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Posts posted by mkpunk

  1. 3 hours ago, EWFan2004 said:

    The home to Lucha Underground the El Rey network is going off the air come New Year's. Though Robert Rodriguez has stated, it might become a streaming service in the future.

    Also, add tag team of TayJay of Tay Conti & Anna Jay (active, 5 Exp).

    I'll replace El Rey with something.

    I may get the split data up a few days late. I'm working on the 2nd and the 3rd.

    I am also sadly thinning the hurd of promotions in game due to Covid related inactivity. I am looking to put APW, C4, CW, CZW, DEFY, RISE and SMASH in the freezer. RISE will become Shimmer since Shimmer ran as a part of The Collective in October. When these promotions run regularly again, I'll gladdly add them back in.

    For now SHIMMER's roster will be reflected by The Collective card.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, TheWho87 said:

    Most of them are on cagematch, the ones mentioned I've come across doing experience, although knew of Fire and Soldier Ants.

    I've also found out Dasher Hatfield has been using the name, and I quote, A Very Good Professional Wrestler since August. Annoyingly that doesn't fit in TEW, so it's either A Very Good Wrestler or Very Good Professional Wrestler instead.

    I have seen a few pop-up on cagematch but not those and I checked two of them like in the last week or so. Here is another that wasn't in your set.


    TJ Marconi was Nøkken


  3. 2 hours ago, TheWho87 said:

    For all the Chikara followers, do you think it's time to combine gimmicks with the people under the masks? This won't be for January but I'll work on them next month.

    In doing this I'd add the alter ego and switch teams and title histories to the person under the mask. I know there may be more but the ones I know of note are the following.

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    combatANT - Alex Reynolds
    deviANT - Isaias Velazquez
    Fire Ant - Orange Cassidy
    Shard - John Silver
    Silver Ant - Tracy Williams
    Soldier Ant - Drew Gulak

    YES. Damn on a few of these. Would have never guessed on a few...

    • Like 1
  4. Three things:

    I am mostly including just WWE PC recruits as the new additions. A few others like Don Callis (moved from Staff due to being on air personality now for both AEW and IMPACT), Micha Taylor and TJ Marconi are re-added while a few others from Dave Talks Wrestling's underrated list like Darius Carter will be added as well.


    I believe Nøkken was in the game at some point and Marconi is the man behind the mask.

    Two: like the Cruiserweight title for WWE/NXT, I will make KENTA Interim US champ and for now suspend the Moxley title.

    Three: Please don't post about a certain wrestlers death. I know I'm sadly deleting the first indy to WWE star I met. He maybe the only one (no offense Delaney...)

    • Like 1
  5. I will put Dia Inferno and La Estrella in the game. Hopefully later on I won't need to delete a certain Dragon Gate trueborn because of it...


    Dia Inferno is rumored to be (Yuki) Yoshioka but the quarantine dates between the Yoshioka Mexico departure and Dia Inferno's debut are not in sync with the quarantine for international travel.

    In an update to the alter egos:

    On 17/12/2020 at 08:40, mkpunk said:

    Just an FYI I am going to include an alter ego zip file along with the update files. I happen to like the feature when I play so I can know what names a worker might be under or what names I could potentially use. I will not put them in files so you don't have to choose.

    I will only use alter egos in the last decade for the file. For instance Kenn Doane will NOT have Kenn Phoenix or Kenny Dykstra as alter egos and Colt Cabana will not be Scott Goldman.

    I also will use one similar alter ego for multiple wrestlers. For instance Bengala (the AAA one) was done by Ricky Marvin, then Super Nova (the one from Lucas Libre USA) and now the former Arcangel. Archangel will be the only Bengala AAA in the game alter ego wise. By comparison Cinta de Oro will be Sin Cara and Sin Cara Negro while Caristico will only be Sin Cara Azul. 

  6. Dragon Gate updates:

    Shun Skywalker's group with Kota Minoura, Jason Lee and Dragon Dia is called Masquerade. La Estrella is the fifth member. No word who he is. 


    Team Toryumon must disolve

    Not sure if these Dragon Gate affiliation and disposition changes have been noted. 

    The former Big R Shimizu is now known as Bokutimo Dragon. He is in the Team Boku stable with Naruki Doing, Ryo Saito and Punch Tominaga.

    Kento Kohune has been a member of R.E.D. since October as SB KENTo.

    Madoka Kimura joined R.E.D. as HipHop  Kikuta.


    Dia Inferno has been rumored to be Yuki Yoshioka though the quarantine dates between the last Mexico date he and Shun worked and when Dia Inferno debuted makes this debated.


    • Like 1
  7. 11 hours ago, Reflecto Is My Favorite Poster said:

    Not sure on Austin/Rock/Hogan/Bret because they could conceivably show up, either as special guests/wrestlers or non-wrestling roles.

    However, to go with The Bruiser, was just playing and noticed Xavier's still in the game, when he died a few months ago as well.

    I caught the Xavier one with purging.

    I have removed them. Hogan last did Crown Jewel or World Cup when it was Team Hogan vs. Team Flair. Bret Hart was last used for AEW Double or Nothing 2019. The Rock really hasn't done much besides one-off. Austin is more consistent in one-offs compared to the rest but I don't see the benefit of having them.

    • Like 1
  8. On 08/12/2020 at 14:33, EWFan2004 said:

    A couple of AEW tidbits:

    Billy has gone back to being called Billy Gunn on AEW, like the Cody thing.

    Bowens and Caster are called The Acclaimed, and their finisher is called Critically Acclaimed.

    But the only one I am trying to solve, as a casual EWR player, is Tully. He's both an on-air manager and a producer backstage. I tend to get away with this by having Tully backstage being called Tull A., while he is still Tully on the roster. Easy fix or just delete Tully as a road agent?

    I think i kept Tully as an agent because at the time AEW needed one additional staff since many are player coaches.

  9. 1 hour ago, EWFan2004 said:

    Yeah, I think its time for The Rock, Austin, Hogan and Bret to be deleted since, outside of maybe Dwayne, the four of them don't wrestle at all anymore. Like Undertake, they are fully retired.

    Also, shouldn't the Beaver Boys be called Dark Order II and Five and Ten being called Dark Order III? Plus Daniels and Frankie are still called Addiction, not SCU II or something to that effect.

    I've kept Addiction since I dont personally like the whole ____ 2 team name. I believe I also kept reDRagon over Undisputed Era for Fish and O'Reilly. Plus I think Reynolds and Silver are working indies when they could or at least would when more things could reopen after the pandemic.

    • Like 1
  10. Winter Has Arrived and with it a new EWR 4-2 update.

    I have added several second generation personalities into the game who have become parts of the wrestling sphere. This would be Aliyah Mysterio, Colten Gunn and Hook.

    AEW is up to date through Winter Is Coming.


    Sting is added to the game. He is a non-worker for now.

    Kenny Omega is a heel and the new AEW World Champion.

    WWE's newest singees are under WWE deals and under their existing names.

    A few more AEW jobbers are in but they will not be in AEW in game unless they are consistent AEW jobbers or have won on Dark.

    I have also added a number of the WWN Grindhouse wrestlers into the game.

    Lowlife Louie and Danny Demanto are added back in as workers and Matt Tremont is now a staff (owner of H2O, which is not in the game.)

    Once again, Full has all the pics, logos, banners and pic-update notepad file while Lite has new or updated pics and the pic-update. This is along with the data files.

    Full: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zhxsk6qr921ehb9/December+Winter+Is+Coming+Full.zip/file

    Lite: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4z4ioh7sk4n4sys/December+Winter+Is+Coming+Lite.zip/file

    How to successfully import data.

    By folder:


    Select the folders you wish to copy from the export folder.
    Right click and select copy.
    Go into your EWR4-2 folder.
    Right click and select paste.
    When asked to update existing files, check yes.

    By file:


    Select all the files you want.
    Right click and select copy
    Go into your EWR4-2 folder.
    Go into the sub-folder you are transferring over (DATA for data, PICS for worker and staff pictures, etc.)
    Right click and select paste.
    When asked to update existing files, check yes.

    I would STRONGLY advise NOT to move workers and staff for a save file! Doing this can ruin morale for workers and mess with your title picture.

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  11. 17 hours ago, kimvrajay135 said:

    Hi . So I noticed that I can't get any sponsorship deals at the start of the game because they always get rejected. Never had a problem with it before. Do I just have to play the game out and work towards getting sponsorships now? 

    Is it any or just ones with morality higher than your risk? Also if this isn't specific in this data, I would just make a post in the forum about it...

  12. On 15/11/2020 at 16:49, EWFan2004 said:

    Some IMPACT notes:

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    Brian Myers hasn't been added to Impact, yet. He's been there since Slamm.

    RVD and Forbes have left the company, since they both left after September.

    The Rascalz have left the company, but their final match is next week.

    Joe Doering debuted as sorta the muscle for Eric Young (so, heel(?)/monster). Swoggle has been working the company, too. And Father James Mitchell is also back, not sure if he's just there for the "Who Shot Bravo?" storyline.



    On 16/11/2020 at 20:21, EWFan2004 said:

    Also Rich Swann should be an active wrester again, Upper Midcarder.

    These are fixed. I'm also trying to update the MLW roster too for next Monday.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, KingCrippler said:

    For the next update, Kylie Rae has retired from wrestling. 

    And a coupla things: AJ Gray is 25, his brawl should probably be in the low 70s, and his finisher is a lariat, not a DDT. 

    Yeah I caught the Kylie situation this morning. 

    As for Gray and anyone, DDT is often a placeholder finish if I cannot find a finisher.

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