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Status Updates posted by braden..

  1. Thanks for the help the evil overlord im really enjoying the game :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Maxx


      If you got it from TEOL, it's likely a slow release virus that will eventually crash your computer.

    3. Maxx


      If you got it from TEOL, it's likely a slow release virus that will eventually crash your computer.

    4. TEOL
  2. Thanks for the help the evil overlord im really enjoying the game :)

  3. Dont even know how to download ewr

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      He didn't ask for help, TEOL. He was merely making a statement. =/

    3. TEOL


      I can't help being so helpful!

    4. Noah


      You'll never get a man if you continue to look so needy.

  4. Dont even know how to download ewr

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