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Posts posted by Franklin_1

  1. I really just don't get the commotion. Are some of the jokes in poor taste? Absolutely. Do I think he meant everything he said? I doubt he was really suggesting that man should assault a woman because she turned him down on a wedding proposal. Some of the jokes were funny, I'm sorry but that Bruce Jenner joke was funny. I know my LGBT friends would find that funny. I can't imagine anyone who wouldn't find it funny to be honest. I hate that everyone thinks they are a keyboard activist now that they've pushed a few people out of positions of power.

  2. I'm torn. I think if I pro Bret its enough to knock me into, at least, Survivor++. But a single maxed Bret is 2700 across all stats. That's a high card to lose XD

    You are probably better off keeping the two separate at this point until you strengthen your lineup some more. I pro'ed my Sting too quickly and I think it slowed my progress some until my deck caught up.

    Here's my deck for reference sake.


  3. It says event ended but the countdown thing still has 17 hours left and change. If I would've known I wouldn't have these last 17 hours I would've planned my day differently

    It's a countdown they do after the event until the RTG prompt drops off your screen, the actual event has ended though.

  4. Firstly.


    Woke up at 3AM, and panicked I wouldn't wake in time to do it this morning, so finished him off then.

    Ace what does your deck look like now? I've got a wall at 120/170 on Rock.


    Thats the deck I did the second Bret with. I've since used all my Epic Pros bar Hogan to train up the Brets faster. Bret #1 is at 46. Bret #2 at 38 and Cena is at 38 too. So thats my mission for the next week. Grind Grind Grind away to max all these cards out XD

    Congrats man! I did the same thing but at like midnight haha. I don't know why but I was convinced the game wouldn't work today for some reason and I was like 197/200.

  5. Yeah, guys I had a ton of luck playing +3s. I basically +3'd my way all the way through both Bret's and most of John Cena. I'm currently 168/200 on the second Bret. +3s definitely much easier than the past RTGs where you'd hit the +5 wall and then the +3 wall almost immediately after that.

  6. That's awesome man. I'm really happy for you. :(Y):

    Yeah really couldn't have worked out better with this 3 day weekend I took haha. Lots of extra time + living in a new town with only work colleagues for friends = WWE Supercardathon. Before I transferred for work I never had time to really make a push for the previous RTGs besides the Sting that pretty much everyone got.

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  7. My first non freebie WrestleMania card was a support Ladder. Kinda sucks but you can't get them any other way so I guess I'll take it. +125 to Speed isn't too bad.

    My first non freebie WrestleMania card was a support Ladder. Kinda sucks but you can't get them any other way so I guess I'll take it. +125 to Speed isn't too bad.

  8. Top 7000 now, bound to drop ever lower in a bit. Haiz.

    Interested to see this Wrestlemania level. It'll take away all the guys who spend money on this to the next level and stop clogging up the Survivor tier at least.

    Yeah, at the very least it will make SV KOTRs a little more accessible at the higher levels. I've been winning about 1 in 2 lately but have had to use a very definite 3MB to do so, which I despise but it was the only way forward.

  9. I'm not complaining, but right now the game seems to be glitched and every PCC match is giving double points.

    It's been an ongoing issue for a while now, it doesn't actually credit you with double points, it shows it initially but then by the next match it autocorrects. I think this has been happening for literally like the last 3 PCCs.

  10. Welp, just as I was finally catching up on the Survivor level, it looks like the long rumored Wrestlemania Tier will be rolled out this week. Back to square one and the gap will get bigger from the elite(read those willing to pay ridiculous sums of money) to everyone else.

  11. Wait days for my Legendary Fusion...it's Freddy Blassie. Of coooooooooooooourse.

    I had the same reaction when I got it, but I really think it could be useful in RTGs. At least it had better be.

    By my count Blassie nets +72 to the deck at Legendary level and would be better than any other Legendary Manager card.
  12. For those of you who've done these before, what sort of score are you looking at to land a decent prize normally? Let's sat top 40,000 for an Epic card at least?

    I usually aim for between 5-20000. I REALLY want that AJ Survivor for a pair but doubt I'll be able to make it happen.

  13. I had family in town this weekend so I didn't get to make a proper run at Ziggler, not sure my deck would have held up anyways. I've got a lot of potential additions in the next two weeks including two SV Fusions so hopefully I can make some key additions ahead of the next RTG. 6 away from Bray at present, will definitely get there.

  14. So for my Survivor Fusion I had a choice to sacrifice Piper or Suited HHH and I chose Piper. Fast forward 4 days and I win a SV KOTR and obviously one of my two cars is Piper lol.

    So for my Survivor Fusion I had a choice to sacrifice Piper or Suited HHH and I chose Piper. Fast forward 4 days and I win a SV KOTR and obviously one of my two cars is Piper lol.

    So for my Survivor Fusion I had a choice to sacrifice Piper or Suited HHH and I chose Piper. Fast forward 4 days and I win a SV KOTR and obviously one of my two cars is Piper lol.

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