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Smokey B

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Posts posted by Smokey B

  1. I'd say their improvement was a bad thing, considering it happened when their season was already in the shitter. All they did was move themselves further away from the top 10 in the draft, which is where they really need to be.

    I'd have to disagree. The 49ers did some good things at the end of the year - Singletary managed to bring this team back together and solidify himself as the man in San Francisco. If they hadn't of put things together, they probably would be in the same coaching limbo that a half dozen other teams are in and have absolutely zero momentum going into next season. With some wins toward the tail end of the season, the team itself at least knows that they can do something right.

    Besides, don't they have the 10th pick?

  2. I've only gotten like five right in a row :mellow:

    Somewhere I always end up making a stupid decision. It's really luck...the guy I saw on ESPN that won last season got incredibly lucky on some of the picks he made.

    I'll join though :D

    And I'm going with the easy pick - Go USC~!

  3. Quick question: How much extra content does buying the flying mount give you access to? I read somewhere that there's odd places only accessible by this method, but nowhere really seems to state how much (and thus whether its worth saving up to go for it).

    Well, unless I'm wrong, both Storm Peaks and Icecrown in WotLK are only accessible via flying mount(unless you get one of the flight paths up there somehow). Overall, having an epic flyer makes things so much easier. You really don't need to use the gryphon system anymore because you can easily navigate yourself to wherever you want to go.

  4. So my buddy finally bugged me enough to pick up Wild World....and it's already frustrating. We're both trying to visit eachother via Wi-Fi friend codes and what not, but it won't let me generate mine. After going through the proper routine(talking to Copper, connecting to Wi-Fi, etc etc), he gives me a reply saying "I'm terribly sorry...For some unfathomable reason, you can't visit that town right now". Granted, this message is given after I'm trying to get my own friend code.

    Any idea what's up? Or am I just stoopid? :mellow?

    Nintendo WFC itself has been a bit buggy for DS WiFi-ing for the past few days. I think a lot of people have wifi Wii games for Christmas (like Brawl or Animal Crossing) so it's overloaded the WFC servers or something along those lines.

    Ah yeah, that sounds about right. I just kept giving it a try and eventually it went through and I got my friend code.

    Name: Billy

    Town: 2113

    Friend Code: 0130-6085-7504

    In case anyone wants to come and give me a free stuff...er...I mean hang out :)

  5. So my buddy finally bugged me enough to pick up Wild World....and it's already frustrating. We're both trying to visit eachother via Wi-Fi friend codes and what not, but it won't let me generate mine. After going through the proper routine(talking to Copper, connecting to Wi-Fi, etc etc), he gives me a reply saying "I'm terribly sorry...For some unfathomable reason, you can't visit that town right now". Granted, this message is given after I'm trying to get my own friend code.

    Any idea what's up? Or am I just stoopid? :mellow?

  6. What's the highest lvl Death Knight you've seen on your server so far? There were a couple 68s listed on the /who Death Knight screen last night.

    Hopefully I will be getting the expansion this Sunday or Monday, but I don't know if my video card can handle it, and I can't afford to upgrade it at the moment.

    A buddy and I killed a level 72 Death Knight last night while questing. I think there's two people on my server that are already 80, and several that are 79 at the moment.

    I'm only 72 :mellow:

  7. Anyone picking up their game tonight at a midnight release? I thought about it....but I realized how uber nerdy it was :blush:

    I was going to, but the guy I intended to hitch a ride with isn't returning my calls for whatever reason sooo. I'll probably wind up downloading it off the official website, and failing that, try to run out and get it tomorrow.

    I've come to the conclusion that if I'm still awake around 11:45 or so, I'll probably go pick it up. Considering the fact that I'm drinking a red bull at the moment, I'll probably be making the hike...

    One of my roommates left like an hour ago to camp out for the midnight release at the local mall.... :blush:

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