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Posts posted by peteypirahna

  1. Apparently my problem is with Sky Broadband. All the ports are closed. It's a nightmare to get them open.

    Couldn't you just get an alternative router, log into that with your sky details and then throw your piece of shit Sky router in the trash where it belongs?

    The Destiny bundle is £330 on Amazon.

    It's 377 or whatever last time I checked, but probably because it's out of stock right now. But the point still stands, £350+ for a console that I'm unsure about is giving me the jitters.

  2. No need to get so hot headed, I just wanted to get Destiny and join in with my buddies and just wanted to know if it was worth buying a console to play it, considering some of the big games like Watch_Dogs and GTA V were apparently boring/coming to PC so will eventually be on sale for knockdown prices on Steam. Also I've already played The Last Of Us.

    Basically I don't want to get a £400 console + game and then find out that I don't really enjoy the game and there's nothing else to really play.

  3. But wasn't Mingolet great last season and helped Liverpool to a 2nd place finish in the league?

    Why have Liverpool fans suddenly started to throw him under a bus? Is it because of the Victor Valdes rumours and need to shit on him enough to justify getting a guy in who has just had a very serious injury? If you want a scapegoat for poor performances this/last season it's Kolo Toure.

    • Like 1
  4. Nothing wrong with ripping into United, in about 3 years time they'll be mowing down clubs and consistently qualifying for the Champions League so why not mock them now they're shite.

    It'd be just as funny if City, Chelsea, Liverpool or Arsenal had a similarly shit start to the league, made funnier after spunking about £150m on players.

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  5. I don't know if I can justify $60 on that particular title, but for Wii U owners, that's the last big release until Smash in November. So I get it if someone wanted to splurge on Hyrule Warriors.

    Nope, that title goes to WitchTits 2

    Hyrule Warriors is pretty good, but there's the sinking feeling in the back of my head that I'm going to put it on my shelf in a weeks time and never play it again. It's fun, almost mindless grinding and it's clearly been made with love but at the same time it's just missing the extra polish that you'd expect from Wii U games after playing Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Mario 3D World, Mario Kart etc. I'm content with the price I paid for it (£27) and understand that these sorts of games either stay around that price or sink like a stone, but I can imagine it'd be a tougher sell if I hadn't pre-ordered it and saw it in store for £40.

  6. I get that what John Terry did was absolutely scummy, but why would he have to apologise to Rio when he already apologised to Anton? Rio was the one who spent the entire 6 months leading up to the trial being an absolute cunt on twitter and made it impossible for him and Terry to be selected for England ever again. Rio wasn't professional in the slightest throughout the whole saga even though it wasn't him who was personally wronged.

  7. This is going to be the PES6 of this generation, it's going to look flashy and beautiful and run like butter but it'll lose a ton of features from the previous game because of the graphical overhaul with the focus on "expanding the exciting new engine next year!"

    If they were that convinced this was going to be great they'd have posted a lot more than they have, it's looking more and more like it's going to look great but be filled with flaws, especially if that leaked gameplay footage is the finished product, let's not forget that TNA iMPACT looked great but played like shit (apart from the Ultimate X matches)

  8. Scholes was great, and personally I'd put him and Lampard on the same level, but I think we're all forgetting that Scholes had a fairly large dip in form around the time he retired from the England squad, and it's only in retrospect we can see that he had another 8 years of solid playing in him, but at the time it looked like he was going to fizzle out and retire in a year or two.

    But what really bugs me is how England will constantly produce quality attacking midfielders who hang just behind the striker and almost nothing else, in an ideal world only one of Scholes, Lampard or Gerrard would ever have been in the starting 11 at any one time, but the others were far too good to drop and it wasn't as if there was anyone halfway as good as those who played a more central role so we were doomed to have a completely unbalanced shit midfield even though it was packed full of big name players who all performed great at club level.

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