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Asuka's Gonna Kill You

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Posts posted by Asuka's Gonna Kill You

  1. Pretty bad performance against the Titans, ended 35-21. Comfortable for 2-3 quarters and they were putting nothing together really outside of an interception which they returned for a TD. Then out of nowhere I gave up another two INT's and they started converting 4th downs and all sorts of crazy plays. Managed to hold out though and secure it with a Bell TD.

  2. Also played my game yesterday, comfortable win over the Browns. Nothing to really write home about again outside of a pretty nice Snelling 30-40 yard TD. Browns were running it quite a lot and playing a short passing game so they were running up quite a lot of the time when they got on offense. 

    Looking like a shootout between Bell and McCoy for top RB, expect the records I set with Bell last season will both be broken.

  3. Lost my undefeated streak through the sim :(

    Beat the Ravens 24-45. Felt a bit of a classic EA at points, them making a few miracle catches despite being absolutely awful overall, the game wasn't really ever close despite them scoring 24 points. Not any real standout plays to upload for this one, will try put a few highlights up for the next game.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 minutes ago, DYSI said:

    Yeah, I couldn't put Srar on AP because my internet wasn't working until I got it fixed today. I'll wait until tomorrow to roll, if you guys still didn't play let me know and I'll put Srar on AP.

    Maybe best to just roll mate. Will be quite busy watching the Euro games tomorrow so doubt I'll find time to play Srar then. I could get the game played in the morning against the CPU but don't think we really need to hold things up anymore, best to just roll and hope I don't lose my undefeated streak :)

  5. 5 hours ago, Little Red Srarvette said:

    I think I might be ready to rejoin this. Did we roll to the next week yet?

    DYSI hasn't put you on auto so I haven't played our game. Not sure if you want to try to play it at time, let me know a time if you do :)

  6. 2 hours ago, phatman said:

    Power just went out on me mid game :( does that just finish my week and sim the game to the end?

    I don't think anybody would have an issue with you replaying the game. The same happened to me earlier in the season and I replayed it

  7. 28 minutes ago, WE'VE GOT AMOND! said:

    Hunt had knocked out a guy who beat fedor, a guy who beat Lesnar and roy nelson who has never been knocked out before. He is also a former K1 kick boxing champ... Anyone who thinks mark hunts striking game is anything less than stellar is talking out of their backside.

    Can't speak for anybody else but I certainly wasn't knocking Hunt's striking at all, wouldn't surprise me one bit to see him knock out Lesnar. That wasn't a shot at him in regards to his two fight win streak. I don't think anybody has been underrating Hunt so far, instead I'm seeing quite a few writing off and underrating Lesnar (not on here).

  8. Should be a great fight. While Lesnar did get finished in his last two it's important to remember the issues he was having with his health as well as the fact it was against top level opponents. Hunt is on a winning streak but it's not much to shout about when you look at the two guys he KO'd. Could swing either way this one, personally I fancy Lesnar to come out guns blazing, take Hunt down and finish him.

  9. I managed to scrape by against the Packers, 28-21. Started really well but then they came on ridiculously strong. Thought I'd blown it in the 4th as I scored a TD but bizarrely the kick meter didn't stop and it kicked the extra point miles wide. Packers went and scored a TD to go 21-20 up with about 3 minutes left. Thankfully managed to make it down the other end, run the clock out and score a TD and 2 point conversion, time ran out on them with only 5 seconds left after that so scraped through. Pretty uneventful game really.

    What day would be good for you in the week Srar (we play next round)? It'd have to be either tomorrow, Monday or Tuesday for me as I likely won't be able to play for the rest of the week, let me know if you can do any of those :)

    • Like 1
  10. Not sure DYSI will want to be seeing highlights of that one. 28-0 going into the half and finished 56-7 to me. INT's all over the place, fumbles and all sorts. I'm pretty shocked to be 2-0 this season against you considering how you dominated me prior to last seasons playoff game in pretty much every game we played.

  11. 2 hours ago, Cactus Drags said:

    My post came across a little saltier than intended, sorry. There was a spell at the end where you did three or four sweeps in a row, and even though I knew they were coming and made adjustments, they're way too hard to stop sometimes. It was infuriating. It was largely just frustration given how well the first game had gone for me. I'll just have to get my revenge in the NFCCG. 

    I'd like to see more highlights from our league. I've seen a league on reddit that does weekly highlight shows and stuff, really cool.

    I keep forgetting to record stuff cause the controls are weird. I end up with a dozen screenshots instead of a clip half the time. So much easier on Xbox to just yell record at the kinect. 

    Beat the Pats 38-14, their lines are awful, think there's one lineman over 80. Despite that, Artis-payne put in his worst performance of the year, 2 TDs to be fair, but just 70 yards. First game for Cam without a pick though, and 2 TDs so I'm happy with that. 


    1 hour ago, Unemployed Liam said:

    Yeah, I don't really know how to effectively record stuff. I tried to record one of my kickoff returns, but failed.

    The PS4 is always recording, it records the last 15 minutes of gameplay. Just hit the Share button once after something happens or whenever you're ready to save the clip and it'll save it. When you're ready to upload it just click the Share button (if you're not already in the Share menu) and simply click upload video. Select your clip, click upload to youtube and then you can click trim in the next menu so that you can cut the video down to just the highlight you want (unless you want to upload the full video, in which case you don't need to trim anything).

    Give it a go on your next games, would be fun to upload some of our best plays to maybe add to the awards at the end of the season :)

  12. Absolutely crazy game against the Bears that I somehow won 30-24 in OT. They dominated me for pretty much the entire game. Almost unstoppable on offense and they then picked off Big Ben four times, he got an absolute battering in this one. Was still within touching distance, needing something special and then Bell did this.

    After that I think I got picked off twice again, both in the 4th quarter and one with just under 2 minutes left and the Bears a TD up. Made a miracle 60-70 yard pass out of nowhere though to tie it at 24-24 with 30 seconds left. Went into OT, they won the toss but managed to shut them out. Bell ran for another 50 yards and sealed the game. Really should have lost that one, but 5-0 :D

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  13. Couldn't believe it, think I went into the half 21-3 or maybe even 24-3. I almost lost my head at the start of the third quarter as crazy lag came just as I was making a throw and it led to the INT, thought I was going to self destruct at that point. I should be over the moon really but was still a bit annoyed to give up 30 points.

    Realistically I had to win that to stand any chance of winning the division. You can get your revenge pretty quick as we play again after the next game.

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