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Piston Honda

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Rookie (1/12)



  1. "I still remember our first fight. Now I'm gonna make you pay back, Banzai!!"

    1. Sousa


      Aaaaaaand I'm done, now I can retire in peace.

  2. "You should wear a helmet when you fight me!"

  3. 1982: First Blood 1983: Return of the Jedi 1984: Ghostbusters 1985: Police Story 1986: Transformers 1987: Full Metal Jacket 1988: Grave of the Fireflies 1989: UHF 1990: Jacob's Ladder 1991: T2 1992: Reservoir Dogs 1993: Batman: Mask of the Phantasm 1994: Pulp Fiction 1995: Twelve Monkeys 1996: Fargo 1997: Fifth Element 1998: Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels 1999: Magnolia 2000: Time and Tide 2001: Donnie Darko 2002: The Ring 2003: A Mighty Wind 2004: Saw 2005: Sin City 2006: The Departed 2007: No Country For Old Men 2008: The Dark Knight
  4. "I'll give you a TKO from Tokyo!"

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