guppie: “Our next match pits one half of the tag team champions, Roderick Strong, against Arik Cannon.”

    Patterson: “This is Cannon’s first match in the SMWA but he’s well known in the midwest for his technical wrestling skills and he could really test Roderick in this match.”

    Segment 4: Roderick Strong vs. Arik Cannon

    Cannon started the match off really strong and dominated Roderick with some mat wrestling. Cannon backed Roderick into the corner with a lockup and the ref breaks them up. Cannon moves forward and Roderick rocks him with a knife edge chops. Cannon staggers backwards and Roderick follows him with a bunch of chops to the chest and then rocks him with some forearms. Roderick whips Cannon into the ropes and then catches him with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Roderick continues to work on the back of Cannon and puts him in a boston crab and Cannon slowly crawls forward and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Cannon gets to his feet holding his back and Roderick charges with a lariat but Cannon ducks under it and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Cannon starts to work the neck of Roderick. Cannon backs off and goes for the glimmering warlock as Roderick is on a knee but Roderick stands up and crushes him with a forearm as he charges dropping Cannon hard. Roderick picks Cannon up and hits the widow’s peak then covers Cannon for the three count.

    Winner: Roderick Strong (7:23)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 53 CR: 28 MQ: 78

    Guppie: “Arik Cannon put on a good showing but Roderick just had too much punch for him in that match.”

    Patterson: “And you mean that literally. Strong kept gaining the advantage with his big strikes and he almost killed Cannon with that forearm at the end of the match.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a big tag team match. Halo and Excalibur face off against the Second City Saints team of Colt Cabana and Ace Steel.”

    Patterson: “Styles are going to clash in this match. Halo and Excalibur are big high flyers and Cabana and Steel are power wrestlers and we’ll see which team can get the win here.”

    Segment 5: Halo & Excalibur vs. Colt Cabana & Ace Steel

    Excalibur and Steel start the match off. They lockup and Steel grabs Excalibur by his mask and rocks him with a couple of forearms. Steel powerslams Excalibur down and drops a knee down and makes a cover for a long one count. Steel pulls Excalibur to his feet and whips him into the ropes and drops him with a lariat. Steel continues to control the match working Excalibur over and then tags in Cabana. Cabana comes in and Excalibur nails him with a low blow then takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Excalibur gets to his feet and tags in Halo and Halo comes in with a springboard dropkick. Halo continues a fast paced offensive on Cabana keeping him off balance and isolates him with the help of Excalibur and they work on Cabana’s neck. Cabana fires back with some forearms and punches and tries to make a run to the corner but Halo catches him with a dropkick to the legs that take him out to the mat. Halo pulls Cabana to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Cabana comes off with a flying forearm. Cabana grabs Halo with a front facelock and backs into the corner and climbs up to the second rope then comes off with a tornado snap suplex. Cabana crawls to his corner and tags in Steel.

    Steel comes in and drops an elbow on Halo and makes a cover for two before Excalibur comes in and pulls him off. Steel faces off with Excalibur and the two trade words until Halo grabs Steel from behind and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Halo makes a cover and gets a two count then tags in Excalibur. Excalibur grabs Steel and Steel fights him off with knee to the midsection then takes him over with a gut wrench suplex and tags in Cabana. Cabana comes into the ring and clotheslines Excalibur down as he gets to his feet. Cabana whips Excalibur into the ropes and catches him with a sidewalk slam for a two count. Cabana pulls Excalibur up to his feet and goes for the Colt 45 but Excalibur slides down his back and spins Cabana around and plants him with a double underhook piledriver. Excalibur makes the cover and gets two before Steel breaks up the cover. Excalibur tags in Halo who comes in with a double stomp on Cabana and gets a two count. Halo pulls Cabana up in a front chancery and Cabana lifts Halo up and walks him to his corner and tags in Steel. Steel comes in and takes Halo over with a backdrop driver then charges and knocks Excalibur off the apron with a back elbow and sends him into the guardrail. Steel whips Halo into the ropes and Halo jumps onto the second rope and springboards with a moonsault but Steel catches him and then drops him with a tombstone piledriver and covers him for a three count.

    Winner: Colt Cabana & Ace Steel (14:31)

    Notes: ***1/4

    OA: 71 CR: 50 MQ: 92

    Guppie: “What a tag team match between those two teams. Cabana and Steel manage to come out big in the end.”

    Patterson: “Halo and Excalibur made a nice showing in that match but Steel put Halo away with a devastating tombstone piledriver.”

    Guppie: “We have a big singles match up next and Greg Pawluk takes on B-Boy one on one.”

    Patterson: “This should be an interesting match. Pawluk is great on the mat but could have some trouble with B-Boy who can go on the mat and stand toe to toe with any wrestler.”

    Segment 6: Greg Pawluk vs. B-Boy

    Pawluk goes for a lockup and B-Boy nails him with a forearm then goes behind with a rear waistlock and slams Pawluk down to the mat. Pawluk sits out and gets behind B-Boy and forces him down onto his stomach and then grabs a front facelock. B-Boy gets up to his feet and gets to the ropes to break the hold. The two men lockup and Pawluk goes behind with a hammerlock. B-Boy hits a back elbow then ducks down and goes behind with a hammerlock of his own. Pawluk reverses out with a back elbow and then grabs an arm wringer and forces B-Boy down with a foot to the back of the knee. Pawluk cranks on the arm and B-Boy rolls forward and kips up to his feet and flips Pawluk over by the arm. Pawluk gets to his feet and B-Boy drops him with a charging forearm. B-Boy takes it to Pawluk with advantage and pounds away at him with strikes. B-Boy backs Pawluk into a corner and sits him down with a series of chops and forearms. B-Boy bounces off the far ropes and charges the corner but Pawluk manages to crawl away to avoid the attack. B-Boy grabs Pawluk from behind and goes for a belly to back suplex but Pawluk flips over and lands on his feet and takes B-Boy down with a dropkick to the back of the knees. Pawluk follows by grabbing a single leg crab but B-Boy is quick to the ropes to break up the hold.

    Both men get up to their feet and B-Boy charges only to have Pawluk take him out with a dropkick to the knees. Pawluk controls the match and works over the legs of B-Boy. Pawluk manages to get a figure four leglock on and cranks down on it before B-Boy manages to turn the hold over and force Pawluk to break the hold. Pawluk pulls B-Boy into the center of the ring and goes for the figure four again but B-Boy lifts himself up and rocks Pawluk with a forearm which is enough to stun him. B-Boy gets to his feet and rocks Pawluk with a series of forearms then whips him into the ropes and drops him with a big lariat. B-Boy picks Pawluk up and drops him with a backdrop driver. B-Boy walks on his left leg gingerly but still manages to control the match and works on the neck of Pawluk. B-Boy goes for the cross special brainbuster but Pawluk blocks it with a foot between the legs of B-Boy then trips him down and grabs a texas cloverleaf and flips B-Boy over into the hold. B-Boy tries to crawl to the ropes but Pawluk isn’t moving. B-Boy levers himself up and then manages to flip under Pawluk and flip him over breaking the hold. Both men get up to their feet and B-Boy grabs Pawluk and hits him with the cross special brainbuster and drapes himself across Pawluk and gets the three count.

    Winner: B-Boy (12:44)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 62 CR: 42 MQ: 83

    Guppie: “What a match between those two men. B-Boy manages to barely pull out a win with the injured leg.”

    Patterson: “I thought B-Boy was done when Pawluk grabbed him with the Texas cloverleaf but he managed to wiggle out of the hold and put Pawluk down for the count.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a big match as Chance Beckett takes on Jimmy Rave. This should be a great encounter.”

    Patterson: “Chance Beckett really needs to get a win as he is facing Vito Thomaselli next month in a big match and if Vito beats Super Dragon tonight it’s going to be for the SMWA Championship.”

    Segment 7: The Gauntlet

    Chance Beckett walks down to the ring and slides in. He faces off with Rave in the ring then calls for the mic.

    Chance: “Jimmy don’t get yourself too excited about getting to wrestle against me. You are just a warm up match for my two out of three falls with Vito Thomaselli at the Third Anniversary Show. That match is going to end with me reclaiming the SMWA Championship that you beat me for Vito. That match is going to end with me being proclaimed the better man and all the fans know that it’s true. Tonight though I will fight you Jimmy Rave and tonight I will beat you. You may be good but I am great and that puts me ahead of you. I predict that tonight you will tap out and I’m going to make that prediction a reality.”

    OA: 68

    Segment 8: Chance Beckett vs. Jimmy Rave

    Chance spikes the mic and the two men lockup in the ring. Beckett goes behind Rave with a rear waistlock and tries to lift him up but Rave blocks with his foot behind Beckett’s and then hits some elbows. Rave goes behind Beckett with a rear waistlock then picks him up and slams him down to the mat. Beckett sits out and quickly gets behind Rave and forces him down with a hammerlock. Beckett flips over and bridges the hammerlock but Rave scoots back forcing Beckett to the lose the hold. Both men get to their feet and they lockup again. They go through this a couple of times with some great mat exchanges to the delight of the crowd. After a third break Beckett rolls to the outside frustrated. Unfortunately for him Rave slides out behind him and runs him into the guardrail hard. The crowd cheers as Rave pulls Beckett up and rolls him into the ring. Rave gets onto the apron and then climbs up to the top rope but Beckett gets to his feet and racks him up on the top rope. Beckett hits Rave with some forearms and then drops to the mat and takes him off with a dragonscrew from the top rope. Beckett goes for a single leg crab but Rave manages to stop Beckett from turning him over and Beckett contents himself with a DDT on the leg of Rave then grabbing a legbar but Rave manages to make it to the ropes and break up the hold.

    Beckett pulls Rave up by the hair and avoids some punches that Rave throws. Beckett sweeps the legs out from under Rave and then covers him for a two count. Beckett backs off and lets Rave pull himself to his feet using the ropes. Beckett comes in and hits Rave with a chop block that takes him down to the mat. Beckett goes for a figure four but Rave counters it with a rollup and gets a two count. Beckett gets to his feet surprised and Rave grabs him and plants him with a big DDT. Rave gets up gingerly trying not to put too much pressure on his left leg. Beckett gets up to his feet and Rave kicks him in the midsection and snapmares him over. Rave grabs a rear chinlock but Beckett manages to gain his feet fairly quickly. He hits Rave with some elbows to the midsection then shoots him into the ropes and flips him with a backbody drop. Beckett pulls Rave up to his feet and goes for a shin breaker but Rave flips over Beckett and grabs him from behind and drops him with a reverse DDT that scores a long two count. Rave rolls Beckett over and grabs a fujiwara armbar but Beckett slowly crawls forward and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Beckett gets to his feet and charges at Rave but Rave takes him down into an armbar and then drops a couple of knees to the shoulder of Beckett then grabs a fujiwara armbar and Beckett manages to lift himself up and flip over to relieve the pressure on the arm. Rave continues to control the match by working on the arm.

    Rave whips Beckett into the ropes and then lifts him up and drops him face first to the mat and then grabs him with a crossface as he hits the mat and Beckett almost taps out immediately but stops himself. Beckett slowly moves his feet around behind him and manages to get one on the ropes and force the break. Rave pulls Beckett up to his feet and snapmares him over and then bounces off the ropes and goes for the big knee but Beckett grabs the knee and trips Rave up. Beckett holds onto the leg and flips over backwards into a single leg crab. Rave kicks his legs and Beckett loses his grip because of the injured arm. Rave gets up to his feet and Rave grabs Beckett and takes him down with a single arm DDT. Rave goes for a fujiwara armbar but Beckett manages to block it and escape the hold. Both men get up to their feet. Beckett blocks a punch from Rave and Beckett hits him with a shinbreaker and then goes right into a backdrop driver. Beckett grabs the left leg of Rave and gets a single leg crab and then sticks his knee into the back of Rave’s neck. Rave fights for the ropes but can’t get anywhere and taps out.

    Winner: Chance Beckett (17:52)

    Notes: ***1/2

    OA: 78 CR: 65 MQ: 91

    Guppie: “What a match between those two men. Jimmy Rave did some nice work on the arm but Beckett just destroyed Rave’s leg and finished him off with a brutal single leg cab.”

    Patterson: “Chance Beckett has some momentum going into his match against Vito next month and that may give him the advantage.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a tag team match and the winners will get a shot against the Strong Brothers at the Anniversary show. Michael Shane and Conrad Kennedy III will take on Josh Daniels and Sonjay Dutt.”

    Patterson: “This is a big chance for both of these fairly new teams and they can really capitalize with a win here.”

    Segment 9: The Future is now

    Conrad Kennedy III walks out from the back and Michael Shane walks out behind him with his arm in a sling. The two men walk down and enter the ring and Shane takes a mic from the crowd.

    Shane: “As you folks can see I have an injured arm. But don’t worry the Prime Time stable of CK Three and I have a plan. We have a secret weapon planned for a desperate time and my injury is just such a desperate time. Tonight the secret weapon will be taking my place tonight in the match and after CK and he win the match tonight they are going to go on to win the SMWA Tag Team Championships at the Third Anniversary Show. Tonight we unveil our secret weapon and the newest member of Prime Time. Fans welcome ‘Scrap Iron’ Adam Pearce.”

    Adam Pearce walks out from backstage to some boos from the crowd. Pearce yells at some of the fans then enters the ring.

    Shane: “This man is one of the toughest brawlers in the business today. Pearce is old school just like CK and I. Pearce is the big man holding down the foundation of Prime Time. Pearce is going to show all you fans tonight just how tough he is. Josh Daniels may be a hard hitter and Sonjay Dutt may be a great high flyer but they can’t deal with the team of Pearce and CK Three. They are a tag team that may be as dangerous as CK Three and I and tonight they are going to show off just how dominant Prime Time is going to be.”

    Shane drops the mic and rolls out of the ring.

    OA: 49

    Guppie: “I hadn’t heard about Michael Shane being injured. Adam Pearce is a good brawler but I don’t know how well he’ll work with Kennedy in this match and this could be their downfall.”

    Patterson: “By the same token though Daniels and Dutt have never teamed up before either. They may have had some more time to plan out their strategy though since they knew they were going to be a team longer and that could be the small advantage that they need.”

    Segment 10: Adam Pearce & Conrad Kennedy III (Prime Time) vs. Josh Daniels & Sonjay Dutt (Tag Title Shot)

    Daniels and Pearce start the match off and Daniels goes at Pearce with some big chops but Pearce just shakes them off and rocks Daniels with a forearm to the side of the head. Pearce backs Daniels into the corner and wails away with some chops but Daniels comes out of the corner showing no effects. The two men face off in the corner and start trading some forearms and both men stagger backwards and tag in their partners. CK3 comes in and Dutt catches him with a springboard spinning heel kick. Dutt pulls CK3 to his feet and whips him into the ropes and goes for a leg lariat but CK3 catches him and drops him across his knee with a backbreaker. CK3 follows up with some knees to the small of the back then makes a cover for a two count. CK3 snapmares Dutt over and grabs him with a rear chinlock. Dutt fights to his feet and shoots CK3 into the ropes and Pearce makes the blind tag. Dutt takes CK3 down with a shoulder tackle. He turns around and Pearce grabs him from behind and hits a belly to back suplex. Pearce works on the neck of Dutt. Pearce grabs Dutt with a front chancery and takes Dutt down with a DDT. Pearce keeps the hold on until Daniels comes in and breaks the hold up with a knife edge chop to Pearce’s back.

    Pearce breaks the hold and faces off with Daniels as the ref forces Daniels back to his corner. Pearce powerslams Dutt down and then tags in CK3 and the two Prime Time members keep Dutt isolated and work on his neck. Pearce grabs Dutt and goes for a piledriver but Dutt blocks it and sends Pearce over with a backbody drop. CK3 comes in and goes for a lariat but Dutt ducks under it then rolls and tags in Daniels. Daniels tags both men down with big double forearms. Daniels takes CK3 over with a belly to belly suplex that drops CK3 on his head and CK3 rolls out of the ring. Daniels goes for a belly to belly suplex on Pearce but Pearce blocks it and hits a couple of elbows on Daniels and breaks it up and then plants Daniels with his own side belly to belly suplex. Pearce and Daniels go back and forth with some big moves and neither man is able to capitalize. Pearce does manage to rock Daniels with a brainbuster and Daniels rolls to his corner and tags in Dutt. Pearce takes Dutt down as he comes in with a big lariat. CK3 pulls Daniels off the apron and the two men start brawling on the outside. In the ring Pearce takes Dutt down with a neckbreaker then pulls him to his feet and spikes him with a piledriver. Pearce hooks Dutt’s leg and makes the cover for the three count.

    Winner: Prime Time (12:33)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 60 CR: 42 MQ: 78

    Guppie: “Pearce and Conrad did a nice job of working on the neck of Dutt in that match and it got them the win in the end.”

    Patterson: “Daniels really tried to hold his team up but Conrad neutralized him at the end of the match and allowed Pearce to finish Dutt off.”

    Guppie: “Those two will get a shot at the SMWA Tag Team Titles at the Third Anniversary Show. Now it’s time for our main event as Vito Thomaselli defends the SMWA Championship against Super Dragon.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be an awesome match. Dragon is known for his brutally stiff brawling and Vito has been putting on a good showing as the SMWA Champion this year.”

    Segment 11: Vito Thomaselli ©vs. Super Dragon (SMWA Championship)

    Vito and Dragon start the match off by facing off with each other. The two men lockup and Vito goes behind with a rear waistlock. Dragon throws some back elbows and goes behind with his own rear waistlock and then grabs a hammerlock. Vito fights out of the hammerlock and goes behind with is own and then turns it into a rear waistlock. Vito picks Dragon up and slams him down to the mat and then spins around into a front chancery. Dragon fights up to his feet and breaks out of the hold with some forearms to the head of Vito and then whips him into the ropes and drops him with a lariat. Dragon makes a cover and gets a short two count. Dragon pulls Vito to his feet and whips him into the ropes and swings with another lariat but Vito ducks underneath it then comes off the ropes with a leg lariat. The two men go back and forth trading moves and both men are trying to gain an advantage and start the picking up the pace. Dragon is the man that makes that move when he takes Vito over with a spinning headscissors then takes Vito over with a hurrincanranna and holds onto him for a two count. Vito kicks out and gets up to his feet and Dragon takes him over with a vertical suplex. Dragon follows that up with a senton and gets onto the ropes then springboards off with a moonsault and hooks a leg for a two count. Dragon pulls Vito up to his feet and goes for the psycho driver but Vito blocks it and flips over and lands on his feet but Dragon drops him with a big rolling forearm.

    Dragon picks Vito up for another psycho driver but Vito flips over to his feet once again but this time he kicks Dragon in the midsection then plants him with a DDT that leaves both men down. Dragon gets up to his feet and Vito follows behind more dazed. Dragon drops Vito from behind with a forearm then ties his feet up and curb stomps Vito into the mat. Dragon gets the feet again and follows up with another curb stomp. Dragon rolls Vito over and covers him for a two count. Dragon pulls Vito up to his feet and grabs a full nelson but Vito breaks the hold then goes behind Dragon and takes him over with a german suplex that drops Dragon on his head. Both men are slow to their feet and Vito avoids a lariat from Dragon and takes him down with a neckbreaker. Vito goes up to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick as Dragon gets to his feet. Vito makes a cover and gets a two count. Vito grabs Dragon and puts him up on his shoulders in the electric chair position and Dragon fights back with some punches to the head of Vito and then counters with a reverse hurrincanranna that drops Vito right on his head. Vito gets to his feet dazed and Dragon grabs him with a pump handle and plants him with the Psycho Driver II. Dragon holds onto the legs of Vito and gets a two count. Dragon can’t believe the count and argues with the ref. Dragon pulls Vito to his feet and grabs him from behind. Dragon lifts Vito up for a german suplex but Vito flips over and lands on his feet and grabs Dragon from behind and hits him with a backdrop driver that leaves both men down.

    Both men get up at the ref’s count of six and they start trading some forearms. Vito blocks one from Dragon and tries to irish whip him into the corner but Dragon reverses it sending Vito into the corner then charges and crushes him with a forearm. Dragon gives Vito a violence party in the corner nailing him with chops and forearms then throws Vito to the mat out of the corner. Dragon climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a double stomp but Vito rolls out of the way. Dragon turns around and Vito picks him up and drops him with a DVD. Vito drags himself over and covers Dragon after a short time and gets a two count. Vito slowly gets to his feet and pulls Dragon up with him. Vito whips Dragon into the ropes and Dragon comes off with a capo kick that sends Vito sprawling against the ropes. Dragon pulls Vito up and spins him around then drops him on his head with a half nelson suplex. Dragon pulls Vito up and then hits a dragon suplex and bridges it for a two count. Dragon pulls Vito to his feet and whips him hard into the corner. Dragon charges and runs into a big boot. Vito grabs Dragon from behind and picks him up on his shoulders and drops him with an electric chair driver. Vito holds onto Dragon’s legs and gets the three count and both men are down in the ring.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (18:52)

    Notes: **

    OA: 67 CR: 55 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Super Dragon had Vito Thomaselli on the ropes for a large portion of that match and Vito had to make the comeback from behind.”

    Patterson: “But Vito did make the comeback and he managed to defeat Super Dragon and that means Chance Beckett will meet Vito Thomaselli for the SMWA Championship in a two out of three falls match at the Third Anniversary Show.”

    Guppie: “It sure does. That’s all the action we have for you fans tonight, we hope you come and check out the Third Anniversary Show next week.”

    Patterson: “For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for information on the Third Anniversary show and all future shows.”

  14. The Night of the Dragon


    March 30, 2007

    On April 9 SMWA presents Night of the Dragon in Kalkaska. We are bringing in So-Cal standout Super Dragon to the SMWA and his reputation has gained him a shot at the SMWA Champion Vito Thomaselli. Thomaselli has a tough test before his match against Chance Beckett at the Third Anniversary show. If Super Dragon manages to win the belt Vito will still face Chance in a 2/3 falls match although the title won’t be on the line.

    In unfortunate news Angeldust has suffered a serious leg injury. The injury will keep Angeldust out of the wrestling business for a year and a half at least and it’s possible he will never be able to return to the ring. We wish Angeldust well and our sorry that he has been removed from the wrestling business.

    Vito Thomaselli ©vs. Super Dragon (SMWA Championship)

    Michael Shane & Conrad Kennedy III vs. Josh Daniels & Sonjay Dutt (#1 contenders match for the SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Chance Beckett vs. Jimmy Rave

    B-Boy vs. Greg Pawluk

    Halo & Excalibur vs. Colt Cabana & Ace Steel

    Roderick Strong vs. Arik Cannon

    Jimmy Jacobs vs. Deranged

    Tickets are available for $15 general admission or $20 for ringside seats.

  15. Reconciliation (Ypsilanti)

    March 25, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA’s Reconciliation. I’m Brian Guppie and as usual I’m joined on commentary with Mike Patterson. We have a great show for you fans tonight and I can’t wait to get to the action.”

    Patterson: “We have a huge main event signed as Vito Thomaselli makes his first title defense against B-Boy. The rest of the card is just as filled with action and we start with a showcase match as Matt Sydal takes on Michael Shane.”

    Guppie: “This is the first of two matches for both men tonight and both men are going to have to finish this thing as fast as they can to give them a chance in their second match.”

    Patterson: “That is true and both men need to get some wins here to impress the fans. Sydal has had a few big shots this year but hasn’t managed to win a match in a while. Shane hasn’t done great in singles action lately as he has been focusing on his tag team wrestling and he has succeeded in that.”

    Showcase Match 1: Matt Sydal vs. Michael Shane

    The two men face off and lockup in the middle of the ring and Sydal goes behind with a hammerlock. Shane hits Sydal with a couple of back elbows then goes behind Sydal with a hammerlock of his own. Sydal grabs Shane by the head then jumps up and comes down with a snapmare that sends Shane over and breaks up the hold. Shane gets to his feet and Sydal hits him with a nice dropkick. Sydal pulls Shane to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him over with a belly to belly suplex and Shane rolls out of the ring to escape. Shane argues with the fans as he is prone to do and Sydal goes to the ropes then springboards off the ropes and delivers a shooting star press onto Shane to big pops from the crowd. Sydal pulls Shane to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Sydal climbs onto the apron then slingshots in with an elbow drop and covers Shane for a two count. Sydal pulls Shane to his feet and Shane rakes him across the eyes then hits a swinging neckbreaker. Shane grabs a rear chinlock on Sydal and stretches him. Shane continues to control the match and slows down the pace with some simple moves and stretches to wear Sydal down and take away his speed advantage. Shane snapmares Sydal over and grabs him with another rear chinlock but Sydal fights to his feet then hits Shane with some back elbows and shoots him off into the ropes. Sydal tries to hit a clothesline but Shane ducks under it and grabs Sydal with a sleeper hold but Sydal steps back and picks Shane up and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver to break up the hold.

    Shane gets to his feet and Sydal hits him with a leg lariat then climbs up to the top rope. Shane gets up and Sydal comes off with a flying crossbody block and makes the cover for a two count. Sydal pulls Shane up to his feet and goes for a vertical suplex but Shane blocks it and takes Sydal over with a vertical suplex of his own. Shane goes for a rear chinlock but Sydal lays down and kicks back nailing Shane in the head. Shane staggers back and Sydal grabs him and runs up the ropes and spins around into a tornado DDT. Sydal makes the cover and gets a two count. Sydal whips Shane into the ropes and takes him over with a backbody drop then spins around with a legdrop and covers him for another two count. Sydal pulls Shane to his feet and whips him into the corner. Sydal charges but Shane comes out of the corner with a back elbow that drops Sydal to the mat. Sydal gets up to his feet and Shane nails him with a superkick. Shane climbs up to the top rope and comes off with the picture perfect elbow drop but Sydal moves and Shane slams into the mat. Sydal climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a shooting star press but Shane gets his knees up. Sydal rolls over and gets up to his knees and Shane hits him with a dropkick to the back of the head and makes a cover for a two count. Shane powerslams Sydal down to the mat hard then climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a picture perfect elbow drop onto Sydal and both men stay down on the mat as the bell rings signaling the end of the time limit.

    Winner: Draw (15:00)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 67 CR: 51 MQ: 84

    Guppie: “Those two men really went all out in that match and it’s too bad that we couldn’t get a winner.”

    Patterson: “Hopefully we’ll see these two guys face off again with more time and we can get an actual winner.”

    Guppie: “This is going to leave both men tired for their matches later tonight and that could hurt them. Our next match pits Black Dragon against So-Cal standout Excalibur.”

    Patterson: “I can’t wait to see this match. These guys could be a spectacular clash in the ring and bring out the best in each other.”

    Segment 1: Black Dragon vs. Excalibur

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and Excalibur takes Dragon over with an armdrag. Dragon gets to his feet and Excalibur hits him with a dropkick. Dragon rolls out of the ring and slides back in to avoid a baseball slide from Excalibur. Dragon gets to his feet and launches himself over the top rope with a plancha onto Excalibur. Dragon pulls Excalibur up and takes him over with a vertical suplex on the outside. Dragon pulls Excalibur up and rolls him into the ring then climbs up onto the apron and springboards in with a spinning heel kick. Dragon makes the cover and gets a two count. Dragon pulls Excalibur up and whips him into the ropes and goes for a backbody drop but Excalibur turns and flips backwards over Dragon’s back. Dragon turns around and Excalibur nails him with a step up enziguri. Excalibur pulls Dragon up and goes for the double underhook piledriver but Dragon counters it with a backbody drop. Excalibur gets up and Dragon hits him with a shoulder block sending him back into the corner. Dragon lights Excalibur up with some hard chops then sets him up on the top rope. Dragon climbs up and hits Excalibur with some forearms then goes for a hurrincanranna but Excalibur holds onto the ropes and Dragon falls to the mat face first.

    Dragon gets up to his feet and Excalibur comes off the ropes with a missile dropkick. Excalibur takes control of the match and starts to go to work on the neck of Dragon. Excalibur grabs a side headlock on Dragon but Dragon fights it and gets to his feet and lands a couple of elbows to the midsection then drops Excalibur on his head with a backdrop driver. Excalibur gets to his feet and Dragon comes off the ropes and drops him with a yakuza kick. Dragon hooks the leg for a cover and gets a two count. Dragon pulls Excalibur up and goes for another backdrop driver but Excalibur flips over and lands behind him. He grabs Dragon and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Dragon gets up to his feet and Excalibur kicks him in the midsection the drops him with a double underhook piledriver. Excalibur hooks the leg and gets the three count.

    Winner: Excalibur (12:42)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 61 CR: 33 MQ: 89

    Guppie: “Excalibur picks up a win in a close match against Black Dragon. Those two were really going all out against each other and Excalibur managed to do more damage.”

    Patterson: “The double underhook piledriver he used to finish the match is a devastating maneuver and can knock an opponent out and he got three seconds and that’s all he needed.”

    Guppie: “So true. In our next match Michael Shane takes on Jay Lethal and Shane could be in trouble as he already wrestled for fifteens minutes tonight and only has about thirty minutes of rest.”

    Patterson: “Jay Lethal has really been tearing it up in the ring lately as well and Shane is going to have to be on the top of his game to get the win here.”

    Segment 2: Michael Shane vs. Jay Lethal

    The two men lockup in the ring and Lethal takes Shane over with a headlock takedown. Lethal holds on tight but Shane gets his feet up and pulls Lethal down with a headscissors. Lethal handstands and then comes down freeing himself and jumps forward grabs Shane with a side headlock again. Shane manages to get a foot on the ropes to break the hold and both men get up to their feet. The two men lockup again and go through a mat wrestling sequence on the ground and neither man is able to gain an advantage. They break off and both men get up to their feet. Lethal goes for a lockup but Shane hits him with a knee to the midsection and drops him with a swinging neckbreaker. Shane continues to work on the neck of Lethal but it doesn’t last long as Lethal counters out of a side headlock and gets behind Shane and drops him on his head with a release german suplex. Shane gets to his feet woozily and Lethal clotheslines him over the top rope to the outside. Lethal slides to the outside and slams Shane into the guardrail repeatedly then throws him back into the ring. The two men go back and forth and Lethal goes for the dragon suplex but Shane breaks the hold and rolls Lethal up and grabs a handful of tights as he rolls Lethal up for the three count.

    Winner: Michael Shane (8:12)

    Notes: **

    OA: 67 CR: 56 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Michael Shane manages to pull out a win with a handful of tights on Jay Lethal right there.”

    Patterson: “Michael learned all the dirty tricks from his cousin Shawn Michaels and he put them to use in that match.”

    Guppie: “We have a four way match up next. Colt Cabana, Matt Sydal, John Walters and N8 Mattson all face off in this big match.”

    Patterson: “Colt Cabana is making his SMWA debut here tonight and he’s going to have a big challenge with the other three men in this match.”

    Segment 3: The Copa Cabana

    “Copa Cabana” by Barry Manilow starts playing and Colt Cabana walks out to the cheers of the fans. Cabana jumps onto the apron then enters the ring and takes the mic from the announcer.

    Cabana: “Tonight you fans see new era in the SMWA. An era of awesomeness, an era of fun. Tonight Cabana runs all over these three jabronies in the ring. CM Punk was here a while ago and I wanted to join him but I was too late. Tonight I’m all by myself but I’ll be bringing my buddy Ace Steel with me next time and we’re going to have a damn good time in the ring. Tonight though it’s time for ‘Classic’ Colt Cabana to do what he does best and that’s wrestle. But wait there’s more. You fans will also get to see all of my best dance moves and I’m going to start showing them to you right now.”

    Cabana drops the mic and starts dancing in the ring.

    OA: 61

    Segment 4: Colt Cabana vs. Matt Sydal vs. John Walters vs. N8 Mattson

    Mattson runs down from backstage and jumps Cabana as he’s dancing to boos from the crowd. Walters and Sydal make their way down to the ring and take their spots on the corners. Mattson whips Cabana into the ropes and Cabana comes off with a clothesline that sends Mattson down to the ropes and Cabana starts to dance again only to have Walters come in and double axe handle him in the back then spin him around into a hard punch to the face. Walters takes Cabana over with a side headlock but Cabana is quick to escape with a headscissors. Walters kips up out of the hold and Cabana gets up and faces off with him. The two men lockup and Cabana forces Walters into the corner and lights him up with some knife edge chops then tags in Sydal. Sydal leaps over the top rope and then spins around into a back elbow to the face of Walters. The two men go back and forth in the ring and neither man can take control of the match. The two men lockup and Walters backs Sydal up into the corner and Mattson tags himself in and Mattson comes in and drives a forearm into the small of Sydal’s back. Mattson grabs Sydal by his hair and pulls him back down across his knee and then continues to work on the back of Sydal. Mattson tags in Walters and Walters takes Sydal down with a lung blower then makes the cover for a two count.

    Walters works Sydal over some more and then locks him into a sharpshooter. Sydal tries to crawl to the ropes but Walters sits down on the hold trapping him. Cabana comes into the ring and breaks the hold up with a boot to the face of Walters and Walters gets to his feet and fires back with a forearm but Cabana shakes it off. Cabana kicks Walters in the midsection then takes him over with a snap suplex. Mattson runs in and grabs Cabana from behind and goes for a german suplex but Cabana blocks it and hits Mattson with a couple of back elbows and then Cabana goes behind Mattson and drops him on his head with a german suplex. Mattson rolls out of the ring but Walters grabs Cabana from behind and hits him with a lung blower. Walters grabs Sydal and pulls him up but Sydal rolls him up and gets a two count. Walters pulls Sydal up to his feet and whips him into the ropes and Sydal ducks under and hits a dropkick that sends Walters out of the ring. Cabana kicks Sydal in the midsection then picks him up and hits him with a colt 45. Cabana covers for a two count before Mattson pulls him out of the ring. Mattson slides into the ring and sets Sydal up on the top rope. Mattson climbs up and Sydal fights him off with some elbows and shoves Mattson down to the mat. Sydal climbs up to his feet but Mattson gets to his feet and racks him up on the top rope. Mattson grabs Sydal under the arms and flips him over into a iconoclasm and hooks the legs for the three count before Cabana can break up the cover.

    Winner: N8 Mattson (14:28)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 63 CR: 49 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “Walters and Mattson worked on Sydal’s back for a lot of the match and it stopped him from really making a comeback late in the match.”

    Patterson: “It’s what allowed Mattson to get the win that and Colt Cabana’s Colt 45.”

    Guppie: “Sydal took a lot of punishment in that match but he kept trying to fight back. Up next we have the Tag Team Titles on the line as the Strong Brothers defend against the Havana Pitbulls for a third time.”

    Patterson: “These two teams have had some stellar matches against each other in the past and I don’t think this match is going to be any different. It could go either way.”

    Segment 5: Strong Brothers ©vs. Havana Pitbulls (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Rocky and Roderick start the match off and Rocky swings a high kick but Roderick backs out of the way then comes forward with a forearm to Rocky’s face. The two men go through a brutal exchange of forearms and knife edge chops and Rocky takes advantage with a rake of the eyes then follows up with a roundhouse kick to the side of Roderick’s head that drops him to the mat. Rocky makes a cover and gets a long one count. Rocky pulls Roderick to his feet and whips him into the corner then charges and rocks him with a forearm and tags in Ricky but Roderick escapes the corner and tags in Sedrick. Ricky enters the ring and Sedrick springboards in and knocks him down with a dropkick. Sedrick pulls Ricky to his feet and whips him into the ropes and takes him down with an armdrag. The two trade some armdrags and Ricky takes Sedrick over with an armdrag and holds him with an armbar. Sedrick rolls forward out of the hold then gets Ricky into a arm wrigner. Ricky turns to face Sedrick and starts peppering him with kicks to the leg to break the hold and then sweeps the legs out from under Sedrick. Ricky grabs the left leg of Sedrick then goes into a legbar. Roderick comes in and stomps on Ricky to break up the hold. Ricky pulls Sedrick to his feet and grabs the left leg of Sedrick and takes him down with a dragonscrew then tags in Rocky.

    Rocky comes in and kicks at the left leg of Sedrick as Ricky holds it up. Rocky grabs the leg from Ricky and sticks it to the mat with a DDT to the leg. Rocky holds onto the leg and ges a legbar but Sedrick manages to make it to the ropes and break up the hold. The Pitbulls continue to work on the leg of Sedrick keeping him isolated in their corner of the ring. Ricky grabs Sedrick by the left leg and holds him there for too long as Sedrick catches him with an enziguri. Sedrick starts to crawl to his corner but Rocky comes in and pulls him back to the Pitbull corner. Sedrick catches Rocky with an enziguri as well then rolls forward and tags in Roderick. Roderick enters the ring and charges crushing Ricky with a lariat. Rocky gets to his feet and Roderick takes him down with a backbreaker. Ricky gets to his feet and Roderick kicks him in the midsection and plants him with a powerbomb and Ricky rolls out of the ring. Roderick pulls Rocky to his feet andw hips him into the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Roderick works on the back of Rocky. Rocky fights back with some forearms to Roderick but Roderick shakes them off and blasts Rocky with a forearm of his own then picks him up for a powerbomb and drops him down across his knee with a backbreaker. Roderick covers Rocky and gets a two count before Ricky pulls him off to break up the cover.

    Ricky and Roderick go through another exchange of strikes and Rocky hits Roderick from behind with a low blow. Rocky clocks Roderick with a knee lift that drops him. Ricky covers Roderick and gets a two count. Ricky goes to his corner and tags in Rocky who comes in with a running forearm to Roderick as he gets to his feet. Rocky pulls Roderick up and powerslams him down to the mat and follows up with a knee to the face and covers for another two count. Rocky pulls Roderick to his feet again and Roderick explodes up with a european uppercut and tags in Sedrick. Sedrick comes in and charges Rocky and crossbodies him down to the mat and gets a short two count. Sedrick whips Rocky into the corner and charges but Rocky stops him with a forearm. Sedrick drops to the mat and Rocky grabs his left leg and puts him into a figure four leglock. Sedrick tries to get to the ropes and can’t get anywhere until Roderick comes in and breaks the hold up with a legdrop on Rocky and that brings Ricky in Ricky gets rocked from a forearm from Roderick who follows up with a backbreaker. Sending Ricky out of the ring however Rocky nails him with a superkick to the back of the head sending Roderick out of the ring as well. Sedrick rolls Rocky up from behind for a short two count.

    Rocky rolls up and gets to his feet and drills Sedrick with a kick to the small of the back. Rocky continues working Sedrick over until Ricky gets up on the apron and he tags him in. Ricky comes in and nails Sedrick with a series of kicks to the leg then goes for a figure four but Sedrick shoves Ricky off into the ropes and gets up enough to catch Ricky with a DDT as he rebounds off the ropes. Sedrick gets to his feet and dives to tag in Roderick. Roderick grabs Ricky and stops him from making the tag and plants him with a sidewalk slam for a two count before Rocky breaks up the cover with a kick to Roderick’s face. Roderick gets right in Rocky’s face and nails him with repeated forearms and Rocky falls through the middle ropes to the outside. Ricky gets to his feet in the ring and Roderick kicks him in the midsection and powerbombs him down across his knee. Roderick makes the cover and gets a three count.

    Winner: Strong Brothers (21:21)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 65 CR: 49 MQ: 82

    Guppie: “What a match between those two teams. They went toe to toe and the Strong Brothers just managed to come out on top.”

    Patterson: “Both men had a plan for the match. The Strongs worked the back of Ricky and the Pitbulls went to work on the leg of Sedrick and both plans almost paid off but the Strongs managed to capitalize to end the match.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have a huge special attraction match as we have Jimmy Jacobs taking on Chance Beckett one on one.”

    Patterson: “This should be a great match. Jacobs hasn’t been around too much lately but he could really make an impact if he could defeat Beckett here but that’s not going to be an easy task as Beckett is definitely one of the top wrestlers in the SMWA right now.”

    Segment 6: Jimmy Jacobs vs. Chance Beckett

    The two men face off in the middle of the ring and Jacobs goes for an armdrag but Beckett blocks it and grabs Jacobs with an armbar. Jacobs rolls forward and escapes the hold and gets up to his feet and Beckett goes for a vertical suplex but Jacobs reverses it and lands behind Beckett and takes him down with a bulldog. Jacobs goes for a cover and gets a short one count. The two men go back and forth with moves and neither man is able to gain an advantage. Jacobs goes for a yakuza kick but Beckett blocks it and takes Jacobs over with a dragonscrew. Beckett follows up by trying to go for a figure four leglock but Jacobs blocks it by shoving Beckett into the ropes. Jacobs jumps up and drops Beckett with a dropkick as he rebounds off the ropes. Jacobs takes Beckett over with a snap suplex and floats over for a short two count. Jacobs pulls Beckett to his feet and Beckett takes him down with a dropkick to the leg. Beckett grabs the leg of Jacobs and grabs him with a legbar but Jacobs manages to crawl to the ropes and break up the hold. Jacobs uses the ropes to get to his feet and Beckett chop blocks him from behind taking his leg out and Jacobs falls to the mat then slides to the outside of the ring. Beckett prepares to make a dive to the outside but Jacobs cuts him off with a dropkick to the face. Jacobs slides into the ring clutching at his left leg.

    Jacobs whips Beckett into the ropes and swings with a lariat but Beckett ducks underneath it and hits him with a shinbreaker and goes right into a backdrop driver. Beckett hooks the leg and makes the cover for a two count. Beckett whips Jacobs into the corner and Jacobs stumbles and falls face first into the corner. Beckett charges and nails a knee to the back of Jacobs’ head. Beckett pulls Jacobs up to his feet and goes for a german suplex but Jacobs flips over and lands on his feet. He goes down a little on his left but stays up and hits Beckett with a yakuza kick and both men go down to the mat. Beckett recovers first and goes to work on the left leg of Jacobs. Beckett takes Jacobs with a shinbreaker and goes right into a single leg crab. Beckett tries to get his knee on the back of Jacobs’ head but Jacobs manages to slowly crawl to the ropes and break up the hold. Beckett pulls Jacobs up to his feet and Jacobs fires some forearms off and hits a kick to the midsection the plants Beckett with the reverse pedigree and Jacobs slowly crawls over and rolls Beckett over and gets a two count. Jacobs pulls Beckett up and goes for the contra code but Beckett counters it and drops Jacobs up on the top rope and pulls him down into a tree of woe. Beckett attacks the injured leg of Jacobs with some elbow shots and then bounces off the far ropes and nails the leg with a running yakuza kick. Jacobs falls out of the corner and Beckett grabs his left leg and pulls him into the middle of the ring and flips him over into a single leg boston crab and then plants his knee in the back of Jacobs’s head and Jacobs is forced to tap out.

    Winner: Chance Beckett (13:21)

    Notes: ***3/4

    OA: 75 CR: 54 MQ: 97

    Guppie: “Chance Beckett has really been perfecting his execution of that single leg Boston crab and he has put quite a few men away with that move.”

    Patterson: “It’s not just the stretching of the leg but when Chance puts his knee on the back of his opponent’s head he really cranks the neck and back as well and he’s torquing all three of those body parts his opponent has no choice but to tap out.”

    Segment 7: I Want the Belt

    Beckett gets to his feet and calls for the mic and the announcer obliges him.

    Chance: “Vito you won that belt from me in a fair match. You surprised me with how good you did. I expected to be able to walk all over you and come out on top like I did in the Midwest Invitational but I was wrong. You beat me and you won the belt to become the first ever two time champion. But I want you again. I want to win that belt back and I want to become a two time champion as well. Of course you have to get past B-Boy tonight but provided you do that I want you at the Third Anniversary show. And I want you in a two out of three falls match! I want this match to have a definitive winner. No quick pins or any lucky move finishing the match. You have to have your opponent scouted and you have to know how to beat them. I had the same match against Alex Shelley for the Championship and I lost the match at the First Anniversary Show and two years later I want the same match but there is going to be a different outcome because I guarantee that I’ll be walking out of the building with the belt around my waist. I know you want this match to happen Vito so you just tell the bosses in the back to make it happen and we both know that it will be signed.”

    Beckett drops the mic then walks backstage.

    OA: 74

    Guppie: “A big challenge from Chance Beckett and I know Vito Thomaselli isn’t going to back down from any challenge and we will be seeing that match.”

    Patterson: “If it’s anything like the match they had at the first night of the Midwest Invitational Tournament or the title match at Full Throttle it should be a great match.”

    Guppie: “But like Chance says Vito has to get past B-Boy tonight and B-Boy is a former champion himself and getting a victory isn’t going to be a small feat.”

    Patterson: “No it isn’t. B-Boy wants to become a two time champion as badly as Chance does and he’s going to bring his best tonight and he’s going to pummel Vito with his stiff strikes.”

    Segment 8: Vito Thomaselli ©vs. B-Boy

    The two men face off in the middle of the ring and lockup. Vito goes behind with a rear waistlock and picks B-Boy up and B-Boy fights it and comes back down on his feet then goes behind Vito with a rear waistlock of his own and picks Vito up and slams him face first down to the mat then spins around and grabs a front facelock. Vito fights up to his feet and spins out into an arm wringer. B-Boy rolls forward then kips up to his feet and snapmares Vito over and delivers a snap kick to the spine of Vito then follows up by grabbing a rear chinlock. Vito fights to his feet and hits B-Boy with a couple of back elbows then dumps him on his head with a belly to back suplex. The two men go back and forth with some more mat wrestling and Vito has a distinct advantage on the mat and B-Boy breaks off when he gets a front facelock and gets up to his feet. Vito moves forward for a lockup and B-Boy kicks him in the knee forcing him to kneel down then follows up with a kick to the side of the head that drops Vito. B-Boy makes a cover and gets a short two count. B-Boy picks Vito up and whips him into the corner and charges into him with a forearm then pounds at him with forearms and chops and Vito falls down in the corner. B-Boy charges from the corner and slams into Vito with a big dropkick to the face.

    B-Boy pulls Vito out of the corner and covers him for a two count. B-Boy pulls Vito to his feet and goes for a cross brainbuster but Vito hits B-Boy in the head with a knee as he’s up in the air and comes back down. Vito grabs B-Boy and drops him with a DDT. Vito takes control of the match and works on the neck of B-Boy. Vito goes for a piledriver but B-Boy blocks it and then takes him over with a backbody drop. Vito gets to his feet and B-Boy rocks him with a series of forearms that backs him into the ropes. B-Boy whips him across the ring and drops B-Boy drops him with a rolling elbow and makes the cover for a two count. B-Boy argues with the ref and sees Vito getting to a knee and charges for a shining wizard but Vito catches him and pulls him up and drops him with a powerbomb. Vito folds him over for the cover and gets a two count. Both men are slow to their feet and start trading shots and B-Boy slowly gains the advantage. Vito ducks under a punch from B-Boy and picks him up with an electric chair and then grabs B-Boy by the shoulders and brings him down in a sitout and holds B-Boy’s legs for the three count.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (12:56)

    Notes: **

    OA: 67 CR: 56 MQ: 78

    Guppie: “Vito just killed B-Boy with that electric chair driver. They were going back and forth and that move just took B-Boy out of the match.”

    Patterson: “B-Boy had some devastating strikes in that match but none of them had the effect that Vito’s electric chair driver did.”

    Guppie: “Vito gets an impressive victory to retain the SMWA Championship and it looks like we’ll be seeing him take on Chance Beckett in a two out of three falls match at the Third Anniversary Show.”

    Patterson: “That’s all we have for you fans here tonight. For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA.”

    OA: 64

  16. The Second Show of the Month


    March 18,2005

    We prepare for our first ever two show month as we prepare for our next show called Reconciliation on March 25 in Ypsilanti. After the New Shit, Michael Shane and Conrad Kennedy III have made quite an impression on the management of the SMWA and they will be receiving opportunities to prove themselves later. Jay Lethal and Halo both made a strong impression with their singles action. The New Shit Card was an attempt to create some new stars in the SMWA and we are seeing it as a great success and some of those names are going to be making a big impression in future shows soon.

    Here is the scheduled card for Reconciliation so far.

    Vito Thomaselli ©vs. B-Boy (SMWA Championship)

    Chance Beckett vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    Strong Brothers ©vs. Havana Pitbulls (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Colt Cabana vs. Matt Sydal vs. John Walters vs. N8 Mattson

    Michael Shane vs. Jay Lethal

    Black Dragon vs. Excalibur

    Matt Sydal vs. Michael Shane

    Tickets are going to be $15 for general admission and ringside seats are only $20. Please come down and check out the SMWA.

  17. First of all the lame backstage "love" story is horribly written and is just lame. Secondly you are also making way too many short posts. A lot of those can be packed into fewer posts.

    The matches are very short and many of the bigger matches should be written longer or just given something to make them seem important.

    I think he Lukiep8 means your cards don't have any depth they are just matches thrown together.

  18. The New Shit (Lansing)

    March 11, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA’s The New Shit. I’m Brian Guppie and I’m joined on commentary by Mike Patterson. We have a big main event as Halo and Jay Lethal face off one on one and we have tons of more great matches in the show as well.”

    Patterson: “And we start the night of action with Jimmy Rave taking on Michael Shane. These two men are primed to make an impact here in the SMWA and either one could prove that here tonight.”

    Guppie: “Michael Shane uses his slow methodical style and he can annoy any opponent and get them to make mistakes. Jimmy Rave is a wrestler who is prone to make mistakes even though he has some awesome wrestling skills. He has really lacked the experience to take it to the next step.”

    Patterson: “But he could prove he’s something different here tonight with a win and I think he can do just that.”

    Segment 1: Jimmy Rave vs. Michael Shane

    Rave and Shane face off in the middle of the ring and Rave goes for a lockup but Shane slides out of the ring and begs off. The fans start taunting him and Shane starts yelling back and that allows Rave to hit him in the back with a baseball slide that sends him into the guardrail. Rave turns around and Rave launches himself over the top rope with a crossbody block that knocks Shane down. Rave throws Shane into the ring and slides in behind him. Rave picks Shane up and whips him into the ropes and hits him with a kitchen sink. Rave bounces off the ropes and goes for a big knee but Shane blocks it and then trips him to the ground with a drop toehold. Shane grabs a side headlock but Rave fights up to his feet and hits a belly to back suplex to break up the hold. Shane gets up to his feet and Rave kicks him in the midsection and takes him over with a vertical suplex and floats over for a two count. Rave pulls Shane up to his feet and gets a shot to the nuts for his effort. Shane rolls him up and gets a two count. Shane gets to his feet and powerslams Rave down. Shane backs off and lets Rave get to his feet and then hits him with a superkick. Shane makes the cover and gets a two count before Rave gets a foot on the ropes.

    The two men continue to go back and forth in the match with both men gaining the advantage and losing it several times. Shane goes for another superkick but Rave ducks underneath and grabs Shane with a rear waistlock and german suplexes him over and bridges for a two count. Shane sits up and Rave bounces off the ropes and clobbers him with a big knee to the face. Rave hooks the leg for the cover and gets a long two count before he kicks out. Rave can’t believe he kicked out and argues with the ref. He finally gives up on that and pulls Shane up to his feet and Shane pokes him in the eye then follows up with a DDT. Shane climbs up to the top rope and comes off with an elbow drop but Rave rolls out of the way and slams his elbow to the mat. Rave sees an opening and goes to work on the arm of Shane with some submissions. Rave then takes Shane down with a single arm DDT and then goes into the crossface. Shane fights the hold but Rave cranks on the arm and Shane taps out.

    Winner: Jimmy Rave (11:08)

    Notes: **

    OA: 67 CR: 55 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Jimmy Rave and Michael Shane went back and forth in that match but Shane missed an elbow drop and that gave Rave an opportunity to destroy that arm and finish him off with the crossface.”

    Patterson: “Just before the match we noted how Rave has had trouble with finishing off work on the arm but he showed he can do it here tonight.”

    Segment 2: Rave Reviews

    Rave calls for the mic and the announcer hands him the mic and Rave picks it up and stands up in the ring.

    Rave: “Tonight I made an impact. Michael Shane you’re a good guy but tonight I beat you. You have a lot of talent in the ring but you waste it with your big mouth. If you quit your blabbing and bullshit before matches and during them you could be something. But enough about you. Tonight I showed something here. CM Punk had my number last month but it was a close match. I took Punk to the limit and he took me beyond my limits. CM Punk has a lot of skill in the ring and I can understand losing to him. I’ve turned things around tonight and I’m going to keep on winning here. Tonight I also have a tag team match and I team up with Sonjay Dutt against the Special K team of Angeldust and Deranged. Those two used to be Tag Team Champions and it’s going to be a tough match but we can do it. Sonjay is one of the best high flyers going today and I can’t wait to team up with him tonight. With one big match I could make myself as a tag team wrestler and I am going to do that tonight. I’ve gotten a big win in a singles match tonight and I’m going to beat the former Tag Team Champions tonight. Tonight is my night!”

    OA: 65

    Guppie: “Jimmy Rave is sounding confident after his win against Michael Shane as well he should be. Up next Halo takes on Jimmy Jacobs and this should be an exciting match.”

    Patterson: “These two men have been with the SMWA since the beginning and they are both good junior style wrestlers. Halo really has some spectacular high flying moves and Jimmy Jacobs just won’t stay down no matter what.”

    Guppie: “Halo doesn’t have an specific move he uses as a finisher while Jimmy Jacobs has the always devastating contra code in his repertoire of moves to finish an opponent.”

    Segment 3: Halo vs. Jimmy Jacobs

    The two men lockup to start the match and Halo gets Jacobs with headlock takedown and cranks down on the hold. Jacobs scoots over and gets a foot on the ropes and the ref breaks the hold. The two men lockup and Jacobs goes behind with a hammerlock. Halo grabs Jacobs by the head and jumps down then comes down and snapmares Jacobs over. Jacobs gets up to his feet and Halo nails him with a leg lariat. The two men go back and forth in the ring trading some nice moves. Halo sets Jacobs up on the top rope and climbs up and goes for a superplex but Jacobs hits him with some forearms and shoves him off to the mat. Halo gets up to his feet and Jacobs comes off with a flying karate chop. Halo drops down and Jacobs covers him for a two count. Jacobs pulls Halo to his feet and goes for the contra code but Halo blocks it and drops Jacobs down on the top rope racking him up. Halo springboards off the middle rope and spins around with a kick to the face that sends Jacobs falling down to the outside. Halo climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a rolling senton to the outside onto Jacobs sending both men down in a pile on the outside.

    Halo gets up slowly and slides Jacobs into the ring. Halo climbs up onto the apron then springboards in with a frog splash and covers Jacobs for a two count. Halo pulls Jacobs up to his feet and goes for a suplex but Jacobs flips over and lands behind Halo and hits him with a backdrop driver that folds Halo up on his head. Jacobs gets up to his feet and calls for Halo get to his feet then charges and drops him with a big furry boot to the face. Jacobs climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a back senton but Halo rolls out of the way letting Jacobs crash and burn. Jacobs staggers to his feet and Halo hits him with a spinning front kick. Halo climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a spinning heel kick that catches Jacobs flush in the mouth as he gets to his feet and Jacobs mouth is busted open legitimately. Jacobs staggers to his feet woozy and Halo grabs him for a vertical suplex then drapes his feet on the top rope before spiking Jacobs into the mat with a DDT. Halo rolls him over and makes the cover for the academic three count.

    Winner: Halo (11:42)

    Notes: **1/4

    OA: 63 CR: 45 MQ: 82

    Patterson: “Brian you said Halo didn’t have a finisher he used all the time but you may have just seen him debut it there. He spiked Jacobs right onto his head after draping him on the ropes and it was all over.”

    Guppie: “It sure was done after that move. Halo really showed a lot of his big moves in that match but Jacobs showed the heart and determination that has really made his name around the independent circuit.”

    Patterson: “Jacobs showed heart but it wasn’t enough in that match. Our next match pits B-Boy against Sonjay Dutt.”

    Guppie: “Sonjay is one of the brightest high flyers today and B-Boy is one of the most ruthless competitors going today and he’s going to go straight for the throat as he always does.”

    Segment 4: B-Boy vs. Sonjay Dutt

    Dutt goes for a lockup and B-Boy just creams him with a forearm. Dutt stands there dazed and B-Boy snapmares him over and drives a sharp kick right into his spine and Dutt gets to his feet and grabs the ropes swearing. B-Boy grabs him from behind and goes for a belly to back suplex but Dutt flips over to his feet and hits B-Boy with a dropkick as he turns around. The two men go back and forth with Dutt able to escape the vicious strikes of B-Boy. However he miscalculates as he whips B-Boy into the ropes and B-Boy comes off with a wicked yakuza kick. Dutt gets to his feet and B-Boy comes off the ropes with a lariat that flips Dutt over. B-Boy makes the cover and gets a two count. B-Boy pulls Dutt to his feet and whips him into the corner then charges and nails him with a back elbow that sits him down in the corner. B-Boy charges and crushes him with a running dropkick and Dutt is halfway out of the ring. B-Boy pulls him back in and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver then makes the cover and only gets a two count. B-Boy pulls Dutt to his feet and whips him into the corner and charges again but Dutt nails him with a boot to the face. Dutt jumps up to the top rope then flips off and lands on B-Boy and goes for the dragonranna but B-Boy catches him and plants him with a powerbomb. Dutt slowly gets up to one knee and B-Boy charges and hits him with a shining wizard and makes the cover for a three count.

    Winner: B-Boy (9:22)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 60 CR: 44 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “B-Boy just slaughtered Sonjay Dutt in that match. Dutt fought back but he just couldn’t compete against the ferocity of B-Boy’s strikes.”

    Patterson: “Few people can and that’s what makes him such a dangerous opponent. Dutt took a lot of punishment in that match and he just kept on coming back for more.”

    Guppie: “Our next match pits two guys who love to work on their opponent’s neck as Danny Daniels faces off against Jay Lethal.”

    Patterson: “The difference is in how they finish an opponent. Daniels likes to use piledriver variations and Lethal likes to use a dragon suplex or a tiger suplex to finish his opponents.”

    Segment 5: Danny Daniels, Baby

    Danny Daniels walks out from backstage to the boos of the crowd. He takes the time to pose for them then slides into the ring and takes the mic from the crowd.

    Daniels: “I know you fans love me deep down in your hearts no matter what you do when I come out here. Tonight I get in the ring with Jay Lethal and people have been telling me that this guy is an up and comer. People have been telling me that I’m going to have my hands full with a man who can get on the mat and wrestle just as well as I can. People have been telling me that I am going to lose here tonight. Well people are wrong and tonight I’m going to prove that. You fans like Jay Lethal but that doesn’t mean a goddamn thing in the ring. You can’t make Lethal stronger or make him comeback. Tonight Jay Lethal is going to get spiked on his head, Baby! Tonight Jay Lethal is going down for the three count and there ain’t no changing that fact. Tonight is all about Danny Daniels in the ring and I’m going to show all you fans what you’ve been missing without Danny Daniels in your life. I’m going to show you fans that I am your true favorite and you are going to be begging for me to let you kiss my feet in worship, Baby!”

    OA: 48

    Segment 6: Jay Lethal vs. Danny Daniels

    The two men lockup in the middle of the ring and Lethal goes behind Daniels with a rear waistlock and picks him up and throws him down to the mat and spins out into a front facelock. Daniels fights up to his feet and hits Lethal with some forearms and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Daniels gets up to his feet and Lethal explodes up with a European uppercut and staggers Daniels backwards and then charges with a clothesline but Daniels ducks it and takes him down with a back elbow as Lethal comes off the ropes. The two men go back and forth with some wrestling and neither man manages to gain control. Both men get up to their feet and Daniels plays to the crowd which is his undoing as Lethal grabs him from behind and hits a belly to back suplex. Daniels gets to his feet and Lethal bounces off the ropes and hits him with a leg lariat. Lethal takes control of the match and works on the neck of Daniels. Daniels fires back refusing to take the beating laying down. Lethal goes for a tiger suplex but Daniels fights out of it with a back kick to the groin. Daniels spins around and kicks Lethal in the midsection and spikes him with a piledriver. Daniels makes the cover and gets a two count. Daniels continues to get some near falls but Lethal refuses to stay down. Lethal blocks a piledriver from Daniels and takes him over with a backbody drop. Daniels gets to his feet and Lethal goes behind and takes him over with a dragon suplex and bridges it for a three count.

    Winner: Jay Lethal (8:16)

    Notes: **

    OA: 65 CR: 52 MQ: 79

    Guppie: “Jay Lethal just pulled out a close match against Danny Daniels but he took some damage to the neck and that could cost him in his match against Halo later tonight.”

    Patterson: “Daniels did some nice work in that match but he couldn’t finish Lethal off.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have tag team action as Michael Shane teams up with Conrad Kennedy the Third against Josh Daniels and Black Dragon.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be an interesting match. Both of these teams are new and they could have an interesting combination in the ring.”

    Segment 7: Shane’s New Partner

    Michael Shane walks out with Conrad Kennedy the Third following behind him. The two men enter the ring and Shane takes the mic from the announcer.

    Shane: “Here tonight you see the foundation of Prime Time. CK and I are going to be the next tag team champions here in the SMWA. Tonight we face Josh Daniels and Black Dragon. Two talented men but they have nothing in common. They don’t wrestle the same style or know each other at all. CK and I are both slow, methodical wrestlers and don’t think we just came together because the SMWA decided to randomly throw us together as a team. We’ve been talking together and tonight we are going to start a winning streak that will lead to the SMWA Tag Team Championship. More will be joining the Prime Time stable. More people will join us as we prove to be dominant here in the SMWA. People will fall before us and if they can’t beat us they will join us.”

    CK3 takes the mic from Shane.

    CK3: “Michael Shane speaks the truth fans. You may not like it but we’re going to become the running force of the SMWA. Tonight the beginning of the end starts. Tonight the beginning of a new era starts. Tonight Michael and I show you fans that we are the real deal. And tonight I prove that I truly am the man with talent on loan from God!”

    OA: 59

    Guppie: “Shane may say that he and Conrad have talked about working together but they haven’t actually wrestled a match together so they may not blend as well as they talk.”

    Patterson: “But they will have a strategy together and that will give them an advantage as well and that could make all the difference.”

    Segment 8: Michael Shane & Conrad Kennedy III vs. Josh Daniels & Black Dragon

    Shane and Daniels start the match off and they lockup. Daniels snapmares Shane over and drills him with a sharp kick to the spine. Shane gets up to his feet and Daniels charges and takes him down with a double forearm. Daniels backs Shane into the corner and starts rocking him with knife edge chops then tags in Dragon. Dragon jumps over the top rope and spins around nailing Shane with a back elbow. Dragon pulls Shane out of the corner and goes for a hurrincanranna but Shane counters it and slams him to the mat with a powerbomb then tags in CK3. The two members of Prime Time isolate Dragon in their corner and work over his midsection. CK3 puts Dragon in the corner and slams shoulders into the stomach of Dragon repeatedly. Shane tags in and gets Dragon in an abdominal stretch. CK3 reaches in and grabs Shane’s free hand adding leverage to the hold. The ref checks twice and doesn’t see the cheating but he catches it on the third time and forces CK3 to break it up. CK3 argues with the ref while Dragon reverses the hold and hiptosses Shane over and tags in Daniels. Daniels comes in and drops Shane with a big lariat but the ref didn’t see the tag and forces Daniels back to his corner. Shane tags in CK3 who grabs Dragon’s leg and pulls him back to their corner.

    CK3 pulls Dragon up and drops him across his knee with a gut buster. CK3 grabs Dragon from behind and gets him with a bow and arrow. Dragon flips over onto CK3 for a one count. Dragon gets to his feet and ducks a clothesline from CK3 and rolls forward to tag in Daniels. Daniels comes in and drops CK3 with a brutal lariat. Shane comes in and Daniels drops him with a dropkick. Daniels starts to take it to both members of Prime Time. Daniels throws Shane out of the ring and then hits CK3 with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Daniels pulls CK3 up to his feet and goes for a dragon suplex but Shane slides into the ring and catches Daniels with a low blow from behind to break up the move. Shane pulls Daniels down with a neckbreaker before the ref forces him to the apron. CK3 gets double teamed by Daniels and Dragon for a while. Dragon goes up to the top rope after a powerslam but CK3 sits up and shoves the ref into the ropes racking Dragon up. CK3 climbs up the ropes and hits Dragon with some forearms then takes him off with a superplex and floats over into a cover for two. CK3 crawls to his corner and tags in Shane who comes in and pulls Dragon away from his corner. Shane picks Dragon up and plants him with a DDT then hits Daniels with a superkick that sends him off the apron and into the guardrail. Shane climbs up to the top rope then comes off with a flying elbow drop to the injured midsection of Dragon for the three count.

    Winner: Shane & Kennedy (11:34)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 57 CR: 38 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “I must admit that Prime Time put on a nice showing in that match. They put Daniels and Dragon down and got the win.”

    Patterson: “And they did a nice job when they worked the midsection of Black Dragon throughout the match.”

    Guppie: “We have more tag team action up next as former tag team champions, Angeldust and Deranged, take on the new team of Jimmy Rave and Sonjay Dutt.”

    Patterson: “Tonight we are seeing an attempt by the SMWA board of directors to create a more vibrant tag team scene instead of the same tag teams fighting each other over and over again.”

    Segment 9: Special K vs. Jimmy Rave & Sonjay Dutt

    Angeldust and Rave start the match off and they go through a fast exchange of armdrags and other junior style moves. Rave takes Angeldust over with an armdrag and goes right into an armbar. Deranged comes in and dropkicks Rave in the face to break up the hold. Rave tags Dutt in as Deranged tags in and Dutt comes in with a springboard dropkick that sends Deranged to the mat. Deranged gets to his feet and Dutt snap suplexes him over and floats over into a cover for a long one count. Deranged and Dutt trade some moves back and forth with neither man gaining an advantage. Deranged grabs Dutt with a full nelson and Angeldust comes in and dropkicks Dutt in the face and Deranged lets him falls to the mat. Special K starts to double team Dutt and isolate him in their corner. Deranged hits a backbreaker and Angeldust comes off the top rope with a legdrop slamming Dutt down to the mat hard. Angeldust makes a cover and gets a two count before Rave grabs Angeldust and pulls him off. Rave drops Angeldust with a forearm and catches Deranged with a dropkick before the ref forces him back to the apron. Dutt gets to his feet and goes to make the tag but Angeldust cuts him off with a spinning heel kick to the back of the head then pulls him back to the Special K corner.

    Dutt continues to get worked over and the Special K guys pull out some double team maneuvers. Deranged hits Dutt with a backbreaker and Angeldust tries to come off the top with a legdrop like earlier in the match but Dutt slides off Deranged’s leg and trips him into the ropes racking Angeldust up on the top rope. Dutt gets to his feet and rolls forward tagging in Rave. Rave comes into the ring and charges nailing Deranged with a knee to the face and Deranged rolls out of the ring. Rave climbs up the ropes and hits Angeldust with a couple of forearms then takes him over with a top rope hurrincanranna. Rave makes the cover and gets a two count. Rave pulls Angeldust up to his feet and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Rave continues the offensive on Angeldust and gets several near falls but can’t keep him down for the three. Rave goes to the corner and tags in Dutt as he drops Angeldust with a brainbuster. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a phoenix splash he calls the hindu press. Dutt makes the cover and gets a two count before Deranged pulls him out of the ring. Deranged holds onto Dutt and whips him hard into the guardrail. Rave sees that and runs along the apron then jumps off with a knee right to the side of the head of Deranged laying him out on the outside. Rave helps Dutt up to his feet and Angeldust climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a moonsault onto the two men leaving everybody in a pile on the outside.

    Rave is the first one to get up and he pulls Angeldust to his feet and rolls him into the ring. Rave climbs onto the apron and slingshots in with an elbow but Angeldust rolls out of the way and Rave slams into the mat. Angeldust bounces off the ropes as Rave gets to his feet and nails him with a spinning front kick. Angeldust makes the cover and gets a two count. He follows that up by climbing up for a moonsault but Rave gets to his feet and knocks his feet out from under him racking Angeldust up on the top rope. Rave climbs up behind Angeldust for a belly to back suplex but Deranged comes into the ring and breaks it up with a forearm to the back of Rave. Deranged tries to pull Rave off but Dutt slides into the ring and runs and spears Deranged sending both men through the ropes to the outside. Angeldust gets to his feet on the top rope and slowly spins around to face Rave. Angeldust hits him with some tentative punches then flips over with a sunset flip powerbomb. Angeldust puts his feet on the ropes for extra leverage and gets the three count on Rave.

    Winner: Special K (17:56)

    Notes: **

    OA: 64 CR: 49 MQ: 80

    Guppie: “The tag team experience of Angeldust and Deranged helped them pull out the win. They knew what each other was going to do and made sure they helped them do that.”

    Patterson: “Not to mention the fact that they cheated.”

    Guppie: “That is a card that Special K tend to play and it gets them the wins. It’s time for our main event of the show and it should be quite a match as Halo and Jay Lethal face off.”

    Patterson: “This is going to be a great match here. Both men already gave the fans a taste of what they bring to the table earlier in the show and this match is pitting both of these formidable men against each other in the ring and they are going to tear this building down.”

    Segment 10: Halo vs. Jay Lethal

    The two men circle each other and warily going into a knucklelock. Lethal takes the advantage after a struggle and steps forward. He bends Halo down and pins his shoulders down but Halo bridges up to break the cover and they do that several times. Lethal tries to jump down on the legs of Hal but Halo doesn’t break. Lethal gets to his feet and Halo pulls himself up and jumps up and takes Lethal over with a monkey flip and keeps the knucklelock. Halo flips over and tries to push Lethal’s shoulders down but Lethal fights it and then kicks one of Halo’s hands off. Lethal gets to his feet and grabs Halo and plants him with a DDT that flips Halo over and Halo rolls out of the ring to recuperate. Halo gains his feet just in time for Lethal to come charging out of the ring with a suicide dive that sends both men rolling down the entrance way. Lethal gets up first and plays to the crowd. He pulls Halo up and takes him back down towards the ring but Halo hits him with some punches to the midsection then slams him face first into the apron. Halo follows that up by whipping Lethal hard into the ringpost. Halo pulls Lethal up and rolls him into the ring. Halo climbs up to the top rope and comes off with senton but Lethal rolls out of the way allowing him to crash and burn.

    Lethal grabs Halo from behind with a straight jacket and sticks his knee into the small of Halo’s back. Halo fights the hold and spins around enough to get a foot on the ropes and break the hold. Lethal pulls Halo up to his feet and takes him over with a german suplex but Halo flips over and lands on his feet. Lethal turns around and ducks just before Halo can connect with a clothesline. Lethal grabs Halo and pulls him down with a neckbreaker then makes the cover for a two count. Lethal continues to work on the neck of Halo. Lethal goes for a piledriver but Halo blocks it two times then sends Lethal over with a backbody drop. Lethal gets to his feet and Halo nails him with a dropkick. Halo gets to his feet rubbing his neck and he pulls Lethal up with him and whips him into the ropes and takes him over with a ‘ranna as he comes off the ropes. Halo holds the legs of Lethal and gets a long two count. Halo pulls Lethal up and drops him with a vertical suplex then jumps up to the top rope and comes off with a guillotine legdrop that connects. Halo hooks the leg and gets a two count. Halo looks frustrated as he pulls Lethal up to his feet. He whips him into the ropes and throws a clothesline but Lethal ducks underneath and grabs Halo with a full nelson and takes him over with a dragon suplex whip that leaves both men down on the mat.

    Lethal gets up first at the count of six and Halo is right behind him. Halo throws a few punches that Lethal blocks. Halo throws a big haymaker and Lethal ducks it and hooks the full nelson again but Halo breaks it. Lethal then grabs him with a rear waistlock and takes him over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Lethal pulls Halo up to his feet and whips him into the corner. Lethal charges and Halo stops him with a boot to the face. Halo jumps up to the second rope and then jumps off and catches Lethal right into a DDT. Halo makes the cover and gets a two count before Lethal manages to get a foot on the ropes. Halo pulls Lethal up to his feet and plants him with a brainbuster then slowly climbs up the ropes. Halo stands up on the top rope but Lethal gets to his feet and drops onto the top rope shaking it and racking Halo up on the top rope. Lethal climbs up the ropes and hits Halo with a couple of forearms then pulls Halo up and takes him down from the second rope with a brainbuster. Lethal hooks his leg between Halo’s and gets a long two count before Halo somehow manages to kick out. Lethal can’t believe it so he pulls Halo up to his feet and takes him over with a dragon suplex and bridges it for the three count.

    Winner: Jay Lethal (18:31)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 70 CR: 50 MQ: 90

    Guppie: “What a back and forth match between those two men. Lethal went to work on the neck of Halo while Halo kept looking for the one big high-flying move to get the victory.”

    Patterson: “The neckwork by Lethal allowed him to score a victory with a big dragon suplex but I can’t believe that Halo kicked out of that brainbuster from the second rope.”

    Guppie: “It was an amazing display of fortitude by Halo unfortunately he couldn’t withstand the dragon suplex that followed it up.”

    Patterson: “That’s all the action we have for you fans tonight. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on upcoming shows and all your favorite wrestlers. For Brian Guppie, I’m Mike Patterson, thanks for supporting the SMWA.”

  19. I really liked this show. The Eros promo was golden and I hope he gets a promo with Jamie sometime in the near future. Speaking of Jamie her promo with London and Chance was great and her mispronouncing intimidate was hilarious.

    The Dragon turn was well written but I think it was a little too sudden. Building it up a little bit more before actually doing it would have went over better.

    The big show was pretty good especially the London/Dragon match.

  20. The Two Time Champion


    February 25, 2007

    Vito Thomaselli has won the SMWA Championship for the second time and become the first two time SMWA Champion. Vito beat Chance Beckett in a brutal match where Beckett nearly broke his leg but Vito wouldn’t stay down and finished him off with a death valley driver.

    In other good news for the fans we will now be presenting two shows a month. You will get to see twice as much SMWA action a month. We present our first March show on the Elevnth in Lansing. The show is being called the New Shit and will present a lot of our younger wrestlers in some matches that could make or break their careers here. There will not be any titles defended on this show however this will showcase the future and we’ll have the matches listed soon.

  21. Full Throttle (Kalamazoo)

    February 17, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA’s Full Throttle. I’m Brian Guppie and I’m joined on commentary by Mike Patterson. We have a big main event as Vito Thomaselli and Chance Beckett face off and this time the SMWA Championship is on the line.”

    Patterson: “We also have the SAT making their debut tonight as they challenge the Strong Brothers for the SMWA Championship. CM Punk will also meet Jimmy Rave in singles action because of their interaction at the last show.”

    Guppie: “We also have Sonjay Dutt taking on Excalibur, Halo facing Greg Pawluk and we open the show with Colt Cabana versus Michael Shane.”

    Patterson: “Cabana could make a big impact here tonight but Michael Shane really needs to get a big win here in this match to prove himself. He was going to have a tag team shot with Paul London tonight but London was unable to make the show so now Shane is on his own again.”

    Segment 1: Primetime for Shane

    Michael Shane walks down to the ring slowly and taunts all of the fans drawing quite a few boos. He slides into the ring then takes the mic from the announcer.

    Shane: “Here I am once again in front of you pathetic fans. Once again you get a display of my skills that you really don’t deserve. Tonight was supposed to be a glorious night for me. Paul London and I were supposed to challenge for the SMWA Tag Team Championship. We were promised that but then Paul left and once again I am on my own. However I know you fans will accept me back into the singles division with gusto, especially since I never really left it. Many people say that I am going to have a tough time proving that tonight because I have to wrestle Colt Cabana but he doesn’t scare me at all. He’s bigger than me sure but he doesn’t know how to go in the ring like I do. He’s always dancing and playing around and that shit isn’t going to work against me. If he starts doing any stupid dancing I’ll knock him down and show him that he just made a mistake the hard way. Colt get your goofy ass down to this ring so I can win this match and leave this shithole!”

    OA: 68

    Segment 2: Colt Cabana vs. Michael Shane

    Colt Cabana dances around the ring and Shane slides out and hits him from behind with a double ace handle then slams him into the guardrail before taking him into the ring. Shane taunts the fans and gets onto the apron and Cabana knocks him off the apron with a forearm. Cabana gets onto the apron then hits an asai moonsault onto Shane to big cheers from the crowd. Cabana sends Shane into the ring and takes control of the match. Cabana takes Shane into the corner and hits him with some forearms then goes up to the top rope and grabs Shane then hits the tornado snap suplex. Cabana makes the cover and gets a two count. Cabana continues to control the match until Shane reverses an irish whip and rocks him with a superkick. Both men are down and get up at the ref’s count of five. Shane fires a series of forearms to Cabana then whips him into the ropes and lands a leg lariat. Shane slows the match down with some submissions. Shane powerslams Cabana then climbs up to the top rope and jumps off with the elbow drop but Cabana rolls out of the way. Shane gets up to his feet and Cabana kicks him in the midsection and hits the Colt 45 and makes the cover for a three count.

    Winner: Colt Cabana (9:23)

    Notes: *3/4

    OA: 62 CR: 48 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “Michael Shane takes another loss as Colt Cabana finished him off with a Colt Forty-Five.”

    Patterson: “It’s a devastating finisher and Cabana has a lot of experience using that move. Shane had some comebacks but Cabana was able to fight him back off and gain control again.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have Halo taking on Greg Pawluk and this should be an exciting match.”

    Patterson: “Greg Pawluk made a nice showing against John Walters and Halo has made a comeback to the SMWA and we’ll see if he still has what it takes to be successful.”

    Segment 3: Halo vs. Greg Pawluk

    The two men lockup to start the match and Pawluk goes behind with a rear waistlock and picks Halo up and slams him face first down to the mat then spins around for a front facelock but Halo scoots back to escape the hold. The two men get to their feet and lockup again and Halo takes Pawluk over with an armdrag. Pawluk gets up to his feet and Halo armdrags him over again. Pawluk gets to his feet and Halo hits him with a spinning front kick. Halo makes a cover and gets a short two count. The two men go through a fast exchange of moves and holds with neither man gaining a real advantage and both men start to slowdown. Pawluk snapmares Halo over and then jumps over with a neck whip. Pawluk then flips Halo over and grabs him with an STF and cranks back on the head but Halo is able to move forward and grab the ropes to break the hold. Pawluk pulls Halo up and whips him into the ropes and Halo springboards off the second rope with a moonsault onto Pawluk. Halo takes the offensive and hits some junior style offense. Halo climbs up to the top rope but Pawluk gets to his feet and hits the ropes racking Halo up. Pawluk climbs up the ropes and hits Halo with a couple of forearms then struggles to take him off with a superplex. Both men stay down until the ref gets to six and struggle to their feet. Halo throws a punch but Pawluk ducks it then grabs Halo and drops him with a reverse DDT. Pawluk holds onto the head and Halo and flips him over into a dragon clutch cranking on the neck and Halo taps out.

    Winner: Greg Pawluk (8:18)

    Notes: *1/4

    OA: 55 CR: 34 MQ: 77

    Guppie: “Pawluk got some nice moves in on the end and managed to capitalize on them to get the victory.”

    Patterson: “Halo looked really good but he couldn’t beat Pawluk here tonight.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have what should be a fast paced encounter as Sonjay Dutt takes on Excalibur.”

    Patterson: “Sonjay is an internet darling for his high flying ability and Excalibur is a big name in the Southern California scene and this is a dream match for a few fans out there I’m sure.”

    Segment 4: Sonjay Dutt vs. Excalibur

    The two men start the match off with an exchange of armdrags. Excalibur whips Dutt into the corner and Dutt jumps onto the second rope and spins around taking Excalibur over with a spinning armdrag. Dutt goes for another armdrag but Excalibur blocks it then rocks Dutt with a big forearm then drops him with a step up enziguri. Excalibur takes Dutt over with a snap suplex and starts to take control of the match. Dutt takes a beating from Excalibur and gets thrown around the ring. Excalibur butterflies Dutt’s arms and goes for the double underhook piledriver but Dutt blocks it and hits him with a backbody drop. Excalibur gets to his feet and Dutt jumps up and takes him over with a ‘rana. Dutt shoves Excalibur into the corner and lands some punches then sets Excalibur up on the top rope. Dutt climbs up and goes for a ‘ranna but Excalibur blocks it and Dutt slams down to the mat. Excalibur jumps off the ropes and takes Dutt over with a blockbuster for a two count. Excalibur whips Dutt into the ropes and Dutt ducks a clothesline and drops Excalibur with a backdrop driver. Dutt makes a cover and gets a two count.

    Dutt runs to the ropes and springboards off with a spinning tornado DDT that plants Excalibur hard into the mat. Dutt gets up and climbs to the top rope. Excalibur gets to his feet and Dutt hits him with a dragonranna and holds the legs for a two count. Dutt continues his offense with some fast paced offense until Excalibur reverses a tornado DDT with a stiff spinebuster. Excalibur takes control of the match and delivers some stiff chops to Dutt and drops him with a brainbuster that gets a two count. Excalibur pulls Dutt to his feet and butterflies the arms. Excalibur picks Dutt up but Dutt flips over and lands behind Excalibur then drops him with a hangman’s neckbreaker. Dutt pulls Excalibur up and whips him into the corner. Dutt charges and hits a running forearm. Dutt takes Excalibur out of the corner with a brainbuster of his own then climbs up to the top rope. Dutt comes off the top with a hindu press and covers Excalibur for the three count.

    Winner: Sonjay Dutt (11:43)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 58 CR: 38 MQ: 78

    Guppie: “Those two went back and forth in that match and Dutt managed to avoid Excalibur’s double underhook piledriver twice and hit the hindu press for a three count.”

    Patterson: “Sonjay Dutt is a star on the rise in the indy scene and I think we could see some great things from him here in the SMWA.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have CM Punk taking on Jimmy Rave. These guys both have some great moves in their repertoire and have great endurance.”

    Patterson: “CM Punk got a big win at the last show in a four way and Jimmy Rave wasn’t happy about that at all and those two seemed to have some issues with each other.”

    Segment 5: Respect the Second City

    “Miseria Cantare - The Beginning” starts to play over the speakers and CM Punk stalks methodically down to the ring and slides in to the boos of the crowd. Punk looks at the fans then takes a mic from the announcer.

    Punk: “You two fans can boo all you want but you booed me at the last show and I won that match. You can boo me all you want tonight because I’m still going to come out of this match with the victory. Jimmy Rave you are nothing compared to me. I am Straight Edge and that means I’m better than you. You have your trance rave knee but I have the shining wizard. You have your crippler crossface and I have my devil lock. I have the Pepsi Plunge and the Pepsi Twist. You don’t have anything on me Rave. You have one game plan and I can wrestle any style. I can wrestle any opponent and I can just keep on wrestling. I can go in the ring for an hour or more. I’ve done it before and I’m going to do it again. Tonight you are going to be laid low in the ring. Last month you fell short of winning and you just couldn’t summon the will to get up and break up my cover. Rave tonight you are going to walk down to this ring and you are going to go down for the one, two, three.”

    OA: 73

    Segment 6: CM Punk vs. Jimmy Rave

    The two men face off in the ring and they lockup. The two struggle back and forth and Punk pushes Rave into the corner. The ref calls for the break and Punk breaks it and lands a forearm then backs off. Rave checks his face the moves forward and locks up with Punk again. Rave slowly backs Punk into the corner. The ref calls for the break and Rave gives Punk a taste of his own medicine with a forearm to the face and Punk bails to the outside. The fans hassle him and he turns around and starts talking trash back at them. Rave gets on the apron and runs then jumps of the apron with a knee to Punk’s face as he turns around. Rave pulls Punk up to his feet and runs him shoulder first into the ringpost. Rave throws Punk into the ring and slides in after him. Punk gets to his feet and Rave snapmares him over and then grabs him with an armbar. Punk fights up to his feet and grabs the ropes and flips over backwards and gets Rave into an armbar of his own. Rave rolls forward and gets up to spin around but Punk just lets go of the hold. Rave gets up to his feet and Punk is standing there rubbing his shoulder. The two men lockup again and they go to the mat and do some back and forth chain wrestling. Rave gets control with an armbar but Punk gets a foot on the rope to break the hold and bails to the outside. Punk yells at the fans and Rave goes for a baseball slide but Punk side steps and pulls him to the outside and slams him into the guardrail.

    Punk gets up onto the apron and jumps off when Rave gets up. Punk lands on Rave and takes him over with a hurrincanranna. Punk takes Rave into the ring and works him over with his prick heel offense. Punk takes Rave down with a snapmare then drops a knee to his forehead then makes a cover for a two count. Punk pulls Rave to his feet and whips him into the ropes. Rave comes off the ropes and catches Punk with a spinning heel kick. Rave bounces off the ropes again as Punk gets to his feet but Punk avoids his attack and grabs him with a sleeper hold. Rave tries to fight to the ropes but Punk takes Rave down to the mat with the hold. Rave struggles against the hold but Punk just holds it tight. The ref checks on Rave and lifts the arm up and it drops twice but Rave manages to keep it up the third time. Rave manages to move across the mat slowly and get a foot on the rope and break the hold. Rave gets to his feet and Punk grabs him with the sleeper again. Rave gets a little behind Punk and hits him with a backdrop driver that breaks up the hold and leaves both men down on the mat. Both men get up at the count of six and Rave blocks some punches from Punk then captures his left arm and takes him down with a single arm DDT.

    Punk rolls on the mat grabbing his left shoulder and Rave tries to grab him but Punk rolls over and gets to the ropes and the ref forces Rave away. Punk gets up to his feet using the ropes and steps forward. Rave grabs Punk’s arm and goes into an armbar but Punk reverses out into his own armbar then turns it into a hammerlock and drops Rave with a hammerlock DDT. Punk makes the cover and gets a two count. Punk can’t believe it and gets up arguing with the ref. Rave gets to his feet and traps Punk’s arm with a hammerlock and drops him on it with a belly to back suplex. Rave grabs Punk with a crossface and pulls back on the head stretching the shoulder. Punk slowly drags himself forward and grabs the ropes to break the hold. Rave pulls Punk up to his feet and Punk hits him with a forearm and whips him into the ropes and grabs Rave with a sleeper hold as he bounces off. Punk tries to crank down on the hold but his left arm is too injured. Punk pulls Rave down with a sleeper drop then makes a cover for two. Punk pulls Rave up to his feet and takes Rave over with a urinage suplex. Rave fights up to one knee and Punk charges and nails him with a shining wizard. Punk covers Rave and gets the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk (19:52)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 71 CR: 59 MQ: 83

    Guppie: “What a contest between those two men. CM Punk managed to keep fighting back and finished Rave off with a big shining wizard.”

    Patterson: “Rave did some nice work on the arm but again he couldn’t follow through with the work and that’s what has stopped him from really succeeding in the SMWA.”

    Guppie: “CM Punk is a tough competitor though and he has beaten many of the best wrestlers in action today. Up next we have the SMWA Tag Team Champions the Strong Brothers challenging the SAT.”

    Patterson: “The SAT are one of the most innovative tag teams in the world. They come up with new moves all the time and they could be a challenge for the Strongs.”

    Segment 7: Strong Brothers ©vs. The SAT (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Sedrick and Jose start the match and they start off with a fast paced exchange of armdrags and the like. They go through a junior style exchange and they face off in a stalemate and get some applause from the crowd. Both men tag out and Joel comes in for an armdrag and Roderick blisters him with a knife edge chop. Roderick pounds away at Joel with some huge strikes then bends Joel across his knee with a backbreaker. Joel rolls away and tags Jose back in. Jose springboards in and Roderick catches him and takes him over with a belly to belly suplex. Jose gets to his feet and Roderick whips him into the ropes and Jose comes off and takes Roderick over with a spinning headscissors. Roderick gets to his feet and Jose hits him with a spinning heel kick. Jose and Joel get Roderick in their corner and they manage to beat him down and isolate him. Joel picks Roderick up on his shoulders and Jose jumps off the top rope and spins Roderick over taking him off Joel’s shoulders with a DDT. Joel makes the cover and gets a two count before Sedrick pulls Joel off. Joel gets up in his face and Sedrick cracks him with a forearm then spikes him with a DDT of his own. Roderick gets to his feet and crawls over and tags in Sedrick who has retreated to the corner.

    Jose moves forward and Sedrick drops him with a clothesline. Jose gets up and Sedrick drops him with a brainbuster. Joel comes back in and catches Sedrick from behind with a double axe handle and Sedrick starts to get isolated as well. Joel grabs Sedrick and powerbombs him then pulls him back up and drops him with another powerbomb. Joel pulls him up and drops him with another powerbomb and folds him up for a two count before Roderick breaks up the cover. The ref takes Roderick back to his corner. Joel sets Sedrick up on the top rope and then he and Jose climb up. They grab Sedrick for the spanish fly but Roderick gets back in the ring and hits Joel with a double ace handle then takes him off the top rope with a german suplex that drops him on his head. Sedrick fights Jose off with some back elbows. Jose staggers down to the second rope and Sedrick leaps over and takes him off with a sunset flip powerbomb. Sedrick holds Jose and gets a two count. Roderick pulls Jose up to his feet and hits him with the widow’s peak. Sedrick climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a frog splash and covers Jose for the three count.

    Winner: Strong Brothers (11:34)

    Notes: ***

    OA: 67 CR: 44 MQ: 90

    Guppie: “The SAT came close to winning that match but they couldn’t keep both of the Strongs down at the same time.”

    Patterson: “The SAT pulled off some nice moves but none of them were enough to keep either Strong down for the three count. They couldn’t follow up either because of how well the Strongs worked together and broke up pinfalls and made the saves.”

    Guppie: “The Strong Brothers are having a magnificent run as the Tag Team Champions. In our next match we have Chance Beckett defending the SMWA Championship against Vito Thomaselli.”

    Patterson: “These two have a long history against each other and we don’t have enough time to explain it all. Suffice to say Vito cost Chance his job here but Chance just won it back and won the Title and now they fight each other for the belt in a match that is sure to be wild.”

    Segment 8: Chance Beckett ©vs. Vito Thomaselli (SMWA Championship)

    The two men face off in the ring and they lockup. Beckett goes behind Vito with a hammerlock and Vito hits him with an elbow to the back of the head then goes behind Beckett with a hammerlock of his own. The two men go back and forth with some chain wrestling and Beckett comes out with the advantage as he gets a crossface chicken wing on Vito but Vito manages to sit out and get a foot on the bottom rope to break the hold. Vito gets up using the ropes and Beckett grabs him with a rear waistlock. Vito wraps his arms around the top rope and Beckett rolls off backwards. Beckett gets up to his feet and Vito drops him with a clothesline. The two guys get up to their feet and go face to face and start trading forearms and punches and just wail away on each other. Beckett takes a short cut with a rake to the eyes then hits Vito over with a stalling vertical suplex and holds Vito up for a twenty count from the fans before slamming him down to the mat. Beckett hooks the leg for a cover and gets a two count. Beckett pulls Vito up to his feet and backs him into the corner with some knife edge chops. Beckett tries to lift Vito up onto the top rope but Vito throws his forearms down across the back of Beckett and forces Beckett off. Vito lands a couple of forearms to the side of Beckett’s head then picks him up with a fireman’s carry and drops down with a samoan drop.

    Vito climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a missile dropkick that sends Beckett to the ropes and rolling out of the ring. Beckett gets to his feet on the outside and Vito charges and dives through the ropes with a suicide dive that takes Beckett down. Vito pulls Beckett up and irish whips him right into the guardrail and the crowd starts cheering. Vito plays to the crowd and then Beckett recovers and delivers a drop toehold that sends Beckett into the guardrail face first. Beckett pulls Vito up and spins him around into the ringpost face first. Vito pulls himself up with blood starting to drip down his forehead. Beckett backs him against the apron and rains down punches to his forehead opening the cut more. Beckett rolls Vito into the ring then grabs a chair and slides in after him. The ref tries to stop him but Beckett shoves him away and goes for the chair shot but Vito dropkicks the chair into Beckett’s face. Vito pulls Beckett up to his feet and the ref slides the chair out of the ring. Vito whips Beckett into the ropes then catches him with a high knee as he rebounds. Vito grabs Beckett from behind and puts him in a rear chinlock. Beckett fights his way to his feet and shoots Vito off into the ropes and Beckett takes him down with a dropkick to the knee.

    Beckett grabs the left leg of Vito and goes for a single leg crab but Vito wiggles against the hold and grabs the ropes and the ref backs Beckett. Vito gets up to his feet and Beckett tries to shoot the leg but Vito lifts a knee right into his face. Vito grabs Beckett and hits a swinging neckbreaker. Vito climbs up to the top rope and comes off with a knee drop but Beckett rolls out of the way and Vito slams his left knee hard into the mat. Beckett pulls Vito up to his feet holding his left leg and drops him with a dragonscrew. Beckett holds onto the leg and goes into a single leg crab. Beckett sits back on the hold but Vito manages to slowly crawl towards the ropes and grab them to break up the hold. Beckett pulls Vito up to his feet and rocks him with some big forearms to the head then follows up with a shinbreaker and goes right into another dragonscrew from there. Beckett grabs the left leg of Vito and tries to turn him over but Vito sits up and grabs the head of Beckett and rolls him up for a two count. Beckett gets up to his feet and Vito gets to his knees and hits Beckett with some punches to the midsection then pulls himself up to his feet and takes Beckett down with a DDT and both men stay down on the mat. The ref starts the ten count and both men get to their knees at the six count and start trading some punches. They slowly move up to their feet as they continue throwing punches until Beckett nails Vito in the leg with a snapkick that drops him down to a knee again.

    Beckett taunts the crowd as Vito pulls himself up on Beckett. Vito gets to his feet and Beckett lands a punch to the forehead opening up the cut again. Vito shakes off the pain and hits Beckett with a punch of his own that sends him reeling. Beckett charges with a clothesline but Vito ducks it then lands a superkick that sends Beckett to the mat. Vito falls to on his injured leg but gets back up using the ropes. Beckett slowly gets to his feet and Vito tries to pick him up in a fireman’s carry but his injured leg gives out and he can’t do it. Beckett picks the left leg of Vito and goes into a single leg crab and adds pressure by putting his knee on the back of Vito’s head. Vito fights the hold and resists the pain. Beckett cranks farther back on the hold but Vito still resists and crawls forward getting Beckett off balance and that allows him to make a desperate lunge to grab the ropes and break the hold. Beckett grabs Vito by the leg and tries to pull him off the ropes but Vito kicks him with his right leg and Beckett staggers. Vito gets to his feet and picks Beckett up with a fireman’s carry then drops him with a DVD with a visceral yell. Vito drags himself over and makes the cover for a three count.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (25:25)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 73 CR: 65 MQ: 81

    Patterson: “We have a new SMWA Champion and the first two time champion! Vito Thomaselli has amazingly fought with an injured leg to defeat Chance Beckett.”

    Guppie: “That’s two wars Vito’s won in two months. He beat N8 Mattson in a brutal match and he just beat Beckett in a great wrestling contest. Vito Thomaselli is for real folks!”

    Patterson: “I don’t know how he did it. He focused all his energy to hit that DVD and he managed to crawl over and cover Beckett for a three count.”

    Guppie: “It’s that kind of dedication that make him a champion, Mike. That’s all we have for tonight folks. For Mike Patterson, I’m Brian Guppie thanks for supporting the SMWA. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for info on future shows and updates on all your favorite wrestlers.”

    OA: 59

    I signed a TV show in the diary but I'm not going to write them up like that. I'm just going to write two shows a month with 10 matches or so a piece and do them that way instead. I don't want to take forever with TV updates so it will be easier for me to write them up this way.

  22. Condition of Vito Thomaselli and N8 Mattson


    January 22, 2007

    Both Vito and N8 received medical attention after their match. They both had several stitches in their foreheads to close the cuts they endured in the match. N8 Mattson also suffered some damage to his neck and will not be able to compete at the next show but he will be fine and fit to compete after his injuries heal. Vito will be on the next show and as a reward for winning the brutal match against N8 Mattson he is receiving a shot at the SMWA Champion, Chance Beckett, at the next show.

    We have also signed a match between Jimmy Rave and CM Punk. We don’t know why the two men were so pissed at each other during the four way match at Mayhem but both men were eager to agree to the match and it will take place at the next show.

    The next show is being held in Kalamazoo on February 17 and it is titled Full Throttle. We will have a full card for the show soon.

  23. Mayhem (Detroit)

    January 20, 2007

    Announcer: Brian Guppie

    Color Commentary: Mike Patterson

    Guppie: “Welcome to SMWA Mayhem! I’m Brian Guppie and I’m joined on commentary by Mike Patterson. We’ve got a lot of big matches here tonight and our main event is going to be huge as Vito Thomaselli and N8 Mattson face off in a last man standing match.”

    Patterson: “We also have Chance Beckett defending the SMWA Championship against Jay Lethal and the Strong Brothers defending the SMWA Tag Team Championship against the team of Special K.”

    Guppie: “For those fans who don’t know Jay Lethal was known as Hydro but he broke up with Special K at the last show and is taking his wrestling more seriously now. We have CM Punk and Sonjay Dutt making their debuts against B-Boy and Jimmy Rave in a four corners match.”

    Patterson: “We have Danny Daniels and Matt Sydal facing off and in our first match Black Dragon takes on the technical expert John Walters.”

    Segment 1: Black Dragon vs. John Walters

    The two men face off in the ring and lockup. Dragon takes the advantage with a hammerlock but Walters reverses behind with a hammerlock of his own. He breaks the hold and slams a series of forearms into the small of Dragon’s back. Dragon staggers forward then turns and catches a charging Walters with a forearm flattening him to the mat. Dragon pulls Walters to his feet and takes him over with a snap suplex. Dragon takes control of the match and starts to work Walters over with some nice suplexes and a junior style of wrestling. Walters is reeling from the quick offense of Dragon. Dragon hits a nice belly to back suplex and bridges it for a long two count that seems to catch Walters off guard. Walters rolls up to his feet and Dragon goes for a vertical suplex but Walters lands behind him and takes him down with double knees to the back of Dragon. Walters takes control of the match and goes to work on the back of Dragon for an extended time. Walters whips Dragon into the ropes and goes for a lariat but Dragon ducks underneath it. He bounces off the ropes and catches Walters with a big leg lariat. Dragon fights back and backs Walters into the corner with some knife edge chops then sets him up on the top rope. Dragon goes for a hurrincanranna but Walters catches Dragon and pulls him back up then jumps off with a powerbomb. Walters can’t capitalize right away but he pulls himself together and goes for the cover and gets a close two count. Walters gets up then grabs the legs of Dragon and wraps them up and locks in the sharpshooter. Dragon slowly makes his way to the ropes but Walters walks forward and sits down on the hold in the middle of the ring and Dragon taps out.

    Winner: John Walters (10:32)

    Notes: 3/4*

    OA: 49 CR: 27 MQ: 72

    Guppie: “Walters did a nice job of working the back of Black Dragon and setting up for that sharpshooter.”

    Patterson: “Even when he was taking a beating he was able to come back by going after the back and sticking to his game plan and keeping cool under pressure is a key to becoming successful in the wrestling business.”

    Guppie: “Up next we have Danny Daniels taking on Matt Sydal. These guys have met before and traded some victories. Sydal is coming off getting to the finals in the Midwest Invitational Tournament and Daniels hasn’t really competed in the SMWA for quite some time.”

    Patterson: “But that doesn’t make him any less formidable. Daniels competes for lots of promotions and has spent quite a bit of time as the IWA Mid-South Champion. This match could go either way.”

    Segment 2: Danny Daniels vs. Matt Sydal

    The two men face off in the ring and Sydal goes for a lockup but Daniels delivers a big punch to the face instead. Daniels steps forward and lands a forearm then takes Sydal over with a vertical suplex. Daniels stomps away on Sydal then pulls him back up and goes for a piledriver but Sydal reverses it with a backbody drop. Daniels gets up to his feet and Sydal jumps up and takes him over with a ‘ranna. Sydal makes a cover and gets a short two count. The two men go back and forth in the match trading moves with both men getting some near falls. Sydal goes for a suplex but Daniels blocks it then goes behind Sydal with a rear waistlock and takes him over with a straight jacket german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Sydal gets up to his feet again but Daniels takes him down with a DDT and covers him for another two count before Sydal gets a foot on the ropes. Daniels goes for another german suplex but Sydal fights out of it with some back elbows. Sydal bounces off the ropes and goes for a springboard moonsault but Daniels catches him and drops him with an inverted piledriver. Daniels makes the cover and gets a three count.

    Winner: Danny Daniels (9:42)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 61 CR: 47 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “A quick onslaught of high impact moves captures the match for Danny Daniels and the inverted piledriver he used at the end was brutal.”

    Patterson: “Daniels is known for his devastating piledrivers and that one he used on Sydal was truly brutal.”

    Guppie: “Well up next we have a big four corner match. CM Punk, Jimmy Rave, Sonjay Dutt and B-Boy face off in what should be an exciting match.”

    Patterson: “It’s one fall to a finish in this match so everybody is looking to get the pinfall and stopping the others from getting it themselves.”

    Segment 3: Straight Edge

    CM Punk walks down to the ring as Miseria Cantare - The Beginning plays. Punk is greeted by a mix of boos and cheers. He slides into the ring and takes the mic from the announcer.

    Punk: “In case you people don’t know, and since we’re in a backwater state like Michigan that’s not hard to believe. I am CM Punk and I’m drug free. I’m straight edge and that means that I’m better than you. I look into this crowd here in Detroit and I can’t but be overwhelmed by a feeling of superiority. All you people here probably work in the factories down town working horrible hours at a job you hate. Then you get home and you drink away your sorrows or perhaps use an even more potent drug. Trust me I know, I went through downtown on mistake and I could see the crack heads and crack dealers just walking around all over the place. You fans are the biggest gathering of drug addled morons I’ve seen in a long time. B-Boy, Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Rave, you guys maybe some of the biggest names on the indy scene but you aren’t on my level. Tonight you three will fall before me as so many people have before. I deliver perfection in this ring and you guys are weaklings who can’t compare to me. This is real, this is straight edge and that means that I’m better than you!”

    OA: 61

    Segment 4: Jimmy Rave vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. B-Boy vs. CM Punk

    Punk and Dutt start the match off and Rave takes Punk over with an armdrag. Punk gets up to his feet and Dutt goes for another armdrag but Punk blocks it and rocks Dutt with a forearm. Punk grabs Dutt with a side headlock and cranks down on the hold and slowly forces Dutt to the mat before Rave comes in and breaks up the hold with a kick to the back of Punk’s head. Punk gets up to his feet and faces off with Rave before the ref separates them. Punk turns around and Dutt takes him down with a spinning headscissor and Punk gets up and tags in B-Boy. B-Boy gets into the ring and stiffs away on Dutt with some big strikes and backs Dutt into the corner. B-Boy starts getting cocky and Punk starts tossing some jeers at him. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and B-Boy turns around and Dutt hits him with a dragonranna and hooks the legs for a two count. Dutt gets up after the kickout and tags in Punk with a slap to the face. Punk gets in the ring then tags backout with a slap of his own. Dutt Dutt springboards into the ring and hits Punk with a dropkick and Punk rolls out of the ring. B-Boy uses the time to recover and grabs Dutt from behind and drops him on his head with a backdrop driver and makes the cover for a two count before Rave breaks it up. Dutt gets to his feet and makes the tag to Rave while B-Boy is distracted.

    Rave comes in and hits B-Boy with a dropkick and the two men start going back and forth in the ring with some chain wrestling and Rave gains the advantage as he focuses his attack on the shoulder of B-Boy. Rave grabs an arm wringer but B-Boy breaks it up with a stiff forearm to the face. B-Boy whips Rave into the ropes and catches him for a tilt-a-whirl but Rave blocks it and takes B-Boy down into a crossface but Punk comes in and breaks up the hold and throws Rave over the top rope to the outside. Punk pulls B-Boy up and hits him with a double underhook backbreaker and makes a cover for two before Rave grabs him by the feet and pulls him out of the ring. Rave and Punk trade some forearms on the outside and Rave drop toeholds Punk into the ringpost. Rave gets up on the apron and charges to make an attack but Dutt catches him with a clothesline from the inside that drops Rave on the apron. Dutt climbs up to the top rope and goes for a phoenix splash but B-Boy rolls out of the way allowing Dutt to crash and burn. B-Boy pulls Dutt up to his feet and drops him with a cross special brainbuster. B-Boy gets up to a knee and Punk runs into the ring and catches him with a shining wizard. Punk covers Dutt and gets a two count before Rave breaks up the cover with a stomp to the back of the head.

    Punk and Rave start throwing some brutal forearms at each other and the stalemate goes on until Dutt gets to his feet and smashes the two mens’ heads together and both men stagger backwards. Dutt grabs Punk from behind and drops him with a belly to back suplex and B-Boy grabs Rave behind dropping him on his head with a release german suplex. The four men are all in the ring and they all start throwing big impact moves on each other looking to score the pinfall but the covers keep getting broken up. Rave manages to clock B-Boy with a big knee to the face only to have Punk charge and hit him with a shining wizard and Rave rolls out of the ring. Dutt starts climbing to the top rope but Punk charges and hits him with a forearm shot to the back. Punk climbs up to the top rope on the outside and hooks Dutt’s arms then takes him off the top rope with a Pepsi Plunge and slams Dutt down on B-Boy. Punk rolls Dutt over and hooks the leg for a three count as Rave dives to make the save.

    Winner: CM Punk (16:55)

    Notes: *1/2

    OA: 62 CR: 48 MQ: 76

    Guppie: “What a chaotic match between those four men and did you see the way Rave and Punk were acting towards each other?”

    Patterson: “I didn’t know those two had anything against each other but they both looked like they were ready to kill.”

    Guppie: “After that insane match it’s time for the Tag Team Titles to be defended as Special K try once again to win the belts that they held for so long.”

    Patterson: “The Strong Brothers are working on having a reign as long as Special K and just as dominant.”

    Segment 5: Strong Brothers ©vs. Special K (SMWA Tag Team Championship)

    Roderick and Deranged start the match and Deranged gets right up in Roderick’s face and Roderick pie faces him back. Deranged charges at him and Roderick knocks him out of his boots with a thunderous knife edge chop. Deranged backs into his corner still seated and tags in Angeldust. Angeldust looks around before he steps into the ring. He charges forward and Roderick swings a lariat but Angeldust ducks it and bounces off the ropes and runs into a spinning forearm right to the head and falls to the mat. Roderick pulls Angeldust up to his feet and throws him into the corner and just unloads on him with a series of chops and forearms before tagging in Sedrick. Sedrick snapmares Angeldust out of the corner then flips over with a neck whip to follow it up. Sedrick stays in control of the match and just wears Angeldust down with some submission holds and suplexes. Sedrick throws Angeldust for a german suplex but Angeldust lands on his feet and gets to his corner tagging in Deranged.

    Deranged comes in with a springboard dropkick that drops Sedrick and makes the cover for a two count. Deranged takes control of the match with some fast paced offense on Sedrick and then starts to isolate him with Angeldust in their corner. Deranged goes for a tornado DDT on Sedrick off the corner but Sedrick blocks it as Deranged tries to take him down and Sedrick reverses it into a release northern lights suplex that sends Deranged crashing into the corner. Sedrick gets to his feet and dives to tag in Roderick. Roderick comes in and just lays into both members of Special K with big forearms and chops and a Angeldust rolls to the outside after Roderick grabs his head and sends a series of big forearms home on the side of his head. Roderick catches Deranged going for a crossbody block and drops him across his knee with a brutal backbreaker. Roderick follows up with a brutal powerbomb and folds Deranged up for the cover and gets a two count as Deranged manages to kick out. Roderick picks Deranged up again and this time hits him with a spinal shock. Roderick makes the cover and gets a three count this time.

    Winner: Strong Brothers (11:42)

    Notes: **1/2

    OA: 66 CR: 47 MQ: 85

    Guppie: “Once again we see the power of Roderick Strong really come into effect in a Tag Title Defense by those two. Roderick was able to really dominate the Special K team with his strikes and back breakers.”

    Patterson: “Roderick is just bigger than a lot of wrestlers and that gives him a big advantage in the ring against them as far as power goes and Sedrick is able to handle more of the speed aspect of the team and they mix so well together.”

    Guppie: “And that is what makes them the SMWA Tag Team Champions. Our next match is the first of two main events we have tonight as Chance Beckett defends the SMWA Championship against Jay Lethal.”

    Patterson: “This is the first time these two have locked up in the SMWA and it should be a really exciting match to watch unfold.”

    Segment 6: The New Champ

    Chance Beckett walks out from backstage with the SMWA Championship belt around his waist. He ignores the cat calls of the fans and slides into the ring and takes the mic from the announcer.

    Chance: “You see this belt right here? This ten pounds of gold mark me as the best man here in the SMWA and I earned this belt with sweat and blood. Vito Thomaselli when you fought me in the first round you said you were going to beat me and keep me out of the SMWA. Not only did I beat you, I won the entire tournament and I got the belt around my waist! This belt was something that eluded me when I was in the SMWA earlier but not anymore. Now I am the champ, the man on the top. I’m the man everybody is gunning for and you know what? I like that feeling. It lets me know that I’m the man on the top of totem pole. Tonight Jay Lethal is gunning for me and frankly I’m not worried. I’ve seen Jay’s offense and I know what it is and I know that not only can I avoid it but I can do it better myself. Jay you may be great at working the neck but I can work any body part and I will work any body part. I step into this ring with the belt and I’m going to be walking out of here tonight with the belt on as well.”

    OA: 68

    Segment 7: Chance Beckett ©vs. Jay Lethal (SMWA Championship)

    The two men lockup in the ring and the two men struggle back and forth before Lethal slowly backs Beckett into the corner and delivers a clean break but Beckett pokes him in the eye. Beckett grabs Lethal from behind with a rear waistlock and picks him up then slams him down to the mat and spins around into a front facelock. Lethal fights up to his feet then picks Beckett up and moves forward to grab the ropes and break the hold. The two men face off and lockup again. Lethal goes behind with a hammerlock and then the two men go back and forth with some chain wrestling. Lethal ends it with a front facelock but Beckett gets a foot on the ropes and the crowd applauds for the display. The two men get up to their feet and Beckett stretches out his neck. Beckett calls for a test of strength and Lethal goes to match it but Becket nails him with a big forearm instead. Beckett snapmares Lethal over and sticks a knee in his back and grabs a rear chinlock. Lethal fights up to his feet and bounces off the ropes. He comes off the ropes and Beckett catches him in a sleeper hold. Lethal fights the hold then grabs Beckett’s head and drops down with a jaw breaker. Lethal grabs Beckett from behind and folds him up with a backdrop driver.

    Lethal takes control of the match as he starts to work on the neck of Beckett. He takes Beckett down with a DDT and holds onto the head with a front chancery. Beckett struggles against the hold and manages to break Lethal’s leg grip and flips over and gets a foot on the ropes forcing the break. Lethal pulls Beckett up and goes for a dragon suplex but Beckett breaks the full nelson. Lethal instead grabs a rear waistlock and takes Beckett over with a german suplex and bridges it for a two count. Lethal pulls Beckett up and takes him over with a vertical suplex. Lethal bounces off the ropes and drops a knee across the face of Beckett and covers for another two count. Lethal pulls Beckett up and drops him with a neckbreaker then climbs up to the top rope. Lethal comes off with a knee drop but Beckett moves and Lethal slams to the mat hard with his knee. Lethal gets to his feet rubbing his left knee and Beckett charges from behind and takes him down with a chop block. Beckett grabs Lethal and gets him with a spinning toe hold. Beckett loosens his grip and then reapplies the hold. Lethal slowly moves himself backwards and grabs the bottom rope.

    Beckett continues to work on the leg of Lethal with some nice looking submission moves and some strikes on the joint. Lethal fights back but Beckett manages to keep him down by going back to the knee. Beckett gets cocky and Lethal clocks him with a forearm then goes behind and takes Beckett over with a dragon suplex and tries to bridge it but falls because of his injured knee. Beckett recovers slowly but so does Lethal and Beckett delivers a couple of stomps to the injured leg. Beckett then whips Lethal into the corner and drapes his left leg over the middle turnbuckle and kicks away at the knee until the ref backs him up. Beckett comes back in and Lethal fights him off with a series of forearms. Lethal lifts himself up onto the second rope and gets ready to deliver a move but Beckett grabs his left leg and dragonscrews him off the ropes. Beckett grabs the leg of Lethal and gets a single leg crab and plants his knee on the back of Lethal’s head. Lethal fights against the hold but can’t go anywhere and taps out.

    Winner: Chance Beckett (18:18)

    Notes: ****

    OA: 77 CR: 55 MQ: 99

    Guppie: “That’s the same move he used to beat Matt Sydal to win the belt and he does a great job with that hold. He takes a normal single leg crab but adds some leverage and torques the neck as well with the knee to the back of the head.”

    Patterson: “Jay Lethal had some nice offense in that match and he was looking good on the mat but Beckett used some shady tactics to gain the advantage and when Lethal missed that knee drop it was all over for him.”

    Guppie: “Chance Beckett will continue his reign as SMWA Champion but our next match will crown which of these men has been the MVP of the SMWA as these men have been with use for almost the entire time of our existence. N8 Mattson and Vito Thomaselli face off in a last man standing match.”

    Patterson: “These guys have been having some brutal matches already and with this last man standing stipulation it’s going to be even worse and there is going to be blood spilt and bodies broken in this match.”

    Segment 8: N8 Mattson vs. Vito Thomaselli (Last Man Standing)

    Vito comes out from backstage and Mattson charges behind him and drops him with a lariat to the back of the head. Mattson pulls Vito up and powerslams him down on the floor. Vito slowly gets to his feet and Mattson grabs him and runs him to the ring and rolls him in. Mattson springboards in with a dropkick but Vito moves out of the way and Mattson crashes to the mat. Mattson gets up and Vito snapmares him over and delivers a sharp kick to the spine. Mattson gets up grabbing his back and Vito clotheslines him in the back sending him over the ropes to the outside. Mattson gets up to his feet and Vito charges and dives through the ropes with a suicide dive that sends both men crashing into the guardrails. Vito gets to his feet first and pulls Mattson to his feet and irish whips him and Mattson slams into the guardrails hard. The two men continue to brawl in the ringside area and they go back and forth using the guardrails for extra damage. Mattson ducks a punch from Vito then grabs him by the back of the head and runs him right into the ringpost. Vito gets to his feet with blood starting to drip down his forehead. Vito checks his head with his hand and looks at the blood dazed and Mattson follows with a running kick to the face that flattens Vito and Mattson commands the ref to start counting and he gets a six count.

    Mattson rolls Vito back into the ring then grabs a chair from the ringside area and throws it into the ring. He grabs another chair then slides into the ring. Vito is starting to get to his feet and Mattson prepares a chairshot but Vito gets to his feet and springs up with a dropkick that sends the chair into the face of Mattson. Vito grabs the chair and shoves it into the corner between the middle and bottom rope. He then pulls Mattson foward and drop toeholds him face first into the chair. Vito pulls Mattson’s head up and slams it into the chair repeatedly and Mattson falls to the mat with blood covering his entire forehead. Vito pulls Mattson up into a fireman’s carry and drops him with a DVD. The ref starts the count and gets to 9 before Mattson makes it to his feet. Vito pulls Mattson up and gets a low blow for his trouble. Mattson grabs the head of Vito and rains down punches on the forehead opening the cut and causing more blood to flow down the face of Vito. Mattson pulls him up into a stalling vertical suplex and holds him up long enough for blood to start dripping to the mat before dropping him to the mat with a brainbuster. Mattson gets to his feet and staggers backwards leaning against the corner and tells the ref to start counting. The ref gets to 9 before Vito gets to his feet using the ropes. Mattson charges and puts him down with a yakuza kick then slides out of the ring and pulls a table out and sets it up next to the apron.

    Mattson slides into the ring and controls Vito wearing him down some more before setting him up on the top rope. Mattson climbs up the ropes on the outside and tries to go for a superplex to the outside but Vito blocks it and hits his own superplex that takes Mattson back into the ring. Both men are down for an 8 count from the ref. Both men stagger to their feet and they trade some forearms in the middle of the ring. Mattson rocks Vito with a forearm to the forehead that knocks some blood and sweat off his forehead. Mattson takes Vito out onto the apron and grabs him with a rear waistlock and goes for the german suplex through the table ringside but Vito fights it off with some back elbows then drops Mattson with a DDT on the apron. Vito folds the table up and slides it into the ring and he follows in behind it. Vito sets it up near one of the corners then levels Mattson with a clothesline as he rolls into the ring and gets to his feet. Vito pulls Mattson over to the chair in the ring and goes for a piledriver on it but Mattson reverses it with a backbody drop. Vito slowly gets to his feet and Mattson wallops him over the head with a brutal chairshot that levels him. Mattson pulls Vito to his feet and takes him to the corner delivering punches to the forehead as he goes. Mattson sets Vito up on the top rope near the table then climbs up with him. Mattson hits a couple of forearms then goes for a superplex but Vito blocks it and hits Mattson with some forearms to the midsection. Vito picks Mattson up into a fireman’s carry. Vito jumps off the top rope with a death valley driver through the table. The ref starts to count both men down. Vito slowly gets to his feet and makes it up at 9 but Mattson stays down for the ten count making Vito the winner.

    Winner: Vito Thomaselli (19:23)

    Notes: **3/4

    OA: 76 CR: 69 MQ: 83

    Guppie: “Vito Thomaselli won that brutal match with a big DVD off the top rope through a table. N8 Mattson could be seriously injured from that.”

    Patterson: “Both men are going to need immediate medical attention for those cuts if nothing else. Vito’s didn’t start off too bad but Mattson just pounded away at it and Mattson’s face was almost completely covered in blood after Vito slammed his face into the chair repeatedly.”

    Guppie: “That match was definitely not for the faint of heart. Those two men pulled out all the stops to become the winner of the match and the feud and Vito managed to pull out the biggest move of the match.”

    Patterson: “Mattson even went for the german suplex off the apron through the table that he has used to finish several opponents but Vito had it scouted and managed to avoid it.”

    Guppie: “Fans, thanks for watching. For Mike Patterson, I’m Brian Guppie, thanks for watching. Be sure to check out smwawrestling.com for information on upcoming cards and info on your favorite wrestlers including updates on the conditions of Vito Thomaselli and N8 Mattson.”

    OA: 59

    I'm starting school again so updates might be a little bit slower than before because I've got lots to read and write. I'll keep it going but it will probably be slower than it is now.

  24. A New Champion, A New Challenge


    December 9, 2006

    Chance Beckett defied the odds in the Midwest Invitational Tournament. He earned his spot back in the SMWA and he won the SMWA Championship while he was at it defeating three great opponents in Vito Thomaselli, Jimmy Rave and Matt Sydal. The SMWA has also reached a new plateau as our fan base is increasing by leaps and bounds and we are now being ranked in the Regional division of wrestling promotions by many wrestling magazines and the promotion and our title has gained more prestige and worth.

    With the increase in prestige we are going to be bringing in some bigger names to compete as we are able to attract the attention of some of the elite independent wrestlers and one of those is CM Punk who will be appearing on our January show, Mayhem..

    Jay Lethal, formerly known as Hydro, will be getting a shot at the SMWA Champion, Chance Beckett. More matches and information on the January show will be Mayhem is being held on January 20 in Detroit. More matches and card information will be up soon.

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