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Smokey B

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Posts posted by Smokey B

  1. Eagles will probably draft a wideout in the draft's early rounds. As well as a RB to backup and eventually replace Westbrook. Don't see much point for them to sign one right now.

    Yeah, the wideout draft class this year is REALLY deep, which is also why I can't see the Pats (or most teams for that matter) dropping a huge wad of cash for TO. This year, odds are you can get a second day receiver that will turn out to be pretty decent.

  2. Yeah, Pats are definitely not going to bother. They just traded for Greg Lewis from the Eagles and signed Shawn Springs today. I really can't predict who he'll land with, it all depends on how picky he is as far as teams go - I'm under the impression he wants a ring, but he might not pass up a really huge deal.

  3. Both signings were good today. Ray Lewis had to be brought back because of our total lack of MLB without him (and why not get the best one available in the market?) after Scott's departure. The deal isn't as ass-raping as I would have expected. Matt Birk fills the hole left by Jason Brown, with much of our line developing it's good to have a proven center in there.

    Yeahhhhh boyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  4. Okay. Welcome to NFL Quarterback Mafia


    This is a 20 player game, and it's obviously based on NFL Quarterbacks (more current, rather then historical). There won't be safeclaims for all the mafia, because I'd like to think that someone is creative enough to go on NFL.com and try to create their own. Unlike some topics, there are literally an endless amount of roles that could be in this game, so don't be disappointed if a certain person is or isn't in the game(I doubt it'll matter though). Finally, this is my first mafia as a GM, so bare with me if I do something retarded because odds are I will ^_^

    The player list may or may not be first come first serve. I want to get a good mix of players, and I know how quickly a mafia can fill up without someone being around to even know it started. And, frankly, I don't like some of you :shifty:

    Player List

    1. HttK

    2. TheRossWalker

    3. naiwf

    4. Sousa

    5. Rabid Wolverine

    6. SeanDMan

    7. Pris

    8. Footjob Fever

    9. Be

    10. Mr. Potato Head

    11. Ruki

    12. Split Second

    13. pizzamonkey

    14. Mr. Evil Guy

    15. JustBlaze

    16. -A-

    17. Ace

    18. Maxx

    19. Essa

    20. Josh


    1. EddieG

    2. Blehschmidt

    3. wrathofcarnage

    4. Slogger

    5. Pleatherface

    6. TGC

    7. thug

    8. deangelo

    If the few people that pre-regged would reply in the thread acknowledging it, that would be sweet tits. This thread will stay open until I get twenty people and a few reserves.

  5. IF the Niners get Warner i hope they keep Hill and Smith and let them learn under him. I'm still not sure Alex Smith is destined for failure and to be a bust. I think he can have a pretty good career.

    I think I've pretty much stopped paying attention to anything you say :mellow:

    are you saying that there is NO CHANCE that Alex Smith can have a pretty good/decent career? Alex Smith will probably never be Drew Brees or Eli Manning, but he can be decent, he has some pretty good tools, he needs to find a way to stay healthy though.

    And with right coaching and some tuteledge from Warner(if he signs) he may be able to put things together, but he's not a lost cause yet.

    Yes, yes I am. He'll have a solid career as one of the best perennial back-up quarterbacks to ever play the game, though. (Y)

    Did you say the same thing about, Jake Delhome, Tom Brady, Kurt Warner, Marc Bulger, Matt Schaub, David Garrard?

    On another note, i still think the vikings either need to get Harrison or Walker(if he becomes available) or trade for Boldin, to help out Rosenfels or trade up and get Maclin.

    I also wish they would sign someone like Chris Simms(he's a FA isn't he) to compete with Rosenfels and Jackson. Although i believe Sage will be a pretty good QB atleast good enough i'm admittedly biased on that. And although i think T-Jack isn't as horrible as some make him out to be, he still needs to learn how to play under pressure.

    You're serious?

    Jake Delhomme and Kurt Warner were undrafted and not a single one of the guys you named were even a first day draft pick. Alex Smith was selected FIRST in the 2005 draft, and with that comes expectations. You can't even compare him with the other quarterbacks. Delhomme, Brady, Warner and Bulger were drafted late or weren't even drafted, and frankly, some of them weren't expected to be worth a shit. David Garrard has had mild success and in all honesty, Matt Schaub hasn't proven that he's worth a shit quite yet.

    Alex Smith was hyped up so much as a great talent, and still shit the bed. He's been a complete and utter bust, and when he's not dealing with some sort of shoulder injury, he's riding the bench. Almost every single quarterback taken in 2005 has seen more success then Smith at some point or another. Jason Campbell, Aaron Rodgers, Kyle Orton, Derek Anderson, Dan Orlovsky, Ryan Fitzpatrick were all taken in 2005 with a few other busts. I'm not saying I think every single one of these guys are better then Smith, but look at all the chances the 49ers had to get something right.

    I don't really know how to make it much more clear - Alex Smith is a failure, and will continue to be one. Maybe if the '9ers give him the boot, he might find himself in a better situation elsewhere, but beyond that, I see nothing even remotely inspiring in Smith's future. Sorry dawg.

  6. IF the Niners get Warner i hope they keep Hill and Smith and let them learn under him. I'm still not sure Alex Smith is destined for failure and to be a bust. I think he can have a pretty good career.

    I think I've pretty much stopped paying attention to anything you say :mellow:

    are you saying that there is NO CHANCE that Alex Smith can have a pretty good/decent career? Alex Smith will probably never be Drew Brees or Eli Manning, but he can be decent, he has some pretty good tools, he needs to find a way to stay healthy though.

    And with right coaching and some tuteledge from Warner(if he signs) he may be able to put things together, but he's not a lost cause yet.

    Yes, yes I am. He'll have a solid career as one of the best perennial back-up quarterbacks to ever play the game, though. (Y)

  7. IF the Niners get Warner i hope they keep Hill and Smith and let them learn under him. I'm still not sure Alex Smith is destined for failure and to be a bust. I think he can have a pretty good career.

    I think I've pretty much stopped paying attention to anything you say :mellow:

  8. How is Matt Cassel exactally unproven? he had an awesome year, and for a couple game stretch was putting up better numbers then anyone. He may have been on the Patriots, but Josh McDaniels knows his comfortablity and with Denvers recievers he could have flourished for them.

    Cutler is a great QB, and he will have a great career, but going after Cassel a QB you have history makes sense.

    He had an awesome year. ONE year. Prior to this season, he hadn't been a starting quarterback since high school. Needless to say, some people are skeptical.

  9. And in classic Patriot's Way, can has to try and grab as many players as possible from his old team, because god forbid he becomes comfortable with the staff he has in place.

    Pioli going after Cassel, that made sense. McDaniels trying to do it was just retarded.

    What new coach DOESN'T try to do that? :mellow:

  10. Breaking news - MATT CASSEL TO THE KANSAS CITY CHIEFS! http://blogs.nfl.com/2009/02/28/chiefs-com...ade-for-cassel/

    .... too bad I think Matt Cassel is a product of the system and hasn't proven himself yet, but oh well.

    I'd say they got a pretty good deal though. Vrabel and Cassel for a 2nd round pick? Despite the questions surrounding Cassel and what he's capable of, it's a great bargain.

    And lol @ the Ravens completely and utterly failing in this free agency. We've lost Bart Scott, Jason Brown, and now Jim Leonhard and Corey Ivey are talking to the Jets as well AND there's still a huge question mark in regards to Ray Lewis. Rex Ryan is completely raping our roster :angry:

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